Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Beginning Begun prophecy?: (Unedited): 23 April 2013:

Has the beginning of the end begun? Have the Man pairs begun to walk their walks and plan their plans. One older and one younger. One teacher and one learner. Each pair going in their own self chosen direction. All unknown and unaware to the whole of the civilian community.
First Boston. It was the starting gun. For the race to destruction to come. To the victor goes the resources.
Source of this Posting. 23 April 2013 @ approximately 1700 Hrs.
Wal-Mart parking lot and the shopping center parking lot across the street. Parking spots adjacent to bushes/trees. Near the middle and not along the perimeter Underneath clutter/trash. Walmart parking lot has many cameras. The shopping center across the street may be a target selection. A target selection is not a final decision on any terrorist act. Maybe, not the primary site. Law enforcement in this area has used large parking lots to set up temporary command centers. So if a certain public event is a selected target. Law enforcement, rescue workers and hospital tents would be set up in a safe place defined as a safe zone. Thus, secondary attacks could be pre planned before the initial target is attacked. Make sense? Not to me. But, I'm noticing patterns. It isn't enough to bomb people. They bomb symbols as well. They bomb dates to.
January 6th is just a day, no year mentioned.  Unless of course what I have been writing about in regards to a TET style attack.  For right now. I'm thinking less plausible. Where as random continued attacks would garner continuous news. Until, The governments attention is solely focused on it's own people. That they never see the few missile launches which go straight up (EMP).
The intent and purpose of this post. Is to prevent any and all attacks. To save life and property. That is all. Revelation of any prophecy changes everything or can guarantee the event. When in the hands of the people who can alter outcomes and impose methodologies of/for prevention.  C.J.MacKechnie
Update: 24 April 2013: 

Explosion Vision. Trying to re-see a singular moment in probable time. The following is only observations for those who know way more than me. Hopefully they will find the important keys to ascertain the true meaning.
Tarpon Springs, Florida.
SW corner of Tarpon rd and U.S. Hwy 19.
Close proximity to ATT and Bank of America. Mattress Firm.
No visible security cameras.
Trash cans at ATT.
Water Hydrant.
The area appears to be parking for Bank of America employees and ATM customers.
Employee parking for retail employees.
Empty school bus parking spot. Bus driver get coffee.
Two Homeless men hiding personal items behind large green trash can.
Staging point for cyclist.
Between Wendy's and Mattress Firm is Green trash cans.
2nd empty school bus pull up(0749). Driver gets coffee.
Assuming any of this is accurate and probable. The information presented can be used by the good guys in the American Law Enforcement agencies and the bad guys who seek to destroy the American way of life. It is my intention to prevent any more death and destruction, from any group.
It is not enough to simply study and know prophecy. For the reasonable and skilled person of great honor. If your heart dictates to protect the innocent despite orders. Then answer the natural demands of your good and just heart. Remain pure and become a singular source which prevents any and all undesirable prophecies.  Yes, 5+ Billion people is worth saving and maybe the entire human race. One life at a time. Regain sanity.
28 April 2013: The date given "06 Jan", Is just one date. There are other dates and other localities. The intention and plans of the individual terrorist groups plan and implement their own unique style of attack.  By however they each define it. So in effect they are each working alone, but they are not, They are controlled and commanded., which is the false premise put forth by the government and media outlets. Which may be necessary as you would not want your civilian population shooting everyone who simply appeared middle-eastern or Arab. No one should go out and begin shooting anyone.
For those who see possible future events. You must be aware that during their site/target selection phase. You may see various sites in which death and destruction is widely seen. It is easy to assume that what you see is another TET style offensive. You must understand that what you are seeing is just a collection of intentional targets and imagined as reality by the person or persons. All of which have been planned and implemented from within the minds of the individual terrorist or groups.

