Showing posts with label Exist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exist. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Unrepairable Human Code Prophecy: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2019:

Beyond the tradition of education and beyond the cultural traditions of the world. The youth of the entire world will not see their future within it. This is because sin has overtaken the world to such a degree that the human genetic code shall become unrepairable. 
As of today more than 99.9% of the entire human genetic code is identical. With what is commonly known about genetics. Adam was the original stable genetic male human being. While Eve was a genetic female clone of Adam. Since then the human species has become a self replicating cloned species which was created by the great author. Our DNA is our book, is our history and is our future. Genetically speaking. In our DNA book is information written within which contains all of the sections that one would see within any research book. This also includes the forward by the author. The biggest differences we see genetically in each other is the historic lineage of sin and environment. Just as the biggest differences you see in one Dell computer to the next Dell computer is what software is inside. This is what I see within humanity. Because, just as you can omit one thing and include lies in another. So to is what has filled humanity with unreasoned insanity and absolute apathy.
Eventually the historical summary of sin will begin to turn off codes for perpetuation, civility, reason and social structure. Extinction will first be seen in the names, then family lines and then all.
Soon the youth of the entire world will not see their own future within it. Soon the youth of the entire world will only do because that is what they are supposed to do. Soon the youth of the entire world will demand absolute freedom to do as which is right and true for them as they define it personally. Which is as they were taught. The youth may come up with self serving answers in which they give to the expectancy of the questioner.  Soon very soon the youth will have no desire or intention to be obedient to any laws, rules or governance.
So what does this mean? It is simple. The youth will not see their future in the world because the world will not exist and the youth will not exist in a non existent world. When all there is is sin to be had and sin to be pleasured in the here and now. Why consider the future? Why plan for the future? Why have families? There is no God or gods and there is no devils and satans. There is only me and for me in the here and now. There is no sin and no righteousness for the youth of the world. For their ancestors have sinned much and to the point that the coming children will never have a connection to anything spiritual or holy.
Soon very soon the youth of the world will do more than abandon their elder family members. Soon very soon the youth will be incapable of a repentant heart. So very soon the youth will only seek that which pleases them and that which becomes burdensome. Will be discarded like any other obsolete piece of equipment.
Soon very soon the entire planet will become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon very soon the entire planet will be judged worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is prophecy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Scarred Bravery: Courage Face +12: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015:

Bravery and courage are easily seen in those scarred individuals who continuously stand-up to face the uncertain unknowns in life. 
Courage Face: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015: 
The face of courage shall always present itself differently to you in an unexpected way.
 How do you see bravery or courage in a person? Is he 6 foot 4? 200pounds of muscled good looks? Looks and appearances can be very deceiving.
What about the perfect failure in life. That person who just never gives up, who never quits?
What about the 5 foot no inches tall and 95 pound kid while wearing gear on the high school football team. This is a kid who faces monsters everyday. Can you say the same thing about yourself.
What about the severely handicapped who was born with the good brain but an absolutely mess of a body. Yet she goes to school every day with a squeaky rolling harness which keeps her mobile and yet she can do very little for herself.
I tell you there is bravery and courage everywhere. It is not what you expect it to be. Can you say that for yourself? To be so afflicted with extreme genetic defects that you would actually go out in public to earn for yourself the right to live. The right to life and the right to exist?
Are you brave enough to go out in public as a women with no breasts, urine bag, messed up pupils, old wheel chair which has to be plugged in at the Dollar General Market, no family who cares enough to include you and with only friends who are as disabled as you are. Guess what this woman is also their leader and unofficial aunt in authority. Without any real elections or genetic rights. She just is.
I saw this woman risking herself by taking care of her people with that old beat up and bad battery wheel chair. Plugging in to recharge almost every visit on Thanksgiving day. She is a big woman to. Not because she eats, but her kidneys suck. Dollar General Market management is awesome and understanding of their customers situations.
Well are you?
Added on 14 Sept 2024:
Modern Men believe that the wearing of an expressive shirt or hat means their brave and courageous. The truth is even a puppet wears the clothing that the master desires. 
Modern men who wear expressive clothing, hats and costumes and yet do nothing else are not brave or courageous. 
Just as the honorable ancestors of old sacrificed everything for the guarantee of the future. You who are of the future must likewise sacrifice everything for the memory of the past as well as guarantee that the future is maintained. 
Righteous men faced death and many of them shall never be remembered in order to bring the possibility of a future with liberty and freedom. The wearing of a hat and a shirt is not the equivalent of their blood spilled for you and the present you reside in now. 
Unwavering men of righteous principle shall rise up and do those hard things. They shall be men of actionable certainty. They shall not hesitate their activities for the future of freedom, liberty and human rights. 
Those men steeped in deep honor and righteousness have already been in the depth of their own heart, mind and soul. They have already shed much effort, sweat and blood to become harden men of profound valor. 
Once it is realized that reason and negotiations are deemed useless. Silence shall begin and great violence shall ensue. 
Once it realized that every government is against freedom, liberty and human rights for all. All of those persons who represent government entities shall be killed and the leaders shall be executed at every opportunity. 
Once the light of freedom, liberty and human rights is extinguished from the whole world. All of humanity will instantly know that any kind of hope for a better life has just ceased. 
Once the value of any human life becomes equated as a simple renewable resource. Human life becomes compared to that of a tree, chicken, oil, coal, tractor and etc. In which there shall be no joy in the continuation of life. 
Once human life becomes a simple governed resource. All terms of continuations shall be determined by the history and current productivity levels that the human resource puts forth daily.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lion King prophecy: (Unedited): 27 Nov 2015:

The coming Lion King will not recognize or acknowledge any established authority or ruling body.
The coming Lion King will not honor anyone's right to exist including all establishments.
The coming Lion King will bring great fear and shaking to all. Including the great deceiver's who proclaimed themselves as god's.
Have you ever thought to negotiate with a lion? Do you even think it is even possible? You may know of some lions in cages(zoo's) or performing in some circus acts. Even in those situations there is a great deception being practiced. An illusion of who has real power. The men and women who pretend to control the lions also have men with large guns ready to kill the lions if control is lost.
This is not the coming of the great Lion King. There will be no deceptions and no illusions. The coming of the Lion King will be an exercise of complete and absolute authority over all.
The Lion King shall come. The final countdown of the Lion King has already begun. This is not the only final countdown. The great deceivers have their own variety of final countdowns. These are primarily used as timers. Where one thing ends while other things begin. All of media is used against humanity while in full view of all.
The great deceiver's will try and leave the planet and the solar system. The great deceivers will offer up zero defense and zero resistance.  Even though their hateful and angered desires greatly suggest differently. All of the great deceivers plans, efforts and actions will amount to absolutely zero. The great deceivers will flee to only save themselves. The great deceivers will abandon all who have gave to them all. Even those who remain on Earth shall even stand to wage war against the Lion King. The great deceivers will have zero love, zero thoughts, zero cares, zero compassion and zero mercies for any of their subjects, slaves and servants. Everything the great deceivers do is only for themselves and nothing else. The great deceivers have only absolute apathy for anything which is not of or for themselves. No excuse and no escape for the great deceivers.
The great deceiver perfectly mixes great deceptions with little truths so that all of humanity will blindly follow their will.  This shall occur before the coming of the Lion King.
This is a note about the rapture:
The interpretations of the coming of Jesus Christ was incorrect. The Jewish people were under the authority of the Roman empire. So because of this hardship. The Jewish leaders knew the prophecies of their coming Messiah and they only assumed what was the best interpretations for them. Kind of selfish But it gave the religious elites greater wealth. What would you want a great warrior leader who destroys that which you hate and suffer under or a lamb? Think about it.
So today, most people in the Christian faith knows the prophecies and their feel good incorrect interpretations. no ones wants to endure unto the (their) end however that may happen. So the false prophets who profit greatly with their books all proclaim the feel good and easy account. Yet, today as in right now. The devout Christians are being tortured and murdered in Syria. Hundreds of Christian children have also been murdered. Entire villages destroyed. I ask you where is their rapture? Where is their mercy and compassion? Those who have suffered and have been martyred. I hope the Yahshua was the last desires of their hearts and thoughts in their mind. Then it can be said that they had endured unto their ending as prophesied in Matthew 24:13.
My view is Matthew 24:13.
What did Jesus say about the rapture? Can you find the word rapture in the Holy Bible?
Against the Rapture.
Of course here are those purple words again. If you want to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken by genuine prophets of God and it doesn't matter if they were ever accepted by any established religion. Then following the purple words below may just avert all of it.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

