Showing posts with label Dying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dying. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Came Close Yet Again?: (Unedited): 03 March 2023:

Many weeks ago. I came close to dying yet again. I lost a lot of blood and was not aware. Though I knew something was odd. I did not have a transfusion either. Which probably should have happened as the blood cells apparently appeared to be young. I did not know that blood cells can be young or old. This time was different though. Where as before when this body nearly died. I forgot how to read but, started writing and then once I wrote what I wrote. I suddenly forget I wrote anything at all. So if your a reader now you know that everything that I read of what I've written is as new or alien to me as the first time you read anything I write. Actually, I can only remember one quote and it is my first quote in which is interesting to see how that one quote has spread as an unauthorized quote.
"Be your own hero and save yourself" 
Written sometime in 2004. After the near death blood clot event.
This time there apparently is not anything interesting that ended or has begun. Except that my ability to have a lot of static electricity is building back up. My sheets light up at night when I move around with an interesting pale green color. When I had my EKG, their equipment did not work very reliability in which they showed a different kind of concern. Which is what happens when people get spooked. But, the O2 finger pulse device worked fine. Odd. But, that is me and why I do not have any technology on my body and use only corded computer devices. I just got tired of buying expensive stuff just so that this body would eventually burn them out. I do have a history with energies(deleted TMI).
The doctors say there is about a 120 day recovery. I guess it takes that long to make new blood. My blood was a 7.9 two weeks after the losing blood event. If you know the relationships then you know more than me. I probably was not that close to dying but it felt like it. The peace and calm of physically stopping. I remember the blood poisoning moment when everything was just slowing down. The calm which came rushing in was welcomed and then the ER nurse said welcome back. I did have an NDE on that one. I did get the lecture from the doc as she asked why I did not go to the hospital and I said your nurses asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I said no, and that at no time did they say to take my carcass to the hospital. I said key word "ASKED!". Then I said I was a little annoyed when your nurse did not use a stethoscope on me since I have a history of (deleted TMI). 
So now I get exhausted very easily but am improving slowly. 
So what happens now? Maybe I get to go to my daughters wedding in less than two months. I will be very happy at that. I know I will cry and feel the tears building already. I love my daughter so very much and am very excited for her future with her husband.
NDE deleted... memory and them.
So I guess you can say I have a history of not dying. Which goes all the way back to infancy and childhood. Yea, I should have died as an infant. Yea, I should have died as a child many times. And etc. 
So I wonder what else I will write that you will remember?

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Woe Prophets Peace Mentors: (Unedited): 31 Dec 2016:

Woe and worry has become the world full of prophets. For all they will know is fear and hopeless suffering all the way to their dying days.
Joy and Peace has become the world full of mentors. For all they will know is inspiration, Meaning and purpose all the way into the Heavens.
It is popular today to be a prophet. Everyone seem to want to go forth and express their understanding of prophecy. (Even I do that). Prophecy seems to always be about the negative aspect of humanity. Repent or be destroyed. Yet, today we have prophecies everywhere. Even those things people call probabilities and possibilities. (Even I do that).
Prophecies seem to be aimed at those who have not been listening or have not been taking the correct moral or righteous actions. Yes, there are a few prophecies in which humanity is warned of some kind of impending calamity. In which those who are targeted for survival were to plan their escape or plan the mitigation of the certain coming calamity.
Today in our modern era. Self proclaimed prophets are everywhere. I'm not one of those. God does not speak directly to me and nor do I receive Emails from God either. I think that is the line between those who are prophets and those who are not. What is the point in a prophecy if there is no hope and only fear? Can a person actually become holy and righteous based on a foundation of fear and hopelessness? I have spoken with Christians in which they became Christians after a fearful lesson in prophecy and the rapture. Did they become Christian in order to save their own physical skins. Or was there something deeper? But, once you get deeper into the possibility that the rapture may not be real and I really hope the rapture happens before any real tribulations. More than a few have gotten upset and will just get mad at God or worse. So where is your faith based in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Righteousness and Holiness? Or is all of your belief stuck on John 3:15-20 and on the rapture.
There has to be something more than John 3:15-20 is just the starting point. You cannot just say John 3:16 because if it were entirely complete. Then satan, the demons and the fallen angels will also be saved. After all, do they not also believe in Jesus? Is your mind already closed up? From John 3:15-20 begins your righteous and holy walk with Jesus without fear or worry. It is satan and those who follow satan who need you to be always be in a state of hopeless fear. Your righteous and holy walk with Jesus is what separates you from satan and the fallen angels. satan and the fallen angels believe in and have faith in or actually know that their end is coming. satan and the fallen believe in God, The son and the Holy Ghost. Yet satan and the fallen angels continue to do evil without any repentance or a desire to repent from their wicked ways. Nor are they apologetic. So you see John 3:16 also applies to satan and yet we all know it doesn't. That difference is righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God only. So Christian make that decision to know longer be only religious and become righteous and holy as only accepted by your heavenly Father. Then when and if the rapture happens. It won't really matter will it? For eternity shall be your reward with a new body 
When you became a Christian even if your decision was based in fear. Jesus healed you from death and as Jesus healed those as written in the Holy Bible. Jesus spoke these loving commands to them. "Go and sin no more".
We should have a world full of mentors. Those who always speak words of hope. This world needs hope. From this hope will come a specific purpose and meaning for each of us to pursue in this life. The freedom to love one another. The freedom to live in peace with everyone else. The freedom to exist in harmony with all of creation. The freedom to cherish all life. The freedom to choose to be obedient to the laws of God.
Mentors have always been those forgotten to history men and women. Who said if you just work hard, be smart and never give up. You can achieve the desires of your heart. Where are the mentors of this world. Who express hope for everyone and not just for those of a particular sex, skin tone or region on this planet? or has God already silenced the mentors. Because He knows no one will listen or even follow through with what the truth of the mentors have to say. Did you read John 3:15-20 yet? What about John 3:21?
Can you imagine a whole planet of 7+billion human beings suddenly believing the truth of the Human Genome project and suddenly realizing that the men and women over there who have been their enemies for generations are actually their brothers and sisters. How can any professed good person desire to cause any harm to their own brother and sister? Even if they have been their enemies for generations.
Then this one simple truth which was once a perpetually taught deception. Changes the face of all of humanity to the point that each human being can justify their refusal to go to war against their own brothers and sisters. World peace begins in that moment. Because, who will fight for the selfish and greedy world leaders? Are they not the ones who profit the most and are protected the most from all harm. While the so called common everyday average human being fights and dies for all of them. All of humanity can freely look up into the heavens and realize our place can be up there. All we have to do is give up. Give up all of our hatreds, angers, sins, ego, pride, arrogance and other negative words. Then we all can go into the Heavens.
Hardened Hate: (Unedited): 31 Dec 2016:
The hardened heart listens not and scoffs at hated wisdom of the mentor.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Civilian Desperate Ground: (Unedited): 12 April 2015:

Death Lands, 
Dying Ground, 
Death Ground,
Desperate Ground,
By: Sun Tzu 
Depending on the interpretations this is the final ground of 9. The book of Sun Tzu and his "The Art of War" Is for warfare in a variety of degrees. But, this entire book is also used world wide for business and other ares of aggressive yields. It is my opinion that this is an evil book. One that I have read many times.
The reason for this is because the USA seems to be on the path of becoming Dying Ground. The whole of the country becoming grounds of death. In which the police officers and other law enforcement personnel are going to become actively involved in shootings on a regular basis. 
The more the civilian population becomes fearful of authority. The more often the civilian population will begin to actively respond in a psychological manor as if they were actually on Dying ground. In which for however they base their own psychological decisions. They conclude that they must either fight or die, to kill or be killed in order to just survive contact with any law enforcement agent. This state of immediate desperation is easily seen in the recent WalMart shootings by justifiable police officers in Cottonwood Arizona. It will only be much later for anyone to discover that this family is apocalyptic. Which is centered around the Christian prophecies of the end of days.
Psychologically speaking in regards to these types of Christian apocalyptic families. Separating them from one another can result in serious aggressive actions. If they do not understand that the separation is just to collect data to ascertain the incident. If there was one. If the people do not understand this separation activity then they will immediately respond with violence. Without any ramp up in aggressions. It does not really matter their level of self defense as shown by this so called Christian family. Fortunately for those law enforcement personnel. None of them appeared to be well trained in hand to hand combat. They were willing to kill or be killed. 
You can easily see just how religiously brain washed they were. From their deep religious beliefs they have never transcended into the actual righteousness as taught by Jesus Christ. Listen to their verbal accusations and their curse words. Their aggressive actions is absolutely contrary to their life of chosen faith. For even Jesus healed healed the servant of the ear which was violently taken by Peter. For I tell you the truth this family and others like them have the spirit of Judas. In which Judas acted badly and then violently took his own life. You cannot love one another and then act out with violence. This is the most basic teaching of the life of Jesus.
Interesting from
21 march 2015: Cottonwood Arizona. WalMart parking lot.
Warning Mature content on
Holy Bible, Wiki, Books and Chapters to study. 
They are to deliver you into tribulation and you will be killed. No where does it say to fight back and to kill. 
Why is this one important? Because even though the Roman empire was and has ruthlessly controlling the Jewish people. Yet, Jesus Christ saw it to express love to this roman police officer.
Jesus did not resist nor did He fight back when He was taken. Jesus never even defended himself. This is a cold hard truth that many Christian doomsday preppers or Christian survivalist seem to not agree with and how it relates to their own lives. It is easy to be religious and so difficult to live righteously as Jesus had commanded his disciples and followers. We are all to do as Jesus had done. 
And Jesus knew and still went forward in peace. Jesus was brutalized and yet he did not cry out for His legions of Angels. Jesus allowed himself to be nailed and pierced. Jesus even offered forgiveness to all. Where is the violence in all of his deeds and actions from the last supper?
Even if that means walking willingly into the modern day incinerators which may be coming to the USA. Maybe, even during Hillary Clinton's reign, if the USA survives President Obama. The only way President Obama can stay in office is to institute nationwide martial law. Oops, Transgress? 

This is going beyond race. The common people of the USA are already becoming one. Even though their is no such thing as race amongst the species of human beings. So anything the general population views a cop killing what appears to be an innocent human being. They see themselves getting shot or shot at.  This is the psychological creation of mental death ground.
What follows below is very graphic. Mature content. Warning.
Just because I post the videos. You should not automatically assume who is guilty. Without first researching the entire story from sources. Which includes court cases. Some of these are failure to comply. You will not know the circumstance for every stop. The intentions of these videos are not for entertainment purposes at all. 
Dallas Police, Mentally ill man
Montana cop.
New Jersey cop fatally shoots unarmed man.
SC Trooper shoots unarmed man following instructions.
Police dog mauls suspect to death
SC Cop on murder charges.
Taos, NM. Cops fire into minivan with children.
There are more and there seems to be whole lot more of cops getting shot at and killed. This is what is going to happen. The news media is running every story related to guns and cops. It is almost as if they are manipulating people psychologically. People are also cops. Because cops are human beings, they also feel fear everyday and at every stop or call. 
The bad cops are going to cause good cops to get killed. Civilians will begin at some time to defend their friends and family. Civilians will begin to see all law enforcement officials as an enemy equal to any terrorist. Will these feelings be true? of course not. But, truth doesn't matter. If truth mattered there would not be any racism. Because, the separation and division of the races of humanity is an absolute lie and perpetuated deception. 
How to end all of the coming woes to the world
You must love one another.
You must live in peace with every one and yourself.
You must exist in harmony with all.
You must be obedient to all of those Righteous and Holy laws. 
All of these things you must be willing to do by your own free will. All without threat or fears. You must do these things because you know it to be the right thing to do.  

