Showing posts with label Jew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jew. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Rise Of American Chaos Prophecy: (Unedited): 20-21 Feb 2021:

All of the synonyms of Chaos is what America will gain and all of the antonyms of Chaos is what the Americans will lose.
This is not written in any particular order. Most prophecies written which is of human decision can be mitigated and/or prevented. When you hear any prophecy and it is the result of human decision. You do have the power to mitigate and prevent the coming unfortunate outcome which has been prophesied. You must decide today and right now. Keep all of your focus upon the Lord. Keep your nose within the Holy Bible. Always stay in prayer. Practice fasting. Test everything even what I write any where. I'm not perfect and should not be considered a prophet. Beware of any self declared prophet, teacher or preacher who directs all of your attention towards him/her. For all of your attention and thanks should always be directed to the Lord. So do not focus upon me or even give me thanks in any way. Do not even mention me. Only keep and maintain your own relationship with your Lord. Flee and reject all sin. Actively and continually pursue holiness and righteousness. Love one another. Even your enemy.
This is Prophecy. The events listed below is already happening. Just small like a great tsunami out in the distance. Can you not hear the monster rising up from the depths?
From the depths of the dirty swamp has risen a monster called Chaos. From this the Americans will begin to believe those who are of the old ways are to blame for violence and terrorist activities(Freedom, Liberty, Constitution, Holy Bible and etc.). From this Christianity will be treated like the Jews were before and during WWII. All atrocities committed against the good, the Christian, the pro freedom, the pro liberty, the pro constitution will be continually harmed and there will be no news and no arrests. While those who are in favor of this transitionary government will be portrayed as the innocent victim continuously. Even if there is no crime against the new rulers. Crimes and events will be made up. The winning political party will continually accuse the losing political party. 
The Federal Government, The news, The tech giants/monsters and many other worldly powers will all come together as a unified force against those American states which will not align themselves with the new transitionary government. Their economies will be destroyed. Resources will not come to those states or persons. Look for more and more restrictions to those who refuse to comply to the will of the new leaders of the transitionary government. 
The explainable and silent killings will begin. Again, there will be no news and no arrests. 
Those who are the most vocal will be killed in an explainable fashion. Those investigating will already know how the famous person died and how it will be explained. 
These will be Christians, Pro American Flag, Pro constitution, Pro Liberty, Pro freedom of speech, pro guns, and etc. The conservatives or right leaning.
The former heroic American military personnel will become the greatest threat to this transitionary Government. Especially, those who served in the special forces. 
Those persons who also cost the most in governmental support will also be killed off in a variety of soft means. Like sicknesses and diseases. 
The writing of these things are not in any order and may take some time to manifest. Right now the new transitionary government is organizing, consolidating powers and authorities. The new rulers must get rid of the judges who uphold their oaths and the constitution at every level. Look for them to die off. Also, be aware of the prophetic words of the Indigenous tribes of North America. "The left wing and the right wing are of the same bird." So while the right and left will play their apparent conflicting parts. They are in truth one in the same. For there is one worldly ruler and that is satan. That is until the angry Lion comes again.
There will be war and the whole world will come against you. The Christian, The former American military person. The constitutionalists. You will not be offered negotiations, prison, peace. You will not be left alone. You will be hunted. You will all lose. The only victor will be the angry Lion when He comes back and His children will be victors because of His efforts. 
The Chinese and Russian forces will invade their agreed upon spots. Canada will invade and as well many other nations will take part. The Chinese will not abide by any agreements and will take as much as they can and they will kill everyone. 
But, all that has to happen is to detonate an EMP or many or a natural Carrington Event and within the first year about 90% of all Americans will be dead. From exposure, lack of water, lack of food, lack of medical care, lack of safety, lack of security, lack of civility, lack of love.
The beginning of the attacks on all churches and denominations has already begun. First to be revealed are the truly false teachers who are against the new transitionary government. These false teachers who will proven to be so. It is they who cause changes in the laws which shall be against Christian denominations and churches. While those churches and denominations who have publicly allowed sin to remain in their holy places shall be allowed to persist. 
All localized news regarding actual criminality of preachers and pastors will be televised all over the nation instead of just locally as which has been the practice and then stories repeated. These will include historical evidence of all pastoral crimes which are not known by the general public.
If you are truly followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then shouldn't you be actively and continually following His will and the soft voice of the Holy Spirit?
It is a deception that Christians should do nothing and to be responsible for nothing as God will do everything and take care of everything. This is what those who follow the world wants you to believe. 
The Texan Chaotic Sign:
What is more chaotic than a 133 vehicle massive car/truck accident in Texas? or 1,000 individual vehicle accidents in Texas and not counting any other state.
Texas seems to have less power production than they had just last year. If I saw the power production statistic correctly. Texas has lost power production every year for the last3-5 years. So if this trend continues. What are you going to do? Especially when this new transitionary government transitions this economy from what it was to a green economy? Green economy means a fundamental altering of the use of natural resources. 
What are you going to do when there is no power for days or weeks or even months? If power or electricity production continues to decline how are you gonna have access to power even if you have functional power lines? Then what about access to clean drinking water and food preparation? What about perishable food storage? Then what about when food runs out inside of the stores? Can you harvest your own meats, vegetables, nuts and fruits every single month of the year? Begin now to research, plan and grow your own foods. Yes, you may have to move. 
You wealthy who own much lands. Begin to grow self sustaining wild foods of every kind. Like wild garlics, onions, berries, fruit trees of all kinds for your region. Plant nut trees of every kind for your region. Now is the time. Even as Chaos begins to reign across this land. Prepare yourself. Prepare your family. Prepare your friends. Prepare your community. 
As you Americans continue to buy all of your products and services from any foreign entity. You are directly causing harm to yourself, your family and to your community. Refuse to buy anything from China and refuse business from any European nation or any Asian nation. 
The greatest of lies in the entire survival and prepping communities is to only prepare for yourself. For if you do and you reject your brother and sister in need. This is not loving one another. Who is your brother and sister? All of humanity is your brother and sister. So if God has given you the means to Love many of your brothers and sisters then you should of your own free will and free choice. For if solely go it alone and make efforts to save your own skin as your brothers and sisters suffer and die. Then you may meet God as your judge and not as your Heavenly Father and it won't matter how much you gave to the church and to the poor. It won't matter if your a life long Christian. For all of the social Christians in your church will cry out "what happened and what about me?".
You must pray and fast about this. The Holy Spirit will lead you to remove all of your investments in world things like stocks and such and then re-invest back into your own community. 2022 is the next Shemitah. So between now and then be wise financially. Do not buy real estate and consider selling your investment properties in a timely manner. But, if you are caring and housing those who will be harmed by your selling of real estate. Then you should reconsider my words. Especially, if your a forgiving land lord and not a money monger. Because, when the economic collapse comes and properties are once again deeply underwater.  The debt loads of those who bought near the end of a Shemitah will be very stressful for your entire community.  
Added on 23 Feb 2021: 
As devout American Christians continue to be responsible for nothing in regards to their community, their state and their nation. The Americans will not only lose it all but they will also be criminalized. 
Those social Christians, professing Christians who do not read the Holy Bible or pray. Those who only go to church as a function of their own professional marketing strategy. Those who only pretend to be Christian on Sunday and then keeping their planned wrongdoing activities from Monday thru Saturday. Those who only go for the worldly styled feel good entertainment presented at the mega church. These are those who do not really care and shall be the ones judged by God and not by any human being. 
More chaos shall come to the churches as wealthy corporate officers and high level corporate managers from the community will be forbidden to go to church or even tithe their own monies. If they are caught by the media and the new ruling political authority. They will lose their jobs and no longer be employable. 
So you say this is not possible how can this be? This is because the corporate officers and those high management people were encouraged to go to church in order to put on that good corporate face. So that the community will see and believe their falsehoods. The truth is the corporation is only a self determining entity which only cares for itself. In order for the corporation to be successful the population must believe it is a good neighbor. Much like the conn man wants their victim to believe they are a good person as they rob you by your own choice of giving to them. 
The wise churches who have corporate officers especially from those international corporations. They each will begin to operate their churches with an absence of those corporate tithes and offerings. For their monies will eventually stop. Have you seen an empty mega church in which the lead pastor struggles to even maintain the building? I have, and this one church has a Bible museum and the Holy of Holies on display. It seems no one really cares about Bibles. ( This is worth the visit and time. 
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Government Subject: (Unedited): 26 March 2013:

Prophecy: This contains offensive content.Added Content 28 March 2013, 30 March 2013, 01 April 2013.

The Christian Importance of following the directive in the New Testament Holy Bible, can be taken the wrong way. The Christian follower cannot be a slave to any Government entity. A Government entity Set up by God will not enslave the Christian population or any other religious person.

Look at the history of every war fought. Where tyranny was forced by the powerful few onto the powerless common person. Any Government entity who rejects the Laws, Mandates and will of GOD. Becomes that government entity which Romans 13 does not apply. Thus, allowing for the common people to overthrow such tyranny, even if it is their own government entity. Send those corrupt leaders who have sinned against God's people, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD. Send those evil leaders who purposely changed and altered the system of government, which was set up by the enlightened fore fathers, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD.  Including all of their associates. Back 50 years.  Let their divine judgement begin sooner than later.
Added 30 March 2013. I have felt that I have hurt someone with great honor for the USA. This is about prophecy and not just for the USA. Canada, Europe, Australia and every other country on this planet. 
For the USA, I still have hope for a turn around. A return to righteousness and godliness. I think I am the only human being on the planet who thinks that all prophecies can be prevented. That is my intention and purpose. I believe there is a reason why the USA is not specifically mentioned in the prophecies of the Holy Bible as is other Countries. The USA is of no importance. What does that mean? I have no idea. I also believe that 5 Billion plus lives can be saved as well as the rest of the life on this planet. The common people must flee from their sin, by logical choice. The true righteous and godly people of this country must run for every political office. If not. Then the powerful few will have all of the power that technology affords. The rest of the people will have nothing to defend themselves with. The state of technology is at such that numbers may no longer matter nor does the 2nd amendment. The weapons systems is of such that, there will be no defense against it. Especially from an enslaved world population which has no access to education or technology. Then all of those ancient prophets who foretold dire and dark times will manifest. 
I truly believe that any undesirable prophecy which is known can be averted and prevented. No matter who has spoken it. Everyone must collectively work together to prevent the happening. Such is the story with Joseph and Pharaoh. The technology of the day could not prevent the happening but they could manage resources and people. Which is what they did under the leadership of Joseph. Because even a god pharaoh doesn't want to die.

Every educated, well spoken and capable Christian. Must run for every available political office. This is mandatory, crucial and critical for the whole of a righteous Nation under God to remain intact. If there is an absence of godly, righteous and honorable people. Then your Country given to you by God will be lost. Before it is lost. The government entity will commit terrible atrocities all over the world in the name of your God. Then your Country you love enough to shed your blood for, will grant supreme rights and freedoms to offensive sinners. While denying you your own rights and freedoms.

If you are a Christian follower and happen to be in the employ of a turncoat Government entity. You individually must follow all of the Romans 13. Which includes following the primary law in Romans 13:9. If the order tells you to search and destroy, You must disobey. If the order is for you to kill those associated with any Religious military group bent on protecting themselves from the evil government in which you are employed by, You must disobey and then join the righteous.
If you are a Christian follower and are employed by the turn coat Government entity, You must separate yourself from it. You are a part of the power base and enforcement arm of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You separating yourself from the government weakens the whole of the government.
If you are a Christian follower and yet under the employ of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You must walk away, leave all that you have been given behind including retirement rewards. Just as Lot and his wife had to leave their home and lands. So, may be required of you.

Ye, Christian warriors. When there is evidence that your beloved country has turn coat. Go into every church and proclaim that it is time to separate yourself from a corrupt turn coat Government entity, which was once a creation of God for his chosen children. You will have choices. To remain with the turn coat government entity or to remain with your Heavenly father or to choose nothing. Only one choice is correct. One choice will offer you short term rewards. One choice will only have long term rewards. One choice will only give you the rewards of animalistic behaviors.

Not only is Romans 13 important for the Christian follower. It is also important to the Islamic person, Jewish Person, Hindu person and any other Religious Tradition. If your government entity rejects holiness and righteousness. The common person who is righteous and holy has the right to revolution. A government can claim it is righteous and holy, but through their actions can you witness the truth. Who has the wealth? Who has the force of power? Who has the right to education? Who has the right to live without fear and intimidation from their government entity?
There will be signs of this coming prophecy.

Freedom without responsibility. Extreme freedoms is in fact enslavement.  Romans 13: 11-14.

Laws which limits and offends the whole of the righteous, while granting supreme equality to the offensive lone sinner. Added on 28 March 2013. Laws passed will solely benefit the political and corporate elites. The common person will lose their health, life, freedoms and rights from the unlawful actions of the political and corporate elites.

Common peoples education based in the importance of social justice. While denying the non-offering of math, science, language arts, Real History, Logical and critical thinking. Added 28 March 2013.  The common person will not need to be educated beyond the projected and defined limits set by local, state, regional and national entities. If a human body is required to work a certain job. Then that person will only be given the opportunity to attain the required educational level required for training in that job skill as defined by the governing bodies.

You can only do something wrong if you are caught. Then you lie, lie and lie. 

Social and cultural importance becomes more important than righteousness, holiness, education, honor, integrity. 

Access to quality medical care. Becomes non-existent for the common person. While the rich, powerful and famous receives quality medical at any time for themselves and all of their family. Added on 28 march 2013. Medical care will see a division in care responsibilities. The chosen select will have access to the best medical care that advanced technology affords. While the common work force person will only receive the medical care required to get that person back on the job. If the common work force person is of the advanced age of about 30 or40 years, Their medical care will stop. If it is deemed that that person cannot resume productive duties. The common work force person will know nothing of any kind of advanced medical care. It wont even be a conceptualized consideration. It is just the way it is. The average life expectancy of the rich, powerful and famous will grow beyond 100. While the common work force person will only be 30-50 years or what ever is deemed the end of the productive work years.

 The rich, famous, and powerful receives the highest quality education and training which is individually desired by that person from birth. The elite children will be trained in martial arts and weapons, leadership, mathematics, Strategy and tactics.

The rich, famous and powerful will have access to the best and highest quality foods to achieve maximum health and life longevity. This includes vitamins, compounds and minerals. As well as non pasteurized foods. Even if these items are outlawed. A large bag of Doritos cost $4. while a small bowl of fruit cost $6. A bag of Doritos can feed you for a whole day. A small bowl of fruit barely a meal. Which is healthier? Added on 28 March 2013. There actually will be a division in foods. Foods specifically for the rich, famous and powerful and foods for the common people. The rich, famous and powerful will know not to eat and drink of the common persons foods and drinks. The foods and drinks will be engineered for low life expectancy (Health), population controls and control over a persons will.

Energy restrictions and control measures for the common person. Government entity Limits energy usage and who gets power at what times and for how long.
Fuel cost will limit the common person to move around. This is a restriction of movement and loss of freedom.

This planet is 7/10ths water. To exert control and authority over the water resource. Mandated restrictions will be implemented. The government knowing a rise in population is taking place has a responsibility to condition water and to move it to those needed areas. To not do so, guarantees an opportunity to exercise power, control and enforcement.

Added on 28 March 2013. News will no longer be truthful, complete or revealing. News will become an arm of the political and corporate  elites. The lives of the famous will become more important than actual hard news in which the population needs to know.

Added on 28 march 2013.The common people become helpless to defend themselves against any force of arms. Weapons outlawed. Martial arts and any other fighting style outlawed. Any aspect of strategy and tactics outlawed.

Abortion. Added 28 March 2013. The sanctity of all life diminished for the common person.

Marriage of man and man, woman and woman, human and animal. adult and child. 

Justified genocide.

Never ending wars.

The word use of "Christian" also means for the name of your religion of your particular government entity.
Comment " the 2nd amendment no longer really matters" What this means is with the advent of vastly superior weapons systems with automation. The few no longer really need human bodies as their human shields or castle walls made of flesh. The right to have and own guns as defined by the constitution is solely for the common person to over throw a government when voting rights no longer matter. Gun ownership is not about hunting it is about protecting yourself from any government entity. It matters not if it is from within or without. So, the common person should have access to military style weapons systems. Which as far as the advancements of technology. No longer is practical. Who can buy an F22, M1A1 Abrams, or an Aircraft carrier and any other vastly incredibly weapons platforms. The children thinks it would be cool to own. My own father would joke that everyone should own their very own thermonuclear ballistic missile. Which as a child, I thought it would be cool. But, as an adult, very scary.
The 2nd amendment no longer matters because even if every capable person had military style weapons and training. Any government military can neutralize any ground force from afar and at altitude. This comment is not saying that I desire that the 2nd amendment should be taken away. On the contrary. Every capable person who is in their right mind. Should have fully automatic weapons of their own choosing and the training to ensure safe use with their friendly COMRADES.
28 March 2013. Added content and some editing work. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wolf Does: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

There is no lie or deception of the wolf who is dressed and acts as the wolf does. 
A person cannot be surprised to realize that a snake will bite or constrict. A person who tries to walk with bears will get mauled. A person who gets trampled by large beasts can be of no great surprise either. Swimming with Alligators or crocodiles may get you eaten. Running with the lions will get you eaten. When presented with the truth do not think it is not the truth. Apes and chimps are not pets or human like. Do not be surprised when they attack. They are animals and not people. If you die and the food runs out. You pets will begin to eat you. Really.  Research YouTube videos if you believe me not. Real life truth.
  Any animal does not have to verbally tell you that they are this particular animal for you to believe they are that animal. You just know. Which may seem obvious. But, for some people they need to be reminded.
With people it can be confusing. With belief systems, Religions, political systems and cultural systems it can be confusing. A bad person who is deceiving may wear the garments of religions or the suits of a politician. From their mouths you may be deceived but from their actions you shall not be. Witness the whole action not just the parts in which was intended for your viewing. A lie or a deception can be clothed in a fabric of truth.
People of power and authority are not servants to the masses or to the people. They only serve themselves or sell themselves to the highest bidder. Which makes them prostitutes. Possibly even the prostitutes as prophesied in the End times Bible prophecy.
If you are a Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Jew or a dedicated person of any other religion which teaches righteousness and holiness. You do not need any authority over you save GOD/GRANDFATHER or however you name the divine. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 