Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Crossing The Line Prophecy+19: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2023:

Out of order. Check the dates. Earlier dates may not be related. It is the quotes which are important and not the comments or notes.
 "We The People" have crossed the line. There will be no recourse for those who are unaware or who are aware and have done nothing.
*Not even for the writer of these quotes or any other professing good religious person. 
For the rewards we all should have sought out in secret are in the Heavens and not here on Earth.
It is and it has been both wings of the same evil bird who has ended all that your life is and was for "We The People". 
Even the indigenous will come to realize that life was better with "We The People" than it is without. For their celebration of the prophetic demise of "We The People" shall be short lived.
The enemies of "We The People" Have all been elected into office and have entered into your lands and are already hiding within your own communities. Smiling and being neighborly.
The enemies of "We The People" are all waiting for their orders to proceed with the "Great American Tet Offensive". "We the people" shall not survive this event.
Note: I've written about this many years ago and what has just occurred in Israel is only but a sample which will include the USA but also many if not all European nations. Those who are to blame is not the enemy who will do and conduct many offensive atrocities against all of you. The blame, plan and implementation is on those whom you trusted. 
Will the timing be evolving or simultaneous?
In the first days of the Great American Tet Offensive. The weapons used against all of the American civilians will be the weapons of their own creation. 
Note: The American civilians will not have enough bullets, water, food, physical fitness, martial arts training, and collective military styled training. There will be an order to stay in your homes and when the enemy combatants come by it will be for them like a turkey shoot. In which they will torture and kill as they have already historically done to the Jews and other Christians in the Middle East.  
The enemies of "We The People" have been escorted into your homeland, been given financing, homes, jobs, food, medical care, arms and training. All by your own government. Similarly like what they have done for the enemies of Israel but not in scope. 
Note: Think about this. Hundreds of thousands of terrorists attacks inside of the USA alone. How many in one day? or is that just one day? or the first day? 
The providing of financing, materials and training for the enemies of Israel by "We The People" is only a test of proof of concept.
NOTE: "WE The People" have provided these things and was publicly documented prior to 2010. 
Any nations or peoples which curses Israel so to will those curses come back similarly unto you magnified. 
Note: Paraphrase. This biblical as it also says that those who bless Israel so to shall you also be blessed.
Current vision. I see sand bags inside of homes. I see defensive positions inside of homes. I see no people inside of those homes where defensive positions were created. I do not see damage inside of those fortified homes. Some form of deception used to get the people to come outside. I see other homes burned down. I see other homes destroyed. 
In the days after the Great American Tet Offensive. It will be the government who comes after those Americans whom they deem as their enemies. They will disappear and be killed. Who are the threats to Socialism, Marxism, Communism? Who are anti God? Who are anti-sin? 
The greatest of threats shall be those who have decided to go it alone and it is they who shall die alone. As they fortify their own homes a missile will fly 200 miles and kill all who are inside. This will be done more than ten thousand times and no one will know. 
The more than ten thousand American civilian homes which will be destroyed by American missiles will be added to the success rate of the Great American Tet Offensive. This will be a good time for the evil doers to eliminate all of those who are in favor of the American Constitution, Bill of Rights and every other freedom loving American ideal. 
The enemies of "We The People" will be victorious.
09 Oct 2023: 
The time has come where a certain group of people will have absolute freedom as the laws of God and of man no longer apply.
The commoners will live their lives under the full weight of all laws. While all judgements applied regardless of truth will be administered to each commoner as an example to everyone who witnesses. 
The lives lived by the royals, specials, elites, powerful, rich, famous, political, shall not be known by any commoner. If any commoner were to discover, witness or hear a rumor of any crime or sin committed by any special people. Then all of those commoners or base humans will disappear. 
Those who are above the law shall evolve into those people who are excluded from the laws of man and of God. 
The Time has come in this modern world. Where any offending people group as recognized by the special elites can be erased without any evidence. 
The erasure and alteration of human history was and is a crucial governance tool by the special elites of old, of this new generation and of the next generation to come.
Note: To the degree that all of human history which is taught shall be entirely fabrications.
10 Oct 2023:
Woes comes for "We The People" as what has made the free people great is liquidated, minimized and neutralized. 
