Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pleasant Space: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

A pleasant work space is made up of pleasant people who desire to be more than just present. 
The people who make up a pleasant work place are those who seem to want to be there and actually show up early to make unnecessary preparations, which creates a welcoming environment. Who want to always to the best job they can and enjoy doing so. Who are polite in the course of their day and want to be. Who always answers the call for assistance when there is a problem and is satisfied when the thing is all good to go.
This is a pleasant work place. 
The ugly work place and space is where management always has to watch those dark hiding places where people like to get away. The management has to offer training on how to be nice under the guise of customer service. The break room becomes a disaster area. The employee conversation seems to joke about customer stupidity and meanness. The outside smoking area with butt containers. Still needs to be cleaned up. The employees do not seem to care about other employees and refuse to go out and help others when there is a need.  The back stabbing. The importance of social communication when work duties are needed to be completed. Not focused on the job is evidence that the job is of no importance.
If you have to train people to care. Then you are hiring people who do not care and will not care. Because, most people know how to spot a phony smile.
The mean customer is a reflection of your employees apathy.
An employee who is only there for the paycheck. is not concerned about the company, the customer or you.
An employee who only does the absolute minimum to keep their job. Is not concerned with your bottom line, Profit/Loss ratios or even thefts.
Just listen to your employees when they are unaware of your presence. From their words you will know the effectiveness of your management team and Human Resources Department.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

More Apathetic: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Apathy tells you it is to risky to love, show compassion or care for others.  While apathy does not tell you is that the more you become apathetic the more you are alone, separated and isolated.  
The apathetic thoughts and emotions you begin to allow a recognition of importance. Seems to be self protecting and self beneficial. But, as time goes on. That self protectionism cases you to become more and more alone over time. Separating you from friends and family. Then from the rest of the world. To the point that even to be among other people causes you to much stress and anxiety. You become a home body. Enjoying the anonymous privacy of the computer and Internet. Reality T.V. becomes more important than news, Religion, politics or even the loss of those things which are very important. Like your life even though you still exist.
Eventually you may become so home bound that you die alone. That is extreme. But very probable.
To care. To Love. to show compassion is apart of your humanity. To deny those aspects of you for self protectionism only De-evolves your whole being. You actually become less than what you were.
You can return to what you once were a fully intact human being. Quit your smoking, drinking and any mind altering drugs. You may have to ween yourself off of them. That is a beginning. Go outside and find something to care about. Like the family you have forgotten. Assuming that is possible. Call them and ask for help.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Self Apathy: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Those addictions which harm the body is evidence of apathy of the self. 
 No one begins to drink alcohol, smokes cigarettes or use drugs in the hopes of achieving addictions to those substances. It seems to always happen though. Even smoking cigarettes becomes more important than family or employment. Cigarettes and other drugs attacks your ability to care or even show a realistic amount of compassion. Thus leading your own family into an extinction process as your family lineage comes to an end.
The damage to your ability to have healthy and strong children is greatly diminished. Plus, the possibility of introducing damaged DNA is a very real probability. How is this good?
It seems to me that those substances which are greatly addictive is De-evolving the entire human species. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: