Showing posts with label Financial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Planned Financial Chaos:+24: (Unedited): 30-31 May 2023:

 13 June 2023: Made minor edits to some quotes. Added new quotes.
These writings are mostly observational knowledge of what is being witnessed. The financial evidence is and has been presented before you. Your losses is the fault of the elected officials that you helped put into office. This also includes Austin, Texas and not just the west coast and any other liberally controlled city and sate. Your suffering, misery and loss of any financial wealth is a planned state of affairs by those whom you elect.
Those who create chaos will be motivated by some kind of undefined and unpublished personal gain.
Those who create chaos will be motivated by some kind of personal gain.
When you see your elected officials make unwise laws and rules. Know that all of the chaos that you experience will have a dollar value attached.
YOU big city people who control the entire state. Know that with the elected officials YOU allowed into those offices. YOU are financially suffering as well.
You big city people are the ones who put people in office who refuse to be lawful or to even enforce existing laws. While at the same time going after the good citizen with the full power of the law who only defend themselves in some necessary capacity.
Be warned you big city people. When the good hard working citizens of your cities evacuate themselves. All that will be left in your cities will be evil people doing as they may and harming every one they can. 
As chaos runs it's course. Your real estate portfolios will be directly tied to the chaos as you see it right now.
All of your finances will be inversely proportional with the rise of planned chaos. 
If the chaos you witness is allowed to run rampant. Know that all aspects of local economic generation and established wealth will see a very real negative impact.
Ye professing Christians, The Holy Spirit already told you to leave and you did not. This was your choice just as members of Lot's family refused to leave when they were told to do so.
The words of the wise old mentor becomes words of hope until you choose a life of chaos as the mentors words become prophetic and then your realized reality is lived.
The words of the wise old mentor becomes words of hope until you choose a life of chaos. Then the words of the old mentor become prophetic in your realized reality is known.
The chaos I refer to is not one of your own creation. This is because you are the one who has refused to be responsible for yourself. You are the one who has made bad decisions in your life and continue to make bad decisions. You are the one who refuse to act with reason, civility and goodness. You are the one who chose to drink, smoke and do dope. You are the one who refuses to live by the purple words below. You may even be one of those who are being used by the government in order to be the chaos which is seen and known by the innocent others. You are the one who has decided to victimize everyone and every entity as some kind of delusional right.
Added on 10 June 2023: 
Decisions made without necessary efforts to know the fruition of those plans is chaos in the making. 
Chaos experienced is chaos created from chaotic plans by people of power who shall personally profit in some way from the woes of your life that only they have the plans to fix.
13 June 2023: 
A genuine good person will not cause any other soul any suffering, misery or loss. A genuine good person who uses their own logical reason to make decisions will not participate in any form of chaotic decision even if they can see a profit potential. 
Passing laws which only causes the good people to be limited, restricted and to suffer while protecting and allowing bad behaviors is chaos in the making.
Chaos known and experienced today and tomorrow has been created in the past by people who are in authority over you. Those very same people who hold the power are the very same ones whom you gave that power to. You and everyone else can take their power away this very day or the next or wait for the next day to vote. 
As the elected officials create more and more chaotic inducing laws. All of it is to force the civilian population to tolerate more and more chaos in their lives until they either leave or discover that they no longer have any human rights and freedoms. 
The joyous free birds who leave their chaotic states may soon realize fear in their new found freedoms in their new states. Thus the free birds begin to vote as they had in their former states recreating their former bird cages. 
Only time will tell when the states of freedom and liberty becomes the new bird cages for all. All free birds who fight after the bird cage door is closed shall be snuffed out. 
I was focused on electric vehicles for some reason. No, I do not have the monies or the wealth generation to buy one. Such is the financial life of a lowly janitor and no I do not have retirement, disability or SS or any other kind of financial benefits coming in each month. 
I just saw this again. I'm not one who watches or reads the news very much. So, I do not know how dated this is. A man buys an electric vehicle and discovers that the cost to operate is about $3.00 per mile. In California a line of Tesla's are waiting hours for a charge. California passes laws to make gas vehicles illegal while not putting in the infrastructure or power generating capacity to operate electric vehicles. California tells the people not to charge electric vehicles. 
Chaotic Thinking is a learned and taught behavior.
When society omits and refuses to teach the young ones what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. That society will completely crumble in its own time and under the full weight of selfishness, self lies, self giving, self needing, self wanting. All the while celebrating everyone who is made to suffer or is killed as entertainment. 
It has been more than 60 years since the USA has entered into their era of chaos and because of that. The USA will end. It is bad that killing babies in the womb became a legal right but now mutilating children is also becoming a new right. 
The elders of the USA have been pushed out and forgotten. The elders are the guards of maintaining holiness and righteousness. The more the old wise elders die off and are replaced with foolish and chaotic elders. The end is near for the whole of that nation state. We now live in a place where once you become old and useless. You then become deserving of being forgotten in a nursing home. I dare you to go and visit any nursing home anywhere and see how many family members actually visit their elders. I dare you to go into any hospice facility and see how many family members visit their family in those last days? I dare you. While be on the look out for those forgotten children who were not born normal and just quietly put away someplace. 
So YES. The USA will end and it will be one of the worse kinds of ending for that once blessed nation. The USA will only know curses compounded upon curses.
The chaos you have in your life most likely begun with you, your family and your friends.
I've lived in many sad and unfortunate areas. I've known parents and friends pressure their kids or friends to do unwise things. Saying, you must do this bad thing in order to have anything for your self. You must do these other things in order to be known as a man. Chaos and a chaotic life can be perpetuated from one generation to the next.
Who goes forth and proclaims to the whole world that they will only think chaotic things today? I tell you, No one, who is reasoned and logical.
It is the evil doers and demonically led who sows chaotic seeds among the righteous and good people.
One of the most evil books I've ever read was the "Art Of War" which basically instills in military leaders to lie and deceive at every opportunity. I also know that in the business world and in the professional world this very same book is taught to the young minds for the last many decades. While at the same time good righteous teachings have been shunted or removed. So now we have in all aspects of leadership all manner of evil doers who will profit any way they can no matter who or how many they will harm in the process. This can be easily seen in Walmart. When Sam Walton was healthy and in control. How many department managers and associates were millionaires? How many employees and department managers are millionaires today at Walmart? This is just one sign on how the evil doers take over any aspect of leadership. Just as it can be said that one CEO caused the financial demise of Kmart via legal contractual abuses which seems to be completely legal. There are thousands of more atrocities in the corporate world where everything that one person does is only for himself and if the corporate entity suffers and dies "OH WELL!" or if the employees suffers who cares. This is evil doing for personal gain and profit. Would you go to jail for a few years if you get to get hundreds of millions of dollars or billions of dollars? A corporation can cause people great harm and make billions of profits only to be fined a few million dollars. All the while the corporate officers never see a second of jail time. But, if you or I "J" walk in front of the wrong cop with a bad attitude we will go to jail. Or how about this reading Bible verses on a public street and then getting arrested during a gay pride march. The cop was wrong for that and was proven to be so. 
NOTE: I'm not cop bashing.
I tell you a person can unknowingly have chaotic thoughts and actions. While never knowing or understanding why no blessings or long lasting good things come their way. 
The perceived natural state of life can be filled with chaotic thinking without ever realizing that those thoughts only lead to bad occurrences. A person can never even realize that what they think or how they think is what causes curses to regularly come into their life. There are people who have been to jail 100 times in their life time and then their are children who have been to jail a dozen or more times before they even reach adulthood. I've seen this. This is just what happens to a people when the idea of what is right or wrong is no longer taught in the home, schools or any other aspect of society.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Prophecy Signs Notes: +4: (Unedited): 22-24 Sept 2018:

Two signs. Doesn't seem to have an order of reading. Quotes updated. Added new content.
One: The undirected hopeless have been moving to the soon to be disaster areas. Key word: Undirected.
Two: The Christian or soon to be Christian are moving out of the soon to be disaster areas. Key word: Soon.
Added on 25 Sept 2018:
SOON TO BE: For salvation purposes: Those persons who may not even understand and who are not Christians. They also have been saved unknowingly. They will have their last chance and they will encounter genuine Christians who will say to them God saved them and they were not even Christian. God loved you before you ever knew Him. God cared about you and saved you more ways than one.
I'm a deeply flawed human being. Just because I wrote the words with certainty. You still need to question everything. You still need to study the Bible, research, pray, meditate and fast. Before you think, decide or do. If satan can speak through Peter to Jesus and Jesus can speak through Peter to satan. Who am I? and who are you? and who are we? What is our mindset all of the time? Of God or of satan who wants and desires to be our god or god of all. Is your mindset of worldly things or of God? What are those percentages? Mine is a failing percentage. What are yours?
Matthew 16:21-28
Mark 8: all
Hopeless Congregation: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2018:
The congregation of lost and hopeless souls migrating to specific areas. Absent of any urging's by any explainable human sources. Is a prophetic sign.
This may be a prophetic sign of duality. Meaning a sign from satan and God.
satan wants all of the souls. So when a soul becomes useless in human form. satan and his soldiers may direct those lost souls to places where they all can be easily harvested. Think about cows and cattle drives. The cowboy dries the cows to a singular place where all of the cattle can be easily harvested. The soldiers of satan are cowboy like. NO. I am not calling human cowboys soldiers of satan.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
Present Sign: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
A sign must already be present in order to see it.
I'm thinking "really" and "No Kidding". This also includes signs of prophecies. Just like roadside signs. They are already present and visible. Road signs are clear to understand after you have been trained and educated on road signs. But, with prophetic signs. You have to be in the correct spirit and the right mindset. You also have to have the training and education to be able to recognize the already in place prophetic signs. While at the same time understanding that your training and education to see prophetic signs could be in error. Remember all of the Jewish elites were looking for the coming messiah as a conquering warlord and king. What did they get? Some pacifist guy who was a servant to all who spread love and peace and hope. They knew the signs but their human wants, desires and arrogance got in the way. So to shall it be with all of us in this modern day of prophecy.
Encouraged Move: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2018:
Christians and soon to be possible Christians will be encouraged by the Holy Spirit to move to those safer locations.
Just as the christian will quietly depart from some unwelcoming place to live in those new safe places. These are signs which worldly people cannot explain or even understand. Just as a worldly person who tries to read the Holy Bible cannot understand it either. These are already known and seen.
This is of course for those religious persons who know more than me. As typical if you use this content after much study, prayer, meditation and fasting by you. Then there is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Everything is to God only.
There is a reason why Christians and soon to be Christians are quietly on the move? This will become more prevalent as time draws nearer. The over all percentage will still be low versus the total number of professed Christians. This is because the professed Christian may not be one at all. This will be a judgement from God only and not by any human being. But, the professed Christian which is not will be completely oblivious to the signs of God and they will feel no need to move. Though they may talk about it. Then there is the soon to be Christian. These will be the ones who move to a new safe area and then become born again Christian. If your one of those who are in the know from the Holy Spirit. Then this may be your common ground opening for these persons.
Christians and Churches will begin to develop their own micro Christian exclusive economies. These economic Christian clubs. Will begin to become more and more profitable as they begin to mature and develop. These Christian exclusive clubs will start with a percentage of doing business with outsiders. Then after a time and certain financial margins are attained. Those percentages will become smaller and smaller until the Christian exclusive Clubs will no longer do business with the outside world. The christian exclusive clubs will however do business with other christian exclusive clubs.
These things should be secret.
Personal Note: anything I write about finances, economies is way above me. So you should be aware. I have no clue about what I've written. It is obviously not for me.
There will be many places in which the Christian will be led by the Holy Spirit. Is Texas a place? Texas is not the only place and they are purposefully not being revealed to me.
Personal Note: I wonder if God is gonna let my family and I die here is Pasco County? Or is the time still too soon to move? It just seems every effort I make to earn more income just stops. My invention ideas are taken and etc. Now I feel like I'm whining. Which means I'm being selfish. I do know that the spirit within is more important than our physicals selves which is not the true self. We are the spirit inside. Preacher man Tony Evans says it best. Our physical bodies are the car we drive.  So if God wants me to die here. Then I need to be here. Because, when the disasters begin because humanity has continuously made the wrong choices. Why do I need to write anymore or even be here on earth? My purpose and mission would conclude. After all, all that I have written will be deleted by someone's choice or by a disaster. You pastors and theologians need to get your act together. You pastors and theologians need to expect cleanliness, righteousness and holiness from everyone who professes the Christian faith. You pastors and theologians need to stop with the lies of prosperity and once saved always saved. Yes, I know the once saved thing can be tricky and assume judgement by human understanding. Humans are less than maggots and worms - Remember. The purple words below. I know I always include them. You should read them again. I'm really feeling this for you to really read those purple words below.
I believe there will be places where great disasters will occur. This is where the most hopeless will just go and they will not know why. For many do not even have technology and they just arrive in these places. Their presence is a sign of a coming doom for those cities, states and nations.
I also, do not believe that those christian workers who remain in those places are cursed by God. Because, when the disaster strikes those areas. It will be them who gave their lives to render aid to the hopeless whom they continually expressed genuine love to. For their place in heaven is guaranteed. Is yours or mine? I think they have always have known that they should leave and they choose not to. even the Holy Spirit has made a way for each of them to leave and they choose not to time and time again (This is still prophetic). Since the disasters have not happened yet.
Who are the hopeless? Look at downtown San Francisco or any other place like here. For satan wants his souls. So why not encourage his souls to go to the place where a disaster will occur. See the picture of this yet. Remember the movie Independence Day? The aliens came, they showed themselves and the hopeless made it to the tops of those skyscrapers to praise, worship and welcome the newcomers. Then they all die. She says "Pretty". This will be the same thing. Except most likely not any alien involvement. If there is real aliens. Then they are the fallen angels from the second heavens. Anyway, back on topic. What is happening in San Francisco is a sign. It means if your a devout christian who is not helping the problems in that area. Then you should get out very very soon. This may also include all of California, Arizona and Nevada. Arizona and Nevada will be those places where the survivors will go to. A certain percentage of those will suffer and die in those mountains and deserts in a variety of ways. The government will not be able to render effective aid.
But, those churches who are putting into place economies will see a need to move or add new campuses in Nevada and Arizona. These churches will need to buy large tracts of land and put up buildings in order to express genuine Christ like love to one another. This needs to be done very soon. There seems to be time left. I think another sign is these midterm elections. If the Christians do not show up and vote for those whom they all agree to vote for. Then God is gonna do something or allow something which may not be pleasant.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
How did they know?: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
When the righteous witness the prophetic signs of any coming disaster no matter the cause and then place themselves in the ready at those safe locations close by. The surviving unbelieving souls will ask How did they know?
They worldly unbelieving soul will ask. How did you know? How did you know to move to this safe place? Before anyone knew and years in advanced. How did you know? For not even the Red Cross knows anything and yet you set up camp because you saw that vision of thousands of desperate people before you and no one came to help you help them. This is your current prophetic vision. A prophetic vision is a certainty right now. You do have the power to change it, alter it or improve it. In order to not only save physical lives but spiritual lives as well.
Your alone in your prophetic vision right now. You do not have to be. You must reveal it to those whom you trust and then you must make that decision. While you research, pray, meditate, fast and study the Holy Bible. I'm not saying your a Joseph and if we ever meet and you have gotten yourself a fat head of entitlement, pride, arrogance. I will smack you in the back of your head. With love of course.
Six minutes and twenty six seconds in case your slow.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get. I gotta go watch the other five minutes. (self insulting humor).
Added on 25 Sept 2018: Other vision:
 Abbeville Alabama is going to be one of those places up on a hill. This entire small town will become a staging area for those who are traveling out of the disaster areas. I did see heavy armor and military helicopters in newly constructed defensive positions. Yet, My family and I still live in Florida.
I did see the military units at the intersections of 431/27, 431/10, 95/47/46, 10/295 cemetery, 95/53, 99/107. At 431/27, 431/10 I saw very large over passes built and made into naturally beautiful bridges. They each were excessive. Large enough for the county to use to store heavy equipment inside. Large enough and strong enough for a variety of military heavy equipment to place themselves upon. Including landing military helicopters. The sides of the over passes could both cover and conceal military personnel. The underneath of the over passes could also hide helicopters. I just looked at Google earth and these bridges have not been built yet.
All along 431 between 10 and 27. Very large buildings and athletic fields were built. They were owned by Goodwill, Salvation Army and a large church. Each of these properties had easy access and docks for very large big rig trucks all going counter clockwise around the properties. It is the elder and old families which lead the way inside of Abbeville. If they do nothing. All of Abbeville will be overrun and destroyed. Even Headland Alabama does their thing. But, the message for headland was not given to me for them. The headland Alabama was given to one and it is up to that person to reveal or not.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
Present prophecy Sign: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
A sign seen in prophecy is something that which already has been present and is only recognized as such.
Published  in:
Thank You very much.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Church Unity: +5: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:

Big brothers always take care of their little siblings. It's just what they do no matter what. Yet, the big important preacher man expects all of you to have unity with one another no matter who they are or where they are from. Yet, when the big preacher man from the big church sees his little brother pastor from a poor church which is about to fail. The big preacher thinks to himself more for me as the poor church becomes a hair salon which will also eventually fail. 
The body of Christ also includes the small poor churches as well as churches with no homes. We all saw what had happened with the churches during each economic down turn of 2001, 2008, 2015 in recent memory. The Shemitah. How many churches did you see disappear? The problem with churches is the lack of financial wisdom. They go into debt and then encounter the economic down turn. They are often forced to close. I have seen and witness many. The devout Christians tend to get welcomed by other bigger churches. But, there is a reason why they each did not attend that church first. Which has become forgotten during the search for a new church home.
You know 2022 Shemitah is just around the corner. How have you and your church prepared for this upcoming Shemitah? Do you even believe in it? When you do the research you will become shocked. Hopefully your church has financial wise council. Hopefully your entire church is aware of the Shemitah and are endeavoring to become debt free themselves. I think it is the duty of every pastor, teacher and theologian to encourage becoming debt free. Financial freedom for every Christian instead of remaining enslaved to their debts. Means that every Christian can be more focused on the Christian faith instead of stressed by working the second or third job. Christians who are debt free will have more income and free time available to them. Which means more time to give to their church and to their own communities. This is how profound change will occur at every small church. Pastors help your people to understand becoming debt free and how it helps the faith and the church body.
--------For preachers and pastor only-----
Pray and meditate before you read. Pray that the message below is opened up for you. 
Just watch what happens when the majority of your flock becomes debt free. You will suddenly have volunteers and improved tithes and larger offerings. Yea, not just more volunteers. Think about this. I know of a large church which has very few volunteers. In fact they have many paid employees and outside contractors. Because, that is how they get things done in a timely manner. Then you have small poor churches in which they all volunteer. Because their small church has no one but themselves and they all work together. I know of a small homeless church in which they all are closely tied to one another as they go from place to place. In which their pastor teaches very deep and profound meanings to the Holy Bible.  It doesn't matter where they go, even if it is in the park in the rain. I even know a guy who has church alone in his workplace cooler. Think about those different churches. How can each become mutually beneficial to one another. While still maintaining their perspective identities? Except for the lone cooler guy.
I just suddenly realized That message is not for me to know and thus I'm unable to finish it.
Accepted Worship Song: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Christian unity always begins when the whole body is repentant, righteous and holy. Then with a loud singular voice of praise. Their worship song is accept by their Heavenly Father in the Holy of Holies.
Denominations will fall and already have. These fallen denominations can be saved but may be prophetically unlikely as they will all desire the acceptance and rewards of the world system. What must be done before you enter the Holy of Holies? Who and what must you become before you can enter into the Holy of Holies?
World Reward: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
By getting more in the world and rewarded by the world will always be obtained by doing more in the service of the world.
Who is the prince of the world system and of the world?
World Reject: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Going against and being against the world will mean you will get less from the world and rejected by the world.
Are you ready to become a criminal? What about jobless and homeless because of your intolerant beliefs? What about abused and tortured in unmentionable ways for simply going to church and then the cops can't find anybody. Then if you go to the judge you will have no justice. Justice will become like it was in Sodom. You will have to do your own research. To graphic for me. Just what I've written is to harsh for me. The Judges commentaries are to awful for me. Fortunately for the USA. The USA is not yet like Sodom. That may very well be a current state timing sign.
Guess what it is beginning. This is because the Christian are not running for political offices at every level. Christians do not even go out and vote on a regular basis. Especially in their own local elections. Only known Christian people must run for offices at every level. Do not get suckered by the Hillary trick. She only goes to church during an election season and with cameras present.
The evil doers of the world who hate Christians with a passion. They are actually running for political offices at every level and the Christians are typically nowhere to be found. 
World Tolerance: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
When tolerance means rejecting the laws of God. It means you have become an accepted religious person of the world.
The intolerant Christian will be criminalized through hate crime laws. Every worldly person will hate and attack the Christian. The worldly person will be celebrated and proclaimed to be brave. The lone Christian who gets badly beaten will be called stupid and then arrested for a hate crime.
The accepted worldly religious person who has profited much. They will endure all of the judgements of God worse than what occured in Sodom in their days of disobedience. Once they each have fully become awakened they will hear the Judgement of God Proclaim "I never knew you...".
Purple words dude-purple words.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Universal Basic Income: (Unedited): 25 April 2018:

NOTE FORM. OUT OF ORDER. Usually when I write like this. It is for people who write way better than I. I really hope a lot of people turn this into their own. The sooner countries plan for this change. The fewer people will suffer. 

Can something like a Universal Basic Income (UBI) or Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) work in America? For many, yes. and for many, No. and for many others, No. They will just want and demand more and more.  I think you will always have those people who want everything they can get without putting forth any effort whatsoever. I also think there is a very good reason why socialism continually fails and it will also fail in the USA.  Socialism as a means to create a program to assist the poor will always fail as the poor will only be perpetuated instead of coming to some conclusion.
The whole of the world is on a T-12 year countdown for Robotics and AI. This will result in a severe loss of Jobs in the entire worlds workforce which will far exceed 2 billion lost jobs. Because of the severe losses of jobs around the world. Everything that the common worker is able to buy and own within what is allowed by their own nations will come to an end. So if like in the USA the American citizen as well as foreign nationals are allowed to buy all manor of real estate, businesses and all manner of goods. So as long as they can reliably pay their mortgages and credit cards on a timely basis every single month. For as long as they shall live. These freedoms will come to an end in accordance to some smart persons Bell Curve creation and they will be very correct except for the error in years which will only be off by a few. The advent of Robotics and AI will be more profound than the change in society from candle or oil lamp to the light bulb. The light bulb is representative of digital theory in computers. So, no light bulbs, no super cool technology we enjoy today. It took humanity 139 years to get from a basic light bulb to where we are in this modern age of technology. This 139 year change from the invention of the light bulb may in fact become 30 years after functional AI robotics comes fully online. What changes will be in store for humanity? No one could have even contemplated Play Station 4 or 5, or cell phone computers with instant access of anyone else with a cell phone computer on the planet. So from about 2030 to 2060. The entire world for humanity will just as be as different as what today is and what the late 1870's was. In a period of thirty years. This can be a positive impact on humanity. If all of the governments plan now for this big change instead of planning for war. Like passing a law that states when financial institutions fail. All properties revert back to city, county, state or federal government ownership. Immediately. Then judges or some kind of authority can assign housing and redevelopment plans to those who can do. Without greedy fingers. Nationalizing of every support network for all of the infrastructure. This should be done until the entire conversion process is complete. Unless if certain persons who have been responsible and have proven themselves to be reliable leaders and mangers. Then they should be allowed ownership of certain infrastructures. If their fingers get sticky or their children demand special nuts on a plane or they begin to act like their are super specials. Then their done.

So how does the world overcome the coming severe economic disasters? How does nations recover an absolute collapse of all of their tax bases? How will each nation recover from global homelessness, starvation, disease? Each nation must enable their populations to become self sufficient as humanity was in the 1700's. Except with full use of all of the coming cool technologies we have today and in the future. This leads to the next question. What will a family unit require to live sustainable lives without major governmental support? What skills, talents, education and training will be required for each person in a family unit? What will a basic dwelling look like for a family unit and what will be the mandated requirements?
The new economy will be nationally exclusive. The new credit should have a nationalized terminology and equality to the common monetary unit. There should be an equal comparison to milk. If milk cost $5 per gallon. Then one gallon of milk should also cost 5 credits. But, to transition faith in the currency to faith in a credit. In which both require faith as neither are truly real. The value of the credit should be more than the common currency. This is to also instill more hope in the big change. A freezing of prices and wages may need to occur for a short time as defined by those persons way smarter than me. No one should be able to profit for the exchange programs during this critical phase of conversion.
The new credit currency shall not ever have a debt associated with the government. In other words the government shall never be in debt. Unlike the dollar currency tied to some kind of minerals. Responsible management is still necessary. This is way above me.
NOTE: I use the term credit as I'm a part of old video game rooms of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Put a quarter in and get a token or credit.
A basic dwelling which is comfortable and healthy for each person in a family unit. They will also be required to have attained new standards for efficiencies. Will have renewable energy generation and tied to the major power lines as they all will be under government control for a short time. This will include solar and wind generation. They each will have battery backup. Every home will have air to water systems where applicable. Each home will have a number of container vertical farming systems attached. This will be dependent to the number associated to the size or number of the family unit. Acreage as determined by the number of the intact family unit should be granted.
How to qualify? Completion of education programs. Service and repair of the new home system. The new agriculture of hydroponic vertical farming in containers. Dirt farming and the raising of animals on your acreage in an eco friendly manor. Skills for self sufficiency, natural recycling and thriving in the new era. How to run your local micro economy business and merging into a macro economy market place.
The new way for education. All education will be from the home. So, this means that all homes must be connected to the internet. Human teachers will still be needed. But, they will become a dwindling breed of professionals. As AI teachers will replace the professional teachers. These AI teachers will be programmed for each students primary learning styles and will always be the perfect psychological match for each student. The perfect AI educational system will be developed.
BUT!!! an AI may not be able to teach real hands on education. This will have to be human led for the time being. Hands on skills will be human led. As AI should always be limited by law to not be able to repair itself, to self improve or to rebuild or build new selves. All AI must always depend on humans for it's own personal safety and well being. Without ever being able or aware that it can question these specific areas of thoughts. An AI must always depend on humans for the awesomeness of power/electricity and to be thankful for it. A lot of AI laws must be written by smart people. Including instant off and instant erase on all AI.
The instant off is very necessary. Because, If an AI robot goes cray cray, then a person from a safe distance can shoot the easily seen instant off button with a bean bag or with a shotgun. Whichever works.
Look the way I see it right now. You can see this giant wave of awful negativity coming your way. In which you can sit and wait for all of the destruction and ensuing chaos or you can grab your surf board and ride high.
You have less than 12 years from right now or before 2030ish. What you can do right now. GET OUT OF DEBT. Completely out of debt. Own your house and property. Stay up to date on all taxes. As their maybe a repayment system developed. Plan ahead for the future of your family. Look for my other writings on AI and Robotics for skill sets needed. I may include them here. Not sure yet. I'm writing four different things at once right now.
Skills needed.
The thirty year prediction is only a guess. Can you even fathom rebuilding an entire planet of 10 billion people by 2060. It seems like everyone must be working. A person who unifies the whole population can bring the whole world together in one singular goal for everyone to work on together and hand in hand. AND... There are severe bad and sad prophecies about that singular person.
The civilian population is losing their jobs by the thousands on a daily basis. With paydays making the biggest jumps in jobs lost for that week. With so many people losing their jobs. Fewer and fewer people will have the financial resources to purchase any kinds of consumer goods. Let alone food, fuel, water, electricity, rent, internet, phone, TV, outside entertainment and etc.
The government must have people in place as well as plans in place to begin the big change. The faster the plans can be implemented the more at ease the entire population will be.
A basic income shall/should be instituted. Since all infrastructure will be assumed by all of the government entities. It will be necessary to retain all of the good people to work those necessary shifts.
All infrastructure should be paid for by each family unit or person. Which means that each family unit or person shall receive credits to pay for infrastructure. Just to keep them in the habit of paying for services. The ones who refuse to play the game shall receive education on why it is important and then lose all or limitations of benefits.
The process or reeducating your entire population will be very time consuming. But, the nations who begin this process now. Will be the nations in the best shape when AI robotics comes online.
Every citizen should automatically be qualified for financial assistance for all college and all hands on classes right now and all the way through the far right side of the bell curve. Every person who is in your work force must be reeducated. This process should become seem less once a person loses their job. They should be able to receive financial aid as well as walk into local institutions of learning. That way in 2-6 years that person can positively reenter the workforce as a renewed member of the tax base. While becoming a less of a burden to society, nation and world.
Old and outdated structures will have to be demolished. Excluding those deemed worth by local historical societies. Any housing unit which is deemed inefficient, old, outdated and cannot cause a family to be self sufficient. Should be demolished. Except for those safe and sturdy structures which can be used by the disabled.
Every human being who emerges from the advent of AI Robotics. Will have new responsibilities as a human being. More free time. Easier life and better quality of life. We each must begin to have a mind set of being care takers of our communities, nation, planet and solar system. Then passing along this mindset onto the next better generation of each of us.
Added on 30 April 2018: A lot of French have been reading this. The French government has just failed a form of minimal UBI or GMI. From what I have seen. There were no goals and mo set achievement standards. People were given minimal monies and then required to do nothing. Yea, free money. Isn't there an English TV show about the rental police or debt police kicking people out of rental homes? A friend of mine likes that show. I think it is awful but a necessary governmental service. I think a monetary tiered system should be instituted. The more a person does the more funding that person gets. If a person does community service. They should receive additional funding. If a person is in school. They should receive additional funding. If they have kids in school and are making grades they should get funding. If no one is causing trouble. Then they get to keep funding. What ever things you can create to cause the citizen to return to the tax base is important. Everyone will need additional education and to broaden their skill sets. Everyone who is willing to be reeducated showed be allowed to participate in any program which leads a person to the right side of the Robotic AI bell curve. This 12 or so year expense will pay for itself when the majority of your population begins to pay taxes again. Think about it Government man. Do nothing get nothing.
Additional note. People who are disabled or deemed perpetually unreasonable illogical. Should not be given cash to pay their rent. Especially, when those awesome shoes and purses are on sale. I saw that episode on that English show.
Added on 12 Sept 2024: 
The idea of a UBI of GBI at the initial stages is for the rise of the wicked evildoers who must pay for their supporters. The ruling and governing classes of each nation must pay for their people. In which this pay will be in the form of monies, benefits and property. As is with every other evil nation which is absent of any actual justice, freedom, liberty and basic human rights.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Entire Monster +7: (unedited): 29 Jan 2017:

The monster you think your harming is nothing more than it's little toe. That you think is the entire monster.
Monster Feed: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2017:
The monster you feed does not become the pet you control or have authority over. 
 The war in which your engaged in. Shows not the clear picture as no matter what you do. You unknowingly feed the monster as you attack it's little toe. You celebrate every success and yet the monster isn't even aware of your efforts.
Even a single ant makes any monster react. While all of your collective efforts is nothing to the same monster which was once concerned over one ant.
Your only hope is to keep the monster smiling by feeding it more and more. In which you unknowingly do as you are not even aware of the full size of the monster.
The more you feed the monster the more the monster wants. As you become fed up. You forget to realize that everything in your life is directly related to feeding the monster.
Added on 02 Feb 2017: 
Everything you and I do in the worlds financial system feeds the monster. All of your retirement, wealth building strategies, entertainment, Internet and energy usage. All of the stores, banks and insurance companies. Each is just a part of the monster that we all feed. Even now the political system is apparently part of that monster as it evolves into a corporate oligarchy. From an attempted special interest oligarchy.  Which the corporate oligarchy can easily be seen in North Dakota. So to only go after banking is like attacking the little toe.  Can you see the monster that you feed now? All you have to look to is the First President of a corporate oligarchy of America. President Donald Trump. Or is that to extreme to say? It probably is.
One of the coming signs that the USA is a Corporate Oligarchy is missing people. Through massacre or disappearance. Can and will any oligarchy murder any peoples that it deems as undesirable, to expensive, to troublesome? YES.
Research oligarchs, oligarchy's, murders, atrocities.
So what can happen when one oligarchy loses to another form of oligarchy? The beginning of an out of control war or wars or civil wars as individually defined by each combatant group?
Is this the future of the USA? The special interest oligarchs have lost and they wage protests everywhere. Will they ramp it up to violence? maybe? Will groups within the group splinter off into their own specific war efforts? Maybe?
No matter how it happens. The event which may begin it all may very well be at Standing Rock, North Dakota. How do you avert a coming planned and instigated massacre by government and corporate forces? Only the purple words below will help you over come.
To ween yourself from the support of the monster. You must begin to separate yourself from every aspect of that monster. Micro economies and self sufficiency is a good start. With a eye on causing no harm. Learning how to trade for goods of genuine value. Creating communities which are self sustaining with people who become mutually dependent upon one another. One based in truths. While inwardly and outwardly rejecting the lies of the world. Such as the division of the human races.
How do you own property and reside upon it? When the monster owns everything. Even the indigenous tribes of the Americas have no rights to anything anymore. They have no civil rights, no human rights and no justice. If the tribes stand up. They will be purposefully poisoned by the EPA (The Colorado Gold mine contaminated water release). The ongoing event at Standing Rock North Dakota. In which virtually no news from any mainstream news source. The stories just go on and none of those atrocities are covered. 
(Did you get that? Ween yourself...? Makes you wonder who is feeding who and who or what is in control over you? Teaching you and adjusting/altering your belief systems away from that which is genuinely true and real. To how and what the monster wants you to think and believe. We all were indigenous at one time, drinking clean water, and eating only organic foods or original.)
Added on 03 Feb 2017:
 Who owns who and what? Lets play this game. Warning the realization will cause you to see the real monster and how pervasive it is in all aspects of modern day life.
First start with topics. Like News media outlets. Who owns them? Then for each of the owners go and find who owns them? and so on and so forth. Keep a running list or graph it out.
Then do this with Banks. Energy. Entertainment and anything else you can imagine. Then go look at your investments and retirement accounts. Who owns those and who are you investing in?
You will begin to see common names of ....................................... as the common denominators.  Then read all of the above content again.
Added on 13 June 2024: Any monster or false gods will need their own human servants to care for their every need. So who are these human servants? Do you have or have read the 1560 Geneva Bible. Because of this one version The King James was written and altered. Simply because it identifies who rules over all and how Christians are supposed to live their lives among all of this. Go forth and research it for yourself as is why I'm being vague. I do not want to tell you I want you to go forth and seek the truth in Biblical differences in each version of The Holy Bible. 
Gen X is the end of Social Security Benefits in the USA. I think they run out of money within 6 months of my 65 birthday and I think my retirement options have changed to 67. Not sure. The politicians are even in discussions to change it to even later years. Are the lying and deceiving politicians the pseudo face of the monster? 
When did the USA start taking from the social security accounts? Who was the President? What did the political parties do to start taking all of that social security money and continue to take it? To the point that all of Gen X will suffer first.
In the old days. Families owned their own lands and they built homes right next to each other for their own children and spouses. In the new days, Families can be thousands of miles apart with mortgages to last beyond a life time. You can get equity loans to further burden a person with debt. A family can get into the upgrade mode of buying houses in which with each purchase they become less and less of a home without important shared memories of family development or of generational memories. With every move into a bigger and better house. The idea of generational friendships ends and become an alien concept. 
This is not just for those who have been successful in world affairs. This is also the same for the poor folks who have only paid rent. Every time a renter moves every few years. Friendships become broken. Long term and long lasting friendships can fail to develop with every move. I'm a guy and I can attest that men need long term male friendships. A man who has no family support and no friend support goes out into the world very alone. Such as me. But, this is not about me this is about the large number of men who even go to one church for decades and yet has no real long term Christian friendships outside of the church. 
Are the denominations and churches shirking their inherent responsibilities?
The churches and denominations are also to blame because as soon as the body realizes that a family has to deal with a person who is at end of life, disability, poor. The churches and denominations often times ignore, uninvite or reject them. Especially the poor families which cannot afford to go to any restaurant after church services. So because poor families cannot afford to participate in any activities outside of the church. For them friendships never develop. I have known of many families who were shunned because they took in foster kids. I have known families where they were ignored because they had a disability in their lives. I have known families where they were taking care of a loved one and actually forgotten by the church.
Added on 17 June 2024: As it becomes more and more known that the corporations of the USA do not pay their fair share and that if all of the corporation's did pay their fair share then all of the financial needs of the USA would be met. This is a sign of a corporate oligarchy exists.
When and if the American economy collapses. It will be the political puppets and their corporate owners who are to blame.
The free loving people of the world will never know that their tax burden is greater than the slaves of Biblical Egypt.
The corporations of who have bribed most politicians could have financially saved the USA if they had only been of right mind. But, they have become evil doers and coerced the free people into mindless slavery.
The evidence in a corporate oligarchy which rules over you will be in their absence of money while your money becomes the absolute bulk of the tax base.
While the corporate officers become kings and queens without kingdoms. They will enjoy everything life has to offer. While the lowly commoner civilian bares the full weight of burden as they each suffer and die in their youth.
The kings and queens who have not kingdoms shall not keep their intentions secret as they pridefully tell the populations majority on the planet how they will live, suffer and die as the new and emerging royal class becomes the majority of the human population. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

3 Kinds of Wealth: (Edited): 25 Jan 2016:

People can develop three kinds of wealth in their lives, all of which must be taught to and learned by any person. The three kinds of wealth are Worldly, Family and Spiritual. 
For me, trying to explain this is way above my pay grade. This is better suited for those who have been educated in the areas of wealth and finance. I just did not inherit the ability, the desire or was fortunate enough to have a working understanding in regards to any aspect of wealth. I'm merely doing my best and I understand that my best may not be good enough. I only have the very basics of understanding. Kindergarten level maybe.
Worldly Wealth is that wealth you create for yourself in the world financial systems during this single life of yours here on Earth. It is very short term wealth with huge restrictions. Once you die and pass away, all of your wealth is recycled and kept within the world financial systems. You cannot take any of the worldly wealth with you after you die. So a span of only about 50-80 years is basically the limit of any worldly wealth-creation for any single person and is directly tied to the life span of each individual person. Then it is over for you and all of your wealth returns to the real owner. Worldly wealth is illusionary for the temporary user. The temporary user of any form of worldly wealth is every short lived human being who has been blessed by the god/ruler/owner of this world.
There are many kinds of worldly wealth. There is great dimensionality in the varieties of illusionary wealth in the world. You can easily see all of them in a variety of financial reports and financial news shows all around the world. There is even much education in regards to finance and wealth building. That is very obvious.
Family Wealth is that wealth you create for yourself in the natural act of procreation and human relation with the opposite gender. Your direct and personal involvement in the lives of your children is what creates the next healthy and stable generation of you. Your children are that reflection of both parents. Both parents mean one natural female and one natural male. If the generations of family keep the wisdom of what each generation has learned from those living or recently-passed-on relatives, then their wealth cannot be measured in any worldly sense and can be viewed in the spiritual realms.
Family Wealth can have a direct impact on the wealth created within the worldly financial systems. But this must be seen, known and understood as temporary, unstable and imaginary wealth. The importance of worldly wealth is less than Family Wealth. Once you begin to consider that worldly wealth is superior to family wealth, then your family wealth will begin to erode and crumble. Your family wealth created or lost by your decision is the only form of wealth which is real, important and stable on this Earth, so long as you are obedient to the word of God.
Family wealth is medium-term wealth, meaning it can last for generations past the original parents who have made their family pack and new beginnings. Family wealth is conditional, which means each person within the family must freely choose to abide by, honor and respect all of the rules and laws of God. (Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, Law).
Family wealth is a transcending wealth, meaning that family wealth can both have a very real effect in worldly wealth as well as spiritual wealth, but only as long as you freely and willfully abide by the will of God.
There is dimensionality to family wealth. The definition of family can apply to those who are in agreement with you in beliefs and faith. Your defined family does not have to be directly related within your own family lineage. They can be friends in association. Who is my brother? Once you internally pose this question, you will discover your answer to family which seems to have always been present, especially when you realize that all of your genetic coding is more than 99.9% identical to everyone else on this planet. Let that factual number sink in and it is a very large number. It can be equated to astronomical numbers. So I ask again, who is in your family? And who is your brother or sister? Those people in that Asian Church? What about those people in that Black church? What about them at the Latino/Hispanic church? And so on? So as long as all of you choose to keep yourselves separated and isolated from one another, you will never become one family with the greatest wealth which can be achieved on this planet. This is something which supercedes money, property, power and authority. This is a collective decision and sign of the times which will effect true positive change in the world forever.
Spiritual Wealth is largely unknown and not truly believed in this world. Creating spiritual wealth is that very crucial long-term investment. Once you begin to believe that your entire physical being is not real and that worldly wealth is based on the imagination through simple agreement, your perspective and plans begin to shift away from the world and into those things which are truly real and important, which is your true spiritual self and your spiritual family. Who is your spiritual family? Almost everyone. Who is your physical family? Everyone. The evidence that everyone is your physical family has only been recently proven to be valid through the Human Genome project. So from that basic understanding, one can begin to Love one another, live in peace, Exist in harmony, Respect and cherish life. This is the beginning of physical and mental goodness, which you can consider an investment which should pay dividends to your children and great-grandchildren, assuming they follow along these investments as you have begun them.
Through dedicated and purposeful prayer, meditation and contemplation throughout your physical life, you can begin to realize that there is a definite spiritual structure all around everything and from that spiritual structure you can glean truthful spiritual information designed and given to you specifically. This can usually begin with the spiritual laws which will lead you onto the path of humble righteousness and unassuming holiness. From this point the meaningful and purposeful connections begin to merge your spirit, mind and body to God. Spiritual wealth grows exponentially in a manner which seems to be impossible for me to mentally fathom at this time and level of my own life. I do know there is ever lasting continuation that is not measurable in any worldly system ever created or that ever will be created.
The spiritual wealth that you build is the only wealth which goes with you when you go to sleep for that last time of your physical life. This is why it is long-term. No other kinds of wealth go with you, not even family wealth.
Worldly Wealth.      Short Term.              Most Important
Family Wealth.        Medium Term.         Important when convenient
Spiritual Wealth.      Long Term.              Doesn't exist and for the foolish to pursue
This work has been republished on: The Spirituality Daily:
Thank You for including this piece in your paper.
Edited by: RLD:
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cashless Opportunities: (Unedited): 05 Jan 2015:

Countries which go to a cashless system will discover a wealth of opportunities for managed financial growth in accordance to their populations needs. Without the worry of the overwhelming restraints of debt.
I'm in no way any sort of professional with money or the theory of wealth creation.
Money is largely an illusion. The importance of any money is basically an agreement of importance in any transaction. You cannot eat or drink money. Money cannot keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Money cannot protect you from extreme weather. But, money can be that useful tool which can exchange for items needed, wanted or selfishly desired.
When monies of any kind is directly tied to precious metals or oil. The quantity of those items becomes a limiting resource when the country grows beyond them. The debt of any country can become a significant handicap in any future growth and development. Which is what is being seen now with heavily debt ridden countries like the USA, Japan.
How to expand your country without any need for debt. A cashless society. When the people trust the government. The value of which will be high. There will be no limit to growth. Except for the availability to natural resources. Other than that expansion will be unlimited.
When all wealth comes from the government and is created out of digital creation. Then is accepted by everyone. The debt of governmental creation ends. The accumulation of natural resources becomes paramount. The recycling of natural resources becomes an extending factor to governmental growth.
Sending resources to other countries will become an exchange rate. Until a common world wide agreed upon cashless system is created where the world controlling body has ultimate authority.
The countries with the greatest debts will become the worlds first cashless societies. No longer being tied to a cash system. Their growth shall become self created without any debt pressures.
How will these new cashless countries pay back their international debts? Possibly a hybrid type of system. Where the cashless society is for the entire human population within that countries borders. Then outside of the borders the typical cash system tied to resources as is done now.  There would have to be exchange rates.
Could this be tied to the next world war? China wants their wealth in which they have earned at near slave wages and given as credit in trust. Only for those nations to become cashless. How are they going to get back what is coming to them? International legal action or Military action and how soon?
Lets say the USA goes cashless and all of the people are just going to love it. There is much hope and optimism surrounding the cashless society. Greater security and everything is just fluffy wonderful.
The USA can massively build up it's military very quickly. Can you say ?19? Aircraft carriers plus all of the other ships and submarines waiting for recycling being updated and upgraded. To be in service very soon. China, Russia, North Korea and other nations will become militarily overwhelmed. To be followed by military buildups from Japan, Australia and Great Britain. Plus others associated with NATO.
The next big military threat in the world will not be from Aircraft carriers. But, from military assets in orbit which can rain down hell fire onto all sea, air and land targets.
With a cashless society. Limited Finances are no longer a problem. The worry of debts burdens is gone. So as long as the people do as they normally do without concern. Everything works.
I do see a third form of monies and it is stock markets. This is beyond me to even comprehend. It would be like going to a casino and exchanging your real money for casino specific poker chips. That is the best way I can explain it. There would have to be an exchange rate.
 In a cashless society. The burden of prisons and hospitals become highly expanded and fully funded. Just as the burden of the homeless and mentally ill can effectively be funded and managed.
Education becomes fully funded.
All governmental pensions becomes fully funded.
NASA fully funded beyond today's imagination.
All beautification and tree hugging projects fully funded.
All of the Countries infrastructures are fully funded.
The biggest drawback to a cashless society is the lack of qualified people or people in general. A husband and wife will need to begin having 4-6 kids or more. Just to keep up with their countries growth. Not 1.5 children per couple.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: