Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Remember The Traitors, Thieves, Cheaters And Liars: +21: (Unedited): 11-17 Aug 2024:

Always Remember, it is the traitors who opens the doors for the enemies to gain easy entry. 
A traitor is an absolutist. They only care about themselves as they reason that they did no wrong when all they did was open the door.
A traitor is opportunistic. All they did was sell or do a thing. It isn't their fault that actual bad and awful things happened.
Always Remember, it is always the thieves and robbers which take from the collective coffers. 
Always Remember, It is the lying cheats who selfishly skim for themselves while handing the secret keys over to all of our enemies for a price of course.
Note: 17 August 2024: Secret keys means classified information. Even if the President has the legal right to release classified information to our enemies like what Bill Clinton did during his term in office. Releasing all of the NASA information to Russia and China. In which both nations immediately began to build new weapons systems and sell them to our enemies for use against us. Which has already been seen. So how is North Korea using about 70% of American materials in their new generation of Ballistic missiles which are in production and which are used by Russia against Ukraine?  
Always remember, It is the con artist who pretends to be for you with a warm loving smile as they take everything and destroy all that you have become. In the long con it does not matter if you suffer and die.
Note: 17 August 2024: For instance socialism is a long con. The world fought two world wars against socialism. Remember, the cold war? What did the USSR stand for? Oh Yea, Nazi Germany was a socialist state. 
Always remember, the traitors, thieves, cheaters and liars fore there will not be a prison cell for any of them. Only their corrupt and contaminated blood shall pour into the streets as it should. 
Always remember, you cannot reason with wicked evil doers. There is only three options for them. They must leave and never return, incarcerated forever or death. If they present themselves as a genuine threat and refuse authority. Then they must die. 
The illusion of freedom and rights is always a rug pull away when you are the most dense, helpless and defenseless. 
All laws of humankind is illusionary and temporary. While the laws of God are real, forever and permanent. 
While humans write laws on parchment it's up to the citizenry to keep them valid. The new government leaders who did not ink those laws start using those laws against their own people. It's the people who will invalidate the leaders. 
When the people begin to invalidate the leaders be warned of what you do next. Because, when invalidation comes for you it may be your blood which pours out into the streets. 
The enemy is among us all and surrounds us all. As the people begin to realize that they each will be forced to fight a two sided war. One against their own government and the other the enemies which were allowed entry through the gates. 
It takes real men with honor and an unwavering resolve to uphold the tenants of any society. When those real men disappear the fake guardians will begin to shave off pieces for a price until there is nothing left but the illusion of freedom, liberty and rights for all. 
As the fake guardians make a mockery of things. There will be a return of those real men of honor, valor and resolve. They shall show no mercy and compassion as the blood of the wicked evil doing traitors are cut down.
It is the righteous and holy which brings hell to the wicked evil doers. Just as the traitors allowed the vile enemies to enter into the scared gates. Men of honor, valor and resolve cannot be bribed or negotiated with. 
There are three types of people who cannot be reasoned with. The righteous, the wicked evil doer and the delusional. You cannot reason or negotiate with the righteous to be less righteous or stop being righteous. 
Men of honor, valor and resolve cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. So when these men have already become mission minded and started marching forward. All you can do is get out of the way. They must save the world for good people like you.
I have warned in my writings of old. Time is at hand and the embolden threat to the whole world is speaking openly and telling everyone what is going to happen. Their plans and words have never changed. They have trained and have been taught their entire lives to hate and kill you. Now, your own government has made you defenseless and helpless. Not even their police can stand and fight any of them. What are you going to do now? Your own governmental leaders have just realized that they are next to become like Lebanon. Which means all of you civilians will die or be forced to become refugees. Except this time in the next 20 years. There will not be any safe place to go to. Even the USA will suffer much violence as this next election cycle if the wrong group gets dominant control over the state and the federal government. Then the Bill of Rights and the Constitution will be eliminated. (Prophetic)Even right now the US Military is and has been training foreign nationals who will wear the American military uniform and have no issues killing American Civilians by any means necessary simply because they were ordered. Just like how the FBI publicly murdered a family and a religious cult on two different occasions. Then teach those failed events as successes. So you civilians in Western Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand will have no safe place to flee to. 
=====The Revealing====
God has in the past raised up wicked evil doers to go after other groups of people who have become woefully disobedient. In the Christian and Jewish faith you cannot even tolerate any sin. You cannot even allow sin to reside in any holy place. Where is the holy places? Everywhere you stand. You cannot allow sin to reside inside of your national borders, county borders, city borders, your community borders and your home. Do you get it. As a Christian you cannot even tolerate sin. Yes, you love the sinner as we all are sinners. But, if the sinner publicly and pridefully refuse to put away their sins. Then they must leave. Because, You have allowed and tolerated all manner of offensive sin to remain and to be public like the Olympics opening ceremony as well as other open events. You all will pay, suffer and die. You all will lose everything. If God will destroy his own beloved Jewish all of those many times before. What do you think He is going to do to you, your family, your friends, your people, your culture, your nation and even your own beloved identity??? You all had better start genuinely repenting and change your lives right now. Because, those wicked evil doers who have been beating cops and civilians have been ordered not to kill. They are being obedient to their religious leaders. But, once the weapons of war are in their hands. They will begin killing every man, woman and child.
As you vile and cowardice civilians helplessly watch your own countrymen who love their own country are fully beaten, stabbed and killed for simply walking the streets. Just remain inside because you already know your all helpless and defenseless as those Muslim men have been training to fight and die their whole lives in order to remove the filth which is you/me with unreserved hatred. 
You must genuinely repent and life you life causing no harm to any other soul. You also must pursue righteousness and holiness. Just like the apostles of early Christianity you may still be tortured and killed. But, in the afterlife you will be with your Heavenly Father and not judged by God. 
Those of you who do not repent and this include all of Islam and the Muslim communities. You also shall die a physical death but each of you will be judged by God and then spend an eternity in hell fires torment before your final and absolute death in which you will always be fully awake and fully sane. 
In the coming global turmoil which has been told and taught to you by many accepted and unaccepted prophets. You all shall suffer and die. Far more than many will believe that they will be going to their God but, will only awaken to judgement and conviction as a hellish prison awaits. Your screams of being deceived and lied to go unheard and unanswered. For God shall say to you ...I Never knew you...
I have already told you what to do. Read the purple words below. But, it will not guarantee your physical safety as you remember the early Christians and even the Christians of today who reside in places where being a Christian means suffering, torture and death. This is about ever lasting life which is beyond this one. 
Here it is. You must get healthy. You must get physically fit. You must learn all of the skill sets of the farmer, off grid people, Mennonites, Amish and the indigenous tribes as if it were prior to the first industrial revolution. You must plant every kind of food bearing tree, plant and bush. Yes, that does mean ripping up all of your ornamental plants, bushes and trees. You must learn the skill sets of raising small, medium and large animals all without the use of feed and farm stores. You must learn hand to hand combat skills as well as the use of bladed weapons. You must become proficient at using long guns out to and more than 500 meters. You must become proficient with hand guns and engaging multiple targets with speed and accuracy. You must do these things now. You must be directly and physically associated with like minded communities.
For those in law enforcement and alphabet agencies. You will be ordered to go after citizens who are only a threat to an *evident evil regime that you represent. What are you going to do? Because, if you harm an innocent soul which is of God. You may guarantee your job and the keeping of your home with food and medical care. But, in the end you will lose your life. This is irony. Your a good man who sent bad people to jail and yet you still end up judged, convicted and incarcerated forever in the hot place. 
When you start to obey wrongful orders this is when you begin to lose your honor a little piece at a time. Especially when gangs are in the streets with all kinds of bladed weapons harming innocent people and yet your ordered to go after someone who may have made a possible offensive Facebook or X post. This is also an indication that you're on the wrong side and are now forced to be a bad guy.
NOTE: I have studied these enemies for two decades now. They teach their young boys to cause mass murder and to escape. They teach hand to hand combat from an early age. Do not go toe to toe with any one of them as you will be swamped by them all and they will embarrass you and then when the imams and those with more authority order tall of them to kill everyone. They will be absolutely obedient and then go forth and kill everyone they can. Just as they raped, tortured and killed men, women and children. They also will do the same to all of you in your own specific nation.
*Evident Note: When you begin to do things in which the laws are being used wrongly. When laws have been made which takes away actual freedoms, liberties and human rights. This shall be your evidence in that moment of time. In which you will have to decide to maintain your honor and integrity or throw all that you hold as valuable away. You may even lose your home, assets, retirement all because you want to remain honorable, a good person. What is your price? because, all that I see is bullies without honor or remorse who have all embraced becoming bad people. Maybe, they were always bad people pretending to be good people with badges or alphabet agency ID's. 
Added on 17 August 2024: Minor edits and word additions. If you have saved original writings. You can match them up with what I have changed or altered. You should do that with any digital writing which is of interest to you in order to keep up with changes.
Personal Note: You know I do not condone violence and do not want any violence. I do not want and do not have any official involvement with bad people, cops or alphabet types. But, as of recently It seems I'm not allowed to use the word delete or omit anything in my writings. This writing is implying allot of violence to come. But, go and remember human history and what happens to governments, leaders, rulers and their families when they become the enemy of the people. This is not new. Go and look in the Geneva Bible 1599 and how it identifies governments as demonic and evil. Where is that in Ephesians? Go forth and read. Read the whole thing.
Interesting Note: Google is having issues as I write this and is not saving my updates. Yep, updates are all failing. 
Added on 27 Aug 2024: As more illegal immigrants come into the USA and they are provided with many thousands of dollars in cash, food stamps, medical care, dental care, and other benefits per month. They are even already being provided with bank loans for cars, trucks and mortgages on homes. Because, there is about 50 million foreign nationals inside of the USA right now with more and more coming in everyday. They are all being directly tied into the economy. Then if the political wicked evildoers lose offices and elections. The planned sabotage of the American economy has already taken place. Then when someone else begins to deport all of the illegals. There will be a sudden negative impact on the American economy. 
Not to mention I have had visions of illegals who are having loved ones deported. They begin to burn their houses down. The financial stresses on the banking industry and the insurance industry will be very hard. 
I have seen dozens of homes on fire within one neighborhood all at once. But, I also, have seen homes burning down at different times in neighborhoods as in one image I saw old burned up ruins and then new fires. 
Think about this. A voting block of about 50 million people. A people whom your nation has invited in without the express permission of the American people. How do you think these people are going to react when all of their funding and benefits are stopped? Now your gonna force them to return home. There is going to be much anger and hatred. Thus, violence after all they have families and children. Now your going to harm their children and wives to dangerous uncertainty. 
Then once the USA is seen as weakened. This is when other groups and nations will pounce on their own perceived opportunities. 
Added on 04 Sept 2024: Any person, group of people, organizations and even any side of political ideology who professes that they will ban the second amendment or ban all guns within her first 100 days and that freedom of speech is a privilege is an enemy to the Constitution of the United States of America. Their words are evidence of their intended treason and to overthrow the USA. By their/her own words. You had better vote correctly during this election cycle. 
Well, It looks like that technologies and AI are going to be used as political tools for the Democratic party. How far can treason go? What will be the cost and reward? Who will pay the burden and who will receive the most? 
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
In the end of each of you vile wicked evildoers who think of themselves as gods, lords and leaders. The whole of this Earth shall become Eden. Which shall be absent of you as each of shall be tormented forever in hell. 
Of all of humanity that you vile wicked evildoers are about to murder by plan. There will only be two groups. Those who precede you into hell and those who will be accepted into heaven by their Heavenly Father. 
You vile wicked evildoers shall only enjoy certain times in this life you live. But, once your last breath is exhaled. Your torment forever begins in hell. 
You vile wicked evildoer are so full of delusions that God has poured out unto all of the Earth. You know not what to believe. Even the words from any prophet shall go into disbelief as you send marching order to incarcerate and murder a messenger from God. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thought Control Rises +9: (Unedited): 14 July 2023:

The sinful lives of the elites cannot be revealed by black listed people. 
This seems to be as evidenced by customer harassment of those who desire to view the documentary like movie called "Sound of Freedom". 
Even though I write this quote does not mean I'm writing from my understanding. This or these quotes seem to be from the elites own mind set as they fight to control their narrative and way of sinful life. 
The lives of the elites seem to desire the shadows and darkness of their unrevealed sins.
Darkness always hides sins. Until the light of God illuminates all and all is revealed. In which everything will be revealed.
Freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and of thought only applies to the elites.
Why do you think the enemies of your religion and of your godly ways no longer has the right to even show your face in any professional, cultural or social setting. That you are no longer allowed to take part in any aspect of public participation. Why do you think that you're forbidden from participation in political affairs. These are false beliefs in which you remain obedient to as you quietly remain in your home. Hoping and praying no one finds out that your one of them. In which you will lose your job, your home and your life. Remember they are most diffidently coming after your children.  So it is everything that you will lose and you can only hide for so long. Because, A Christian will be easy to find as a Christian must love their fellow human beings and this is how they will eventually be caught and martyred.
Denial of rights, liberties and freedoms can only be successfully be done if those who the denial is being done to are unaware of any rights, freedoms or liberties. 
Thought control must begin during a controlled educational process at every level. Thought control must continue on during every professional, cultural, social and family interaction.
How to think logically and reasonably is no longer being taught in schools. But rather to absolutely believe every single word of your teachers is mandatory even above your parents and religious leaders. This is the essence of thought or mind control. The teacher and educational system is true, right and correct. The parents cannot and do not have the right to oppose the authorities and if a parent speaks up then they are labeled as terrorists as which has been officially revealed by the American government.  
The idea of freedoms, liberties and human rights will only be known to the coming rulers and authorities of a one world government. 
As the young commoners are not taught how to think and reason. They will not even be aware that words like freedom, liberty and any kind of human rights as well as other empowering words will even exist beyond conceptualized form. 
Words such as freedoms, liberties and rights of any kind shall be erased from the minds of the commoner peoples. Then for those commoner peoples who know of such words must be erased and exterminated. 
Though cursive writing is no longer taught in American public schools may seem innocent enough. But, when you realize that the ancient American documents were written in cursive. You can see a single process of how important words begins to disappear. Just as how teaching history began to end in the late 1970's to the degree that the younger generation knows not what the history of their own American government is and all they know is all of the atrocities ever committed. While also being taught that socialist and communist states are amazingly positive. While also at the same time the actual fascists know not they are the fascists while violently and angrily accusing the non fascists of being fascists.  Which is evidence of rampant deception and delusion. 
The individual commoner can stop the elites by refusing to give their hard earned monies to anything as related to each offensive elite person.
Bud light is only the beginning. Go woke or go broke is only a beginning. Because once the commoners see the elites and politicians as evil doing demonic entities. What and how the Russians killed their own rulers in the past will seem amateurish. 
The individual commoner will begin to leave all aspects of worldly society as their monies stop going to any worldly owned thing as governed by offensive elites. 
This does mean everything including software of any kind. 
The power of the politicians is given by the people. While the money powers the elites, which is also given to them by the commoner people. What happens when the people refuse to give their power and money to sinful evildoers like YOU?
The commoner people can stop evil doers who hold power and authority. Just as the elites are beginning to realize that their own woke agendas will bankrupt them if they continue to push. Target, Walt Disney and AB INBEV are just the beginning. The suppression of "Sounds of Freedom" is also being seen and experienced by the commoner peoples in which they see as something which is beyond evil and horrific.
The commoner people are truly awake to your own evil wokeness and they are only beginning to respond with their hard earned monies. But, once you sinful elites and evil politicians begin to mess with their own hard earned wealth. The commoner peoples will rise up as they had in the historical human past and it will be your blood which will flow into the streets along with your children, family and any who are associated with you. So as the great reset continues forth. When the people of the world all realize that your messing with all that they have worked hard for. Even a newly seated king will have his crown crushed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

World Freedom Lost, +12: (Unedited): 05-12 Feb 2022:

 It is interesting to note that where ever freedom and liberty was something of importance to the civilian populations of the world. Only a few are standing up against their governments for their rights. It is not a coincidence that the national leaders of the free world have been restricting and taking away existing freedoms and liberties. These restrictions to the civilian populations is an organized plan as agreed to by the so called leaders of the world.
In which nations are the civilians making their stand? Currently Canada, Australia, 
Can the civilians of the world have their very first global civil war? A war where the civilians of the world actively cause, violence and death to those leaders and their families. The civilians will lose as the civilians of the world have no real military assets and in the emerging age of AI, Robotics and Drones. Cruise missiles will be used in the dead of night. NBC weapons of every unique design will be used on civilians. 
Added on 12 Feb 2022:
The western civilization becomes lost as the civilian populations continues to elect leaders who are fully delusional and apathetic to the citizens needs. 
Just as Rome collapsed from within so to shall the modern western society fall to from within. The foundation is not made of concrete and steel. The foundations are made of good people doing good things continually. The physical expression of what the foundations do is in the prevalence of freedoms, liberties and rights. 
When the good citizens of any nation or planet forget to be good and to stop doing good. Then all that they know will collapse. 
Once the foundation of any great thing disappears. The whole crumbles into a tear filled  fool hearted mess. 
When the clowns of the free world are leading nations. Those nations shall become like grand circuses in which you must pay to play. 
It shall be the foolish clowns who come together in the great circus who shall find joy in the taking away of all freedoms, liberties and rights. It shall be the clowns who become entertained by the suffering of the audience. 
The audience is the civilian population of the world. 
Added on 19 Feb 2022: Can you count how many leaders in the world have become against their own people in the recent 3 years? Australia, Canada, Germany, France and the USA. More and more national leaders will progressively come against their own people. 
Added on 26 Feb 2025:
A young child shows signs of becoming a wise adult or a foolish adult.
A foolish parent will try to beat the foolishness out of the foolish child. 
A young child who mocks the stories, teachings and the words old people kills his own family before they are born or known. 
The elders who refuse to have a meaningful and long lasting relationship with their own grandchildren ends their own blood line with much suffering.
When the elders of a nation all refuse to have meaningful and long lasting relationships with their own grandchildren. The entire nation will become entirely foolish as suffering overtakes the end of the nation.
A family, nation and a world which embraces the foolishness of sin shall come to know the permanence of extinction. 
As the leaders of any family, nation and the world embrace the foolishness of sin. It shall bring about revolt, destruction, disease, war and death. 
Tolerance is a sinful form of foolishness by cowards, faithless and the weak minded.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Political Corporate Ownership: (Unedited): 05 March 2017:

