Showing posts with label Doomsday Preppers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doomsday Preppers. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Will WW3 go Hot?: (Unedited): 10 July 2016:

The new additions are at the bottom of this blog and dated. I think it is very important for you to go down and study Jonathan Cahn. 
This should be considered another less than 90+/- day drill. Get yourself a bag and fill it with 89 pieces of paper with the words not today. Get 1 piece of paper of the same exact size that only says now. Now means now. Mix it all together. Very well and always mix it all together very well daily. Then select a single piece of paper at a different time everyday. Then do or don't do now. An unknown and uncertain kind of emergency situation will happen at a time you least expect it. Which may mean the big Earth quakes happen which causes California to experience severity. The big one could cause volcanic activity and other Earthquakes to occur because of a fast release in pressures. Thus, causing the Madrid zone to fracture as well. Or the Russian and American difficulties which are ramping up right this very moment. Could begin with a nuclear detonation from North Korea over somewhere America. Which means all technology which is not in a properly made Faraday cage and properly protected within is dead. Beyond the ability for any sort of repair. This includes that very cool LED flashlight.
Another game of preparation is the action you must take when the leader is known to have disappeared. Like president Putin did. So when a leader is known to have disappeared. So do you and your group. Which means silence and stealth. Just like someone got a can of "Prepper B Gone" and sprayed over all of you.
The theory of EMP attack may have been modified in terms of warfare. It may be necessary to lead every attack with a blanket EMP weapon or a directed energy EMP weapon. This is to ensure that your missiles have a clear path towards their very specific destination. So count on missiles which have active RADAR on board to self detonate when in close proximity to incoming defensive or offensive missiles or both. These Missiles can be used in a push back strategy.
So when in survival mode. Keep your tech in the properly built Faraday cage at all times and properly protected. There may not be just one EMP detonation. There may be many. Especially when the actual conflict begins to get close to you. Close can be a relative term when dealing with nuclear and EMP.
Here is very real life news that no one is reading. Except you. Read below and then follow your own thinking. Russia and the USA had expelled two each of the others diplomats. This is usually a sign before war goes hot. European and American military's are being deployed to the Russian borders. It doesn't matter who the bad guy is. Your just a common person. Anything which happens will have a direct affect upon you and your family. The US has deployed 6 Aircraft carrier battle groups to various places and has the rest are in docks for repairs, refits and modernization's or all of the above.  This is very uncommon for the USA.

I really hope this a rumor of war and not become hot. But, Ukraine is mobilizing their approximately 2800 Main Battle Tanks right now along the front line with Russia.
There is a lot more militarily going on than I have stated here. The seriousness is very dire. I hope reasonable cool heads emerge. A WW3 Will not be a WW2. WW3 will be global and with minimal front line activity. WW3 will also involve attacks in orbital space.
Russian Police attack Diplomat. In Russian video.
 Added on 14 July 2016: Russia News:

Can the USA, NATO and other allies all plan for a war and not tell their own people? Is all that they are doing designed to provoke a response from Russia in secret? Is this the game to provoke a response in order to appear to be the good guys. So who are the bad guys here and who are the good guys. I'm starting to think this is more serious than the Cuban missile crisis. Do you remember that ordeal from the history books? And virtually no one cares to be aware of this. It is only the threat of war. Yes, It seems it will start in Europe. But, It will go into those assets in orbit and then onto the helpless mainland USA. Which has zero defenses. Remember that was how (MAD) Mutually Assured Destruction is supposed to work and yet Russia is very well defended from any flying threat.
18-22 July 2016: Turkey has Nukes from NATO and the USA. Count the Nukes. I believe Turkey is now lost to NATO and will become a part of the Islamic Caliphate with Nuclear weapons. It may already be to late for NATO or the USA to retrieve the nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. If it is not to late. Get those NUKES NOW. Get those nukes out of Turkey. All of them.
The American air base in Turkey is still without power as of reporting 13-22 hours ago. Everyone under lock down since the Coup in Turkey.
It seems that every Mosque is a multi purpose facility. It's primary design is to be used as a military barracks and all  of the believers are actually soldiers. Read actual quote from Mr. Erdogan.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers"
Recep Tayyip Erdogan

For future watching. Italy also has nukes at two bases. Italy may become the crown jewel for Islam. France is in the perfect place as a launching point for any action against Rome. By creating so much chaos, fear and uncertainty. Will allow Islam to easily bring in holy warriors, weapons and bombs. These coming Islamic holy warriors will be the nicest, most productive and most obedient of all Europeans. Until, the time arises that they are to move and sack Catholic Rome. While at the same time. These Islamic holy warriors will also be the most highly physically fit, highly trained in hand to hand combat and in a variety of weapons.
Jonathon Cahn Updates: It is highly recommended that you study this man. Buy his books. Logically and emotionally Repent and begin your freely self chosen path to Jesus/righteousness. Which shall include a history of prayer and fasting. As with anything. You check everything from the Bible. Are we the ones alive today who will see the elimination of the USA from the world?
Added on 20 July 2016: The new British Prime Minister Theresa May on Nuclear war. Only after 9 days of becoming Prime Minister. Supports LGBT rights. Could she become the Christian prophesied harlot? Or will Hillary Clinton still win the presidency to become the harlot?
-----Russia to launch military satellites---
Added on 31 July 2016:
Turkey in the news again. This time. Turkish police and military forces surround NATO Incirlik Airbase.
NATO and US personnel needs to abandon Turkey. Remove all personnel and all assets ASAP. Yes, this include all nuclear weapons. I would also destroy all buildings and runways. Turkey is lost.
There is zero news from any western mainstream News Media outlets. This is suspicious.
===Ukraine War==
Added on 07 Aug 2016: Who is at fault? Who are the good guys? Why does not the American media report on this. Black lives matter but not Russian lives. Does NATO and the USA support a leader who is destroying and killing civilians who can only run away. Is this genocide in action? Is the American Government supporting genocide in action against civilians who cannot defend themselves? Go and research non-propaganda materials. It will take some effort to find them.
56 minute video report: Last 4 minutes graphical importance.

Added on 13 April 2018:
Yes, WW3 will go hot. The USA will lose and permanently end. The great experiment will conclude. Russia's and China's victory will be short lived. Long enough for the Russian leader to die. Then the truth shall be realized. All of humanity has become the greatest loser on this planet. One reason why all of this is going to happen is because of the purple words below. So all of humanity becomes extinct except for those few selected souls who are taken. The entire Earth reverts back to a molten ball of fire. Causing all which has ever been known to disappear. There is more than one way to prevent all of which is coming. By wanting to become like the purple words below.
Added on 13 April 2018: I'm not anti-American and you should not consider anything I write as anti-American. You should know that we are a nation of "We the people" which means all actions of our government is all collectively all of our faults. Which includes the passing of any law which is contrary to the will and laws of God. When we the people vote and put into place laws based on sin. It will be we the people who will pay the consequences for all of those sinful laws. When we the people allow sin to openly show itself in the public square. It is we the people who will pay for allowing it, permitting it and doing nothing to stop it. Do not think for one single moment that the blood of babies will not fall upon your own head and it will not matter how much you disagreed with it.
For righteous Judgement will come for "We the People".
Added on 09 May 2018:
The Holy Bible does teach that any bad and sad prophecy can be mitigated or prevented. Once clear revelation is made. Everything can change. It is now known openly what Russia is planning for Alaska and North west Canada invasion. It is now openly known what Russia is planning to do with the build up of a strategic first strike option as well as having the capability to defend its own entire land mass against any aerial attack of any kind. What do you think the Russian plan is? Russia has been able to create new and modernized weapons while the USA has become an old worn out war horse. Even though that old worn out war horse will still kick your teeth in.
The Americans themselves can change their coming judgement just as Nineveh had done in those days of Jonah. The Americans must collectively repent and flee from all sin. The Americans must collectively seek the righteous and holy path in all aspects of their lives. A clue is the purple words below. Then maybe, God will stay his wrath for a while. But, there is that one last innocent soul and if he/she is harmed and maybe murdered then all bets are off.
You professed Christians who do nothing and fear for your own safety. So you are quiet and refuse to participate in your own government that God has given to you. Well, The evil doers are taking it all and the USA will become a New Babylon or already has. Once those evil doers have been elected to all offices at every level of city, county, state and federal government. You Christians will be denied access into any free use of society. Christians will continue to be jailed. Christians will continue to lose their businesses, wealth and livelihoods. Christians will be accused, harmed and murdered. With zero option for any justice. Except for those who are underneath the throne of God. So enjoy these last few years of plenty. For the next many years you Christians will want and receive not. Then you may realize that both Russia and China will bring judgement to your nation and their will be nothing you can do to stop it. For even the righteous in Israel had to endure the fall of their nation and became enslaved eunuchs.
Russia and china will glory in their one sided victory. All of Islam will celebrate as they participate in millions of atrocities all over America, Canada and Europe daily. Hispanics and Latinos will rush back to their native lands only to endure and die at the face of evil. Which will be before them all.
But, God will cause this entire planet to revert back to its original liquid and molten state of purification. All of humanity which was left on this planet will be completely erased. Yes, all! Including all Russian and all Chinese. God used you for His righteous judgement and then ended all of you. No one will win, not any human or any angel. Righteous judgement comes for us all. Only God wins. So enjoy your coffee and chocolates today. Put forth a good day of work. Go see your families and friends. Tell them all of those important positive things you should tell them. Express love, seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness. Then if you continue on in these endeavors and actually begin to love and to cause no soul any harm. Then maybe.
Are we in the end times yet? Yes and no. Living in Florida its like waiting on a hurricane. You know it is coming as you hope and pray it will go another way. But, the prayers of the righteous availeth much. If you are not righteous and holy in the eyes of God. Then maybe your not one of His children. Even though you may have been in the church or religion for decades.
Late evening. I forgot to add.
Once the USA and Europe are neutralized for their evil disobedience and they will. China will take over Russia. Russia will not have enough bullets, bombs, population or missiles. Islam will focus on China and the separatist Russian states. Islam will also execute or sacrifice the Catholic Pope and the rest of the catholic leadership upon the Pope's own altar in Rome.
Once hostilities begin. About 5 billion souls will die in the first 3.5 years. The human population of earth will continue to diminish until zero population is achieved in about than 100 years or less. But, the creator of this solar system will arrive and He will be very upset. No negotiations. No mercy. Probably no talking. He will cause the entire planet to become a molten liquid fire ball for the purposes of purification. All that which remains in the Earth system. Will be erased. Except that which He decides to save. So what do you wanna do ye rulers of the world. Being obedient to the fallen prince leads to the end result I just finger pecked into this wired typewriter board. Guess what the fallen prince who causes you to believe he is a god. He Knows his fate and is bringing humanity with him. The purple words below is one way to prevent or mitigate all bad and sad prophecies.
11 May 2018: News check.
Ask yourselves. Which countries support either Israel or Iran?  This is how things can go out of control. Especially since China is the trigger which begins the extinction process for all of humanity. To be this trigger is a choice that the entire Chinese leadership has made through their actions. It matters not if the Chinese leadership even considers themselves as any kind of trigger or under the trigger finger of some unknown entity which will squeeze them. How to take that step back? Especially Russia, China, NATO and the USA? To change the future? It is all about your actions. If each of your individual actions are peaceful and based on the foundation of love. Then The coming extinction of humanity can be mitigated for a time like as was told about in the story of Jonah. While at the same time it is prophesied that stars will fall and cause much destruction and death. If I remember correctly. One will fall in an ocean and the other on land. So if all of the powerful nations work together instead of against each other to mitigate these two coming problems. Then maybe those fates will be mitigated to some unknown degree. Which means all of those important nations remove the funding to build their war machines and into protecting our Earth from whatever might be out there.
China's other possible future. China leads the whole human race out further than we have ever been before. All China has to do is stop building their own war machines and move all of those funds into their own space agency (CNSA). I've already written about this in older writings. China is both the best hope and the worst fate. Besides if you remove the trigger then who has the power squeeze you?
Russia and China still have much propaganda power in the world. Yet, they do not use it. Which means a status quo is in effect. Maybe it will remain in effect until both Russia and China know they can economically survive an economically hard bankrupt USA.
I Think Iran just tested Israel. Iran paid. But also the God of Israel will also curse the Iranian military in some way. All of you world leaders need to know that how you bless or curse Israel will also become your own reward or curse upon you. Think about this Russia. In some prophecies the majority of Israel is destroyed and yet you are also destroyed by China. China will also suffer deeply when and if they send their military into any action against israel. China may think they can lose some. But if the God of Israel decides to repay by percentage. That would become a very hard hit for China and Russia. So be warned. Israel is in sin and may be made to pay for their sins again. Even if God uses you to slap Israel. You will still have to pay because the God of Israel already said it a long time ago. Those who bless Israel He will Bless and those who curse Israel He will curse. So you may win - but not!
As of today and right now. The whole of the end time events for all of humanity is still very valid. The entire world system will not only end but it all will be erased and the whole of the Earth purified. But, all of humanity still have a choice. Except for those who have already been judged.
12 June 2018: USA going isolationist? Via President Trump's attitude. Will this cause all of Europe to become better economic friends with Russia and China? Can and will this economic trade offset all monies with the USA? Can this begin an economic downturn for the USA?
Strategically this will be a boon for both Russia and China. If relations get worse between the USA and the rest of their own allies. Then any attack on the USA from North Korea, Russia, China or even an Islamic style Tet offensive all over the USA or all of the above at one time. They all will turn a deaf ear to the plight of the Americans.
Russia would have to alter their plans from forming a beachhead in the northernmost region of the Yukon Territory in Canada. From a canadian beachhead. the Russian forces can quickly sweep south by southwest into Alaska. Thus, reaching Fairbanks and those pesky missiles at Ft. Greely. Since the Canadian government is now upset with the USA. To keep the Canadians from defending the USA which isn't really substantial. Then the Russians would want to stay off of Canada Territories. By doing so the rest of Europe won't get involved either. Whose prophecies is that? Nostradamus.
Added on 18 June 2018:
Worldwide total Nuclear bomb inventory stands at about 14,465? down from 14,935? from last year. Good news? maybe? Unless the nations are better at hiding them all. You know the old strategy of hiding your strategic reserve forces.
President Putin of Russia. Is still making headway on his total missile offensive and defensive shield. This is further evidence that Russia has left MAD a long time ago and continues to do so in secrecy. Except when satellites imagery shows the evidence of possible placements of mobile intermediate missiles which can have EMP and nuclear warheads. The recent missile salvo of four White Sea launch from a submarine is further evidence that Russia is threatening Norway, Sweden, Finland and all of Europe. But, Russia must test being able to launch missiles through the ice sheet.
It is up to you to ascertain authenticity of any story I post at any time and anywhere. I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get.
Added on 09 July 2018:
Iran and North Korea are threatening again. China made President Trump blink. Rumors of a civil war emerge in the USA as the liberal socialist supporters attack anyone who supports President Trump at the encouragement of elected leaders. New from Russia that they are officially out of MAD and other treaties. Well not really official but through their new weapons programs. To me actions is louder than words. Russia still building up their military infrastructure in the North. Which is becoming more than just a defensive picket and an invasion staging area. Just like the Chinese aircraft carrier islands in the South China sea. China may be able to sweep all the way through New Zealand and Australia without encountering much defense from Australia or New Zealand. When and if China and Russia begin their hot war of WW3. They will use a kill them all approach. Russia will have to as the Russian military personnel is few in comparison to what China can build. This is an old communistic approach. This is before eliminating any and all probable human threats which is typically ten percent of the population. But in nations which have been free for as long as the USA has been. That ten percent may go as high as fifty percent of threats to be killed by any communist takeover. But, before the Russian and Chinese alliance of nations can go forth. The USA must be eliminated from world affairs.

To weaken American or any other nation through destabilization is always a good strategy. This American civil war threat is a part of it. I wonder if outside nations are supporting the democratic party and the liberal socialists in their activities. There will be a first shot fired. The liberal socialist democrat will attack and bully the wrong helpless Trump supporter. Blood will flow. If not prestaged by upset Trump supporters.
Added on 20 Aug 2018:
Yes, there will be a hot war as of this writing. It will not matter who starts it, triggers it or plans it. For when it begins it only begins the human extinction process which will last about 100 years. It matters not if your in a secret government deep underground bunker. You to will die - alone. The only living souls saved are those saved by God and those souls are probably genuine to the purple words below in addition to the Christian faith.
The purpose of any prophecy is to elicit change, to offer hope of mitigation and or prevention. Through free human decision and planning. A prophecy which is known as a certainty still offers mitigation. A prophecy based on humanities free will still offers prevention or delay. The human extinction process which I continually write about is all based on humanities choices through their/our free will. So our extinction can be prevented - if???
Note: even though I've written those purple words below. I'm a deeply flawed and sinful human being. So my fate is as it shall be determined. I will most likely have to endure unto my end however it may happen. Be warned once saved always saved may be another false teaching. For if you have spoken the professed words of faith and yet you continue to cause harm and purposefully plan to do sins tomorrow or even this day. Your probably not a christian and it matters not how long you have pastored churches. For you are just like the fallen angels. They knew better just like you know better and they were refused any manner of forgiveness. You and I need to remember we human beings have been given everything and every opportunity. Look at how much more we have than in the days of Noah or Moses. We have had Jesus, The Holy Bible is complete, The promise of forgiveness and everlasting life, We have the Holy Spirit and yet we all collectively refuse all of it.  Through actions and the speaking of empty words. Remember first was the flood. Then comes the fire. It matters not how well you planned your survival of the coming doomsday of our decided suicide. The only way to survive is to leave the planet and that will only happen if you or we are allowed to leave of our own volition. Which is very unlikely. So even if we could safely get to Mars or whatever the real name of that orange planet is. We may not be allowed to leave here.
16 Nov 2018: Can an American civil war begin WWIII or will it be like the collapse of the USSR? Can a new traitor who is and had/has deep friendships with the former traitors become embraced by by those who follow good. Can this traitorous golden wolf lead the Christian sheep into slaughterous disaster with a song?
Some prophecies predict one and two coming American civil wars. Even the victors will still be losers. Train of thought on this is over or am I not allowed to write of this civil war? I can come up with many different scenarios. One of which is an old prophecy where Russia becomes a hero. China is still destroyed and losing 78-85% of their population and 100% of their entire leadership including all  leadership family members. Either way the human extinction process does begin. There seems to be only a relative few human choices to prevent our extinction. This leads to the purple words below.
If China diverts the majority of their military funds towards space. I saw complete visions about this.
If the Christians actually retake their inherent responsibility of all levels of elected governmental duties. Thus, returning the USA back to the peaceful nation it once was.
If Israel returns to a nation of righteousness and holiness. The Israelis cannot allow any sin inside of the borders of what was ancient Israel.
If Russia, Right now I'm not sure. It is like that Russia is empty. The purple words.
If western Europe? The Purple words.
Added on 05-07 Oct 2019:
WWIII and tactical nuclear war news. How it is all survivable. Here is a song for all of this new news.
In the near future prior to any nuclear exchange. Special Forces teams and embedded spies will go forth by the thousands and dismantle all manner of defensive systems. Which will include all power and all forms of communications. Sure the short term causalities from any nuclear exchange will be seen as it is. But, the prolonged effects out to 100 years after the nuclear weapons exchange will be the extinction of the human species.
Image date: 06/18/2016
Against the USA a very powerful nuclear powered directional and selectable sweeping DEW located in Cuba will be used against MacDill AFB. and all the way up past Atlanta Georgia. The arc of coverage will most likely include all of Florida and outward towards Beaumont Texas. It is already in use now. This is an act of war.
23°05'09.80" N  81°26'03.14" W
tweet: #macdill #AirForce #Cuba #DEW 23°05'09.80" N 81°26'03.14" W. Image date: 06/18/2016 Acts of #war ongoing. Affects can be seen on weather RADAR's when in use. Range Arc? #Beaumont to all of #Florida and #Atlanta. #USA #Russian #nuclear #powered.
Added on 07 Oct 2019:
You know, I know more than I should as a janitor. I can tell you this. Your civilian population needs to learn how to effectively and accurately use very large caliber guns. You need to expand your sniper training programs. You secret people know as I do. That some threats require a .50 as a .223 will just tickle. I would highly suspect this. That when the two brothers of the north begin to fight. The real threat may come in force. When the whole world begins to fight each other. The real threat to us all will come in force and just ..................................................................................... We are just maggots and worms. Just as it was in the days of Noah. What all of the people knew then so to will humanity today will know. Shocking. There will be no victory. Only the option of returning this planet to a molten liquid fireball. I think that is what you all have decided. Because, you know ....................
This is why the purple words below is so important. There is no more powerful military weapon than love.
Added on 21 Oct 2019:
26 June 2024: When the civilian population of this world begins to see many satellites burning up in the atmosphere. Then WWIII has actually gone hot. The probable definition of many is most likely allot. The sight of silent glowing orbs in orbit which seem only last for a bout a minute or so. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Fruit Prepper: (Unedited): 22 Jan 2016:

Possible repeat quote: I've added the word prepper to the title only to note the focus.
It is better to have a few good fruit, than it is to have many fruit with a few bad mixed in, ruining the whole lot.
The vision starts with the event and the journey many preppers will make to various stores to gain or steal last chance items for survival. Many individuals, families and groups do plan these things. Then I see a group of dark men who lie in wait for the obvious doomsday prepper who will rush out of a grocery, hardware, hunting, fishing store with a basket of nonperishable foods, tolls and other stuff. Then the dark men will follow him to his home or bug out location and do great harm to him and all of those inside. For the value is in the fortress and supplies that the dark men desire. For their troops they do want and desire.
Then I see almost everywhere. Dark men lie in wait to simply follow survivalist and doomsday preppers from club/group type of meetings to their homes. This is surveillance on those unsuspecting survivalists and doomsday preppers. This is done knowing full well that when the day comes and the dark men know it will. They will attack with ancient war like brutality and honor no rules. They will kill everyone except those whom they will abuse/torture at their leisure and pleasure. There will be no escape from the dark men's brutality. Do not think there will be any escape. For their tortures upon you will forever physically prevent you from escape. (To awful to explain further).
The scene changes to the above quote and to those Holy Bible stories of choosing the few good men. Your doomsday prepper family, club or group must also contain righteousness and holiness as a survival quality within your groups guidelines and bylaws.Think about Noah and his family. Do you think Noah had other family members? Aunts, Uncles, cousins nephews and nieces? They were not saved. Nor were they chosen.
Lot and his wife were chosen to be saved and even in their own arrogance they tried to negotiate with those Angels trying to save them. Then Lots wife turned to look back and in her decision after being chosen. She convicted herself by a simple desire of the heart. I think this is also prophetic. Because, there will be those who have been chosen and your every thought and desire in any given moment will convict you. It will also exclude you from being saved.
There are other stories in the Bible which limit the military forces of an attacking group by a simple test of drinking water.
No matter how your end comes. No matter if there will be a rapture or not. Your last thoughts and desires will be important. Will you worship and praise God as you witness the torture and slaughter of your family? Will you hate God because the rapture was a manufactured lie of religious men of prosperity whom God may claim to have never known. Will you beg, accuse, negotiate and plead with God to save you after you have chosen to take the mark of the beast?
If or when the Angels come for you. Will you refuse to leave? argue? debate? negotiate? Will your stuff, your family memorabilia, your properties and your wealth be too much for you too leave behind? You may not even have an opportunity for hesitation. As your hesitation may be all that is needed to prevent you from being saved. You cannot negotiate with a lion.
The devout and chosen remnant may very well be very small within the USA or in the lands formerly known as America. There are keys to becoming a remnant. Those persons who have freely chosen to live their lives righteously and holy as only recognized by only God. Those who are chosen to be a remnant are decided by only God and not by the understanding or explanation by any man. No matter how many expensive planes they have or want.
Here is the point. It is better for you to exclude those persons who are not righteous or holy. Than it is to accept them because they have that critical skill or talent. One bad apple can ruin a whole bushel. This is very serious. This is where faith and trust comes in. Your faith and trust must be in God first and not in Smith and Wesson. In order to remain within the protection of the Holy Spirit. You must constantly remain in like mind and correct heart. To remain in the protection of the Holy Spirit may also be your martyrdom as in the ongoing accounts of the Middle eastern Christians who are being tortured and slaughtered right now. All aspects of Christian memory and history is being destroyed right now. Yet, they have no rapture for them.
Be careful whom you may choose to walk along with.
Yes, this writing will shake up your doomsday or survivalist prepper group. It should. If you believe that righteousness and holiness is important in life given to all of us by GOD. Then you already know.  You already know that associating with those who only have faith in their Colts and Rugers. Leads to only emptiness, destruction, death and conviction.
Jesus was tortured and murdered. The apostles ended their lives HOW? Many untold number's of Christians died in the Roman coliseum or along the sides of roads hung on crosses. What makes you think your any more important than they? With Love Jesus prayed for their forgiveness. With Love Steven prayed for their forgiveness as he was stoned. Jesus had all of the power and authority. Jesus had command of multitude of angels and yet he gave his life in a very horrific manor. What makes you think the easy road will be for you?
1). Dark Men is not a racial term. It is one which denotes evil intent. I will admit. It maybe Islamic men. They seem to be dark skinned. But, Islamic men are not just dark skin toned. Think about the American, Russian, Mexican and Chinese.
2). Every single comment I make no matter where it is or how old it is. Everything must be checked by the Bible and judged against the logical formula for life. Which is Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Laws of God. If anything i write/communicate disagrees. Then I am wrong and so is any other person. No matter how rich or famous they are. No matter how important the world thinks of them.
3). It is your responsibility to open your own Bible and check those Bible stories i reference.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

San Bernardino Message: (Edited): 03 Dec 2015:

Not Complete:
I have purposefully stayed away from the news on this event. I have thought about the event all day without getting into any of the news sources.
1). There is a message to a single person from Islam to unknown person. Most likely in US Government or in the San Bernardino Government.
2). You(Police), Feds and military are being watched and tracked. Your tactics and strategies are being analyzed. Plans are being made to subvert any action you may take. Time is on the side of Islam. This is most likely all law enforcement agencies as well as families (Assumption).
3). No matter what you do you cannot stop Islam within the USA.
      Note: Here we think of the disabled as helpless and innocent. Research of Islam believes that disabled children are curses and badges of dishonor. Deserving of death.
4). This was just another test. There is continuing evolution in Islamic attacks against civilian targets. The new evolution is escape. The reason for escape is so the Islamic team can conduct another attack elsewhere. This is why the extra ammunition and explosives were found.
5). The new evolutionary face of women in Islam.  Bear your babies and kill all of the infidels you can. If possible saving your own life through escape, so as to have more babies and kill more infidels.
The Truth of Islam in the USA and Europe:
You may think of your Islamic coworkers as friends and may even like them very much. They are not. Islamic people are your enemies and want you and your way of life to die, to be destroyed, even your history. Islam wants to erase you from all of human memory as if you never existed. There is no negotiation. This is a continuation of the Christian Crusades and WW2. It doesn't really matter if you agree or disagree.
In Islam it is permissible for an Islamic person to become your friend and maybe even convert to Christianity if it benefits Islam. We all know that this is not hard to do especially knowing the fallen sate of Christianity and the abomination of desolation which takes place in churches daily.
This is what people have said about these particular Muslims.
Farook’s brother-in-law, Farhan Khan, said at a press conference with the Orange County chapter of CAIR: “I have no idea why would he do that. Why would he do something like this? I have absolutely no idea.” These are permissible lies which benefit Islam. In private they will celebrate their Islamic Brother and sister deaths as Holy Martyrs. 
But Farook “never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,” she said.
Patrick Baccari, who shared a cubicle with Farook, said his colleague appeared to be “living the American dream” with his new wife and baby.
Baccari and another worker said Farook rarely started a conversation but was well-liked.


02 December 2015:
The use of all Wikis is for uncertain purposes. To be gleaned by those who know more than me.
02 Dec Wiki
Sheriff News on Gun carry
What is the likely outcome of this will be is that the civilian population of the USA begins to realize that all of Islam and all Muslims are the enemies of all that America is. Islamic women are just gestation factories to create more Islamic soldiers for the cause of the entire West's death and destruction. This does include Russia and China because all land and all water belongs to Islam.
Once the people realize that their co-workers have this secret agenda and have their own secret plans. Once people realize that all of those Islamic men who have been smiling and friendly to them in the exercise clubs and martial arts dojo's all around the USA and world have only been doing what they have been doing so that they can kill you more efficiently and quickly, everything changes.
Because, even law enforcement personnel will choose to not even follow up, especially when they too realize that they and their own families have been watched and followed. There is history of this with military families. Islamic Intimidation of the military.
Everywhere an Islamic person is employed they are a true threat to your lives and to everyone else. Islamic men working at Campbell's soups or other foods canneries are just an event away from introducing a poison into the soups or foods.
The prophecy of the coming American, European and Canadian Tet Offensives. The power of this seems to be focused in the USA. But, I'm an American. So this is most likely why these feelings are stronger within me.
Can you imagine 100,000 Islamic teams of people all with a variety of guns and military gear. Using the weapons, explosives, grenades against the civilian population inside the USA.
The America Tet event may not begin with the entire Islamic in full use as offensive aggressors. A number of Islamic teams may most likely be pre-positioned to guarantee escape and to attack the backside of police and military barricades. There will also be a number of teams who will just go after Commercial infrastructures in which they are already employed. Islamic men and women will engage at their own individual time as chosen by them soft targets such as schools, hospitals and more corporate offices. No one will suspect any of their Islamic friends of whom they are employed with. Because, they are friends and they are nice. We had a baby shower for them. Why would they come in to murder us? Exactly.
This is war. The old school ways of conducting war means you kill them all and that is the intent of all of Islam.
The ugly of ugly is this. The Federal government repeals the entire 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the USA. This will include the banning of all military and hunting gear. This may also include the banning of all martial arts training studios/dojos, because you cannot control any population where hand to hand combat is superior to your own minimally trained police and military soldiers. Great fighting will ensue between law enforcement and the civilian population. This could lead to civil war and the end of the USA as prophesied by a prophetess from Africa. About 100 years ago. It looks like this information is becoming more and more difficult to get online.
The Department of Home land Security becomes a lawful police force with all of their own military equipment weapons, bombs and missiles. In which once law enforcement surrounds and isolates any civilian dissenter, bombs away. End of problem.
The civilian population upon knowing and fearing for the safety and well being of their own family and friends will begin killing on their own any other civilian who appears to be Islamic in any way. This will evolve to anyone who merely looks differently than they do. The great racial divide will deepen and then come crashing together in a full scale race war at which point the Federal government will take necessary actions. Institute nationalized martial law, guaranteeing that the last sitting president remains as such for as long as he shall live. The USA ends.
U.S. Navy ships, boats will be surrendered to NATO. This will include all other military equipment and personnel. More details in my other writing. The Islamic authority will begin to engage a wholly defenseless American population. This may be the true beginning to the American Tet. Which may end being called or named something else entirely.
The timing and order of things are difficult for me to ascertain. Also, simple revelation can alter everything. It is my hopes that all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken is completely altered. This is why I include the answer in purple below. 
Added on 06 Dec 2015: 
The signs of the times also include understanding the prophecies of those prophets of old, even if they are unaccepted by the Christian or Catholic churches.
It would be wise for the person who is not a Rapture believer as myself to know the signs of the times. Because, even God used an unaccepted seer in the old testament. Even sent an Angel to communicate while he was upset with his donkey. This story even makes you wonder who is the @ss. Anyway. God will use people as He sees fit. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not. I find it interesting that 2 prophecies "MAY" be occurring at the same time. If you are into prophecies and into planning for prophecies as Doomsday Preppers are, then these two prophecies are necessary of your research. It is not my intention for you to absolutely believe anything I write. I expect you to pray, meditate and research everything everywhere. Maybe, it is you who gleans more than I do and is able to communicate it better than I can. Maybe, it has already been done. I do not know.
1).  The "Prophecy of the Popes" is attributed to St. Malachy.
2).  The "Last President of the USA" is attributed to Johanwa Owalo. What is interesting about this person it there used to be much information from official sources like Wikipedia. But, now there is nothing that can be easily found.
What is important is the message from the messengers of God. The messenger isn't important. Only the message. Even then every word spoken or written must be tested. Because, even satan used Peter to try and deceive Jesus. So, who is anyone else that they would or would not be interfered with by satan without their knowledge.
It is important to research every person. To see who they are and how they have or had lived their lives. Like the most popular of seers Nostradamus. Who was he? How did he live his life? Did his life reflect his faith? Was he even a man of faith? You must apply these basic questions to everyone.
This can also be flawed as God or one of his accepted angels can and will use a very bad person one time to send or give you a very profound message one time. Does that mean you should accept that very bad person as a friend or brother and to do much for them? NO!!! It means you should listen to that message and then quickly depart from this rabid and ravenous animal. Then go to your quiet place to pray and meditate until you get it. Get it?
 Here is an old prophet who twists the truth of Christianity. There is truth in this persons prophecies. But, which is truth and which is from satan? How is Jesus supposed to come again? as a peace maker? Bear in mind that the interpretations of Jesus first coming was in error. Remember or do the research. Who and what were the Jewish Religious were looking for? and now for the second coming? 
3). A prophecy which may be a modern one which deceives everyone. Including Christians.
Added on 06 Dec 2015 @ 1905 PM.
The Islamic next step is to gauge the enemies reaction to the San Bernardino Attack.  You need to get this through your good natured thick skull. Your enemy is inside of the gates and you're not even aware that they want you to die. Remember Glencoe. 
This was an attack by the entire Muslim community. Upon the entire American civilian population. So what will happen now is Islamic men in their traditional Islamic clothing will venture out into public places and gauge the reaction of the entire civilian population. Then they will report the looks, the stares back to their Mosques. 
So what do you do now? How does those little purple words below affect the fact.
I believe that God raised up these Islamic people to destroy New JerUSAlem. Why? Because, the people have turned away from their Heavenly Father. The people have rejected their Heavenly Father and have begun to outlaw their Heavenly Father while at the same time giving rights and legal approval to obscene lifestyles. So the Heavenly Father as has done in the past as told in the Holy Bible will destroy his people by scattering them into the winds of dominion and slavery. 
You accept people in as guests and even make them apart of your family, giving forth unto them all of the generosities which can be afforded to give those people a lift up with a hand of brotherhood. Only you discover that they have come all the while knowing they will murder you, destroy your way of life and even if possible eliminate all history and memory of your existence. 
Added on 08 Dec 2015:
Added on 09 Dec 2015: Posted to a news story on Yahoo about Donald Trump and Islamic civil rights.
My comment.
This is not hate speech. Donald trump is wrong just as the rest of the main stream media news outlets. Islam wants you and I to die. Islam wants your way of life to be exterminated. Islam wants even the memory of your existence (History) to be destroyed. So how is it any western world civilian or politician want to consider civil rights to enemy combatants who only train for warfare? Did you read the news about how France found weapons of warfare in a Mosque. There is a terrorist training site 8 miles from El Paso, Texas (South). There are exclusive training camps all over the USA. There is an evolution of terrorist attacks. In which now Islam is using women and looking for escape routes while leaving weapons and ammunition caches in secret places. Do you know how difficult it is to obtain weapons in California or even France? Let alone weapons of warfare. Islam considers you their natural enemy. Their kind and soft words are lies and only keep you unaware and helpless. While they actively keep up their physical fitness in clubs and gyms. While they continue to take martial arts and quietly visit warfare training camps. To keep and maintain their mindset and physical skills to kill you more efficiently.
One thing which may not evolve in their war fighting attacks is their first targets will be those helpless civilians who considered them as caring friends. From absolute deception to complete destruction. is the primary goal. Because, all land and all water belongs to Allah.
Not included in above comment to Yahoo.
If I am right in which I hope I'm not. The complete stoppage of all Islamic people into any Western Nation will not be enough. The USA already have 3+ million enemy Islamic combatants as citizens. All they are waiting for is the order. Can you imagine a hundred thousand terrorist/warfare attacks within the USA alone. This is what I have coined the American Tet offensive.
Added on 14 Dec 2015:
Added on 16 Dec 2015:
Added on 20 Dec 2015:
Added on 24 Dec 2015: Attackers may have planned a similar attack in 2012.
Added on 26 Dec 2015:  (Frontline PBS)
Research term: Children training in Jihad.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pig use. Not sure of the facts behind his claims.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islam Intentions as reported.
Added on 07 Jan 2016: news:
Added on 08 Jan 2016:  Philly Shooting of cop from ISIS: The attacker claims to have been called upon to do this attack.
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Interesting revelation.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
This work has been republished on:
Thank You guys for including this work in your newspaper.  
Added on 27 June 2016:
You have to be an acceptable Muslim who has done acceptable things in order to be buried in a traditional Muslim manor. ==============
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wise Storm: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

The wise always seem to know which winds precede a severe storm. The wise always seem to make their final preparations to weather out the coming storm. The foolish begin their preparations once engulfed by the storm.
What is the definition of a storm? Is it only a natural weather formation which causes much death and destruction? Can a storm symbolize something more, like a serious illness or severe accident? Can a storm be your helplessness in regard to addictions, mental illness, joblessness, homelessness, or a combination of many different things?
The governments of the world are going to war and the civilian population isn't even aware. Wouldn't that be a surprise storm to be weathered. It wouldn't really matter who is the accused and guilty parties because it is you the civilian who will suffer the most while your politicians are safely tucked away in their COG (Continuation of Government) shelters being served by their pre-selected servants.
For the wise already know that no one is gonna provide for their needs in any emergency. While the foolish will angrily demand absolute support, help, medical care, housing and other aid.
The wise always seem to know ahead of time. They do as they do and are accused of being foolish by the worldly wise people. In the days of Noah when the flood waters rose and fell at the same time, the worldly wise were desperate in their sudden realization that they were wrong. In anger and hatred they all died but the 8 adults. This included every single ?human? child.
You doomsday preppers and survivalists, it is time to begin your final preparations or the completion of preps in the works. Look ahead at new preps which involve other like-minded persons, groups. Begin development with other outside groups. Create code words or signs which are similar to any other group. Code words or signs which indicate peace, danger, welcome, sickness, death, invasion and help, plus others. Then when travel becomes necessary after the storm, friends can read your signs or flags and know whether or not to come closer. After any serious storms a new date system should be established, like year 1 of 1000. But even the date may need to be altered, for after everything has been done no one can, nor will anyone have the will to, fight anymore.
Added on 11 Nov 2015:
This work has been republished on : Thank you to the owners of this newspaper for selecting my writing for publication.
Added on 21 June 2024: Yep, So here we are. What does this mean? 
Trying to remember that I had come to the realization all of these different data points were coming into some kind of never before seen confluence. Like both Russia and China had been preparing for war since prior to the year 2000. It was the USA and president Bill Clinton who gave them all of the NASA technologies along with very helpful NASA scientists. 
The major governments of the world are preparing for war and the entire global civilian population are completely unaware. Then in a few years we had COVID which basically means the flu. Look at the old medical journals which states this evidence. So in what year was COVID excised from medical journals and text books is most likely when the global COVID event was thought up. Today my one sentence may mean that the governments of the world are going to war against their own civilian populations in which it is evident. I changed the color of that sentence to RED. The only word I'm missing seems to "with". 
The surprise storm seems to originate with your own government. Weather modification has been public since around mid 2023. 
-------------------------------CHECK DATES------
Copy and paste is for your safety and security.
This is all. There is allot more which has been reported by many official news sources. 
There is allot of classified. There is a huge amount of  conspiracy theory. As someone who is trained in electronics and RF. I can see the theoretical aspects of what the new weather RADAR towers can do. They have the power and all seem to be now controlled by one centralized location. 
I still think the words above are valid. Maybe could have been better written but I just do not know. What I know now is different to what I knew back then. My time frame is just off. But a good doomsday prepper, survivalists and militia person should always be in a state of final preparations. Because Biblically we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. I will end it there.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Russian Defense: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2015:

By around 2025:
Russia will need 12-18 active overlay-ed large arrayed Radar systems similar to the ones in which they had during the cold war years. But, modernized.
Russia will need independent power plants for each facility. The sustained power output shall be far greater than the radar requirement. There will be a future defensive/offensive attachment.
These new radar stations will also need to evolve in directed energy weapons platforms in the Megawatt ranges. If and when these Megawatt directed energy weapons become reliable and coupled with the new ballistic missile radar systems. The Russian Ballistic missile shield will be effective.
First radar systems shall be seen as defensive. In which they are. Radar systems do not attack. They are just the eyes. I saw three Lasers in a triangle. Miles/KM's apart.
Second is power generation. Which must exceed needed requirements. The math just won't add up. Military requirements, commercial requirements and civilian requirements.
Third is the Megawatt LASER's installations.
Forth. To be followed up with typical military re-enforcement's. Hardened. 
Russia will need to master on demand satellite movements. By creating satellites with the ability to see and range with other satellites. Then to be able to park right next to them or on them and just launch darts into them or to grapple or to just suicide. For future collisions.
Russia will need to continue to up-range and increase the speed of their long distance cruise missiles. By placing several hundred at their new military facilities in the Arctic Islands and on the Siberian side of Alaskan coast. Beware, Russia wants Alaska back and will get it back. I see a flat building with a thousand skylights. They are not skylights.
Russia will need a reliable 5th generation fighter plane. That completes the thought of old school fighter airplanes. Speed, maneuverability, range and payloads. Yet, can still be easily serviceable by typical knuckle dragger military personnel (Meant with respect). It looks like Russia is getting very close and is most likely vastly/infinitely superior to the F35 and moderately superior to the F22.
The F35 news may be all negative propaganda for the benefit of the Americans. SunTzu comes to mind. When your numbers are low build more fires. When your numbers are high build fewer fires. (Paraphrase). Maybe, the F35 is a genuine superior awesome machine. But, then again. I think the bad news in regards to the F35 is all very accurate including the trillion dollar price tag. 
Russia will need a new armor platform. The T14 Armata tank platform. Looks superior to any other tank on Earth. Except one broke down while in a parade. A reminder of old soviet reliability issues.
I guess the big question. Is there a cause and an effect? Is the actions of the USA since the Iraqi invasion 25 years ago and the USA is still at war in the middle east. Why? Once you think about 25 years. Why? ISIS today is portrayed as the new enemy and the American government is financially supporting them? Is this true? the common American civilian may never know as the entire American news media seems to be controlled by corporations and the government. Yet, in response to Russian actions in Syria. The USA drops weapons, ammunition and grenades to Syrian rebels who are ISIS, ISIL or IS. Is the USA starting a war with Russia and China?
In the world today the USA is the biggest player or bully of them all. In prophecy the USA is not clearly identified. Which May or (most likely) mean(s) the USA is no longer in existence or is no longer an important player in the world. Either way the American civilian population seems to be the ones who shall soon suffer greatly. Just as the wealthy and politically powerful will live comfortably in their COG Doomsday shelters. Just as they are proclaiming all of those doomsday preppers as crazed lunatics and outlawing their essential human rights of survival. Even to gather rain water.
Anytime you cause unto others disability, death, destruction and disease. That is what you will always get in return. What you sow is what you shall also reap. A man who plants tomato seeds. Will not expect cattle to grow out of the ground in its due time.
Added on 30 Oct 2015: Russia and President Putin. 
You need to study strategy and tactics in regards to the letter "C".
Once you know them all. You will see just how "Confused" the media are in relation to the news reporting of "Cables".
Do Not Underestimate or question the resolve of President Putin. While the Bully American politicians want to play ignorant political games with Putin. He will knock the whole of America out. You need to understand "MAD" The whole of the USA is absolutely helpless. No one is investing in anything defensive for any civilian or even for any military base/post.
Oooops. Back to the Letter "C". Command, Control, Communications, Coordination, Civilians. (There are more I just forgot them.)
In warfare of any you must Control/limit or destroy all of the enemies "C's" while at the same time magnifying your "C's". In doing so you will "Conquer" your enemy.
So lets look at the underwater cable paranoia propaganda that Russia is conducting against the USA. It is all about Communications. So President Putin's actions is all about a strategy of preparation for actual warfare. Russia is actively preparing for war with the USA as is China. But, this is about Russia. Not China.
Remember those die hard movies. It's always about the Cash or the Control of energy and the Conversion/denial of US Currency in energy transactions.
So Russia will plant themselves into Syria as they have done in Crimea. The target will be the new energy resources of Israel. They may be able to limit or completely stop. But, Israel will have that new resource. Which at this time is still unknown, not found and most likely not Conceptualized. The target is Israel. By Creating energy uncertainty. Russia makes more money in energy. Thus, completing the building and modernizing of their entire military and space military programs.
Added on 09 Nov 2015: 
Russian military Coalitions are coming together. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey?, India?, Syria, Cuba and certain South American Countries.
It seems Americans think that India is our friend. When you look at the military contracts with Russia. This is direct evidence of A very tight relationship.
India is also buying military equipment from the USA.
I think the US military is run by insane persons. Meaning why would you launch a Trident Missile at night close to your own shore and not warn your local lawmen and the civilian airspace controllers?  Isn't that unnecessarily risking civilian lives? Which means they will push your buttons to cause you to launch your nukes. OR? is the American government so irresponsible and apathetic towards the civilian population? That it would Nuke it's own city like new York City and blame who? Russia You probably should count your nukes. That the Clinton's helped you build.
Added on 12 Nov 2015: Russian news.
Well Russian Military personnel accidentally and briefly released classified information on a nuclear torpedo on National Media.  Yea Right!!!. This is part of the game which is being played. The USA launches 2 Trident missiles in full view of millions of Americans and called it classified. The USA flies 2 B52 bombers near newly created Chinese islands. Expect a likewise response from China soon. Back to the nuclear torpedo. I think the idea has been around since the 1950's. Tactically could be used to eliminate Aircraft carrier battle groups. Underwater speed is said to be anywhere from 60mph to 200mph and run at a depth of several hundred feet. For tidal effects. Another use is in the attacks on naval bases as well as ports for civilian industry.  So could this be a possible future tidal wave event for New York city region? As discovered by Jonathan Kleck of the new US currency? Can the use of this giant nuclear super captivating torpedo be used against every civilian and military naval port in the USA @ once? Does Russia have that many and are they reliable?
Added on 22 Nov 2015: Jonathan Kleck tidal wave on the money? Maybe? Source?
Russian drone submarine. 10 MT nuclear warhead.
Think about this. The problem is fallout after any nuclear exchange or just a single sided delivery. Which poses the question. How would you occupy the country you have destroyed when radiation will kill your own troops and civilians? The answer could be. Allow the ocean to absorb the majority of the radioactivity while creating a tidal wave which may leave infrastructure behind. When the waters recede. So what would be the Russian targets against USA? All of the military and civilian ports. All of the military bases and posts which are in close proximity to the ocean. For instance. The complete destruction of New York city and Long Island. May require up to or more than 10 of these UUV drone submarines. Staggered x-miles/KM's  apart and maybe aligned in some way along the shallow deep water ridge.
Once detonated. The second incoming wave may be more destructive than the first.
Florida alone would require 20+ of these UUV submarine drones.
Maybe, one strategy is for the Russian military to focus nuclear strikes on fault zones and volcanoes.
Added on 12 July 2016: What you the reader may not know. Is that there are usually precursors or signs before any war goes hot.  1). Reject all lines of formal and informal communications. 2) Military movements. 3) kick out diplomats. 4) Modernize and modify all equipment for warfare right now. 5) Launch numerous satellites which are not scheduled. 6) Quickly plan war games with friends.
7) Last will need to be all submarines launch.
Here is a 2 year old story from list verse.
Here is another nearly two year old story.

I have been thinking about this today. The USA is not the same country or people they were in the 1940's. Since the 1950's the people and country has fallen away from their God and from their own families. The American person is now more self isolated than they ever have been. The American person no longer cares (apathy). Sure they may argue the point because they know the right answer to speak. But, in action the American person no longer cares. The American person no longer cares about righteous wisdom or the right way of thinking. Which translates into the right way to live your life.
So President Putin, is in trouble. How do you communicate with someone who doesn't care and the end result may very well be extinction?
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 