Monday, July 25, 2016

Christian Mockers +8: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

The professing Christians who are unrepentant and are not on the righteous path as judged by God only, mock God with their worshiping, singing praises with lying tongues, lying minds, and lying hearts. 
Christian leaders all over the world have chosen unrighteousness instead of righteousness. Christian followers are even rejoicing and are accepting of this very sinful activity. I declare to you that even if you are without sin and you celebrate sin among the professed Christian followers, when the time of chastisement comes from God, do not expect to be saved. For the Christian is to profess his faith by mouth and to live a righteous life while always rejecting and fleeing from all sin. So by simply celebrating the sin(s) of another person, you are giving them permission to continue on in sin. A REAL Christian is supposed to reinforce righteous living, to encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ to be strong and to offer wise council via the Holy Bible. Also, to offer them up with fasting and prayer.
If your congregation and/or denomination has accepted sin as a fundamental right, then depart from it. Even if your family has had a generational history within that one church, if you cannot find a church or denomination that does not celebrate and accept sin as a fundamental right, then begin a church in your home, for this is prophecy.
When it is time to leave, get up and leave. Do not negotiate and do not turn back. It is not you who has left Jesus. It was the church and denomination you once called yours.
Added on 19 Jan 2025: There are new signs of unrepentant denominations and churches. The sign of no relationships. I do not know how else to name it. But, in this modern age people who go to church seem to want nothing to do with the church or the people within the church. This is an odd thing. But, here is another odd thing. The actual children of God have become invisible to the degree that these people can work in the church for years and live actual good lifelong Christian lives and yet have no actual friends or even a significant other. Many have never had their hearts broken and have remained pure. Many are distraught by this and do not understand why? I have an idea why. They are being protected by their Heavenly Father. Then you need to ask protected from what and from whom? Then you need to figure out if your church will be one of the churches in prophecy which was not admonished by God. These two churches were the church of Philadelphia and Smyrna. It is in Revelation and something you may need to re-remember. Is your church most like those two? Probably not something you even thought about as you continue to plan your marketing strategies.
Here is something else. If the invisible children of God disappear on you and are no longer involved with the church. You may be in trouble. If they and many of the devout prayer warriors begin to disappear. You're in really big trouble. If you have those wild ones like John the baptists except with clothes on and they begin to leave. You will know that something very serious will soon happen. The rise of neighborhood Smyrna and Philadelphia like churches and the fall of the modern day large or mega Christian church and denominations.
Think about it only a few decades ago the people were involved with the church activities and now they are no longer participants but rather those who are to be entertained. Other than legalities and liabilities how come the people of your church do not physically help out? As your forced to pay for outside contractors. That to is a sign among other signs.
Do not pray for signs as the signs have always surrounded you to observe. The reason why you cannot discern the signs is because your deaf and blind. Pray that your eyes and ears be opened.
Signs from God are designed to spiritually and psychologically shake you to the core even if the signs were not meant for you. So be warned and be strong in your foundation of the Lord. 
The hardened heart of the professing Christian will shake his fists at God for judging them and their sins. 
The genuinely repentant heart of the professing Christian shall receive their joyous reward in the afterlife.
You pastors, theologians and other religious leaders you should seek out the invisible people, the prayer warriors and the wild John the Baptists for they are your grounding rods. Beware of the self inflicting shock of what they reveal to you.
Soon the door will close on grace, repentance and forgiveness. Time is actually shorter than you think and in a way you already know it. You must get the churches spiritual business in order. You must warn your people.
You must warn your people who have been in church the longest. They must understand that repentance is now, because to wait until your death bed may come after the door has closed on grace. 
There shall be a last call and then the door on grace shall be closed. Most will not know, some will moan and groan, some will cheer good riddance. While others who are too drunk on the world shall not care at all.
The day is coming soon when the sins of all pastors will be publicly revealed and the sins of the Christian denominations and churches may be seen as a form of mockery of God. Even though you may have many advanced degree and have written many books and your family has been in the church for generations. The purple words below is for you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

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