26 Oct 2023: 
The USA has crossed the line to the degree that in order to effect change a military action is always used. Even that which may come to the USA will also require a military action by American military forces which is illegal. The elected officials will pass laws which will enable the government to use military force on it's own citizens. While believing that they can lie and lie and lie. The media will also support their lies and tell those lies over and over and over again. 
Who are the enemies of the state? Christians, Christian conservatives, non religious conservatives, non religious helpless good citizens, all former military personnel, and all lone lonely loners. It is each of you who will suddenly become the hated criminals and guess what? You have already been gently told that by several government agencies through the news media sources. 
The Federal government of the USA has been allowing many millions of single war fighting aged men into this country and then transporting them to all locations inside of the USA. They are being financially funded, given places to live, given medical/dental care, food. Think about it how can someone who is working a minimum wage job be able to buy a relatively new car. I've even seen non English speaking people drive a BMW to work. I have known non English speaking people purposely move to cities close to county lines so that they can double dip the benefits. I have known of Latinos with multiple food stamp cards in their wallets, own homes and own businesses. Yet, they still get all that they can from the American government without question. But, if you the traditional American tries to go and receive any kind of aid. Your treated like a lying criminal trying to get something that your undeserving of. 
The American government has crossed the line. This is most likely more spiritual than physically actual. But, one of the last signs before a nation falls is the absence of justice. Once the idea of justice is no longer evident by God. That nation will end as it has done in the past with other nations. In the case of this nation which is the blessed nation(USA) of God it will go the same way as which God has done to His own Blessed people Israel. They brutally end with only a few surviving being scattered into the winds. In the case of "We The People" all decisions made by the representing few are decisions made by the whole in agreement. So when the end comes for the blessed people it will come for them all. Even for the Christians who are seen as righteous and holy by their Heavenly Father. For even in their own individual deaths they will be in glory. No matter how much torture they know prior to their death for to follow the Messiah to the cross can mean much torture received just as the Messiah had received prior to Him being nailed upon the cross and then pierced in the side. So the suffering of Christians may be substantial to "We The People" in equality to those Christians who are and have suffered much in the Middle East and in many parts of the world. When death comes for the actual Christian so to does glory. Be warned there are many professing Christians and their percentage may be far greater than anyone knows in which they will hear those words from God their Judge, ...I Never Knew You... . 
You should not fear your own countrymen as they come to torture you, imprison you and kill you. Your only concern should only be becoming and being a good son or daughter in the eyes of your Heavenly Father alone. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christians slowed the blue wave but the rainbow wave emerged: +6: Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:

Typically the new content is near the bottom. If your a new reader. The quotes and visions are meant to be stand alone. I do write commentary as my way of trying to understand the quotes. The quotes and visions is what is important.  You should pray, meditate, fast and always have your Holy Bible ready and accessible. All links are copy and paste for your security. I make errors and I have no one to check my works against the Holy Bible. You should Bible check everything no matter who writes it or speaks it always.
If you use these writings anywhere or anytime. No need to mention or acknowledge me in any way.
Where were the Christians? Why did only few showed up to vote but still enough to stem the blue tsunami. But, hidden within the blue tsunami were about 240 LGBTQ candidates. Where were the Devout and professed Christian candidates? Were more Islamic persons elected to office than Christians? 13??? actual LGBTQ persons were elected or held onto their offices. Where are the Christians who are participating in elected government offices?
-------Adult Warning news content below may have mature content-------
Apathetic Sea Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
As the christian tide recedes the LGBTQ tsunami will come forth drowning and destroying all that is genuinely good upon the land. LGBTQ monster shall come up out of the sea apathetic unknowing.
Does not the term LGBTQ plus their new letters and symbols mean many as one? Does not a monster act as one even when it has many heads? The many heads of a monster does not attack itself. For if it were to do so. Then harm and death to the whole would occur.
Rising Rainbow Tsunami: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Slowly rising out of the sea an apparent great rainbow monster shall rise up. Gaining speed and height in proportion to the receding of the Christians from the world. As the Christian tide recedes and is forcibly pushed out from awareness the rainbow monster with many heads shall rise up out of the great sea with admiration and celebration.