As the site/target selection is decided into one, two or three target sites. The vision of multiple and varied chaos will be fine tuned into a clearer singular picture. This will occur when the individual terrorist person or group, decides that the selected place is the actual target site. Then your vision becomes much more clearer. But, only after they have made that specific decision of that specific location. In prophecy. Revelation can change everything and anything. This should be hoped for. Especially if the prophecy is undesirable.  I always refer to the Bible story of Joseph and The Pharaoh. The Pharaoh had an absolutely true dream. Until revelation and implemented plans put into place. During their time. They did not have the technology to avert a natural weather disaster. But, Joseph mitigated and managed the Natural weather disaster. Thus changing the aspect of the Pharaohs dream of they are all going to die. That would really suck for a god to have all of his people die, with no one to rule over.  Thus, survival was made possible from an impossibility. Created by a simple human slave imprisoned.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Becoming Misery: (Unedited): 23 April 2013:

Misery and despair shall follow the young one who celebrates becoming of legal age to partake. C.J.MacKechnie
The lifestyle which follows the young person who indulges in intoxicating indulgences. Will see many emotional hardships and difficulties in their lives. These new celebrants may not even understand the consequences of their soon to be celebrated actions. Great fun they think they will have and actually may have in the beginning. But, The fun turns into addiction and morality is of no real concern. Selfishness is the point. Fun for me. More fun for me. Fun for me and you. Short term shallow benefits may seem exciting. The long term seems to always be heartache and emotional damage. The severe cases permanent disability and death from alcohol poisoning. Then there is the accidental drug overdose. Kidney, liver and brain damage over time.
There is a price to pay. The cost may be the loss of your family, spouse, friends. The disrespect and dishonor from your own children. Your children continuing on in your lifestyle and becoming better than you at it. That is until your family name and entire blood line becomes unknown and extinct.

Drowning Music: (unedited): 23 April 2013:

Drowning out, the natural gifts you know not of with loud music, only deafens your ears.  
 There isn't anything wrong with you. There is only what is right with you. You have been blessed with great gifts from GOD. You must learn how to recognize them, use them and develop skill with them. It takes time, effort and energy. Your very first steps is learning how to pray, meditate and contemplate. Turn down all of the noises, musics, games, Televisions. Turn your attention and intention inward. Find GOD, Find Allah, Find your Heavenly Father, Find the Source of all, Find the Creator inside the quiet of you. This is the first step amongst many. The total number of steps you will be required to take is up to you and the God of your understanding. No matter how many steps you take. It will be absolutely OK for you to take only that many steps. It is OK and your OK.
It is understandable to listen to loud music when you do not know why you have so many different thoughts, ideas and emotions. Having no control over something unknown and alien to you can be very distressing. Your repeated thoughts of something is wrong with me. You may even scream it continuously "What is wrong with me?!?!?"... In which if you do nothing more a helpless hopelessness may develop within you. You begin to seek out help from professionals and become diagnosed with ADHD or Bi-Polar. With zero physical evidence to prove any real physical defect you believe them anyway and take their powerful mind altering medications. Your roller coaster ride begins. Taking the medications only work for a while, then they don't. So, the doctor changes them and then the drugs work again, until they don't. You choose to help the legal drugs with cigarettes and alcohol. That helps for a while. But, not really. Because now, your body is not only adapting to and over coming the medications. Your body has also become addicted to all of the foreign chemical substances. The doctors begin to tell you that Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will help. It does in the short term and the medium term and the long term. You will never be the same. If you are one of those human beings that has been gifted with great abilities from GOD. Then the Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will need to be done repeatedly. Until, you are left a shell of a human animal. 
Thoughts and emotions need not have originated within your own being. This can be difficult to believe. Especially, when you have been conditioned to think and believe a certain way in regards to the physical laws or in the strict confines of certain religions. The absolute control of your mind is necessary to control you or to keep you as a slave, who thinks they are free. To create and project limitations onto you, keeps you corralled intellectually and spiritually. When the intellect and spirit is controlled. There will no need to have restraints or prison camps. Although, the controllers may want re-education camps. 

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books