Showing posts with label Enslaved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enslaved. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Self Freedom: Hood Life: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2016:

Freedom from your enslaved mindset begins with your first self inspired thought being realized. 
As soon as you realize that you are capable of creative thinking without outside control or restraint. Everything about your present and future shall change if you continue to be brave and to prove your courage of self existence. Your right to exist and your right to freely think is all yours. Unless to give it all away or allow it to be squelched and controlled. Sometimes you just have to stand up even if it is for the last time.
Freedom is gained when you put into action your self inspired thoughts into realized self empowerment. 
Enslavement shall never be possible for anyone who is self realized, self inspired and self empowered.
Enslavement begins with the control over the thoughts of your own mind. A slave is not free thinking. Which is why,
The majority of young people who have lived the hood life take the mentality of the hood life with them when seeking a better life away from the dangers of hood life.
Hood life is a very dangerous trap. Down here in Florida. Transplanted hoodlums who did their very best to escape the dangerous traps of the hood life. Brought the traps with them. I hear parents all of the time say how good their children are and then are repeatedly arrested. The parents who fled the hood from where ever they came from. Brought the hood mentality with them. What do you think is going to happen when your kids lie and steal and continue to lie and deny? Where did your good kids learn this? By your permission. When you say your children are good. You do not mean good in the Biblical sense. You mean just good at being bad. Then when your children whom you rescued from those bad people up in the northern hood. Only go to school to socialize and to eat food. What do you think will become of your adult children as you declare the educational system failed in their education. This is a lie. It wasn't the educational system that failed to educated your children. It was you who failed to express the importance of education to your children. This is why your children will be worse off than you. I'm just a janitor who became one at 49 Years of age. Do you really think a 49 year old becomes a minimum wage janitor because they made the right decisions in life? Or a minimum wage stock person in a retail store? or in my case both?
The laws and traditions of the world which declare you as a servant, slave or a lesser human being. Becomes worthless when you are self realized, self inspired and self empowered. 
You are a human being. Your value as a human being can only be made by you and agreed upon by you. This goes in the same line as how I believed as a young person that I was dumb, stupid and retarded. After all I had an IQ of about 70. I knew my value as a human being and I wasn't worth educating. I new my value as an adopted member of a family. The words of my adoptive mother still ring in my head at times and even now as I write this. "We should have never adopted you". So I knew I was not worthy of love or acceptance. I can go on and on with my own negative memories as I can self torture myself with them. Foster Care in two states and the various abuses I had to endure.
Even though I write poorly and speak even worse. That my message still gets out. So as long as you my readers only take the positive messages out of what I write. It is all your free choice to take what you do.    
Yes, yes, Listen to the words of this song. Feel it and then choose to change you. You are truly awesomely beautiful and of great value. You are a divine creation of the God of Love.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Willful Obedience: (Unedited): 14 NOv 2015:

Willful disobedience leads to a life bound in hell. While willful obedience can lead to a free life of enlightened righteousness. 
 Both obedience and disobedience end results contain a light. One light makes you an enslaved captive wanting for death. The other is a light which offers purity of righteous freedom and a respect for a free life of holiness.
There seems to be always much talk about how the prophecy of the abomination of desolation is related. Everyone seems to reference this end time event to a temple in Israel. This may very well be so.
But, It is related to everyone on a more personal level. Just as Yahshua proclaimed to the priests "Destroy this Temple and in three days I WILL raise it up." Do you think they were scoffing in response? Who were the scoffers?
So from this can we say that a temple or a holy place is made of flesh and bone? Can a temple or holy place be of brick or stone, fabric or wood, be of a great or small place? Yes, of course it can be. Those who have a genuine history of a continuous prayer life. Do you not feel the presence of the Lord wherever it is you may pray and meditate? Does it really matter the place more so than the condition of you? Do you not think if you were deep in the valley of shadows and death? The Lord is still with you? Do you not think if you were in prison or lost alone in some terrible place. The Lord is still with you? So just by reasonable thought. The condition of your whole temple or holy place. Though no where near in any equality to Yahshua. Is of greater importance than the place. The condition of your spirit, mind and body when they are all willfully attuned to God. Through your freely chosen willful obedience to the Word. Which is whom?
So what can we see in the prophetic signs in regards to the Abomination of desolation? 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sin Fade: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2015:

Reasoned and imagined sin shall fade away with your active mental energies focused upon God.
Both reasoned and Imagined sins or thoughts can become uncontrolled within any person.  If they were ever controlled disciplined thoughts.
This is where reading the Holy Bible, prayer and meditation comes into importance to each and every person. These three actions teaches everyone discipline and self control of thoughts. By learning how to control your own thinking processes. You begin to mentally sin less and less. Which will eventually translate into less physically manifested sins. The way more educated evil psychologist persons who want to keep you forever as a patient. Will tell you to your face that it is impossible to control every thought. So don't even try it. While they up the doses of your new more powerful prescriptions which keep you enslaved to them forever.
The more of a threat you are to the fallen angels and the spiritually demonic. The more attention these entities will pay attention to you.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unhappy Equally: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2015:

Both the educated slave and the uneducated free person can be equally unhappy with their lives.
Was it wrong for the wife of the master of the slave to allow education. Knowing that the slave will become unhappy with their circumstance.
I share a birthday with Nat Turner.
Then there is the free person who may be mentally enslaved by their deceitful culture, social circles  or poor family upbringing. They to will become saddened by their life once they have become enslaved by it and unable to alter their course without harming others in the process.
The wise and strong who are in the age where everyone is free. Will discover this is not so. For an imprisoned criminal can be more free than the jailer. The homeless more free than the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). The autistic more free than the declared normal person.
Know the difference between those who only want to harm you by keeping you down or one of the down trodden and those who offer you sage advice of deep wisdom. Such as an education is only the first steps to your freedom. While those who want you to remain enslaved as they are. Will declare to you and accuse you of trying to be white or someone else whom you can never be or become. You can only ever be who you are. This is the wisdom. Do you want to be a better human being or remain unchanged in your current and possible undesirable state of living. Then you must know that it is not everyone else who must change for your benefit. It is and always has been only you who must change for your own self benefit. This is where your freedom shall always remain.
There was a time when Nelson Mandela was an imprisoned criminal who had no freedom. Then in a singular moment of time. He became more free than his jailers and the rest of the people of south Africa was.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Merging Thoughts And Beliefs: (Unedited): 30 March 2015:

Through the merging of the deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Does the educated person become enslaved. 
To control how another person thinks and acts brings unity to the masses and control to the chosen few. There is power in the numbers in which the few shield themselves within the masses who protect them.
This is the essence of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Control, Authority and wealth. Where as political thought keeps you locked up in a box. The religious beliefs keeps taken care of the box. Both deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs will cause you to go to war in behalf of the box.
God brought the word to us all. He brought to humanity Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the Law. When all of those few words work together for the benefit of the whole. By each persons free choice. Then everyone associated will find a joyful life worth living. This is more than just logical thinking. This is spiritual connectedness. While becoming a righteous person and a holy people. Without any lies. deceptions or false beliefs.
In the old days an educated and intelligent person is a free person. They cannot be enslaved. Even slave owners were concerned with the happiness of their slaves. Knew that if a slave was taught to much intellectual and logical information. They would not want to be a slave.  ...Until psychological conditioning and brain entrainments were developed. Which merged together the mind, heart and soul into whatever false belief the leader wanted. When the specific entrainment of the mind begins at an early age. The older mind will hold onto it. No matter what actual truths are presented. Even backed up with many factual and logical facts/evidences. For instance racism. Racism is and has been the biggest lie that humanity perpetuates upon itself. Despite the facts of Human DNA finger printing and the human genome project as well as the ancient holy texts and through many oral traditions of many unrelated cultures around the world. All of this evidence proves that humanity is but one species, one race, one people and one family upon this planet.
To transcend beyond the constraints and restraints of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs into that of a true righteous life. Shall make that person an enemy of every political thought and an outcast of every false religious beliefs. To become righteous and holy in the eyes of God is the intention of God. This is something which must happen individually and by free choice. In order for the human being to get to that next state of development. What ever that may be. But, there will be a steep price to pay as anyone and everyone who is of the world even if they do not know it or understand it will dislike you with an intensity. You won't even have to say a word. The demons who control the religious leaders will tell them to hate you, to argue with you and to always accuse you of being wrong.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rejected Right: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

Being the only one who does the right thing. Can make you the rejected one and the enemy to all sides.  
This is simple enough. It takes great strength and courage to stand up and reject everyone who is wrong. Even if both sides of a debate are wrong. This can happen especially in modern day politics. Where your two party political system has degrees of wrongness. Where one party is seen as worldly and hides all of their dirty secrets from their constituents. Then the other side who portrays itself as the righteous side. Hides all of their worldly sins from the blind media. Outwardly both sides hate each other and yet their children go to the same schools and the same summer camps. Really. The lies and deceptions are rampant. The free media is bound and enslaved.
This isn't about politics. It's about truth and what is true. People believe the lies they are told as truths simply because they have been repeated so much. Who originated this thinking process? Adolf Hitler the twentieth century's reining king of evil.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Adolf Hitler
People must begin to question everything they think they know as truth. This re-evaluation with respect and honor is very necessary if the world we all live in is to survive. Actually, this planet will survive humanity. It is the future archaeologists who will wonder who we were and they will discover that we created our own extinction.
People can begin with the lie of racism. Then work into those holy men who teach love, peace and harmony but preach hate, conflict/war and chaos.
Just think about that. A preacher teaches that Jesus is love and then encourages his flock when they freely choose to go off into battle. How is that loving one another? The Imam teaches peaceful lessons of The Prophet Mohamed and the preaches his followers to go off to war. Even the religion of harmony is experiencing chaos.
When the one who stands for what is right in between the two different sides. Both wrong sides will forget the other and will attack the right one. The one who is right is truly brave to stand in the middle of all of those who is wrong.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Logical Trust: (Unedited): 16 July 2013:

Learning to develop and trust your own logic is critical to your overall thinking processes. 
Any teacher or professor who hands you a thinking device such as a calculator or a computer. Does more harm to you than what you may be aware of. Those two devices and others like them are the modern day equivalent to restraining and bondage devices of enslaved/imprisoned human history. The only exception is the lack of pain and suffering.
A young person must to learn to trust their own developing logical process. If the young person is given aids to enhance the speed of obtaining answers. Then all the students learn is how to systematically use a machine to obtain the exact answer. The young student does not learn how to develop their logical thinking process and thus they do not learn to trust it.
Critical thinking skills is necessary in the modern ages. If you do not develop a trust in your ability to logically think for yourself. Then you can become enslaved by any persons or by any *group* who merely appears to be logical and have the correct answers. Those who have the correct answers may not be in the right.

The difference between the correct answer and the right answer may have a wide divide between the two. A professor/teacher may pose questions in which he/she will expect a correct answer which is defined by them or by those who are in authority over them. Those answers they expect are the correct answers. Even though  they are the wrong answers in life. It doesn't matter if you know the answers are very wrong. Over time just living a life where you are continually encompassed by lies and deceptions. You become conditioned to believe in those lies and deceptions are the truth.
Why not use a calculator? What is the harm? The quick and easy answer is no harm or the youthful excitement from a young person who now doesn't have to use their brain to do any math work.
 Play time comes sooner, doesn't it?
Which did you prefer?
Math by pencil and paper or by calculator?
Remember when you were told it was OK to use a calculator? You probably thought I can cheat now or you just celebrated.
What about now when every young child can use a calculator? They never went through the thinking process of  is this right or is this cheating?

The worst and most damaging of those math teachers and professors are those who proclaim to their students that they will never use algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry and the more advanced versions of those. Those teachers and professors who say these things to their students are of the most evil because it is like the slave owner who says that education only makes the slaves unhappy. Which is a true statement. Becoming educated in Mathematics in it's entirety will make you the slave  an unhappy slave or cause you the free person to remain a free person.
The word group includes all cultures, social classes, laws, policy's, politics and religions.
In all of humanity. The teaching of mathematics in it's entirety must be changed. The psychological conditioning of students to hate math needs to be criminalized by the parents. This will bring about social change. The kind of social change which will reveal who is evil or righteous in the world. When that happens it will surprise you and possibly anger you. The revelation of truth on a human world where lies and deceptions have been king of truth for thousands of years. Can be destructive. Teaching children to logically think for themselves. They may become the logical calm force who changes those things in the time when they are made aware of them. When they become the ones who run the world as a new logical collective force. 
 Those who rule the world as the slave masters, Fear an educated population more than anything. Because, once there lies and deceptions are revealed. Their rule will end. Because, it isn't about whether or not a slave is happy. It is about profiting from and using that slave, without the slaves questions, inputs, ideas. Then if the slave does become properly educated. Then they become Nat Turner.
In order for humanity to mentally evolve to the next level of logical thinking. A certain percentage of all humanity must begin to entertain the thoughts of multidimensional Mathematics. In other words Universal Mathematics cannot be accurately done on a two dimensional surface. This is necessary to leave the solar system.
Multidimensional math is where multiple former unrelated formulas of different disciplines have a mutual relationship and can have a direct affect on the other. This is directly related to specific positions in space at a given time. Where as that position in space only lasts for a very short period of time. The formulas appear to fade in and out. The end result seems to be what is moving through all space. This is my flawed observations. But, very exciting to imagine. I did fail general math. My use of the term Multidimensional math may also be inaccurate. It is the best I can explain.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Criminalized Righteous: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

The righteous people who do not actively participate in their free society. Will become criminalized and enslaved by it. 
 Your free and civilized Country/Nation/Society is not free and has never been. It has been bought and paid for in blood sacrifices. It has been hoped for, planned, organized and maintained by those righteous souls who gave up their own personal time to become genuine servants to the people. A genuine servant is one who is not enriched in any way. Now does a genuine servant receive any wealth or real estate from foreign governments. No stocks, bonds, corporate ownerships or even jewels from any foreign lands. A public servant who goes into any office with a certain wealth has at the very least his wealth become stagnant in any growth.
You the free righteous people of a free Country. If you have any complaint about your whole country. You must actively participate within it. If you righteous people do not participate with in your own free society. You will not understand how you have become criminalized and enslaved by it. The blessing of which the One True GOD has bestowed upon you will be moved away by the collective evil entities which have organized to become a superior voting block. They will steal away all you have and deny you any ownership rights or privileges and you won't even know until it is to late to act. (Prophecy in progress).
All of the righteous people in the free land. Must actively run for every political office at all levels and for every position, all of the time. All government employees who are not righteous must be let go and replaced with qualified righteous persons. This must be done right now to save yourselves and to guarantee a free life for your own children.
These stories are prophecies for today.,_Meshach,_and_Abednego
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It Began Compilation of old prophecies: (Unedited): From 03 July 2001- 12Sept 2001: 02 April 2013:

 Just found these pages.  Do not read if prophecies disturb you and the lead up to 09/11. I had no idea that these writings were a lead up to the 09/11 event. I did not even realize it afterwards either. There was a beginning date and of course the ending date. Some time had passed and I realized the God may be using certain Southern Baptist Churches as his informative instrument. Still believe that today 02 April 2013.
 Repent and flee from sin. Do so without threats or fears. Make that logical decision. That to live in accordance to the Laws of Moses is right and true. To live in accordance to the 10 Commandments is the foundation for a life worth living. To live contrary to the law means certain extinction at various levels.

03 July 2001:
I spent 1 night at my Uncles House and went to church on Sunday. I read all of Amos. I felt as if it were talking about the USA. I had no plans to stay with my Uncle. Then I got a load that re-powered exactly where I was located in South East Alabama and it didn't deliver in Birmingham until Monday. Almost, as if I was supposed to read Amos and listen to the Pastor at First Baptist.

04 July 2001:
Woe to the people of the USA. Everything you believe is backwards. Murder is a choice and a right. Deception and theft is wrong only if your caught.
By deception and theft. Your freedom will be taken from you. You will be a free country no more. Your leaders, outspoken ones and the weak will be murdered.
Woe to the people of the United States, who believe they are untouchable.
From 3 peoples will be your down fall. You believe you are free. You will become slaves and it will be their right.
The Heavenly Fathers Blessings will move away. In that moment of time, The United States will burn. In that moment of time, there will be great confusion. You will ask yourselves. "How could this happen?"
Everything that represents you , will be destroyed.
You will become hungry.
You will become thirsty.
You will become Homeless.
You will become sick.
You will become enslaved.
You will become lost in the mind.
Your friends to the North and South will not lend support.
They will proclaim how terrible a thing has become for the people of the United States.
Your friends across the waters will not lend support.
They will proclaim how terrible a thing has become for the people of The United Sates.
There will be battles in all of your cities with no lines drawn.
There will be no safe place.
Forest fires everywhere. Power outages. No clean water.
The policemen will be shot at. The firemen will be shot at. The power linemen will be shot at. The rescue workers will be shot at. Doctors and nurses will be shot at. Schools will not be safe.
Churches and hospitals will not be safe. Highways will not be safe.
Anyone who expresses love, compassion and kindness will be murdered.
You will become both hopeless and helpless. Your prayers will not be answered.
Your great military will be scattered, hunted and destroyed.
Israel, Korea and other exclusively protected lands of the United States will be in great peril.
A military force will come into Alaska from the Straits.
A military force will come from Mexico into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
A military force will come from Cuba into Florida.
A military force will come from within.
From about 2012: A military force will come from the west waters (China) into California, Oregon and Washington.

07 July 2001:
The final result of homosexuality is racial and ethnic extinction, national extinction and the extinction of the human race.

07 July 2001:
Even though the bearer of life may believe she is independent and self sufficient. It is the duty of  a man to protect her and the young ones, even unto his death that he sacrifices.
it is the duty of the man to keep himself in such a way so that he can take care of and to protect the woman and the children without fear and trembling.

07 July 2001:
  When the last innocent is martyred. The wrath of God will be poured upon the whole nation.

07 July 2001:
A star to the north that isn't. Will give off a poor light that melts snow and ice very well.

07 July 2001:
The United States is being run out of all the world. You will be forced into isolation.

07 July 2001:
Man has learned to kill the spirit thru sin.
Man has learned to kill the mind thru chemicals. (Drugs).
Man has learned to kill the body with weapons.
Man has learned to kill the world thru nuclear weapons.
Man has learned to kill humanity thru genetic manipulation.

09 July 2001:
There is no difference between a person who commits murder and a woman who kills her children and a woman who has an abortion.

All will be judged equally. That is the right of the one true God. To administer rightful judgement to the people whom HE created. It matters not if that person believes or not.

10 July 2001:
You who receive entertainment for one hour and not my word. Will suffer 10X for every hour you were entertained.

11 July 2001:
You women cover yourselves completely from head to toe. So, that the weak minded men around you do not entertain improper desires of you which is sinful.
You men cover yourselves as well. So that weak minded women around you will remain mentally pure and without sin.
For one woman was made for one man. As Eve was made for Adam. A woman completely and totally belongs to one man. Just as one man is to love, to care and to protect the one woman that Almighty God has given to him. A man in return will give himself for his one wife and he will belong to her.
When a man gives back to his Heavenly Father that which The Heavenly Father gave. He will be blessed greatly.
When a woman gives back to her Heavenly Father that which The Heavenly Father gave. She will be greatly blessed.

12 July 2001:
A remnant will remain on this world. Which means a very small part of the much larger whole. Those of you who are godly for 1-2 hours every 7 days. The Lord Jesus will not remember you.

20 August 2001:
Just because a judge has granted you a divorce. Doesn't mean GOD has.

24 August 2001:
Alliances have been made by the enemies of the USA. They see the downfall of the USA as the means of greedy gains of territory.
The many national enemies of the USA, already have their thousands of spies living inside the US.
The Us will fall and the whole world with it.
When the USA falls. All of the Countries that have claims on other lands will then launch attacks on those peoples of those disputed lands. For the retaliatory threat of the USA is gone.
The backbone of the United Nations is the USA. With the back bone gone, all that which is left is cowards.
The future of the world is in the hands of the people of the USA.

25 Aug 2001:
China will be the catalyst of the peoples of the world. Death or exploration. China will have to choose to end like Rome, Germany, France and Japan with great defeat and dishonor. OR to choose to become the greatest nation to ever walked the Earth.
Free the spirit. (Morally)
Free the mind. (Morally)
Free the body. (Morally)
 Free the borders.

Educate everyone equally and in less than 20 years, all will follow your lead to the stars.
Succumb to the power of your military leaders and you will end up like WW1 Germany, WW2 Germany, Napolean (France) and WW2 Japan.
In the beginning you will conquer the USA and many others. Just as the other great countries before you and they ended up with great dishonor. Conquest does not bring honor. It always brings dishonor, suffering and death. (To all sides). Even to those peaceful beings who choose not to fight.

26 August 2001:
There is still hope for the peoples of the USA. They must return to their one true GOD or be eliminated. It is GOD who made the peoples of the USA great by protecting it from evil. When GOD ceases it's protection. The USA will fall hard, quickly and forever. Repent or suffer. No other choices. No delays. Choose now.

27 August 2001:
Just as any building built with a poor foundation, will soon crumble and implode in on itself. So as the peoples of the USA , who have forgotten what has made them strong and kept them strong. They have forgotten  their foundation and the result will be. That everything they have known and have planned for is about to crumble and implode. Now, is the time to shore up your foundation.

27 August 2001:
Darkness offers the illusion of secrecy.
                                illusion of privacy.
                                illusion of being alone.
                                illusion of safety.
The instant illumination appears. the truth is always known.

28 August 2001:
In some churches the rapture will have been obvious. In others there will be doubt that the rapture even occurred. There will be debate between the great churches and the minor churches. The rich churches and the poor churches. The popular churches and the unpopular churches.
(02 April 2013: Comment. I do not think there will be debate with the poor churches or the unpopular churches. Those churches by a greater percentage may be gone). Added on 24 April 2019: The churches most like Smyrna and Philadelphia.

30 August 2001:
The weakest and most helpless around you is the most perfect. Even the sick and the genetically defective are more perfect than the healthy and strong. For they may be incapable of sin.

07 Sept 2011:
For the wages of sin is death.

08 Sept 2001:
Christianity will be an illegal religion throughout the world.

11 Sept 2011:
It is 09-11 Emergency.
The world changed today.
4 Airplanes were hijacked this morning inside the USA. 2 airplanes were flown into both World Trade Center buildings in New York City. Then 90 minutes later, they both collapsed. Total loss of life could total as high as 40,000 souls.
1 airplane later crashed into the pentagon building in Washington D.C.
1 other plane crashed somewhere in Pennsylvania. It is now 2:24 PM. What else?
A report of a plane crash near Camp David in Maryland.
I found out within minutes after it happened. I watched live on T.V. The second jet fly at a high rate of speed, banked to the left into the second World Trade Center.
I'm at my customer Alliant Food Service in Peabody, Mass. Who later refused my load of freeze dried potato products. Now, I sit in my truck alone on the street. I'm shocked and angered.
By dark I had put on 18 USA flags on my truck.

12 Sept 2001:
I go to providence, RI. and the F.B.I. shut down Amtrak Train.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, January 25, 2013

Breaking Yourself: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Breaking free. Breaking out. Breaking under the weight of lies illusions that once governed you. Enslaved and imprisoned by the heavy burden that once threatened to break you. Standing firm. Standing strong. Victorious from winning the war over yourself. C.J.MacKechnie

 Lies, lies and more lies. Believed as truths told to you and expected from you by those who were supposed to love, comfort and protect you.  Yet, Here you are today. You remain a broken person. Your free of all of those abuses and tortures you have endured. Today and right now begins the discovery of who you are supposed to be. Do not fear this now. Today can begin your search for your true identity. Just like that show "Diggers". Those incredible things of value which will define your true identity is all buried beneath the dirt and filth of the lies told to you. Some of the valuable gems which are buried are forgotten. But, most of of those valuable gems need to be re-discovered by you and all of them will fill in those empty spaces of your true nature. Just like a missing puzzle piece which finally reveals a new thing about you.
Getting to those places may be hazardous for you and you may have to relive some old memories. Just keep digging carefully. Walk down those dangerous crevices with care. Seek and search for the beautiful contents of your soul. It's worth it and you are worth it. Your beautiful and always have been. Despite the ugliness of the life you have had up until right now. Go and find your beauty with as much zeal as those digger guys.
Formerly Titled "Breaking".
Partial Inspiration is from Mercy me "Beautiful"
Original content titled "Breaking"
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Identity: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2013:

Your new identity begins each and every time you conquer a fear. C.J.MacKechnie
The fear you have is what is holding you back.
The fear you have is what is keeping you down.
The fear you have is what keeps you enslaved.
The fear you have is what keeps you uneducated and unskilled.
The fears you have causes you to believe in your own self created lies. Such as that your dumb, stupid, unworthy, wrong family, wrong social class, wrong race, your ugly, your not good enough, your undeserving and etc. These lies you must counter with positive thoughts and words about yourself continuously.

