Showing posts with label Saudi Arabia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saudi Arabia. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lost Winds: Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015:

Saudi King and Prince's shall fall like the sands of a dust storm which loses it's driving winds. 
The entire royal family line shall flee from their safe places and hide like the dead Iraqi dictator. They all may become extinct. If any makes it to the USA. They better be able to hide in plain site in rural areas. Canada may be a better hiding place but not likely as every Muslim will want the reward money. You can forget about anywhere western Europe.
All Saudi Military assets shall become owned by Russia, China, Iran. The newest technologies and capabilities from the USA shall be added to the Russian and Chinese existing assets. Assimilation and added advantage in less than five years.
Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015: 
The invasion of western Europe by blood thirsty Hyenas has already begun under a guise. The death of all that is Western European is at hand. 
 This sole distraction will prevent any western European nation from assisting in any way the suffering and helpless United States (USA) when they are being destroyed. It shall be the good American people who suffer the most as the American politicians has sold out their entire country and caused it's own destruction. All American politicians shall be hunted and even killed by their own governmental security teams. Before, The destruction of the USA begins. You Traitorous politicians and your families had better be as far away from any USA asset as possible. If you want your gene pool to survive. The American people will thirst for revenge and no true red blooded American will protect you and your families. They all will be a threat to all of your personal lives.
(I don't think I have written in this manor before). The purple is the way to live your life. Forgiveness and not revenge. This is not a hope that I want. It is merely what I see coming during these times of great revelations. Timing is everything. When the common person begins to discover all of the foreign assets which belong to the American politicians. The end is coming soon for you and for the USA.
Added on 27 Dec 2015:
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
If Iran goes to war with Saudi Arabia with the backing of Russia and China. Iran will overwhelm Saudi Arabia. Iran will control the water ways and maybe the air. Once American Air defense systems are neutralized by Iranian special forces incursions.
17 Jan 2016: In the news recently,  Saudi Arabia seems to be scrambling to buy military equipment from anyone and anywhere. A sign of desperation. Russia and China will back up and involve themselves with any Iran military action. The only option I can see right now is to go around Iran and negotiate with Russia and China on the purchase of new military equipment. From this Saudi Arabia and Iran may become friends. To the point that when the time comes to be enemies with Russia and China. They will be united. I just get nothing involving the USA. I ask God about the USA and it is as if God is not there.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Horse in a dark storm video: (Unedited): 28 Nov 2014:

The falling away has already begun for Christians/Catholics and has been going on for at least two plus decades. The falling away shall become magnified with the passing of Mr. Graham. I think Mr. Graham is a key to the next part of prophecy for all religions. Yes, He is that important.  Especially, since there is no one who will effective replace him. Mr. Graham may be the last great preacher of this era. I hope not.
Even if this is not a real photo. It may still be a sign as a black horse does represent deception, Short term pleasures and much discontent. But prosperity within the world. Which has been evident to the Saudi royal family. Who have kept all of the wealth for themselves. This is a revelation.
From the still image. I was not able to discern if the black horse has wings or not. These are important and significant in interpretations. Also, was there a rider or no rider? this is also important. 

I just saw the very poor video. To much pixelation and there seemed to be easy to see pixelation around the horse. Which does indicate a false video. Whether it is or not. Requires someone with skill and digital tools.
What I saw was a black or dark horse with no wings and no rider. Flying in a storm above roof tops.
Any interpretation of this video needs to be done with any understanding of Islamic Beliefs and of Saudi Culture. 

Flying with no wings may indicate a change in status. This change is probably not a good one. May mean unfaithful probably to their Allah. Which is or was the God of peace. So this could mean as the horse was departing. That the Peace of Allah is leaving. Which means all encompassing war and conflict will enter that empty space. No one no peace or know Allah. Except those who truly die while living righteously and in true peace from within and outwardly. Which does make a person helpless to the violent.
I saw rooftops as the black horse was departing within the storm. This may mean that since those who call Allah- Just Allah. The actual name of Allah can easily be replaced with any other gods/allahs like isis or horace. (Note: Lower caps used to signify less than the true Allah). The replacement gods becomes the mistress.
The black horse does fly into the storm and does not return. May mean a Turbulent Death. Physical death? divine death? Holy death? spiritual death?  or all of the above. Only God/Allah knows.
What does this mean for Saudi Arabia? As a Country of leadership? Not a very good one. For the people of Saudi Arabia? Not a very good one.

To avert this false message of deception:
The original teachings of Mohammad needs to be more understood and lived. Peaceful living means peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit. Any conflict or urgings of wars or of revenge is not of Allah/God. Can this video be in itself a revealed teaching of deception of a falsehood? A lie upon a lie. Who teaches lies as truths? Who has the worldly authority of teachings lies as truths?
The answers are for those greater than me.
The storm is already upon you.
The power is in the people who refuse all conflict, all war and all revenge in their chosen helplessness. Only then shall their death be righteous. While those who choose war and conflict and act upon it. They shall burn. Burn more than once.  Revenge belongs to Only Allah/God.

The original and most basic of the teachings of Jesus Christs needs to be lived by free choice.
To love one another continuously and without ceasing. To love one another means you are not in war or in conflict. Ever. No matter what any leadership says, states, suggests or demands.

Origin of this blog. Paul Begley
Origin of video:

Added on 04 Dec 2014:
Do some research of life size black horse balloons.

Do a split screen and make a comparison between the easy to find black mare balloon and the flying black stallion in the lightening storm. What do you think? Notice the posture and tail?

Listen to the audio and hear the people laughing. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Test Israel: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2012:

For the last 7 days. The nation of Israel has been tested. That is all this has been. It was a test of the IDF responsiveness to any military action against it's own people. The testing was not for the benefit of Israel. It was for the Benefit of Iran, Hamas, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. Once the Muslim Brotherhood has control of the keys. Their power and authority will be assured. So, They think. The Muslim brotherhood is not in control of their destiny. They are being raised up and  positioned by other humans. To end the Jews. Those who control the Muslim Brotherhood don't even care if they fail and die. The end result is less of them and less of Jews.

When it is clearly seen that Israel will commit their military to ground warfare. Then the leaders of the region will negotiate for a cease fire. Which has happened or is happening.

There were many objectives.
1) Test new Iranian missiles and launch systems. Range and accuracy.
2) Test the real world defensive capabilities of the Israeli Iron dome system.
3) Test to see how long it would take Israel to decide and mobilize it's military for a ground war.
4) Create new strategies for media propaganda wars.

That is test. Just A test. If this had been an actual emergency. Men would be rushing across the borders. Aircraft would be everywhere.
 Israel's compassion is seen in the media. Hamas is seen as an evil entity.  Eventually Israel must begin to see that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza or in any of their enemies. When a government or authority raises their civilian population and children from birth to believe that any group of people are less than human and should die. They are absolute enemies. The evil within them is pure. Even GOD has destroyed whole nations and the whole world because of the purity of evil within. You cannot negotiate with anyone who is willing to die while killing you. For the enemies of Israel, There is nothing to negotiate except for Israels/Jewish non-existence. Once Israel/Jewish people become extinct. The second part of their plan will manifest. That of the destruction of New Jerusalem and the extinction of the New Jews. Which is the USA and the Americans.
A little twist is the USA must become helpless in order for them to destroy Israel and to cause the Jews to become extinct. 


:Next Time:
The tests will be never ending. The enemies of Israel will continually build up and maximize it's strength and capabilities.
Israel must expand it's Naval forces to become a Naval blockade busting/defensive force to the keys. While also, expanding into a separate force which is purely offensive in nature.
1) Strait of Gibraltar.
2) Aegean Sea/Black Sea
3) Suez
4)Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden
A) North Atlantic Fleet
B) Indian Ocean Fleet

This can be done by purchasing the old cold war relics of the USA, Europe, and even Russia and then refitting them for their own purposes. Israel can start by buying the soon to be retire Aircraft carrier plus the battle group support ships of the USA.
Let the USA make the old aircraft carrier into a floating hulk and then buy it.

How Israel can delay the build-up. 
The brain trust and leadership of the enemies of Israel must die. 
Every time a missile flies into Israel, They lose a building. From the most important to the least important. Proper warnings to the people would be compassionate. 


Added on 11 July 2014:
There really isn't anything Israel can do to have any semblance of real friendly peace with any of their neighbors.  Israel must embrace their God and become a truly Holy people as defined by God their Father.
Israel must prepare their entire population for the wars to come. They must on their own create their wealth and their technologies. Including implements of warfare.
Israel must become completely independent from the USA. As it is apparent that the USA government no longer supports Israel. Though, the American Christian still does.
ISIS is growing and may become a new legal state. Redefining the borders of Syria and Iraq. They will become a huge threat.

What s really troublesome is American who go into the area to attack Israeli soldiers with slingshots. Then become a propaganda tool for the enemies of Israel. Israel will need to begin to take stronger actions against their enemies even if they are American citizens.

Israel, Your enemies are going to come from all directions and you know this. Yet, you are not prepared well enough for them. You must embrace GOD and become a Holy nation filled with Holy people as defined by GOD your Father. This is a must and a first step. Then you can begin other preparations. Such as building a fully enclosed 2549.21 foot long (777 Meter) Naval ship yard. Wide enough to build three or more ships at a time.
Added on 09 Oct 2023: 
It looks like the USA is no longer the good guys. The USA has provided financing, weapons, material aid as well as essential military training to the Palestinian Peoples. All of which was used against Israel. All of this information is publicly available.
The Iron Dome system has been overwhelmed or over saturated. The Israelis must add multiple gun systems to the iron dome network. 
The USA shall be cursed. Just as how the USA came against Israel so to will the friends of the USA come against the USA. In the same manner but magnified. The coming curses shall be compounded from all of the crimes and sins which comes forth from the USA.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
 Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Israel Navy Expands: Prophecy: 27 July 2012

New updates at the bottom of this writing and dated.
Israel must expand its naval force. In order to meet the conditions of Bible Prophecy. When Israel has enough surface ships as well as submarines to have an offensive, defensive as well as an ability  to assert control over the Mediterranean sea, Red sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman and the Arabian sea. The time will be close. (Maybe, after a dozen or so years after the final demise of the USA).
A possibility will be as the USA downsizes its own military forces in the near future. Israel may purchase these ships and other retired navy ships. Israel with an Aircraft carrier or five. Israel with a variety of other naval surface and submarines.
Then with Israels natural ability to update and advance the capabilities of everything they get. They would soon be a real dominant force in the entire region. Which they already are. It is not enough. Everyone in the region wants them dead. There is no other option for them. There is no surrender or even relocation for the Jewish people.
Israeli patience will end. The Bible says so. Then Israel takes their lands back and keeps it.

Israel Must have the ability to destroy the navies, air forces and missile delivery systems of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Jordan. In no more than a few days. One day ideal. All at the same time. Then Israel can eliminate artillery and armor of them all in a few more days. Again, all at the same time. Right now, I'm not sure if Saudi Arabia is a threat/enemy or will soon become one. If so, Saudi Arabia will also be neutralized, completely. Israel will need to have in place a defensive picket to cover themselves from Cyprus and Turkey. Turkey may allow the Russian Air forces to fly through and use their airfields. In attacks against Israel. Turkey will also be bombed by Israel. Though mainly strategic and leadership targets.
Added on 18 May 2017: 
Turkey is and has made news especially with their new found interest in Russian military technology. 
I do not believe that Turkey was every a genuine NATO member by their own perspective. Go and research this yourself. Thus, when Turkey becomes a military friend to Russia and China. The NATO club will end and the Russian and China club will begin. Especially when the Chinese new silk road goes through the entire country of Turkey. Then any Chinese military assets will have very fast access into the Middle East or Israel. Thus becoming a direct military threat to European/American/NATO military bases with alleged 0-100+ nuclear bombs on hand at any time.  
In this time when Israel patience has ended. There will be no mercy, No compassion. Everyone who is deemed an enemy of Israel will be targeted. If there is any military asset close to a hospital, mosque or school. It will all be destroyed, No matter who is inside. All will die. No matter if they are innocent or not. The united nations will only be able to get there people out of harms way. The united nations personnel will be caught in the cross fire and many will die. The united nations will be ignored by Israel. The United nations will speak out against Israel. The United nations will vote against Israel. The united nations can and will do nothing against Israel. Thus, is the truth of the United Nations.

All of this should occur in a time when the USA no longer exists or no longer has the ability to project its power and will anywhere beyond its borders. Maybe, even within its own borders. Cash strapped USA will sell, sell, sell.
Since the great Satan (USA, New Israel, New Jerusalem) can no longer protect little Satan (Israel). Israel will be attacked.   The Islamic nations of the regions. Will declare finally we can be rid ourselves of Israel. Let us destroy Israel together. They will fail. They will die. They will lose.
Israel will not stop with standard military battles. All of those related to any ruling family member or military leader will die. No matter what country they reside or hide in. All Islamic brain trust related or not. will also die. It matters not where they are and in which ever country who protects them. 

The capturing or retaking of the new lands. Israel begins to profit greatly. A new Jewish baby boom begins and is prolonged.

These are the reasons why the world comes against Israel. They go to far in the eyes of the worlds media. No one understands. That Israel will no longer be victimized ever again.

Russian naval ships will be defeated as they come from the Black sea, through Gibraltar. The fleet in the Arabian sea will have success against Israel. China's, North Korean Navy will bolster the Russian navy. The combined navies will position themselves and wait for the land convergence upon Israel. (Who will have a new generation of  battleship and submarines?)

Then something big happens. Israel will be protected. All military forces and personnel will be lost. All will be lost. It wont matter if they are in reserve or second reserves or what ever. I don't think the protection of Israel is the intended purpose. Even though that is what happens. I think its far to spooky for my mind to understand and ownership changes. Whatever that really means. (This I think is the moment as described in Bible and Islamic prophecy).

The order in which I've written is probably inaccurate. Some events may happen at or near the same time. It is my belief that any negative prophecy can be averted before the event(s) occurs. Especially when it is man created. Also, a negative prophecy which is natural in creation. Can be mitigated, altered or prevented in accordance to human technological development and will.
The completion of the Human Genome Project. Which proves that we are a single race of human beings on this planet. Racism in any form is an illogical falsehood. 99.9% of all human DNA is identical. The Human Genome Project was completed 11+ years ago. Human DNA finger printing was discovered around 1984. When all of the common people of the world begin to believe this fact. Racism in any form can never be used by any world, Religious, cultural or national leader to make war. Racism is an illusion and is not real. Racism is a lie and deception used by any leader for their own selfish reasons. The revelation of a singular human race must be taught to everyone. If we common human beings do not learn this one simple fact. Then we will become extinct or reset. All of the worlds prophets will become absolutely correct in their prophecies. I believe all of the dire end of time prophecies are the fault of man. If it is all the fault of man. Then we can alter the conclusion of our predicted extinction. It is our fault we become extinct and not the will of GOD,  GRANDFATHER, UNIVERSAL SPIRIT or however you name the ONE. The whole of the human race has become insane and seems to be bent on killing itself.
I believe that when everyone on this planet begins to know that we are all just one race of humans. This one concept will be the beginning of a new human future. A human future with great possibilities and wonderful destinies. Our fate by our own hands does not have to end in death and destruction.
From the belief that we are a singular race, comes the belief that we are a singular family, Comes the brotherhood and sisterhood of man. To Love one another will make sense and be possible. Living in peace with all of our minor differences will become probable. Living in harmony by universal agreement will become a real decision to be made and can be made. The result will be life for all. Equal life for all.
All of this can be prevented. Since all of the events are caused and created by MAN. The enemies of Israel must not attack and wage war. Israel must show restraint when and if they are attacked.
Russian and Chinese forces do not invade in any capacity against Israel. Then maybe we all can not become extinct. A short time afterwards. This is what it all leads up to. Human extinction by our own insane human hands. The USA is gone either way. Maybe the USA is already gone.  
I've had two visions. One of a new battleship and one of a new submarine. Who builds them? China? Israel? Russia? USA? probably not Israel. They seem to be a buyer. Maybe Israel has the USA ship yards build them. I'm guessing.  This would be highly classified and I'm not revealing any more info on this. (But, I have).
  10 Aug 2012: (Highly Speculative Assumption) The Israeli natural gas platforms will be online in 2013?. This new energy/financial resource may be enough for Israel to make deals with the USA over its retirement of 3-4 Aircraft carriers  in the next 10 years. Coupled with ongoing training prior to the handover. This would be a good deal financially and strategically for both countries. The USA would no longer have to run to the rescue every time to save Israel. The USA could have a supporting role. Since, Aircraft carriers are within a battle group for over all protection. This may be a multi-ship deal. Which today would be classified if my speculation is highly accurate. This is not a vision and is only my assumption. Which historically is very inaccurate.
10 Aug 2012: I do not think the current gas fields is going to be Israels big money. I think this may be the one before the bigger one.
:USS Enterprise (CVN 65):
The Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise is retiring. Israel, Needs to really negotiate for the purchasing of this old ship. Probably after, it has been stripped. Then Israel can add only their new stuff. Israel needs to prove that the USA will make or save money overall and that President Obama will look good. By aggressively downplaying the use of an antiquated ship would suit them for the purpose of buying this ship. Israel can negotiate for the purchase of other supporting ships. In one large package deal. Which would cause President Obama to look like the clean president and the money making president. Israel Needs this ship. Even if it is in their own ship yard for 5 years for re-fit. 
I see physical changes in the physical exterior of the sides of the ship. Uncertain. Possibly defense related.
The USA selling off it's naval ships to Israel. Including the old heavily armored WW2 ships like the Battleships. In the short term the dis-satisfied response of the American people will be short lived as the Heroes of WW2 are dying off and no one I don't think Americans are really interested in American History.  The long term response would become positive for the political leaders as they can easily prove monies saved over the long term.
The China Buffer for the USA will be Israel, Japan and Korea. Japan and Korea will be the front lines of defense. While Israel will be the secondary threat responder in the Middle east. Especially for the strategic threat of the Russian new naval weapons systems. Israel needs to become capable enough to guard the entire blue water region. Israel will need at least two Aircraft carrier battle groups. Comparable to a USA naval Battle group. To be follow up with four naval strike groups. One to two additional Aircraft carrier battle groups to exert Israeli will in the entire region.
Since the state of Israel can be destroyed by a single Nuclear bomb. A second piece of land needs to be acquired for their population. Where? I have no clue. Probably a coastal region of the USA. Since the USA is open for sale by anyone. Maybe Coastal Texas, between Corpus Christi and Galveston  TX. The entire area of the Wildlife protected area. By agreements with the USA. This entire area can be built up for the Israeli people. Dredging for deep water access to Victoria. The development of military manufacturing capabilities. Then expand into general housing and etc. A peaceful existence for the Jewish people. A forty year development will ease tensions in the Middle east and delay potential military threats against Israel. When the truth is the Jewish people are not leaving only expanding. Which makes the Jewish planned extinction less probable or possible. 
The development of a Israeli Naval and Air-Force Base. Will also enable the adapting of the old US Naval Ships with new technologies. A new generation super Ship building facility may also be the place for the creation of the new super ultra modern battleships. The Blue fleet destroyers.
Also Read Scapa Flow Blog.
:New Generation Helicopters:
 There may be more updates to this. 27 July 2012: 29 July 2012: 31 July 2012: 09 Aug 2012: 10 Aug 2012:
Added on 16 April 2013: 
Other Aircraft carriers which could be sold to Israel or even Japan. Maybe even South Korea.  A sale to Japan or South Korea would cause China and North Korea some grief.

2 aircraft carriers sold to Israel. 2 Aircraft carriers sold to Japan. Best strategic option for the USA.
Added on 16 April 2013: Russian and American Navy news.
Added on 31 May 2015: Turkey Military news: old news from 2013: Just new to me.
How is this news? if it is old? Simple the conflicting interpretations of  of Christian Bible prophecy. Where Russia or Turkey or both attacks Israel. Turkey is modifying a ship with a flat top. Most likely to be used for F-35 planes to be received by the USA. The time frame shall be 2021-2033. Which just happens to coincide with Russia and China's military modernization and buildups. 
Israel needs to re-think their Naval strategy. Especially since Spain is helping Turkey.
The US retired Naval ships should be obtained and re-engineered for Israeli use. Time is running out. Israel needs 3-5 Air-Craft carriers in service by 2020. With an air compliment of  270-450 FA18's. I do not think the F35 will be ready. The F35 is supposed to be very difficult to maintain. The tried and true of the F-18's. Then if the F-35's ever become operational with a working variety of armaments. Then scale back the F-18's.
Israel, One aircraft carrier can wipe out an entire Naval fleet which does not have any real air support. The aircraft battle group is something where each ship protects one another. Without an aircraft carrier. You introduce a huge Naval weakness into your Navy. One which can be sunk in a matter of hours. Without an Aircraft carrier all of your naval warships must stay within the operational range of your land based air force. The enemies in which you shall face can park their aircraft carrier battle groups just outside of the operational ranges of your land based planes. Thus, effectively containing your military. This shall be your enemies Southern shield and your Northern Blockade. In which they can launch an attack at will. How will you re-arm yourselves then? How will you rearm yourselves when the USA is gone?
Israel weapons purchases:
Added on 17 Sept 2015: Israel: Israel: Israel:
Russia is in Syria and they are landing Armour and Air defense. Some of those Russian boys look really tough and not your average young person with minimal training and who has to be there.
Israel. Your time is getting short. Soon you will have war with everyone. You will have war with Russia and China to degrees. You must act now in your military build up and training. Israel, You must be more proactive. Right now. I can say "right now" as I do not have to plan all of the things you need to plan. You do have to take action very very soon. If not. All of Israel shall be destroyed and the only Jewish population will be in North America. North America will not be your safe harbor either. As you will also be hunted there as well. Once your Jewish blood lines are completely extinct in the whole Middle east. So to all Catholic and Christians in the Middle east shall also be extinct. Then Europe will burn. All of Europe including the Vatican. All Catholics and all Christians shall be killed. So to every unbeliever. Absolute racism will prevail within Islam. Then they will turn their attentions upon Russia and China.
Why have I not mentioned the USA. They are no longer present in the future of the soon extinct humanity within the whole of the world.
This is my own prophetic crazy train. Oh Israel: The leaders of the world have already begun there war march. Mr. Putin seems to be acting hastily. Mr. Xi Jinping seems to be doing what he is doing patiently. While expanding his military capabilities. North Korea's young godlike dictator. Will want to be exuberant in his own creation of his own defined greatness. He will have no problem with being the pawn of China. So as long as he can destroy the USA. Iran will also take part in destroying the USA from within. The American Tet offensive will happen.
I do not think you have 5 years Israel. But, if Mr. Putin is patient and can stabilize Syria and then rebound back into Russia. Then Israel has more time. The outside time line is 2025-2045. The military's of both Russia and China will be modernized and most likely advanced in the areas of reliability. North Korea and their full scale run of their nuclear reactor will produce weapons grade fuel for themselves and for Iran.
My crazy train rant may be out of order in some things. You Israel will still need to read my other writings to get a clearer picture. Israel to survive. You must return to the Laws of Moses. All of you by your own free choice and free will. Because it is the righteous and godly thing to do based from your own reasoned intellect.  Pray, meditate and contemplate upon the God of your ancestors. Then maybe?
Who coined crazy train? I know it's not mine. I have never used that phrase before. OK that is just weird. I don't even listen to Ozzy Osborne or event that type of music. Well, guess what? it is related to this. Read the lyrics. I do remember the song from my youth. I didn't know the lyrics then. This is weird. The leaders of the world are on the crazy train. It is certain. The only way off is derailment in which many still die or many countries cease to exist. I think the fate of the USA is mostly certain. They(Americans) will be gone and me. Can you survive in a world without an America? Crazy.
Added on 24 Sept 2015:
The balance of military power is shifting. Egypt has found a new energy source greater than Israel Leviathan. With these new planned profits. They are already modernizing and expanding their military capabilities. The purchase of new naval warships.
From the appearance of the Israeli navy. It looks like Israel has expanded minimally. Israel is set to lose control over any disputed access to the water. Israel in the future will succumb to blockades.
Added on 16 July 2016: Turkey News.
The coup in Turkey has failed. I have no idea who the good guys were and the bad guys were. I think the president was the bad guy and will transition his government into an Islamic Sharia religious dictatorship. In which they will seize what NATO Nuclear warheads are present and hide them. Now does what I wrote above begin to make reasonable sense last year and 4 years ago? If not just wait a few months. No one is talking about the NATO Nukes on the American Air Base in southern Turkey. No one is talking about how European Nations did not come to the aid of the Turkish Government. All access has been denied and all power was cut. Wanna get some free nukes? prophetically this is a sign. Not a good sign either. It means humanity just got closer to extinction.
This is going to be very bad for Israel. Israel as of right now needs to expand their Navy a lot more than they have envisioned. Read the above.
Maybe, with a Trump presidency he will sell off many retired aircraft carriers and a lot of destroyers to Israel. Maybe, even some old submarines.
Added on 27 April 2017: In response to the story: I was rejected for security reasons. Go figure.
The problem with Air Craft Carrier usefulness and effectiveness is the lack of evolution within the ship. Sure technological advancements have outpaced the evolution of the Air Craft Carrier. The merging of thinking processes from one kind of ship to another kind of ship must be forward into new capabilities. The US Navy seems to have advanced some evolution by adding some meager defensive capabilities. From the non classified civilian side of this janitor. That is all that it appears to be.
The new Ford Class Air Craft Carrier from the USA is a beautiful ship. But, I also see it as an end of the line ship. Just as the Battleship could not defend itself against the new air threats effectively. They became museum relics. Will this be the outcome of the Air Craft Carrier if any unfortunate hot war broke out and those new hyper velocity missile systems were able to outpace the current mechanics of CIWS and other short/medium ranged missiles designed for last chance self defense. Or some wannabe super power was able to launch a ballistic missile/rocket which came straight down from the heavens to send an Air Craft Carrier to the bottom of some darkened and cold sea floor.
I see this as hand to hand combat. If you fight a person who always leads with a right hook. What are you gonna do? That is an Air Craft carrier of today. It's a right hook that everyone knows is coming from the right. Just as Rhonda Rousey and other MMA champions had not evolved their fighting skills. They were eventually defeated by a soul who worked on a strength which over matched their forgotten weaknesses/holes. Rhonda Rousey losses were brutal and fast.
Does that mean the USA should stop building the Ford Class? No Sir, A right hook is still very effective. But when combined with jabs and grabs or straight kicks or leg sweeps. Then comes the knee to the noggin. So what I'm saying is. The offensive and defensive capability of an expensive ship needs to evolve. Even if a new designation is created. Such as Air Craft Carrier Missile Battleship. That is greater than 600 meters long.
Israel should consider purchasing at least 3-5 retired US aircraft carriers as well as what ever is left of their old destroyers.
Thank You sir, Awesome story. I had to read it many times.
Added on 19 May 2021: Israel at war again with Hamas.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 