When the pendulum swings far into the opposite direction. There will always be a process of consolidation of political power.  When that power is a corporate oligarchy. There will also be a consolidation of political power as well as corporate ownership into as few hands as possible.
Any leader needs and must have people in critical positions whom they can and will trust. Generals and admirals get replaced or retired. All the way down the line. So what happens when a corporate oligarchy is established? That is a very important question. What will happen is the rights and freedoms which are inherent for all people is transferred to the corporations. The corporations become more important than simple human rights. A human right is selfishness of the individual and relativistic thought may become the argument against human rights and for corporate rights. While corporate rights benefits everyone. Which is a half or partial truth. 
In a corporate oligarchy. There will be more than three classes of people. Most likely more than a dozen classes of people. All with their own specific level of a rewards system. As a person becomes more important to the corporate political structure. They will be given rewards. These rewards are absent of any ownership. The concept of ownership shall fade away into a dead concept and be replaced with a corporate rewards system. The corporations shall own everything, including your person hood.
Health care shall also be rewards based on your class level within a specific corporate structure. For instance a janitor may have very low health care. In which a simple breaking of a bone may end their life. Because, there shall be no long term cost which can cause financial damage to the corporate entity. Janitors are easily replaceable assets. Where as a low level corporate manager will be granted the necessary medical care to repair the bone break. If a low level manager gets cancer. Then his or her worth to the corporation shall be evaluated. If a replacement person is easily available and training is minimized. Then that manager will be allowed to die in a painless manor. Everything is about cost and profit.
There will also be corporate classification/secrets in which this will guarantee that no one talks to any lower level person and no lower level person will want to speak with or be in the presence of a higher level person. For fears of losses in their rewards.
The conceptual idea of retirement will also fade away. Except for the top tier of  corporate leaders. A corporate leader or something to be defined similar to demigods can perpetuate freedoms to their own children and grand children. In which they will receive the highest rewards level of everything available. So as long as those children are obedient to all of the corporate rules and corporate social etiquette. Severe punishment comes to the accepted corporate family when one of them becomes disobedient and social outcasts.
Even the highest levels of corporate people will have their own disciplines. Anyone or any corporate entity goes out of line as defined by them all. Then the corporate all can and will refuse to do all levels of business with the corporate disobedient.
Also, a person of lower classification can be easily blackballed into starvation and death. In which their death won't even be considered murdered. There is or shall be no crime against the harming or killing of a non person.
Personal opinion note:
 I have found it interesting how the peoples retirement investments into a variety of mutual funds. Go and finance ownership into everything else. The people who actually own it all do not seem to use their own money. Maybe, they think it is all of their own money and all of the people belong to them as well. Maybe, they think of themselves as gods. It is all very strange to me.
This is prophecy.
The USA has transformed itself from a fledgling republic to a mature system of world leadership after WW2. Then the USA became a democratic form of government. Then the USA again transformed briefly into a security conscious nation and then into a special interest oligarchy.  With the presidency of Donald Trump. The USA may become lost into the full measure of absolute corporate oligarchy. In which the rights of perceived insignificant groups of people are already being militaristically squashed. (Prayerful Native Indigenous tribes of North Dakota). What happened to the prayerful people in North Dakota will eventually happen to all devout Christians and other devout peoples in other religions. This squashing will grow into more and more people groups until the first massacre is committed. Then full absolute power must be exercised. In which no one will even know a massacre had even occurred. Massacre is absolute silence. The burning of the bodies in mobile incinerators is elimination of evidence. Anyone who stands up against the established corporate oligarchy will be silenced.
Individual business owners who do not participate within any corporate structure. Will be pushed out of business. As wholesale costs will become prohibitive and retail costs driven down by the big retail corporations who are obedient to the unstated corporate rules. The big retail corporations who are diversified in many different things. From transportation to real estate. From ownership percentages in all of the product lines they sell to the energy companies they use. The corporate entity will all become a part of the bigger corporate climate. While the single owner/sole proprietor will be offered a higher rewards level to become assimilated into the controls of the corporate world.
How can you/we/me prevent this. When the rewards will be so good. No more real ownership concerns. Just like how the on base housing is done in the military.
It is simple and yet disastrous.
Invest only in your family, friends and community.
Invest only in family real estate.
Invest in your families education. Which may and most likely will mean homeschooling.
Divest from all corporations, banks, mutual funds and retirement accounts. Hard choices.
Only do business with those who have honor and actual working respect of the purple words below.
Begin to develop these financial transitions now. Will that mean no shopping at Walmart or Target? Probably.
Added on 07 March 2017: I have added some content and made very minor edits.
If a Corporate Oligarchy is allowed to become established. Then over time what is written will a corporate oligarchy will evolve into. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Smoldering Ash Heep: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2016:

Your fires of hate, anger and violence. Which responds to other peoples fires of hate, anger and violence. Will only consume everyone into one smoldering ash Heep. 
 It always takes two or more people to fight, argue or debate. The end result can be actual physical conflict at some level person to person level all the way to national and world wars. Until, the wrongs are only known by the deceased ancestors and not known by those who remain living. Those that remain living only fight because they must and always have. In which over time, rights and wrongs are no longer remembered and living a life worth living with meaning and purpose have been forgotten. 
Think about the end of this one quote. Racism can end with everyone becoming one smoldering ash Heep. Can you imagine those who fight intensely over their wrongly perceived races. Can do so to such a degree that no one will remain. This isn't just about racism. It is about every other ism. Which forgets themselves and their true natures. When you become only what you think and believe. You will forget the heart and spirit of your true being. When your forget, refuse to remember and refuse to even acknowledge anything more about yourself. You will revert or De-Evolve into a base human appearing animal. Only having the desires and psychological responses of animals. 
What is the scientific truth of racism. It is all a lie and a deception perpetuated by those who thirst and need to maintain their power base. The Human Genome project is the scientific proof. Which is now more than fifteen years old.  We are all one family or relation. All of you the readers DNA is more than 99.9% identical to mine. That goes the same for everyone else. Can you fathom that absolute fact that more than 99.9% of your DNA is the same as everyone else. So when you hate someone because they slightly appear different than you. It is a self revelation of a lie which is within you. The native or indigenous tribes have it right. Their one circle (Humanity) of the four colors of man. It is a prophetic circle scientifically proven true in this modern day. I can see it as such.
Well apparently "Heep" is no longer a word.
It is for back in time when a young southern boy got into mischief of any kind. The sometimes response of the responsible adult person. Would state to the young man. "You're in a heep of trouble boy" A Heep would be something big like a mound of hay in the old days before automated hay balers.
Added on 18 Dec 2016: Response to a news video.
Wow. (A negative response). Below is a non educated response of a janitor to the college educated person known as Nathan Damigo. ---------------------------------------------------- While the action of racism is a truth. It is all based on the lies that humanity is based upon multiple races of peoples. The indigenous tribes have gotten it correct. That we are all one relation or one family of humanity. This old indigenous belief was scientifically proven true from the completion of the Human Genome Project of 2003. More than 99.9% all of your DNA Nathan Damigo is identical to any black person, any Asian person, any indigenous person and to everyone else who has a variety of mixed heritages. This is truth and cannot be argued no matter how you feel your right in disagreement to my comments. Furthermore the human race DNA was known to be 99% identical by DNA Fingerprinting or is now known as DNA profiling. In which about 99% of the total DNA material is discarded. In favor of the remaining approximate1% which proves in an International court of law innocence or guilt. DNA fingerprinting or DNA Profiling has been around since 1985. Even this scientifically proves the indigenous claims of we are all one relation. The human skin is only the largest organ of the human body. So how can this alone define all of humanity. If this one organ of the human body is so important. Then why do we not include the human liver as a point to define human beings. I cannot tolerate alcohol while others can drink massive quantities of liquor. By this definition and the obvious efficiencies of their liver. This would alone make them a superior group of people. What about those who have had their gall bladders removed or a kidney removed or tonsils removed. Are these people any less human than anyone else? You should really study the primary functions of the human skin. In which the primary differences in skin is in color and dryness. A human being can lose the ability to create coloring on the skin to protect itself from radiation effects. Are these people less than human because they cannot suddenly create color in their skin? These people who lack color will most likely be ridiculed from within their own culture. They become social outcasts. While a person who loses the ability to cool their bodies will suffer and die if they become over heated. Just because a human being has dark skin tones and another human being has very light skin tones. Does not make either of them any less human than any other dark skinned or light skinned group of people. Do the math on the skin functions and assign equal numbers for each of the primary functions. What is the percentage for coloring? I come up with ten primary functions which are 1). Guards the organs 2). Hair or hairless or in-between 3). Immunity 4). Water loss protection 5). Insulation 6). Temperature regulation 7). Sensation 8). Combined vitamin d and b. 9). Pigmentation 10). Dry or oily skin I come up with 10% or one in ten. So 10% of your human skin is for pigmentation. We as a singular species of human beings degrade each other based on the skin tone of anyone who does not superficially appear as we do. My argument about pigmentation here is flawed as I would most likely not give pigmentation a 10% which would be equal to temperature regulation. So assign values of importance to each of the ten category and align them in descending orders of importance. Are you seeing the math yet? Pigmentation would be near the bottom and have a much lower percentage scale of importance in the over all general health of the human organ called the skin. Shall I continue with history of racism? The origins of the races began with those who spoke different languages. Which most likely began at the Tower of Babel event. If you want a true coming together of people who agree with one another. The lies and teachings of lies can no longer be perpetuated in every aspects of human life all over this planet. When the truths are finally known to all peoples and the lies are also finally rejected along with the people who peddle them. That is when we as a single species of human being can finally discover real peace and begin to express true love for all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. No matter their skin tones. -------------------------------------------------- Your areas of research: The Human Genome project. DNA finger printing or DNA Profiling. Study how this is presented in court and argued. Study how only one percent of the DNA material is used and why the other 99% is not used and why. The human skin as a single organ of the human body. History of racism since the Tower of babel as the starting point.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christian Church/Media Apostasy: (Unedited): 01 Dec 2016:

As churches and Christian media embraces the rights and freedoms of sin. The Holy Spirit shall depart and in those once holy places shall dwell familiar spirits who will mimic their version of the holy spirit and of god. 
In the Tampa Bay Florida Market. A major Christian radio station Plays know gay artists known as Pentatonix. The morning show Female Host likes to discuss her weekends of watching movies she should not discuss on this station. Just recently Freddy mercury was spoken of in an almost glorified light. Sin always begins small.
Just as many denominations have fallen away from righteousness because of sin and the agreement of gay marriage and gay rights. So to shall the righteous devout remnant flee from the churches. Because, the Christian Churches have become places of sin and idolatry.

Is it still apostasy if the ruling bodies of churches changes the rules which define sin? While their book known as the Holy Bible forbids any sin and teaches that followers become righteous in the eyes of God only. Is this a sign of the time before actual sins are edited out of the Holy Bible? In order to make the Holy Bible more inclusive and hateful as defined by the world view of thinking and believing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To Play, Do Pay: Corporate Oligarchy: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2015:

The new ruling body who do pay to play must put down the old dogs who continue to freely bark their freedoms. 
Corporate Oligarchy: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
Corporate Oligarchy
Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations, shall not perish from the Earth.
Yes, this is from a quote from President Lincoln. Altered to reflect the growing monster which is Corporate America today. Corporate America which seems to be manipulated by international interests and intentions. You cannot maintain your national identity when you allow foreign ownership of all of your national and corporate assets.
The new ruling body must pay to play with their newly established government. It shall be considered by them that those who do not pay to play. Shall not benefit in any way with any sort of naturally assumed freedoms. Which will evolve into basic human rights. Basic human rights is not free and you must pay in order to receive any rights or freedoms continually and throughout your entire life. The more you can pay regularly. The better quality of freedoms and rights you shall receive.
If you can pay nothing then you shall have nothing. 
Your freedoms and rights shall be like paying for internet service today. There is a variety of speed variances as well as bandwidths. The more you pay the more you get. Then there shall be those business class kinds of freedoms and rights. Which can be similarly compared to business class internet access. Again, the more you continually pay the more you continually receive.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Christian by Mouth prophecy: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2015:

The end of 40 days (04 Aug 2015) is approaching and there has been no Jonah for the American people. Is this evidence of enough is enough or is it still to early in the prophecies? God has been rejected. Ten Commandments Removed. Abortion legalized. Gays rights established. Apathy is rampant. Not even the whole of the Christian community is willing to fight for what is right and true in the Word of God. Can you imagine that no one is willing to stand up for the Word. Kenya is standing up against sin. Mexico is standing up against sin. Not in the USA.
Celebrating those who come out of the shadows of their own closets proclaiming their free right to sin as they publicly will it. Murders us all. You may not see the harm in another person's sin. This is what is does. It does harm you. When the blessings of God are gone and all that remains are those curses upon ourselves. Will you be one of those who curses God for allowing us to become angered at our own experience of self cursing? Or will you be one of those who prays to God to ease the coming sufferings? While still accepting all manor of sin as a free right.
You cannot have it all. 
Free, legal and public sin.
The protections and blessings from God.
One or the other.
In this there is no spoken answer. How you live your life which is either in agreement with Gods standards or not. There is no in between and no none answers. You either do in it's entirety or you don't do in it's entirety. 
This is prophecy where the people begin to curse God for bringing calamity upon us all. When in truth it was us who shall bring the coming calamities. We are at fault and not God.
Because, The entire Christian community has allowed these actions to continue. They shall be the ones who suffers the most. Because, they are only Christian by mouth and not in mind, not in heart, not in spirit and not in life. Thus, Beginning after 04 Aug 2015 and through the next ?30? or so years.  It will be evident that the Christians have lost their good ole USA and the entire planet. Of course it all will not happen on 04 Aug 2015. This is just a beginning date. In order to turn the events around and to regain the USA. The entire Christian community must as a singular unit of people must actively reject all public displays of sin. Every where their is a parade of sin. The entire Christian community must actively be present and engaged in the repelling of all sin. This includes physical establishments of every kind. The Christian community as a whole must not do business with any business of sin and must not allow it to exist. No matter what the local, state and federal laws state. 
But, of course, this shall not happen as prophecy says it won't. But, prophetic events can be altered. By living righteously and holy in the eyes of God. The entire Christina community shall become the enemies within their own country. Which shall be controlled by a great evil influence. Which is already controlled by the evil influence.
Because, in the end of the prophecies. 5+ Billion people will die in a short period of time and then extinction on this planet shall follow in a purifying manor. Those who have built those great defensive cities underground. Shall also perish. The only safe places is far away off planet or by becoming one of the very small remnant of God. Those who may even find refuge within the ancient archeology of this solar system. Shall still find their final resting places.
Years of suffering. You must use Jewish years. For instance.  A few months prior to the years may have a direct relationship. Such as the savings and loan scandal of 1993 which was preceded by Yasser Arafat event on 13 Sept 1993. Also in 1993, The Waco,TX. event which may have been the slaughter or sacrifice of innocents.

1994(5754), 2001(5761), 2008(5768), 2015(5775), 2022(5782), 2029(5789), 2036(5796).
Preppers and Survivalists

You Doomsday Preppers and survivalist. Need to continue to plan and evolve your plans. Grow your skill sets within your personal toolbox. Reach out and create your own real inter web of personal relationships. You will not be able to go it alone. The government will isolate you, surround you, declare you a crazy criminal on all media outlets for instant guilt. Thus, when they do rush in and kill you all. They will be justified with no cries for an investigation by the general public.
It will be necessary to establish your own internal micro-economies and economy exchanges. With those other related groups and of Religious beliefs. Then do no business and have no relationship with any sinner or with those who are even in agreement with a sinners rights/freedoms. These economies will need to establish themselves as private clubs. Such as Sam's and Costco. There is already much legal president for these kinds of businesses.
Your Number one prep that you can do is still preparing the condition of your body, mind, heart and soul. You must freely choose without threat's, fear's or intimidation's, to live your outward and inward lives with righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. There is a difference between being religious and righteous. Yes, The time will come when you will have to leave your church and church friends. For if they or anyone comes to accept sin as a right or freedom. Then you must flee from them ALL. Even entire religions. If it comes to that.
If God wants any of you to endure unto the end and the rapture becomes a false teaching. Then may you all endure unto your end with a godly mind, godly heart and a godly spirit as seen and accepted by only God. If the rapture is true and it will only be known to you personally. Then may you all be willing to be taken without fight, argument or negotiation. Either way eternal life shall be yours.
As with anything. Your mindset is your greatest asset coupled with your training. Shall see you through to the end. So train, train and train. Join together with individual training regimes. Which grows into multifamily, multi group. Leaderships shall not be automatically given to the one who financially gave the most in monies and property. Because, in those dire times. ownership goes to the whole and not individual. All wealth is shared equally. With no top down approach. In those extreme times of drastic survival. There shall be no historical rights of ownership or any legal protections which has protected you.
yet, we have another prophesied and predicted event for Sept 2015. Take them all with a grain of salt but use these events as training for when any event which may actually occur. Whether it be natural, unexplained or man made.
All individual survival training routines shall seamlessly merge into a larger group and that larger groups training routine shall seamlessly merge into those much larger groups.
A reminder. Those individuals, families and groups which rejects all sin from the Word of God may survive and endure unto the end. However that may be defined by God. So if adultery thrives within the group. The whole group shall be overtaken and perish. You would be better off. To send the two adulterers out into the wilderness then to experience the wrath of God upon the whole group. Read about Balaam and Balak. Numbers 22-26. Do not become like those who curse themselves, their families or their nations. This includes you.
It shall be better for you to cast out your sinful sons and daughters then it is for the whole of the family to be destroyed and to be made extinct. For in those days when the prophecies are openly revealed to everyone and yet they continue to sin. They have made their decision and have chose physical and spiritual death. In those days they will no longer be able to freely change their own minds. God has taken that away from them. Even though they know the outcome to come. They know they cannot change and this is not a will not change.While the angrily disobedient is willful in their decision to remain disobedient. Those ones who cannot change their ways have already been judged and must play their parts accordingly to Gods will.
Added on 02 July 2015: 1834 Hrs.:
All of you doomsday preppers. Who are already self sufficient and self prospering. It is time for all of you who are righteous in your living to come together as a singular self supporting unit. Your numbers shall grow and become as large as a small town. Being a newly created small town. You must continue to reject all sinners from entry into your small town. To go and come together. Lift up your roots and find like heart spirits who are righteous in living, in spirit, in mind, in heart, in body. Those who are like you will come but so to those evil ones who know the difference between the true light and the fake lights of the fallen angels who still want to be gods all to themselves. All must be tested as one tests the spirits and angels. Even the good and righteous angels must be tested with respect. Because, You still must be accepting of the chosen ones of God. No matter their skin tone or national origin. So, if you want to remain or become righteous. You must sever your ties to any racially motivated or isolated group who pretends to be religious. That won't be enough. Because, if you choose to become righteous because of any fear's, threat's or intimidation's. That may just be enough for God to not know you. Even though you are a gifted theologian, preacher or Holy Bible teacher.
But still prepare to permanently keep your bug out bags at the ready. In that time just as the Jews of old had to flee. So to all of you. If you decide to keep the faith. The time shall come when all must take the mark and those who do not shall thirst, starve and be without new clothing. They who do not take the mark shall have no ownership rights whatsoever. Whatever that mark shall end up being.
Other Doomsday Prepper Blogs:
Added on 03 Aug 2015:
This work was re-published on Freedom Preppers News paper.
Thank you to the Freedom preppers team for selecting my work to be republished. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Perpetuated Dumb ideas: (Unedited): 08 July 2014:

The perpetuation of incredibly dumb ideas comes from those corporate managers who refuse to reasonably think for themselves or for those whom they are responsible for.
Any corporate entity who makes policy changes which negatively has an impact on their employees rights and freedoms, especially when it affects their own personal time is absolutely wrong.
 Any corporate entity who sees wrongful actions from other corporate managers within similar corporate businesses take actions against their own employees and then sees it as a good idea. They are wholly ignorant and stupid. Unworthy of the college degrees they have seemed to earn.

In this day and age where the development and the maintaining of a team work environment is crucial to the success and safety of everyone involved. It is just very difficult to understand how an entire management team and an entire non-profit industry can pass new policy which forbids any employee from doing business with their employer. Especially, while said employee is on their own time. These kinds of policies prove of the mistrust and the lack of faith that the entire corporate structure has towards any of it's employees outside of the corporate offices. These corporate personnel have become demigods within their own little fiefdom.

One would think that a non profit organization who portrays themselves as the helper of people who are in need are essentially creating their own payroll and maintaining their own personal lifestyles. With base corporate wages, corporate perks, corporate benefits, corporate insurance and corporate bonuses. While at the same time keeping their own employees at wages which are below a living wage. The minimum wage is far below the living wage.

Yet, inside of these nonprofit retail stores where goods are given freely to the nonprofit corporate organization. Those employees are forbidding to do business with their own employer. 


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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Basic Mammal: (Unedited): 03 June 2013:

 A man who is reduced to his most basic function, becomes only a human mammal equal to all other basic life forms. C.J.MacKechnie
When a man is stripped of all of his purpose, Intellect, spirit and emotional content. What is left? Only a simple animal. Given the same rights of existence as a worm or an insect.
On going thoughts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Government Subject: (Unedited): 26 March 2013:

Prophecy: This contains offensive content.Added Content 28 March 2013, 30 March 2013, 01 April 2013.

The Christian Importance of following the directive in the New Testament Holy Bible, can be taken the wrong way. The Christian follower cannot be a slave to any Government entity. A Government entity Set up by God will not enslave the Christian population or any other religious person.

Look at the history of every war fought. Where tyranny was forced by the powerful few onto the powerless common person. Any Government entity who rejects the Laws, Mandates and will of GOD. Becomes that government entity which Romans 13 does not apply. Thus, allowing for the common people to overthrow such tyranny, even if it is their own government entity. Send those corrupt leaders who have sinned against God's people, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD. Send those evil leaders who purposely changed and altered the system of government, which was set up by the enlightened fore fathers, directly and immediately to the presence of GOD.  Including all of their associates. Back 50 years.  Let their divine judgement begin sooner than later.
Added 30 March 2013. I have felt that I have hurt someone with great honor for the USA. This is about prophecy and not just for the USA. Canada, Europe, Australia and every other country on this planet. 
For the USA, I still have hope for a turn around. A return to righteousness and godliness. I think I am the only human being on the planet who thinks that all prophecies can be prevented. That is my intention and purpose. I believe there is a reason why the USA is not specifically mentioned in the prophecies of the Holy Bible as is other Countries. The USA is of no importance. What does that mean? I have no idea. I also believe that 5 Billion plus lives can be saved as well as the rest of the life on this planet. The common people must flee from their sin, by logical choice. The true righteous and godly people of this country must run for every political office. If not. Then the powerful few will have all of the power that technology affords. The rest of the people will have nothing to defend themselves with. The state of technology is at such that numbers may no longer matter nor does the 2nd amendment. The weapons systems is of such that, there will be no defense against it. Especially from an enslaved world population which has no access to education or technology. Then all of those ancient prophets who foretold dire and dark times will manifest. 
I truly believe that any undesirable prophecy which is known can be averted and prevented. No matter who has spoken it. Everyone must collectively work together to prevent the happening. Such is the story with Joseph and Pharaoh. The technology of the day could not prevent the happening but they could manage resources and people. Which is what they did under the leadership of Joseph. Because even a god pharaoh doesn't want to die.

Every educated, well spoken and capable Christian. Must run for every available political office. This is mandatory, crucial and critical for the whole of a righteous Nation under God to remain intact. If there is an absence of godly, righteous and honorable people. Then your Country given to you by God will be lost. Before it is lost. The government entity will commit terrible atrocities all over the world in the name of your God. Then your Country you love enough to shed your blood for, will grant supreme rights and freedoms to offensive sinners. While denying you your own rights and freedoms.

If you are a Christian follower and happen to be in the employ of a turncoat Government entity. You individually must follow all of the Romans 13. Which includes following the primary law in Romans 13:9. If the order tells you to search and destroy, You must disobey. If the order is for you to kill those associated with any Religious military group bent on protecting themselves from the evil government in which you are employed by, You must disobey and then join the righteous.
If you are a Christian follower and are employed by the turn coat Government entity, You must separate yourself from it. You are a part of the power base and enforcement arm of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You separating yourself from the government weakens the whole of the government.
If you are a Christian follower and yet under the employ of the corrupt turn coat government entity. You must walk away, leave all that you have been given behind including retirement rewards. Just as Lot and his wife had to leave their home and lands. So, may be required of you.

Ye, Christian warriors. When there is evidence that your beloved country has turn coat. Go into every church and proclaim that it is time to separate yourself from a corrupt turn coat Government entity, which was once a creation of God for his chosen children. You will have choices. To remain with the turn coat government entity or to remain with your Heavenly father or to choose nothing. Only one choice is correct. One choice will offer you short term rewards. One choice will only have long term rewards. One choice will only give you the rewards of animalistic behaviors.

Not only is Romans 13 important for the Christian follower. It is also important to the Islamic person, Jewish Person, Hindu person and any other Religious Tradition. If your government entity rejects holiness and righteousness. The common person who is righteous and holy has the right to revolution. A government can claim it is righteous and holy, but through their actions can you witness the truth. Who has the wealth? Who has the force of power? Who has the right to education? Who has the right to live without fear and intimidation from their government entity?
There will be signs of this coming prophecy.

Freedom without responsibility. Extreme freedoms is in fact enslavement.  Romans 13: 11-14.

Laws which limits and offends the whole of the righteous, while granting supreme equality to the offensive lone sinner. Added on 28 March 2013. Laws passed will solely benefit the political and corporate elites. The common person will lose their health, life, freedoms and rights from the unlawful actions of the political and corporate elites.

Common peoples education based in the importance of social justice. While denying the non-offering of math, science, language arts, Real History, Logical and critical thinking. Added 28 March 2013.  The common person will not need to be educated beyond the projected and defined limits set by local, state, regional and national entities. If a human body is required to work a certain job. Then that person will only be given the opportunity to attain the required educational level required for training in that job skill as defined by the governing bodies.

You can only do something wrong if you are caught. Then you lie, lie and lie. 

Social and cultural importance becomes more important than righteousness, holiness, education, honor, integrity. 

Access to quality medical care. Becomes non-existent for the common person. While the rich, powerful and famous receives quality medical at any time for themselves and all of their family. Added on 28 march 2013. Medical care will see a division in care responsibilities. The chosen select will have access to the best medical care that advanced technology affords. While the common work force person will only receive the medical care required to get that person back on the job. If the common work force person is of the advanced age of about 30 or40 years, Their medical care will stop. If it is deemed that that person cannot resume productive duties. The common work force person will know nothing of any kind of advanced medical care. It wont even be a conceptualized consideration. It is just the way it is. The average life expectancy of the rich, powerful and famous will grow beyond 100. While the common work force person will only be 30-50 years or what ever is deemed the end of the productive work years.

 The rich, famous, and powerful receives the highest quality education and training which is individually desired by that person from birth. The elite children will be trained in martial arts and weapons, leadership, mathematics, Strategy and tactics.

The rich, famous and powerful will have access to the best and highest quality foods to achieve maximum health and life longevity. This includes vitamins, compounds and minerals. As well as non pasteurized foods. Even if these items are outlawed. A large bag of Doritos cost $4. while a small bowl of fruit cost $6. A bag of Doritos can feed you for a whole day. A small bowl of fruit barely a meal. Which is healthier? Added on 28 March 2013. There actually will be a division in foods. Foods specifically for the rich, famous and powerful and foods for the common people. The rich, famous and powerful will know not to eat and drink of the common persons foods and drinks. The foods and drinks will be engineered for low life expectancy (Health), population controls and control over a persons will.

Energy restrictions and control measures for the common person. Government entity Limits energy usage and who gets power at what times and for how long.
Fuel cost will limit the common person to move around. This is a restriction of movement and loss of freedom.

This planet is 7/10ths water. To exert control and authority over the water resource. Mandated restrictions will be implemented. The government knowing a rise in population is taking place has a responsibility to condition water and to move it to those needed areas. To not do so, guarantees an opportunity to exercise power, control and enforcement.

Added on 28 March 2013. News will no longer be truthful, complete or revealing. News will become an arm of the political and corporate  elites. The lives of the famous will become more important than actual hard news in which the population needs to know.

Added on 28 march 2013.The common people become helpless to defend themselves against any force of arms. Weapons outlawed. Martial arts and any other fighting style outlawed. Any aspect of strategy and tactics outlawed.

Abortion. Added 28 March 2013. The sanctity of all life diminished for the common person.

Marriage of man and man, woman and woman, human and animal. adult and child. 

Justified genocide.

Never ending wars.

The word use of "Christian" also means for the name of your religion of your particular government entity.
Comment " the 2nd amendment no longer really matters" What this means is with the advent of vastly superior weapons systems with automation. The few no longer really need human bodies as their human shields or castle walls made of flesh. The right to have and own guns as defined by the constitution is solely for the common person to over throw a government when voting rights no longer matter. Gun ownership is not about hunting it is about protecting yourself from any government entity. It matters not if it is from within or without. So, the common person should have access to military style weapons systems. Which as far as the advancements of technology. No longer is practical. Who can buy an F22, M1A1 Abrams, or an Aircraft carrier and any other vastly incredibly weapons platforms. The children thinks it would be cool to own. My own father would joke that everyone should own their very own thermonuclear ballistic missile. Which as a child, I thought it would be cool. But, as an adult, very scary.
The 2nd amendment no longer matters because even if every capable person had military style weapons and training. Any government military can neutralize any ground force from afar and at altitude. This comment is not saying that I desire that the 2nd amendment should be taken away. On the contrary. Every capable person who is in their right mind. Should have fully automatic weapons of their own choosing and the training to ensure safe use with their friendly COMRADES.
28 March 2013. Added content and some editing work. 