Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Hero: (Unedited): 19 Dec 2011:

You cannot be a hero to many. Until, you are first a hero to yourself. C.J.MacKechnie
 First be your own hero and save yourself. Then through your own personal historical actions. Will then others, can become inspired enough to achieve more than the life in which they were born into.
No matter what has been done unto you. No matter how much abuse and torture you have had to endure. Save yourself by becoming your own hero. Stand up, Stand firm, Confront and conquer all of your internal demons, Adapt and overcome all of your deficiencies.
This song is Bjork "An Army of Me"  I think it is a bit difficult to listen to. Never the less the message is strong and empowering. This song is a part of the sound track to the Movie " Sucker Punch". This is the most profound Psychological movie I've ever seen. Not for kids and not for any male person who cannot see beyond the women. You gotta see beyond to get it. It is a movie about abuses, tortures and on going rape, empowerment and of course saving yourself. Sometimes saving yourself means saving others or losing yourself is saving yourself while saving others. A perfect victory.

Warning a few (More than a few!) images may (Will!) be questionable. The message is what is important.

Just so you know. I do not support Bjork as I do not know her music. The message of this one particular song is what is important. A song of self empowerment.
Here is a new video of a homeless man who is and has saved himself. He potentially saved a police officer as well. 45 Year old former gang member. This is real life make over.

Forfeit Future: (Unedited): 19 Dec 2011:

When you cut and run before your future can manifest. You forfeit your planned future. C.J.MacKechnie
 What is the importance of your future and destiny? No matter what you do or don't do. You will meet them in the end. Your future and destiny can be mitigated and managed. Your future and destiny can be prevented and created. Your future and destiny can be changed and altered. That is until, GOD says otherwise. Then your future and destiny will be dictated by the divine and it will matter not what you think. I did mean that last sentence in a good way.
To quit, to give up, to cut and run. What will be the end result? It is simple, All of the goals and dreams of your life will not become a manifested in the reality of you. You must carry on unto the conclusion of that which you begin. You must always work hard and to work smart. You must endure and to carry on. You must look at the history of your things and the related things to you. You must see the evolution or devolution of those things and make wise decisions in accordance to your judgement and from the advice of those elders who know more than you, Yes, even from those elders who have less intelligence and less education. Their voice is still important, as a matter of fact possibly more important than the elder who wears nicer garments. Because, they have become wise while having nothing and yet the elder remains. This is of importance and they are of importance to GOD, Grandfather or however they may call the ONE DIVINE BEING.
Added on 05 Dec 2024:
Beware of cutting and running before you even take a step forward. Beware of negativity within your own mind that causes you to think and believe what is the point of trying because of this lying reason or that deceptive reason that you have chosen to believe as a truth.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Culture Destruction: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2011:

A culture of people. Who each individually look for opportunities for revenge-able actions. Has already self destructed. C.J.MacKechnie 
This is not just about any particular culture. This is about you individually, Your individual family, About your tribe or clan, About your town or city, About your people or nation and about your religion and culture. 
When you embrace and believe in your fundamental right for revenge. You must know all that will result is only more pain and suffering, more death and more destruction, more sickness and more stagnation, more more devolution and extinction. Nothing good will ever come from revenge, Even thinking about revenge hardens a persons heart. Thus begins to grow apathy, a disease which is contagious to your children first. From your own hate so to will your children and your children's death you will see and feel. 
I understand where the culture of revenge is mandatory for continued existence and life. But, That is all it is existence and not any life worth living. If someone does a bad thing to you whether it be on purpose or by accident. You must seek revenge and retribution for any action done to you. You must do so to a greater severity. Or else someone will perceive you to be weak and a potential future target by them. Whoever "THEM" may be. This action of revenge is a psychological self protection mechanism. Revenge and retribution involves ego, pride, anger and hate. How does anything good come from this? We all know only good comes from GOD, Allah, Grandfather. So, if there is no good in a thing or a action or even a thought. Then there is No GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather in the process.  
Seek no more revenge or retribution. Love one another and live in peace. So that all may have a life worth living in harmony.
Name changed to "Culture Destroyed". Because it already is. A society, religion, nation and/or culture. Must have lots of babies and bring in new people. Just so extinction doesn't become a reality.
I do not remember what the original title was (25 Oct 2012). 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Greatest Gains: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2011:

The greatest gains in life. Will always come from those who have nothing or less than nothing.
Think about those persons who have nothing or even less than nothing. Anything which they may accomplish in life will be deemed greater than any person who has much and gains little. Even if that little is of greater value and quantity than the person who had nothing.
For instance, A person of diminished capacity who spends there adult life learning the alphabet and learning to read a hand full of words accomplishes more than a person who receives an official PHD for an accredited University.
This is about the arduous effort and hours or work put into learning new things and then retaining the new information. How would you like to spend years of your adult life learning the alphabet. Without ever knowing the meaning of why or the wisdom behind learning such knowledge and yet knowing the importance of learning something so great as the alphabet.
Only a few people works as hard at learning a thing as does the one who can finally celebrate knowing the alphabet before the age of thirty.
Think about this. When would you give up and just quit? Is there anything you do which is that important? Much wisdom can be learned from those with any kind of diminished capacity. Through your patient witness of those wonderful human beings. Will you see the truth and inspiration for your own life. Maybe, even the softening of your own heart and the realization of what it means to have spirit.  