Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts

Friday, July 21, 2023

In The Vacuum: (Unedited): 21 July 2023:

In the vacuum of what once was good all manner of evil will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was peace all manner of wars, battles, confrontations will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was love all manner of vile hatreds will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was harmony all manner of crazy chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was truth all manner of lies and deceptions will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was reason and logic all manner of delusion will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was sane all manner of insanity will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was morality all manner of defiled immorality will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was family unity all manner of human disunity will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was law and order all manner of cruel lawlessness and insane public chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was blind balanced Justice all manner fully seen public unfair injustice will fill that space.
The end result of these dimensions of vacuum means the end of the nation, rights, freedoms, liberties and of life shall be the reasoned and logical result. The days of Noah shall be realized. The cities of your nation shall become like Sodom and Gomorrah. You will burn, die and be destroyed. The final judgement of God will find you out. In which only a few will be aware of as they exhale the breath of God for the last time. 
When good people do not physically take their God given responsibility into action. In order to protect and safe guard all that which is good. This creates a vacuum which will be filled with all manner of defiled disgusting elements. 
Know that all of the chaotic elements that you see in the world today are dimensionally planned occurrences by those who worship in the evil godlike rulers of this worldly system. 
It is the embodiment of the pronouns as which is known of in the Word of God. Which becomes a sign to His true children of where and who are demonically led and embodied. 
His children of truth will see and recognize signs just as you see and recognize signs on the roadways and highways. His children of truth shall respond and be obedient to these signs as you would when you are driving. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Classified Place Classified Space Dream: (Unedited): 30 July 2021:

 People were dying and all that could be done was to watch.
The people were conducting their individual business, making discoveries and documenting everything.
The people were working through their immediate problems and finding only quickened death. Then something else happens - strange - or just clean. The dead human bodies were just scrubbed, cleaned away or disappeared.
I can see the ripples or flows of a heavy atmosphere, fluid or water of some kind. Pushing into or through.
This place was dark and massively huge. The people were almost like ants within.
I was outside and looking upon the place and it was odd to look at. Humans would not build such a place. There were many levels. Even from far off it was difficult to frame the picture. We/Humans are that small and this place was that huge. 
Humans have known of this place for a while and began to turn things on. Not immediately but eventually the human people began to die.
You are watching the events unfold. You have not planned for this possible action as rescue is impossible as you watch and communicate and yet they all die almost like a child human killing ants in single file. Is there a strategy or a logical order of some kind?
Poor planning. No emergency exit plan.
Wrong assumptions. Maybe, this stuff still actually works the way it was intended when you decide to turn it on.
Maybe, this place has a harmless self cleaning feature to the original occupants. Maybe, this cleaning feature is a low scale on security and also wrongly deemed harmless by the human people in charge.
Were the original occupants 50-100+ feet (15-30+ meters) tall?
Why are they gone? Why is the place empty or abandoned? or have you already removed their bodies?
How to prevent the human deaths? 
I do not know. 
Don't turn stuff on even if you think certain systems are harmless. Because, what is harmless and beneficial to them may be very deadly to us lowly humans. Can you even exactly identify those specific systems or is it lets just turn it on and see what happens? 
What if their atmosphere is not like our atmosphere. 
Thoughts are being removed from me. 
31 July 2021: Nothing to write and nothing to remember. Almost like what was written was enough. 
Does this mean that humans are already in space to a far greater degree than what is commonly known? Or does this mean that humans will go beyond the Earth and moon system? Or is this place somewhere on the Earth and not in space? 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Indian and Chinese War: (Unedited): 17-20 June 2020:

My thoughts as I focus upon the Communist Chinese leadership. Especially, in regards to India. China may have chosen India to go to war with. My quotes are not what I believe to be valid. It seems what I'm picking up on in regards to China. I'm picking up a lot of pride and arrogance.
Peace is a sickness which leads to the ineffective mediocrity of forgotten leaders.
The Chinese leaders are looking to make a name for themselves and to raise up the Chinese standard with pride, bravery and blood. Actually, The Chinese leaders have become very thirsty for blood. Remember this as I have written in the past that China will be the trigger that ends all of humanity. The extinction process begins with China.
Added on 18 June 2020:
The world wide embarrassment of the Indian soldiers will be known. While India sent regular soldiers against China. China sent their best fighters in hand to hand combat. This is just a sign for India as India is not fit for any combat scenario against any modern military fighting force.
India will be forced to lose much more land if India pushes the Chinese. China has been working on their professional military for some time while India has been focused on weapons platforms that bring apparent respect. China is fully aware of how incompetent the Indian military is and the Chinese assessment is correct. It will be best for the Indian military to negotiate a peace with China. Because, China will just take and take until you relent or surrender all of India. China will also use your enemies against you. When India loses much more with China engagements. This will only cause the other enemies of India to think that India is much easier to defeat than what they had ever thought. Then when India backs down. India will be seen as weak and as cowards.
NOTE: Error in this writing as the news was still to early and the evidence had not been reported. I do not seek out the news unless something has happened.  
How do you deal with an emerging world bully? A bully does not reason. The only convincing that a bully will agree to is when his/her blood is coming out of their noses, mouths and ears. The bully will only disappear for a while as their broken bones mend. Then they may come back looking for revenge. It doesn't matter in their mind that they started it all. It was you who had the nerve to stand in the presence of their superior greatness.
So what does the nations of the world do? Come together. One nation goes after the feet. One nation goes after the knees. One nation becomes a tripping/balance hazard. One nation goes after the hands. One nation goes for the arms. One nation goes for the solar plexus/diaphragm. One nation goes for the nose. One nation goes for the mouth. One nation goes for the throat. One nation goes for the head banging on concrete. That is easier said than done. As China has much blood to lose and is willing to lose much. The history of China is built on blood. The history of China is built on the bad guy winning. China has depth of resolve and intention. China is gonna do what the Communist leadership demands. The heck with any international agreement or laws. China will carry their beliefs, intentions and activities into space. China will make claims on any and every celestial body they touch including Mars. Even splitting the ownership of Earths moon. China agrees that the moon belongs to everyone except those places their Chinese equipment and people are on. Then half-ish of the Moon is their while China shares ownership in the other half of the moon. Then as China expands their footprints so does what China will own. China will conduct military operations which will reflect their rights of ownership. Even the passing of Chinese laws as has already been done in the South China Sea.
Added on 20 June 2020: Thinking and focusing about Communist Chinese mindsets.
The world can now see the arrogance that has become Communist China. How dare any nations stand against thee. How dare any nation make agreements that I(China) disapprove of. If any Nation makes agreements without Chinese approval. It will be immediately seen as a threat to all of China. For everywhere a Communist Chinese leader gazes upon and desire that in which he sees. It shall be his and ours. For the whole world owes all of China and all of China owns all of the whole world. Those who live within the world is a slave of Communist China.
Yes and guess what Russia. You are a target of China and all of Russia will become China as your people all die. This may even happen before all of America is neutralized. Think about that. This is prophecy.
Will India back down or will China? It seems like India will have to back down as China may just go all the way and take as much as they can.
Prophecy Realized: This is the actuality of Prophecy written against China.
China has truly become the trigger of the world. Anybody who squeezes the Communist China Trigger will see violent actions. No matter the eventual cost to all of humanity.
Added on 21 June 2020: I grew up in the rough neighborhoods. Unwanted, unloved, Not cared for. Put up for adoption. All types of parents dead. A double orphan. Foster care in two states. Blah, Blah, Blah. Not so much fun.
I have learned this. When someone looks at you like your the target or that your now it as the children's game. It does not matter if you do not want to be it or the target. The bully does not care about your feelings or how you define your aspect of social justice. The bully is just going to keep coming until you stop him. Now with nations it is not just about the individual bully. It is about your entire population. So when you see the leader of India stepping back and giving away land. Is he doing it to save lives and to buy time for peace to set in? In his decisions and actions. Peace will be extended. That is until China the bully finds even more courage and takes even more while kill even more with savagery that has already taken place. So while India has delayed war while finding refuge in their embarrassment. This will only embolden China even more. China will do even more savage things against the Indians and against anyone else who dares to come before them without the proper respect to a superior people.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Universal Speed Visions: (Unedited): Mid Dec 2019:

Over a period of the last couple weeks. I've had visions of space travel. I had been unable to write them down on a computer because of lack of access.
I was on a ship that I was not allowed to remember. But, I was near the front left hand side. The ship was positioned near a great nebula. All that I could see in front of me was the nebula. If I looked up and down. All that there was - was the nebula. If I looked to the rear, I could see empty space or normal space. I could see all of the motions in real time and I could see or know that the ship was safely keeping itself at a safe distance. I had the sense of surfing as a form of distance measurement on the energy waves which were emanated.
Then I knew that there were beings inside of the nebula and that some form of mining operation was occurring. I think you can find everything that was needed inside of a nebula. I had a sense that being inside of the nebula was a safe place or a hiding place. Which leads me to ask, "Hide from what and whom?". I was not allowed to remember any more.
This poses a series questions; Are these beings private and desire privacy? or are they in danger and thus hiding from something which is or has been superior to their being? or just a secret place like all human countries have related to science or military?
Then we were traveling in space and I could see and know that we were passing star systems every few seconds. The stars were all that were seen and nothing else. All of the stars were of a off green color. They discovered that I could crunch the math for space travel within my own mind and then I was not allowed to remember any more. Yet what I was allowed to remember was that I could assume a relative sense of speed. Which could be related to where we were within a galaxy and thus the assumption of error. Solar systems could have more space between them at the edges of the galaxies. While solar systems would be closer together as you get closer to the core of the galaxy.
It seemed like we were either traveling just above or below every star(perception error). The ship travel by every star in its own planned journey. I counted the seconds to about five. Some were less in time. I know that the Earth system is about 30 +/- light years from the nearest stars. So the speed could be assumed with this measurement as "Light Years Per Second - LY/ps". I knew and was allowed to remember that in order to travel in a galaxy. Using this speed and time measurement would be necessary for galactic travel as well as extra galactic travel. So I guess we were traveling at 5-10 Light Years per second. I had the assumption that speed of the ship was much faster as it was mentally related as horse and buggy speed or bicycle speed. So could the ship actually travel hundreds of light years per second? How long would it take to reach the next galaxy or any galaxy in any direction?
I asked why all of the stars were a dull off green color and knew that it was some kind of different kind of space (frequency?). Not a different dimension and then I thought of the science fiction aspect of subspace but knew it wasn't really that and that humanity does not have a conceptualization of this kind of space. This is how Faster Than Light(FTL) space travel can occur without becoming instant energetic space dust like this -
I had thoughts that the energy of the stars and of other energetic bodies in space actually exist at different frequencies. So because of their inherent energetic natures. These stars coexist at or in  different wavelengths within the fabric of space. So would this mean there are multiple layers of the fabric in space time? Could different aspects of time be exist in the different layers inside the fabric of space? Time would be humanly perceived as normal and yet time could be faster or slower. Dependent on the energetic nature of the energetic body within the fabric of space time. I also, noticed that within the ship was normal human perceived space. While the outside of the ship was in a different kind of space. So would that mean a form of protection or shielding from the different kind of space? Like an Egg or inside the womb of a mother or both to a degree of basic understanding?
So the lower the energetic levels of materials or bodies in space. The less they each reside within the fabric of space. I have had visions of this explanation in regards to buoyancy in the oceans and atmosphere. Does this explanation still contain an error?(yes) as a ship which exists on top of the water does not have the energy or engineering to fly and yet when water fills the ship it sinks? An airplane uses other kinds of energy and mathematics to achieve flight and then when energy is lost. It will go to the ocean and sink. A rocket which achieves very high energy level can leave the planetary system and if it fails, then boom.
Added on 05 Jan 2020:
The state of science fiction writing can be summed up in the last episode of "The Expanse". Which is preferred? The likable murderer or the unlikable murderer? Sin is no longer sin. Revenge is OK when it is personal. What is right is defined by each individual. Which includes justified murder. This can be identified as what was right for me in that moment. Thus develops an attitude of always being above and beyond the law.
If this becomes the mindset, heart set and the spiritual condition of the spirit of humanity. Then it will not matter how advanced human technology becomes. Humans will not be permitted to leave the Earth system and journey within this solar system.
Besides, while the prince of this human Earth system is in control. He will not allow humanity to journey beyond his system of control without the never to be forgiven fallen angels. So that means there are at least two powerful beings who will disallow human travel into the stars. Unless, pre-qualified by either being or Just the one who is actually the God of all.
So think about this. The only two ways for humanity to journey out into the stars is through remaining clean, becoming holy and righteous as which is only judged by the one true God alone. 
The other way is for humanity to take along with them by their decision out into the stars. For if the already judged fallen angels have no forgiveness for any of them here in this prison planet Earth. Then why not use the creation of God for their own evil deeds and raise up this directed humanity to go against God himself. Read Enoch to see what God did to the fallen angels in regards to their own children. 
Added on 30 Mar 2020: 
The state of astronomy will change forever. In order to obtain the best pictures with the best gear. One must launch telescopes to the far side of the Earth's moon. All new satellites will remain in orbit between the Earth and Mars orbit. These may not be stand alone systems. This is because the many of thousands of satellites going into LEO (Low Earth Orbit.). Which will appear like a train of pearls or during long exposure they will ruin any kind of astronomy. 
The end of functional astronomy ends on the surface of the Earth.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fourth Human Lie:+3: (Unedited): 22 June 2019:

First lie is, is humanity alone in the Universe?
From almost all ancient religious texts and from most ancient cultures. We know that humanity is not alone. We also know that there are good beings and very bad beings. We know that some beings are very powerful and some not so powerful and yet all of them seem to be capable of becoming gods to us lowly human beings.
Second lie is, there are many races of humanity.
From the process known as Human fingerprinting to the Human Genome Project. We know that within all of humanity everywhere. That we all share more than 99.9% identical DNA. Because of this percentage. We are all the same as in one singular family. Maybe, even self replicating clones. Which proves Adam and Eve being made from a rib of Adam.  All of the differences we see in each other is all tied within the remaining less than .1% of the total DNA strand.
Third lie is, that humanity is on top of the food chain.
It may seem like humanity is on top of the food chain. That is until we each come in direct contact with any very upset animal with teeth and claws. Even a little 8 pound upset house cat can be no match for an adult human being. Or how about those creatures from Monster's inside me show?
In the universal comparison. Humanity only has a few senses and absent many more senses that other animals and critters have. Even our normal senses are not as good as other animals as their common senses seem to be much superior to humanities.
Those beings who are far more advanced than human beings seem to be able to exercise all of the spiritual gifts or psychic abilities as easily as we humans try to see, hear or smell. How many different psychic abilities are there? 30+ different types of psychic abilities. What if those psychic abilities are natural senses to those angelic or alien beings who have been known as gods, or fallen angels or Angels of God. That those beings can use some of or all of those psychic abilities like us humans can breathe, see or hear.
Forth Lie is that when a human dies we will go to heaven.
I guess this depends on which heaven. In the Holy Bible there are references of three Heavens. The first heaven is the Earth's atmosphere. The second heaven is all of the known and unknown universe. The third heaven is the timeless place of God. There is no mention of a forth heaven that I'm aware of. So all of humanity is already within a heaven of the heavens. The new question would be is how the third heaven fits into or with the other two. Unless, there are an indefinitely more heavens. However they may be named or ascribed.
Do we actually hang upside down from our feet and think we are right side up? Think about scuba diving. Which is right in actuality. Then think about space? Which is right in actuality?
Added on 28 June 2019:
By our human perspective there would only be three Heavens. By the perspective of God. There would only be one heaven and then every other place which would be less than. So there are other peoples and beings in the entire universe and if they are somewhat close to this humanity in understanding. Then they each would know of the three heavens by their own perspectives. By our own perspective and knowing that there are other peoples and beings who also have their own perspectives of heavens. The number of heavens would be equal to the number of planets which has an atmosphere and intelligent life upon them. So there would be trillions upon trillions of heavens in the universe. Then would they all have their own Holy Bible or Word of God? Since the word is everything spoken by God and thus was made into all that there is.
Added on 23 June 2019:
Is there a fifth human lie? What is it? On Earth as it is in Heaven. How is it done in the Heavens? Which heaven? or all of the heavens?
Could it be that humans are not supposed to be the supreme domineering authority on this planet. We are not the rulers or commanders of this planet. We are not supposed to have nation states, borders and fences for everything or anything. We are not to mold the planet into what we think the planet should be. We should not use every resource like we are greedy little children who throws all of their trash into land pits, rivers and in the oceans.
We/Humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet and then this solar system and then maybe the entire galaxy if we do not cause our own extinction process first. In which at this time in human history, the human extinction process is very probable or more than probable. Holy Bible prophecy predicts our human extinction if it were not for the interactions of God saving His chosen remnant.
Added on 28 June 2019:
Is this the sixth human lie. Once saved always saved by modern day Christian teaching.
The #HolyBible verse which should #scare every #Christian #denomination and #church. #Hebrews 10:18, 26
Hebrews 10:18, 26 King James Version (KJV)
26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Added on 09 July 2019:
This content in another blog. Fourth Human Lie: Forced Sins Begin:
If you do not believe, tolerate, accept the lies the world has been telling all of humanity. Then you will become one of the accused and excluded from society. Or in this video kicked out of class for speaking the truth.
Note: The student was kicked out of school for being 17 and compulsory education in Scotland ends at 16 years old. He was also kicked out of school for filming the teacher. There is always more than one way around for the liars to hide themselves in the face of people speaking the truth.
The student will not be allowed to return to school to complete his education. It is very clear that a lie is superior to the truth and if you speak the truth, you will excommunicated or excluded even from an education. The cost of being a truthful free thinker. If your opinion is different than the states/governments the next step is your criminalization. Especially, when exclusion doesn't work.
Notes when censorship begins.
Scotland, Mearns Academy in Aberdeenshire, Murray (student name),
Added on 10 July 2019: YouTube channel of interest. I just found this and have not done any due diligence.
To not I have been thinking about Marvel and how the good guys seem to be actually the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. I was about to begin my own research when I found these people.
Added on 23 July 2019:

