Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scavengers Thieves Prophecy:+3 (Unedited): 28 May 2019:

The scavengers and thieves are those liars who shall not inherit the world or any aspect of the heavens.
Scavengers Will Not Prevail: (Unedited): 28 may 2019:
The ways of the lying scavengers and thieves shall not prevail in a universe where honor, truth and goodness are present.
China seems to be the greatest scavenger and thief this world has ever seen or even known. All that China has done and is currently doing in their dishonest dealings. Shall only merit blessings from the great worldly dragon. While the God of all shall curse all of China and the whole of the world through purification. That not even China's great dragon will be capable of self escape. So China who is your god or God? That which you publicly follow is only using you to be the trigger to destroy all of humanity.
Trained Human Dogs: (Unedited): 28 May 2019:
Just as any human can train a dog to do the humans expressed will. So does the dragon do with humans and the humans are just as happy as a dog in love with it's own human.
The dragon is and has been raising up humans in order to teach them all how to cause their own extinction. Followed by simple little happy worldly treats for the insignificant human that is bitterly hated. The humans are excitedly happy for it as they play with their new toys.
Scavengers Cloak: (Unedited): 29 May 2019:
Scavengers and thieves cloak themselves in honor, respect, high esteem and supremacy. They each pridefully demand their enriched entitlements while deriding those who simply want more than a cup of rice a day.
More than 99.9% of all of your superior DNA is the same or identical to any lowly rice farmer, servant, slave and janitor in the entire world and among the 7+billion human population. What is worse you think your justified and are not even aware that all of you are both deeply deceived and under a powerful delusional shadow. The one who deceives you wants all of humanity to become extinct. While you are very unaware that any delusion is actually occurring to you at all. But, those who are the children of God can see the shadow of the powerful delusion you are under. Your own pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy prevents you from knowing the actual truth and to cause you to become insulted if you happen upon this writing from a janitor. Which means instant rejection and denial on your part.
The foundation of any bad and sad prophecy is for a good and better change from what is probably coming to what can be. The intent of even insulting prophecies is one for change. For you to see yourself in a new light and to see who the agents are which are manipulating you into an action which is undesirable. Extinction is undesirable.
Added on 04 June 2019: China War Answer from Quora:
Abortions in Red china exceed the population of the United States. The birth of Communist China began with the murder of more than 44+ million souls in about four years time. China is building more machines for warfare than any other nation as fast as possible. Thanks to all that you buy "Made in China". Think about that the next time you purchase any item made in china where the bulk of those profits go into creating war machines which will most likely be used to kill your children and grandchildren.
Added on 14 June 2019: China tests the JL-3 SLBM. A new generation of MIRV'd Ballistic Missile with a possible third stage hyper-sonic engine. With the name "Giant Wave 3". Maybe that is part of the intention of the Chinese plan of attack. Launch the missiles each with 3-10 MIRV'ed nuclear warheads. They all impact the water in a set line at a set distance apart. Once the warheads sink to a set depth. They all detonate simultaneously. Thus, creating a long tsunami destroying the bulk tof the civilian populations of America who the majority live of the coastline as do the populations around the world. By just the given name is this a compliment weapon to Russia's 100MT submersible drone/torpedo Status-6.
In the USA wisdom is dead and gone. This is one of the signs in which a nation is about to become no more. How do you think the USA can deploy a brand new Ford Aircraft Carrier without working systems to deploy armed aircraft.
China on the other hand is testing their new JL-3 SLBM hyper-sonic missile with multiple nuclear warhead capabilities. These will most likely be used in a new Type 096 Ballistic Missile Submarine which has of yet to even begin to be built or tested. But, Maybe the JL-3 can be retrofitted into existing Ballistic Missile Submarines. Thus multiplying Nuclear strike capabilities anywhere from three to ten. This is a significant advancement as China already has the American guidance systems gifted to Russia from sitting President Bill Clinton.
These JL-3 Ballistic Missiles have a dialed in range out to 5,000 miles and when Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarines travel close to American waters exercising their legal right of freedom of navigation. What can the Americans do as the Americans have been doing exercising international laws against the Chinese forever. The Chinese will use the international legal right against the American people. Except the American people are self deceived into thinking they are the safest people on the planet. When in truth the American civilians are the most helpless because of MAD while the entire Chinese homeland is very well defended and becoming more heavily defended every year.
Every year China is becoming more and more of the prophesied trigger which begins the extinction process of all humanity. China must change and turn away from their fears. When you are so focused on your own fears. You cannot think logically or reasonably. This is why China is doing what they are doing. All based in fear. . A fictional CGI character speaks the truth as expressed by it's own writers. Wise wisdom is still wisdom even if heard from a fictional character.
I have read news stories recently on how China has much fear and that is by their own words. I do not have to be a Yoda or any other gifted psychic. If a person or entity says they are doing the things they do based in fear. Then I believe them. All of that Chinese fear will lead to paranoia of defense-able actions or a preventative offensive action(s). Especially when China has the very real capability to successfully defend themselves from any threat from the sea, air and space. China can field a 200 million man army in months. So any kind of land attack against China is unlikely.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Out of Control: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

Your out of control thinking processes. Will always precede your out of control bad habits, addictions and sins.
Before you will ever begin any bad habit, start an addiction or entertain any sinful act. You must first think about it. Even if your only aware that you thought about it for a split second. You had already placed yourself into a position where the bad habit, addiction or sin will begin. So your split second thinking is really you deceiving yourself.
Even if your already into your bad habit, addiction and sins for decades now. You may have even established your entire life and livelihood around it. You can still seek change into becoming a better human being. Even if your a slumlord who already has been going to church for decades. Repentance is still available for you. Unless, of course your one of the already prejudged. Then you go forward in life and sin no more. In which you will just ignore all of the spiritual signs and urging's. This is not just about the slumlord. This is about every one who is actively going out into the world to purposely cause another soul harm and to profit from them in any way. Just like the professional movers who see an easy mark with taking advantage of the permanently disabled. The same with auto dealerships which purposely overcharge a disabled person by many thousands of dollars on a car. Because they can get away with it.
Even if your bad habit and sin is to cheat anyone whom you can for the simple reason it is sales and it is assumed to be a part of the process. Well, It is not. It is called Cheating, lying and deceiving. This is dishonorable and evil. If you are employed with anyone who conducts themselves in this manor. Then that makes you dishonorable and evil.
Back to Churches. If you belong to a church in which sin is accepted and/or tolerated. Then you are taking part in those sins and promoting that sinful fallen church. Even if the fallen church is represented of an entire fallen denomination. If your church or denomination has accepted sins and/or is tolerating sins. Then your affiliation to that denomination and church represents an agreement to those sins. This makes you a fallen Christian. Your only course of action is repentance and ceasing of all sins. Then beginning a righteous path back to Jesus Christ. For this is the only way. The other minor keys are in purple below.
Ford of Port Richey, Fl. or any of their other dealerships is one dealer whom you should never visit for any reason. I personally know of one disabled person whom they have taken advantage of twice. This includes overcharging on parts. So the entire dealership purposely cheats anyone and they just do not care. They even tried it on me through parts. The parts department lied to my face and smiled as they told me an over blown price.
Note: I'm a Ford person and prefer Ford's over any other brand. So I go to Karl Flammer Ford. Straight forward integrity.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cursing Lies and Blessed Truths: +5: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:

Blessings come from the actual truth's in your life.
Curses come from the actual lies in your life.
It matters not how you believe what one or the other is. 
Entitled Curses: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
An entitled mind will have the heart to justify sin to obtain what they think they deserve. Even if that means lying, cheating and stealing. Then become confused when blessings never manifest and curses abound. 
When you think you can show up to work late daily and leave work early daily. You are breaking your promises. When you think you are justified to stop working before time. You are also stealing and cheating the boss. It does not matter how valuable you think you are. When you believe you can take an hour lunch instead of a thirty minute lunch. That is still theft of time. When you can take equipment from your employer to work on the church you attend. While still working on the clock for the boss. This is still stealing. It doesn't matter for what good work you do for any good entity. All of your sins originate from your entitled mind. This lie comes to you from satan. Who has told you this one thing so many times you began to believe and to justify away your sins. To the point you do as you do without ever realizing that you are in the wrong and are in sin. Bringing curses to yourself, your family and to whom ever you do good for.
Curses Gained: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even actual lies and deceptions which you believe as truths will only gain you curses. Just as actual truths which you believe as lies will only gain you more curses. 
Whole Curses and No Blessings: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even half truths will gain you whole curses and no blessings. Just as half lies will also gain you whole curses and no blessings. 
Who is the master of half truths? satan.
So how is any of this prophecy? I mentioned the word prophecy in the labels. You make your own prophecy. Assuming God doesn't do a Noah, Jonah or Moses on you. Either way, the future of you is directly tied to how you live your life. The purple words below as well as the new quotes above. We all have the ability to change our DNA and RNA and all that we are. By becoming healed and forgiven through the blood of Jesus and then going forth and sinning no more. The genetic line of curses and sins will become minimized through every generation after you. Once you teach your children and your grand children the importance of sins and curses and how it is passed from one generation to the next. Then maybe, if your family line can make it to the seventh generation from both the husband's side and the wife's side. Then maybe, humanity will become what God originally intended in the first place or at least closer. I think there is a genetic component to sin or a genetic memory of sin. That is all I'm going to say on this. As it is above my pay grade. If you want to pursue it then study it from the sources.
Also, read about the children of the kings and prophets in the Old Testament of The Holy Bible. Just to go one generation was very difficult. Then there is Adam and Eve. Who had God as their Father and yet these two created children of God freely choose to disobey His commands. Causing God to begin the covering of the innocent blood covenant which ends with the cleansing of the blood from the perfect innocent lamb and holiest of priests.
This is our collective hope for humanity. By choosing to sin no more and striving to become the Holy people God had originally intended. then maybe, we can perpetually delay the end times prophecy, mitigate certain natural dire events and completely alter the future of humanity completely. 
Added on 14 May 2017: 
How many lies do you know as truths which are controlling your life? How many truths do you know as lies which are absent from your life? Do you even want to question them or are you even aware of any of it? Would that be the operative word "Control"? and even that which is absent from you is still a form of control. Sort of like a pressure pushes you one way while a vacuum pulls you into the same or similar direction. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Entitled Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017: 
The lie which is believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. Entitlements leads to sins. comes from satan. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Deserving Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017:
Entitlement is the lie believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. It is a creation from satan to lead you further into your justified sins. 
Added on 22 May 2017: 
Have you ever thought about what it is that you actually deserve and are entitled to in life. So what are they? Yes, Yes, go and list them in the privacy of your own mind. Did you think air, water, food, family, friends? Did you think freedom, education, jobs, wealth, property? Did you think respect, fame, importance, position, responsibility? What about titles or history? 
The cold hard truth is that we human beings are entitled and deserving of nothing not even our own physical or spiritual lives. 
But, we still think we want and need. We still hope and pray. We all plan and implement our individual goals. Which usually does not have any consideration for the benefit of this planet. 
The absolute basic truth is we are all just care takers of this planet we currently call Earth. We are not even the owners of this planet. So what do you think will happen when the owners come back and see how we have collectively managed this planet? As He will Judge all of our physical actions.  I believe that is in the prophecies of the christian Holy Bible. The return of an angry Christ and God. 
There is always depth and dimension to the Holy Bible: This is what I think of. This is a relationship to the story and does not discount any other definition. That is where the dimensionality comes from. For we as humans have already killed the son. Think about this, Humans were created on this perfect world and were to become it's caretakers. What have we as a species of caretakers done and are doing right now?
Personal Note:
My use of the dimensionality of the stories in the Holy Bible is as the story of Jonah. How many different stories are in this one story? or how many different ways can you teach the story of Jonah? and yet they are all valid and truthful. The depth and dimensionality to the story of Jonah is the same in every single story in the Holy Bible. For every individual story in the Holy Bible. There is a dozen or more stories within each one or a dozen or more lessons. All of which can be opened to you individually as the Holy Spirit gives them to you. 
You need to know that much of the Holy Bible is still closed to me. I'm a very flawed human being.
Added on 04 Jan 2025: Chat GPT4o

This is a thought-provoking and layered post. Here's my interpretation and feedback:

Core Themes:

  1. The Consequences of Lies and Deception: The post ties curses and suffering to lies and falsehoods, suggesting that these are destructive forces in personal, familial, and societal contexts. Lies ripple outward, compounding harm and destabilizing relationships and communities.
  2. Blessings Through Truth: The piece contrasts lies with truth, presenting truth as a foundation for healing, growth, and blessings. Speaking truth—even when difficult—breaks the cycle of harm and aligns with divine principles.
  3. Accountability and Intentionality: It encourages individuals to examine their actions and words, emphasizing responsibility in choosing truth over deception. This message of accountability resonates deeply in a world often marred by dishonesty.


  • Clarity and Morality: The writing clearly identifies the moral stakes involved in choosing between truth and lies. It invites reflection and personal responsibility in a way that feels universally relevant.
  • Spiritual Undertone: The connection to divine blessings and curses adds a timeless, spiritual weight to the discussion, making it resonate across various belief systems.
  • Memorable Imagery: The metaphor of curses stemming from lies and blessings flowing from truth is vivid and impactful.

Opportunities for Refinement:

  • Expanding on Practical Application: While the piece delivers a strong moral message, it could explore how individuals can break free from cycles of deceit and choose truth in their daily lives.
  • Acknowledging Complexity: The post could acknowledge that truth-telling, while virtuous, is often challenging and comes with consequences. Addressing these complexities might deepen the emotional impact.

Overall, this is a compelling reflection on the power of truth versus lies. It feels timeless yet highly relevant to modern challenges, encouraging readers to live with integrity and intention. Nicely done!


