Showing posts with label South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2020

Juneteenth Hoecake Recipe: 12 June 2020:

Juneteenth Hoecakes Recipe: 19 June:
1 Cup of cornmeal. Yea, That's all you get.
1/2 teaspoon of salt. That's it. You cannot add more to taste. Slaves may not have had this item.
Can add a 1 tablespoon of Florida cane sugar. Slaves may not have had this either. Florida Style.
Mix together dry.
Add 2 cups of water. Mix well. The water used may have been from a shallow well or from some creek. For health reasons please use clean safe drinking water only.
Let rest 10 minutes. Slaves may not have done that or let it sit while heating the grease.
Bacon fat in skillet. Bacon fat or other grease would have been recovered from the masters house. Most likely to be dumped or fed to the hogs.
Spoon in 4 inch wide cakes to be cooked like small pancakes or cover whole pan evenly. Flip until light golden brown on both sides. If the slaves had honey. Honey may have been poured on the Hoecakes in limited quantities. For taste and not saturation. Poor white families also cooked Hoecakes as well in the south. I have heard that poor whites learned from the former slaves on how to cook Hoecakes. That tradition carries on to today. Although, the details were most likely lost as to the origins. Cook these with nothing else to eat and drink with only water. This is a meal for your household.
Note: Heat skillet over a wood fire only. Not electric, not gas, not charcoal. But for safety reasons an outdoor grill is acceptable so as long as you continually guard the fire and have a fire extinguisher on hand.
Do not use any modern accessories. Find a big rock that your skillet can sit on. So how do you flip the hoecake without any modern tools? Figure it out. Have fun while you think about the life of a slave or a poor white in the south.
Warning: Grease fire should be covered to smother out the fire with a lid. Do not use water on any grease fire.
Added on 16 June 2020:
NOTE: Yes you can use modern accessories and yes you can double or triple the recipe. The point of the limitations is to express what slaves and poor folks had. Even white poor folks.
NOTE: Bacon Grease substitution. You can use any available oil.
Bacon Grease NOTE: If you do not have any bacon grease. Then make some bacon. Some people like thin sliced and others like thick. The thick sliced bacon seems easier to cook and work with.
You need to know and this may sound awful. There were a lot of animalistic things which occur with American black slaves. A lot of abuses, tortures and killings. The slaves worked the farms and as such. You have to properly feed slaves in order for them to be more productive. A slave which is starving or severely mistreated is not going to be as productive as a slave which is fed better.
My Personal Note: All slaves are human beings. It does not matter who they are or where they are from. It is a scientific fact that all human beings are more than 99.9% the same genetically speaking. Which means that less than .1% of the remaining human genetic code is where we see all of the physical differences in each other.
Added on 18 June 2020: Written 29 Aug 2017 as a Quora answer:
Humanity is both very far and very close to eliminating racism in the whole world. The biggest problem is that no one in any kind of position of authority wants to reveal the truth or to teach the truth in regards to the races of humanity. Virtually everyone agrees that racism is wrong but no one can say why or how it is wrong. Even those people with advanced degrees and many hundreds of thousands of viewers, readers or listeners. Refuse to put forth the evidence. More than thirty years ago. The truth was known through DNA profiling. Then later refined with the completion of The Human Genome Project. Which basically states that all of humanity is one race, one species and one family.
Your skin is just an organ of your whole body. Just like your liver, kidney and spleen. You do not identify another person of another race because of the efficiency of their liver. I cannot tolerate alcohol. While some people drink liquor like they were fish. So does that mean they are of a different race than me?

"The person who only believes what they are told and has no need to ever consider seeking the truth. Is evidence of the total enslavement of their mind."
Respectfully questioning authority is mandatory for each person. By doing so, you are assured that you are not deceived. In today's modern age, a person or every person should be allowed develop the skills necessary to search for any information at its source of origination. When this can be accomplished, a new civilized world can be established based on truth and not apparent truths which turn out to be out-right lies with evil intentions such as hate, war, murder, fear, anger, rage, distrust and so on.
In the current atmosphere of race relations, no one anywhere on this planet wants to know the truth or even seek the truth. Organizations that define words contribute to the lie and ongoing deceptions. Can we prove that the definition of the races of humanity are false by scientific standards? Yes, from 1985 human DNA profiling and again in 2000 with the Human Genome Project. The science is absolute and clear. There is only one singular race of human beings on this planet and it is human, not black, white, red or yellow species of people.
One lie proven wrong. Races!
A partial quote from then-president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton:
"The third horizon that lies before us is one that science cannot approach alone. It is the horizon that represents the ethical, moral and spiritual dimension of the power we now possess. We must not shrink from exploring that far frontier of science. But as we consider how to use new discovery, we must also not retreat from our oldest and most cherished human values. We must ensure that new genome science and its benefits will be directed toward making life better for all citizens of the world, never just a privileged few.
As we unlock the secrets of the human genome, we must work simultaneously to ensure that new discoveries never pry open the doors of privacy. And we must guarantee that genetic information cannot be used to stigmatize or discriminate against any individual or group.
Increasing knowledge of the human genome must never change the basic belief on which our ethics, our government, our society are founded. All of us are created equal, entitled to equal treatment under the law. After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race,
are more than 99.9 percent the same."
If you want to stop racism, you have to begin with the evidence to counter the wrong thinking of the world. You have to cause organizations like - The world’s favorite online dictionary! to change the definition based on thirty-year-old and again on 16-year-old scientific proofs. You have to convince people that this is a world problem and not the racial monopoly of the USA.
I have listened and heard many shows from many different sources and all of them are the same including the radio show Equipped with Chris Brooks. Every show host only wants to know opinions and feelings. No one wants to explore any evidence or to seek any kind of factual truths. Everyone is enslaved by their own way of wrongful thinking. Everyone wants to continue to believe that this lie is an absolute truth which will not or cannot change. This is why people like Chris Brooks have enslaved mind in regard to the races of humanity. I'm only picking on Mr. Brooks because I value what he does and says. I'm much more than an occasional listener. I have not mentioned any other hosts or people because they simply are unimportant to me since I realized they offered zero real answers or solutions.
Please study how DNA profiling is used in international courts of law. Why do they only use a small portion of the DNA panel?
Please study the human skin, how the skin is the largest organ of the body. Study how there are primary functions and secondary functions. If you lose a primary function you can die. If you lose a secondary function you will merely be uncomfortable and a possible social outcast. So since I cannot drink alcohol very well because of genetic inefficiencies of my liver organ, why am I not a different race of person from those who can drink alcohol very easily and in huge quantities? Isn't that similar to differences between a lightly pigmented person and a darker pigmented person?
What happened at the tower of Babel? The beginning of racism or the belief in the division of the human species. In modern terms, this where God deleted the one common language of humanity and downloaded up to 77 other basic languages into up to 77 different groups of people. People grew into an us-versus-them mentality.
We are all from one blood line, Noah and his sons - a total of 8 adults.
To go back even further from only one male and one female.
If humanity all the way back to Adam and Eve became a separate race of human beings on each region of this one planet, then the genetic differences would be much greater than LESS THAN .1%. Because within that less than .1% is where all of your unique identity resides. This does not include your cultural, social and educational upbringings, or even the lack of cultural, social and educational upbringings. The math is huge and very exact.
And we have not even begun to talk about the genetic markers of sin which can reside in specific places along the DNA structure, which can be passed along to our offspring. So what did Jesus know about this when he said all you have to do is think sin and it is already done?
Added on 27 July 2016:
Here is a fact which cannot be argued, but it can be denied and rejected. All of your DNA and my DNA is more than 99.9% identical. Can you fathom that? Here is a comparison in regard to Ethnos.
Read this and understand.
ethnos -people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture.
This is the definition - people of the same nationality who share a distinctive culture. So if a person alters either his nationality or culture, that person changes his racial distinction as defined. How about that for an error with zero scientific evidence?
The traditions of man is a basis for race.
Here is another.
Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. Yes, it also includes wealth or the lack of wealth. It also includes intelligence or the lack of intelligence.
Are you getting this? Race is a social construct. What are the distinct physical characteristics? Ears, legs, liver, spleen, hair?
I am pointing you in a direction. That direction is toward scientific fact and away from any human social constructs. Be sure you continue reading to discover that the first use of race was with those who spoke a single common language. Can you start thinking about the Tower of Babel as the beginning source for racism and the division of humanity via language?
Since race is a social construct. It can be assumed that a person who was poor and then is rich changes their race. Likewise, a person who was rich and is now poor also changes his race.
So if a person knows many languages are they multi-racial?
Here is a good comparison:
A person bought four exact Dell computers with no operating systems installed.
On Dell computer #1, which is to be the personal computer, this person installed Windows 10, some games and other fun software.
On Dell computer #2, which is to be the work computer, this person installed Windows 7, some work specific software, and professional Office software.
On Dell computer #3, which is to be the industrial use computer, this person installed an industrial version of Linux operating system along with specific controls software.
On Dell computer #4, which is to be a French language specific computer, programs were installed that were mostly for the streaming of all French-language content.
I know you're smart and you know where I'm going with this. The more than 99.9% of all of our DNA can be represented by the physical Dell computer machines. The less than .1% is all tied in the software. I would consider this a lose comparison. Still the point is made.
Each of the above computers are the same. Except for the operating systems and purpose of use. This is where we can get our lazy and crazy people, Bruce Lee people, Albert Einstein people, Michael Jordan people and so on and so forth.
28 Sept 2016: Before Racist: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2016:
"Before any person can become a racist he must first believe in the separation and divisions of the human species."
Added on 13 Feb 2021: Just remembering my adopted family today. I do admire them very much. My adopted Uncles birthday is in a another day. He has been very ill. I remember visiting and eating Crapie fish as well as having hoe cakes. My Florida Style hoe cakes is on the skillet right now in bacon grease. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.To live in peace with everyone.To exist in harmony with all.To Cherish all life.To be obedient to the Laws of God.To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Navigating The Galaxy: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2018:

Humans have many real problems with traveling through space. Our ships cannot travel faster Than the Earth or many other bodies flying through predicted space. Our solar systems travels much faster than our ships and the galaxy we reside within also goes very fast. A question I've been thinking about is for the last hour: All sparked by a little boy with a weird red hat, old batman shirt and a cheap looking gold compass. I hyper focused on the compass and felt like I had been downloaded.
How to navigate among the stars of this galaxy?
I think this is crucial. I think the discoveries of those unknown natural phenomena is a must.
Invention of the Galactic Compass:
Especially from within a solar system and outside of it. I think the whole of the universe seems to be electrical naturally. I can imagine strings which tie our stars polar regions to the so called north polarity and south polarity of the central black sphere(hole). I can also see other strings which positively pull on the solar systems electrical field bubble(Leading Side). I can also see negative kinds of strings departing from the opposite direction in some kind of fanning event and then pushed back into something which appears more organized. (Lagging side).
What can humanity do? By placing satellite sensors in the southern and northern poles of our central star within the confines of the solar system. Maybe, they will be able to detect this constant streaming energy. Sort of like inventing the galactic compass. Based on forces which are invisible and not perceptible to humanity. But, the effects can be discerned. Then place two more in both the northern and southern poles but outside of the solar system bubble. The solar system bubble will have a thickness and there will be a differences between the inside energies, stagnant bubble energy and the outside energies. There may be a lot of fluctuation of energies encountered from the perceived bubble. This is because the bubble itself is reacting with the other energies it encounters. Sort of like how plants in a stream react to the flow of water and to the energies of close by solar systems.  From the information discovered and the how to detect them. Up and down, North and south as well as a grid system can be determined for the entire galaxy. For the galaxy does have an apparent equator. You got the math yet?
Second method of navigation through the galaxy.
What we know is that every living planet and every energetic body emits its own unique frequency as well as its own percentages of energetic radiations. All of this is transmitted throughout the galaxy and universe. A gravitational curvature in relation to the effects of transmitted energies needs to be ascertained. As all forces, energies and mass will be pulled by the galactic center at specific angles in relation to their strengths associated to the center of the galaxy. This is how you identify and name each object within the galaxy. All associated with its output energies. For instance mars is not the name of mars nor is every object we know of in astronomy the original name. All of astronomy must throw away all of the ancient names and begin a naming system based in truth and not mythological history. Do you know the math behind the lumens, photons of a light bulb and how it diminishes the further away you get from the source. Same or similar principle here except you add in triangulation. By knowing the frequency and radiation output of every star and planet. You will know each of their fixed or non fixed places within the galaxy. You will know each of their perspective speeds and movements in their particular direction. Then when you are in a particular place. The strongest frequency and radiation felt should give you an indication of which planet you are close by. The second strongest signal will indicate a 2D positional relationship between the two solar systems. By adding in a third and a fourth solar system and then as many more as you can. You can determine your exact position in space. Which should be in agreement with your handy dandy pocket Galactic Compass. Much of this math humanity already knows.
The third methods are by adding in all other commonly known data such as observational. But, even the observational data can only be used when in close proximity.
Added on 02 Dec 2018:
Before humanity can travel among the stars. Humanity must figure out how to convert usable energy to matter and matter to usable energy. Humanity must use the top ten most common elements found in the galaxy and in other galaxies. Then build 100% of all of our technology by those elements. Humanity must learn how to be able to intelligently manipulate elements into usable materials. This includes combining the ten most common elements into one another in some fashion in order to achieve a predicted occurrence. For instance space ships should be built out of crystalline or metallic or both forms of hydrogen as well as the other top ten most common elements found in the universe. Humanity has a lot to learn before being able to leave this solar system.
I know I have written about this before. A space ship must be able to travel close to a star and absorb energies and radiation. Which can be converted into usable energy and intelligent matter.
A ship must be capable of self repair and self modification for purpose. A ship must be able to protect its occupants as a paramount mission. If the ship is happens to encounter threats and the living hosts perish. Then the ship may return home. Assuming it is not followed and no risk is predicted. If the ship cannot guarantee the safety of it's home. Then final mission into a star while transmitting necessary data. So the ship itself must be a type of AI or an actual created living intelligence or a living ship or all of the above.
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
The best place to gather unlimited non-programmed resources at their most basic fundamental level is from within a black hole near the polar ejecta points.
But, still from within. 
I see timeless space. I see an unknown beings who have determined to play with black holes. I see much losses but also a determination which is far superior to the losses. From the basic building blocks of matter. They can build anything and everything. Yet, they still know that they are mere children. Yet, I see just how much they are more than all of us and yet we have the possibility within us to do as they have or are doing right now or then or maybe it is us that I see in the future of now or then. I do not know when. I do see heir ships. Which seem to have aspects of human like design. I only see the smaller craft and not their parent craft. But, by our human standards the smaller ships are much larger than any human has imagined in any writings. 
I seem to know that the further away from the ejecta points outside of the black hole. The basic particles are already changing and combining into basic materials. So the goal seems to be to evolve capabilities to travel within a black hole. But, first they or we must learn how to survive getting close to the ejecta spray. Much like getting a finger to close to a very powerful water jet machine which can cut  through steel. 
The purity of basic subatomic materials require less energy than that of materials which begin to accumulate energy as they depart one of the horizons of a black hole. There is more than one kind of event horizon. There are layers like an onion. 
Added on 04 Nov 2024: Origin Point, Connection Point, End Point, Beginning Point.
If humanity survives it's suicidal tendency's then maybe humanity will begin to learn how to find this universal origin point. Assuming humanity can relearn how to seek the truth and reason the truth all without political and financial corruption guiding intellectual thought. 
Black Holes or Black Spheres will become a key component in how to find the origin point of all. Currently humanity sees the mass which is expelled from the apparent northern and southern poles of the every black hole. Humanity will begin to see and then begin to calculate how much mass goes in and then how much mass comes out. Humanity will begin to know that much more mass goes in then it does which comes out. It will be difficult to determine as all of the mass which goes in has an identity and the mass which comes out does not. Even though that exiting non-identifiable mass is super heated and traveling at very great speeds as it all reenters this time and space nearly instantly. How would you even quantify the differences between well defined matter and the matter which exits which is only non-identifiable basic subatomic particles or much smaller than subatomic. There will be a time difference that which goes in and that which comes out. Meaning the old goes in and the new comes out. Would that be ageless which comes out. There should be math behind all of this.
In life everything is interconnect to everything else. Even galaxies have a relationship to other galaxies which is easily observed. This interconnectedness of everything also includes life and death, beginning and end and etc. So if everything began at a point of origin then it would or should seem that all of the great powerful things in the universe would have it's own direct connection to that origin point. So that would mean that the original black holes would have a direct connection to the origin point. If this direct connection exists then all of the matter which goes into a black hole may go directly to that origin point. Then when the mass is to great for the direct connection to the origin point. The outflow from either pole or both poles would be a kin of overflow valves. Then once the accumulation of matter becomes to great then the whole of the universe will succumb to the gravitational affect of all of that mass. Then the great shrink begins as a very slow stoppage and then speeds up bringing everything back to the new ending point. 
You should be able to see an outpouring of matter from an unknown point. As this massive amount of matter begins to form up into gravitational bodies of various sizes. They will become very densely packed stars traveling outward from the a point in space. This point in space will or should outflow all matter like a sphere. I do not think it will appear like a theorized white hole as all of the matter should be non identifiable. But, they all will turn into heavier and heavier bodies.
Added on 07 Dec 2024: 
There is a tension of the connections with the black holes/spheres and the origin point of all things. So much so that all of the galaxies will eventually slow down their movements outward, come to a complete stop and then begin to flow back to their origin point. There will be a gravitational pulling and a pulling by the tension within the black hole/sphere. So as long as you continue to see galaxies flowing within the unseen ocean of that which is called dark matter. The time of the return pull is not yet. 
In the aftermath of that which is called the big bang all matter would seem to travel in a straight line thus filling the void created by the big bang. Over time galaxies were formed and their central black spheres/holes and began to exhaust unseen matter into the space. As more time passes the galaxies began to flow within all of this undetermined matter and began to interact with each other. Thus the straight line they each traveled in began to make turns as the flow of the unseen matter began to push and pull each of them in a direction. Gravitational affects also affects each galaxy's travels.
I see a galaxy as a sphere. I also see black holes as a sphere. I see two connections of black holes to that central space which is or was the universal center of the universe prior to the big bang. If galaxies have begun to no longer travel in a straight line. Then what could be perceived may not be a center any longer. Simply because of movements and flows. I see 100% of all trapped matter and energy going into a black hole. I see a portion being exhausted out of either perceived pole and a third portion of mass and energy going through the connection to the origin place of all. This is starting to become mathematical. If you know two then you can find the third unknown. What do you think?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, August 26, 2016

Madison Flash Vision: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2016:

Yesterday (Thursday, 25 Aug 2016) afternoon at around 3:30pm. My son was driving and I the passenger. Traveling south on Madison and then turning East onto Hwy 54.
Looking forward. I suddenly saw the entire area ahead of us full of destruction and destroyed debris. End of vision.
It was full day time and the skies were clear. I did not notice any smoke or other people.  The area may have been still full of water? The word "Full" is a word I feel I need to use.
I still feel no need to leave.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dream 17 March 2015:

Anyone want to tackle a dream? 17 March 2015: UFO.
First is what happened yesterday. @ about 1935 HRS Eastern. I was traveling north bound on Hwy 19. in New Port Richey, Fl. I saw what appeared to be a large dark grey airplane going south (747 type). I could see the rear tail. From my driver side window. I looked again for a little more time and it appeared to be staying with us or flying backwards. I turned in quickly to get a better view. Spider sense tingling. I was with my daughter. Who seemed oblivious. At which point. When I got out of the car. The object continued southward and away from us. I figured some kind of optical illusion. Went on my way.
Dream last night.
I saw the same object building a thing with much materials. A large free standing building. The material was floating and some appeared to have some kind of random spin. Using my mind I was trying to disrupt the energy and intentions. I was able to do so at the point of their release and was only able to make a mess of things at the top of their building. End of dream. No left over emotional baggage. I knew I needed to stop them.

 Here in this area we do have many and various sorts of military aircraft. What is interesting I only saw the tail section and no wings. Getting late in the day. Possible C-130 or the larger C-5 Galaxy.