Showing posts with label Pure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pure. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Christian Sin Haunt: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

The memory of sin can haunt a Christian. The word of God fills a person up as the memory of sin is overflowed out of that person. The Christian who drinks up the word of God. The thirst for sin becomes vanguished.
No matter how deep the sticky sin is in your whole being. Sin is the trash which floats and the Word of God is the pure water which cleanses and scrubs you thoroughly from within. The regular reading of The Word of God is just one hose filling you up completely. Regular prayer is another clean and pure water hose which also completely fills you up. Regular and purposeful meditation upon the Lord is yet another purifying hose filling you with a rush holy water. All of this will be like a great and pure tsunami flowing out of you. Over time along with your own purposeful rejection of all sin. Your rejection and fleeing from all sin is you turning off the contaminated gray waste water mixed with bio-hazard fecal matter from entering your whole being.
You shall become holy and righteous as God has always intended for each of us.
Jesus Christ is the only way and the truth. A few minor keys below are in purple.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Meaning of Hurricane Irma, Jose and Katia: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2017:

When I write like this. It is usually for those people who are way smarter than me. To put all of the puzzle pieces together. In order to ascertain a meaning if there is any to be had.
Hurricane Irma
Name of Irma means: (Germanic)War goddess or (Latin)Noble.
05 Sept 2017: The most powerful Atlantic storm ever recorded. 185 MHP winds.
Hurricane Jose
Name of Jose means: (Spanish) May God give increase or (Biblical) Raised; Who Pardons.
added on 06 Sept 2017:
Satellite image almost looks like TS Jose is growing wings. Could be my own imagination.
Also, looks like a feeder band from Hurricane Irma is feeding from TS Jose. @0915UTC
Hurricane katia currently #13.
Name of Katia means: (Spanish) Pure and (Russian) virginal.
Do you see a name duality in the listed names except for Katia?
Noble who pardons purity?
Noble purity who pardons.
Hurricane Irma shaking the Earth
Added on 06 Sept 2017: Duplicated here:
The Prayer: (Unedited): 06 Sept 2017:
The prayer of a repentant heart is a joyful sound to the ears of their LORD. The repentant heart shall receive much cleansing emotional overflow. 
The prayer of a unrepentant heart is an unacknowledged noise to their God and Judge. The unrepentant heart shall only receive a silent nothing in return.
The prayer of the righteously repentant child of God may see and know a powerful response from their Heavenly Father that creates in them a humble fear. 
Personal Note: I do live on the coast of Florida in a little place called Port Richey. I'm in the red for any flood evacuation. So I gotta go. In which I will go somewhere. Being very poor like we are. Is very stressful at a time like this. Because, All will be lost or gone if those storms come our way. I live in the poor and bad part of town. So when we leave. What few things we do have of value will be liberated by those looters. So really, When this or these storms hit. This may be my last posting on here for a long time. Hard to get the internet when you and your family have no where to live.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Signs of Living Judgement: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2015:

There are physical and psychological signs in which the righteous and holy person can discern in other people. Especially in regards to those persons who are still alive which has already been Judged by God already. This message is solely for those who are righteous, holy and have not been judged. Those who have already been judged. Will not even know this message or any other similar to this message. For the already Judged. There is zero hope for any sort of forgiveness or salvation. Most likely even unto their own children or off spring. They do not even care about. I write this knowing I'm inadequate to complete this message in it's entirety. Which means I've only come up with 5 signs. Which are not ordered and most likely not worded correctly. There is most likely more signs. In which you the righteous and holy shall be able to discern better than I can. If this partial message becomes fully revealed unto you with all necessary facts of the Bible. Then by brother and sister. Run with it and of course credit me not. I'm not one who needs credit or any accolades.   

Is this even possible? Can it be possible? That God can and will judge a person, a people, a city, a country and even a planet. While those people are still physically alive? Where in the Holy Bible can you find stories where God has judged while they still live?
1). The absolute knowing that your deeds are evil and yet you continue to do them.
2). Loss of any desire to change your evil ways.
3). Absolute apathy in anything  which is not self serving, self profiting or self gratifying.
4). Connections and relationships with "good" family and "good" friends permanently severed. (The word "good" actually means actually "good").
5). Anything and/or anyone which is good and pure. Shall become corrupted and contaminated with any involvement with you.
Added on 08 Nov 2015: 
Abominations in the USA. The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries Day 7.
With Rabbi Jonathon Cahn Day 7 watch entire video show of 58:30 minutes. Aired 29 Oct 2015: Show # 2859.
The show link is too long and not arranged correctly .
The final countdown.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Beauty Deep: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

The beauty of any flower always begins deep down in the roots and from deep inside the core of it's being. 
The beauty of any flower does not begin in any external superficial understanding of accepted outward beauty. What it means to be beautiful does not begin with an agreement from the world or even from any sort of approval from the world.
While a delicate and beautiful rose can be agreed upon by many as beautiful. The rose never allowed any worldly constraints or global acceptance to be assigned a beautiful designation. it just is, was and remains beautiful.
Yet, when a beautiful rose plant becomes bothersome, unwanted or not of use anymore. It is simply dug up and replaced by something else. With never any thought of any sort of loss of missing anything which was deemed beautiful. This is the worldly way of things. In which no one of the world and who is in the world can ever truly understand the origin of beauty. The origin of beauty simply does not matter. To those who are in the world and of the world. It only matters how the beautiful thing makes them feel, right now. That is until something else makes their good feelings renewed. Then that which was beautiful is of no importance. It matters not if the old thing is still beautiful. The old beautiful thing has become nothing to the world and no longer of any significance. This often becomes a great sadness to that which was deemed beautiful. It should not be so. For the great sadness and the deepest pity should be for those who had genuine beauty in their midst and then rejected it wholly. The rejection of anything which is beautiful is not a judgement by the world that YOU are no longer beautiful. You are still beautiful so as long as deep down within you. You have maintained the deepest understanding as to the source of great natural beauty.
Here are your keys in keeping your beauty beautiful. Remain pure of spirit. By spiritually becoming what it means to always love, to always be in peace, to always exist in harmony, to always cherish and allow life. These are spiritual laws. Which are not enforced. There is no threats, no fears and no intimidation's to cause you to obey. You do so because you want to and see them for as they are. Which is good and righteous.
Remain pure in mind. Always only take in that which is truthful, clean, morale and pure. In this aspect. It may be of supreme importance to unlearn and to UN-know false truths. For instance RACE. The lie that an abused young person knows. That all of their abuses were their own fault. There are many lies and deceptions in the world. All and any lie and deception makes your mind ugly. To seek out truth and making it a part of your mind is beautiful. By throwing away all of the ugliness into the trash and then not remembering those old lies and deceptions any more is also beautiful. For instance, when you throw away the trash. Do you remember all of those individual things you had thrown away? really, go into your own trash and retrieve them so you can remember them all. (Don't do that, just understand the concept).
Do not put other peoples trash into your mind. From your eyes and through your ears. If that which you take in is not loving, peaceful, harmonious and life continuing. Then it is evil. Evil is ugly. Even if that country music you listen to is not considered by you as evil. Then you shall be aware of it when you consider the words of hate, drunkenness, lust and revenge that is within. The same goes for your T.V. shows, movies, books, magazines or video games you play.
Remain pure in your body. By eating and drinking those things which are known to be good, healthy and pure. Your body remains healthy and youthful. This just makes sense. Research and study GMO foods and foods which have been bathed in pesticides and hormones. They are just not good for you. Do not take in any drugs or alcohol of any kind. Do not smoke, sniff or dip any tobacco products. All of those things harm the body and alters your natural thinking mind. Everyone knows it.
Do not take in any medication which alters your mind. Here lies yet another lie and deception. If you have no conclusive proof of any kind of brain damage, injury or genetic defect. Then you should not be taking any sort of mind altering medication. I understand people get depressed. Depression needs to be talked out, worked out and understood. The long hard way. The easy road of medications only covers up your problems. Your mental problems never ever go away with any medications. Unless of course you become a life long zombie. Is this beautiful or not? It is never beautiful.
There are your three keys for true life long beauty. Maintain your spirit, your mind and your body.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

One Love Flame: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The twin flames of love. Can become extinguished in a variety of ways. The most beautiful way the individual twin flames of loves cease to exist. Is when the two flames of love merge as one singular flame. Ceasing being two.
This reminds me of the supposed to be typical outcome of love. When two lost in the throes of love intermingle and become one growing life separate from the mother but still within. What actually happens. Most adults know who have had babies. The individual seed of a man gains a struggled entry into the egg of a woman. Then nearly suddenly the two DNA's are mixed in some amazing way. Which ultimately destroys the once two separate and individual living elements of the seed and of the egg. Thus, a new life is not created but continued on within the woman's womb. Becoming a continuous memory of loved shared.
This is how I see the beautiful eventuality of two individual flames of being who merge into a singular flame of pure love. They both must cease to exist in order to become one flame, one body and maybe ultimately one soul. This must be the ultimate goal of the two. If one flame is or has any disagreement by any definition. Then it will not matter what the other flame wants, desires or needs. The ugliness of this kind of any defined rejection can have a deep and profound impact on both souls. Hopefully, The one who rejected will see their errors and own the responsibility of causing harm. While the suffering one can return to a time when their own flame is purely renewed after giving so much to another unworthy soul who lied, selfishly cheated and stole life from a loving flame.
The suffering loving flame who has freely given so much. May feel that they have lost much and this may be a very true feeling. Please also consider how much you have gained and how much life is still within you. You do not have to cover your flame to hide it. You do not have to diminish the self to elude continued theft. Rather become a blazing beacon of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  become a genuine teacher to those young souls. Express wise mentoring words while also espousing the powerful prophetic words. The caring and thoughtful words of the mentor should almost always overshadow the words of the prophet. The words of the prophet usually come after the mentors have taught and spoken.
Note 1.
In this instance the words cease and destroy does not mean death or any form of negativity.
Note 2.
It is my belief that no human has the natural ability to create life. Only through the mixing of a mans seed and of the woman's egg. Is life continued or perpetuated. There is no time when life begins. Life does not begin at conception nor at birth. Human life only began with Adam and was continued through with the creation of Eve. By the use of Adam's rib. So the rib of Adam was even alive in order to make another living life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dead Peace: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2015:

When all is dead. Then there shall be everlasting peace.
 The war path is becoming clear. The soldier brothers shall bleed each other red. Until, there is nothing left to flow.
This seems to be a twisted philosophy of the world today. This is a false truth  even though it is true.
Have you read the logical formulas that I've come to see. Though they are only partial and not arranged correctly. Here they are in their most incomplete state. Which happens to be the best I can do.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, Law. 
New elements for Life just realized. This elements are Pure, Righteousness.
The absolute reversal of this is as follows.
Death = Hate, Conflict, Chaos, Lawlessness.
 New elements for Death just realized. The elements are Defiled, Impiety.
So the above quote is most related to which law? I know to obvious.
If there is any mixing of the death formula into the life formula. Death shall become the final answer.
I think these elements are less in equality to those other primary elements. I'm just not sure how it all works. I would suppose those who knew the actual formula would know how to arrange the elements in an ideal setting.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Change Prayer: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2014:

It is ineffective to pray to God to change the world of our own creation. 
Is it?
The world as we know it is controlled by Satan. Most of or all of the rulers in every category of leadership is chosen by satan. If you are against legally accepted immorality and sin. Then you who are religious should vote those persons out of every elected office and put in those into office who will effect the necessary change for realignment with God's/Allah's laws.
You must live your life not of the world even though you must live in it. Your participation in the world systems is what gives the world as it is it's power. By not participating in the world. You become a separate piece of the world's broken power. When there is enough pieces missing. The world systems of governance shatter. Unable to support itself.

What does this mean? You must live in accordance to the old ways. Which means living in harmony with the Earth is necessary. Loving your neighbor is necessary. Existing peacefully is necessary. Rejecting all world view lies and deceptions is necessary. Eating purely. Living purely and sinless.

What does this mean? No man cave. No participation in media or entertainment industry. No financial debt or tie with worldly investments.
By living in a purest sense. Your participation with doctors and pharmacology of any sort is minimized. This also includes any vaccines. Even for your babies and the elderly.
To effectively change the world in which you live in. You must first change, then your family, then your neighbors, then your town, then your county, then your state, then your nation, then the world. Change requires continuous action on your part. Action to offset the evildoers who are organized.

If all of them are to deeply rooted into the vine of lies and deceptions. Then you must empower yourself to separate yourself from that evil vine. Go and journey and graft yourself into those who are godly and who live the truth in righteousness daily.
Verse 8 important here.
You cannot give what is not yours. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sacred Self: (Unedited): 14 April 2013:

Where is your energy and effort in saving your sacred self? When it is so easy for you to see the wisdom of saving the sacred lands and waters of this sacred planet. Do you not know your more important than all of the sacred lands and waters. C.J.MacKechnie
Keep your mind clean as defined by the old ways.
Keep your body pure as defined by the old ways.
Keep your spirit pristine as defined by the old ways.

If your mind is not clean, your body is not pure and your spirit is not pristine and can you hope or expect the same from this sacred planet with all of it's sacred lands and waters? You cannot. The land, water and planet is just a reflection of you and all of us.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony. All together in unity and not in coexistence.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boots: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2006:

Doing good works and protecting the innocent is a worthy cause for muddy boots. 
You will always remain pure when you keep your boots disciplined and pointed in the righteous direction.
When you choose to allow your boots to take you onto the path of disgust and dishonor. No amount of cleaning and polishing will keep you from feeling dirty and wrong. When a man continues on the path of filth his guilt will eventually subside. C.J.MacKechnie
A person should not be pridefully concerned about the perfectly clean condition of their clothing. Especially, in the  moment when an effort must be made to save a person, to complete a job, to end an emergency or just being in the presence to cause another to not become dirty, sweaty or muddy. Its all good.