One Love Flame: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The twin flames of love. Can become extinguished in a variety of ways. The most beautiful way the individual twin flames of loves cease to exist. Is when the two flames of love merge as one singular flame. Ceasing being two.
This reminds me of the supposed to be typical outcome of love. When two lost in the throes of love intermingle and become one growing life separate from the mother but still within. What actually happens. Most adults know who have had babies. The individual seed of a man gains a struggled entry into the egg of a woman. Then nearly suddenly the two DNA's are mixed in some amazing way. Which ultimately destroys the once two separate and individual living elements of the seed and of the egg. Thus, a new life is not created but continued on within the woman's womb. Becoming a continuous memory of loved shared.
This is how I see the beautiful eventuality of two individual flames of being who merge into a singular flame of pure love. They both must cease to exist in order to become one flame, one body and maybe ultimately one soul. This must be the ultimate goal of the two. If one flame is or has any disagreement by any definition. Then it will not matter what the other flame wants, desires or needs. The ugliness of this kind of any defined rejection can have a deep and profound impact on both souls. Hopefully, The one who rejected will see their errors and own the responsibility of causing harm. While the suffering one can return to a time when their own flame is purely renewed after giving so much to another unworthy soul who lied, selfishly cheated and stole life from a loving flame.
The suffering loving flame who has freely given so much. May feel that they have lost much and this may be a very true feeling. Please also consider how much you have gained and how much life is still within you. You do not have to cover your flame to hide it. You do not have to diminish the self to elude continued theft. Rather become a blazing beacon of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  become a genuine teacher to those young souls. Express wise mentoring words while also espousing the powerful prophetic words. The caring and thoughtful words of the mentor should almost always overshadow the words of the prophet. The words of the prophet usually come after the mentors have taught and spoken.
Note 1.
In this instance the words cease and destroy does not mean death or any form of negativity.
Note 2.
It is my belief that no human has the natural ability to create life. Only through the mixing of a mans seed and of the woman's egg. Is life continued or perpetuated. There is no time when life begins. Life does not begin at conception nor at birth. Human life only began with Adam and was continued through with the creation of Eve. By the use of Adam's rib. So the rib of Adam was even alive in order to make another living life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lawless Soul: (Unedited): 18 March 2015:

A gentle spirit/soul which chooses a life of sin and lawlessness. Is still easily put down.
For whatever reason a gentle soul or spirit chooses a life of sin and lawlessness is deep within their own psychology. To be able to walk into the darkness and to be able to engage with those dark souls who are at heart very explosively violent. Maybe for those gentle souls it is a path to self suicide. To exist in the dark world with darker souls.
When a gentle soul feels so worthless and unwanted. It is easy for them just to walk into the shadows and further into the darkness. To become of use to whomever or whatever is in the dark. Until, such a point that the usefulness of the gentle soul is no longer of any value. Then the gentle soul can be disposed of and their soul goes home to the god of the underworlds.
Yes, your family and friends shall be told that you went to heaven. But, that will most likely be a lie. As the owner ship for your soul has already been given away by you when you began to act upon sin and lawlessness without forgiveness or remorse. Your family and friends shall mourn you and believe the lies that your better off in heaven as that is where you shall be. 
The choices in life that we all make is based in our own free choice. Even if you think you have no other option but to walk into the shadows to become sinful and lawless. You shall still be judged. In that moment of your physical death. Your only hope shall be a do over or reincarnation if the God of all things is as merciful and loving as the everyone in Christian authority claims God is. I believe that God is loving and merciful and would not Judge a soul on mistakes made in a single short human life. Especially, when eternity and forever is involved. God being merciful would use the concept of reincarnation as HE sees fit to allow it. Would God allow reincarnation in every case? Don't know. Would God limit the number of reincarnations to happen with one soul? Don't know. I just know that God is going do what ever God is gonna do or not do. He is God and not me.
The reason I believe in Reincarnation. our spirits inhabit this physical form we call ourselves. I know there is something more after this body of ours expire. Just as John the Baptist was Elijah born again. Except physically not the same, but spiritually the same. This is the essence of reincarnation as spoken of by Jesus Christ. To Jesus it was just a matter of fact as it seemed.
The questions which would persist. Is reincarnation only allowed for those important souls or is reincarnation made available for every soul? That is for God to answer. Not me. My flawed human reason says it is just like how I am not a basketball player. I was not born to be one or i was not selected to be born as a basketball player. I think God selects souls to be reborn in bodies for that which is deemed necessary by God for whatever reason or purpose He has assigned to His decision.
For instance. I have seen many warrior souls born into severely handicapped bodies. I just have that sense of basic soul identity. Very basic. How is that for war. To fight a fight that you cannot physically win. When do you give up? or do you transcend your physical limitations as my aunt has and become a gentle warrior spirit. But how? how can you be a gentle warrior? A warrior must be violent and dangerous. I myself am not completely intellectually and spiritually evolved enough to understand that in its completeness. Maybe, one day.
My Aunt DBW has just recently passed and her spirit was the first one I have ever seen within a human body. The obvious presence of angels were also about her. This was during my adoptive fathers last living time with his brothers and sister for fun.
Remember what I have stated not often enough. Find the positive in everything I write. For some of you this may be difficult. It is for me as well at times. I am not an educated person when it comes to writing. This is about reincarnation and hope. For many souls who have committed suicide. There may be hope for a do over. Just as there can be one soul to begin within a body and then a second soul to inhabit the same body when the first one is removed. Then that same first soul can become the son of that second soul. Think about that.
Can a son or daughter become the parent of their mothers souls who had died in some way? maybe.
Did I lose you yet? All things are possible for very specific purposes of God.
The gentle spirit/soul which gets itself misguided in some fashion will most likely have more mercy than those spirits/souls who are absolute in their lawlessness and sin.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Purpose Life: (Unedited): 20 Sept 2013:

Purpose this day, to be a good sister and good brother to each other. Love one another. Live in Peace. Exist in Harmony. So, that all generations to come can live a life worth living.  
This is the only way to have a life worth living. Did you like that first sentence? An absolute, just like those religions who each proclaim their own absolutes while excluding all others. This is not religious. This is holiness. This is righteousness. This is the only way to propagate physical life through eternity. Life does equal the culmination of Life, Peace and Harmony. This is a logical math formula. 

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trust Exists: (Unedited): 17 July 2013:

Mutual trust cannot exist in the midst of lies and deceptions. C.J.MacKechnie
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Perceptions Aware: (Unedited): 20 June 2013:

Your awareness that a certain spooky thing is getting larger or more powerful is just your perceptions increasing. 
Becoming aware of a spiritual structure is like a blind person discovering a completely new object or thing. As you discover, learn and understand more of this spiritual structure, it will seem to increase. If you have a room full of blind people all touching a new object in different places, each will have his or her own perspective of the unknown spiritual structure. These are just puzzle pieces of the whole. This means that the group must find one another to objectively discuss their perceptions without emotion. This is necessary to ascertain what the object is, which means beware of absolute declarations based on partial and incomplete information.
Ask those questions which do not revolve or involve you. Separate yourself from your own needs, wants and enjoyment. Because, if that spiritual structure is designed and engineered to serve all, then you will not discover the truth of its true nature, origin or even functional purpose.
Ever watch the fictional movie Cocoon (1985)? The old guys are swimming in the pool and decide to open the rocks. They were unknowingly taking the life energy of the sealed-up aliens without ever being aware and without caring to be aware, until the aliens arrive and get upset. Have a little compassion and care for the unknown object which seems to serve all who spiritually touch it.
I'm a guy, so my example is for guys. If your a girlie girl then replace cars/trucks with a dress or shoes. I just learned that girls will fight over shoes.... Really?....
Have you ever noticed that something you were not aware of just did not exist in your life, and then you buy a jeep or some other car/truck that you discovered you really liked. Now all of a sudden you see your now favorite car/truck everywhere. Same thing, except way more important.
Your awareness has a definite effect on what you perceive. If you do not believe a certain thing is real then you will not perceive it, no matter if it is real or not, associated or not associated or both within our dimension or not.
The movie "A Field of Dreams", where Doc saves Karen-movie clip 6 of 9 on YouTube. Watch where the unbeliever suddenly becomes aware. Of course this is fictional story but the result is very similar and will be related directly to your specific psychology and knowledge foundation.
The adult lead characters had to make the journey just to begin to believe and found difficulty to accept this new weird compulsion, whereas the child character seemed to easily believe and to easily accept things just the way they are.
Warning. For those who have always been unbelievers, even though everyone thinks you have always been a believer, any miracle you witness may be just for you. Think about that hard. However you define God, Allah or the Divine, the movie showed an innocent suffering soul, just so the unbeliever would witness the unexplained and forever be changed. We easily ignore even the simple miracles because we are just not aware. Angels continuously walk amongst us simple humans. All you have to do is take the time to just really watch what is really going on, like on an empty field of dead ball players. Even a ghost may need its own miracle, just to become aware of a truth.
There is zero intention to insult any person with any disability, like the visually impaired. My use is for comparison only because it seems we humans are all spiritually without any sense. LOL if you like this truth. I say this knowing I'm in the same spiritually senseless boat that we seem to be sharing together.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Updated and edited on 20 June 2013 @ 2238HRS.