Showing posts with label Realization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Realization. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Afflictions Faith: (Unedited): 30 June 2013:

Afflictions Beginnings
Mercies Endurance
Grace Realization
Faith Growth
Choices made during the onset of an affliction leads to a growth of spirit which can only be realized through weakness and suffering. Assuming you have the intent of JOB or JOB's wife and friends. Which kind of person are you. I am not talking about intentionally self created afflictions, sufferings or miseries. C.J.MacKechnie
The new onset of an affliction is your very real test of your spirit, mind and body. Even if in the end you body and mind fails. Your spirit still grows and evolves. Keep your healthy and positive attitude.
Even if your affliction is old or you were even born into it. Do not assign blame, anger or hatred to any other soul. To do so, causes those persons harm. Causing harm to anyone isn't from a heart with love, peace or harmony within it. Thus, Is not from the Heavenly father.  
Yes, it is true. You are suffering and may have been suffering for your entire life. Within you, you hold the necessary life and spiritual lessons for all who cross your path to witness and learn. Your outward expressions in life can be incredible sources of inspiration and motivation. Become and maintain your efforts to be something healthy and positive. Only a person in your position and situation can achieve something so great. Just be sure to harness that pride and ego. While holding on tight to your humility. "The reins of humility is like grasping for air". C.J.MacKechnie
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I don't care: (Unedited): 27 June 2013:

The denial of the reality of apathy causes you to like and sing the new cool songs which feature the words "I don't care". 
So what is the problem with liking a song which features a lyric "I don't Care". It is simple anything which you repeat within your own mind becomes your truth and you will eventually act upon that new belief system. Songs, radio, T.V., and other media sources can and do re-program how and what you think. Over a period of time. Apathy destroys all that you love including you. The eventuality of apathy overcoming your reasonable senses is assured when you begin to enjoy a simple song like "I don't care" or that character who is played by your favorite actor who just walked away because they didn't care.
All of the media which contains forms of apathy does re-program your mind. Into agreeing with the new subtle truth That just a little silly apathy is OK. That is how everything which is immoral or sinful always begins. Apathy is the essential emotion which leads to immorality, sin, crime, wars and any other evil event created by humanity.
You must choose to care what you bring into your own mind through all of your senses. When society and culture as a whole thinks and believes that a wrong is a right. Do not follow along. Resist and decent. The destruction of everything you value as important begins with apathy. The fact that what you used to value as important is a sign that you have become apathetic and begun to travel down the road of sin, crime and selfish behaviors.
Added on 24 Jan 2020:
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Unfortunate Enjoyment: (Unedited): 08 June 2013:

Finding enjoyment in other peoples unfortunate occurrences is inhumane. 

I've caught myself at enjoying other peoples unfortunate events. Especially on YouTube. Those skate board crashes, motorcycle crashes, Big truck crashes. The bully who gets smashed. AND ETC.
This is a self realization of myself. What is the harm in enjoying a person smashing his face on concrete? It is a great harm to your own mind and spirit. The person who epically crashed and smashed his face on concrete was only harmed once physically and a second time to know his embarrassment is seen world wide and thirdly knowing his friends (Who are not) may have put it on YouTube. Fourthly every person who watches these kinds of videos is harming themselves mentally and spiritually. So the harm is more than what appears to be harmless enjoyment. It is passive harm to you the viewer.
Making positive and loving changes within your own self alters the entire world for the better. It has to be within you from the beginning and by your own free choice. Without threats should you make these changes on your own.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Greatest Gains: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2011:

The greatest gains in life. Will always come from those who have nothing or less than nothing.
Think about those persons who have nothing or even less than nothing. Anything which they may accomplish in life will be deemed greater than any person who has much and gains little. Even if that little is of greater value and quantity than the person who had nothing.
For instance, A person of diminished capacity who spends there adult life learning the alphabet and learning to read a hand full of words accomplishes more than a person who receives an official PHD for an accredited University.
This is about the arduous effort and hours or work put into learning new things and then retaining the new information. How would you like to spend years of your adult life learning the alphabet. Without ever knowing the meaning of why or the wisdom behind learning such knowledge and yet knowing the importance of learning something so great as the alphabet.
Only a few people works as hard at learning a thing as does the one who can finally celebrate knowing the alphabet before the age of thirty.
Think about this. When would you give up and just quit? Is there anything you do which is that important? Much wisdom can be learned from those with any kind of diminished capacity. Through your patient witness of those wonderful human beings. Will you see the truth and inspiration for your own life. Maybe, even the softening of your own heart and the realization of what it means to have spirit.  