Showing posts with label Give up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Give up. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day Next: (Unedited): 10 June 2010:

The value of who you are, is who you have chosen to become this day and the next. Despite all that you have had to overcome in the previous days. C.J.MacKechnie 
It is to bad. That not everyone chooses to become stronger. Even after surviving great horrors of abuse and torture. Others choose to maintain their misery, sadness, Suffering or to just completely give up.
Just the fact that you did survive is evidence of your enduring strength. A strength which you may not even see or even accept. You are strong and stronger than most. Do not give up now, not ever. Do not give in to the negativity of your own minds creation. Fight, Fight, Fight. 

It is always nice to discover that solid rock. When you are pulling yourself out of the mud that your drowning in.
Drowning in a river of sadness and misery. It does not matter who or what the solid rock is. Grab a hold of it and pull yourself free of the deadly torrents of negativity. You can do it. Become your own hero and free yourself. Your already strong enough. You have already proven it by simply surviving your life's horrors. Pull yourself up and pull yourself free. I will be standing upon the rock cheering you on.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Circumstances Best: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2012

The remarkable person despite being rejected by this world and being born by undesirable circumstance. Still, makes the best of it. While becoming the best of it. C.J.MacKechnie 
The inner strength we all have. Just waiting to be discovered by each of us. In our own way and in our own time. 
No matter your title, classification, social status or even being declared half this and half that. Becoming a remarkable person is a simple decision away. Followed by never ending continuous actions towards your goals.
 Never give up. Never give in. Never quit. Never surrender. Never create or accept any excuses. Embody the attitude. Then watch people move aside as you simply walk by.  Be like that red neck saying getter done and do it. Above and beyond any ones expectations. Assume there is no other option and there won't be any other option.
Even if your a former foster kid, giving up on and abandoned by all. You and I know that education was not important. That learning a marketable skill wasn't even considered. That college was never even thought of. Spent most of your child hood medicated into a possible life of perpetual drug addictions and crime. Especially if you are one of those who would become homeless at 18. This life for you is tough, rough and hard.
 I hope you are one of the ones who have found this. Your life probably has been worse than mine. Know this that we are brother and sister to each other. I wish for you to do more than exist and live. I wish for you to thrive and have a life with great meaning and purpose. You have a great story of achievement to tell. But only after you have conquered yourself, the world and achieve even more than you or I expect. Go forth and become your own hero by saving your own self first. Then and only then can you become a hero to others. Through you, this world, our world can become a better place. Where even a foster kid can have success which is beyond that which is expected by the FBI statistics.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Greatest Gains: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2011:

The greatest gains in life. Will always come from those who have nothing or less than nothing.
Think about those persons who have nothing or even less than nothing. Anything which they may accomplish in life will be deemed greater than any person who has much and gains little. Even if that little is of greater value and quantity than the person who had nothing.
For instance, A person of diminished capacity who spends there adult life learning the alphabet and learning to read a hand full of words accomplishes more than a person who receives an official PHD for an accredited University.
This is about the arduous effort and hours or work put into learning new things and then retaining the new information. How would you like to spend years of your adult life learning the alphabet. Without ever knowing the meaning of why or the wisdom behind learning such knowledge and yet knowing the importance of learning something so great as the alphabet.
Only a few people works as hard at learning a thing as does the one who can finally celebrate knowing the alphabet before the age of thirty.
Think about this. When would you give up and just quit? Is there anything you do which is that important? Much wisdom can be learned from those with any kind of diminished capacity. Through your patient witness of those wonderful human beings. Will you see the truth and inspiration for your own life. Maybe, even the softening of your own heart and the realization of what it means to have spirit.  