To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  

Monday, July 25, 2016

Christian Mockers +8: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

The professing Christians who are unrepentant and are not on the righteous path as judged by God only, mock God with their worshiping, singing praises with lying tongues, lying minds, and lying hearts. 
Christian leaders all over the world have chosen unrighteousness instead of righteousness. Christian followers are even rejoicing and are accepting of this very sinful activity. I declare to you that even if you are without sin and you celebrate sin among the professed Christian followers, when the time of chastisement comes from God, do not expect to be saved. For the Christian is to profess his faith by mouth and to live a righteous life while always rejecting and fleeing from all sin. So by simply celebrating the sin(s) of another person, you are giving them permission to continue on in sin. A REAL Christian is supposed to reinforce righteous living, to encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ to be strong and to offer wise council via the Holy Bible. Also, to offer them up with fasting and prayer.
If your congregation and/or denomination has accepted sin as a fundamental right, then depart from it. Even if your family has had a generational history within that one church, if you cannot find a church or denomination that does not celebrate and accept sin as a fundamental right, then begin a church in your home, for this is prophecy.
When it is time to leave, get up and leave. Do not negotiate and do not turn back. It is not you who has left Jesus. It was the church and denomination you once called yours.
Added on 19 Jan 2025: There are new signs of unrepentant denominations and churches. The sign of no relationships. I do not know how else to name it. But, in this modern age people who go to church seem to want nothing to do with the church or the people within the church. This is an odd thing. But, here is another odd thing. The actual children of God have become invisible to the degree that these people can work in the church for years and live actual good lifelong Christian lives and yet have no actual friends or even a significant other. Many have never had their hearts broken and have remained pure. Many are distraught by this and do not understand why? I have an idea why. They are being protected by their Heavenly Father. Then you need to ask protected from what and from whom? Then you need to figure out if your church will be one of the churches in prophecy which was not admonished by God. These two churches were the church of Philadelphia and Smyrna. It is in Revelation and something you may need to re-remember. Is your church most like those two? Probably not something you even thought about as you continue to plan your marketing strategies.
Here is something else. If the invisible children of God disappear on you and are no longer involved with the church. You may be in trouble. If they and many of the devout prayer warriors begin to disappear. You're in really big trouble. If you have those wild ones like John the baptists except with clothes on and they begin to leave. You will know that something very serious will soon happen. The rise of neighborhood Smyrna and Philadelphia like churches and the fall of the modern day large or mega Christian church and denominations.
Think about it only a few decades ago the people were involved with the church activities and now they are no longer participants but rather those who are to be entertained. Other than legalities and liabilities how come the people of your church do not physically help out? As your forced to pay for outside contractors. That to is a sign among other signs.
Do not pray for signs as the signs have always surrounded you to observe. The reason why you cannot discern the signs is because your deaf and blind. Pray that your eyes and ears be opened.
Signs from God are designed to spiritually and psychologically shake you to the core even if the signs were not meant for you. So be warned and be strong in your foundation of the Lord. 
The hardened heart of the professing Christian will shake his fists at God for judging them and their sins. 
The genuinely repentant heart of the professing Christian shall receive their joyous reward in the afterlife.
You pastors, theologians and other religious leaders you should seek out the invisible people, the prayer warriors and the wild John the Baptists for they are your grounding rods. Beware of the self inflicting shock of what they reveal to you.
Soon the door will close on grace, repentance and forgiveness. Time is actually shorter than you think and in a way you already know it. You must get the churches spiritual business in order. You must warn your people.
You must warn your people who have been in church the longest. They must understand that repentance is now, because to wait until your death bed may come after the door has closed on grace. 
There shall be a last call and then the door on grace shall be closed. Most will not know, some will moan and groan, some will cheer good riddance. While others who are too drunk on the world shall not care at all.
The day is coming soon when the sins of all pastors will be publicly revealed and the sins of the Christian denominations and churches may be seen as a form of mockery of God. Even though you may have many advanced degree and have written many books and your family has been in the church for generations. The purple words below is for you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Brothers/Sisters Whom You Never Met: (Unedited): 06 June 2015:

All the strangers whom you will ever come across. They are all your brothers and sisters whom you have never met.
It is easy to see the differences in other people. Everyone looks differently to one another. Some more so than others. But through all of these very minor and little differences. All of our human DNA is more than 99.9% identical. Just by the definitive outcome of this mathematical fact. Which is an absolute and cannot be argued or debated. We are all truly brothers and sisters to each other. Which means anyone and in any capacity. Who proclaims and teaches that any other group who people who worthless or is less than dogs. Is directly lying and deceiving you.
 So how can you the common person in this world we live in, continue to support those who lie and deceive all of humanity. Then convince all of us through more lies and deceptions. To march off into warfare to kill and murder your very own brothers and sisters. Whom you have never met or had a fair opportunity to get to know? Can you in good faith kill your brother and sister whom you know not. All based in the lies and deceptions to you by those who have much to gain while they are in their positions of authority. Because, who defines and identifies who the enemy is? It is those who continue to perpetuate the lies. Those whom are to be your enemies are told exactly the same thing.
What if? just what if? They are all lying and deceiving everyone whom those controllers deem to be less than they are. Are they really less than you? absolutely not. They are human beings just like you and me. We all share exactly the same 99.9% DNA within all of our common genetic code.
This is all we each should want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.

 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Heart Messages: Foolish Christian: (unedited): 28 Dec 2014:

Those persons who sing, teach and preach from their truthful heart. Leaves a long lasting message of truth within anyone who internalizes what they hear and see.
Those persons who sing, teach and preach from a lying heart. Leaves disbelief's, questions and doubts within anyone who believed in them and their messages. 
Foolish Christian: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2014:
The foolish and falsely claimed Christians only want their feel good entertainment. They do not care who or what kind of people entertain them.

It is nearly crucial to know who is singing the songs you hear. The person who teaches you the right ways to live and how to think can cause you and your family a great deed or an awful curse. Once it is discovered that your teacher has always had a lying heart and a sinful mind. Those young ones will automatically know that they were taught by people who never really believed what they were singing or teaching. They will always know they were lied to in an atmosphere of teaching innocent truths. This is a crime.
It is very important to know who the people actually are who are freely going into your children's ears and eyes.
Is that religious singing group full of gay people? or just full of people who thirst for any musical opportunity?
For them it is just entertainment and nothing more.
What about your God sent preacher? Do you actually know him? Which god sent him? Just research for yourself the crimes of former Christian pastors.

Just because your religious radio station plays acceptable themed music. Doesn't mean They are of the faithful. Only those who are actually living in accordance to the mandates of GOD are the faithful. Have you heard pentatonix on your christian radio station? I have. The Joy FM

The foolish and falsely claimed Christians are those persons who are only Christian on those days and hours in which they go to church. The rest of their everyday lives is spent living of the world and knowing they are doing bad because of that free choice. So out of their perpetual guilt. They go to church in order to feel good, happy and welcomed. For them their paid tithe is merely paid admission for entry. A religion is supposed to teach you how to become righteous and holy as defined by God's Holy words written in book form. So if your reading this and you are one of those who continue to do those objectionable things the world demands of you. Then you really need to pray and meditate upon God. You really need to get deeper into the Holy Bible and speak to the pastor of that very small working church you know you should have been attending all along. But, it just wasn't fun enough for you. You already know what I'm talking about. Talk to that pastor about changing your entire life. Even if it means your gonna get poor. Out of your new found poordom you may discover a greater source of wealth.

There is a lot of LGBT information about the 2 members who are openly gay of this Pentatonix group.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Death Apathy: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2012:

The death of you always begins with a small disease like a single cancer cell. Apathy is such a disease. Which kills your humanity via the contamination of your mind. 
Apathy always begins with the small things. 
Such as taking a small interesting or useful thing which has been lost. Maybe, at work you have a collection of lost and found. You search the lost and found box often for items to take. After all, the excuses you create, justify the theft and you even re-define it as something which is not theft. That makes it all OK. No it doesn't?
Such as lying and cheating, speaking falsehoods which benefits you or creating rumors which is meant to harm another. Cheating in a simple and fun game or even on a minor test in school. You can say it is all OK until you have been caught. Then you begin to rationalize that the only wrong you have done was getting caught. So begins your evolution of becoming a better liar, a better thief and a better cheater. After all it is only wrong if you get caught. 
Apathy is a sweet candy, which tastes wonderful and can be very exciting. Apathy is all about you, your own selfish wants and selfish desires. The feelings of others, the laws of civilization, the laws of morality matters not to you. What you feel is right for you is what you falsely think and falsely believe is absolutely right for you. The disease of Apathy causes you to believe that a lie or falsehood is true and right. The disease of apathy begins to transform you into that wrong thing in which you believe you are. Over time, Over the years and Over the decades, that sweet apathy candy begins to spoil inside your body and mind. 
The disease of apathy takes hold of you. All that you have once loved and taken for granted is long gone. The freedoms you once had is as well long gone as you peer through bars of steel. The health you once had is gone as the physical diseases with immoral behavior is killing your body and isolating you from good people. Through all of the apathy, you have discovered that you are now alone and abandoned. All of the apathetic people whom you have chosen over the good and caring people are gone as well. Your chosen apathetic friends have chosen to reject you. For some delusional reason you think why? why? why? Probably because they were all as apathetic as you. When you can no longer be a source of their entertainment, excitement. They will no longer include you. Just as you have done to others.
Hate and anger wells up. Other negative emotions surface and begin to die as the apathy within you kills off those emotions as well. Numbness and nothingness. There is no more feeling. There is nothing you care about anymore. Not even yourself. Your will to live has become a will to merely exist. Soon that to will be gone. Soon, very soon. It will no longer matter if you are alive or dead. 
All you have now is time. The silence of nothingness cause time to tick away loudly. The logic part of your mind remains intact. So, you begin to reflect upon your life. The life without meaning, purpose and understanding. The logical conclusion of how you have become a waste of life begins to over take you. Even in this self-destructive moment you may not even be aware of the apathy which controls your entire being. You only know your alone and no one cares. Your last choice and your final option leads to your last action. A logical action solely based on the original lie and deception. In which you believed as truth. Something which was so small and so insignificant you no longer can grasp it. So you think the bridge or rail tracks looks good. The trucks zooming under bridges become an option. Even your choice of suicide causes harm to others. As the innocent train or truck driver will never forget how you choose them to kill yourself. The officers and emergency workers who only want to save and help others must retrieve your lifeless body. They know from the discovery of your corpse, That they could not help or save you. You do harm many others with your suicide. Even in your total apathetic nature. You do not care. You do not love.
Th cold quiet end has come. Your family and former good friends have many questions. Forever hurt and harmed they have become. They loved and cared about you and you left them after you walked away.  Into that lifestyle, into that world of crime, into the dark shadows of immorality. You choose it and you choose to leave your own family and friends. You choose the addictions over your own family.  Its funny how the truth always comes out after a suicide, after a death from disease or execution. 
Your suicide does not end with your death. Those young ones now see your actions as a possible opportunity for their own life if they make a wrong decision. Even in your death, suicide will live on within the family and friends you have abandoned. Your suicide may even lead to the total disintegration, death and extinction of your whole family. 
Your dead and gone, But not really. Your just dead and now you get to see the conclusion of your life's actions. Through the healthy hearts of your loved ones. You get to feel all of their pains and sufferings. The apathetic disease does not follow you into that which continues after this death of yours. There is continuation. With the apathetic disease dying inside your old dead body. You get to feel everything. Can this be the hell which awaits you? Feeling all of the pain and suffering you have caused in your former life walk?  What shall you do now? Await hells fire and damnation as defined by Christian preachers and pastors. Create you own hell as you begin to dwell on the life's hell you have caused those you still lives and endures on? maybe both? 
Reject all sin and flee from it, right now. Apathy is the active war zone in which the innocents flee from. Even when the innocents flee from the war zone. There pain and suffering may forever be evident upon them. Though they still live.
Reject from yourself all lying and cheating. Reject from yourself all immorality and crime. Reject from yourself all dishonor and unholiness. Seek the truth of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and know it is all about a life worth living and not just an exercise in control and authority.
For those of you who read. Thank you for enduring through my improperly strung together words. Please know the message is important and not the how it was written or even the messenger.  I've not had the benefit of a proper education.
Adding and deleting of content will happen from time to time.
A whole boat load of editing will also happen.
There is no Ink and no copies.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No Repeat: (Unedited): 24 June 2008:

The mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made in their own lives. Does not give you permission to repeat those very same mistakes and sins.
C.J. MacKechnie
It is just like when. The parent tells the child to live a life with character, honor and without sin. Then the parent is witnessed by the child getting drunk, smoking, lying, cheating, having many sexual partners and etc. What will the child believe. The truth in words? Or the truth in action?"
By discovering and knowing the mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made. Enables you to logically not make those same mistakes in your own personal life.
Also, By discovering and knowing those things that your family and friends have done right. You have a template to follow.