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
Out in the distance it is difficult to see an incoming Tsunami until it is to late. Just as this election cycle is showing the LGBTQ persons who either held onto the elected offices and the new ones who became elected. Their numbers are small but growing. Just as a tsunami seems to slowly grow. Can anyone debate that the Christians are or are not receding? While the evil doers are rising up for more and more power, authority and control. The evil doers will even continue to define what is good and what is evil. Such as what is bad becomes good. What was once good is now evil. The evil doers will they themselves become the standard for what is good and right.
Tsunami videos. Adult and mature warning. People lost drowning and dying.
Let us just watch a tsunami coming in while on the beach with kids. Yes, I am being cold. But, get the point, please. (1:43 and 18+million views.)
Did you know this?
Look up the winning candidates. I originally stated 13 and it was a huge error. Watch their terminology.
Rainbow Monster: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Once the rainbow monster has control and power. The suffering, torment, displacement and death of the saints and all that is good shall begin. 
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
NOTE: It is important to know that I have never heard of the blue wave/tide, red wave/tide or the rainbow wave/tide until this election cycle. I have never even heard the word tsunami in relation to this election cycle. I think this is a prophetic sign.
NOTE: For those of you who speak and show yourselves publically. I have no one to check my work, You really should pray, fast and meditate upon all that I've ever written before you use any of my written content. Everything should be fact check against the Holy Bible. There is a difference between the Holy Bible and human understanding. The common human understanding may be widely accepted and false but the Holy Bible is never wrong. I'm not an educated person. So my writing and understanding of the quotes and visions are deeply flawed. But, the message and intent should be easy to understand. As typical. There is no need to acknowledge me or credit me in any way.
Added on 09 Nov 2018: This is what is coming. For all Christians. Especially those who remain clean of mind, heart and spirit. Those who struggle with becoming or remaining righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. For you are His sons and daughters. For you are His saints and true holy people. This is not for those who merely speak they are Christian and yet the world knows not your faith in action and deed. For God knows the difference and you cannot con or deceive God.
Repent and flee from all sins of your mind, heart, spirit and of the world.
Sin Identity: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Sin is not a freedom in which you can still identify with being a child of God.
gods of Sin: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Freedom to sin as your right is proof of who your gods or fallen angels are who rule over you.
Sins Preference Maintained: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
If you maintain your preference for sins of any kind everyday. God will not be your loving Heavenly Father but will be your God and Judge.
Search term "Antifa attacks christians" You do have to select different date filters.
Where, oh where can I be safe when the troubles and the Tsunamis of world come to overtake me? In the bosom of your Heavenly Father. While on bended knee upon the tall righteous and holy mountain of His presence. While walking upon the rough and dark waters. No matter what happens your spirit shall be free to walk upon all waters no matter who sent the waters. All you have to do is listen for the calling of your Heavenly Father and go to Him. Hillsong United "Oceans"
Can you see the difference in How God uses water in His teachings and in His judgements? Can you also see how satan and the fallen angels will also use the water for their destruction of the saints. When asserting control of their newly defined christian church where all sin is acknowledged, tolerated and celebrated.
Enduring Prophecies and Judgement: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
A Christian church absent of repentance and righteousness will be forced to endure all coming prophecies prior to their final judgement. While maintaining full denial and inability for change.
Note: From my flawed vantage point it does appear that Hillsong is a fallen church or a worldly church raised up by the fallen angels. But, God does what He wills it with peoples who He may or may not call His own. Even without them knowing.
Added on 10 Nov 2018: Does anyone really know Nazi germany History? Do you remember early in at the formation of the Nazi party in Germany. Who and what kind of people did Adolf Hitler use in the beginning? Now think about the American antifa? The question is who are those in the background supporting all of these minority groups who have come together under one banner to overthrow all of the American society?
Added on 10 Nov 2018 @ 2230 hrs.
To all of Christianity. This is a prophecy just for you. If the denominations and churches do not repent and flee from all sins. Your physical suffering is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not come together as one body which supports one another. Your demise is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not participate in all levels of government. Then your country will no longer be yours. Then when you lose your country. You will become outlawed and denied access into the new evil society. When you become former Americans. God will send the already prepared enemies that He raised up with your monies to purge what remains of America from the world map and the world will not be kind in your memory.
20 Nov 2018: You professing Christians have been warned and warned and warned. Yet you professing Christians still remain in those churches which are absent of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. If you can feel the air conditioning or the lack of heat more than any movement of the Holy Spirit. Your in the wrong house of the wrong god. Repent. Flee from your already planned sins. Seek out righteousness and holiness. Once you become clean remain clean of body, mind, heart and spirit.
It shall not be enough for you to make decisions to save your own skin. Your decisions will be known based on your love for others. If you do for others and still hate or are apathetic towards the least among you. They will be blessed and you shall not. For you are doing good with an expectancy of an entitlement or what is owed to you as a profit motive.
The failure of the professed Christian body will see much suffering, tragedy, turmoil and uncertainty. The professed christian who is only a christian by mouth will see and intimately know what tribulation actually is. For once you were clean and then ran back into the filth of the world. Righteousness and holiness are alien to you as I AM to you. You have rejected MY wisdom and MY prophets. You have accepted and tolerated sin. Not only in your lives but in MY Holy Places. Sin cannot reside in Israel and each one of MY children who are clean, holy and righteous shall be protected because they are Israel.
The end of America is coming. It can only be stopped by you christians. The rainbow tsunami is already rising above the other waves of red and blue. The rainbow tsunami will over take both the red and blue. Then is when the rainbow wave will need neither and just push them out with deadly violence and embarrassment. Once the rainbow has their power they will use it to their defined fullness. This is when the Christians will be outlawed, become legally mentally defective, tortured and murdered. All without a single media report. All without serious police investigation.
NOTE: I'm a deeply flawed human being. Do not assume that I'm holy, righteous or clean. I sin daily. Though I do not plan to sin unlike many who I do know who plan to sin everyday and yet try to keep it secret. For in your professional world. For the head of your household. If your deeds causes one of the children of God to suffer even more than they do. That time is coming when those evil deeds you have done on purpose, in secret, by omission, by apathy will be magnified upon you and your entire family.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Church Division Prophecy: (Unedited): 10 May 2017:

Work in progress. I think. Out of order, Ithink. This is for those who are more smartyer than me. The message is what is important and not how I mess up the properness of the english language.
I just discovered something. If you make your miss (spelted) words underlined and giant red. You can't tell they are misspelled. Just saying. (Smartyer).
Church division is or should be a mandatory concept within the church. When any church gets to a certain size. Christian migration should be an accepted concept.
The concept of church division is not a lessening of the faith. It is actually a multiplying of the faith.
As any popular pastor ages out of any church. That church may go through a process of division from within. Most people including myself do not understand this division as it is a time of change and a time for many to move in a variety of directions. This is a good thing and should not be confronted with anger and hurt feelings. This time of division should be met with celebration. A time of celebrated farewell's and blessings to one another. For the greater church appears to become less than but out of the one church becomes many and thus the over all numbers of people can actually be multiplied. Isn't multiplication good?
Personal note:
I was at a church where I liked the pastor and everyone present. It was a small working church and God just told us to go to another church. I didn't want to go and got angry. Yep, temper and tantrum.
I never really liked a place like that before in my life or even the people present. We were all pretty much outcasts of 20-50 people depending on if food was present. We/They had a food bank as well. Put out more food then the close by mega church.
The ugly truth is Church division is usually related to law suits and sin. I guess when human being's are involved with the teaching of holiness and righteousness or not teaching them, our religiosity's get in the way of our own pride of what is mine is mine, or rather what was my dads or moms is all mine, mine, mine. When the actual truth is the church and all of those accomplishments of your mom or dad was never even theirs in the first place. So how can you own it or inherit it or financially gain from any of it? If it all belonged to GOD already or don't you believe. All aspects of any mission, church should all be passed to only those righteous souls who can maintain it. Then you walk away.
A good suggestion for any Church division celebration. Once a junior pastor has his/her own times of church service within his/her church of training. The finances are as such that he/she can move to any property and build the church debt free. Then the senior pastor should do so. Then the senior pastor begins to train more and then continually divide the church. The junior pastor which is now a new senior pastor also begins a training program. Then along with his former church they join together in celebration of yet another division. Yes, those church persons who begin to follow the junior pastor do go along with the now new senior pastor. To the new Church home. Division become multiplication.
Can you imagine a senior pastor who has church services every day of the week. Then continually divides his church many times a year in joyful celebration. Can you see as I do?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ecstasy of Destruction: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:

Victory, Celebration and ecstasy awaits the evil hordes. When the permission is finally given unto them to go forth to kill all Christians and (Americans)westerners. What ever remains of anything which is truly good and historical in the western world. Shall to be destroyed.
 I see the use of hordes as a racist word. Similar to the use of the term evil barbarians. Habakkuk is a book in the Bible you should read as with the book of Amos. They are very short reads. If you want to know more look for my writings specifically on Habakkuk. There is much in depth information and links to study materials.
A friend of mine watches worldly movies and is a Christian. He told me about one movie called "The Purge". I do not know anything about it. His description of the movie to me was a little scary. I have no intention of learning more about this movie.
But can you imagine. That in one hour and in one day the great Babylon shall be destroyed. There is only one country in this modern world which can be identified as Babylon and that is the USA. If you read what I have written previously about modern day Babylon. Then you know. If not then read my older writings about Babylon and the USA.
The United States is full of gangs, bad people, Islamic fighters and a host of other pre positioned military personnel from other Nations. Just basic strategy. All of these people know something will happen and they all know it to be their sign to go forth and to do as they will it. Once these people figure out the three strikes has occurred. 1). Power outage 2). All technology dead/fried 3). No working modern day transportation or infrastructure. These people will know it is their time as soon as the planes stop falling out of the sky.
In that first day, which will be less than 72 hours after the third strike. All of these groups or persons will go out and do as they feel they must. Millions will die. Fires everywhere. Those who are not hunkered down in that first year may very well perish. Those who remain underground for even a longer period of time may improve their chances of over all survival. Assuming good health and sanity can be maintained.
The US Federal Government will survive. Although the Federal Government will be at war with their own people. One of the tenants of the American Government is to protect the people. It will become common knowledge that the US Government sold them out, started the war and wars. All in secret. It may even become known that the US Government manipulated Russia and China to attack first and swiftly against an unknowing and unaware American population. How many of you have eaten in mindless peace and enjoyed a wonderful meal in a Chinese restaurant? Did you wonder if that Chinese person was going to kill you at any moment? of course not. What about those Russian neighbors or friends? have you ever wondered about when they were going to kill you as you did or conducted some form of business with them? NO.
So if the USA, Russia and China are in a state of an approaching hot war? how have you prepared to survive it all? Or have you thought that the coming Chaldean's is all in the old testament of the Bible?
Not a story and not a prophecy for today?
The Lord God must discipline New JerUSAlem for all of their sins which they put forth into every nation of the world. For New JerUSAlem has evolved into the last Babylon. Even erecting alters and statues of satan and the god baal. All over the nation. All without argument or action. The new marriage laws which is absolutely contrary to Jehovah. The gay rights parades and celebrations in which the Christian body does nothing. For God must act if God does not act then God will become a liar. The time is at hand. Just as those devout Christian souls are being tortured and killed all without any hope for a rapture. They are dying for their faith and are dying like Steven and Jesus.
Now is your time to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Now is the time to pray and fast. Now is the time to stay in the Holy Bible.
Be certain of this. The coming disciplines from God shall be felt by the Christian body first and most. For it is they who were entrusted with this Country of God. It is the Christian who has allowed it to become a godless and evil entity. So everything which happens to America is the fault of the Christian.
So go and vote or not at all. For your vote of one of the greater evils or for one of the lesser evils shall still be a vote for evil. Your vote and non vote shall be one against God Jehovah.
The term use of "third strike" is a reference to baseball. That a singular event can cause all three strikes or realizations of an occurrence.
The use of the word "Chinese" is also a racist term in this particular blog. Not intended as an insult. Just more about American ignorance.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Billy Graham: (Unedited): 28 Sept 2015:

I had a Billy Graham sign yesterday. It was obvious and seem to be directed right at me.
Of course there was zero wisdom, zero understanding and zero knowledge. God likes to tease me.
I'm making light of this sign. I can only assume that the time is short. I still think that the Reverend Billy Graham is one of the Christian end of days prophecies signs for the USA.
