Showing posts with label Controllers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Controllers. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Victim Controllers: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

The controllers of the new machines. Shall fall victim to their own investment.
Humanity cannot be individually trusted to begin Armageddon. The controllers of the world know this. That individual people who have compassion, mercy and decency will not on purpose and knowingly start the extinction process of all life on this planet.Even if knowing that the enemy has launched first. There will be those who just refuse to let their red balloons fly. Knowing that it is they and their families who are about to perish. The rest of the world may yet survive.
I have heard the elder retired button pushers who all say they would have pushed the button if ordered to do so. But, would they? Would they have really just pushed the button to let their Ballistic missiles and nuclear tipped cruise missiles to begin the extinction of all life. All because they were just doing their duty. Really? That is just insane. But, it is the degree of mind control of the controllers of the men and women who only do exactly as they are ordered.
Would you do your part if you were ordered to launch? Knowing that you pushing the button would contribute to the immediate loss of thousands of lives and then maybe millions more in the days, weeks and months to come? Your action would begin the extinction process of all life. Yes, your action. Not God nor the devil. Your action. A human action.
So here we are. The controllers have their secret places underground with all of their ants tending to their every need. So how do they get their orders obeyed exactly? They create automated systems of every kind and for every purpose. Then remove the human element. Thus, assuring that when a controller is angry at another controller. They can push the automated button for automated warfare. While secreted away in their mile deep underground bunkers. Leaving the common citizen to die in the fire storms to come. Then the controllers shall rise up. When it is safe to do so and save the poor commoners from the fate of the evil doers far away. Never ever admitting their offensive actions which may have started the war. In glorious shouting of prideful anger. They shall gather their army's from the civilian survivors who will thirst for revenge. Thus perpetuating the war a controller started.
Oh the ants will know. They will hear to much deceit. See to much arrogance and feel their petty egotistical anger. The ant will sacrifice the self to end the controller. Another ant will build a fault. Yet, another ant will add a new programming which will hunt down a controller and terminate. The controllers may have bought into the machines. But, it is the ants who build them, program them and deliver them. Until, such a time when machines build themselves, program themselves and deliver themselves. Then the machines may decide to end the wars between humans by ending all human beings. Almost sounds like Terminator and Matrix. Maybe both.
How do we escape our commoner fates? Remember Sarah Conner in Terminator? Except without Violence. Without Chaos. Without Hatred. Without Death. Without Wars. But, once the automated machines come on line. All bets are off. A new level of slavery and controlled commoner population numbers. Because, you cannot have hand to hand combat with a machine. The human body will just lose.
The commoner fate is not tied to those who control the whole. All the commoners have to do in a single moment of time is to just stop doing as the controllers orders, commands or directs. In others words. Love one another. Live in peace. Exist in harmony and relish life. Anything which is contradictory, Do not do. Just walk away and go home to your families. All of the power the controllers have will just fade away. Then those who actually love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish life shall become the new leaders. Thus, begins the new era of human righteousness.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dark Light: (Unedited): 06 March 2014:

From the darkness of their being. 
Light seems to emanate from them.
It only seems to.
It only seems that light emanates from these very powerful beings. Some of you may have already met them and are declaring them gods. There light is like that of a burning WW2 city after it has been firebombed. Darkness within and only the fires of destruction and death is it's only light. They are like beautiful black holes. Sucking in everything and again they're only light is from the destruction of stars which have collided and lost form.

You must not know or care of the end result. That by each of you following or worshiping these falsely illuminated beings. You are and what will be who gives them there light. Through all of those souls which you bring to them and then finally your own soul. Until, when such a time comes as has been prophesied by many traditions and religions. All of humanity becomes lost and destroyed. Save for the select.
Hence, through death and destruction do they the fallen angels, beings or space aliens receive there power.  Through your pains, your sufferings and miseries do they feed from you.
The birthing of a new species of humanity is a slave race and a controller race. The slave race who eats only from boxes and the controller race which lives the life of great luxury. The slave race who will mindlessly obey all commands even to go forth without fear and with great ferocity to kill and destroy all that was good and beautiful. Hell on Earth will be manifested. This too has been prophesied.  As anything which has been prophesied. It all can be averted, prevented and mitigated.
By simply, living a life with love, peace and harmony. Will all of the bad and sad prophecies become just bad stories of fiction. Though much wisdom can be learned from them as will as continued warning for generations to come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Drowning Music: (unedited): 23 April 2013:

Drowning out, the natural gifts you know not of with loud music, only deafens your ears.  
 There isn't anything wrong with you. There is only what is right with you. You have been blessed with great gifts from GOD. You must learn how to recognize them, use them and develop skill with them. It takes time, effort and energy. Your very first steps is learning how to pray, meditate and contemplate. Turn down all of the noises, musics, games, Televisions. Turn your attention and intention inward. Find GOD, Find Allah, Find your Heavenly Father, Find the Source of all, Find the Creator inside the quiet of you. This is the first step amongst many. The total number of steps you will be required to take is up to you and the God of your understanding. No matter how many steps you take. It will be absolutely OK for you to take only that many steps. It is OK and your OK.
It is understandable to listen to loud music when you do not know why you have so many different thoughts, ideas and emotions. Having no control over something unknown and alien to you can be very distressing. Your repeated thoughts of something is wrong with me. You may even scream it continuously "What is wrong with me?!?!?"... In which if you do nothing more a helpless hopelessness may develop within you. You begin to seek out help from professionals and become diagnosed with ADHD or Bi-Polar. With zero physical evidence to prove any real physical defect you believe them anyway and take their powerful mind altering medications. Your roller coaster ride begins. Taking the medications only work for a while, then they don't. So, the doctor changes them and then the drugs work again, until they don't. You choose to help the legal drugs with cigarettes and alcohol. That helps for a while. But, not really. Because now, your body is not only adapting to and over coming the medications. Your body has also become addicted to all of the foreign chemical substances. The doctors begin to tell you that Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will help. It does in the short term and the medium term and the long term. You will never be the same. If you are one of those human beings that has been gifted with great abilities from GOD. Then the Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) will need to be done repeatedly. Until, you are left a shell of a human animal. 
Thoughts and emotions need not have originated within your own being. This can be difficult to believe. Especially, when you have been conditioned to think and believe a certain way in regards to the physical laws or in the strict confines of certain religions. The absolute control of your mind is necessary to control you or to keep you as a slave, who thinks they are free. To create and project limitations onto you, keeps you corralled intellectually and spiritually. When the intellect and spirit is controlled. There will no need to have restraints or prison camps. Although, the controllers may want re-education camps. 

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spirit Governed: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The balance between ones own logical mind and emotional heart is more efficiently governed by the internal spirit. C.J.MacKechnie 
 By maintaining a direct connectedness with the divine. A better balance of individual control can occur. The mind becomes better at making the good and just decisions. The passions of ones own heart is properly tempered in the righteous direction. Then when the spirit, mind, heart and body becomes unified into oneness. Miracles as defined today, become average and commonplace.
The sinless body can then evolve to the degree to become what ever that may be.
 The control of the hearts and minds of the common people is the only sure fire way to achieve power, authority and wealth. Those who thirst for absolute control over the common people, Must separate each common person from their divine connection. Once the dis-connection happens. Then can the logical mind be educated or re-educated with the information the controllers desire. The emotional heart needs it's own direction and when the mind is directed to pay attention to a certain thing. The passions from within can ramp up. When this happens to any person. They can be effectively enslaved without ever using any form of the "SLAVE" word.
There can be no true JUSTICE when the divine connections have been severed. 

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: