Showing posts with label Compassionate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compassionate. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Enlightened Intelligence: (Unedited): 20 April 2015:

Proof of high intelligence does not guarantee compassionate and merciful enlightenment. 
Aliens are alien and everything in regards to them and about them can be very alien. Even to the point that conceptualization of them and about them can be very harmful to the lowly and UN-evolved human being. LOL.
As a young person. back when life was hell and everyone knew that I was dumb, stupid and retarded.  After all, I was tested with an IQ of about 70. My IQ was at that particular number where my education stopped.
My adoptive father was a very brilliant man. Very intelligent. All of those whom he professionally associated with were also like him. You need to understand the level of intelligence I'm referring to. These people were in the 200 IQ range and Mensa was an embarrassing organization to be affiliated with.
I had the opportunity to watch/listen them and they pretty much ignored the stupid kid in the room. They often times spoke freely. Granted they were far above my ability to understand anything. I did pick up on a great many things. Mostly emotional things. They all seemed to have a lot of pride and arrogance within them. To the point that those people who were beneath them. Were of no value or concern.
I think their arrogance and pride was very hard on my adoptive father and he walked away from their life. He began to associate with people like construction workers and the non management types.
Why must the prevailing thought or line of thinking be that if any being is highly intelligent. That they are somehow automatically loving, kind, compassionate and merciful?  There is not any guarantee and you cannot assume this as a guarantee of enlightenment.
Think about it. China is going through social superiority problems. Europe has had this superiority infection for some time now and is an accepted psychology.
The point I'm trying to make is that if an advanced civilization makes an appearance upon our back water world. There is no guarantee of our survival. Let alone our human development to be unaltered in any way. Because, just the fact that a "They" and a "Them" are real and out there. Will be more than enough to alter all aspects of life on this planet. The gods return. The gods must be revered. The gods must be worshiped. After, all they are far superior to any human being. So therefore, they must be gods and treated as such.
It shall not matter. What these gods say , want or even demand. There are essential truths to pure enlightenment and they are.
To love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To revere life.
To obey the laws.
Anyone and Anything which is contrary to these basics of life is evil. Even all that I have written. If my own words do not agree with these blue things. Then I am wrong.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Student Teacher: (Unedited): 01 March 2015:

In every place in which you travel. You are both the student and teacher. In every situation you find yourself in. You are both learning and teaching the lesson. Even if you are unaware. So have an aware mind and a compassionate heart. Internalize the positive lesson and outwardly express positive attitudes.  
Each and every human being is an ambassador within this life.  Are you or have you been an ambassador for love or for hatred? For peace or for war? For harmony or for chaos? for righteousness or for evil doings? For life or for death?
Or are you one of those who can pretend to be good or bad depending on which way profits you more. You know what I mean. Out of Chaos comes peace or out of created chaos comes orchestrated peace. Who is the conductor? and how is it that the conductor cares not for who or how many suffer and die?
Life becomes better for everyone on this planet. If we all learn those important things in life. The true meaning of life and how to be aware of the spirit which can lead us or control us unaware. Even those living human/angelic gods were controlled until they died. 
The unaware and apathetic go through life as simple mascots of the conductor to this world. These mascots go through their lives out of control and powerless for any kind of change. This self imposed helplessness or pseudo-cowardice. Creates for themselves a cage like mentality and that is all that it is. A mental cage for the mind which prevent any sort of evolution or human betterment. This self imposed helplessness even enhances the latent animalistic nature within each one of us. Thus, causing the helpless person to even de-evolve back down into their primal sub-human animal. From that mentality, the body becomes what it believes.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Show Face 1 and 2: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2013:

1). Your peaceful, loving and merciful heart will brightly show on your face and in your Compassionate mannerisms. 
2). Your enraged, hateful and merciless heart will eventually permanently show upon your face and in your everyday angry mannerisms. 
Sometimes it is easy to see people for who they are. Just by looking at their face. From a distance you can observe people acting angrily, even when there is nothing to be angered about. When a person becomes older and nearing the end of their life. You can almost choose who has had a good life and those who were always angered in some way. All of their anger and hate has become permanently etched into their face. It is the same with those who spent their lives outwardly expressing love, compassion and kindness. What kind of face will they always show? I'm not talking about a forced facial response like you see from people who are paid to smile and to be gracious. This is a natural and automated physical response. Over time becomes a permanent feature upon your face. The condition of your heart will always translate into your face. If this scares you then I suppose you can pay for plastic surgery and the injection of poisons into your skin. Being nice maybe a little cheaper.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dark Place: (Unedited): 12 May 2013:

The knowing soul, aware of it's purposeful sins. Will always seek to cover-up and find it's place within the darkness. C.J.MacKechnie
To hide and keep secret your sins is impossible. Becoming angry and upset over the discovery of your sins, does not change your heart when you only correct the errors of discovery.

You must know or become aware of that all humans are empathic in nature. Which means the discovery of your sins by caring good people who care for you will be possible. Your only recourse for the prevention of discovery. Is to rid yourself of all of the good, caring compassionate people in your life. Especially those persons who have your back and look out for your best interests. After you have become alone, Then you can embrace all of the heartless, apathetic people who shares in your sins. You shall find them hiding and living within those dark places of sin. You know where they are. So does everyone else. They reside within the hells torment of their own lives. A hell created by them who are willing to mutually share their place with you.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apathetic Administrator: (Unedited): 12 March 2013:

The apathetic administrator will weigh all of his selfish decisions on how it will impact his bonus. 
So, Do you think you have an apathetic administrator or have you just fired one? Either way, The duration of his tenure will become a multiplication of monies which must be spent to restore. You the controllers must find a remarkable person. One who is intelligent, professional, caring and compassionate. Then you must free up the monies for this person to restore the way things should be. Do not be surprised nor allow your anger swell in the discovery of those hidden cheap fixes, which could have even brought everything down in flames. Rid yourself of the apathetic administrator(s) and feel for what he had not done, no more. Become mission orientated and mission focused. Get the mission done with no emotion. It is only the way it is. Thinking how and why a person would do such a thing is irrelevant and will only get in the way of completing each task.  Create your priority list which can be easily altered, upon the discovery of the new problem which has been cheaply repaired. Then just simply add it to your priority list. Without any negative emotional attachments. Even the new creations just before his departure should be suspect. The apathetic Administrator will even want to profit for himself in every financial transaction. The quality of any project must be suspect.
You controllers. Do ye fear finding the right person? Be warned. The one who may be selected may very well be a caring pretender. So as long as his/her monies add up. The smiling man who dresses nicely worships his paycheck as he can't wait to leave your employ for home.

You controllers. Look first to the ones who had to endure the evil you hired on, long ago, Who smiled at you and promised those promises. Who had the acceptable car, lived in the acceptable place and spoke those acceptable words. Who you perceived to have an air of authority. Yet, he turned out to be your apathetic administrator. The hidden costs of his lies and deceptions will burden you. Those hidden costs may even burden you for years to come.
You controllers. Sit and look. Be still and listen. Be present and witness. Discover who the go to person is? Every one will go to the person who is of the most importance. No matter their title, status or pay rate. This person will most likely be your chosen selection.
WHY? The apathetic administrator is one who typically needs to feed his laziness. So, he will have a remarkable person or persons, who he can bully to do his work better than he can. Then he takes credit for everything. Thus, becoming your deceptive hero.
You controllers. Look for separation and isolation of groups of people. When you find division, you will find troubles. Even in the upper tiers of management. If those uppity upper class managers, see no need in any association with any of the regular/common help. Then they have an issue of pride, which will lead to your quality and most productive persons departing. To lose your quality and productive persons may be just that symbolic death blow. Watch, you controllers. Watch those who seem to know and can handle it all. If they separate and isolate themselves from the common staff. Then they are the new Apathetic managers/Administrators to be selected by you. To select them, will only continue the financial misery. Because an apathetic manager with cheaply fix what has already been cheaply fixed. While proclaiming heroic deeds suffered by them to get those seemingly impossible re-fixes done below projected budget and on time.
You controllers. Listen and watch for those supporters of the apathetic administrator whom you had to discharge. For, they will cry foul and continually accuse your new administrator of all sorts of atrocities. Which like the foundations poured by your former apathetic administrator, Those accusations will all crumble in their time.
added on 24 July 2014:
The apathetic administrators will deny 
The necessary tools for the corporations lowest workers.
The necessary wage increases for those workers who care the most for the corporation and is reflected in their professionalism.
The necessary hiring of new people especially when the work load has already become burdensome.

The primary reason for this kind of administrator to do these things is to maximize his corporate bonuses over the needs of the corporate entity.

The apathetic administrators will also put forth new corporate policy changes which only inflame his/her arrogant pride and egotistical supreme attitudes toward anyone who is outside of the corporate walls. Even if those policies are essentially wrong and can even be a practice of controlling his/her slaves.
A policy which controls an employees free time and where they can spend there legally earned monies.  These kinds of policies are of the most evil as they are born from the fear of an arrogant heart. Even if the corporation is a nonprofit and does much good within all of the communities in which they reside. There is no love for the least of their employees and those corporate officers who have agreed with any policy which forbids how any employee uses their own free time and the monies they have earned. Is absolutely wrong. Especially, when there is no involvement of any law enforcement, litigation or no trespass warrants.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, December 31, 2012

Apathetic Signs: (Unedited): 31 Dec 2012:

Compassionate and informative signs of respecting other peoples property, Doesn't work with apathetic people. While the good and caring people tend to not need signs to remind them of the respectful practice of common courtesy. The good and caring people tend to just ignore and forget the signs. C.J.MacKechnie
Sometimes the worrisome person may become offended that no one reads the signs. Well, This is because the apathetic person doesn't care or want to care about anything which does not directly affect them. Unless, They get caught in the act of disobeying the signs. Then they get angry and blame it all on you and how wrong you are to expect common courtesy and civility in today's world. Or who made you the refrigerator police you tattle tale. The person who is stealing lunches does not care about you or the signs. The apathetic person only cares about the pay check and benefits.  The same goes for litter. Those who park wrong. The no Smoking signs. The lists go on and on.
One of my favorites is those people who claim to love the planet and yet they still leave their litter in the sacred forests they proclaim to love so much.
It seems that this world is infected with apathy. The death of the human heart.
How do you get someone to care? When they do not.
Do not think you can explain or teach them. Because they do not care about what you think or how you feel.
But, By you being a good caring person everyday. Then maybe the osmosis of your being will have a lasting effect upon their own soul. My proving everyday that you love and have compassion. The light of you they will see. The genuine happiness of you liking and loving exactly whatever it is that you do. Will have a lasting effect upon their nature. To the point that they will even believe they are happier in your presence. Then when the odd questions come from them. Like why are you so crazy to clean up after people? Express the truth from you. Because, You care. Because you like a clean environment to work in. Because, you say and speak whatever it is your truth. Hopefully without negative and accusatory overtones. 