Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Battle Seeks Warrior: (Unedited): 23 July 2017:

Sometimes it is interesting when you view certain people and have followed them for some time. Like Chase Iron Eyes and how he directly experienced prophecy unfolding in real life. He is one of the few I still follow. The few because he is a leader and there are maybe a few more prophecies with the native indigenous tribes of North America which still needs to unfold in some way. Which still could take another 30 to 60 or so years. So I still need to remain distantly connected to them. It is that important. Especially when you see all of the symbolism associated with the Standing Rock event and the extreme majority of all of the Christian religion were completely oblivious to it. It is kind of saddening but also knowing how the righteously devout Christian numbers are dwindling. Like how Noah became the last righteous man on Earth. The Standing Rock event was most definitely a Christian sign in prophecy. Anyway, Mr. Chase Iron Eyes likes to post these statements. Like for today it was Warrior wisdom "The Battle seeks the warrior". I'm like huh????Whaaa??? Really Chase, I got other writing to do(Meant as humor). 2 hours go by and then three and finally six hours later. I get hit upside the head with these follow up words. I could imagine Chase picking up a rock speaking wisdom into that rock and then throwing it without actually knowing who was gonna get hit from the Dakota's. I live in Florida. So yea, Can you see this spiritual picture I paint?
"It is the warrior who has already knowingly prepared for the battle which seeks/anticipates him. With honor and courage the warrior presents himself to the expected battle"  (Expanded a little bit because of twitter limitations). 

We should always inspire one another openly and directly. We should all devour any inspiration which comes our way like a sweet milk chocolate candy bar. Tear open the paper and then gentle unwrap the goodness inside. Then perfectly break apart one single piece and savior it until it becomes a part of you. 
With gratitude I thank Mr. Chase Iron Eyes. Thank You sir. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Scarred Bravery: Courage Face +12: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015:

Bravery and courage are easily seen in those scarred individuals who continuously stand-up to face the uncertain unknowns in life. 
Courage Face: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015: 
The face of courage shall always present itself differently to you in an unexpected way.
 How do you see bravery or courage in a person? Is he 6 foot 4? 200pounds of muscled good looks? Looks and appearances can be very deceiving.
What about the perfect failure in life. That person who just never gives up, who never quits?
What about the 5 foot no inches tall and 95 pound kid while wearing gear on the high school football team. This is a kid who faces monsters everyday. Can you say the same thing about yourself.
What about the severely handicapped who was born with the good brain but an absolutely mess of a body. Yet she goes to school every day with a squeaky rolling harness which keeps her mobile and yet she can do very little for herself.
I tell you there is bravery and courage everywhere. It is not what you expect it to be. Can you say that for yourself? To be so afflicted with extreme genetic defects that you would actually go out in public to earn for yourself the right to live. The right to life and the right to exist?
Are you brave enough to go out in public as a women with no breasts, urine bag, messed up pupils, old wheel chair which has to be plugged in at the Dollar General Market, no family who cares enough to include you and with only friends who are as disabled as you are. Guess what this woman is also their leader and unofficial aunt in authority. Without any real elections or genetic rights. She just is.
I saw this woman risking herself by taking care of her people with that old beat up and bad battery wheel chair. Plugging in to recharge almost every visit on Thanksgiving day. She is a big woman to. Not because she eats, but her kidneys suck. Dollar General Market management is awesome and understanding of their customers situations.
Well are you?
Added on 14 Sept 2024:
Modern Men believe that the wearing of an expressive shirt or hat means their brave and courageous. The truth is even a puppet wears the clothing that the master desires. 
Modern men who wear expressive clothing, hats and costumes and yet do nothing else are not brave or courageous. 
Just as the honorable ancestors of old sacrificed everything for the guarantee of the future. You who are of the future must likewise sacrifice everything for the memory of the past as well as guarantee that the future is maintained. 
Righteous men faced death and many of them shall never be remembered in order to bring the possibility of a future with liberty and freedom. The wearing of a hat and a shirt is not the equivalent of their blood spilled for you and the present you reside in now. 
Unwavering men of righteous principle shall rise up and do those hard things. They shall be men of actionable certainty. They shall not hesitate their activities for the future of freedom, liberty and human rights. 
Those men steeped in deep honor and righteousness have already been in the depth of their own heart, mind and soul. They have already shed much effort, sweat and blood to become harden men of profound valor. 
Once it is realized that reason and negotiations are deemed useless. Silence shall begin and great violence shall ensue. 
Once it realized that every government is against freedom, liberty and human rights for all. All of those persons who represent government entities shall be killed and the leaders shall be executed at every opportunity. 
Once the light of freedom, liberty and human rights is extinguished from the whole world. All of humanity will instantly know that any kind of hope for a better life has just ceased. 
Once the value of any human life becomes equated as a simple renewable resource. Human life becomes compared to that of a tree, chicken, oil, coal, tractor and etc. In which there shall be no joy in the continuation of life. 
Once human life becomes a simple governed resource. All terms of continuations shall be determined by the history and current productivity levels that the human resource puts forth daily.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fearless Introvert: Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 10 April 2015:

To be an introvert without any fears. Is an exercise of courage from a brave soul. 
Are you shy or are you just an introvert?
While one may indicate fears and traumas.  The other may be just a a part of your normal psychological being. Which would be OK. So as long as you are healthy and are capable of surviving in this world. In other words being responsible for your state of being.
Being shy may be more related to abuse by those who are outside of your person. Fears and threats from the outside world can cause a person to become shy. While the introvert is just naturally self absorbed in whatever thinking they prefer to think about.  The continuous mean and rude things which may have been done to you or you have simply witnessed. Then if this is the case you should seek assistance in dealing with your own problems. So as long as there are no mind altering medications involved. They do not help, they only delay your healing and make you a drug addict. I state this assuming you have no conclusive brain injuries or brain defects in any test scans of your brain. If you do have absolutely provable tests via advanced medical technologies. Then you must absolutely take which ever medications prescribed by your medical professional. 

To be automatically be prescribed mind altering medications by just simply professing a problem. Is absolutely wrong. Especially if no medical tests have been conducted. If any doctor no matter what field of specialty they are in. Just prescribes mind altering medications without any medical evidence. Then walk out, refuse to pay and report them to their monitoring state agency. They are no different then the illegal drug dealers who stand on street corners. 
Without pride or ego. Without puffing you up. Without you becoming haughty.
To be an introvert is a necessary part of your being. You may very well need to be an introvert. Just so that you can do whatever it is you must do in this life. Self defined greatness comes from those who can dwell within themselves for long periods of time. Then from there they outwardly express themselves within their creations.
There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the outside world who demands for you to conform to it's will and defined state of healthy.
AHHH But, If you are not eating right/healthy and regular, maintaining employment in order for you to take care of yourself and family, If your not bathing/grooming as you should for skin/hair/nail health, Obtaining the required education and continuing education so that you can be continuously employed throughout your entire life. Then there you go Skippy. You had better start being responsible for yourself and for those who you are supposed to be taking care of. This also, includes spending proper amount of time with the spouse and children. As defined by them and not by you. I do fail in this regard. But do deeply feel that my time is short or that this writing I do is urgent. Do not do as I have done. Become well educated and achieve that proper level of employment so that you can take care of your family. It is just really hard to raise a family and have gifted children and then not be able to feed their inborn gifts. Because, you simply do not have the financial resources to do so. It is very hard and not very fair. But, there is nothing fair in this world.
Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:
A person can have much healthy food and water and still yet starve in other ways.
You can have physical starvation which is in regard to physical weakness and endurance. You can have mental starvation which is in regard to education, psychology and critical thinking. You can have spiritual starvation. In regards to awareness and wisdom.
*NOTE* A person can be highly educated and still does not have the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid becoming enslaved.  Where once being enslaved was only for the uneducated. Now that premise has evolved. Or the understanding to comprehend all of their learned knowledge. As is with bio-mechanical robots who are politically/worldly thought controlled.
Added on 19 April 2015: This blog Quote was published on :
Many thanks to the team at cacofony.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rejected Right: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

Being the only one who does the right thing. Can make you the rejected one and the enemy to all sides.  
This is simple enough. It takes great strength and courage to stand up and reject everyone who is wrong. Even if both sides of a debate are wrong. This can happen especially in modern day politics. Where your two party political system has degrees of wrongness. Where one party is seen as worldly and hides all of their dirty secrets from their constituents. Then the other side who portrays itself as the righteous side. Hides all of their worldly sins from the blind media. Outwardly both sides hate each other and yet their children go to the same schools and the same summer camps. Really. The lies and deceptions are rampant. The free media is bound and enslaved.
This isn't about politics. It's about truth and what is true. People believe the lies they are told as truths simply because they have been repeated so much. Who originated this thinking process? Adolf Hitler the twentieth century's reining king of evil.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Adolf Hitler
People must begin to question everything they think they know as truth. This re-evaluation with respect and honor is very necessary if the world we all live in is to survive. Actually, this planet will survive humanity. It is the future archaeologists who will wonder who we were and they will discover that we created our own extinction.
People can begin with the lie of racism. Then work into those holy men who teach love, peace and harmony but preach hate, conflict/war and chaos.
Just think about that. A preacher teaches that Jesus is love and then encourages his flock when they freely choose to go off into battle. How is that loving one another? The Imam teaches peaceful lessons of The Prophet Mohamed and the preaches his followers to go off to war. Even the religion of harmony is experiencing chaos.
When the one who stands for what is right in between the two different sides. Both wrong sides will forget the other and will attack the right one. The one who is right is truly brave to stand in the middle of all of those who is wrong.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Song Creation: (Unedited/Incomplete): 28 April 2013:

Create for yourself, your own songs of enduring freedom and courage. While rejecting those songs of abject enslavement and continual failure. 
Create for yourself, your own songs of celebrated life and joyous harmony. While rejecting those songs which glorify death and meaningless chaos. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ye Source: (Unedited): 08 June 2010:

Ye, Who have only known darkness, despair and depravity. Have courage, compassion and a caring heart. Become the source of light, life and love. To those who are desperately lost, lonely and left behind.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No quitters: (Unedited): 24 March 2008:

The strength, courage and determination that has brought you to this exact point in your life today. Will see you into tomorrow only if you continue to take the first steps and never give up.
C.J. MacKechnie
For some of you who have endured abuses and tortures in your life. Find solace and be thankful in your survival. Pray and cry for those who have not.  It is OK. But, now is the time for you to transition from survival mode and into living a good life as defined by your own dreams. Dedicate yourself in the establishment of creating the foundation necessary to build the life of your desires. Its OK and your OK and your safe. Go forth and forward in your life. Your most deserving to see the sweet fruits of today's and tomorrows efforts.The creation of your new foundation is no where as difficult or trying as that which you have had to endure. the creation of this new foundation may be very alien to you. It is OK. Do not fear it or flee from it. Confront and conquer. Adapt and overcome with the same determination of your past.