These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
So it begins. I think the beginning was actually *Sept 23 2017???. The Christian shall become the blame for everything. What is everything? It is both everything, something and nothing. It will not matter if there is any evidence or not. It will not matter if there are no facts or not. The evil doers of the world especially those who regularly seek better and better positions. They all will begin to publicly state that the number one reason why they left their former job is because it was too difficult to be with Christians in their particular working environment. That Christian(s) caused so much stress upon me/people that they could not focus on the job or to even have any good feelings at all. All of their misery is the fault of "named" Christian. All of it will be on the nightly news. Until, everyone begins to believe that all Christians are evil and hateful. I can even see this woman crying on the nightly news and how she could not take the named Christian any more. She felt threatened and in fear for her life daily, She just knew this person was going to harm her and then kill her with an AR15.
What will happen is two fold.
1). Professing Christians will not be able to gain any employment they are qualified for.
2). Christians will all get laid off or fired for harassment. It will not matter if they did anything or not. Just professing a Christian faith will be evidence enough for harassment in the work place. Just owning a Holy Bible or owning a cross will be enough to convict for hate speech and discrimination against those who disagree.
What can a Christian do? Lie or get out of debt now. Learn how to be homeless? Develop new exclusive Christian communities just as the Mennonites and Amish have done. Reject all persons and organizations who are sinners and disobedient to all of the Laws of God.
These things must begin right now.
The speed at which this Prophecy begins to manifest is uncertain. It may take a decade or a few years. But, local news channels will begin to air local evil doers of those who suffered greatly at their former positions as their employers profess a great loss to the organization. Former workmates will profess harrowing stories and how they miss them. Former work mates will also declare how they will seek other employment if something is not done within the organization they belong to. All of it on TV. It will not matter if the news is fake.
The good news story update will feature the formerly sad and miserable person who suffered at the hands of the named Christian. Now has a very good job with an employer where hateful people "are not tolerated". Think about this "not tolerated". Christians are not to be tolerated. While Christians will be forced to tolerate all sin and to accept all sin. There will be no legal recourse for any Christian. As any Lawyer who represents any Christian will lose a career and a political career.
Most Christians won't even be aware that these things are happening as they do not read Christian specific news sources. Christians typically only view what is considered mainstream news sources. This must stop. Christians must stop supporting evil entities. Christians must only support and financially support Christian news outlets and anything else Christian. By doing so only begins to change the face of this nation.
and many more.
* I'm not good with dates but a Christian researcher can check this for accuracy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driverbooks ==================================
What you will do. But the continued existence of humanity also begins with you. It is our free choice. It is how we choose to live.
The religions and churches have fallen and are falling. The devoutness of the genuine are becoming a mere remnant of the whole. Isn't this prophetic? And yet those who have fallen seem to have become unable to change their ways. This is the passing of judgment, when sin is celebrated within the holy places.
If your church and religion teach one truth but expect you to follow another, you are facilitating the coming extinction. It shall be all your fault and not the fault of God.
Whose fault is it when you choose to hate others? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you choose to fight, go to war, promote and engage in conflict? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you act chaotically? Are entertained by others' chaos? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the laws of God are no longer of importance? When you no longer obey the Laws of God? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you no longer consider becoming righteous or holy as something to actively aspire to? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the life of a human being no longer matters? When you actively agree with the right and freedom of abortion? It is your fault.
====================== Don't blame God
for the state of the world you live in. It is all your fault and the fault of your elders.
It is you who has lied, cheated and stole in your life in which you are solely responsible for.
It is you who has abused and tortured your own children and pets.
It is you who has done all of those sins in private and when you were caught, you decided to continue to sin at the total expense of your family and friends.
It is you who has murdered your namesake and genetic continuation of your blood line with your gay (LGBT) rights and legal freedoms. You have decided that.
It doesn't matter any more for all of you shall curse God and blame God for all that shall befall humanity. This is prophecy and was foretold. You have already been judged in this life. This is why apathy is spreading all across the world. Those who do not care have already been judged, even your children.
Think about this. Those who already have been judged have already celebrated sin within the holy places. Those who continue to remain in any church or religion which has accepted sin into their holy places are equally guilty of the desolation prophecy. They all will continue to sing, celebrate and be entertained even into their own destruction. They will know not why or even understand why God has done this to them. Maybe it was the god they choose to follow. The god of sin and of falling away. The god of this world system.
For those who have not been judged yet, the purple words are for you. There is a big difference between being merely religious and being righteous. Those who are religious pretend very hard to follow the purple words, while the righteous live the purple words, all without any threats, fears or intimidation. If these words have shaken you into action of change, then do not follow me. I'm just a finger-pointer. Follow the Bible. Pray and meditate always. Clean up your life and walk away from all sin, even if that means walking away from your religion, church, family, friends, careers and the country you love. The word "remnant" does not mean many. You may find yourself alone with God.
(edited by RL)
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: This work has been republished on #Prophecy Everyday.
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top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked
this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little
something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
======================== Musings of an American Truck Driver
The freedom to fight and the confidence gained from defending yourself when the innocent ones are absent. This kind of journey or path never ends in love, compassion or peace.
Stoking Anger: (Unedited): 19 July 2015:
Confrontational blame and accusatory finger pointing only stoke the fires of anger and frustration. With the resolve of a peaceful calm, remain one with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Remain in prayer and in meditation. Remain connected within your righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God only. Through theses actions of choice shall you over come the coming barbs of spiteful torments.
Refusing Fight: (Unedited): 19 July 2015:
Refusing to fight does not mean you shall be defeated or conquered. Only by continuing to fight can you win or lose. By not fighting or being combative you cannot be defeated or conquered. Refusing to defend yourself is not a sign of weakness or helplessness.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
============== At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. ======================== ========================
Musings of an American Truck Driverbooks ==================================
Self Imposed isolation only gives power and authority to all of your self created anxieties.
News Flash. All of your anxieties are created by you and from all of your fears. Your anxieties are not based in facts or in reality. So, all of your anxieties are only within the confines of your false understandings and very real feelings. What do you do? What can you do? The answer is very simple and yet incredibly difficult.The emotional side of your brain is in absolute control of every aspect of your life. To the degree where it is not healthy. The logical side of your brain knows the answer but has zero authority or power to cause and effective change.
The psychology doctors and any other person who has the authority to write a medication to subdue the emotional power of your brain. In the hopes of chemically causing proper mental health. In which if you begin to take the medications. You will never become self sufficient and mentally healthy. The mind altering medications is the easy and quick path. For the long term mind altering medications can be very destructive and very addicting. Those very powerful mind altering medications may even cause you to commit suicide. In which no psychologist or pharmaceutical company will accept blame. So what do you do?
There is only one way. A step by step approach. Literally get up, face it with determination, take a step towards each of your fears and remain there at least one second longer than you did yesterday. Take a cheer leader with you. Find an R Lee Ermy close by. Who wont accept your weakness. You will need both. Some fear induced anxieties will require a cheer leader while others will require an R Lee Ermy.
----------------------------- Watch this and just smile a little------
---------------did you see the truth in this humor?-----
Your mental health is yours to have, to obtain and to hold onto. Desire, go and get, and hold onto.
It is possible, all that you desire is possible. Just think about that for a moment. All that you desire is possible. All that you have desired in the past was made possible within your own mind. You made all of your fears possible. All of your anxieties were made real by the decisions of your own mind. If you decide right now to reject all fear and all anxieties. They will stop with your physical action and your absolute determination to change all of the power and authority from your emotional side of your mind to your logical side of your mind. In which in time all of that authority can be transferred to your spirit self and then ...
Note. The three "..." is of continuation which is to be discovered in your own journey of true self discovery.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
============== At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. ======================== ======================== Musings of an American Truck Driverbooks
The person who has to explain to their friend the drama queen on how they do not have any drama in their life. Is unwise to have a friend who is the drama queen.
I over heard a conversation of a woman on the phone with her friend the drama queen. The woman was upset on how she had become entangled in some sort of drama caused by her friend.
If you do not want drama in your life. Then do not associate with family or any other person who is know to have continual drama in their lives.
A good and happy life is really that simple. Disassociate yourself from those who create and perpetuate problems.
===================================== below is two topics with no separation. rewrite and edit.
It is OK to leave them behind as you move forward, as you develop, as you grow, as you evolve. Those who continue to remain in their own self created negativity are worse than stagnant in life. They are actually De-evolving into something less than they are now. What is worse they know not of this and will actually blame you for trying to advise them otherwise.
Then comes their smart arse responses. Your so smart, how come your not that kind of professional? Whatever? You know everything? and etc.
These negative and dramatic people become so prideful and egotistical in their own argument on how they are such a failure and how this particular event wasn't their fault. That whatever you say which is contrary to their negative thinking and emotions. Causes you to be the bad person. Even though you are the one which is righteous. Which may mean demonic control is at play. The demonic control main purpose may be to cause the righteous person to no longer lend a hand and assist those who are in need.
A demonic power who is unable to control a righteous person will infect a weaker mind/soul. Just to cause spiritual and/or mental harm to the righteous person. Just by causing the righteous to think and believe that it is not effective to lend a hand when the hand is bitten by so many.
Drama can be the effect of a demonic power attempting to influence a righteous person into inactivity. The righteous person may want to help and assist but does not out of fear.
====================================== ===================================== Musings of an American Truck Driver
It is impossible for you to experience your freedom, when you continue to refuse to release your broken chains of enslavement, which had bound you.
To be free. What does it truly mean? If you look below. The definition seems to be only about physical restraint. But, what about mental restraint or spiritual restraint? or coming soon to a life zone near you, genetic restraint?
We have today, mental restraint through legal and illegal chemicals. Restraints through various addictions. Drugs and addictions are restraints and are not something which enhances or magnifies your awareness.
There are also, those people who have been so psychologically traumatized by their past, they continue to live in it. Thus are uncontrollably enslaved by it. Psychologist and psychiatrists of this modern day often time replaced minimize one form of enslavement with a chemical enslavement. Now that person has two and then eventually more form of chemical enslavement. This of course assuming the patient has zero forms of any brain damage which can be seen in a variety of active brain scans.
It seems the old tried and true method of logical reasoning is no longer a useful tool when it is so easy to prescribe a mind altering medication and thus keeping a patient forever. This is an evil marriage. Til death do you part and if you the patient happen to commit suicide. The doctors can claim that they were right all along, you were insane. No one ever questions the doctors and the pills they hand out. Of course assuming there is no conclusive medical test to prove any brain damage. Those doctors should be held accountable for all of the suicides and heart attacks of children who are medicated.
Your freedom is your to have right now. You just have to let go of that which is keeping you down. The lies of racism. The abuse and tortures of your past. The failures in your life. No matter what ever it may be. Just let it go. This has been a hard lesson for me to do. To just let it go. Even if it is all I had or all you have. You just have to let it all go. I have done that.
It was after the realization that all of the abuses, the tortures and etc. They were not my fault or even about me. I was just the body. If my bio-mother had that abortion in Mexico. My adoptive parents would have adopted someone else and that innocent child would have had to endure what I did.
It was also after the realization that all that I had endured was in fact not God's fault. The fault solely lies in the hands of my adoptive parents, certain foster parents, certain shelter home parents, counselors and etc. There lies the blame. This led to the further realization that all of the problems we have on earth are all the faults of the humans who reside on this planet, throughout it's long histories.
God is a wise and loving God. However you name him within your own culture. He will not strike you dead if you commit a sin. Why is that? To be fundamentally brief and very fundamentally basic. So, that we can learn from our own personal experience and to choose correctly next time. So, that we all can learn from our collective history as human beings. So, that we do not become slaves but a spiritually wise people whom the great Holy Father (NOT A CATHOLIC TERM) can be proud of.
It was also another realization. Do i continue to live with all of that finger point or just get on with my life and the lives of my wife and children? Blame was stealing a life worth living from me.
After you let go of all that is and has been holding you back or holding you down. Sit and quietly think about what it is you truly want out of this very short life we live. You must do this away from everything that you know. Find that peaceful and quiet place. A place of harmonious solitude. Just be with yourself. No music either. No books. Just you and you and you. What do you want? Allow that to be your new focus. Hold onto it. Work smart. Work hard. Work without cessation. Never ever go back to that place or those places which enslaved you or harmed you. Look forward to the new life you will earn for yourself and maybe your new family as well. Become both the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Allow you own children to only know first hand what continuation of the new ways of life are from you. Uphold love, peace and harmony. If you do and your children can see the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of those truths. You will truly become the father or mother of nations.
an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading
force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in
World War II after the fall of their countries.
not physically restrained, obstructed, or fixed; unimpeded.
Mental freedom, by definition, means you are a clearer expression of
the constructive qualities of mind. Therefore a mentally free person
should be more individual, more diplomatic, more self-expressive, more
patient, more analytical, more responsible, more placid, more objective,
and more understanding of others. Greater mental freedom does allow for
a greater freedom of dealing with people without judging them.
One can learn from every experience. If people see things
differently, it is either an opportunity to understand why and learn
from them, or try and explain your own perspective. A logical
perspective should elicit reasonable responses from most people.
In association, the great lesson is to learn to merge ideas without
loosing one's own clarity of concept. Mental individuality is a higher
level of mental freedom, and represents a state of complete self-mastery
where the mind is an individualized instrument with a free expression
of the inner potential. This generates a greater power of logic and
analysis, because emotion is under the constructive control of the mind.
Many people suffer the consequences of a lack of mental individuality,
being swayed by propaganda and mass-minded influences.
Therefore, in theory a person with a degree of mental individuality
is a more controlled and positive mind. No one is perfect, and we
recognize that mental freedom is a growing and evolving attainment that
comes in steps based upon effort. There is no magic involved...just
a study of mathematics and an application to evolve the mind to be a
more balanced instrument.
Edited by Daken on January-29-2008 at 6:32pm
__________________ Regards,
"Make your life a constructive effort."
Alfred J. Parker, Founder
Kabalarian Philosophy
======================================================= Spiritual Freedom
open for more understanding. The spirit is confined in the body. For some it seems to be by choice, for others it is confinement and for another group they just don't know.
There will always be those who will only want to know the job at hand and nothing more. That is OK.
Some people only want to do that which is minimally required of them. That attitude is perfectly OK. Some people want to be a slave and live as slaves do. That to is OK. Even though the slaver attitude may be an irritant to the free man or to the person who has a deep hearted desire to do with the highest of quality controls. It is still OK.
This is something that I've had to come to terms with. It is OK for a person to do exactly as directed for them and nothing more. Even if that person sees another problem or that they know what they have been directed to do won't fix a problem. They remain quiet and allow the authority to take all responsibility and blame. You know something That is OK for them to do what they do. That is not me and I'm unable to do just a minimal task. Yes, it drives me nuts. But, It is still OK.
It is the duty and responsibility of the leader to be the blame and holder of the unfortunate memories.
In the times of trials and tribulations. In the times of conflicts and wars. In the times of unfortunate accidents and survival of lost souls. The leader who may not be anymore is still responsible for the easing and uplifting of those who followed him/her into and through the valley of the shadow and death. By accepting all blame for the ordering of necessary orders. By acknowledging the greatest of the tormented soul who followed those orders and easing their minds and spirits. Then ordering them to go forth and living the life they now rightfully deserve to live. The bad and sad memories of all of the orders given. Belong solely to the leader. The leader who takes on and keeps all of those dire and drastic events. Honors those who have followed and who have fallen.
The leader who willingly enslaves himself with those memories frees his men/women who followed him/her into hells fire and torment.
========================== Please support my Endeavors: C.J.MacKechnie 7143 Sr.54, Box 276 New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA =========================
Compassionate and informative signs of respecting other peoples property, Doesn't work with apathetic people. While the good and caring people tend to not need signs to remind them of the respectful practice of common courtesy. The good and caring people tend to just ignore and forget the signs. C.J.MacKechnie
Sometimes the worrisome person may become offended that no one reads the signs. Well, This is because the apathetic person doesn't care or want to care about anything which does not directly affect them. Unless, They get caught in the act of disobeying the signs. Then they get angry and blame it all on you and how wrong you are to expect common courtesy and civility in today's world. Or who made you the refrigerator police you tattle tale. The person who is stealing lunches does not care about you or the signs. The apathetic person only cares about the pay check and benefits. The same goes for litter. Those who park wrong. The no Smoking signs. The lists go on and on.
One of my favorites is those people who claim to love the planet and yet they still leave their litter in the sacred forests they proclaim to love so much.
It seems that this world is infected with apathy. The death of the human heart.
How do you get someone to care? When they do not.
Do not think you can explain or teach them. Because they do not care about what you think or how you feel.
But, By you being a good caring person everyday. Then maybe the osmosis of your being will have a lasting effect upon their own soul. My proving everyday that you love and have compassion. The light of you they will see. The genuine happiness of you liking and loving exactly whatever it is that you do. Will have a lasting effect upon their nature. To the point that they will even believe they are happier in your presence. Then when the odd questions come from them. Like why are you so crazy to clean up after people? Express the truth from you. Because, You care. Because you like a clean environment to work in. Because, you say and speak whatever it is your truth. Hopefully without negative and accusatory overtones.
When in the midst of fires fury. The sparks origin isn't important at this time.
When your surrounded and engulfed by the fires torment. This is not time to assign blame or guilt. This is not the time to self create a string of excuses. This is also not the time to curl up and die, or cry, or quit, or surrender, or just give up or give in.
"Be your own Hero and save yourself"
Wait not for a hero, a rescuer or any other life saver.
Stand up. Stand firm. Face the fires fury. Confront and conquer all that which troubles you. Adapt and overcome all that which binds you. Assume no other option. Do so like Gandhi, like Jesus.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
============== At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. ======================== ========================
Musings of an American Truck Driverbooks ==================================
No matter what is said, done or not done. You must first decide to respond. No one makes you, causes you or forces you to do anything. You decide. To lay blame your words or actions upon another is a lie and a deception. It is also, pain and suffering in which you want another to feel. Its all your fault. All of the pains and torments you have caused. All of the excuses all of it is wrong.
Not a fun read.
==================================================== Will be included in future volumes of
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”: =====================================================