Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2024

Light Of Truth, Love And Life +6: (Unedited): 10 Nov 2024:

While in the darkness of delusion you shall not discern the fog of deception within your own mind.
While in the depths of darkness you will not see the fog which surrounds you. You may feel the cold wetness upon your face and deep chill in your soul.
It is only from the purest light of truth can you perceive the fog which tries and fails to envelope you with lies and half truths. 
While in the chilling mists of an all encompassing fog which blinds you and keeps you from your safe destination. The light of truth shall guide you and burn away all uncertainty. 
The source of the lying and deceiving fog is to perpetuate your loneliness, self suffering and harm. Always, keep your focus on the light of truth.
The lying and deceiving fog in life will always try to keep you separated and isolated from the source of truth, love and life. 
Keep your focus on the light of truth. It is only the light of truth which reveals the darkness and fog in life. So in those things revealed as signs means you can avoid them. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Saved Souls+4: (Unedited): 05 Feb 2024:

A saved soul should not spend it's time rattling his old dead bones. 
It's unwise for a saved soul to search for it's own dead corpse.
A saved souls primary focus should be on the Lord and not what was. 
A saved soul should have their primary focus on their savior Jesus Christ.
The Sacrifice, The Love, The grace and the Forgiveness given to the saved soul even when we each were just dead mans bones walking. 
Note: This is just a short list as they just popped into my head. They are also not in order. I only stopped at four because I thought three was sufficient. (Life).
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Crossing The Line Prophecy+19: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2023:

Out of order. Check the dates. Earlier dates may not be related. It is the quotes which are important and not the comments or notes.
 "We The People" have crossed the line. There will be no recourse for those who are unaware or who are aware and have done nothing.
*Not even for the writer of these quotes or any other professing good religious person. 
For the rewards we all should have sought out in secret are in the Heavens and not here on Earth.
It is and it has been both wings of the same evil bird who has ended all that your life is and was for "We The People". 
Even the indigenous will come to realize that life was better with "We The People" than it is without. For their celebration of the prophetic demise of "We The People" shall be short lived.
The enemies of "We The People" Have all been elected into office and have entered into your lands and are already hiding within your own communities. Smiling and being neighborly.
The enemies of "We The People" are all waiting for their orders to proceed with the "Great American Tet Offensive". "We the people" shall not survive this event.
Note: I've written about this many years ago and what has just occurred in Israel is only but a sample which will include the USA but also many if not all European nations. Those who are to blame is not the enemy who will do and conduct many offensive atrocities against all of you. The blame, plan and implementation is on those whom you trusted. 
Will the timing be evolving or simultaneous?
In the first days of the Great American Tet Offensive. The weapons used against all of the American civilians will be the weapons of their own creation. 
Note: The American civilians will not have enough bullets, water, food, physical fitness, martial arts training, and collective military styled training. There will be an order to stay in your homes and when the enemy combatants come by it will be for them like a turkey shoot. In which they will torture and kill as they have already historically done to the Jews and other Christians in the Middle East.  
The enemies of "We The People" have been escorted into your homeland, been given financing, homes, jobs, food, medical care, arms and training. All by your own government. Similarly like what they have done for the enemies of Israel but not in scope. 
Note: Think about this. Hundreds of thousands of terrorists attacks inside of the USA alone. How many in one day? or is that just one day? or the first day? 
The providing of financing, materials and training for the enemies of Israel by "We The People" is only a test of proof of concept.
NOTE: "WE The People" have provided these things and was publicly documented prior to 2010. 
Any nations or peoples which curses Israel so to will those curses come back similarly unto you magnified. 
Note: Paraphrase. This biblical as it also says that those who bless Israel so to shall you also be blessed.
Current vision. I see sand bags inside of homes. I see defensive positions inside of homes. I see no people inside of those homes where defensive positions were created. I do not see damage inside of those fortified homes. Some form of deception used to get the people to come outside. I see other homes burned down. I see other homes destroyed. 
In the days after the Great American Tet Offensive. It will be the government who comes after those Americans whom they deem as their enemies. They will disappear and be killed. Who are the threats to Socialism, Marxism, Communism? Who are anti God? Who are anti-sin? 
The greatest of threats shall be those who have decided to go it alone and it is they who shall die alone. As they fortify their own homes a missile will fly 200 miles and kill all who are inside. This will be done more than ten thousand times and no one will know. 
The more than ten thousand American civilian homes which will be destroyed by American missiles will be added to the success rate of the Great American Tet Offensive. This will be a good time for the evil doers to eliminate all of those who are in favor of the American Constitution, Bill of Rights and every other freedom loving American ideal. 
The enemies of "We The People" will be victorious.
09 Oct 2023: 
The time has come where a certain group of people will have absolute freedom as the laws of God and of man no longer apply.
The commoners will live their lives under the full weight of all laws. While all judgements applied regardless of truth will be administered to each commoner as an example to everyone who witnesses. 
The lives lived by the royals, specials, elites, powerful, rich, famous, political, shall not be known by any commoner. If any commoner were to discover, witness or hear a rumor of any crime or sin committed by any special people. Then all of those commoners or base humans will disappear. 
Those who are above the law shall evolve into those people who are excluded from the laws of man and of God. 
The Time has come in this modern world. Where any offending people group as recognized by the special elites can be erased without any evidence. 
The erasure and alteration of human history was and is a crucial governance tool by the special elites of old, of this new generation and of the next generation to come.
Note: To the degree that all of human history which is taught shall be entirely fabrications.
10 Oct 2023:
Woes comes for "We The People" as what has made the free people great is liquidated, minimized and neutralized. 
26 Oct 2023: 
The USA has crossed the line to the degree that in order to effect change a military action is always used. Even that which may come to the USA will also require a military action by American military forces which is illegal. The elected officials will pass laws which will enable the government to use military force on it's own citizens. While believing that they can lie and lie and lie. The media will also support their lies and tell those lies over and over and over again. 
Who are the enemies of the state? Christians, Christian conservatives, non religious conservatives, non religious helpless good citizens, all former military personnel, and all lone lonely loners. It is each of you who will suddenly become the hated criminals and guess what? You have already been gently told that by several government agencies through the news media sources. 
The Federal government of the USA has been allowing many millions of single war fighting aged men into this country and then transporting them to all locations inside of the USA. They are being financially funded, given places to live, given medical/dental care, food. Think about it how can someone who is working a minimum wage job be able to buy a relatively new car. I've even seen non English speaking people drive a BMW to work. I have known non English speaking people purposely move to cities close to county lines so that they can double dip the benefits. I have known of Latinos with multiple food stamp cards in their wallets, own homes and own businesses. Yet, they still get all that they can from the American government without question. But, if you the traditional American tries to go and receive any kind of aid. Your treated like a lying criminal trying to get something that your undeserving of. 
The American government has crossed the line. This is most likely more spiritual than physically actual. But, one of the last signs before a nation falls is the absence of justice. Once the idea of justice is no longer evident by God. That nation will end as it has done in the past with other nations. In the case of this nation which is the blessed nation(USA) of God it will go the same way as which God has done to His own Blessed people Israel. They brutally end with only a few surviving being scattered into the winds. In the case of "We The People" all decisions made by the representing few are decisions made by the whole in agreement. So when the end comes for the blessed people it will come for them all. Even for the Christians who are seen as righteous and holy by their Heavenly Father. For even in their own individual deaths they will be in glory. No matter how much torture they know prior to their death for to follow the Messiah to the cross can mean much torture received just as the Messiah had received prior to Him being nailed upon the cross and then pierced in the side. So the suffering of Christians may be substantial to "We The People" in equality to those Christians who are and have suffered much in the Middle East and in many parts of the world. When death comes for the actual Christian so to does glory. Be warned there are many professing Christians and their percentage may be far greater than anyone knows in which they will hear those words from God their Judge, ...I Never Knew You... . 
You should not fear your own countrymen as they come to torture you, imprison you and kill you. Your only concern should only be becoming and being a good son or daughter in the eyes of your Heavenly Father alone. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Black Bird Satelite Image +6: (Unedited): 21 March 2023:

On March 18, 2023 @ 1247 hrs. : 
Something or nothing. 
I saw a cold blob expand and take the shape of a great black bird spreading its wings over North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. Like a bird spreading its wings in some kind of protecting manner. 
End of satellite video image. Tried to save it but failed.
The blackness of the bird was or may have been one of an absence of information.
The blackness is also an indication of coldness.  
Where did I see this black bird? From the NASA
From time to time. Images can be seen in atmospheric images. Even in satellite images which can be strung together to form a video. 
If this is something then it is most likely the local native tribes to make that determination. I'm in the thought that it is nothing bad really interesting as the image was really clear. To the degree that you would say that is a crow like black bird.
For the indigenous and those who are spiritual. There is a spiritual meaning to the black bird or crow. This would be a single bird.
Added on 03 May 2023: This may or may not be a sign. Crows are very intelligent and can be trained to do things which seem to be impossible. So I have doubts but I also understand that this could be a sign. Because, I do not keep up with the news. I do not really know what is happening inside of Israel or where ever that flag was.
Added on 15 Sept 2024:
The tribes of humanity will always be divided when they each continually identify themselves as naturally belonging to this land or that land instead of this whole planet. 
A divided humanity which continually perpetuates their own divisions will in fact become extinct together. 
A divided humanity is a humanity which will always experience war, chaos, suffering and finally extinction.
In the possible future of humanity assuming humanity makes it through this current self inflicted suicidal stage of extinction. Hopefully, humanity evolves the thinking and believing stage that this group of people is from this place or that place. Because, in the future in which humanity still exists. There will be those who continue the separation and isolation beliefs with we are from here and not there. Hold onto the false beliefs that they are not like us. No matter how many planets, solar systems or even galaxies that humanity lives on or in. All of humanity will still always be a singular species of people or a singular family with the entire universe.
The current tribes of humanity are still very exclusionary. To the degree that if you do not have a provable relationship or known direct genetic ties to a specific known family. You shall not be accepted. Yet, many tribes have ancient prophecies that brethren will begin to return. How can tribal leaders and elders continually reject the peoples returning back to them while respecting their own ancient shaman elders who prophesied?  Sometimes the heart of people can be more important than any direct genetic tie. Then there is the old stores of a few or just two beginning human life on this planet. Which means all of humanity is all of one singular tribe. Then the new science which is now more than 40 years old. With math so strong that the results cannot be argued. In shortened summary it basically states that all of humanity is more than 99.9% the same/identical. Which scientifically means there are no races of humanity. Which also means all of humanity is of a singular tribe or clan. It does not matter if you are half this or half that or a quarter this and a quarter that. It is the same with being a tenth of this and nine other parts of all of those places. You are not some half breed or worse less than a half breed as you will always be fully human. For anyone who causes you to believe that you are less than, will automatically mean they are wrong. The math of the truth is too strong. 
Humanity must collectively decide whether or not they shall live or die. 
If humanity unites under the banner of hate. Then all of humanity will become extinct. 
If humanity unites under the banner of love. Then all of humanity will become expressed throughout the solar system until the next extinction level test's manifests.
The journey in life seems to always be in good decisions. While the path to death and extinction always seems to be in those bad decisions falsely believed to be good decisions. 
Good decisions in life does mean righteous decisions made. Bad decisions and sins in life does lead to self harm, suffering, death and extinction. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Distant Earth Vision: (Unedited): 08-09 July 2022:

 I'm in a solar system and very far away from a central star. We approach a small outlying planet from the central star. It had the appearance of Pluto.Though I did not know and later I was told that it was. The next planet I saw had strange coloring's of all kinds. It was dark bare almost clean and very rocky. The planet obvious had destructive histories as it appears as an odd shape for such a large rocky planet. It's desolation had it's own unique beauty. For some time. I saw newly active volcanoes begin to spew. Then I was told that this was Earth right after the purification process. There was no evidence that any life had ever existed on the Earth. I can see very dark clouds begin to form and blow in an unknown direction. The Earth is still alive? 
Sadness and grief overtakes me. All of the good qualities that humanity knows is rejected by the vast majority of every individual. They have perished and were judged. I can assume the later. For that information is not privileged for me in this moment in time or that moment in time. In which my time and that time is the same time in that moment I was taken to.  
At no time did I see the moon or the central star. I do not know what orbit the Earth was in if it was even in an orbit. I seem to be given information as I was about to ask and never was able to ask as the information was instantly known. 
I'm feeling very hopeless for the fate of humanity right now. When I'm outside I try to burn the beauty of this planet into my memory. But, I cannot. I desperately want to be on the Gulf of Mexico beaches but I cannot. Despite that it is only 75 miles away. I'm saddened that humans will be allowed to destroy the beauty of this planet. I have dread and hopelessness. 
How did some of the so called minor prophets continually worship and celebrate God as He would judge Israel? I do know it is right to always worship and celebrate God in all things. Yet, I'm unable. Does this mean I shall be judged as a wicked evil doer? The end of humanity comes and only a select few shall be saved by God. This is in order to prevent extinction of the entire human species.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Thursday, July 7, 2022

When will war stop on all parts of this world?: (Unedited): 07 July 2022:

 This is from a question on Quora I answered. It will not post unless accepted. So I posted it here as a preventative measure to save my content from disappearing.

The List Answer: There are a few reasons why war will stop regionally or world wide. But, from human history there and always have been wars every where. #1. Unable to fight anymore because of the lack of manpower or weapons. #2. No will to fight. #3. So called peace agreements which are temporary. #4. All sides have physically destroyed each other. #5. Extinction #6. All of humanity begins to live their lives as the prophets have taught.

Evolving Answer: All of humanity does not need to evolve in anyway to achieve true and real peace. All humanity has to do is freely choose to live in a good way as which has already been taught to humans in ancient religious texts. Humanity needs to stop believing lies as truths and truths as lies. Like the idea of the races of humanity is a falsehood believed as a truth. Even while the scientific truth from 2003 was evident from the Human Genome Project which concluded that all of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. The math which supports this one conclusion is very strong at more than 99.99% certainty. The differences we see in each other is in the remaining less than .1% of our total human DNA.

Peaceful Extinction Answer: True and real peace can only come two different ways. They are by all humans making good choices by their own free will and through the conclusion of the extinction process. There is peace on Mars, Mercury, Earths Moon, Venus and everywhere else in the universe which is devoid of any life. The Earth will also have peace when all life on this planet is erased and this is prophesied in the Holy Bible when all of the waters and air of the first heaven is removed. When the entire planet is purified by fire. I believe these actions will be done by God because while humanity is destroying and killing each other more and more efficiently with each new war. Humanity ends up causing so much harm to the planet that the only way to cleanse the planet is with fire. A force of fire so powerful that all of the water and air is removed from the planet AND IT IS ALL OF HUMANITIES FAULT. All of the life on this planet dies because of humanity. Humanities suicide also kills everything else.

Good Peaceful Answer: The prophets have already came to teach the basics of how to truly live our lives. The ancient religious texts taught us how to live our lives and how to not live our lives. Each of the major religions in the world toady can be summed up into one basic word each. These basic words are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. It is easy to see how every religion has really messed up the world and this is because of self serving leaders throughout human history. But, never the less the fundamental purpose of each religion teaches these things and are real spiritual truths. Despite how the religions are today. If your religion or sect or denomination practices contrary to the basics then your really the worst kind of human follower.

1). To LOVE one another. Even your enemy. This means that all of humanity should love each other, serve each other, take care of each other, be compassionate and merciful to each other. It is really that simple as all of humanity is a singular family or as the native indigenous tribes of Turtle Island have always said that we are all of one relation. So no matter how any other appears to you. Your all directly related. We are all brothers and sisters to each other.

2). To Live in PEACE with each other. We are all supposed to be peaceful to each other and not seeking out argument, fights or conflicts. It is really that simple. But people have to learn to love peace. This is how peace on Earth will benefit all life on this earth when humans want to be at peace with themselves. This is a free choice.

3). To exist in HARMONY with all things. The entire planet can exist in harmony as humans were meant to be the caretakers of this planet. This once humans grow in sufficiency they will bring all of the good things to other planets in the solar system and in the galaxy. Can you imagine the power of harmony in all aspects of life and what it can do for all of humanity? But, humans need to know, understand and love what harmony is. Without a fundamental love for harmony in each individual human life. This planet will die. This is really that simple.

4). To cherish all LIFE. No matter how small or how large any life form is. Life should be loved. All of humanity should cherish that life as something which is uniquely important. The killing of babies should sadden you. Life is an important quality which enables the opportunity of harmony to happen.

Simple Summery Answer: To achieve peace on Earth each human being must freely choose to love love, love peace, love harmony and love life. These principles are the pathways to a real and genuine living peace which can be experienced while humans are not extinct. How do you want your peace alive or dead? These two choices are what is prophetically coming for all of humanity and for this entire planet very soon. Either way it is your individual human choice.

Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================


Monday, July 4, 2022

Future Earth Visions: (Unedited): 03-04 July 2022:

This happened on 03 July 2022: I could only write this down the following day.  
I became awoke and in a dark outside place. Air from my lungs go out of me before I hold my breath. I can feel the cold and I didn't feel any wind or air.  I look around and see only jagged darkness or rough terrain. I look up and see the brilliance of stars and no moon. Then realize I'm not on the Earth and there is no or minimal atmosphere. I get anxious as I try to come to terms of this. I was then told without being told that this was the Earth after it has been purified by God. I'm absolutely horrified. Then I was told without being told. That humanity caused so much destruction to the Earth that God had to purify the Earth with a great fire. I asked where is the moon? No reply. I was then taken away.
I really think no answers would be given because I was horrified and my anger over humanity was rising. Knowing that humanity would destroy themselves and all life on this planet and that it was all prophetically known that it would happen. The fundamental purpose of any bad and sad prophecy is to either mitigate or prevent. Then it all still happens, And humanity not only suicides themselves but murder the entire planet along with them. The extinction of not only our species but the extinction of millions and billions of other species
Cash App $vikingscotsman
The answer on how to prevent is in PURPLE below. Just one way.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Coming Human Insanity Prophecy: (Unedited): 31 July 2021:

 Humanity believes lies as truths and truths as lies. Because of this one thing has grown into many things. This isn't about one lie or one truth. It is about how the entire human culture believes things without ever questioning anything. All of humanity seems to not even care if what they think is a lie or a truth when in reality it is actually the opposite. Because, of this all of humanity believes they are the pinnacle of life and that humans are the apex predators on this planet. These are all lies believed as truths for the last many generations. All without questioning.

Yet, there are humans who do question and who do know certain truths. Yet, again the truths and lies known are used to manipulate humanity for certain unknown outcomes. In which they are all planned with a simple image like the old woman fighting a younger woman for toilet paper in some Country on the other side of the world and that image is shown to all of humanity and begins the global hoarding of toilet paper. Over a disease which has a percentage rate of .004% of getting it and another .004% of dying from it. Yet, the world begins to be manipulated by these so called faceless leaders of the entire world. It seems to be really that easy to manipulate humanity all across the planet. 

So here we are in each of our own bodies. These bodies of magnificent creation. In which all of our human genetic code is more than 99.9% the same/identical. While being backed up by math to a tune of more than 99.9% accuracy rates. That is about as close to 100% as humanity can scientifically get to. So the lie of the races of humanity is thousands of years old and this near absolute truth has been publicly known for about 40 years now. How would humanity have become if every child at every level of education was taught that all of humanity was essentially more than 99.9% genetically the same or identical? How would the world have been changed? The so called news media sources would not be able to talk about the races of humanity as it is a lie. What would happen to race riots, racial conflicts, race based genocides and race wars? They would have diminished over time as those children of the 1980's began to assume control of the world knowing this one truth. How would that have been translated in nationalism's and every other believed differences that humanity has which only separates and isolates one another? 

So what happens to the individual human being who has had their belief system's shattered with the confrontation of truths. What happens to all of those lies believed as truths and truths believed as lies? What happens to the individual who is forced to face actual truths in everything? What happens to the individual who is forced to face every lie and every deception? While all of the truths rips through your mind and soul so to all of the lies and deceptions rips through your mind and soul all at the same time. What becomes of the fate of humanity? Does humanity become lost in their angers and new found hatred for those who control the world systems? Does humanity seek revenge and thirst for the blood of anyone who lied to them? Does all of humanity decide to murder all of those who were in authority and all of their family members. Does all of humanity continue to devolve to even much lowers states of human existence? The basic essential truths of humanity is to love one another. To live in peace and to be in peace. To exist in harmony with all things. To cherish all life. 

As it was in the days of Noah so to will it be in those end of days. It will become common knowledge among all humans that we are not alone in this universe as which has already been historically written in almost every ancient religious texts. So it shall become a renewed common knowledge that all of humanity will know of the angels or other beings from many other places as those places will be defined in a variety of ways. All of humanity will be confronted with the truth that not only is humanity not the apex predator or the pinnacle of creation. That all of humanity is much, much, much lower than all of those whom we all will come to know. That humanity is at such a low state of being that being in the simple presence will cause instantaneous insanity which cannot be cured without their aid. Humanity will come to know that each of these beings are individually like gods to all of humanity. That only one of them even one of the lesser beings can cause the extinction of humanity if it so willed it. Humanity will come to know that we are all less than maggots and worms in comparison to each of them. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who actually have those IQ's north of 200. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who have been known to be the strongest of any human being by any metric. Even those humans who are the most gifted as psychics may or will lose their own minds for just accidently thinking the names of any one of those beings. Yes, I do write this knowing that I may not be immune to this coming insanity.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Revelation 21:1 What it means: (Unedited): 14 April 2020:

