To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
This is from a question on Quora I answered. It will not post unless accepted. So I posted it here as a preventative measure to save my content from disappearing.
The List Answer: There are a few reasons why war will stop regionally or world wide. But, from human history there and always have been wars every where. #1. Unable to fight anymore because of the lack of manpower or weapons. #2. No will to fight. #3. So called peace agreements which are temporary. #4. All sides have physically destroyed each other. #5. Extinction #6. All of humanity begins to live their lives as the prophets have taught.
Evolving Answer: All of humanity does not need to evolve in anyway to achieve true and real peace. All humanity has to do is freely choose to live in a good way as which has already been taught to humans in ancient religious texts. Humanity needs to stop believing lies as truths and truths as lies. Like the idea of the races of humanity is a falsehood believed as a truth. Even while the scientific truth from 2003 was evident from the Human Genome Project which concluded that all of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. The math which supports this one conclusion is very strong at more than 99.99% certainty. The differences we see in each other is in the remaining less than .1% of our total human DNA.
Peaceful Extinction Answer: True and real peace can only come two different ways. They are by all humans making good choices by their own free will and through the conclusion of the extinction process. There is peace on Mars, Mercury, Earths Moon, Venus and everywhere else in the universe which is devoid of any life. The Earth will also have peace when all life on this planet is erased and this is prophesied in the Holy Bible when all of the waters and air of the first heaven is removed. When the entire planet is purified by fire. I believe these actions will be done by God because while humanity is destroying and killing each other more and more efficiently with each new war. Humanity ends up causing so much harm to the planet that the only way to cleanse the planet is with fire. A force of fire so powerful that all of the water and air is removed from the planet AND IT IS ALL OF HUMANITIES FAULT. All of the life on this planet dies because of humanity. Humanities suicide also kills everything else.
Good Peaceful Answer: The prophets have already came to teach the basics of how to truly live our lives. The ancient religious texts taught us how to live our lives and how to not live our lives. Each of the major religions in the world toady can be summed up into one basic word each. These basic words are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. It is easy to see how every religion has really messed up the world and this is because of self serving leaders throughout human history. But, never the less the fundamental purpose of each religion teaches these things and are real spiritual truths. Despite how the religions are today. If your religion or sect or denomination practices contrary to the basics then your really the worst kind of human follower.
1). To LOVE one another. Even your enemy. This means that all of humanity should love each other, serve each other, take care of each other, be compassionate and merciful to each other. It is really that simple as all of humanity is a singular family or as the native indigenous tribes of Turtle Island have always said that we are all of one relation. So no matter how any other appears to you. Your all directly related. We are all brothers and sisters to each other.
2). To Live in PEACE with each other. We are all supposed to be peaceful to each other and not seeking out argument, fights or conflicts. It is really that simple. But people have to learn to love peace. This is how peace on Earth will benefit all life on this earth when humans want to be at peace with themselves. This is a free choice.
3). To exist in HARMONY with all things. The entire planet can exist in harmony as humans were meant to be the caretakers of this planet. This once humans grow in sufficiency they will bring all of the good things to other planets in the solar system and in the galaxy. Can you imagine the power of harmony in all aspects of life and what it can do for all of humanity? But, humans need to know, understand and love what harmony is. Without a fundamental love for harmony in each individual human life. This planet will die. This is really that simple.
4). To cherish all LIFE. No matter how small or how large any life form is. Life should be loved. All of humanity should cherish that life as something which is uniquely important. The killing of babies should sadden you. Life is an important quality which enables the opportunity of harmony to happen.
Simple Summery Answer: To achieve peace on Earth each human being must freely choose to love love, love peace, love harmony and love life. These principles are the pathways to a real and genuine living peace which can be experienced while humans are not extinct. How do you want your peace alive or dead? These two choices are what is prophetically coming for all of humanity and for this entire planet very soon. Either way it is your individual human choice.
Humanity believes lies as truths and truths as lies. Because of this one thing has grown into many things. This isn't about one lie or one truth. It is about how the entire human culture believes things without ever questioning anything. All of humanity seems to not even care if what they think is a lie or a truth when in reality it is actually the opposite. Because, of this all of humanity believes they are the pinnacle of life and that humans are the apex predators on this planet. These are all lies believed as truths for the last many generations. All without questioning.
Yet, there are humans who do question and who do know certain truths. Yet, again the truths and lies known are used to manipulate humanity for certain unknown outcomes. In which they are all planned with a simple image like the old woman fighting a younger woman for toilet paper in some Country on the other side of the world and that image is shown to all of humanity and begins the global hoarding of toilet paper. Over a disease which has a percentage rate of .004% of getting it and another .004% of dying from it. Yet, the world begins to be manipulated by these so called faceless leaders of the entire world. It seems to be really that easy to manipulate humanity all across the planet.
So here we are in each of our own bodies. These bodies of magnificent creation. In which all of our human genetic code is more than 99.9% the same/identical. While being backed up by math to a tune of more than 99.9% accuracy rates. That is about as close to 100% as humanity can scientifically get to. So the lie of the races of humanity is thousands of years old and this near absolute truth has been publicly known for about 40 years now. How would humanity have become if every child at every level of education was taught that all of humanity was essentially more than 99.9% genetically the same or identical? How would the world have been changed? The so called news media sources would not be able to talk about the races of humanity as it is a lie. What would happen to race riots, racial conflicts, race based genocides and race wars? They would have diminished over time as those children of the 1980's began to assume control of the world knowing this one truth. How would that have been translated in nationalism's and every other believed differences that humanity has which only separates and isolates one another?
So what happens to the individual human being who has had their belief system's shattered with the confrontation of truths. What happens to all of those lies believed as truths and truths believed as lies? What happens to the individual who is forced to face actual truths in everything? What happens to the individual who is forced to face every lie and every deception? While all of the truths rips through your mind and soul so to all of the lies and deceptions rips through your mind and soul all at the same time. What becomes of the fate of humanity? Does humanity become lost in their angers and new found hatred for those who control the world systems? Does humanity seek revenge and thirst for the blood of anyone who lied to them? Does all of humanity decide to murder all of those who were in authority and all of their family members. Does all of humanity continue to devolve to even much lowers states of human existence? The basic essential truths of humanity is to love one another. To live in peace and to be in peace. To exist in harmony with all things. To cherish all life.
As it was in the days of Noah so to will it be in those end of days. It will become common knowledge among all humans that we are not alone in this universe as which has already been historically written in almost every ancient religious texts. So it shall become a renewed common knowledge that all of humanity will know of the angels or other beings from many other places as those places will be defined in a variety of ways. All of humanity will be confronted with the truth that not only is humanity not the apex predator or the pinnacle of creation. That all of humanity is much, much, much lower than all of those whom we all will come to know. That humanity is at such a low state of being that being in the simple presence will cause instantaneous insanity which cannot be cured without their aid. Humanity will come to know that each of these beings are individually like gods to all of humanity. That only one of them even one of the lesser beings can cause the extinction of humanity if it so willed it. Humanity will come to know that we are all less than maggots and worms in comparison to each of them. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who actually have those IQ's north of 200. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who have been known to be the strongest of any human being by any metric. Even those humans who are the most gifted as psychics may or will lose their own minds for just accidently thinking the names of any one of those beings. Yes, I do write this knowing that I may not be immune to this coming insanity.