Thursday, July 23, 2020

Christian Signs: (Unedited): 23 July 2020:

Signs are seen all of the time. Signs made by man. Signs orchestrated by the demons. Then there are the signs from God. All of the signs are meant for you to observe, acknowledge and act upon. With all of the signs that each human is bombarded with. Signs are ignored and signs are missed. Signs can be beyond our awareness, comprehension and understanding. Signs in our presence may not be meant for us and are meant for others. So those signs are for their targeted audience. Think about what I'm saying and how the internet advertising is actually in its infancy.
There are signs everyday and it is the vigilant Christian who will act upon them. The world is changing and the United States is changing. All of these changes is not in favor of the Christian which is Biblically prophetic. So when a Christian is forbidden to go to church, forbidden to sing, forbidden to have home church. While it is permissible and lawful to protest, to conduct violence in close proximity. While it is permissible to obtain abortions. These are signs and as signs. You the vigilant Christian must pray, fast and seek the quietness of Gods answers, directions and encouragements for you. Especially if your  more than a professing Christian in which you go forth to sin no more. You go forth not causing any harm. You go forth loving one another in actuality. You pursue holiness and righteousness. While remaining clean in the spiritual sense.
If you live in the regions which are becoming belligerent to Christians. Then it may be time to quietly liquidate and secretly move to those blessed places in which the Lord leads you. Then begin a new. This may even be a sign for you to prepare like you have never prepared before. This may be an open door sign as there shall be a limited time and then the door shall close. In which you will either act or you will forget that the open door sign ever existed. If you have financial wealth then invest in your families moves as well. Give freely and without expectancy of returns.
Christian preparation. The prophetic physical losing effort. In Bible Prophecy it is known that the Christians lose in this world and lose badly. Because we know this. It does not mean we should not physically prepare still. Because, no matter how we do endure unto our individual ends. We all shall be rewarded in glory. So does that mean we shall still become preppers? Does this mean we buy guns and tactically train with them? Does this mean we learn karate or kungfu? Does this mean we fight and make war? Where is the line? What line? Exactly? How do we justify the command of Jesus to love one another? Causing any harm is not loving one another? Killing is not loving one another? Fighting is not loving one another? What about self defense and the protecting of the helpless and defenseless? When we encounter acts of aggression do we have the right to become judge, jury and executioner? Because, when lawlessness and animalistic attitudes prevail in a vacuum of civility, sanity, reason, law and order. Will killing an evil doer shall be preferred over the the perpetual threat of revenge? Will killing be necessary and righteous? Or shall we all be like a pacifist Jesus and helpless early Christians who were led unto slaughter? Each and every decision you make and live by must occur in the proper fashion after prayer, meditation and fasting. Every thing you do must be with a sense of being led by the Holy Spirit. Everything that you do must be in the wisdom's discovered in the two churches which were not admonished as well as your through understanding of the Holy Bible. How do we continue to love one another? These questions and more must be asked and worked through.
Part of Christian preparation is not just for yourself, your family and your friends. Your Christian preparation is for everyone and for those left behind when the rapture occurs as a loving and enduring message for those who find your stashes.
Yes, there shall be a time to keep secrets of prepping plans and a time when you shall conduct revelation. Yes, there shall be a time to make common ground and mutually beneficial relationships. No matter how ugly it all gets. Now matter how deeply flawed you are as an individual. No matter if you are actually left behind once or even thrice. You may still have a duty, a purpose to spiritually save lives. If it is all possible. Can you handle being left behind for a purpose or for your own faults and defects. If that is even possible. No matter the eventual outcome you can remain a good human being with hope when all hope has departed.
Christians may only be called once to leave belligerent cities, states and maybe even this nation. But, to leave the United States also means that there isn't really any other place to go. No other nation offers as much freedoms and hopes as does the United States of America. But, if the Holy Spirit calls you to journey to anther place. Then when you arrive. Endure unto that end no matter how it occurs. In the name of the Lord. In the mean time. Please go forth and encourage every Christian to vote no matter what. There may be great fear for those who try to vote.
For instance in California. The entire government of California is becoming belligerent to Christians. Certain aspects of Anti Christian cultures like local and state governments. The rest of the secretive Rainbow Tsunami Alliances. Which is all anti American and anti freedom. If a Christian defends themselves against attack it will be the Christian who goes to jail. When life becomes tough sometimes these are the signs which tells you it is time to quietly pack up and move to safer places. If the Holy Spirit is urging you to move. Then move. This time around angels are not going to come so that you can negotiate with them. You either move or die along with the evil doers. But, there will be a difference in your death and in theirs. Your physical death will begin in Glory. Their physical death ends in judgement and Hell fire and then a complete death.
God may move evil doers to one place as He moves the good and willing to safer places. Then allowing the collected evil doers to perish in some fashion or another. This is prophecy.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security.