Showing posts with label Monster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monster. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Rise Of American Chaos Prophecy: (Unedited): 20-21 Feb 2021:

All of the synonyms of Chaos is what America will gain and all of the antonyms of Chaos is what the Americans will lose.
This is not written in any particular order. Most prophecies written which is of human decision can be mitigated and/or prevented. When you hear any prophecy and it is the result of human decision. You do have the power to mitigate and prevent the coming unfortunate outcome which has been prophesied. You must decide today and right now. Keep all of your focus upon the Lord. Keep your nose within the Holy Bible. Always stay in prayer. Practice fasting. Test everything even what I write any where. I'm not perfect and should not be considered a prophet. Beware of any self declared prophet, teacher or preacher who directs all of your attention towards him/her. For all of your attention and thanks should always be directed to the Lord. So do not focus upon me or even give me thanks in any way. Do not even mention me. Only keep and maintain your own relationship with your Lord. Flee and reject all sin. Actively and continually pursue holiness and righteousness. Love one another. Even your enemy.
This is Prophecy. The events listed below is already happening. Just small like a great tsunami out in the distance. Can you not hear the monster rising up from the depths?
From the depths of the dirty swamp has risen a monster called Chaos. From this the Americans will begin to believe those who are of the old ways are to blame for violence and terrorist activities(Freedom, Liberty, Constitution, Holy Bible and etc.). From this Christianity will be treated like the Jews were before and during WWII. All atrocities committed against the good, the Christian, the pro freedom, the pro liberty, the pro constitution will be continually harmed and there will be no news and no arrests. While those who are in favor of this transitionary government will be portrayed as the innocent victim continuously. Even if there is no crime against the new rulers. Crimes and events will be made up. The winning political party will continually accuse the losing political party. 
The Federal Government, The news, The tech giants/monsters and many other worldly powers will all come together as a unified force against those American states which will not align themselves with the new transitionary government. Their economies will be destroyed. Resources will not come to those states or persons. Look for more and more restrictions to those who refuse to comply to the will of the new leaders of the transitionary government. 
The explainable and silent killings will begin. Again, there will be no news and no arrests. 
Those who are the most vocal will be killed in an explainable fashion. Those investigating will already know how the famous person died and how it will be explained. 
These will be Christians, Pro American Flag, Pro constitution, Pro Liberty, Pro freedom of speech, pro guns, and etc. The conservatives or right leaning.
The former heroic American military personnel will become the greatest threat to this transitionary Government. Especially, those who served in the special forces. 
Those persons who also cost the most in governmental support will also be killed off in a variety of soft means. Like sicknesses and diseases. 
The writing of these things are not in any order and may take some time to manifest. Right now the new transitionary government is organizing, consolidating powers and authorities. The new rulers must get rid of the judges who uphold their oaths and the constitution at every level. Look for them to die off. Also, be aware of the prophetic words of the Indigenous tribes of North America. "The left wing and the right wing are of the same bird." So while the right and left will play their apparent conflicting parts. They are in truth one in the same. For there is one worldly ruler and that is satan. That is until the angry Lion comes again.
There will be war and the whole world will come against you. The Christian, The former American military person. The constitutionalists. You will not be offered negotiations, prison, peace. You will not be left alone. You will be hunted. You will all lose. The only victor will be the angry Lion when He comes back and His children will be victors because of His efforts. 
The Chinese and Russian forces will invade their agreed upon spots. Canada will invade and as well many other nations will take part. The Chinese will not abide by any agreements and will take as much as they can and they will kill everyone. 
But, all that has to happen is to detonate an EMP or many or a natural Carrington Event and within the first year about 90% of all Americans will be dead. From exposure, lack of water, lack of food, lack of medical care, lack of safety, lack of security, lack of civility, lack of love.
The beginning of the attacks on all churches and denominations has already begun. First to be revealed are the truly false teachers who are against the new transitionary government. These false teachers who will proven to be so. It is they who cause changes in the laws which shall be against Christian denominations and churches. While those churches and denominations who have publicly allowed sin to remain in their holy places shall be allowed to persist. 
All localized news regarding actual criminality of preachers and pastors will be televised all over the nation instead of just locally as which has been the practice and then stories repeated. These will include historical evidence of all pastoral crimes which are not known by the general public.
If you are truly followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then shouldn't you be actively and continually following His will and the soft voice of the Holy Spirit?
It is a deception that Christians should do nothing and to be responsible for nothing as God will do everything and take care of everything. This is what those who follow the world wants you to believe. 
The Texan Chaotic Sign:
What is more chaotic than a 133 vehicle massive car/truck accident in Texas? or 1,000 individual vehicle accidents in Texas and not counting any other state.
Texas seems to have less power production than they had just last year. If I saw the power production statistic correctly. Texas has lost power production every year for the last3-5 years. So if this trend continues. What are you going to do? Especially when this new transitionary government transitions this economy from what it was to a green economy? Green economy means a fundamental altering of the use of natural resources. 
What are you going to do when there is no power for days or weeks or even months? If power or electricity production continues to decline how are you gonna have access to power even if you have functional power lines? Then what about access to clean drinking water and food preparation? What about perishable food storage? Then what about when food runs out inside of the stores? Can you harvest your own meats, vegetables, nuts and fruits every single month of the year? Begin now to research, plan and grow your own foods. Yes, you may have to move. 
You wealthy who own much lands. Begin to grow self sustaining wild foods of every kind. Like wild garlics, onions, berries, fruit trees of all kinds for your region. Plant nut trees of every kind for your region. Now is the time. Even as Chaos begins to reign across this land. Prepare yourself. Prepare your family. Prepare your friends. Prepare your community. 
As you Americans continue to buy all of your products and services from any foreign entity. You are directly causing harm to yourself, your family and to your community. Refuse to buy anything from China and refuse business from any European nation or any Asian nation. 
The greatest of lies in the entire survival and prepping communities is to only prepare for yourself. For if you do and you reject your brother and sister in need. This is not loving one another. Who is your brother and sister? All of humanity is your brother and sister. So if God has given you the means to Love many of your brothers and sisters then you should of your own free will and free choice. For if solely go it alone and make efforts to save your own skin as your brothers and sisters suffer and die. Then you may meet God as your judge and not as your Heavenly Father and it won't matter how much you gave to the church and to the poor. It won't matter if your a life long Christian. For all of the social Christians in your church will cry out "what happened and what about me?".
You must pray and fast about this. The Holy Spirit will lead you to remove all of your investments in world things like stocks and such and then re-invest back into your own community. 2022 is the next Shemitah. So between now and then be wise financially. Do not buy real estate and consider selling your investment properties in a timely manner. But, if you are caring and housing those who will be harmed by your selling of real estate. Then you should reconsider my words. Especially, if your a forgiving land lord and not a money monger. Because, when the economic collapse comes and properties are once again deeply underwater.  The debt loads of those who bought near the end of a Shemitah will be very stressful for your entire community.  
Added on 23 Feb 2021: 
As devout American Christians continue to be responsible for nothing in regards to their community, their state and their nation. The Americans will not only lose it all but they will also be criminalized. 
Those social Christians, professing Christians who do not read the Holy Bible or pray. Those who only go to church as a function of their own professional marketing strategy. Those who only pretend to be Christian on Sunday and then keeping their planned wrongdoing activities from Monday thru Saturday. Those who only go for the worldly styled feel good entertainment presented at the mega church. These are those who do not really care and shall be the ones judged by God and not by any human being. 
More chaos shall come to the churches as wealthy corporate officers and high level corporate managers from the community will be forbidden to go to church or even tithe their own monies. If they are caught by the media and the new ruling political authority. They will lose their jobs and no longer be employable. 
So you say this is not possible how can this be? This is because the corporate officers and those high management people were encouraged to go to church in order to put on that good corporate face. So that the community will see and believe their falsehoods. The truth is the corporation is only a self determining entity which only cares for itself. In order for the corporation to be successful the population must believe it is a good neighbor. Much like the conn man wants their victim to believe they are a good person as they rob you by your own choice of giving to them. 
The wise churches who have corporate officers especially from those international corporations. They each will begin to operate their churches with an absence of those corporate tithes and offerings. For their monies will eventually stop. Have you seen an empty mega church in which the lead pastor struggles to even maintain the building? I have, and this one church has a Bible museum and the Holy of Holies on display. It seems no one really cares about Bibles. ( This is worth the visit and time. 
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christians slowed the blue wave but the rainbow wave emerged: +6: Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:

Typically the new content is near the bottom. If your a new reader. The quotes and visions are meant to be stand alone. I do write commentary as my way of trying to understand the quotes. The quotes and visions is what is important.  You should pray, meditate, fast and always have your Holy Bible ready and accessible. All links are copy and paste for your security. I make errors and I have no one to check my works against the Holy Bible. You should Bible check everything no matter who writes it or speaks it always.
If you use these writings anywhere or anytime. No need to mention or acknowledge me in any way.
Where were the Christians? Why did only few showed up to vote but still enough to stem the blue tsunami. But, hidden within the blue tsunami were about 240 LGBTQ candidates. Where were the Devout and professed Christian candidates? Were more Islamic persons elected to office than Christians? 13??? actual LGBTQ persons were elected or held onto their offices. Where are the Christians who are participating in elected government offices?
-------Adult Warning news content below may have mature content-------
Apathetic Sea Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
As the christian tide recedes the LGBTQ tsunami will come forth drowning and destroying all that is genuinely good upon the land. LGBTQ monster shall come up out of the sea apathetic unknowing.
Does not the term LGBTQ plus their new letters and symbols mean many as one? Does not a monster act as one even when it has many heads? The many heads of a monster does not attack itself. For if it were to do so. Then harm and death to the whole would occur.
Rising Rainbow Tsunami: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Slowly rising out of the sea an apparent great rainbow monster shall rise up. Gaining speed and height in proportion to the receding of the Christians from the world. As the Christian tide recedes and is forcibly pushed out from awareness the rainbow monster with many heads shall rise up out of the great sea with admiration and celebration.
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
Out in the distance it is difficult to see an incoming Tsunami until it is to late. Just as this election cycle is showing the LGBTQ persons who either held onto the elected offices and the new ones who became elected. Their numbers are small but growing. Just as a tsunami seems to slowly grow. Can anyone debate that the Christians are or are not receding? While the evil doers are rising up for more and more power, authority and control. The evil doers will even continue to define what is good and what is evil. Such as what is bad becomes good. What was once good is now evil. The evil doers will they themselves become the standard for what is good and right.
Tsunami videos. Adult and mature warning. People lost drowning and dying.
Let us just watch a tsunami coming in while on the beach with kids. Yes, I am being cold. But, get the point, please. (1:43 and 18+million views.)
Did you know this?
Look up the winning candidates. I originally stated 13 and it was a huge error. Watch their terminology.
Rainbow Monster: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Once the rainbow monster has control and power. The suffering, torment, displacement and death of the saints and all that is good shall begin. 
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
NOTE: It is important to know that I have never heard of the blue wave/tide, red wave/tide or the rainbow wave/tide until this election cycle. I have never even heard the word tsunami in relation to this election cycle. I think this is a prophetic sign.
NOTE: For those of you who speak and show yourselves publically. I have no one to check my work, You really should pray, fast and meditate upon all that I've ever written before you use any of my written content. Everything should be fact check against the Holy Bible. There is a difference between the Holy Bible and human understanding. The common human understanding may be widely accepted and false but the Holy Bible is never wrong. I'm not an educated person. So my writing and understanding of the quotes and visions are deeply flawed. But, the message and intent should be easy to understand. As typical. There is no need to acknowledge me or credit me in any way.
Added on 09 Nov 2018: This is what is coming. For all Christians. Especially those who remain clean of mind, heart and spirit. Those who struggle with becoming or remaining righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. For you are His sons and daughters. For you are His saints and true holy people. This is not for those who merely speak they are Christian and yet the world knows not your faith in action and deed. For God knows the difference and you cannot con or deceive God.
Repent and flee from all sins of your mind, heart, spirit and of the world.
Sin Identity: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Sin is not a freedom in which you can still identify with being a child of God.
gods of Sin: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Freedom to sin as your right is proof of who your gods or fallen angels are who rule over you.
Sins Preference Maintained: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
If you maintain your preference for sins of any kind everyday. God will not be your loving Heavenly Father but will be your God and Judge.
Search term "Antifa attacks christians" You do have to select different date filters.
Where, oh where can I be safe when the troubles and the Tsunamis of world come to overtake me? In the bosom of your Heavenly Father. While on bended knee upon the tall righteous and holy mountain of His presence. While walking upon the rough and dark waters. No matter what happens your spirit shall be free to walk upon all waters no matter who sent the waters. All you have to do is listen for the calling of your Heavenly Father and go to Him. Hillsong United "Oceans"
Can you see the difference in How God uses water in His teachings and in His judgements? Can you also see how satan and the fallen angels will also use the water for their destruction of the saints. When asserting control of their newly defined christian church where all sin is acknowledged, tolerated and celebrated.
Enduring Prophecies and Judgement: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
A Christian church absent of repentance and righteousness will be forced to endure all coming prophecies prior to their final judgement. While maintaining full denial and inability for change.
Note: From my flawed vantage point it does appear that Hillsong is a fallen church or a worldly church raised up by the fallen angels. But, God does what He wills it with peoples who He may or may not call His own. Even without them knowing.
Added on 10 Nov 2018: Does anyone really know Nazi germany History? Do you remember early in at the formation of the Nazi party in Germany. Who and what kind of people did Adolf Hitler use in the beginning? Now think about the American antifa? The question is who are those in the background supporting all of these minority groups who have come together under one banner to overthrow all of the American society?
Added on 10 Nov 2018 @ 2230 hrs.
To all of Christianity. This is a prophecy just for you. If the denominations and churches do not repent and flee from all sins. Your physical suffering is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not come together as one body which supports one another. Your demise is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not participate in all levels of government. Then your country will no longer be yours. Then when you lose your country. You will become outlawed and denied access into the new evil society. When you become former Americans. God will send the already prepared enemies that He raised up with your monies to purge what remains of America from the world map and the world will not be kind in your memory.
20 Nov 2018: You professing Christians have been warned and warned and warned. Yet you professing Christians still remain in those churches which are absent of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. If you can feel the air conditioning or the lack of heat more than any movement of the Holy Spirit. Your in the wrong house of the wrong god. Repent. Flee from your already planned sins. Seek out righteousness and holiness. Once you become clean remain clean of body, mind, heart and spirit.
It shall not be enough for you to make decisions to save your own skin. Your decisions will be known based on your love for others. If you do for others and still hate or are apathetic towards the least among you. They will be blessed and you shall not. For you are doing good with an expectancy of an entitlement or what is owed to you as a profit motive.
The failure of the professed Christian body will see much suffering, tragedy, turmoil and uncertainty. The professed christian who is only a christian by mouth will see and intimately know what tribulation actually is. For once you were clean and then ran back into the filth of the world. Righteousness and holiness are alien to you as I AM to you. You have rejected MY wisdom and MY prophets. You have accepted and tolerated sin. Not only in your lives but in MY Holy Places. Sin cannot reside in Israel and each one of MY children who are clean, holy and righteous shall be protected because they are Israel.
The end of America is coming. It can only be stopped by you christians. The rainbow tsunami is already rising above the other waves of red and blue. The rainbow tsunami will over take both the red and blue. Then is when the rainbow wave will need neither and just push them out with deadly violence and embarrassment. Once the rainbow has their power they will use it to their defined fullness. This is when the Christians will be outlawed, become legally mentally defective, tortured and murdered. All without a single media report. All without serious police investigation.
NOTE: I'm a deeply flawed human being. Do not assume that I'm holy, righteous or clean. I sin daily. Though I do not plan to sin unlike many who I do know who plan to sin everyday and yet try to keep it secret. For in your professional world. For the head of your household. If your deeds causes one of the children of God to suffer even more than they do. That time is coming when those evil deeds you have done on purpose, in secret, by omission, by apathy will be magnified upon you and your entire family.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Entire Monster +7: (unedited): 29 Jan 2017:

The monster you think your harming is nothing more than it's little toe. That you think is the entire monster.
Monster Feed: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2017:
The monster you feed does not become the pet you control or have authority over. 
 The war in which your engaged in. Shows not the clear picture as no matter what you do. You unknowingly feed the monster as you attack it's little toe. You celebrate every success and yet the monster isn't even aware of your efforts.
Even a single ant makes any monster react. While all of your collective efforts is nothing to the same monster which was once concerned over one ant.
Your only hope is to keep the monster smiling by feeding it more and more. In which you unknowingly do as you are not even aware of the full size of the monster.
The more you feed the monster the more the monster wants. As you become fed up. You forget to realize that everything in your life is directly related to feeding the monster.
Added on 02 Feb 2017: 
Everything you and I do in the worlds financial system feeds the monster. All of your retirement, wealth building strategies, entertainment, Internet and energy usage. All of the stores, banks and insurance companies. Each is just a part of the monster that we all feed. Even now the political system is apparently part of that monster as it evolves into a corporate oligarchy. From an attempted special interest oligarchy.  Which the corporate oligarchy can easily be seen in North Dakota. So to only go after banking is like attacking the little toe.  Can you see the monster that you feed now? All you have to look to is the First President of a corporate oligarchy of America. President Donald Trump. Or is that to extreme to say? It probably is.
One of the coming signs that the USA is a Corporate Oligarchy is missing people. Through massacre or disappearance. Can and will any oligarchy murder any peoples that it deems as undesirable, to expensive, to troublesome? YES.
Research oligarchs, oligarchy's, murders, atrocities.
So what can happen when one oligarchy loses to another form of oligarchy? The beginning of an out of control war or wars or civil wars as individually defined by each combatant group?
Is this the future of the USA? The special interest oligarchs have lost and they wage protests everywhere. Will they ramp it up to violence? maybe? Will groups within the group splinter off into their own specific war efforts? Maybe?
No matter how it happens. The event which may begin it all may very well be at Standing Rock, North Dakota. How do you avert a coming planned and instigated massacre by government and corporate forces? Only the purple words below will help you over come.
To ween yourself from the support of the monster. You must begin to separate yourself from every aspect of that monster. Micro economies and self sufficiency is a good start. With a eye on causing no harm. Learning how to trade for goods of genuine value. Creating communities which are self sustaining with people who become mutually dependent upon one another. One based in truths. While inwardly and outwardly rejecting the lies of the world. Such as the division of the human races.
How do you own property and reside upon it? When the monster owns everything. Even the indigenous tribes of the Americas have no rights to anything anymore. They have no civil rights, no human rights and no justice. If the tribes stand up. They will be purposefully poisoned by the EPA (The Colorado Gold mine contaminated water release). The ongoing event at Standing Rock North Dakota. In which virtually no news from any mainstream news source. The stories just go on and none of those atrocities are covered. 
(Did you get that? Ween yourself...? Makes you wonder who is feeding who and who or what is in control over you? Teaching you and adjusting/altering your belief systems away from that which is genuinely true and real. To how and what the monster wants you to think and believe. We all were indigenous at one time, drinking clean water, and eating only organic foods or original.)
Added on 03 Feb 2017:
 Who owns who and what? Lets play this game. Warning the realization will cause you to see the real monster and how pervasive it is in all aspects of modern day life.
First start with topics. Like News media outlets. Who owns them? Then for each of the owners go and find who owns them? and so on and so forth. Keep a running list or graph it out.
Then do this with Banks. Energy. Entertainment and anything else you can imagine. Then go look at your investments and retirement accounts. Who owns those and who are you investing in?
You will begin to see common names of ....................................... as the common denominators.  Then read all of the above content again.
Added on 13 June 2024: Any monster or false gods will need their own human servants to care for their every need. So who are these human servants? Do you have or have read the 1560 Geneva Bible. Because of this one version The King James was written and altered. Simply because it identifies who rules over all and how Christians are supposed to live their lives among all of this. Go forth and research it for yourself as is why I'm being vague. I do not want to tell you I want you to go forth and seek the truth in Biblical differences in each version of The Holy Bible. 
Gen X is the end of Social Security Benefits in the USA. I think they run out of money within 6 months of my 65 birthday and I think my retirement options have changed to 67. Not sure. The politicians are even in discussions to change it to even later years. Are the lying and deceiving politicians the pseudo face of the monster? 
When did the USA start taking from the social security accounts? Who was the President? What did the political parties do to start taking all of that social security money and continue to take it? To the point that all of Gen X will suffer first.
In the old days. Families owned their own lands and they built homes right next to each other for their own children and spouses. In the new days, Families can be thousands of miles apart with mortgages to last beyond a life time. You can get equity loans to further burden a person with debt. A family can get into the upgrade mode of buying houses in which with each purchase they become less and less of a home without important shared memories of family development or of generational memories. With every move into a bigger and better house. The idea of generational friendships ends and become an alien concept. 
This is not just for those who have been successful in world affairs. This is also the same for the poor folks who have only paid rent. Every time a renter moves every few years. Friendships become broken. Long term and long lasting friendships can fail to develop with every move. I'm a guy and I can attest that men need long term male friendships. A man who has no family support and no friend support goes out into the world very alone. Such as me. But, this is not about me this is about the large number of men who even go to one church for decades and yet has no real long term Christian friendships outside of the church. 
Are the denominations and churches shirking their inherent responsibilities?
The churches and denominations are also to blame because as soon as the body realizes that a family has to deal with a person who is at end of life, disability, poor. The churches and denominations often times ignore, uninvite or reject them. Especially the poor families which cannot afford to go to any restaurant after church services. So because poor families cannot afford to participate in any activities outside of the church. For them friendships never develop. I have known of many families who were shunned because they took in foster kids. I have known families where they were ignored because they had a disability in their lives. I have known families where they were taking care of a loved one and actually forgotten by the church.
Added on 17 June 2024: As it becomes more and more known that the corporations of the USA do not pay their fair share and that if all of the corporation's did pay their fair share then all of the financial needs of the USA would be met. This is a sign of a corporate oligarchy exists.
When and if the American economy collapses. It will be the political puppets and their corporate owners who are to blame.
The free loving people of the world will never know that their tax burden is greater than the slaves of Biblical Egypt.
The corporations of who have bribed most politicians could have financially saved the USA if they had only been of right mind. But, they have become evil doers and coerced the free people into mindless slavery.
The evidence in a corporate oligarchy which rules over you will be in their absence of money while your money becomes the absolute bulk of the tax base.
While the corporate officers become kings and queens without kingdoms. They will enjoy everything life has to offer. While the lowly commoner civilian bares the full weight of burden as they each suffer and die in their youth.
The kings and queens who have not kingdoms shall not keep their intentions secret as they pridefully tell the populations majority on the planet how they will live, suffer and die as the new and emerging royal class becomes the majority of the human population. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sins Monster: Sin Thief: (Unedited): 23-24 May 2016:

In adversity, persecution and in slavery. Unity can be found.
While the progressive nature of sin grows disunity 
into an out of control apathetic monster.
Just like everything we know of about life. There are living babies, then toddlers, kidlings, Pre-teens, teenagers, Young adults, adults, parents and then old people. These are the stages of life and then you die. Sin sort of works the same way. Sin always begins small and easily controllable and manageable. Then they grow into those things which must be kept secret at all costs.
As sin grows and grows. Sin becomes more important than your own flesh and blood family. Sin becomes more important than friends or career. Until, a point is reached where the sin over takes the mind of that person becomes fully in control of life itself. of course no one tells you any of this when you first begin to sin. It's like your first adult or alcoholic drink. But, your funner and cooler to be around. Unless your an anger management drunk. That usually comes later. Once your out of control and the demons begin to influence you or just take you over. Why do you think they call alcohol spirits? Really... No one say your gonna become an alcoholic. You just do. You just learn how to manage your alcoholism. Until you lose your job, your family and the good friends you once had. Now all you have is your bar friends. Who are not really your friends or are only your friends when drinking is involved. The rest of your time is working and being alone until it is time to go to the bar.
Very similar to smoking cigarettes. No one says these will become more important than the health of your children. It just does. Smoking makes you more calm and more at peace. Yes, it does. But it is in the how smoking does that. Smoking tobacco makes you care less. Smoking causes your brain to become apathetic to everything around you. To a degree and that degree of apathy grows with the duration of decades of smoking. Even when a needed thing is needed for the family and yet you buy a pack of cigarettes. Nothing is more important than you cigarettes. That is what they become. Even when your lungs are full of cancer. You still smoke. Until you die. The love from your own family cannot persuade you from smoking. So you die with a cigarette in hand.
Yes, drinking and smoking is a sin against your own physical body and mind.
There are also all kinds of sins and once a person has one sin. Other sins will be desired and developed. A multitude of sins will further push you away from the good people and good things in life. The true meaning of life will become absent from your mind. The true purpose of life will become that undesired side road not taken. You life becomes like a NASCAR track. Left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer, left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer. There is no purpose or meaning to a NASCAR life other than to go faster and faster.
But, what about the adversity, persecution and slavery. Like minded people will find their unity. Until sin is introduced and divisions are made. Such as people who have experienced the same persecution can find common understandings. These things will grow until a sin is discovered in which one or the other cannot accept. Then disunity gains a foot hold and the two who shared similar horrific experiences become divided because of sin. While the two who share the similar persecutions and the same sins. Will go off and become fast friends. Not because of the shared experiences but because of the same sin. It is always about the sin and the sin becomes the cornerstone.
While those without the sin and who focus on their shared and similar persecution. They find meaning. They find understanding. They gain wisdom. They move forward. There is comfort in wisdom and understanding that any bad and sad during a childhood. Was not ever about the child. It would not have mattered if the child was someone else. The abuses and tortures still would have happened to that other one.
This is vastly different than those who embrace sin. The sin becomes the corrupted blood which covers their growing  negativity. This corrupted blood must be poured into and onto the body daily. In order to try and forget or to make it all go away from their mind.

 A man and a woman will marry and find their unity in their children. Those new legalized relationships made from sin cannot ever find true natural unity. As their rewards are purely selfish and cannot be perpetuated naturally.
Sin Thief: (Unedited): 24 May 2016:
Sin is the thief which steals righteousness, wisdom and understanding from you.
It is not my intention to Insult NASCAR or NASCAR fans. Even though I did. I know you NASCAR types are very serious about your racing. Just painting the picture here. Especially, you fans who think that one driver is hotter than your spouse and you would have an intimate relation with them if it were presented to you. Lust is a sin and you don't even have to touch. Or that you hate that one driver for being better than your favorite driver. Hate is a sin and is as is murder. This also includes other wrongful emotions and thinking. Maybe, that e-vile driver will crash in which we will become excited over every crash. How many back in the day cheered Jr.'s crash head on into a wall and then he died. You see now you former Jr. haters keep it secret.
How much beer do you drink while watching NASCAR? Enough to cause you to walk funny or to slur your own speech? Are your children watching you and learning how to become alcoholics by your own example? But, this isn't just about NASCAR. Football, baseball or any other sporting event.
I remember my adoptive mother walking out onto the playing field of my little league baseball game and then passing out on the field. Yea, that was before I went back into Foster care for the second time of my life.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inevitable Heart: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

It matters not if you win every game or lose every game. The greatest of hearts is the one who played every game already knowing the inevitable outcome. 
Have you ever seen the young athlete who could not be defeated? Have you ever seen the tiniest of athletes who continually faced every monster who has come before him? Have you ever seen those who just quit or those who just refused to play the superior player?
Of the three different types of people. Who showed the greatest heart, the greatest courage and the greatest dedication?
It can be said that it is easy for the greatest athlete to face any opponent. While those who quit or refused to play a superior opponent were realistic or smart. But, neither of these two ever showed any real heart, real courage or real dedication. It is that tiny one amongst you who daily faces all of his monsters and returns to face more. No matter how many times he loses against the giants of this world. The tiny one wins. For his will, his resolve has never been defeated.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 