Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Chinese Terrorism Inside USA Prophecy: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes. Unless you see them. 
The Chinese military and Chinese police officers who are already inside of the USA will begin or have already begun to extort monies from businesses owned by foreign nationals inside of the USA.
A Chinese national in civilian attire. Driving a relatively new Dark color Toyota. He sits in his car at the front door and eating his food. The husband and wife are very shaken as they know their business has fundamentally changed. The idea of freedom and liberty has been taken from them. Now it does not matter if they work hard and smart every single day from before dawn to after dusk. They now must pay the Chinese man money in order to remain safe. While knowing that China is still on a war footing with India and their own families members who are still there. 
Just as China is and has been harassing all of their neighbors. They are now expanding the harassing of every enemy civilian wherever the Chinese finds them. How do I know this? I'm just a simple janitor mr. agent man. Read on.
In the same manner as how typically known or suspected mob and mafia organizations operate inside of the USA. So to is or shall China begin to operate inside of the USA.
There will only be One. All crime organizations will end. All organized crime organizations will be controlled by the Chinese Communists. All local, state and federal leaders will be wholly owned by the Chinese Communists. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will go forth and extort monies from their enemies who are originally from India and who are owners of apparent legitimate businesses inside of the USA.
This is not just about the Indian people who have come to America for a better life. This is about all enemies of Communist China. They all will be found and extorted. There will be no recourse.  
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will also inflict all manner of pain, suffering, torture and murder of anyone who comes against them. All without guilt, remorse or any other kind of negative thought.
The person who refuses the will of the Chinese Communist soldiers and police officers which are really arms of the organized criminal organizations. The person, their family and their friends may all be tortured in horrific ways and then killed. Even if their bodies are dumped in the streets. The federal and state agents, local police and detectives will not be able to do anything as the Chinese Communists know everything about each one of them and their families. There will be no justice for any victim. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers who are operating inside of the USA will have access to all intelligence data and will know who they each are dealing with, including American Federal agents, their families, state detectives and their families, local police, local detectives and their families. What this will mean is this, no federal agent or police officer or detective can ever go to work and protect their own family and friends at the same time.
I see dedicated Chinese satellites over the USA which offer immediate communications to and from China. It is they who will send intelligence reports about each encounter with any American civilian, soldier, federal agent, police officer, state detective. Can you imagine that your a detective, agent or police officer and a Chinese national has a file on you and your entire family. Would you continue to investigate? How can you protect you parents? your in-laws? your siblings and their families? your own family? all at the same time. 
What you think is a local Chinese criminal organization is in fact the Chinese government, their Chinese soldiers and they are all better then you in conducting military style activities. They even have the power to conduct military styled activities in every city that one of your family member lives in and they have those intelligence reports. Do not get close to them, do not engage them alone and do not be alone with them. I have deleted permanently aggressive content.
NOTE: Maybe not now but soon. In my mind right now now is sometime in the near future. 
China is right now still trying to get their chosen forces in country. Then goes their duty stations and their territorial boundaries. Then comes their organizational status. Then comes equipment. They will then be self funding hence the complete takeover of all criminal organizations through the extinction process. Then comes the ownership of all politicians. 
NOTE: What kind of equipment? Every kind of military equipment. Shipped to each of them without inspection. Exactly how all of the drugs are getting into this country.
Mr. secret agent man, former soldiers, police officers, detectives. When you discover that there are now or soon to be Chinese nationals and you have your own encounters with them. What are you going to do when you realize that your own badge, constitution, bill of rights, federal laws and state laws no longer apply? What can you do? What will you do? Then what happens when your own chain of command tells you to stop. Even though you know what you know and have the evidence to prove it all in court? Mad Max Time? What are the actual options? Then who will be your chain of command when the official officials have failed you, failed the good citizens/civilians whom you will never meet. As your job forces you to mostly have encounters with the worst that society has to offer at your specific level of enforcement.
You know something agents, detectives, officers and deputies. Do your due diligence. The time may not be now but it will be soon. Without attracting attention to yourselves. Take care of your families. Without causing fear express to each of your own family members to become self motivating and to become effective with weapons and tactical training. It takes time to train, plan, prepare and to fortify. 
You guys and gals may be the last ones who must protect the good civilians when civilization breaks down, when justice ends and still do those dangerous things for the helpless and defenseless without any more paychecks or benefits. Are you willing and can you even say what you will decide right now? Do you still have your idealistic heroic soul or have you reasoned it to death?
Added on 22 Feb 2024: 
Hiding an act of war behind or inside a strong natural occurrence is a good strategy. So as long as the act of war can be continued and perpetuated. 
Didn't Japan hide behind a powerful storm on their way to attack Pearl Harbor. Imperial Japans failure was not holding Hawaii. They attack and then departed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Test Israel: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2012:

For the last 7 days. The nation of Israel has been tested. That is all this has been. It was a test of the IDF responsiveness to any military action against it's own people. The testing was not for the benefit of Israel. It was for the Benefit of Iran, Hamas, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. Once the Muslim Brotherhood has control of the keys. Their power and authority will be assured. So, They think. The Muslim brotherhood is not in control of their destiny. They are being raised up and  positioned by other humans. To end the Jews. Those who control the Muslim Brotherhood don't even care if they fail and die. The end result is less of them and less of Jews.

When it is clearly seen that Israel will commit their military to ground warfare. Then the leaders of the region will negotiate for a cease fire. Which has happened or is happening.

There were many objectives.
1) Test new Iranian missiles and launch systems. Range and accuracy.
2) Test the real world defensive capabilities of the Israeli Iron dome system.
3) Test to see how long it would take Israel to decide and mobilize it's military for a ground war.
4) Create new strategies for media propaganda wars.

That is test. Just A test. If this had been an actual emergency. Men would be rushing across the borders. Aircraft would be everywhere.
 Israel's compassion is seen in the media. Hamas is seen as an evil entity.  Eventually Israel must begin to see that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza or in any of their enemies. When a government or authority raises their civilian population and children from birth to believe that any group of people are less than human and should die. They are absolute enemies. The evil within them is pure. Even GOD has destroyed whole nations and the whole world because of the purity of evil within. You cannot negotiate with anyone who is willing to die while killing you. For the enemies of Israel, There is nothing to negotiate except for Israels/Jewish non-existence. Once Israel/Jewish people become extinct. The second part of their plan will manifest. That of the destruction of New Jerusalem and the extinction of the New Jews. Which is the USA and the Americans.
A little twist is the USA must become helpless in order for them to destroy Israel and to cause the Jews to become extinct. 


:Next Time:
The tests will be never ending. The enemies of Israel will continually build up and maximize it's strength and capabilities.
Israel must expand it's Naval forces to become a Naval blockade busting/defensive force to the keys. While also, expanding into a separate force which is purely offensive in nature.
1) Strait of Gibraltar.
2) Aegean Sea/Black Sea
3) Suez
4)Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden
A) North Atlantic Fleet
B) Indian Ocean Fleet

This can be done by purchasing the old cold war relics of the USA, Europe, and even Russia and then refitting them for their own purposes. Israel can start by buying the soon to be retire Aircraft carrier plus the battle group support ships of the USA.
Let the USA make the old aircraft carrier into a floating hulk and then buy it.

How Israel can delay the build-up. 
The brain trust and leadership of the enemies of Israel must die. 
Every time a missile flies into Israel, They lose a building. From the most important to the least important. Proper warnings to the people would be compassionate. 


Added on 11 July 2014:
There really isn't anything Israel can do to have any semblance of real friendly peace with any of their neighbors.  Israel must embrace their God and become a truly Holy people as defined by God their Father.
Israel must prepare their entire population for the wars to come. They must on their own create their wealth and their technologies. Including implements of warfare.
Israel must become completely independent from the USA. As it is apparent that the USA government no longer supports Israel. Though, the American Christian still does.
ISIS is growing and may become a new legal state. Redefining the borders of Syria and Iraq. They will become a huge threat.

What s really troublesome is American who go into the area to attack Israeli soldiers with slingshots. Then become a propaganda tool for the enemies of Israel. Israel will need to begin to take stronger actions against their enemies even if they are American citizens.

Israel, Your enemies are going to come from all directions and you know this. Yet, you are not prepared well enough for them. You must embrace GOD and become a Holy nation filled with Holy people as defined by GOD your Father. This is a must and a first step. Then you can begin other preparations. Such as building a fully enclosed 2549.21 foot long (777 Meter) Naval ship yard. Wide enough to build three or more ships at a time.
Added on 09 Oct 2023: 
It looks like the USA is no longer the good guys. The USA has provided financing, weapons, material aid as well as essential military training to the Palestinian Peoples. All of which was used against Israel. All of this information is publicly available.
The Iron Dome system has been overwhelmed or over saturated. The Israelis must add multiple gun systems to the iron dome network. 
The USA shall be cursed. Just as how the USA came against Israel so to will the friends of the USA come against the USA. In the same manner but magnified. The coming curses shall be compounded from all of the crimes and sins which comes forth from the USA.
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 Musings of an American Truck Driver 