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rain Dance: (Unedited): 27 Feb 2014:

From time to time the rains fall.
This is the perfect time to sing and dance with joy in your heart. 
That this to shall pass. 
Being a person of abuse. It seemed like I knew when the rains would come or that darkness may occur. Rain meaning torment and darkness meaning unconsciousness. Just as the storm fronts begin to come through I always knew it was about to rain. So did everyone else. This is life and how things generally occur. Then there are those sudden out of nowhere storms that just rush in and they are gone. Like a  surprise death of a loved one. You think everything is OK and then the accident or sudden illness which ends not the way you ever wanted.
In every case most of us continue onward. Some stay with their abuser or dead loved one. Some never come to realize that in reality the abuser is already dead and the dead loved one is more alive than ever. Weird, but seems very true to me. The abuser is doing their best to make the one they abuse as dead as they already are.

It has taken me a long time to realize the truth of being joyful over suffering. Because, Just like the storm shall pass over so to will the suffering. No matter the outcome. I wish I could explain the extreme of that. No matter the outcome there can be great joy. Either way you are victorious. So celebrate in your victory even while you still suffer.

Did you know that being rendered unconscious is the same as dying? Dozens of times and maybe even hundreds of times I have felt this. It is the same to me, although a doctor might disagree with me. As you wake up from unconsciousness while you do not when your dead. or do you? The doctor would be wrong. When your body dies you become more alive than your physical body can handle. As a matter of fact even going to sleep for me is just like dying. Weird.

A new storm of forgetfulness approaches. I can see it coming in slowly. Building in intensity and strength. I sing and dance to the coming storm with joy in my heart. My victory is assured and my legacy is nearly complete. All except for the editing and publishing of the third. It seems I may have been released from writing quotes and only do so because I choose to. I'm thankful and grateful.

I remember a long time ago. A black woman from Abbeville, AL. Sitting on a street corner singing songs of praise to God. No one knew what I knew. She has been with the Angels. While only the religious saw a crazy black woman who maybe drank to much holy water. That is the way it is. Angels can be very powerful. Some angels have the power to turn you on or off, easier than you can turn on and off a light switch. They can even alter your memories. And of course etc. Up close and personal contact with some of these angels can physically destroy your physical body, including your mind. To the lesser degree of not being able to live of the world while living in the world. Such as this woman.
While delivering the ashes of my adoptive father to Abbeville, AL. I saw this woman again. This time she was just a dull buzzing of a medicated shell of a human being. I guess she is now as normal as they can make her. Someone probably thought her praises to GOD were to disturbing to the public. Most likely her safety and well being was a priority. What was the message of those angels? I wonder if anyone actually asked her. Or did they thought she was just plain ole crazy? Would you risk your life right now to be in the presence of an angel? Moses with all of his faults and failings was willing to risk everything just to see God. God saw through Moses ignorance. What gift was given to this woman? or would you call it a curse. Would you have let her die of thirst or starve while praising God? or would you possibly curse her with mind dulling medications as has been done for her own safety and well being? Which is or was more merciful?

I do find it suspect that if someone has been in the physical presence of some of the more powerful angels and yet they can still cope with this blinded reality of this world. I'm not so certain of their truth. There is that whole Moses thing and how God only allowed a small portion of Himself to Show to Moses and how just that tiny sliver affected him. Angels are of course less powerful than God but they still have a similar effect upon the physical state of human beings.
Expressing love to everyone and everything is a key to a good life.
Being peaceful, both internally and externally is a key to a good life.
Creating and Maintaining harmony within and everywhere is a key to a good life.
By doing all three things by your own free logical choice. Without threats or fears.
Brings about wisdom and holiness. I believe this is something that God wanted for us from the beginning. The purple words below.
Added on 08 oct 2018:
No matter the outcome
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books