Showing posts with label Employer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employer. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Christian Blame Begins: (Unedited): 25 March 2018:

So it begins. I think the beginning was actually *Sept 23 2017???. The Christian shall become the blame for everything. What is everything? It is both everything, something and nothing. It will not matter if there is any evidence or not. It will not matter if there are no facts or not. The evil doers of the world especially those who regularly seek better and better positions. They all will begin to publicly state that the number one reason why they left their former job is because it was too difficult to be with Christians in their particular working environment. That Christian(s) caused so much stress upon me/people that they could not focus on the job or to even have any good feelings at all. All of their misery is the fault of "named" Christian. All of it will be on the nightly news. Until, everyone begins to believe that all Christians are evil and hateful. I can even see this woman crying on the nightly news and how she could not take the named Christian any more. She felt threatened and in fear for her life daily, She just knew this person was going to harm her and then kill her with an AR15.
What will happen is two fold.
1). Professing Christians will not be able to gain any employment they are qualified for.
2). Christians will all get laid off or fired for harassment. It will not matter if they did anything or not. Just professing a Christian faith will be evidence enough for harassment in the work place. Just owning a Holy Bible or owning a cross will be enough to convict for hate speech and discrimination against those who disagree.
What can a Christian do? Lie or get out of debt now. Learn how to be homeless? Develop new exclusive Christian communities just as the Mennonites and Amish have done. Reject all persons and organizations who are sinners and disobedient to all of the Laws of God.
These things must begin right now.
The speed at which this Prophecy begins to manifest is uncertain. It may take a decade or a few years. But, local news channels will begin to air local evil doers of those who suffered greatly at their former positions as their employers profess a great loss to the organization. Former workmates will profess harrowing stories and how they miss them. Former work mates will also declare how they will seek other employment if something is not done within the organization they belong to. All of it on TV. It will not matter if the news is fake.
The good news story update will feature the formerly sad and miserable person who suffered at the hands of the named Christian. Now has a very good job with an employer where hateful people "are not tolerated". Think about this "not tolerated". Christians are not to be tolerated. While Christians will be forced to tolerate all sin and to accept all sin. There will be no legal recourse for any Christian. As any Lawyer who represents any Christian will lose a career and a political career.
Most Christians won't even be aware that these things are happening as they do not read Christian specific news sources. Christians typically only view what is considered mainstream news sources. This must stop. Christians must stop supporting evil entities. Christians must only support and financially support Christian news outlets and anything else Christian. By doing so only begins to change the face of this nation.
and many more.
* I'm not good with dates but a Christian researcher can check this for accuracy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Perpetuated Dumb ideas: (Unedited): 08 July 2014:

The perpetuation of incredibly dumb ideas comes from those corporate managers who refuse to reasonably think for themselves or for those whom they are responsible for.
Any corporate entity who makes policy changes which negatively has an impact on their employees rights and freedoms, especially when it affects their own personal time is absolutely wrong.
 Any corporate entity who sees wrongful actions from other corporate managers within similar corporate businesses take actions against their own employees and then sees it as a good idea. They are wholly ignorant and stupid. Unworthy of the college degrees they have seemed to earn.

In this day and age where the development and the maintaining of a team work environment is crucial to the success and safety of everyone involved. It is just very difficult to understand how an entire management team and an entire non-profit industry can pass new policy which forbids any employee from doing business with their employer. Especially, while said employee is on their own time. These kinds of policies prove of the mistrust and the lack of faith that the entire corporate structure has towards any of it's employees outside of the corporate offices. These corporate personnel have become demigods within their own little fiefdom.

One would think that a non profit organization who portrays themselves as the helper of people who are in need are essentially creating their own payroll and maintaining their own personal lifestyles. With base corporate wages, corporate perks, corporate benefits, corporate insurance and corporate bonuses. While at the same time keeping their own employees at wages which are below a living wage. The minimum wage is far below the living wage.

Yet, inside of these nonprofit retail stores where goods are given freely to the nonprofit corporate organization. Those employees are forbidding to do business with their own employer. 


At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 