Miss Michigan stripped of title over 'offensive' social media posts.

This is not the beginning. This is ongoing. When that which is evil holds power and decides who can participate in society and who can't. This is just one way in how that which is evil can go around Freedom of speech laws. As the Freedom of speech laws only applies to the state and federal government.
Added on 26 April 2020: The seventh human lie is what day is the Sabbath? Sunday?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Galactic Seed Vision: +4: (Unedited): 08-10 Feb 2019:

Update on 14 March 2019: Added content.
In the cold of space, I arrived at the place of the machines. I do not know where I am. Maybe, I was led to the place or maybe it was all just in the confines of my own very imaginative and creative mind. There were no close-by stars or celestial objects of any kind. The distance was blocked to me. But, daylight or illumination was everywhere. So my guess would be near the galactic core. Probably before or just after solar systems lose their individual identities. The machines began to build a cylinder tube and I knew the size of the tube would be much greater than the diameter of the Earth. I knew the tube was made of solid created or manufactured stone(s) of a thickness which would guarantee natural gravity. I could see the layers of stone which included single layers of singular precious stone which is listed in the Holy Bible. I did not know and was not allowed to remember them. But, they were in their order and they were in their oneness.
Then I was made to go elsewhere, to a finished planetary tube. The machine was still connected to it. Then I went to another planetary tube where the inside was forming into a living breathing planet. There was a singular line of fire which stretched from one end to the other and it was in the center of the Planetary tube. I thought of human-manufactured long tube fluorescent lighting. That is where the similarities end. I suspected an energy flow with the curvature of the tube creating a magnetic-like invisible gateway or pathway.
Then after I saw, I went to or was taken to many other planetary tubes all of which were full of life and each of them were already on their journey to their prospective places or selected galaxies.
Then I saw the old planetary tubes which had become unrecognizable to the new ones, except the length of them were still certain. Much dust had collected to the exterior and many impacts had occurred. Some impacts were great according to my own perception.
Then I noticed the end caps, which were not present before, hiding or protecting all that was contained within. The great machine was still connected to it. Then I knew what it was. It was a living and growing galactic seed.
With the great machine still connected to it, it can do as it needed. Even duplicate itself, once its own journey had concluded. Yet it could remake itself and begin to build new galactic seeds once its original mission of planting life within its own new galaxy. Thus spreading itself into forever and everywhere.
They began to see all of the universe as a farm in which to grow life on. Each galactic seed is like an ear of corn.
What else do you need to know? The machine is a seed builder from scratch. The machine seeds life all over the galaxy and other galaxies.
What if you knew you were to evolve beyond this as we think we know it? What would you leave behind? Would you leave anything behind? Would you even care? What if these beings loved life, all life including worms and maggots? What if you built this machine as this lowly human being can only describe it? This or these machines would arrive in the outer bands of any galaxy and begin to develop solar systems and planets, making them stable places for life to grow and evolve, each solar system becoming a viable living egg. Then when the life becomes greater than the confines of that egg, the life within will need to decide to remain within or to burst forth and begin to make their own journey, hopefully with the love of life that those who came before and who still remain still have. For they gave love to all life.
Added on 11 Feb 2019: Even when I think about this today, I can feel all of the physical sickness coming back.
This has made me physically sick. Severe migraines, light and audio sensitivities. Nausea and the other end. I have missed work from two jobs in the last three days. Today, I go back to work.
Instantly Inspired: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Those who have become abruptly astounded have become instantly inspired.
I have become nothing more than astounded and inspired by these to this very day continuous vision glimpses. These giant ships are only about life and the spreading of life. Humanity thinks there are about 200 billion galaxies in the universe. What a better way than to build these giant galactic seeds and then send them off. What a better way as to not cause harm to existing life and to disrupt the natural development of life than by collecting materials near the galactic core and then building these giant seed banks. If one is the width then seven is the length. Each one much larger in width than the Earth is wide by 3-7 times.
There are natural gravity fields, magnetic fields, unknown energy fields and crystal energy fields. Why do I say crystal energy fields? Because I saw the machine build each individual crystal around the tube. Each kind of crystal was naturally bonded to another kind of crystal. All of the different kinds of crystals made their own specific kinds of energies. All of those energies focused into the center of the tube, creating the fluorescent-tube-like sun.
Concerns of God: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Just as any maggot or worm cannot ever hope to know the concerns of any human man, it is similar to how a human cannot ever hope to know the concerns of God.
The super intelligent human men and women who keep the secrets of the world have no clue. I'm not saying I know more but at least with my seventy IQ I know that I'm less than a maggot or a worm.
Subtle Inspiration: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Inspiration can be as subtle as the movement of the motionless wind.
The subtle energies that we know of like thermodynamics as well as other energies that humanity knows of or still has no concept of can all move the wind when they each have their own unique flows of energies. All of those energies can even naturally flow together as one.
I was sitting in a beautiful meadow and looking up. My eyes did not hurt from looking at the long sun high directly overhead. I saw all of the fluctuations going from one end to another. Either end could not be seen. But, I knew all of the fluctuations had specific purposes of moving the air and water. I knew there were oceans far larger than any known on Earth and deeper. For we know that even in the depths of earth's oceans is strange life. Yet all of the life except for humanity is obedient to their own ways and duties. So I knew there is an intelligent control function which causes the fluctuations of energies.
Work of Art Understands: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
The work of art will never know the mindful intention of the artist. Unless the artist reveals it in a manner in which the work of art can understand it. 
There has to be a degree of love transferred from the artist to the work of art. There also has to be passion and focus of intention which passes from the artist to the art. What if the artist impresses itself within the art? What if beings far more greater than humanity have left us with much more subtle important things all of which is revealed like the turning of a page about us? The only way we can turn the page about us is when we develop and evolve to be able to recognize such new things and concepts. It seems like it is never too hard to cause harm or hardship or even self destruction. Then what if there are those who are just marginally greater and superior to humanity who have no interest in our well being or whatever harm we may cause to ourselves or anyone else? The average intelligence of beings who only have IQ's of more than 250 or 300 would be considered marginally more advanced than what humanity is now.
Added on 02 March 2019: Still having visions of this ship. I'm updating the entire content to reflect it all. I'm just sitting there taking in everything. No setting sun, no rising sun. Only this long modulating filament of a star-like flaming thing at noon time. There is other human life here. They have noticed and I am strange to them. I cannot reveal anything to them because I know I would harm their development and evolution. Yet, I'm not allowed to remember their faces and bodily shapes. They are smaller than me and it appears they are moving me from place to place. I'm a big American man who cannot move around very well. So they are putting forth effort, an effort I know they must exert and yet I know it not or the how and why. To them strange does not elicit fear or a need to just kill it. Females(caretakers) do care for me or I am always in their presence. They laugh like we do. I have not seen any conflict or disagreement or fighting. So I think that females are as they used to be in tribal communities. I'm thinking North American(Turtle Island) tribal communities. I do not know enough about female duties in North American indigenous cultures. They do not think or believe that I'm a threat in any way and yet if I talk and begin to act in Earth ways to them, they may adopt our Earth ways including double speak, reverse speak, belittling one another and etc. I even wanted to teach my love for baseball, but even to teach the concept will lead to the learning of negative things, thoughts, emotions. Such as in baseball nine people stand against you as you stand alone to face them. You alone must return to home plate and the nine will do everything to prevent you from returning home. Would you even talk if you were in such a pure culture or would you just become like them and hope you did not make a mistake and accidentally teach them something that we consider harmless? They seem purely innocent and helpless. I am their only threat and maybe the only threat they have ever known. I instinctively know that I must die with what I know about what humans had collectively done to the Earth. Think about it. Even the telling of a story can teach unwanted concepts such as drinking, drugs. Such as violence in games. Such as taking advantage of another in a game for fun. Even teaching how to defend oneself is a teaching of a violent concept, because in violent competition one learns to hone their skills and know they can kill if they wanted.
If there were any animals, they all have avoided me or I was not allowed to be aware of them. Just like I am not allowed to be aware of the people's surrounding culture, where they live or how they live.
Added on 02 march 2019:
Can you imagine if one of these Galactic Seed ships were to enter into our solar system? The fabled planet X would most likely be small in comparison to these ships. Men looking up and all of the stars disappear. The sun is blocked out. Then this hits my mind:
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Luke 21:26-28 King James Version (KJV)

26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Remember what I wrote about the approximate size of one ship? Think about five or more of them forming the symbol of a cross or other symbol of Christ in the heavens or inside the solar system between the Earth and our central star. Would not men look up and have heart attacks? Would I or you? What are you gonna do, not secret government man/woman? There is nowhere to hide and yet men will hide themselves under the rocks and in the mountains. What good will that do you? This planet could collide at velocity and the Galactic seed ship coming directly at the Earth at their own velocity will receive ZEEE-ROE damage. Your deep underground bunkers all of you self-professed important people made for yourselves from the taxes applied to the poor working soul will become your coffins. Will these Galactic ships also revert the Earth back into a molten ball because of the damage that humanity has collectively caused to the Earth? That is prophecy.
Added on 13 March 2019: Still having these visions and dreams almost daily.
The galactic seed ship was created by aligning(Programming) the atoms of all materials used. Each material and each crystal and each kind of stone and every kind of metal. This allows for the natural flow of energies which is unique to each substance. When they each combine at the center the illumination is created. The curvature creates the energetic center. The flame like substance which illuminates all of the inside into a perpetual noon like day. It feels good and does not hurt or is not uncomfortable.
I now prefer to be there than here on Earth as I know what is coming for the Earth and the inhabitants. For humanity has chosen self extinction. Humanity has chosen hate, anger, mistrust, violence, chaos and death. The being that some here on Earth knows as God knows this more than we can ever know. The damage of the planet is now certain and was caused by all of us. I feel a profound sadness and depression for all of us. Yet all of humanity does not seem to know what is coming or worse they don't even care. 
What was that movie? God is going to save the planet. Keanu Reeves "The day the Earth stood still". The entirety of the planet will be purified and remade as it once was. All evidence of any human habitation will disappear. There will not be any reprieve or saving the day by some cute human antics. For we are just worms and maggots. What can a maggot or worm actually control in their own lives? Humanity is not on the top of the food chain.
The sin of man. The devices of sinful men. Which are all self serving to the man. The nuclear ?power plants? and ?CERN?. Could those be the devices which had caused the decision of the purification process to begin? Will God cause the hearts of men to become hardened like He did with the Pharaoh of Egypt? God is or has already sent His powerful delusion unto humanity. That powerful delusion most likely begun with the law legalizing ?abortion? in the 1960's. That powerful delusion becoming more and more stronger everyday. To the point that if your not genuine in your faith you will become one of those who will welcome and celebrate sin into *Israel. 
*When I use the term Israel I mean your holy places which also includes inside of your own being, family, home, business, church, denomination, religion, city, state, region, nation, planet.
That which should only reside within your holy places is Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Plus the other purely good and purely positive words.
Added on 14 March 2019: 
Sometimes it takes me some time to figure out messages and here it is below. It took more than a month. Go figure. Sometimes I'm not the sharpest tool. lol. The incident, I will keep to myself of what happened last night at work. I saw and yet I choose to ignore. I'm a deeply flawed human being. Like I'm getting away with something in the wrong way. Almost like a not now attitude. I knew I should have done the correct response and I did not. I choose not to.
Psalm 23:

Psalm 23 King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
This is an actual place. I do not want to leave. I did not even want to move from this place. I did not desire to go anywhere or plan anything. I had no desire to drink or even eat. I was not concerned about any earthly things. I sensed no threats as I still do those things called threat evaluations. This did not even occur to me. I did not need any shelter, fire or clothing. I was not concerned about any insects or creepy crawlies. I was not concerned with any thorns or stickers. I just sat there and remained quiet, Happy, content, satisfied. I was in His presence and felt safe.
Threats evaluations is a learned behavior from childhood.
Added on 19 March 2019:
The visions have ended.
Added on 30 March 2019: This Mornings before 0400 alarm dream. I tried to forget it but cannot. So i guess that means I have to write it so I can forget it. 
Blogger has crashed once on me already. Everything is by my personal perspective of travel.
Silence. I became aware of a star in the distance. I was most likely beyond a likely approximate orbit of Mars. I was not allowed to see anything other than what I was supposed to observe. I began to move towards the star and then under it at about the 4 or 5 o'clock position and then moved away from the star. I did not get relatively close. Then I stopped and looked into the distance. The time of travel was about 2 seconds. I could see a darkened planet centered into my view which did not reflect light. I knew or assumed it was, what the Earth had become. I was not allowed to see any stars. The Earth's moon was not seen either or I was not allowed to see it. Then I saw a dark jagged object of a very large size. It was not circular. The object looked like a piece of a planet or planetary core material. It struck and went deep into the darkened planet. The size was about 40%of the physical size of the planet maybe more. Both bodies became an ugly non uniform sight with material coming from the impact and from the opposite side of the planet. Then the whole became a molten fireball which encompassed everything. The planet went from difficult to see to very easy and clear to see. End of dream.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Navigating The Galaxy: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2018:

Humans have many real problems with traveling through space. Our ships cannot travel faster Than the Earth or many other bodies flying through predicted space. Our solar systems travels much faster than our ships and the galaxy we reside within also goes very fast. A question I've been thinking about is for the last hour: All sparked by a little boy with a weird red hat, old batman shirt and a cheap looking gold compass. I hyper focused on the compass and felt like I had been downloaded.
How to navigate among the stars of this galaxy?
I think this is crucial. I think the discoveries of those unknown natural phenomena is a must.
Invention of the Galactic Compass:
Especially from within a solar system and outside of it. I think the whole of the universe seems to be electrical naturally. I can imagine strings which tie our stars polar regions to the so called north polarity and south polarity of the central black sphere(hole). I can also see other strings which positively pull on the solar systems electrical field bubble(Leading Side). I can also see negative kinds of strings departing from the opposite direction in some kind of fanning event and then pushed back into something which appears more organized. (Lagging side).
What can humanity do? By placing satellite sensors in the southern and northern poles of our central star within the confines of the solar system. Maybe, they will be able to detect this constant streaming energy. Sort of like inventing the galactic compass. Based on forces which are invisible and unpreceptable to humanity. But, the effects can be discerned. Then place two more in both the northern and southern poles but outside of the solar system bubble. The solar system bubble will have a thickness and there will be a differences between the inside energies, stagnant bubble energy and the outside energies. There may be a lot of fluctuation of energies encountered from the perceived bubble. This is because the bubble itself is reacting with the other energies it encounters. Sort of like how plants in a stream react to the flow of water and to the energies of close by solar systems.  From the information discovered and the how to detect them. Up and down, North and south as well as a grid system can be determined for the entire galaxy. For the galaxy does have an apparent equator. You got the math yet?
Second method of navigation through the galaxy.
What we know is that every living planet and every energetic body emits its own unique frequency as well as its own percentages of energetic radiations. All of this is transmitted throughout the galaxy and universe. A gravitational curvature in relation to the effects of transmitted energies needs to be ascertained. As all forces, energies and mass will be pulled by the galactic center at specific angles in relation to their strengths associated to the center of the galaxy. This is how you identify and name each object within the galaxy. All associated with its output energies. For instance mars is not the name of mars nor is every object we know of in astronomy the original name. All of astronomy must throw away all of the ancient names and begin a naming system based in truth and not mythological history. Do you know the math behind the lumens, photons of a light bulb and how it diminishes the further away you get from the source. Same or similar principle here except you add in triangulation. By knowing the frequency and radiation output of every star and planet. You will know each of their fixed or non fixed places within the galaxy. You will know each of their perspective speeds and movements in their particular direction. Then when you are in a particular place. The strongest frequency and radiation felt should give you an indication of which planet you are close by. The second strongest signal will indicate a 2D positional relationship between the two solar systems. By adding in a third and a fourth solar system and then as many more as you can. You can determine your exact position in space. Which should be in agreement with your handy dandy pocket Galactic Compass. Much of this math humanity already knows.
The third methods are by adding in all other commonly known data such as observational. But, even the observational data can only be used when in close proximity.
Added on 02 Dec 2018:
Before humanity can travel among the stars. Humanity must figure out how to convert useable energy to matter and matter to useable energy. Humanity must use the top ten most common elements found in the galaxy and in other galaxies. Then build 100% of all of our technology by those elements. Humanity must learn how to be able to intelligently manipulate elements into useable materials. This includes combining the ten most common elements into one another in some fashion in order to achieve a predicted occurrence. For instance space ships should be built out of crystalline or metallic or both forms of hydrogen as well as the other top ten most common elements found in the universe. Humanity has a lot to learn before being able to leave this solar system.
I know I have written about this before. A space ship must be able to travel close to a star and absorb energies and radiation. Which can be converted into useable energy and intelligent matter.
A ship must be capable of self repair and self modification for purpose. A ship must be able to protect its occupants as a paramount mission. If the ship is happens to encounter threats and the living hosts perish. Then the ship may return home. Assuming it is not followed and no risk is predicted. If the ship cannot guarantee the safety of it's home. Then final mission into a star while transmitting necessary data. So the ship itself must be a type of AI or an actual created living intelligence or a living ship or all of the above.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, February 9, 2018

SpaceX Hail Mary: (Edited): 09 Feb 2018:

It has been *48 years since anything truly **exciting has happened for the hope of the human species. That is until Elon Musk's SpaceX launched a cherry red Tesla Roadster convertible into space, with a star-man coolly driving down the Pacific Coast Highway. The act of sending a car into space is the definition of what being epically cool really means.
At the time of this writing, it looks like the star-man and his Tesla Roadster will miss Mars. But such uncertainty's are Hail Mary's when thrown. There will always be those who cry foul and those who desperately hope for a miracle. Elon Musk and his SpaceX A-Team have thrown a Hail Mary to the disbelief of everyone in the world, especially those who ask why launch a Tesla Roadster into space with a mannequin. It seems everyone has not asked the most important question. Which player on the space field will catch the Hail Mary and when?  Or will it be an entirely new player as of yet unknown? Whoever catches this Hail Mary will forever be remembered as the hero. What happens if SpaceX can catch their own Hail Mary? This seems even more exciting altogether, because what Elon Musk has done was bring the entire world a renewed hope for something more and something better.
Added on 23 Feb 2018:
What Elon Musk has done is the greatest commercial PR stunt the world has ever seen. What can surpass this stunt? It most likely would be the group who returns the car to it's original owner.
SpaceX and its Falcon Heavy has more versions to come.
The second iteration of Falcon Heavy will have four side cores and a central core to form the "X" shape. The center core can be hollowed out if desired in order to load long building trusses or space station frame works. This decision will be based on weight and desired length of building trusses. The center core can also be as it already is. Four side core thrust should be around 30,425 kN at sea level. With four side cores and center core the the thrust should be around 38,031 kN at sea level.
The third iteration of Falcon Heavy will have six side cores and one central core. The payload faring may also evolve into a larger aerodynamic conical shape.
The extra large Falcon Heavy will have the central core and two side cores as you see now and adding two side cores into the gaps where a side core and a central core come together. Total thrust of all seven cores should be around 53,244 kN at sea level. Total thrust of six cores with a hollowed out center core will be around 45,638 kN at sea level.
This scaling-up idea will make its way to the newest generation of rockets to come by every space-faring agency in the world, maybe even the ITS Launch Vehicle.
Added on 10 Feb 2018:
SpaceX should begin to engineer all of their rockets for any sort of reconfiguration, A device or a system which shall be titled the Universal reconfiguration device or system. What this universal reconfiguration device or system will allow you to do is position your side cores and center cores any way you want them positioned. Whether it by three side by side, A three rocket  "Y", A four, five, six or seven rocket setup.
SpaceX should assign several star teams and one team who would be the black sheep group (not a team). They will not be permitted to discuss any aspect of the development of the universal reconfiguration device or system. Once the teams have achieved working devices or systems. They each will then have a show and tell. It will be hoped that each team and the black sheep group will come up up multiple patent-able devices and systems. The best one would be considered the one to use while the others can be resold for a profit or not. The reason why to do this. Is to prevent what has happened with Dyson, Maglica, others and myself. Because other corporations took their ideas and made them better. Perfectly legal but it happened.
Personal note:
I'm not comparing myself to those great inventors. I only included myself because I've learned hard lessons of inventing and trusting those who should not have been. I've lost two inventions. One of them on purpose in order to teach a lesson. Even ideas which seem funny can be marketed for profit.
================   "I do not like this name!!!"
The US Government has threatened to shut off funding for the ISS, which means the planned de-orbiting of the ISS will occur. Because, if a de-orbit is not planned. It is coming down anyway without regular refueling to maintain current LEO or Low earth orbit. This may be something that SpaceX want to consider purchasing if the other Nations involved would agree to it. Which is not likely.
Added on 10 Feb 2018:
Elon Musk has a serious money problem. His current output of more than 500 million dollars spent so far on SpaceX is going to be more than 500 billion dollars which must be spent in order to safely as possible go to Mars with all of the necessary toys. So how does Elon Musk get way more money? More businesses? Yes. But that still will not be enough. Elon Musk will need to develop new technologies in every category. These new technologies can be created with his own version of a scientific space station, which can also be evolved, scaled up and modularized so that the scientific space station can travel around the moon and back as well as travel to Mars. Elon Musk will need many of them.
Think about it for a minute. Go and research how much money NASA made for everyone everywhere who got involved with any aspect of technology. They are still making money from old NASA ideas and inventions while NASA is being starved into becoming a museum relic.
NASA ROI is anywhere from $7-$14 dollars for every one dollar spent. NASA did this because of all of the inventions they created. Then the US government took away their funding. All of the technology you enjoy was originated by NASA. Go read the below content. Want to turn the US economy around? Reinvest in NASA their former ***4.41% of the federal budget. Then in about 10 or so years the returns will come in. Ooops, this is about how Elon ain't gots no cheddar.
Elon Musk and his SpaceX must build a multipurpose space station. Elon Musk must develop new technologies and then turn them around into usable products for his SpaceX, Skynet(LOL), Tesla, Solar and Boring profits. The speed of any new technology ROI should be much faster than it was during the 1970's and early eighties. As the modern day human being now understands what new technology means. Because of this new attitude, people all over the world will embrace something new and Elon Musk can profit from all of them, then transfer those funds back into SpaceX.
217 PDF pages of NASA spinoff technologies.
Top 15 from Apollo.
Added on 11 Feb 2018:
Classified Conceptualization's:
It is truly important to keep even ideas secret from the world. Because, from a simple idea or even from an observational standpoint. Those who also desire to go into space. Will see what you are doing and mimic it in some manor. There will even be those who thirst for hate, war/conflict, Chaos, Death and every form of lawlessness. They to will desire to escape this prison of a planet in order to selfishly profit from it without any concern for anyone else.
Right now every nation which can prepare for war by modernize and expanding their military forces are doing so right now. Yes, all of the wealthy nations of the world. This includes Russia and China. Both of which have witnessed what Elon and his SpaceX team have done. They each are making plans to copy SpaceX,right now. Thus, leap frogging the USA, Europe and every other nationalized space agency in the world.
Added on 11 Feb 2018:
Golf Course like residential engineering.
I think long cities along the mountain ranges of Mars. This also includes deep in caverns as well as craters. The middle of the caverns and craters would be for landings and launching of assets. I think you will want to go deep into Mars. For all of the protections you can get. Then allow the sands of Mars to bury your exterior exposed settlements. This will add additional protections to some minor degree.
Added on 11 Feb 2018:
From the get go. Anyone who travels to Mars must understand and commit themselves that they and their future children will remain on Mars. The new human martians will have to have everything staged for them prior to their arrival. All sites of interest on Mars must also have their own launch and landing zones. I've Mostly written about this before. Look below.
*Reference to the first Apollo landing on the moon. July 20, 1969.
** Yes Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the current ISS was pretty exciting. But, nothing compares to the moon landings. The moon landings were celebrated by the whole world. NASA is very good at sucking the fun out of anything cool and making everything absolutely boring from everything exciting.
*** Yes, I am absolutely in favor of the restoration of the NASA budget back to 4.41% plus a little more. Without adding to the national debt. Plus a massive expansion of the Pell and other educational grant programs instantly for everyone immediately. For a duration of 12-20 years starting right now.
It is your responsibility to ascertain the truthfulness and validity of any content expressed. I do the best I can.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get. No hidden stuff or surprises. I have a dislike and distaste for surprises. So I'm not gonna give you any. Without forewarning.
Added on 14 March 2018:
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books