Showing posts with label Unworthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unworthy. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

One Love Flame: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The twin flames of love. Can become extinguished in a variety of ways. The most beautiful way the individual twin flames of loves cease to exist. Is when the two flames of love merge as one singular flame. Ceasing being two.
This reminds me of the supposed to be typical outcome of love. When two lost in the throes of love intermingle and become one growing life separate from the mother but still within. What actually happens. Most adults know who have had babies. The individual seed of a man gains a struggled entry into the egg of a woman. Then nearly suddenly the two DNA's are mixed in some amazing way. Which ultimately destroys the once two separate and individual living elements of the seed and of the egg. Thus, a new life is not created but continued on within the woman's womb. Becoming a continuous memory of loved shared.
This is how I see the beautiful eventuality of two individual flames of being who merge into a singular flame of pure love. They both must cease to exist in order to become one flame, one body and maybe ultimately one soul. This must be the ultimate goal of the two. If one flame is or has any disagreement by any definition. Then it will not matter what the other flame wants, desires or needs. The ugliness of this kind of any defined rejection can have a deep and profound impact on both souls. Hopefully, The one who rejected will see their errors and own the responsibility of causing harm. While the suffering one can return to a time when their own flame is purely renewed after giving so much to another unworthy soul who lied, selfishly cheated and stole life from a loving flame.
The suffering loving flame who has freely given so much. May feel that they have lost much and this may be a very true feeling. Please also consider how much you have gained and how much life is still within you. You do not have to cover your flame to hide it. You do not have to diminish the self to elude continued theft. Rather become a blazing beacon of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  become a genuine teacher to those young souls. Express wise mentoring words while also espousing the powerful prophetic words. The caring and thoughtful words of the mentor should almost always overshadow the words of the prophet. The words of the prophet usually come after the mentors have taught and spoken.
Note 1.
In this instance the words cease and destroy does not mean death or any form of negativity.
Note 2.
It is my belief that no human has the natural ability to create life. Only through the mixing of a mans seed and of the woman's egg. Is life continued or perpetuated. There is no time when life begins. Life does not begin at conception nor at birth. Human life only began with Adam and was continued through with the creation of Eve. By the use of Adam's rib. So the rib of Adam was even alive in order to make another living life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Confused Lady: Self Respect: Absolute Freedom Cost: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:

The woman who wants to be treated like an respectable lady and yet wears the costume of a prostitute or of loose women. Is a confused female. 
 I just don't think you can have it both ways. Yet still want everyone to treat you with respect and honor. When you are a woman who dresses like a prostitute and/or a loose woman. Everyone who simply sees you. Will automatically see you in a less then equal light. They will see you as a damaged person or an unworthy person.
Self Respect: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:
Respect and honor of self. Begins with the decisions you make for yourself. 
Just as you cannot love others until you love yourself. So it is with respect and honor. If you do not have any self respect. How can you respect others? If you have no honor of self. How can you honor others? You cannot and most likely will not, especially when it costs you discomfort or inconvenience. 
Absolute Freedom Cost: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:
The unspoken cost of absolute freedom is your self honor and self respect.
What is the other costs of absolute freedom in an insane world. Crime. Lawlessness. End of civilization. Of course none of this will happen in the now. Over time. Civilization will crumble and fall. Such as the USA which has gone from a of the people and for the people to of the corporation and for the corporation. Politicians have become a pay to play representative of the corporate governmental system. All of this began with President Ronald Reagan. In any new grand thing. There is always infancy and then growth and then evolution. I think the USA is still in the growth phase of their Corporate form of state government and federal government. At this time I'm not sure how it fits into the Capitalistic form communism which seems to have been formed. Maybe, the Corporatism rulers will see themselves as the communistic rulers of the worlds capitalistic markets. This all is way above my head. Where as in China and their communistic form of communism has given rise to their super elite. Which at this time seems to have minimal powers. This is the infancy stage for China. As for Russia and their form of Communistic capitalism. I got nothing at this time. It seems to be a failure. Having all of their assets in oil. Is not wise even to an uneducated person as me. I knew and understood this when I was a child. Plus, to top it all off is President Putins pride. Which started the economic fall of HIS Russia.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Apparent Miracles: (Unedited): 09 Dec 2012:

Miracles are those unknown certainties, with no apparent origin or creator. C.J.MacKechnie
A spontaneous and miraculous event which happens is often times a surprise to the Christian who has prayed fervently for it.  How can this be? or is it another one of those lessons of Peter who walked on water until he got wet. Or is it another one of those lessons from peter who believed he was unworthy of a Christs death and was possibly hung upside down on a cross.
Having a undeserving heart and immature faith brings about doubts of any explanation against manifested miracles. Some even believe that luck is superior to Gods grace and love. Which is true for you?
We humans are such creatures with an incredible amount of disability which limits our individual perceptions of the true nature of this universe in which we exist. The absence of information completely surrounds us and we are not even aware. Think about the night sky and how it is dark. when the truth of the matter is, the night sky is full of light. Think about your hearing and compare it to dogs, dolphins, elephants and bats. Think about the vibrations which continually impact our bodies. Oh yea, I forgot we don't have vibration sensors like the gator and other animals. The sense of smell as compared to dogs or even ants. Think about our communication or outward expression. You get the point. There is an incredible amount of information which is absent to our very limited human bodies. Once you become aware of this fact. You then will begin to see/sense things which is happening when they are not physically perceived by any natural human senses.
Then you will then start to become spooky and thus begins new secrets in your life. Spooky things tends to cause people who are unaware and unawakened to flee from you, and it is OK. Both for them and for you. Maybe, one day you can gently cause an unaware person to be aware and a sleeping person to gently and softly awaken. Responsible and tender care must be taken. Cause no harm.