 I do think it is time for those who are close to this great reverend. Go and make the journey and say those things which are important in person. (This is for loved ones and known friends of family).
I call this a living funeral. It is way better than after a persons passing.
Go and express your love, your prayers. Time is short. Your funny stories and achievements after great sorrows. Stories of forgiveness and of family reunited in Christ.
The reverend Billy Graham. Shall go to sleep one last time and then awaken more aware than he has ever been. His mission is complete and he is going home. This is a celebration.
Do this every time you make a possible final visit with anyone. Not just the elderly or sick.
Yes, the body ceases to function. The spirit within continues onward. Towards the victories reward after a life of long Christian battles. Freeing souls from ignorance. Opening the eyes and minds of those who were both blind and closed minded. With the power of the Holy spirit.
Added on 07 Sept 2015:
Prophecies and false prophets seem to be everywhere. Even today is a prophetic doomsday. Just as last month there were dozens of prophetic dates which has come and gone. Any prophecy ever written is not of any importance. The prophet who has spoken or written any prophecy is also not of any importance. What is of importance is the condition of your own spirit and the relationship you have with God. What is also of importance is how you have lived and are living your life within that relationship with God. Accidents happen. Sickness and illness occur which takes the physical life. Your spiritual life is that which continues on after the physical body expires.
Evil men plan war and force the common citizen to cause death and destruction for the profit of those who commanded the troops. In which all war is against God no matter the proclamations of the perceived holy men or worshiped political leaders. No mater what the beautiful newscasters read from those who right their thoughts. War is wrong. All of humanity are brothers and sisters to each other. This is the truth. More than 99.9% of your DNA is identical to every other human being any where. No matter how they were born or not. No matter where they were born or to whom they were born. All of those who go forth to kill and maim have all become Cain. All of those who promote wars and plan for wars are all Antichrists. Anyone who does not freely choose to live a Christ like life without any threat, fear or intimidation. Dooms every other human being.
Added on 24 June 2016:
Is there a person who is to replace the Great Reverend Billy Graham? That is very much the wrong question. Or shall the USA Bare witness of a Jonah type of prophet who may come? Or shall God just destroy all that is of the covenant country (USA). I do think there may be one from the line of Graham. There is a look that a person has when they have been spiritually on Holy fire in the genuine. Miss Anne has that appearance. Whether she is or was, I do not know. It is how she appears. Also, with the spiritual purification comes with it a psychological oddity or oddities as well as spiritual laser beams. (No, I am not going to explain the spiritual laser beam comment). If you do not know what I'm referring to then you do not know. No, it is not a secret.Miss Anne does not agree with the term of prophetess in regards to her.
Miss Anna message seems to be pray, repent, righteousness and revival. I concur with this Holy message for this time in US history.
God will do and cause that which HE wills. God does not need me to tell him what he will or will not do.
The message of revival is a Graham family theme. Anyone who is righteous in the eyes of God. Will deeply desire revival. God himself may or may not cause a revival to storm across the land with great spiritual fires. I do not think so and hope I'm very wrong.
Revival comes when the worldly sinner sees the difference between himself and the Christian. The worldly sinner sees and knows there is a difference between their miserable life and the better life of the Christian. But, in today's modern era of legalized sin. There is no difference between the publicly accepted definition of a Christian and of the worldly sinner. Because, all of the worldly statistics prove there is zero difference. Why would a reasoned worldly sinner want to become a Christian? When the net effect is nil.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lost One Celebration: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

The lost ones who find something that another has lost. Joyfully celebrates equally when the lost object is re-united with it's owner. 
 I was at The Crab Shack last night. One of the regulars immediately went into action to find a lost ring of a non-regular customer. She found the large (to me) single stone engagement ring. The ring was returned to the searching customer who was trying to find it in the darkened parking lot. There was celebration by both. Honesty and excitement. Worry turns into confusion and then thankfulness.
Some people who rarely see any form of honesty in their lives or even expect it. They may even become temporarily confused at the efforts made by strangers. Sometimes which should be all of the time. A simple expression of gratitude should all that is given. No monetary rewards should ever be expected to repay a kindness.
When the customer did leave. There were hugs. 
The event was profound for the person. Her hands shaking as she put on the ring.
The event was even profound for the ring finder. She needed this feel good victory. It was awesome to witness. Even though I do not drink. I bought her a congratulatory beer. Hugged her neck as I left.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Spirit Lifting Souls: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

The disharmony of many tortured souls coming together. Can create their own spirit lifting joyful song of celebration. 
There will always be a time when the abuses and tortures end forever. When that time comes celebrate your freedom. Celebrate this new beginning of your life. Celebrate with others who have had similar experiences as you had.
Do not relive those awful things but understand that you were the stronger one. That you endured it all. That is was never about you. You were just the body present and if it weren't you it would have been someone else.
So celebrate your victory. Make new life goals and achieve them. Then make more goals and achieve those. Then repeat.
Then write that book and publish it. Even if your only readers is to be your own family and friends. Tell that story of yours. It is that important. Just as you have always been that important. Even in those very dark, ugly and lonely times of your life. Document everything.
Celebrate life. Forgive them. Move on into joy.
steemit 14 Aug 2018:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tolerated Funerals: (Edited): 23 Sept 2012:

The family who only tolerates one another during family funerals will all be together forever in the afterlife.
The family who can't stand to have any sort of daily relationship with one another will run to the side of a deceased loved one. This confuses me to no end.  How is it suddenly important to say goodbye, or to apologize for all of your misdeeds now? Those things were of absolute importance when they were still living. It is important to have daily living funerals with all of your loved ones so that way if a tragedy happens everyone will be at peace. Go and apologize right now to all of your family members whom you have offended and make active and continuing amends. Forgive your family member in your own privacy and re-establish communication with them. Your family is supposed to be the ones on your team. If your lifestyle is in error, repent and flee from your wicked ways. If you're under the thumb of addictions, tell everyone and seek help.
If your sins have already destroyed your family, do not seek and do not have any other lovers until you have unsolicited permission from your adult children and only if there is no hope of returning to your "X". If one child or the "X" says "no" forever, you will then know the degree of pain and suffering you have caused them. C.J.MacKechnie
A loved one is about to physically die and transition into the afterlife. This is the final time to celebrate their life. So declare the joyful and somber toasts. This is the time for the telling of remembered stories of old. This is the time to laugh and cry. The time to proclaim your love. The time to ask for forgiveness and to say you're sorry for ALL of your misdeeds, even if they were many decades ago. Offer your loved one your blanket forgiveness.
Let them know it is alright to go and to freely go without any reservations. 
It will be the duty of the responsible and wise family member to get all of the relatives to practice the living funeral. Each one offers an outward verbal prayer, all holding hands together. All hugging and all crying. All together as a whole and united family.
There may be fears. This is very understandable. This may be difficult to understand. Even though you are living in the here and now, and you may even still live for a few more decades more, it is possible for you to be with your loved one in the afterlife at the exact moment they pass from this time. Remember this? I'm paraphrasing. Everything which has been created, has already begun and has already ended and is already continuing on. This is a simplified version of how time works in the third Heaven. In other words, we each are being born and are living and have died, right now. In this very basic understanding of the perception of time, you can be with your loved one as they pass and yet still be alive in this here and now. Prior to their passing let them know you may appear to be older than you are now, so do not be confused. Then offer your hand to them and walk into heaven together.
When the time gets very close, your loved one may begin to see and hear things. It is OK. It is either real or not or both. Ease their mind. Tell them it's OK to confide in you with what they are seeing or hearing, so as to logically ascertain the reality of his/her body's ending. Tell them they will be OK. Reassure them always even when it is tough for you. Your loved one may not be able to speak of what they hear or see. This is because of the drugs or it is not for you to know. This too is OK and is not intended to offend you. The "not for you to know" is for your overall protection. That is OK as well. What is important is to be loving, comforting and present in this sacred gift of life's transition and continuation.
When the body becomes quiet, the heat of the hands gone, each of you verbally say your farewell, your love, instructions for them to continue into heaven through the light. They can see and hear you. They will not be sickly, weak or tired. Their aches and pains will be gone. They will be with you. In case they have some confusion, your verbal instructions will hopefully set them straight on course to their continuation of life.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.