Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Greatest Journey/Adventure: (Unedited): 17 March 2015:

The greatest journey/adventure one can have involves more than all of your combined physical senses. Your greatest journey/adventure begins when your spiritually aware of all and all is one. 
It is true a great journey/adventure into what once was unknown to you and is now known to you can be deemed worthwhile. A person can do much growing while on any journey /adventure. It is only once you combine your spiritual awareness do you begin to truly see your journey/adventure for what it is or was. Even if the term spiritual has never been used by you. There can even be a sense of holiness to your chosen journey. Again even if you had never contemplated the word Holiness before. Your growth, development and evolution is in those two words. How and what can only be defined by you and how you see your own journey.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Merged Spirit: (Unedited): 17 March 2015:

Those who have merged into their being the spirit of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Shall not engage in Hate, Conflict, Chaos or Death.
The truth of being is seen in action and in inaction. The gentle spirit is calm. The loving spirit is in a state of joy. The harmonious spirit is in a state of righteous existence. The spirit of life is a true reflection of the Holy Spirit which breathed life within all. This is law of the spirit. To the best I can discern it and word it.
This may not be easy for you who are religious to understand. A true follower of Christ Jesus cannot go forth in warfare. This is not loving one another as was Jesus fundamental principle. To Love one another. For any pastor to give permission for their flocks young ones to go off into warfare. Is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. 
Listening to relaxing Native American flute. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Violent Predisposition: Violent Moment: (Unedited): 17 March 2015:

Those who have a predisposition for violence. Shall overwhelm all of the righteous and gentle peoples when lawlessness is the rule of the land. 
It is simple and very historical. Those of the gentle spirit has never been able to defend themselves against any violent force. Those who are righteous cannot defend themselves against violence.
The truly righteous person who is of the gentle spirit. Who has adopted the fundamental principles of Love, Peace, Harmony and life. Cannot harm another. Even if that other means them great harm. If the true righteous person acts out in violence then they cannot be at peace. To act out in conflict, battle or war is not the path of the righteous. A righteous person cannot love one another who they go forth and kill the enemy soldier. For they have taken a life and have harmed the sons and daughters as well as his wife and mother.
Violent Moment: (Unedited): 17 March 2015:
One act of violence in a moment of time incurs much more harm on many more lives and for a much more longer period of time.
This is true. Any act of hate in a single moment of time. Always sends out suffering, anger and hate. From this suffering, anger and hate can birth a need for retribution, for justice of self. Especially when the law and justice systems only benefit the rich, famous and corporate entities. This is why you see what you can see in videos of violence. The thirst to murder at a McDonald's beat down by a gang of women. If the offended woman had been left alone. She would have killed the semi conscious woman on the floor. She would not stop her kicking the helpless woman in the head. At this point it does not matter who originated the problem. Once that woman is healed. She will go after them all. Someone must die in order to have respect or street cred.
If you need to read the news of this it is awful. To watch the video is saddening. For all of those people were present and no one stopped a gang style beating. They were entertained by it all.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Dream 17 March 2015:

Anyone want to tackle a dream? 17 March 2015: UFO.
First is what happened yesterday. @ about 1935 HRS Eastern. I was traveling north bound on Hwy 19. in New Port Richey, Fl. I saw what appeared to be a large dark grey airplane going south (747 type). I could see the rear tail. From my driver side window. I looked again for a little more time and it appeared to be staying with us or flying backwards. I turned in quickly to get a better view. Spider sense tingling. I was with my daughter. Who seemed oblivious. At which point. When I got out of the car. The object continued southward and away from us. I figured some kind of optical illusion. Went on my way.
Dream last night.
I saw the same object building a thing with much materials. A large free standing building. The material was floating and some appeared to have some kind of random spin. Using my mind I was trying to disrupt the energy and intentions. I was able to do so at the point of their release and was only able to make a mess of things at the top of their building. End of dream. No left over emotional baggage. I knew I needed to stop them.

 Here in this area we do have many and various sorts of military aircraft. What is interesting I only saw the tail section and no wings. Getting late in the day. Possible C-130 or the larger C-5 Galaxy.

Church Fires Vision: (Unedited): 16 March 2015:

Work in progress. Much prayer and meditation needed. May delete some or all. Not sure yet. 

The righteous. The righteous. The righteous.
The righteous have already departed from all of the worldly churches in your land.
In that time in which no religious person shall miss any of the weirdly righteous. Nor shall the professionally religious miss the absence of any miracles. Nor shall the professionally religious desire any miracles. The professionally religious shall call for miracles to come across the lands and it shall. For their god(s) is the god(s) of death and destruction.The professionally religious will pray for revival all across the land. For their god(s) shall heed their prayers and shouting voices. Like shadowy locusts from the depths of hell they shall come forth like a great cloud. Mimicking the powers of the Divine Wind of the Holy Spirit.  
 Little "g" for god or gods which is the fallen ones.
The expansion and the oaths given from one evil entity to another evil entity. Is the growth of influence into what shall become a world wide evil in action.The evil you hear and watch happening in real time. Is prophecy occurring. Just as the relics of ancient history is being destroyed. So to will be your history. Places of worship being burned and destroyed in far away lands. Shall come to you. The rapes and murders of your holy men and women which happen in far away lands shall also come to you.

In the time when great protections for the evil doers who create much mischief upon the Earth. Shall also inflict much sorrow within the once protected lands of the Supreme God. None can stop them. They shall go forth and destroy all that which is innocent and unprotected. Your places of worship shall be put to the fire and destroyed. Your church services interrupted with bombs, bullets and blood.
The police and fire departments will be elsewhere. You shall be all alone blaming a God who you do not worship. For the righteous shall not be present in your coming woes of judgement.
The absence of genuine miracles is the absence of the Holy Spirit and of God.
The absence of the Holy Spirit and of GOd
The modern day Professional Worldly Pastors, Preachers, Theologians are the Prostitutes in prophecy.
Miracles are those things which happen which are not under the control of men who only want control, power, authority and wealth. The illusions of magic can be profited from by those worldly pastors who desire much wealth. Fake and phony miraculous healing's are easy to produce. Just like buying a prostitute. "You don't pay em for SEX. You pay em to LEAVE!!!" This is a quote from the wealthy and famous. With those actors who are paid to put on a show in the worldly churches. The pastor, preacher or theologian pays the actor to leave and to go far away. Where no one knows who they are.
There are more. 
This is Prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 