Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Remember The Traitors, Thieves, Cheaters And Liars: +21: (Unedited): 11-17 Aug 2024:

Always Remember, it is the traitors who opens the doors for the enemies to gain easy entry. 
A traitor is an absolutist. They only care about themselves as they reason that they did no wrong when all they did was open the door.
A traitor is opportunistic. All they did was sell or do a thing. It isn't their fault that actual bad and awful things happened.
Always Remember, it is always the thieves and robbers which take from the collective coffers. 
Always Remember, It is the lying cheats who selfishly skim for themselves while handing the secret keys over to all of our enemies for a price of course.
Note: 17 August 2024: Secret keys means classified information. Even if the President has the legal right to release classified information to our enemies like what Bill Clinton did during his term in office. Releasing all of the NASA information to Russia and China. In which both nations immediately began to build new weapons systems and sell them to our enemies for use against us. Which has already been seen. So how is North Korea using about 70% of American materials in their new generation of Ballistic missiles which are in production and which are used by Russia against Ukraine?  
Always remember, It is the con artist who pretends to be for you with a warm loving smile as they take everything and destroy all that you have become. In the long con it does not matter if you suffer and die.
Note: 17 August 2024: For instance socialism is a long con. The world fought two world wars against socialism. Remember, the cold war? What did the USSR stand for? Oh Yea, Nazi Germany was a socialist state. 
Always remember, the traitors, thieves, cheaters and liars fore there will not be a prison cell for any of them. Only their corrupt and contaminated blood shall pour into the streets as it should. 
Always remember, you cannot reason with wicked evil doers. There is only three options for them. They must leave and never return, incarcerated forever or death. If they present themselves as a genuine threat and refuse authority. Then they must die. 
The illusion of freedom and rights is always a rug pull away when you are the most dense, helpless and defenseless. 
All laws of humankind is illusionary and temporary. While the laws of God are real, forever and permanent. 
While humans write laws on parchment it's up to the citizenry to keep them valid. The new government leaders who did not ink those laws start using those laws against their own people. It's the people who will invalidate the leaders. 
When the people begin to invalidate the leaders be warned of what you do next. Because, when invalidation comes for you it may be your blood which pours out into the streets. 
The enemy is among us all and surrounds us all. As the people begin to realize that they each will be forced to fight a two sided war. One against their own government and the other the enemies which were allowed entry through the gates. 
It takes real men with honor and an unwavering resolve to uphold the tenants of any society. When those real men disappear the fake guardians will begin to shave off pieces for a price until there is nothing left but the illusion of freedom, liberty and rights for all. 
As the fake guardians make a mockery of things. There will be a return of those real men of honor, valor and resolve. They shall show no mercy and compassion as the blood of the wicked evil doing traitors are cut down.
It is the righteous and holy which brings hell to the wicked evil doers. Just as the traitors allowed the vile enemies to enter into the scared gates. Men of honor, valor and resolve cannot be bribed or negotiated with. 
There are three types of people who cannot be reasoned with. The righteous, the wicked evil doer and the delusional. You cannot reason or negotiate with the righteous to be less righteous or stop being righteous. 
Men of honor, valor and resolve cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. So when these men have already become mission minded and started marching forward. All you can do is get out of the way. They must save the world for good people like you.
I have warned in my writings of old. Time is at hand and the embolden threat to the whole world is speaking openly and telling everyone what is going to happen. Their plans and words have never changed. They have trained and have been taught their entire lives to hate and kill you. Now, your own government has made you defenseless and helpless. Not even their police can stand and fight any of them. What are you going to do now? Your own governmental leaders have just realized that they are next to become like Lebanon. Which means all of you civilians will die or be forced to become refugees. Except this time in the next 20 years. There will not be any safe place to go to. Even the USA will suffer much violence as this next election cycle if the wrong group gets dominant control over the state and the federal government. Then the Bill of Rights and the Constitution will be eliminated. (Prophetic)Even right now the US Military is and has been training foreign nationals who will wear the American military uniform and have no issues killing American Civilians by any means necessary simply because they were ordered. Just like how the FBI publicly murdered a family and a religious cult on two different occasions. Then teach those failed events as successes. So you civilians in Western Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand will have no safe place to flee to. 
=====The Revealing====
God has in the past raised up wicked evil doers to go after other groups of people who have become woefully disobedient. In the Christian and Jewish faith you cannot even tolerate any sin. You cannot even allow sin to reside in any holy place. Where is the holy places? Everywhere you stand. You cannot allow sin to reside inside of your national borders, county borders, city borders, your community borders and your home. Do you get it. As a Christian you cannot even tolerate sin. Yes, you love the sinner as we all are sinners. But, if the sinner publicly and pridefully refuse to put away their sins. Then they must leave. Because, You have allowed and tolerated all manner of offensive sin to remain and to be public like the Olympics opening ceremony as well as other open events. You all will pay, suffer and die. You all will lose everything. If God will destroy his own beloved Jewish all of those many times before. What do you think He is going to do to you, your family, your friends, your people, your culture, your nation and even your own beloved identity??? You all had better start genuinely repenting and change your lives right now. Because, those wicked evil doers who have been beating cops and civilians have been ordered not to kill. They are being obedient to their religious leaders. But, once the weapons of war are in their hands. They will begin killing every man, woman and child.
As you vile and cowardice civilians helplessly watch your own countrymen who love their own country are fully beaten, stabbed and killed for simply walking the streets. Just remain inside because you already know your all helpless and defenseless as those Muslim men have been training to fight and die their whole lives in order to remove the filth which is you/me with unreserved hatred. 
You must genuinely repent and life you life causing no harm to any other soul. You also must pursue righteousness and holiness. Just like the apostles of early Christianity you may still be tortured and killed. But, in the afterlife you will be with your Heavenly Father and not judged by God. 
Those of you who do not repent and this include all of Islam and the Muslim communities. You also shall die a physical death but each of you will be judged by God and then spend an eternity in hell fires torment before your final and absolute death in which you will always be fully awake and fully sane. 
In the coming global turmoil which has been told and taught to you by many accepted and unaccepted prophets. You all shall suffer and die. Far more than many will believe that they will be going to their God but, will only awaken to judgement and conviction as a hellish prison awaits. Your screams of being deceived and lied to go unheard and unanswered. For God shall say to you ...I Never knew you...
I have already told you what to do. Read the purple words below. But, it will not guarantee your physical safety as you remember the early Christians and even the Christians of today who reside in places where being a Christian means suffering, torture and death. This is about ever lasting life which is beyond this one. 
Here it is. You must get healthy. You must get physically fit. You must learn all of the skill sets of the farmer, off grid people, Mennonites, Amish and the indigenous tribes as if it were prior to the first industrial revolution. You must plant every kind of food bearing tree, plant and bush. Yes, that does mean ripping up all of your ornamental plants, bushes and trees. You must learn the skill sets of raising small, medium and large animals all without the use of feed and farm stores. You must learn hand to hand combat skills as well as the use of bladed weapons. You must become proficient at using long guns out to and more than 500 meters. You must become proficient with hand guns and engaging multiple targets with speed and accuracy. You must do these things now. You must be directly and physically associated with like minded communities.
For those in law enforcement and alphabet agencies. You will be ordered to go after citizens who are only a threat to an *evident evil regime that you represent. What are you going to do? Because, if you harm an innocent soul which is of God. You may guarantee your job and the keeping of your home with food and medical care. But, in the end you will lose your life. This is irony. Your a good man who sent bad people to jail and yet you still end up judged, convicted and incarcerated forever in the hot place. 
When you start to obey wrongful orders this is when you begin to lose your honor a little piece at a time. Especially when gangs are in the streets with all kinds of bladed weapons harming innocent people and yet your ordered to go after someone who may have made a possible offensive Facebook or X post. This is also an indication that you're on the wrong side and are now forced to be a bad guy.
NOTE: I have studied these enemies for two decades now. They teach their young boys to cause mass murder and to escape. They teach hand to hand combat from an early age. Do not go toe to toe with any one of them as you will be swamped by them all and they will embarrass you and then when the imams and those with more authority order tall of them to kill everyone. They will be absolutely obedient and then go forth and kill everyone they can. Just as they raped, tortured and killed men, women and children. They also will do the same to all of you in your own specific nation.
*Evident Note: When you begin to do things in which the laws are being used wrongly. When laws have been made which takes away actual freedoms, liberties and human rights. This shall be your evidence in that moment of time. In which you will have to decide to maintain your honor and integrity or throw all that you hold as valuable away. You may even lose your home, assets, retirement all because you want to remain honorable, a good person. What is your price? because, all that I see is bullies without honor or remorse who have all embraced becoming bad people. Maybe, they were always bad people pretending to be good people with badges or alphabet agency ID's. 
Added on 17 August 2024: Minor edits and word additions. If you have saved original writings. You can match them up with what I have changed or altered. You should do that with any digital writing which is of interest to you in order to keep up with changes.
Personal Note: You know I do not condone violence and do not want any violence. I do not want and do not have any official involvement with bad people, cops or alphabet types. But, as of recently It seems I'm not allowed to use the word delete or omit anything in my writings. This writing is implying allot of violence to come. But, go and remember human history and what happens to governments, leaders, rulers and their families when they become the enemy of the people. This is not new. Go and look in the Geneva Bible 1599 and how it identifies governments as demonic and evil. Where is that in Ephesians? Go forth and read. Read the whole thing.
Interesting Note: Google is having issues as I write this and is not saving my updates. Yep, updates are all failing. 
Added on 27 Aug 2024: As more illegal immigrants come into the USA and they are provided with many thousands of dollars in cash, food stamps, medical care, dental care, and other benefits per month. They are even already being provided with bank loans for cars, trucks and mortgages on homes. Because, there is about 50 million foreign nationals inside of the USA right now with more and more coming in everyday. They are all being directly tied into the economy. Then if the political wicked evildoers lose offices and elections. The planned sabotage of the American economy has already taken place. Then when someone else begins to deport all of the illegals. There will be a sudden negative impact on the American economy. 
Not to mention I have had visions of illegals who are having loved ones deported. They begin to burn their houses down. The financial stresses on the banking industry and the insurance industry will be very hard. 
I have seen dozens of homes on fire within one neighborhood all at once. But, I also, have seen homes burning down at different times in neighborhoods as in one image I saw old burned up ruins and then new fires. 
Think about this. A voting block of about 50 million people. A people whom your nation has invited in without the express permission of the American people. How do you think these people are going to react when all of their funding and benefits are stopped? Now your gonna force them to return home. There is going to be much anger and hatred. Thus, violence after all they have families and children. Now your going to harm their children and wives to dangerous uncertainty. 
Then once the USA is seen as weakened. This is when other groups and nations will pounce on their own perceived opportunities. 
Added on 04 Sept 2024: Any person, group of people, organizations and even any side of political ideology who professes that they will ban the second amendment or ban all guns within her first 100 days and that freedom of speech is a privilege is an enemy to the Constitution of the United States of America. Their words are evidence of their intended treason and to overthrow the USA. By their/her own words. You had better vote correctly during this election cycle. 
Well, It looks like that technologies and AI are going to be used as political tools for the Democratic party. How far can treason go? What will be the cost and reward? Who will pay the burden and who will receive the most? 
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
In the end of each of you vile wicked evildoers who think of themselves as gods, lords and leaders. The whole of this Earth shall become Eden. Which shall be absent of you as each of shall be tormented forever in hell. 
Of all of humanity that you vile wicked evildoers are about to murder by plan. There will only be two groups. Those who precede you into hell and those who will be accepted into heaven by their Heavenly Father. 
You vile wicked evildoers shall only enjoy certain times in this life you live. But, once your last breath is exhaled. Your torment forever begins in hell. 
You vile wicked evildoer are so full of delusions that God has poured out unto all of the Earth. You know not what to believe. Even the words from any prophet shall go into disbelief as you send marching order to incarcerate and murder a messenger from God. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

San Bernardino Message: (Edited): 03 Dec 2015:

Not Complete:
I have purposefully stayed away from the news on this event. I have thought about the event all day without getting into any of the news sources.
1). There is a message to a single person from Islam to unknown person. Most likely in US Government or in the San Bernardino Government.
2). You(Police), Feds and military are being watched and tracked. Your tactics and strategies are being analyzed. Plans are being made to subvert any action you may take. Time is on the side of Islam. This is most likely all law enforcement agencies as well as families (Assumption).
3). No matter what you do you cannot stop Islam within the USA.
      Note: Here we think of the disabled as helpless and innocent. Research of Islam believes that disabled children are curses and badges of dishonor. Deserving of death.
4). This was just another test. There is continuing evolution in Islamic attacks against civilian targets. The new evolution is escape. The reason for escape is so the Islamic team can conduct another attack elsewhere. This is why the extra ammunition and explosives were found.
5). The new evolutionary face of women in Islam.  Bear your babies and kill all of the infidels you can. If possible saving your own life through escape, so as to have more babies and kill more infidels.
The Truth of Islam in the USA and Europe:
You may think of your Islamic coworkers as friends and may even like them very much. They are not. Islamic people are your enemies and want you and your way of life to die, to be destroyed, even your history. Islam wants to erase you from all of human memory as if you never existed. There is no negotiation. This is a continuation of the Christian Crusades and WW2. It doesn't really matter if you agree or disagree.
In Islam it is permissible for an Islamic person to become your friend and maybe even convert to Christianity if it benefits Islam. We all know that this is not hard to do especially knowing the fallen sate of Christianity and the abomination of desolation which takes place in churches daily.
This is what people have said about these particular Muslims.
Farook’s brother-in-law, Farhan Khan, said at a press conference with the Orange County chapter of CAIR: “I have no idea why would he do that. Why would he do something like this? I have absolutely no idea.” These are permissible lies which benefit Islam. In private they will celebrate their Islamic Brother and sister deaths as Holy Martyrs. 
But Farook “never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,” she said.
Patrick Baccari, who shared a cubicle with Farook, said his colleague appeared to be “living the American dream” with his new wife and baby.
Baccari and another worker said Farook rarely started a conversation but was well-liked.


02 December 2015:
The use of all Wikis is for uncertain purposes. To be gleaned by those who know more than me.
02 Dec Wiki
Sheriff News on Gun carry
What is the likely outcome of this will be is that the civilian population of the USA begins to realize that all of Islam and all Muslims are the enemies of all that America is. Islamic women are just gestation factories to create more Islamic soldiers for the cause of the entire West's death and destruction. This does include Russia and China because all land and all water belongs to Islam.
Once the people realize that their co-workers have this secret agenda and have their own secret plans. Once people realize that all of those Islamic men who have been smiling and friendly to them in the exercise clubs and martial arts dojo's all around the USA and world have only been doing what they have been doing so that they can kill you more efficiently and quickly, everything changes.
Because, even law enforcement personnel will choose to not even follow up, especially when they too realize that they and their own families have been watched and followed. There is history of this with military families. Islamic Intimidation of the military.
Everywhere an Islamic person is employed they are a true threat to your lives and to everyone else. Islamic men working at Campbell's soups or other foods canneries are just an event away from introducing a poison into the soups or foods.
The prophecy of the coming American, European and Canadian Tet Offensives. The power of this seems to be focused in the USA. But, I'm an American. So this is most likely why these feelings are stronger within me.
Can you imagine 100,000 Islamic teams of people all with a variety of guns and military gear. Using the weapons, explosives, grenades against the civilian population inside the USA.
The America Tet event may not begin with the entire Islamic in full use as offensive aggressors. A number of Islamic teams may most likely be pre-positioned to guarantee escape and to attack the backside of police and military barricades. There will also be a number of teams who will just go after Commercial infrastructures in which they are already employed. Islamic men and women will engage at their own individual time as chosen by them soft targets such as schools, hospitals and more corporate offices. No one will suspect any of their Islamic friends of whom they are employed with. Because, they are friends and they are nice. We had a baby shower for them. Why would they come in to murder us? Exactly.
This is war. The old school ways of conducting war means you kill them all and that is the intent of all of Islam.
The ugly of ugly is this. The Federal government repeals the entire 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the USA. This will include the banning of all military and hunting gear. This may also include the banning of all martial arts training studios/dojos, because you cannot control any population where hand to hand combat is superior to your own minimally trained police and military soldiers. Great fighting will ensue between law enforcement and the civilian population. This could lead to civil war and the end of the USA as prophesied by a prophetess from Africa. About 100 years ago. It looks like this information is becoming more and more difficult to get online.
The Department of Home land Security becomes a lawful police force with all of their own military equipment weapons, bombs and missiles. In which once law enforcement surrounds and isolates any civilian dissenter, bombs away. End of problem.
The civilian population upon knowing and fearing for the safety and well being of their own family and friends will begin killing on their own any other civilian who appears to be Islamic in any way. This will evolve to anyone who merely looks differently than they do. The great racial divide will deepen and then come crashing together in a full scale race war at which point the Federal government will take necessary actions. Institute nationalized martial law, guaranteeing that the last sitting president remains as such for as long as he shall live. The USA ends.
U.S. Navy ships, boats will be surrendered to NATO. This will include all other military equipment and personnel. More details in my other writing. The Islamic authority will begin to engage a wholly defenseless American population. This may be the true beginning to the American Tet. Which may end being called or named something else entirely.
The timing and order of things are difficult for me to ascertain. Also, simple revelation can alter everything. It is my hopes that all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken is completely altered. This is why I include the answer in purple below. 
Added on 06 Dec 2015: 
The signs of the times also include understanding the prophecies of those prophets of old, even if they are unaccepted by the Christian or Catholic churches.
It would be wise for the person who is not a Rapture believer as myself to know the signs of the times. Because, even God used an unaccepted seer in the old testament. Even sent an Angel to communicate while he was upset with his donkey. This story even makes you wonder who is the @ss. Anyway. God will use people as He sees fit. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not. I find it interesting that 2 prophecies "MAY" be occurring at the same time. If you are into prophecies and into planning for prophecies as Doomsday Preppers are, then these two prophecies are necessary of your research. It is not my intention for you to absolutely believe anything I write. I expect you to pray, meditate and research everything everywhere. Maybe, it is you who gleans more than I do and is able to communicate it better than I can. Maybe, it has already been done. I do not know.
1).  The "Prophecy of the Popes" is attributed to St. Malachy.
2).  The "Last President of the USA" is attributed to Johanwa Owalo. What is interesting about this person it there used to be much information from official sources like Wikipedia. But, now there is nothing that can be easily found.
What is important is the message from the messengers of God. The messenger isn't important. Only the message. Even then every word spoken or written must be tested. Because, even satan used Peter to try and deceive Jesus. So, who is anyone else that they would or would not be interfered with by satan without their knowledge.
It is important to research every person. To see who they are and how they have or had lived their lives. Like the most popular of seers Nostradamus. Who was he? How did he live his life? Did his life reflect his faith? Was he even a man of faith? You must apply these basic questions to everyone.
This can also be flawed as God or one of his accepted angels can and will use a very bad person one time to send or give you a very profound message one time. Does that mean you should accept that very bad person as a friend or brother and to do much for them? NO!!! It means you should listen to that message and then quickly depart from this rabid and ravenous animal. Then go to your quiet place to pray and meditate until you get it. Get it?
 Here is an old prophet who twists the truth of Christianity. There is truth in this persons prophecies. But, which is truth and which is from satan? How is Jesus supposed to come again? as a peace maker? Bear in mind that the interpretations of Jesus first coming was in error. Remember or do the research. Who and what were the Jewish Religious were looking for? and now for the second coming? 
3). A prophecy which may be a modern one which deceives everyone. Including Christians.
Added on 06 Dec 2015 @ 1905 PM.
The Islamic next step is to gauge the enemies reaction to the San Bernardino Attack.  You need to get this through your good natured thick skull. Your enemy is inside of the gates and you're not even aware that they want you to die. Remember Glencoe. 
This was an attack by the entire Muslim community. Upon the entire American civilian population. So what will happen now is Islamic men in their traditional Islamic clothing will venture out into public places and gauge the reaction of the entire civilian population. Then they will report the looks, the stares back to their Mosques. 
So what do you do now? How does those little purple words below affect the fact.
I believe that God raised up these Islamic people to destroy New JerUSAlem. Why? Because, the people have turned away from their Heavenly Father. The people have rejected their Heavenly Father and have begun to outlaw their Heavenly Father while at the same time giving rights and legal approval to obscene lifestyles. So the Heavenly Father as has done in the past as told in the Holy Bible will destroy his people by scattering them into the winds of dominion and slavery. 
You accept people in as guests and even make them apart of your family, giving forth unto them all of the generosities which can be afforded to give those people a lift up with a hand of brotherhood. Only you discover that they have come all the while knowing they will murder you, destroy your way of life and even if possible eliminate all history and memory of your existence. 
Added on 08 Dec 2015:
Added on 09 Dec 2015: Posted to a news story on Yahoo about Donald Trump and Islamic civil rights.
My comment.
This is not hate speech. Donald trump is wrong just as the rest of the main stream media news outlets. Islam wants you and I to die. Islam wants your way of life to be exterminated. Islam wants even the memory of your existence (History) to be destroyed. So how is it any western world civilian or politician want to consider civil rights to enemy combatants who only train for warfare? Did you read the news about how France found weapons of warfare in a Mosque. There is a terrorist training site 8 miles from El Paso, Texas (South). There are exclusive training camps all over the USA. There is an evolution of terrorist attacks. In which now Islam is using women and looking for escape routes while leaving weapons and ammunition caches in secret places. Do you know how difficult it is to obtain weapons in California or even France? Let alone weapons of warfare. Islam considers you their natural enemy. Their kind and soft words are lies and only keep you unaware and helpless. While they actively keep up their physical fitness in clubs and gyms. While they continue to take martial arts and quietly visit warfare training camps. To keep and maintain their mindset and physical skills to kill you more efficiently.
One thing which may not evolve in their war fighting attacks is their first targets will be those helpless civilians who considered them as caring friends. From absolute deception to complete destruction. is the primary goal. Because, all land and all water belongs to Allah.
Not included in above comment to Yahoo.
If I am right in which I hope I'm not. The complete stoppage of all Islamic people into any Western Nation will not be enough. The USA already have 3+ million enemy Islamic combatants as citizens. All they are waiting for is the order. Can you imagine a hundred thousand terrorist/warfare attacks within the USA alone. This is what I have coined the American Tet offensive.
Added on 14 Dec 2015:
Added on 16 Dec 2015:
Added on 20 Dec 2015:
Added on 24 Dec 2015: Attackers may have planned a similar attack in 2012.
Added on 26 Dec 2015:  (Frontline PBS)
Research term: Children training in Jihad.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pig use. Not sure of the facts behind his claims.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islam Intentions as reported.
Added on 07 Jan 2016: news:
Added on 08 Jan 2016:  Philly Shooting of cop from ISIS: The attacker claims to have been called upon to do this attack.
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Interesting revelation.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
This work has been republished on:
Thank You guys for including this work in your newspaper.  
Added on 27 June 2016:
You have to be an acceptable Muslim who has done acceptable things in order to be buried in a traditional Muslim manor. ==============
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Body Count: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2015:

Added on: 26 Jan 2025: Minor edits. If you have saved this. Then match it with this minor edit version to see changes.
The evolution of Islamic attacks has occurred. As in any war. When talking has already become useless. When Twitter and Facebook support means nothing. All that which is left is war. War means to cause the most death, destruction and disease as possible. Are you ready and are willing to kill them all? Can you even go down or De-evolve yourself to that thinking process of killing them all. Which means all men, all women and all children. Because, if you cannot. Your extinction is assured. They, all of Islam have identified you as the enemy and it matters not if you even think of Islam as an enemy or not. Islam already has proclaimed you as their enemy and they are already conducting active warfare against YOU. Killing every man, every woman and every child. Any who is Christian or Western. This is a continuation of the Catholic Crusades from Europe into Israel and the Middle East. Now it is their turn to attack and invade. It matters not what faith or non faith you are. The jihadist will destroy you. But, before they do. If they have the opportunity to do terrible and tortuous things unto you. They shall. This is all developing to force everyone into a situation. Where killing is the only option. Remember those purple words I've written below?
The evolution of jihadist attacks. Involves the merging of standard American fighting practice as taught to them by the American military by order of the elected politicians. So now they march as an invasion force under a flag of mercy, compassion and love. The Islamic Jihadist are using these seen weaknesses in you. The destruction of Europe, The Americas, Russia and China. The whole of this world is their proclaimed land. You, we and me are a disease which must be exterminated. Even if your of their soon to be ascribed wrong race. You will also die and those of your color will also be exterminated. Right now you are just a submitting pawn. Once the pawn is no longer of tactical use. You The Pawn will be sacrificed for a greater Islam which does not involve your kind of lesser people. It won't matter if your a white pawn or a black pawn.
Now is where the numbers only count. In military terms. Your one soldier must make the maximum numbers of casualties. The body count is now of supreme importance to the Islamic Jihadist. With the 13 Nov 2015 France attacks. The current ratio is 16 civilian deaths to 1 for the Islamic Jihadist soldier.
It is becoming obvious that the European politicians no longer support or even care about their common civilian people whom they rule over. If any of them even think for a second that they will personally survive this Islamic invasion, they are delusional. Those Islamic Jihadist will have great joy the day when those politicians blood freely flow into the soil. This includes every Catholic all the way up to the Pope. This will include every family member of every ruling family of every European nation.
Here is something else to consider. It seems most intelligence services predict that up to 25% of all of Islam are Jihadist who deeply desire for all infidels to die and their ways of life to be destroyed. This includes those people who are deemed less than human. Including the history and artifacts destroyed.. This number shall surprisingly rise to 90+%. Psychologically speaking. People know the correct answer that the person asking the question wants to hear even though it is not their right answer. How do you think Insane and thieving people get jobs? They lie on the tests and hide or omit the truth.
So now most of the European civilian population are defenseless or have minimal fighting skills. They will be helpless. The police and military will be easily overwhelmed. Because, They will be ordered to be nice and compassionate. They will be ordered to negotiate with the refugees who only want them dead and completely destroyed. The police and military's only option is to kill them all. That is why these Islamic Jihadist are in Europe. To either destroy all that you are or to be killed. Either way in their own minds. They will win and are willing (Resolve). Can you?
Can you imagine any or all news sources showing the police or military personnel just mowing down the apparent defenseless Jihadist refugees. Even though they are an invasion force. Watch and wait. They will demand food, housing, money and medical care. Then when the financial strain is to much for the economy. The Islamic enemy forces who have used love, compassion and mercy as weapons against you. Will violently revolt against the entire civilian population.
In the USA. The (NOTE)newly elected politicians must remove the 2nd amendment and forcibly confiscate all guns and ammunition from every citizen. This must be done before the Islamic Jihadists begin their own invasion of all of the Americas. Haven't you noticed the militarization of all of the American police forces everywhere? There just isn't enough mass gang related demonstrations to justify armored equipment that will never be used in our current reality. Unless it is a pre-plan for things coming.
I really think it is to late for the USA. The protections of God are gone and it is we(Americans) who has walked away from God and passed laws against God. We all will suffer. You had better buy your guns and ammo. You had better become physically fit. You had better start taking martial arts anything. Don't forget the bible and prayer. It'S already is too late. Trim your oil lamps and have plenty of oil.
This is heavily censored. This is about the European invasion of Islam. Copy, save, share everywhere. You may also want to do the same with this entire blog. If you value the information contained.
Added on 17 Nov 2015@ 2055Hrs.:
I just had three visions and one data stream.
I saw various native American tribes all at once in a confusing sense of merged time. I saw these tribal peoples running for their lives as if it were the old days when the American Government had conducted genocide upon these peoples. Running in the desert, the plains, the mountains the forests. They had to all be eliminated because of their spiritual history tied into their genes. Except now it was not the American government. The American Government was no more. These people were of Islam and they had decided it was the time of all tribal peoples to die.
I'm not really sure as to why I'm interested in the native tribes of America. But I am. I also saw how my entire family would be at risk because of my own spiritual ties. The genetic links to the spirit world are real. 
I saw a few men from up on high. They were down below me on top of a tall building. But, not one of the tallest buildings. From this building. They had a direct line of sight to many other great buildings. One man began lining up several RPG's to go with each of his targeted buildings. He had several extra RPG rounds to go with each launcher. He seems to have been left alone on top of the building. There was the appointed time to sit and wait. He got up. Still semi covered but then stood tall and proud. He targeted the greatest of buildings first. The first round aimed high and hit glass. Fire erupted. But after, each rocket was launched he became hurried and launched two more into that same building. Then he moved to other targeted buildings. They to became a fire. He heard noises down below and began throwing hand grenades down below. I was impressed with his throwing arm. Almost like he played baseball or football. End.
Third: Maybe two in one:
I saw the beginning of the American race war started by Louis Farrakhan. or to be blamed on him and his Nation of Islam. More than 10,000 able fighting men. Began to kill all non-black peoples. In one night more than ten thousand dead throughout the USA. Just by the NOI alone. This is not counting those who already have much racial hatred and go and kill for themselves. Predominantly whites were targeted and killed. This spread all over the inner cities and else where. Over time The overwhelming response was a huge number of deaths by everyone against anyone who was not like them. Total Chaos. The US Government controlled media blamed Racists Militias, Racists Christians, Racists Tea Party, Racists Survivalists and Racists Doomsday Preppers. In which the US military and Air Force is used against it's own citizens. Missile launches as well as cruise missiles are used.
I could see a darkened house. There is a full and continuous view of it at every angle. Maybe 2+ surveillance aircraft are in use (Drones).  To create a full and uninterrupted view. Then a very large missile completely destroys the house. The very large missile seems to have been fired from a drone. It doesn't even resemble like it ever was a house.
Forth: Not a vision only information.
 Iran will only abide being Putins (Disrespect) pawn only for a little while. Then all of Islam will kill and destroy all that is Russia. Is President Putin the good guy? They secretly hope that Russia will sit by and watch. Western Europe destroyed. Blocked by Ukraine and Poland. 
NOTE: If the USA doesn't go into a fully Nationalized martial law in 2016. Either way full gun confiscation will be enforced with instant death. By any means necessary. How about that for the paranoid train. In other words during a Nationalized Martial law event. The full force of the entire military can be used against the citizenry considered enemies of the state. Who has already been labeled as potential enemies of the state? Do the research yourself.
Added on 26 Jan 2025: WRONG DATE!!! Donald Trump became president and is again. Was president Trump the one who disrupted plans which have been laid down for the last 25 or so years? Can 2016 really be 2028 or later? Assuming president Trump is not killed while in office. But, in order for the wicked evildoers to gain full control then they would have to eliminate all of their political enemies in one swoop. I do not see that as likely but, Can you imagine all of their had work for the last 36 years disrupted by one man and one ideology? Especially since the good Christian people have become non doers, have become a group of people who knows the correct answer and yet will not do anything in order to be responsible for the government given to them by God.
Added on 18 Nov 2015: The European and American politicians are doing things against their own civilian population. Maybe, they are not even aware of it or they are completely aware. In the time of the prophecy Isaiah 2. The common people will begin to decide and take actions for themselves. All without any human leadership and politicians. For it is they the politicians who began the downfall and near extinction of all life on this planet. For it is they the politicians who has made war to come to their innocent civilians by introducing foreign men who only has hate and knows only death to be amongst the helpless peoples. Sis this the beginning of the end of Europe 13 Nov 2015: Or did those 8 Syrian men who attacked France do so prematurely? Now the USA is continuing to accept these Muslim war fighters into the USA. They shall be placed in American cities and they will make war amongst the common American population.
Is President Obama creating a situation of chaos in order to remain in office through National Martial Law? 
The rejection of Syrian refugees or Islamic war soldiers by State governors shall not matter in the long term. For every state has a Muslim population and when the Islamic Led American Tet Offensive begins. All of the USA will become destroyed. Total Chaos. Also the theft of nuclear bombs and their use against American cities.
Added on 25 Jan 2025: WRONG ABOUT ONLY OBAMA. Answering my own question. Yes, but not just President Obama, Bush, Clinton and Biden. As what was apparently begun with President Obama. The bringing in of enemy combatants has been continued on with president Biden. Recently a cop was killed by an illegal, 30K rounds of ammunition and RPG's seized in Arizona, C4 explosives and false ID's found in Chicago. So, Why President Trump?
Added on 22 Nov 2015:
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pigs. Not sure of the facts behind his claims.
Added on 31 Dec 2105: Islamic Intentions as reported:
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. YouTube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them from sources and not from parrot people.
Added on 05 Aug 2024: Almost nine years ago this was written. 
Do you see the Islamic peoples in Western Europe. Do you see all of the machetes and knives all the while the police are arresting their own people for a Facebook post. The civilian population who is not Islamic will suffer and die just as those souls in Lebanon. Each nation will be Lebanonized. You cannot ever reason with any person or a group of people who wants you dead. So the defenseless and those who have zero fighting skills will die when they face the Islamic men in hand to hand combat. Think about it the Islamic men all have bladed weapons and the civilians on the other side had nothing. A slaughter is about to happen and the police is in worse shape as all they have been doing in going after their truly good civilians who are just fed up. In the end if nothing is done by each western nation government. All will be lost included their own national name and identity. 
So what can you do now? You must know that these Islamic men have been training to fight their entire lives. They are in good physical condition. You cannot go toe to toe with any of them. You must begin to train yourself now and even then it may not be enough as the Islamic peoples have been training their own children how to sneak up on groups of people to quickly stab many and get away. This is what they do and what I'm saying that they do is not hate speech it is revealing the truth speech. The point is this. It is very hard to contend with a people who have been raised and taught how to hate and to kill since birth. Who have been trained in fighting styles and combat at very young ages. You the good civilian are at a severe disadvantage. This also includes you nice soldiers, agents and Leos. Do not get close to them for your death is their joyful reward. For your death is how they will happily celebrate with your corpse being drug in the streets. For all of Islam to rejoice in.
So you must prepare now. This is not a simple pass or fail life test. This is a live or die test.  My words are meant to save lives.  Be wise and smart you Leos and agents. No matter what country you are in. If the civilian population begins to see you as the bully police, an enemy and a threat to all of the good people. Then what is going to prevent the actual good people from killing you? Especially, when they see the whole of their governments as the enemy in which you are the physical representation of that enemy.
Added on 21 Dec 2024: Fighting Dream
I was viewing from an empty parking lot. Unknown what country, state or city. There were many Islamic men. An older religious leader type, several fighter leader types and young men who were learning to fight hand to hand combat style methods which quickly inflicts death. Would this be a death style of Martial Arts? I saw one very thin tall older man who was a Christian and he said nothing. A younger Islamic man shorter and younger than he approached him. They all spoke their common religious words and the young man began to move around the taller older Christian. I heard watch your distance. The younger man quickly struck the older Christian man in the throat twice and he fell onto his face dead. The older Christian man did nothing to defend himself. 
Another Christian man began to negotiate with them about if he won would they become Christian. They all agreed and then looked at one another as if they were lying. A different young Islamic man moved in as they all were saying their religious words. The Negotiating Christian began to move around as well in an obvious manner that the two were about to fight. But, it was obvious at the onset the the Christian knew nothing about fighting and a few strikes by the young Islamic man and he was down about to die. 
I saw this as what shall become a common thing. The kidnappings of Christians being used as helpless fighting partners for their young men. Then the hiding of the Christians bodies to be found elsewhere. The police detectives will have no clue as there will be little evidence of fighting and yet marks of death blows on those bodies. 
I felt like the Islamic men purposely chose those Christians who were the most defenseless and helpless. I heard false promises that if you fight well then you can go home. But, none of the Christians will ever go home alive. 
This morning I woke up to the news if A Saudi doctor ran over many people with a rental car, killing 5 and injuring about 200. This was in a German Christmas market as the news state motive unknown, Yes, the motive is known it was an Islamic person killing Christians and he was chosen/selected to do it by his Mosque. Absolute obedience means not doing anything of your own free will. Persons are selected to be lone attackers in order to deceive the media and letting the media deceive their enemies for them. So how does a professed anti-Islamic person from Saudi Arabia do Islamic related terrorist attacks upon Christians? Something is amiss here. What are the false pretenses here? Are the lies from the government, new media and from the attacker. I would say yes as the governments are trying to calm their own civilian populations.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lost Winds: Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015:

Saudi King and Prince's shall fall like the sands of a dust storm which loses it's driving winds. 
The entire royal family line shall flee from their safe places and hide like the dead Iraqi dictator. They all may become extinct. If any makes it to the USA. They better be able to hide in plain site in rural areas. Canada may be a better hiding place but not likely as every Muslim will want the reward money. You can forget about anywhere western Europe.
All Saudi Military assets shall become owned by Russia, China, Iran. The newest technologies and capabilities from the USA shall be added to the Russian and Chinese existing assets. Assimilation and added advantage in less than five years.
Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015: 
The invasion of western Europe by blood thirsty Hyenas has already begun under a guise. The death of all that is Western European is at hand. 
 This sole distraction will prevent any western European nation from assisting in any way the suffering and helpless United States (USA) when they are being destroyed. It shall be the good American people who suffer the most as the American politicians has sold out their entire country and caused it's own destruction. All American politicians shall be hunted and even killed by their own governmental security teams. Before, The destruction of the USA begins. You Traitorous politicians and your families had better be as far away from any USA asset as possible. If you want your gene pool to survive. The American people will thirst for revenge and no true red blooded American will protect you and your families. They all will be a threat to all of your personal lives.
(I don't think I have written in this manor before). The purple is the way to live your life. Forgiveness and not revenge. This is not a hope that I want. It is merely what I see coming during these times of great revelations. Timing is everything. When the common person begins to discover all of the foreign assets which belong to the American politicians. The end is coming soon for you and for the USA.
Added on 27 Dec 2015:
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
If Iran goes to war with Saudi Arabia with the backing of Russia and China. Iran will overwhelm Saudi Arabia. Iran will control the water ways and maybe the air. Once American Air defense systems are neutralized by Iranian special forces incursions.
17 Jan 2016: In the news recently,  Saudi Arabia seems to be scrambling to buy military equipment from anyone and anywhere. A sign of desperation. Russia and China will back up and involve themselves with any Iran military action. The only option I can see right now is to go around Iran and negotiate with Russia and China on the purchase of new military equipment. From this Saudi Arabia and Iran may become friends. To the point that when the time comes to be enemies with Russia and China. They will be united. I just get nothing involving the USA. I ask God about the USA and it is as if God is not there.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Less Than 30 Days: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2015:

Will the coming September event be a self fulfilling prophecy? There is growing hype of 23 Sept 2015(Not my date). Before the 3rd. 7 year economic collapse begins. Look to the events which precede it. Which I believe have already begun. Look at China explosion and for any more which are to follow. If they do follow then there may be a state of war and that fear alone will crash the worlds economies.
Do not become so focused on the 23rd Sept 2015 date. Maybe, see it as an end point instead of an exact set date.This Sept 2015 may just be the event which precedes the 2022 event. All of which gains in magnitude in correlation to the sins of the USA. What is not certain, Is 2015 to be the end of the USA or will it be 2022. It may be  2022 as none of the worlds military's are ready for any kind of global war. This includes the USA. The USA is most likely the most helpless of all of the nations.  The key dates may be from 15 Sept thru 28 Sept 2015: Remember It's not the prophecy which is import or even dates. What is important is the purple words. Your relationship to God and your direct efforts to live your life as righteously as possible as seen by only God. This is truly important. Your preps or whatever else you may do. Is just less than.

We had the disciplines of 1995, 2001, 2008 and then if they do continue we shall have another discipline more severe than the one in 2008. This is progressive and I believe directly related to the sins of the American people. Lets look at what 2015 means as far as the American sins are concerned.
:Sins of 2015:
1). The number one sin which has been ongoing all year long is equal marriage rights for the LGBT community and they won. With minimal actions from the entire Christian community. This inaction may be seen by God as a non action by the entire Christian community as a whole.
2). The repressed news of Planned Parenthood. Which will be eventually scrubbed from every media source. Including YouTube. Yet the American people do not seem to care and the entire Christian community is not taking collective action against any entity of Planned Parent hood, any politician and on abortion rights. Abortion is clearly big business which is wholly supported by the USA. In which the Government of the USA is supposed to be reflective of the entire civilian population. In which because of Abortion every civilian will be held responsible. It is obvious that Planned parenthood and other directly related entities are breaking federal abortion laws back to 1994. I'm no lawyer. But it seems a variety of state and federal laws are being and have been broken, everyday.
3). The USA has been and is now an Oligarchy. Again, The entire Christian community has allowed the loss of their Country given to the corporate world. Which began during the Reagan administration.  Thus, as of 2015 is clearly evident as the worldly corporate powers even have powers over the states including Florida.
4). The Lies and deceptions of the races of humanity which promotes the actions of murderous racism. In the Holy Bible it declares that we all of humanity are direct descendants of the adult family of Noah and that they are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. Yet, The entire Christian community have isolated and separated themselves based on race, culture and sociology. Which is directly against the intentions of God. We are all one family and of one relations. We are all meant to aspire to become Israel. Even all of Islam. The absolute truth was known before DNA Finger Printing of 1985. The Human Genome project of  2003. Which made absolute proof that more than 99.9% of all of OUR(Humanity) DNA is identical. Identical means the same. This information has not adequately been relayed to all of humanity as such. We are all brothers and sisters to each other. 
5). Abomination of desolation within the churches. Any Christian which follows their pastor before Jesus. Just as any Muslim person who follows any human leader into anything which separates them from the pursuit of peace. The acceptance of any of the sins of God which have been commanded. Which is brought into any of the holy places and agreed upon by the representatives of that church or religion. Shall be disciplined by God. They may all suffer. Save for the remnant which shall be removed in some manor as designed by God. The remnant may be so few in number. That every church congregation and denomination. Would declare that no rapture has occurred. This may not even become a declaration as the response would be. People move around, people change churches. Never mind that all of their worldly things are abandoned. The actual remnant may become so alien to the church they attend. That their disappearance may be welcomed.
6). The Federal Government of the USA is currently attacking the Navajo nation. These kinds of actions which support corporations shall become more common. Research this for yourselves. It seems like the primary water source for the Navajo nation was purposefully poisoned and contaminated. Then the EPA sends the Navajo Nation water in uncleaned/non-santized oil tanks. This is a new beginning of atrocities being conducted on behalf of the federal government by the direction of a mining corporation. This is not the first though. The first was the BLM in Nevada against a rancher on behalf of Walmart and China.  To build a solar panel farm. I believe all of that news has been scrubbed and/or just forgotten.
Just in case that God passes over the USA. I really do not think so. It is better for you to get right with God. Then it is to make all of your doomsday preparations absent of God or anything related to the godly spiritual gifts.
Also, Just in case the pre tribulation rapture is a false teaching. You should endeavor to endure unto your ending. However that may come to you. May you worship and bless all that is Godly with your last breath.
As I have mentioned. Just in case nothing happens. It would be wise to put into action all of your final doomsday preparations. It will also be necessary to activate your relationships with other like minded persons and groups. The greater number of groups in which you have a mutual relationship with. The greater the possibility of your survival. Like I said, even if nothing happens. Each of you must evaluate each other for strengths and weaknesses. Without any emotion.
The severity of a possible economic  down turn may be more severe than it was in 2008. It probably will be more severe. The 7 year pattern exists right now and should be easy for anyone to see. If you have planned properly. You should see it through and into the next discipline of 2022. In which the USA may end in 2015 or in 2022.
I think that since the USA is a newly established oligarchy. The corporations of the world will want to continue to suck all of the wealth from the USA and begin to enslave the entire civilian population. I think this is possible and may not be probable. I think it is directly related to the Trans Pacific Partnership and the abolishment of forbidding the use of slaves within the agreement. This may eventually work both ways.
Added on 24 Aug 2015@0625 Hours.:
2 explosions in China and one explosion in Japan at an Army ammunition warehouse in the last week or so. The Chinese stock market has already taken the worst plunge since 2007 and it is not even day light in the USA. North Korea has deployed the vast majority of their Navy including 50 of their approximate 70 submarines. They are preparing for war with the south. While talking peace.
Wall Street Futures may down by as much as 350 points. (I have no idea what a future is.)
Added on 25 Aug 2015: I do not believe this is the end as humanity is not fully into the Christian prophecies. What i mean is. "As it was in the days of Noah..."
There is still at least one critical thing left. In those days everyone had common knowledge of Angels. Today, we still do not have this. Or as they may be called in our current modern world as Aliens. This is common knowledge as in all of humanity knows of these angels/aliens. No more doubts. No more theories. No more wishful thinking. These angels will just be obviously present in our world and most likely involved in our everyday life. This is a key sign.
Added on 26 Aug 2015:
So since all of humanity does not have common everyday real knowledge of angels. Then it can be thought that if a dramatic economic collapse occurs. Which shall be worse than 2008. Then this last days until the beginning of the coming Jewish New year. Shall be survivable. For those who have prepared in advanced. Unlike my family which is to poor to do much preparing at all.  To repeat the key before the end of the Christian Prophecies. The angels must make a return. I could be in error. So be prepared for this error as well. Then plan for a 2022 event. Which should be worse than the 2015 event. If it happens. Billy Graham is a sign to look for. What? and How? and Why? I have no clue. It is also becoming apparent to me that Billy Grahams daughter may be a Christian prophetess. She would be a person to watch and to test (With Respect).
Here is the short list on how every human being can avert extinction. Remember extinction does not have to be immediate. It can last a couple hundred years or so or not.
Added on 31 Aug 2015: Doomsday Preppers and survivalists.
In and during these times of plenty and maybe even a little while after the possible 2015 events which causes the economies of the world to crumble yet again. For the third time.
You must immediately begin to prepare for the 2022 events. Which will most likely be in September as well. Remember my words above. Your number one prep is your connection to God. Remember the Mathew 24:22
It isn't going to be any of your physical preps which saves you. All your physical preps are going to do is allow you to survive longer than those poor souls who have done nothing. Like me and my family. It isn't that we won't. It's that we can't. Anyway. Here is your words. This is new. Share the Wealth. Find those and test those who are to be like you. Begin relationships and develop partnerships with other like minded persons, families and groups. Form up into towns. Realize your gifts and the excesses of them and give them freely. You may be the chicken lady. Well, from your excesses and from your experience. Teach and give those who are passionately willing all that they need to become better than you. This also goes for those who are gifted in cattle, Goats, Pigs and every other manor of raising animals and crops. One can hope that good deeds do not go unnoticed. So if something happens to you. Then the whole of the group does not suffer from your absence.
Also, You and others will need to come together to support those persons who are gifted in other ways and cannot do for themselves in an agrarian type of society. For instance a medical doctor, dentist, veterinarian and etc. You may know how many chickens or cattle are needed for your family. But, have you even thought about these importantly crucial people who are necessary for survival. But what about that jack of all trades guy and the school teacher. They will be important to. Because when everything is said and done. God has done his thing. The 1000 year countdown begins. We had 2000 years after Christ. So when humanity begins again at nothing and depleted resources. A thousand years is all we or you will have left. Till the next major event which shall test all of humanity yet again. Not that surviving isn't a test. But surviving isn't living a life.
Your group or township may also desire to support a devout person, a gifted, a shaman or a spiritualist. They will need to be tested and the numbers of them cannot be more than the group or town can support/sustain. There is a reason why there was usually only one within any group. Sometimes there were a male and a female.
Remember the meek shall inherit the Earth. For whatever that may be worth. If God does not exercise a boat load of miracles. Because the Earth shall be of fire for a time and the only true safe place may in fact be off planet for a time. Can you a Doomsday Prepper become one of the remnant? Will I be one? The purple words below are a start.
These purple words are awesome. Do you want to avert the majority of the bad and sad prophecies spoken and written by awesome prophets of old and of today. the importance of the purple words is of free choice. To do the purple words without and fear's, intimidation's or threat's. Well read the purple and do the purple. For instance to obey the Laws is a choice and is not to be forced upon anyone. God has not forced any human being to obey the laws. It is only mankind who has forced other people to obey the laws. You do so because you can see the good importance in them. Not because you have to but because you want to. It is the absolute basic understanding to a righteous and holy life as designed by God. So that we all can become a righteous and holy people as seen by only God and not to be decided or awarded by any human being or any other entity who is not God.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 03 Sept 2015: Do the research yourself. Always remember. Go to sources and not propaganda report repeaters from the foreign owned news/media sites. For instance. Check out.
By counting how many warships and subs are out at sea. Then if you can extrapolate a reserve fleet in the established ports. This would be a concern. If you see former inactive naval equipment under going  reactivation. This would be a concern. Especially, if the entire civilian population is completely unaware of any war footing from their President. Mr. President Obama, What are you doing? Are you going to strike first? If China, Russia and North Korea believe that you will strike first. It would be prudent for them to strike before you can.
War. Will the events in Sept 2015 be war? China, North Korea and Russia will attack the USA? How many American ships and boats are at sea right now? How many have a return to fleet status? China has 5 ships near Alaska. Russian spy ship near Nuclear sub base in Georgia, USA. 50 or so submarines from North Korea are missing still. I have only read a few sources where a few subs have returned due to storms. Before you attack you position your assets. Then attack.
Please read Hole Shot Prophecy: For possible locations around the World and the USA.
Added on 17 Sept 2015:
Well, It looks like. The USA has made it through these last many days. The next upcoming series of doomsday events follows through until 28 Sept 2015: I just do not like date setting at all. Because, this year alone there has already been dozens of were all gonna die dates. Were all still here. What is of interest though is happy new year on the Jewish calendar.
The prophetic red horse has already been riding through for a couple of decades. If you are deeply involved in prophecy. Then you must be aware that just as the Jewish religious elites were confounded and confused with Jesus Christ/Yeshua. Because of false interpretations. What was thought to happen did happen but not in the way expected. I believe this is the way it shall also be during the entire time of the Christian Prophecies. That many, most or all of the Christian prophetic interpretations of Christian prophecy will be in error. This is most likely at the design of satan. Just think about it. If satan can manipulate even Peter to influence Yeshua. Who are we or who are you Christian person who has written and taught much about Christian prophecy interpretation? What you think is absolute truth and correct in Christian prophecy may only be partially correct. Prophecy is not meant to be an absolute thing which must happen. Prophecy is meant as an all encompassing sign. Telling everyone that they need to change their ways or else. I refer back to Joseph and the Pharaoh story. The pharaoh had a vision in which was an absolute thing which was and is to happen. Basically, Joseph said to this living god. "Were all gonna die". But, if you mitigate and manage the event. Then maybe you will live as a living god for a little longer. Please forgive my over simplified paraphrase. Go to the Bible yourself. Then Joseph with the blessing of God and the Pharaoh. Saved them all. Thus averted the absolute nature of the prophetic vision. This one lesson is proof that we all can avert any and all prophecy caused by any man. We can also mitigate and mange any awful natural event prophecy. In order to save lives.
What is of the importance is those purple words above. Coupled with your doomsday prepper plans.
I think the Christian red horse in prophecy can be resisted. maybe? possibly? or most likely not? I may write about this more later. Although the red horse does seem to be an absolute of God and it probably is. Which means when peace is taken away from all of mankind. Extinction cometh for all life on this planet. We may not have to many choices. As it appears. The leaders of the world seem hell bent on going to war with each other. There seems to be little or no option for any peace. The sides of this coming WW3 is easy to see. The time lines are becoming very very easy to see. It will boil down to who will ignore the signs? Most likely Europe. Who will jump the gun? The USA under whose leadership? President Obama after a severe natural or man made emergency. Hillary Clinton who may be the harlot of Babylon? Donald Trump who shall steal the business vote of both parties in this Corporate America which is a corporate Oligarchy. Whom ever it is shall be a bought and paid for voice of them all who actually run/own the USA.
Added on 29 Sept 2015:
Well, Nothing to drastic or tragic has happened. All of those predicted dates from early September to yesterday. Many people whom you have researched have set dates. For me this was just another test. Another unfolding of the didn't happen 2012 event or the year 2000 event or the mid eighties events. What does it all mean? Well, I don't know. I do know what usually happens. People who are weak in the faith falls away. The prophecy dates are very stressful to live with. Because, In Bible prophecy God has to intervene lest we all be destroyed. That is our fate by our own hands. We destroy ourselves and blame God for it all. Well, just go and collect yourself. Stay focus on those things which are truly important. Your faith and soul. Your family. Your close friends. Your good works which you freely choose to do without any expectation of reward or that you have to because God said so. You do good works because it is the righteous thing to do and for no other reason more than you want to.
Then on the list of important things comes your Doomsday preps. Because, it is the smart thing to do. Did you hold your practice drills? Did you mutually conduct your drills with other persons, families and groups? Did you at least talk to others about this?
You know there will be other people who are going to set prophecy dates in the hopes they will become famous for being right. Yea, Really. Remember what I said. Prophecy isn't important. They are just warnings for you to seek out those signs on your own and then to do as Joseph in the Bible had done. He managed and mitigated the dire natural event which came through proper and wise preparations. Joseph basically saved all of Egypt. Including the human god called a Pharaoh.
It's about those purple words above. Your relationship with God. Your continually active prayer life. Your continually active meditative life and those other times in which you just contemplate those things. That you should.
I shall be looking and seeking those signs of the times. I think one sign is The reverend Billy Graham and his passing. The return of the angels. What is the time line for these 2 things and many more? Well, any time between now and 2048. Most likely sooner than the 2048 date. But, I seem to be the only person on this planet who wants to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written down or spoken. I believe it is better to listen to a mentor than a prophet. Because, if you live in a world where there are more prophets than mentors. Your in a big world of trouble. It just seems that we may not have that Jonah who just walks around yelling "Your all gonna die" and then we all change our ways in order to alter our prophetic fates. Are you getting this. Part of the red horse is the taking away of freedom to choose peace. What of the other horses. What do they take away within our humanity internally. This is getting deep and the fate of the world shall threaten extinction when God intercedes. Will 5-7+ billion die before that happens? Will there be a rapture of the remnant? Are you a remnant or how do you become one and remain one of the remnant? A good start is in the Bible as well as those purple words above. AND do not think I'm part of that good start. I'm a deeply flawed human being. Who is struggling as you are. All i do is point and you are to freely choose to go forward without following me.
Not to add any more stress. But, this is only the beginning of the Jewish New Year and the bad and sad prophetic events can happen anytime throughout this whole year. Yea, Just remember if a sudden confusing bad thing happens. Don't automatically become an angry hateful animal. Ready to kill everyone who comes to close. Just be prepared and when it is time to go. Do not return to your home or anywhere else for anything forgotten. Just go. This can be considered harsh advice but, it is Biblical advice. Be sure to train everyone to act accordingly and be able to trust your children. Teach them without adding fear. This is about being smart.
I think this whole month of September 2015. There were about a dozen prophetic dates spoken and written by many different people. With dozens of duplication's. Well, I work with one of those Bible readers. Whom I enjoy interrupting or bothering all of the time. It's just easy. Like when I don't see him in a while. I look astonished and declare I thought you went and got yourself all raptured. Or For a dozen times this month I greeted him with we missed it again. We were all supposed to die yesterday. By the way Good morning.
The point to this bad humor of mine is. If you are so worried and concerned about the real life end of days bad and sad prophecies. Then your missing the point of all of this righteous and ever lasting spiritual life stuff. Your body has to go to sleep that last time in order to free the true being within your physical body. That is where the true you exists. From your true self can you freely choose to become righteous and holy has seen and defined by only God. Then no matter what happens to the shell of your physical body. Your true spiritual self shall continue on. Get yourself right with God. Without any fears, intimidation's or threats. Know that if anyone expresses anything which is the opposite of life, love, peace, harmony and the laws of God. This includes me. They are absolutely wrong, wrong, and more wrong. It doesn't matter how popular, how educated or how rich they are. They are still seriously wrong. It doesn't matter if they preach and teach at the largest churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in the whole world. They are wrong.
How about this. Remember the SIGNS. This one is obvious. Anyone who goes against life is wrong. Remember satan and his fallen angels wants us all dead/extinct. They all know that God uses people like the poor and homeless Jesus. So why do you think the majority of abortion clinics are in poor neighborhoods? Anyway here is your sign.
 Thank you for reading through my writing style mess. john
02 Nov 2015:
We still here? Last comment.
Added on 17 Jan 2016:
We are all through the new year. There have been a few events since the signs completion. Signs are and always have been information sources. To look here or there. To think about this or that. Signs always require your choice to be aware and your choice to choose to abide by the sign(s).
As of right now there have been Three western events. Russia and China united in continuous military action in Syria. The Islamic attack in France. The Islamic attack in San Bernardino.
Signs always precede. So now we are in the continuation.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them from sources and not from parrot people.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 