 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
14 April 2020.
For the Earth has become so corrupted and contaminated. A new Earth covered in a new heaven will be presented to the saved righteous. For the Earth, atmosphere has become unable to sustain any life. The waters of the earth disappear in a sudden action. Since the atmosphere is the first heaven and contains water. This too is suddenly blown away.
This is what is coming. When and if this does come. All the works of survivalists, preppers will all be for naught but prudent. But, those who not only prepare their physical lives while also becoming holy and righteous in spirit, mind, heart and body. Shall also be in the everlasting, just as the man who died on the right hand side of Jesus. Do not fear death or that which precede death as Jesus had done. Endure unto your end. Because, in your end begins being in the presence of your Heavenly Father. Remember it rains on the just as well as the unjust. So fear not anything. Keep your focus upon the Lord. Continually consume the Holy Bible. Continually pray always. Not because you have to but rather because you want to. All based in the foundation of your love. Follow the purple words below.
Remain Clean and go and sin no more.
This is prophecy to come.
This seems to mean a celestial event happens. This also seems to precede the event which purifies the Earth with fire. Which could mean reintegration into the central star and thus ending this planet as it is dead. Which could mean the placement much closer to the central star to be purified for a time or forever.
Either way, this solar system may already be to close to a galactic convergence from the spur as we journey into the primary ?Orion?
As with any prophecy. They each can be mitigated and/or prevented. These are taught by the teachings of Joseph and Jonah. Where one teaching mitigation and the other was prevented. The third lesson of prophecy is that a positive action does not offer permanence such as what happened with the people of Nineveh forty or so years later.
True prophecies always offer a way out, a way to prevent and a way to mitigate. Would not a loving Heavenly Father want every way possible for those whom He loves to be successful? The most compassionate. The most merciful.
To God be the Glory.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Galactic Seed Vision: +4: (Unedited): 08-10 Feb 2019:

Update on 14 March 2019: Added content.
In the cold of space, I arrived at the place of the machines. I do not know where I am. Maybe, I was led to the place or maybe it was all just in the confines of my own very imaginative and creative mind. There were no close-by stars or celestial objects of any kind. The distance was blocked to me. But, daylight or illumination was everywhere. So my guess would be near the galactic core. Probably before or just after solar systems lose their individual identities. The machines began to build a cylinder tube and I knew the size of the tube would be much greater than the diameter of the Earth. I knew the tube was made of solid created or manufactured stone(s) of a thickness which would guarantee natural gravity. I could see the layers of stone which included single layers of singular precious stone which is listed in the Holy Bible. I did not know and was not allowed to remember them. But, they were in their order and they were in their oneness.
Then I was made to go elsewhere, to a finished planetary tube. The machine was still connected to it. Then I went to another planetary tube where the inside was forming into a living breathing planet. There was a singular line of fire which stretched from one end to the other and it was in the center of the Planetary tube. I thought of human-manufactured long tube fluorescent lighting. That is where the similarities end. I suspected an energy flow with the curvature of the tube creating a magnetic-like invisible gateway or pathway.
Then after I saw, I went to or was taken to many other planetary tubes all of which were full of life and each of them were already on their journey to their prospective places or selected galaxies.
Then I saw the old planetary tubes which had become unrecognizable to the new ones, except the length of them were still certain. Much dust had collected to the exterior and many impacts had occurred. Some impacts were great according to my own perception.
Then I noticed the end caps, which were not present before, hiding or protecting all that was contained within. The great machine was still connected to it. Then I knew what it was. It was a living and growing galactic seed.
With the great machine still connected to it, it can do as it needed. Even duplicate itself, once its own journey had concluded. Yet it could remake itself and begin to build new galactic seeds once its original mission of planting life within its own new galaxy. Thus spreading itself into forever and everywhere.
They began to see all of the universe as a farm in which to grow life on. Each galactic seed is like an ear of corn.
What else do you need to know? The machine is a seed builder from scratch. The machine seeds life all over the galaxy and other galaxies.
What if you knew you were to evolve beyond this as we think we know it? What would you leave behind? Would you leave anything behind? Would you even care? What if these beings loved life, all life including worms and maggots? What if you built this machine as this lowly human being can only describe it? This or these machines would arrive in the outer bands of any galaxy and begin to develop solar systems and planets, making them stable places for life to grow and evolve, each solar system becoming a viable living egg. Then when the life becomes greater than the confines of that egg, the life within will need to decide to remain within or to burst forth and begin to make their own journey, hopefully with the love of life that those who came before and who still remain still have. For they gave love to all life.
Added on 11 Feb 2019: Even when I think about this today, I can feel all of the physical sickness coming back.
This has made me physically sick. Severe migraines, light and audio sensitivities. Nausea and the other end. I have missed work from two jobs in the last three days. Today, I go back to work.
Instantly Inspired: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Those who have become abruptly astounded have become instantly inspired.
I have become nothing more than astounded and inspired by these to this very day continuous vision glimpses. These giant ships are only about life and the spreading of life. Humanity thinks there are about 200 billion galaxies in the universe. What a better way than to build these giant galactic seeds and then send them off. What a better way as to not cause harm to existing life and to disrupt the natural development of life than by collecting materials near the galactic core and then building these giant seed banks. If one is the width then seven is the length. Each one much larger in width than the Earth is wide by 3-7 times.
There are natural gravity fields, magnetic fields, unknown energy fields and crystal energy fields. Why do I say crystal energy fields? Because I saw the machine build each individual crystal around the tube. Each kind of crystal was naturally bonded to another kind of crystal. All of the different kinds of crystals made their own specific kinds of energies. All of those energies focused into the center of the tube, creating the fluorescent-tube-like sun.
Concerns of God: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Just as any maggot or worm cannot ever hope to know the concerns of any human man, it is similar to how a human cannot ever hope to know the concerns of God.
The super intelligent human men and women who keep the secrets of the world have no clue. I'm not saying I know more but at least with my seventy IQ I know that I'm less than a maggot or a worm.
Subtle Inspiration: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
Inspiration can be as subtle as the movement of the motionless wind.
The subtle energies that we know of like thermodynamics as well as other energies that humanity knows of or still has no concept of can all move the wind when they each have their own unique flows of energies. All of those energies can even naturally flow together as one.
I was sitting in a beautiful meadow and looking up. My eyes did not hurt from looking at the long sun high directly overhead. I saw all of the fluctuations going from one end to another. Either end could not be seen. But, I knew all of the fluctuations had specific purposes of moving the air and water. I knew there were oceans far larger than any known on Earth and deeper. For we know that even in the depths of earth's oceans is strange life. Yet all of the life except for humanity is obedient to their own ways and duties. So I knew there is an intelligent control function which causes the fluctuations of energies.
Work of Art Understands: (Unedited): 01 March 2019:
The work of art will never know the mindful intention of the artist. Unless the artist reveals it in a manner in which the work of art can understand it. 
There has to be a degree of love transferred from the artist to the work of art. There also has to be passion and focus of intention which passes from the artist to the art. What if the artist impresses itself within the art? What if beings far more greater than humanity have left us with much more subtle important things all of which is revealed like the turning of a page about us? The only way we can turn the page about us is when we develop and evolve to be able to recognize such new things and concepts. It seems like it is never too hard to cause harm or hardship or even self destruction. Then what if there are those who are just marginally greater and superior to humanity who have no interest in our well being or whatever harm we may cause to ourselves or anyone else? The average intelligence of beings who only have IQ's of more than 250 or 300 would be considered marginally more advanced than what humanity is now.
Added on 02 March 2019: Still having visions of this ship. I'm updating the entire content to reflect it all. I'm just sitting there taking in everything. No setting sun, no rising sun. Only this long modulating filament of a star-like flaming thing at noon time. There is other human life here. They have noticed and I am strange to them. I cannot reveal anything to them because I know I would harm their development and evolution. Yet, I'm not allowed to remember their faces and bodily shapes. They are smaller than me and it appears they are moving me from place to place. I'm a big American man who cannot move around very well. So they are putting forth effort, an effort I know they must exert and yet I know it not or the how and why. To them strange does not elicit fear or a need to just kill it. Females(caretakers) do care for me or I am always in their presence. They laugh like we do. I have not seen any conflict or disagreement or fighting. So I think that females are as they used to be in tribal communities. I'm thinking North American(Turtle Island) tribal communities. I do not know enough about female duties in North American indigenous cultures. They do not think or believe that I'm a threat in any way and yet if I talk and begin to act in Earth ways to them, they may adopt our Earth ways including double speak, reverse speak, belittling one another and etc. I even wanted to teach my love for baseball, but even to teach the concept will lead to the learning of negative things, thoughts, emotions. Such as in baseball nine people stand against you as you stand alone to face them. You alone must return to home plate and the nine will do everything to prevent you from returning home. Would you even talk if you were in such a pure culture or would you just become like them and hope you did not make a mistake and accidentally teach them something that we consider harmless? They seem purely innocent and helpless. I am their only threat and maybe the only threat they have ever known. I instinctively know that I must die with what I know about what humans had collectively done to the Earth. Think about it. Even the telling of a story can teach unwanted concepts such as drinking, drugs. Such as violence in games. Such as taking advantage of another in a game for fun. Even teaching how to defend oneself is a teaching of a violent concept, because in violent competition one learns to hone their skills and know they can kill if they wanted.
If there were any animals, they all have avoided me or I was not allowed to be aware of them. Just like I am not allowed to be aware of the people's surrounding culture, where they live or how they live.
Added on 02 march 2019:
Can you imagine if one of these Galactic Seed ships were to enter into our solar system? The fabled planet X would most likely be small in comparison to these ships. Men looking up and all of the stars disappear. The sun is blocked out. Then this hits my mind:
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Luke 21:26-28 King James Version (KJV)

26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Remember what I wrote about the approximate size of one ship? Think about five or more of them forming the symbol of a cross or other symbol of Christ in the heavens or inside the solar system between the Earth and our central star. Would not men look up and have heart attacks? Would I or you? What are you gonna do, not secret government man/woman? There is nowhere to hide and yet men will hide themselves under the rocks and in the mountains. What good will that do you? This planet could collide at velocity and the Galactic seed ship coming directly at the Earth at their own velocity will receive ZEEE-ROE damage. Your deep underground bunkers all of you self-professed important people made for yourselves from the taxes applied to the poor working soul will become your coffins. Will these Galactic ships also revert the Earth back into a molten ball because of the damage that humanity has collectively caused to the Earth? That is prophecy.
Added on 13 March 2019: Still having these visions and dreams almost daily.
The galactic seed ship was created by aligning(Programming) the atoms of all materials used. Each material and each crystal and each kind of stone and every kind of metal. This allows for the natural flow of energies which is unique to each substance. When they each combine at the center the illumination is created. The curvature creates the energetic center. The flame like substance which illuminates all of the inside into a perpetual noon like day. It feels good and does not hurt or is not uncomfortable.
I now prefer to be there than here on Earth as I know what is coming for the Earth and the inhabitants. For humanity has chosen self extinction. Humanity has chosen hate, anger, mistrust, violence, chaos and death. The being that some here on Earth knows as God knows this more than we can ever know. The damage of the planet is now certain and was caused by all of us. I feel a profound sadness and depression for all of us. Yet all of humanity does not seem to know what is coming or worse they don't even care. 
What was that movie? God is going to save the planet. Keanu Reeves "The day the Earth stood still". The entirety of the planet will be purified and remade as it once was. All evidence of any human habitation will disappear. There will not be any reprieve or saving the day by some cute human antics. For we are just worms and maggots. What can a maggot or worm actually control in their own lives? Humanity is not on the top of the food chain.
The sin of man. The devices of sinful men. Which are all self serving to the man. The nuclear ?power plants? and ?CERN?. Could those be the devices which had caused the decision of the purification process to begin? Will God cause the hearts of men to become hardened like He did with the Pharaoh of Egypt? God is or has already sent His powerful delusion unto humanity. That powerful delusion most likely begun with the law legalizing ?abortion? in the 1960's. That powerful delusion becoming more and more stronger everyday. To the point that if your not genuine in your faith you will become one of those who will welcome and celebrate sin into *Israel. 
*When I use the term Israel I mean your holy places which also includes inside of your own being, family, home, business, church, denomination, religion, city, state, region, nation, planet.
That which should only reside within your holy places is Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Plus the other purely good and purely positive words.
Added on 14 March 2019: 
Sometimes it takes me some time to figure out messages and here it is below. It took more than a month. Go figure. Sometimes I'm not the sharpest tool. lol. The incident, I will keep to myself of what happened last night at work. I saw and yet I choose to ignore. I'm a deeply flawed human being. Like I'm getting away with something in the wrong way. Almost like a not now attitude. I knew I should have done the correct response and I did not. I choose not to.
Psalm 23:

Psalm 23 King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
This is an actual place. I do not want to leave. I did not even want to move from this place. I did not desire to go anywhere or plan anything. I had no desire to drink or even eat. I was not concerned about any earthly things. I sensed no threats as I still do those things called threat evaluations. This did not even occur to me. I did not need any shelter, fire or clothing. I was not concerned about any insects or creepy crawlies. I was not concerned with any thorns or stickers. I just sat there and remained quiet, Happy, content, satisfied. I was in His presence and felt safe.
Threats evaluations is a learned behavior from childhood.
Added on 19 March 2019:
The visions have ended.
Added on 30 March 2019: This Mornings before 0400 alarm dream. I tried to forget it but cannot. So i guess that means I have to write it so I can forget it. 
Blogger has crashed once on me already. Everything is by my personal perspective of travel.
Silence. I became aware of a star in the distance. I was most likely beyond a likely approximate orbit of Mars. I was not allowed to see anything other than what I was supposed to observe. I began to move towards the star and then under it at about the 4 or 5 o'clock position and then moved away from the star. I did not get relatively close. Then I stopped and looked into the distance. The time of travel was about 2 seconds. I could see a darkened planet centered into my view which did not reflect light. I knew or assumed it was, what the Earth had become. I was not allowed to see any stars. The Earth's moon was not seen either or I was not allowed to see it. Then I saw a dark jagged object of a very large size. It was not circular. The object looked like a piece of a planet or planetary core material. It struck and went deep into the darkened planet. The size was about 40%of the physical size of the planet maybe more. Both bodies became an ugly non uniform sight with material coming from the impact and from the opposite side of the planet. Then the whole became a molten fireball which encompassed everything. The planet went from difficult to see to very easy and clear to see. End of dream.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books