Having fear for a long period of time develops into the cancer APATHY. to have no care about anything, including for your own family or self. The cancer  APATHY grows into these things. You may still care for yourself and your children and your family and your friends. But, if you do not care about other things like your job or doing a good job. Then you have APATHY. If you don't care about being punctual or responsible for necessary things. Then you have APATHY. You must begin to care about everything that you touch, see, hear and walk on. To care keeps you as an evolving human. To have Apathy regresses you back to that of an insignificant animal.

For all of the fears we each have. All of our fears makes up our individual identity. When people see your face along with your name. They all see and know the history of all of your fears.

To change who you are, what you are and how you are currently identified. You must take the necessary action to confront and conquer all of your fears, one at a time. For every fear you conquer, you create for yourself a new identity. Think about your name, to be followed by conqueror.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spirit Governed: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The balance between ones own logical mind and emotional heart is more efficiently governed by the internal spirit. C.J.MacKechnie 
 By maintaining a direct connectedness with the divine. A better balance of individual control can occur. The mind becomes better at making the good and just decisions. The passions of ones own heart is properly tempered in the righteous direction. Then when the spirit, mind, heart and body becomes unified into oneness. Miracles as defined today, become average and commonplace.
The sinless body can then evolve to the degree to become what ever that may be.
 The control of the hearts and minds of the common people is the only sure fire way to achieve power, authority and wealth. Those who thirst for absolute control over the common people, Must separate each common person from their divine connection. Once the dis-connection happens. Then can the logical mind be educated or re-educated with the information the controllers desire. The emotional heart needs it's own direction and when the mind is directed to pay attention to a certain thing. The passions from within can ramp up. When this happens to any person. They can be effectively enslaved without ever using any form of the "SLAVE" word.
There can be no true JUSTICE when the divine connections have been severed. 

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Psychological Disarmament: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2012:

Psychological disarmament is more important than actual disarmament.
To disarm a people is useless. Especially when they (The People) will  resort to any other weapon. So, it will be necessary to psychologically brain wash the entire population to not even have the concept of self defense as an option to consider. The only option for a completely enslaved society to have for any protection is wholly from the government entity.
After complete disarmament of the civilian population and the necessary psychological conditioning. Martial arts will also be outlawed and unnecessary. As martial arts is only for warfare and has no constitutional protections.
Added on 06 May 2017:
Absolute disarmament would be to cause all of the people to become sheep. Sheep are dumb and defenseless. All they know is to obey the shepherd. The concept of any manor of hand to hand combat would have to disappear from the minds of all people. The concept of offense or defense or writings like "The Art of War" must become absent from the minds of all peoples. Even games where those who do any form of battle or competition must be empty in the minds of people.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Slave Candidate 1 and 2: (Unedited): 22 Dec 2012:

A person who has zero hopeful plans for personal, professional and spiritual improvement. Is a good candidate to become a slave.  C.J.MacKechnie
A person who only lives for the personal gratification they receive this day. Is a good candidate to be enslaved.  C.J.MacKechnie
Any person who only wants for the pleasures to be received right now. Can easily sell themselves into slavery, when immediate gratification is the daily payment for labor completed.
This is also for the young person who feels it is not necessary to effort an education greater than the minimum standard. The greater your continued education the greater the guarantee of your freedom.
Any person who mocks, curses and belittles you for doing more than the minimum standard in any category of education, training, professionalism and etc. Only wants you to remain as enslaved as they have or will become. This also includes the accusations of trying to be of another race or skin tone. Especially when the concept of race is a provable lie and deception.
A slave will blindly believe anything and everything the masters teach. To the slave truth does not matter. To the master only control and authority over the slave matters. To the master the illusion of supremacy is required to keep the slaves in line and to prevent them from thinking to much. (Watch the movie "A Bugs Life").
To remain a slave don't think and ask no questions. To remain free always think and always ask questions.
Those who are in authority are the hoppers. Those who blindly and mindlessly follow the hoppers are the grasshoppers, or the useful idiots as coined and used by certain Communist Leaders. Those who are the ants is everyone else, Including those defined as your enemies by the Hoppers and Grasshoppers.

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.

If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.

Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Enslaved Heart (unedited) 21 feb 2011

The enslaved person whose heart no longer yearns for freedom. Will still be a slave. Even when their freedom is guaranteed. 

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Not Free

Any man who is governed and policed is not a free man.
Added to: