Showing posts with label Abbeville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abbeville. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Prophecy Signs Notes: +4: (Unedited): 22-24 Sept 2018:

Two signs. Doesn't seem to have an order of reading. Quotes updated. Added new content.
One: The undirected hopeless have been moving to the soon to be disaster areas. Key word: Undirected.
Two: The Christian or soon to be Christian are moving out of the soon to be disaster areas. Key word: Soon.
Added on 25 Sept 2018:
SOON TO BE: For salvation purposes: Those persons who may not even understand and who are not Christians. They also have been saved unknowingly. They will have their last chance and they will encounter genuine Christians who will say to them God saved them and they were not even Christian. God loved you before you ever knew Him. God cared about you and saved you more ways than one.
I'm a deeply flawed human being. Just because I wrote the words with certainty. You still need to question everything. You still need to study the Bible, research, pray, meditate and fast. Before you think, decide or do. If satan can speak through Peter to Jesus and Jesus can speak through Peter to satan. Who am I? and who are you? and who are we? What is our mindset all of the time? Of God or of satan who wants and desires to be our god or god of all. Is your mindset of worldly things or of God? What are those percentages? Mine is a failing percentage. What are yours?
Matthew 16:21-28
Mark 8: all
Hopeless Congregation: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2018:
The congregation of lost and hopeless souls migrating to specific areas. Absent of any urging's by any explainable human sources. Is a prophetic sign.
This may be a prophetic sign of duality. Meaning a sign from satan and God.
satan wants all of the souls. So when a soul becomes useless in human form. satan and his soldiers may direct those lost souls to places where they all can be easily harvested. Think about cows and cattle drives. The cowboy dries the cows to a singular place where all of the cattle can be easily harvested. The soldiers of satan are cowboy like. NO. I am not calling human cowboys soldiers of satan.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
Present Sign: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
A sign must already be present in order to see it.
I'm thinking "really" and "No Kidding". This also includes signs of prophecies. Just like roadside signs. They are already present and visible. Road signs are clear to understand after you have been trained and educated on road signs. But, with prophetic signs. You have to be in the correct spirit and the right mindset. You also have to have the training and education to be able to recognize the already in place prophetic signs. While at the same time understanding that your training and education to see prophetic signs could be in error. Remember all of the Jewish elites were looking for the coming messiah as a conquering warlord and king. What did they get? Some pacifist guy who was a servant to all who spread love and peace and hope. They knew the signs but their human wants, desires and arrogance got in the way. So to shall it be with all of us in this modern day of prophecy.
Encouraged Move: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2018:
Christians and soon to be possible Christians will be encouraged by the Holy Spirit to move to those safer locations.
Just as the christian will quietly depart from some unwelcoming place to live in those new safe places. These are signs which worldly people cannot explain or even understand. Just as a worldly person who tries to read the Holy Bible cannot understand it either. These are already known and seen.
This is of course for those religious persons who know more than me. As typical if you use this content after much study, prayer, meditation and fasting by you. Then there is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Everything is to God only.
There is a reason why Christians and soon to be Christians are quietly on the move? This will become more prevalent as time draws nearer. The over all percentage will still be low versus the total number of professed Christians. This is because the professed Christian may not be one at all. This will be a judgement from God only and not by any human being. But, the professed Christian which is not will be completely oblivious to the signs of God and they will feel no need to move. Though they may talk about it. Then there is the soon to be Christian. These will be the ones who move to a new safe area and then become born again Christian. If your one of those who are in the know from the Holy Spirit. Then this may be your common ground opening for these persons.
Christians and Churches will begin to develop their own micro Christian exclusive economies. These economic Christian clubs. Will begin to become more and more profitable as they begin to mature and develop. These Christian exclusive clubs will start with a percentage of doing business with outsiders. Then after a time and certain financial margins are attained. Those percentages will become smaller and smaller until the Christian exclusive Clubs will no longer do business with the outside world. The christian exclusive clubs will however do business with other christian exclusive clubs.
These things should be secret.
Personal Note: anything I write about finances, economies is way above me. So you should be aware. I have no clue about what I've written. It is obviously not for me.
There will be many places in which the Christian will be led by the Holy Spirit. Is Texas a place? Texas is not the only place and they are purposefully not being revealed to me.
Personal Note: I wonder if God is gonna let my family and I die here is Pasco County? Or is the time still too soon to move? It just seems every effort I make to earn more income just stops. My invention ideas are taken and etc. Now I feel like I'm whining. Which means I'm being selfish. I do know that the spirit within is more important than our physicals selves which is not the true self. We are the spirit inside. Preacher man Tony Evans says it best. Our physical bodies are the car we drive.  So if God wants me to die here. Then I need to be here. Because, when the disasters begin because humanity has continuously made the wrong choices. Why do I need to write anymore or even be here on earth? My purpose and mission would conclude. After all, all that I have written will be deleted by someone's choice or by a disaster. You pastors and theologians need to get your act together. You pastors and theologians need to expect cleanliness, righteousness and holiness from everyone who professes the Christian faith. You pastors and theologians need to stop with the lies of prosperity and once saved always saved. Yes, I know the once saved thing can be tricky and assume judgement by human understanding. Humans are less than maggots and worms - Remember. The purple words below. I know I always include them. You should read them again. I'm really feeling this for you to really read those purple words below.
I believe there will be places where great disasters will occur. This is where the most hopeless will just go and they will not know why. For many do not even have technology and they just arrive in these places. Their presence is a sign of a coming doom for those cities, states and nations.
I also, do not believe that those christian workers who remain in those places are cursed by God. Because, when the disaster strikes those areas. It will be them who gave their lives to render aid to the hopeless whom they continually expressed genuine love to. For their place in heaven is guaranteed. Is yours or mine? I think they have always have known that they should leave and they choose not to. even the Holy Spirit has made a way for each of them to leave and they choose not to time and time again (This is still prophetic). Since the disasters have not happened yet.
Who are the hopeless? Look at downtown San Francisco or any other place like here. For satan wants his souls. So why not encourage his souls to go to the place where a disaster will occur. See the picture of this yet. Remember the movie Independence Day? The aliens came, they showed themselves and the hopeless made it to the tops of those skyscrapers to praise, worship and welcome the newcomers. Then they all die. She says "Pretty". This will be the same thing. Except most likely not any alien involvement. If there is real aliens. Then they are the fallen angels from the second heavens. Anyway, back on topic. What is happening in San Francisco is a sign. It means if your a devout christian who is not helping the problems in that area. Then you should get out very very soon. This may also include all of California, Arizona and Nevada. Arizona and Nevada will be those places where the survivors will go to. A certain percentage of those will suffer and die in those mountains and deserts in a variety of ways. The government will not be able to render effective aid.
But, those churches who are putting into place economies will see a need to move or add new campuses in Nevada and Arizona. These churches will need to buy large tracts of land and put up buildings in order to express genuine Christ like love to one another. This needs to be done very soon. There seems to be time left. I think another sign is these midterm elections. If the Christians do not show up and vote for those whom they all agree to vote for. Then God is gonna do something or allow something which may not be pleasant.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
How did they know?: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
When the righteous witness the prophetic signs of any coming disaster no matter the cause and then place themselves in the ready at those safe locations close by. The surviving unbelieving souls will ask How did they know?
They worldly unbelieving soul will ask. How did you know? How did you know to move to this safe place? Before anyone knew and years in advanced. How did you know? For not even the Red Cross knows anything and yet you set up camp because you saw that vision of thousands of desperate people before you and no one came to help you help them. This is your current prophetic vision. A prophetic vision is a certainty right now. You do have the power to change it, alter it or improve it. In order to not only save physical lives but spiritual lives as well.
Your alone in your prophetic vision right now. You do not have to be. You must reveal it to those whom you trust and then you must make that decision. While you research, pray, meditate, fast and study the Holy Bible. I'm not saying your a Joseph and if we ever meet and you have gotten yourself a fat head of entitlement, pride, arrogance. I will smack you in the back of your head. With love of course.
Six minutes and twenty six seconds in case your slow.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get. I gotta go watch the other five minutes. (self insulting humor).
Added on 25 Sept 2018: Other vision:
 Abbeville Alabama is going to be one of those places up on a hill. This entire small town will become a staging area for those who are traveling out of the disaster areas. I did see heavy armor and military helicopters in newly constructed defensive positions. Yet, My family and I still live in Florida.
I did see the military units at the intersections of 431/27, 431/10, 95/47/46, 10/295 cemetery, 95/53, 99/107. At 431/27, 431/10 I saw very large over passes built and made into naturally beautiful bridges. They each were excessive. Large enough for the county to use to store heavy equipment inside. Large enough and strong enough for a variety of military heavy equipment to place themselves upon. Including landing military helicopters. The sides of the over passes could both cover and conceal military personnel. The underneath of the over passes could also hide helicopters. I just looked at Google earth and these bridges have not been built yet.
All along 431 between 10 and 27. Very large buildings and athletic fields were built. They were owned by Goodwill, Salvation Army and a large church. Each of these properties had easy access and docks for very large big rig trucks all going counter clockwise around the properties. It is the elder and old families which lead the way inside of Abbeville. If they do nothing. All of Abbeville will be overrun and destroyed. Even Headland Alabama does their thing. But, the message for headland was not given to me for them. The headland Alabama was given to one and it is up to that person to reveal or not.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
Present prophecy Sign: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2018:
A sign seen in prophecy is something that which already has been present and is only recognized as such.
Published  in:
Thank You very much.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rain Dance: (Unedited): 27 Feb 2014:

From time to time the rains fall.
This is the perfect time to sing and dance with joy in your heart. 
That this to shall pass. 
Being a person of abuse. It seemed like I knew when the rains would come or that darkness may occur. Rain meaning torment and darkness meaning unconsciousness. Just as the storm fronts begin to come through I always knew it was about to rain. So did everyone else. This is life and how things generally occur. Then there are those sudden out of nowhere storms that just rush in and they are gone. Like a  surprise death of a loved one. You think everything is OK and then the accident or sudden illness which ends not the way you ever wanted.
In every case most of us continue onward. Some stay with their abuser or dead loved one. Some never come to realize that in reality the abuser is already dead and the dead loved one is more alive than ever. Weird, but seems very true to me. The abuser is doing their best to make the one they abuse as dead as they already are.

It has taken me a long time to realize the truth of being joyful over suffering. Because, Just like the storm shall pass over so to will the suffering. No matter the outcome. I wish I could explain the extreme of that. No matter the outcome there can be great joy. Either way you are victorious. So celebrate in your victory even while you still suffer.

Did you know that being rendered unconscious is the same as dying? Dozens of times and maybe even hundreds of times I have felt this. It is the same to me, although a doctor might disagree with me. As you wake up from unconsciousness while you do not when your dead. or do you? The doctor would be wrong. When your body dies you become more alive than your physical body can handle. As a matter of fact even going to sleep for me is just like dying. Weird.

A new storm of forgetfulness approaches. I can see it coming in slowly. Building in intensity and strength. I sing and dance to the coming storm with joy in my heart. My victory is assured and my legacy is nearly complete. All except for the editing and publishing of the third. It seems I may have been released from writing quotes and only do so because I choose to. I'm thankful and grateful.

I remember a long time ago. A black woman from Abbeville, AL. Sitting on a street corner singing songs of praise to God. No one knew what I knew. She has been with the Angels. While only the religious saw a crazy black woman who maybe drank to much holy water. That is the way it is. Angels can be very powerful. Some angels have the power to turn you on or off, easier than you can turn on and off a light switch. They can even alter your memories. And of course etc. Up close and personal contact with some of these angels can physically destroy your physical body, including your mind. To the lesser degree of not being able to live of the world while living in the world. Such as this woman.
While delivering the ashes of my adoptive father to Abbeville, AL. I saw this woman again. This time she was just a dull buzzing of a medicated shell of a human being. I guess she is now as normal as they can make her. Someone probably thought her praises to GOD were to disturbing to the public. Most likely her safety and well being was a priority. What was the message of those angels? I wonder if anyone actually asked her. Or did they thought she was just plain ole crazy? Would you risk your life right now to be in the presence of an angel? Moses with all of his faults and failings was willing to risk everything just to see God. God saw through Moses ignorance. What gift was given to this woman? or would you call it a curse. Would you have let her die of thirst or starve while praising God? or would you possibly curse her with mind dulling medications as has been done for her own safety and well being? Which is or was more merciful?

I do find it suspect that if someone has been in the physical presence of some of the more powerful angels and yet they can still cope with this blinded reality of this world. I'm not so certain of their truth. There is that whole Moses thing and how God only allowed a small portion of Himself to Show to Moses and how just that tiny sliver affected him. Angels are of course less powerful than God but they still have a similar effect upon the physical state of human beings.
Expressing love to everyone and everything is a key to a good life.
Being peaceful, both internally and externally is a key to a good life.
Creating and Maintaining harmony within and everywhere is a key to a good life.
By doing all three things by your own free logical choice. Without threats or fears.
Brings about wisdom and holiness. I believe this is something that God wanted for us from the beginning. The purple words below.
Added on 08 oct 2018:
No matter the outcome
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 2, 2012

Florida Sinks Vision. earlier 2012. Similar to William Branham

In the night time. I saw people coming and going without a care in the world. The water was slowly rising until the water began to slowly cross the coastal streets. No major waves. Just a slow steady rise of the waters. Weird. Thus is only the calm beginning. Until the screaming torrents flow.
Since, I live in Florida. I assume it is about Florida.
There will be events which precede the sinking. The water springs all around the South eastern USA. Will begin to over flow. Loud noises deep and with no direction to source will happen.
Even in the Gulf of Mexico close to Pinellas County Florida. An underwater spring will be easily seen. Weeki Wachee Florida will see more water in their springs. Enough to flood. Water pumps will have to much water pressure.
A line which crosses just south of Abbeville Alabama USA (Henry County) going East and west will become southern safe zones. In which governments will organize and administer to the surviving northward refugees.
The Red Cross, Salvation Army, Goodwill, YMCA and etc. All need to make a large presence in Abbeville, Alabama and any other place of high elevation on a North/South Highway. Macon, Ga. Tifton, Ga.
Their buildings had large kitchens and meeting rooms. They also had large football/soccer fields and indoor basketball courts. Which were easily converted for emergency uses.
The national Guard needs to expand their post/base in that area.
Need to focus on helicopter operations.
I saw large bridges crossing over 431 from Hwy 10 and 27. These bridges were large enough to land helicopters and were pretty. Although they do not exist today.
The federal government built a safe building on high ground to house their necessary agencies as well as local government agencies.
What is the cause? Have no Idea.
William Branham prophecies believe it to be simple global warming. I don't think so.
I think it would take global warming to sink Florida decades or centuries. The sinking of Florida took a day or more. With a gradual acceleration of sinking.
07 July 2012
Elevation controls from Airports will be off on their elevations. Causing landing problems.
Odd visible Piezoelectric occurrences. Along perimeters. Where ever those are. Maybe fracturing.
Added On 03 May 2013: 
This precedes the sinking. I had a vision some time ago about a wave possibility 20-40+ feet tall. It was as if I was watching the television as the views changed from helicopter to helicopter. I saw a person standing on a bridge which now appears to be the bridge which joins Clearwater and Clearwater Beach. He was the only one. I saw no vehicles on the Causeway. The Beach may have been evacuated prior to the approach of the wave. The wave was coming from the west and traveling east- Of course it would have to. I think the wave is not a primary wave but one which have had to already impacted elsewhere.  Hence the time which was taken to evacuate all of the beaches. The wave comes into Clearwater and then I woke up. I do know it was an absolutely beautiful day.

This vision has become something I'm remembering lately because of my new job taking me into Dunedin, Fl. often. Along the coast. The new bridges of Clearwater Beach, Florida. Is the location of the visions.
All of Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama will have to be completely evacuated forever, many thousands of years.
:Update 08 July 2013: Do the research yourself and become self educated. This guy seems to be very knowledgeable in his profession of reporting. He does not dumb down his reporting. So keep a piece of pen and a paper on hand to write down those fancy words of his. Then re-watch his videos. I liked it. Especially where he shows possible factual evidence of slow fall/rise of sea floor. In which I have no direct knowledge of this science. But, It does correlate with my vision of sea floor falling or the entire peninsula of Florida sinking at a slow rate.
Under the About Tap within this video, select it. It will reveal source information websites. I really like this.All of the links are from Suspicious0bservers.

The REAL Climate Changer:
Ice Age Soon?
An Unlikely but Relevant Risk - The Solar Killshot:


NDBC Buoys:
Tropical Storms:
HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
Weather Channel:
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory:
Pressure Maps:
Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]

Precipitation Totals:
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:

SOHO Solar Wind:
HAARP Data Meters:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:
GOES Xray:
Gamma Ray Bursts:
BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:
GONG Magnetic Maps:

MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]

If the North and south poles are now moving as declared by the we are all going to die conspiracy websites.  Then what is not considered is the Earths Equator will also move. From this movement the land will also re-distribute via random in appearance rise and fall of land. Not just what is above the water but also below. As the equator moves so will the fatness of the earth. 

Also did some minor editing  and added some minor content. 
:Added on 09 July 2013:
 Very interesting to think about
:Added on 30 Aug 2013:
This video is dated back to 2012. Title : Florida underwater soon.

This is sea level rise on the gulf coast: This is similar to what I saw as an end result. Except it happened in a day or so. Not many hundreds of years.
Added on 10 Sept 2013: News. As Local/State and Federal governments become godless and anti-righteous. This is the spiritually moving away from the safety and protections of the Holy spirit. As the elected leaders move the USA into a godless society. Everyone will suffer the effects from those godless actions. Those elected officials are our leaders and it doesn't matter if you didn't vote for them or not. You will still either be blessed or cursed by the actions of your elected officials. It is not GOD who curses, it is us who curses ourselves.
11 Sept 2013: Added content: Interesting discovery about the meaning of Florida.

I'm not really sure what this means.
Also, Just found out the daughter had a dream about aliens who told us to leave. This is the short of her dream. Also,  neighbors across the street was leaving as well. Interesting. Probably nothing. I don't know.
 Added on 18 Oct 2013: Interesting news. High Tides. They blame global warming.

Earthquakes in the Caribbean should be of interest for study.
Added on 21 May 2015: update. Some content older.
There seems to be some other people having new dreams and visions of the sinking of Florida.
Added on 09 Dec 2015:
Fracking in Florida is now news and since Florida is an Oligarchy just as is the USA Federal Government. The measure will most likely pass. I hope it doesn't. There will be Scientific declarations that the fracking process is safe. It won't be.
This may be the event which the acidic elements used in the fracking fluid. Actually causes the free flow demise of the Limestone in which all of or most of Florida sits on. Once Florida's lime foundation liquefies all of it may come crashing down when the deep high pressure water finds new pathways to the surface. The process won't happen over night. But, once it begins it cannot be stopped. Water contamination may be a concern and the politicians area of focus. The entire loss of the water tables will mean the sinking of Florida.

Added on 17 May 2016: 
There is a lot of news about the Gulf of Mexico in the last week on Paranoid Media type of sites. They are talking about unknown and recently discovered underwater types of volcanoes. They are talking about the rise in the temperatures of the Gulf of Mexico. This is not about surface temperatures. If the water temperatures were as high as they say at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Then we would already be dead as the high temperatures alone. Would release methane into the air displacing all of the oxygen we breathe. Thus, everyone in the southeast USA would just suffocate and everyone else as the invisible and odorless methane journeyed in the direction of the winds or current weather patterns towards the northeast. 
If the Gulf waters are truly that warm. Then the storms coming to Florida and the southeast are going to be frequent and severe. Because, It is the storms which cools the Gulf temperature. The higher the water temperature the more severe the storms. That is just the way it works. Tropical storms and hurricanes which form well within the Gulf of Mexico. May become more common until the Gulf temperatures are normalized.
Also the weather will change for Europe in relation to the warmer than normal Gulf stream temperatures.
Is this the thing which begins this old vision of mine. I do not know. I just watched many videos on this and read many things. It all just seems like natural occurrences of this planet which were only discovered in 2003. Which most likely means these Earth processes are as ancient as the meteor impact many many many thousands of years ago or is that millions of years ago. Which killed off the dinosaurs and formed what we now know as the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. What was surprising is I didn't find any alien involvement in the paranoid types of videos I had to endure. (LOL).
That is my dime.
Also, to note: I have moved closer to the Gulf of Mexico. As a matter of fact my back yard is a river which has direct access to the Gulf. I live in a 100 year old wood framed house. The sea wall is mostly destroyed. The back yard soils has gone into the river and the house is losing it's foundation. Pretty sad that the landlord won't invest any money. But, we are poor and this was the only place which accepted my family of 7 people. We do not complain at the non working A/C or the incomplete kitchen. Were thankful for not being homeless. 
Here is something of importance to consider. 
I had this vision and yet. We are still not several hundred miles west of the Mississippi river or above 700 feet in elevation. We are now closer to the Gulf of Mexico than ever before. As a matter of fact. The Gulf of Mexico is nearly my back yard. There are seawalls which are a hundred years old and yet they are very much above the waters. So this global warming sea level rise may not be what it is. Also, In parts of this vision which I still remember. I used to think it was the Dunedin area of road (Alt19) travel along the coast. But, now, I think my visions entailed images to driving along Grand Ave. In New Port Richey, Florida. We have zero plans of moving anywhere. Not that we have the ability to move anywhere. Much like the folks during Katrina. Without becoming homeless, job's-less and food-less and all of the other less-ness.  
Updated on 04 July 2016: Florida Fracking news.
What is really interesting about this news. Is that Oklahoma with all of it's Fracking related earthquakes has been approved for the Gulf of Mexico. No Major or even minor news services is reporting on this at all.  
Added on 29 Sept 2016: Mosaic Sink Hole. 
I work commercially with fertilizer regularly. I know that if you do not properly clean your equipment. Your equipment will corrode. Yes, that means steal will be eaten away by the fertilizer. 
The big question for me is. To what degree is the 215 million gallons of waste water radioactive? It was in an open air pit. To what degree is the acidity of the waste waste when it was in the pen air pit? How will the acidic and radioactive water react to the lime structure of Florida? 
I saw the videos. That sink hole had been there for a while as it had stabilized. The drain flow also seems older than stated. 
The coloring of the soil also does not seem to be the correct coloring all the way down the sink hole. So does that mean the water was so hot that it burned the soil as it goes down? 
The dilution rates should take care of the problem over time. But, will PH Balance be maintained so as not to cause additional sink holes? 
I think this might be a puzzle piece. I think the water loss @215 million gallons may be in error on the low side.
Added on 22 Feb 2018:
Yesterday The Great Reverend Billy Graham has passed away. I have written about Billy Graham passing away and what it would mean prophetically.
I just woke up from this dream and audible vision.
I saw great destruction in most places of the USA. All over the USA. Then I heard "Seven point O earthquake in North Florida." Then nothing. I asked how can that be? There isn't a fault line anywhere up there. No Answer.
Note: 55 minutes of writing just gone.
What became missing?
The direction on how to save yourself. For in any bad and sad prophecy given. One must include the hope of mitigation and prevention.
The direction is always with Jesus Christ. The direction is for you to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God your Heavenly Father. By your own free choice. All without any threats, fears, intimidation's. Just as Nineveh was sparred with the words of Jonah and the actions of a repentant people. So can be all of our prophetic fate. Which is extinction without the involvement of God. So at the very least become a remnant and one of those souls to be saved. While knowing that once saved always saved may be just another delusion. How long did it take for Lots wife to mentally and emotionally sin and look back? Go and test how much time it takes to look back. Lots wife was saved and then she wasn't. So to shall it be for the selected chosen by God.
The sign of a great delusion given from God. This is a sign for only the righteous and holy as defined by God only. Those who are in delusion will easily be seen by those who are actually righteous and holy. Seeing the evil doers they will go elsewhere. For they are hidden to the world even within the entire Christian Faith. So much so that when and if the rapture occurs.
They the clean remnant will be taken while the vast majority of the soiled cloth will remain.
They the religious leaders will have a great meeting and declare the missing as just those troubled souls who just move around. Many times rudely not saying farewell.
Something for you to think about. How small or large can a remnant be? Who decides how big or small a remnant is? Only God and no one else. The purple words below will help you. Now go and sin no more.
Added on 02 March 2018:
Florida threatened by Russia:
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books