Showing posts with label Loving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loving. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Anguished Soul: (Unedited): 07 April 2017:

Flashback warning!!!!!
Much bad and sad memories. Do not read if your not really wanting to know. If you work with the abused and tortured. Read on hearty soul saver.

The anguished soul who has only known abuse and torture. May receive your loving reproof with fear, anger and panic. They may not even understand the concept of love.
It is important what the abused person actually emotionally knows and understands. It is also important to know what is in their own symbolic toolbox. Mine was survival and threat analysis. It was on the order of spider-man kind of stuff. Can you imagine a kid with severe astigmatism and 20/900 vision out on the streets of Clearwater Florida at night in the early 1970's. Not being able to see and yet still navigate safely on a Black motocross bicycle and with a tested IQ of about 70. I'm no Spider man and I pretended to be Batman as a kid.
The kids you may be counseling have their own gifts and talents. They are simply repressed or like in poker kept close to their chests. These abused and tortured souls may not even be aware that they have any gifts or talents. They may be like I was only knowing how bad they are, how unwanted they are, how all they know is pain, suffering and loneliness. If they are with you then it is you to help them even if they are not being responsive as I was not. Yet, I do remember those who tried. The G Group home. The D foster home. The one Clearwater Police cop who removed me from my adoptive family and took me to juvenile jail. That was my first night in foster care in my second state of Florida.
Something sparked a memory for me and the realization of how gratitude and love were absent from me. Oh yea, I was just thinking about my adoptive grand parents who invited me for visits and I would just disappear. Thus, using their place as only a bed and for food. I never thanked them for anything. I was just a bad person back then. That even goes for the teacher which tried to help me and all I offered in return to her was grief. I'm being polite in that "grief" reference. (Miss V.)
Even when I was in foster care. I had no emotions for anyone. Not that I had any understanding of those good and important emotions such as love, mercy and compassion. Let alone kindness and gratitude. To me a child who was almost killed by his adoptive mother several times and nearly starved in shelter and foster homes. I was very underweight and everyone was a threat, not to ever be trusted. So I guess no one really did or if they tried I caused them to feel just how wrong they were to even care about me. Which is what many of these kids may cause you to think and feel. For some deep down they are saving you from even trying as they already know their own inner truth. They are worthless, They are unloved, They are not cared for or even wanted. If you can begin to prove to each one that they have worth and that you actually care. None of which can be expressed with words. Then maybe each one can begin to realize a new truth about who they are and what they are. From those very basic realizations can form into a new foundation in which there was none before. Then out of that foundation can begin hope and a self guided direction within their current interests. Which will evolve into other interests. Maybe, you will even be gifted with a genuine smile. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 22, 2015

Slaughter House: Walks Away: (Unedited): 21 May 2015:

In the full knowing view of the many. The enlightened lone one walks away from the slaughter house of the world systems. Becoming an outcast forever more. 
Clear enlightened insights and heavenly joy comes to the person who walks away from the  clutches of the world systems into the loving embrace of God. 
The world system is a slaughter house. You have the owners, the managers, the slaves and the cattle. In the end on every cattle farm as dictated by the owners. All are cattle and when their usefulness is all used up. All become cattle to the slaughter of course except for the owners. 
It is said you must live in the world and not of the world. This is very true if you want any semblance of happiness in your life.
But what chance does anyone really have against the world systems? Almost from birth we watch our favorite media and play our violent games. Then as we age. We are all educated by the world. So that we each can have an opportunity to enjoy it's worldly riches. All we have to do is to be unquestionably obedient and to blindly believe all that the world rulers tells us how to think, feel, accept, reject and to act. 
So powerful is the world systems that when the worlds philosophies contradict the religions of the world. All of the religions capitulate to the new belief systems mandated by the world.
So what can anyone do? What is anyone to believe? Well are you merely religious then you shall believe the new rules of your religion. Even though you know it to be wrong and unnatural. But, you shall go along and accept their lies and truths.
You have another choice. To walk away from it all. That is your only choice. To walk away from the world and live in absolute faith in God. The God of Love, Peace and Harmony. The God of wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.
Will you walking away be easy? No, not in the least bit. For the whole of the worlds rulers know of this one superior God and yet obey the many little gods
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Enlightened Intelligence: (Unedited): 20 April 2015:

Proof of high intelligence does not guarantee compassionate and merciful enlightenment. 
Aliens are alien and everything in regards to them and about them can be very alien. Even to the point that conceptualization of them and about them can be very harmful to the lowly and UN-evolved human being. LOL.
As a young person. back when life was hell and everyone knew that I was dumb, stupid and retarded.  After all, I was tested with an IQ of about 70. My IQ was at that particular number where my education stopped.
My adoptive father was a very brilliant man. Very intelligent. All of those whom he professionally associated with were also like him. You need to understand the level of intelligence I'm referring to. These people were in the 200 IQ range and Mensa was an embarrassing organization to be affiliated with.
I had the opportunity to watch/listen them and they pretty much ignored the stupid kid in the room. They often times spoke freely. Granted they were far above my ability to understand anything. I did pick up on a great many things. Mostly emotional things. They all seemed to have a lot of pride and arrogance within them. To the point that those people who were beneath them. Were of no value or concern.
I think their arrogance and pride was very hard on my adoptive father and he walked away from their life. He began to associate with people like construction workers and the non management types.
Why must the prevailing thought or line of thinking be that if any being is highly intelligent. That they are somehow automatically loving, kind, compassionate and merciful?  There is not any guarantee and you cannot assume this as a guarantee of enlightenment.
Think about it. China is going through social superiority problems. Europe has had this superiority infection for some time now and is an accepted psychology.
The point I'm trying to make is that if an advanced civilization makes an appearance upon our back water world. There is no guarantee of our survival. Let alone our human development to be unaltered in any way. Because, just the fact that a "They" and a "Them" are real and out there. Will be more than enough to alter all aspects of life on this planet. The gods return. The gods must be revered. The gods must be worshiped. After, all they are far superior to any human being. So therefore, they must be gods and treated as such.
It shall not matter. What these gods say , want or even demand. There are essential truths to pure enlightenment and they are.
To love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To revere life.
To obey the laws.
Anyone and Anything which is contrary to these basics of life is evil. Even all that I have written. If my own words do not agree with these blue things. Then I am wrong.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Inhumanely Inhumane: Inhuman Humanity: Civility Lost: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2014:

A person who acts inhumanely to the thoughtful and caring actions done for them by loving people is inhumane. 
An inhuman person who abuses the caring and thoughtful deeds done for them by loving people has lost their humanity. 
Civility lost often begins with the ignorant young. 
Civility lost is associated with the elders irrelevance.
Civility lost is a result of the loss of parental teachings of propriety.
Civility lost leads to barbaric vengeance and animalistic responses. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Show Face 1 and 2: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2013:

1). Your peaceful, loving and merciful heart will brightly show on your face and in your Compassionate mannerisms. 
2). Your enraged, hateful and merciless heart will eventually permanently show upon your face and in your everyday angry mannerisms. 
Sometimes it is easy to see people for who they are. Just by looking at their face. From a distance you can observe people acting angrily, even when there is nothing to be angered about. When a person becomes older and nearing the end of their life. You can almost choose who has had a good life and those who were always angered in some way. All of their anger and hate has become permanently etched into their face. It is the same with those who spent their lives outwardly expressing love, compassion and kindness. What kind of face will they always show? I'm not talking about a forced facial response like you see from people who are paid to smile and to be gracious. This is a natural and automated physical response. Over time becomes a permanent feature upon your face. The condition of your heart will always translate into your face. If this scares you then I suppose you can pay for plastic surgery and the injection of poisons into your skin. Being nice maybe a little cheaper.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tolerated Funerals: (Edited): 23 Sept 2012:

The family who only tolerates one another during family funerals will all be together forever in the afterlife.
The family who can't stand to have any sort of daily relationship with one another will run to the side of a deceased loved one. This confuses me to no end.  How is it suddenly important to say goodbye, or to apologize for all of your misdeeds now? Those things were of absolute importance when they were still living. It is important to have daily living funerals with all of your loved ones so that way if a tragedy happens everyone will be at peace. Go and apologize right now to all of your family members whom you have offended and make active and continuing amends. Forgive your family member in your own privacy and re-establish communication with them. Your family is supposed to be the ones on your team. If your lifestyle is in error, repent and flee from your wicked ways. If you're under the thumb of addictions, tell everyone and seek help.
If your sins have already destroyed your family, do not seek and do not have any other lovers until you have unsolicited permission from your adult children and only if there is no hope of returning to your "X". If one child or the "X" says "no" forever, you will then know the degree of pain and suffering you have caused them. C.J.MacKechnie
A loved one is about to physically die and transition into the afterlife. This is the final time to celebrate their life. So declare the joyful and somber toasts. This is the time for the telling of remembered stories of old. This is the time to laugh and cry. The time to proclaim your love. The time to ask for forgiveness and to say you're sorry for ALL of your misdeeds, even if they were many decades ago. Offer your loved one your blanket forgiveness.
Let them know it is alright to go and to freely go without any reservations. 
It will be the duty of the responsible and wise family member to get all of the relatives to practice the living funeral. Each one offers an outward verbal prayer, all holding hands together. All hugging and all crying. All together as a whole and united family.
There may be fears. This is very understandable. This may be difficult to understand. Even though you are living in the here and now, and you may even still live for a few more decades more, it is possible for you to be with your loved one in the afterlife at the exact moment they pass from this time. Remember this? I'm paraphrasing. Everything which has been created, has already begun and has already ended and is already continuing on. This is a simplified version of how time works in the third Heaven. In other words, we each are being born and are living and have died, right now. In this very basic understanding of the perception of time, you can be with your loved one as they pass and yet still be alive in this here and now. Prior to their passing let them know you may appear to be older than you are now, so do not be confused. Then offer your hand to them and walk into heaven together.
When the time gets very close, your loved one may begin to see and hear things. It is OK. It is either real or not or both. Ease their mind. Tell them it's OK to confide in you with what they are seeing or hearing, so as to logically ascertain the reality of his/her body's ending. Tell them they will be OK. Reassure them always even when it is tough for you. Your loved one may not be able to speak of what they hear or see. This is because of the drugs or it is not for you to know. This too is OK and is not intended to offend you. The "not for you to know" is for your overall protection. That is OK as well. What is important is to be loving, comforting and present in this sacred gift of life's transition and continuation.
When the body becomes quiet, the heat of the hands gone, each of you verbally say your farewell, your love, instructions for them to continue into heaven through the light. They can see and hear you. They will not be sickly, weak or tired. Their aches and pains will be gone. They will be with you. In case they have some confusion, your verbal instructions will hopefully set them straight on course to their continuation of life.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mandated Volunteerism: (Unedited): 18 Aug 2012

Mandated or forced volunteerism only further hardens the apathetic heart.
Good loving people go and pursue volunteerism in the direction their heart tugs.
Selfish and heartless people who must volunteer in order to receive an important or acceptance of recognition. Learn not the lessons that governing organization is trying to relay or teach.
Selfishly bold people will always ask the place or organization they are volunteering for. To have all of their hours signed off on without ever doing any or all of their required volunteer hours needed for acceptance or recognition.
Apathetic people care not for the quality of the job they are mandated and forced to do. Thus, More than doubling the work the actual good caring people must do. Thus causing added payroll expense to the non profit structure or other corporate entity. To incur added payroll expense in loss productivity.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: