Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Chinese Terrorism Inside USA Prophecy: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes. Unless you see them. 
The Chinese military and Chinese police officers who are already inside of the USA will begin or have already begun to extort monies from businesses owned by foreign nationals inside of the USA.
A Chinese national in civilian attire. Driving a relatively new Dark color Toyota. He sits in his car at the front door and eating his food. The husband and wife are very shaken as they know their business has fundamentally changed. The idea of freedom and liberty has been taken from them. Now it does not matter if they work hard and smart every single day from before dawn to after dusk. They now must pay the Chinese man money in order to remain safe. While knowing that China is still on a war footing with India and their own families members who are still there. 
Just as China is and has been harassing all of their neighbors. They are now expanding the harassing of every enemy civilian wherever the Chinese finds them. How do I know this? I'm just a simple janitor mr. agent man. Read on.
In the same manner as how typically known or suspected mob and mafia organizations operate inside of the USA. So to is or shall China begin to operate inside of the USA.
There will only be One. All crime organizations will end. All organized crime organizations will be controlled by the Chinese Communists. All local, state and federal leaders will be wholly owned by the Chinese Communists. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will go forth and extort monies from their enemies who are originally from India and who are owners of apparent legitimate businesses inside of the USA.
This is not just about the Indian people who have come to America for a better life. This is about all enemies of Communist China. They all will be found and extorted. There will be no recourse.  
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will also inflict all manner of pain, suffering, torture and murder of anyone who comes against them. All without guilt, remorse or any other kind of negative thought.
The person who refuses the will of the Chinese Communist soldiers and police officers which are really arms of the organized criminal organizations. The person, their family and their friends may all be tortured in horrific ways and then killed. Even if their bodies are dumped in the streets. The federal and state agents, local police and detectives will not be able to do anything as the Chinese Communists know everything about each one of them and their families. There will be no justice for any victim. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers who are operating inside of the USA will have access to all intelligence data and will know who they each are dealing with, including American Federal agents, their families, state detectives and their families, local police, local detectives and their families. What this will mean is this, no federal agent or police officer or detective can ever go to work and protect their own family and friends at the same time.
I see dedicated Chinese satellites over the USA which offer immediate communications to and from China. It is they who will send intelligence reports about each encounter with any American civilian, soldier, federal agent, police officer, state detective. Can you imagine that your a detective, agent or police officer and a Chinese national has a file on you and your entire family. Would you continue to investigate? How can you protect you parents? your in-laws? your siblings and their families? your own family? all at the same time. 
What you think is a local Chinese criminal organization is in fact the Chinese government, their Chinese soldiers and they are all better then you in conducting military style activities. They even have the power to conduct military styled activities in every city that one of your family member lives in and they have those intelligence reports. Do not get close to them, do not engage them alone and do not be alone with them. I have deleted permanently aggressive content.
NOTE: Maybe not now but soon. In my mind right now now is sometime in the near future. 
China is right now still trying to get their chosen forces in country. Then goes their duty stations and their territorial boundaries. Then comes their organizational status. Then comes equipment. They will then be self funding hence the complete takeover of all criminal organizations through the extinction process. Then comes the ownership of all politicians. 
NOTE: What kind of equipment? Every kind of military equipment. Shipped to each of them without inspection. Exactly how all of the drugs are getting into this country.
Mr. secret agent man, former soldiers, police officers, detectives. When you discover that there are now or soon to be Chinese nationals and you have your own encounters with them. What are you going to do when you realize that your own badge, constitution, bill of rights, federal laws and state laws no longer apply? What can you do? What will you do? Then what happens when your own chain of command tells you to stop. Even though you know what you know and have the evidence to prove it all in court? Mad Max Time? What are the actual options? Then who will be your chain of command when the official officials have failed you, failed the good citizens/civilians whom you will never meet. As your job forces you to mostly have encounters with the worst that society has to offer at your specific level of enforcement.
You know something agents, detectives, officers and deputies. Do your due diligence. The time may not be now but it will be soon. Without attracting attention to yourselves. Take care of your families. Without causing fear express to each of your own family members to become self motivating and to become effective with weapons and tactical training. It takes time to train, plan, prepare and to fortify. 
You guys and gals may be the last ones who must protect the good civilians when civilization breaks down, when justice ends and still do those dangerous things for the helpless and defenseless without any more paychecks or benefits. Are you willing and can you even say what you will decide right now? Do you still have your idealistic heroic soul or have you reasoned it to death?
Added on 22 Feb 2024: 
Hiding an act of war behind or inside a strong natural occurrence is a good strategy. So as long as the act of war can be continued and perpetuated. 
Didn't Japan hide behind a powerful storm on their way to attack Pearl Harbor. Imperial Japans failure was not holding Hawaii. They attack and then departed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Chinese Prepare For War: (unedited): 05 Nov 2021:

 History does tell us that the good guys do not always win. Actually, often times the good guys or the good people get crushed and destroyed. For example, look to the Chinese civil war in which the good guys or the good people of China lost and lost badly. Those who fought for freedom and liberty escaped to Taiwan and to other nations. To the Chinese leadership their civil war is not finished. To the Chinese leadership every nation which had ever offended them in any way historically will succumb to the newly risen Chinese dragon. This does include Japan and the USA as well as Russia. This does include India as well. 

As I watch China build 400 new ballistic missile silos for a very possible new next generation of rocket delivery systems for their new MIRV'ed systems. The threat to the world becomes unmistakable. The threat to NATO and to the United States in which they are all wholly helpless and defenseless. Because they are still fully compliant to the MAD treaties. While Russia has been out of MAD since around the year 2000. So what does this mean? Do the math. What is 400 times 10? This is the number of nuclear weapons which China will have in silos in a short period of time. It seems all of the technology used by the Chinese military is stolen or bought or both from the USA. China also now has the largest Navy in the world. In which was all paid for by the American people. China is now the most heavily defended nation in the world. All paid for by the American people. So when the bulk or majority of Americas missiles, rockets and planes get shot down. Know this, Americans paid for it all. When American Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers get destroyed and captured. Americans paid for it all. Do you get it yet? I don't think so. Because, Walmart, Costco, Sam's clubs and other retail outlets still have lines of Americans buying everything China can make. 

The cyber-war has already been lost by the Americans more than a decade ago. China was able to retrieve everything classified. Including all NASA technologies and secrets. Without the American government, pentagon, or American corporations even being aware. The taking of classified information was so severe that the Chinese were even able to make multiple changes to military blueprints from the F35 to the Ford aircraft carriers and everything in between. Can you imagine someone unknown getting into your systems and changing math variables in the smallest degrees. Can you imagine someone changing measurements so that nothing works or that you burn the entire tail section off of your new warplanes when you go full thrust for more than a minute. Oh yea, President Bill Clinton gave the Chinese all of the NASA technologies. Then all of that NASA technology went to North Korea and Iran.

The current economic war will most likely end in mutual economic collapse. While the Americans owe China about 1.1 trillion dollars. China even owns land assets inside of the USA.  The stupid and ignorant American people still buy products "Made In China". Such it is when your way of life is about to end. Every nation which has fallen before all of the people thought it was impossible and yet they either died horrible deaths, enslaved or the remnant were able to escape with nothing. China may be able to get a judgement from the USA. But, you cannot collect from those who have no money. But, Land can be given away and the people forced to work that debt off. 

The Chinese leadership has just announced that their citizens must stock pile all necessities. These declarations often times are a prelude to war. The Chinese leadership have most likely and will most likely give their citizens plenty of time to stock pile foods and other necessities. When the Chinese leadership feels plenty of time has been given for the people to stockpile. Then China may decide to go to war. If this is the actual case. Then all Americans must also prepare and stockpile all necessary foods and goods for at least many years. The American people must stop buying any products from China(PRC). Even if the product is partially made in China and assembled in the USA. Refuse to buy any of it. 

The Americans still do not consider China and enemy. The American government and all of the media services are at fault for this ongoing false belief system. China will launch MIRV'ed tipped nuclear missiles into a helpless and defenseless America. I do not doubt their intentions as they are communists in a socialist society as Supreme Leader XI has stated earlier this year. Before, China can finish their own civil war. The USA must be neutralized first. China knows they can defeat the US Navy by continuously shooting missiles until the American fleets just run out of ammunition. There is nothing the US Navy can really do. China even has plans of capturing US warships and have secret methods to neutralize those ships which include the aircraft carriers. China will use RF DEW's and HP RF DEW's against all naval ships and warplanes. China has been able to tie into their networks Elephant cages in order to see stealth planes at much further distances than what even the Pentagon believes. Not only can China see the F35, F22 and any other stealth plane. China can target and launch missiles at them. 

The American people must begin to plan to go to war with China, Iran, North Korea. The American people must be able to survive without any modern day services. The American people must be able to live like the Amish or Mennonite. Those groups who do not use any modern day convenience's. The American people must begin stocking up on all crucial goods and foods for many years per person. The American people must begin to plant all manner of fruit and nut for your specific regions. All it takes is one EMP weapon detonated over Kansas City. Then in one year about or more than 90% of all Americans will be dead. The USA ends. Those places which have have value resources will be militarily invaded and all Americans killed. China will not care about prisoners of war. Unless, a person has had a history of knowing anything classified. The American females which are very pleasant to look at will become sex slaves until they become pregnant or mentally ill in which they will just be killed. All surviving LGBTQ+ will be killed. All criminals will be killed. All former military and law enforcement personnel will be killed. All persons who know any kind of martial arts will be killed. Do you get it yet? or do you see me as someone who is paranoid? I already know my fate and am trying to save your life and the life of your family. What of the coming natural disaster to the USA. If it comes to the USA. You will know what you will have to do. But, in the mean time become debt free and pull out those non edible ornamental plants and replant with edibles of every kind for your region. 
Added on 06 Nov 2021: If war is imminent between China and Taiwan. If you are a corporate entity which does do business of any kind with Taiwan or China. You must move your business out of Taiwan and China both. You corporation's must come to terms with how China does not care about your business. Who manufactured your products? Who owns the containers your products are transported in? Who owns the ships your products are being transported in? Who manages the deep water ports where your products will be offloaded? You know these things better than I. 
Your business and corporation is crucial to the economy of the United States. So if the risk of obtaining your products becomes unreliable. Then how do you manage those effects. Maybe, you should go in house manufacturing? 
Prophetically speaking, The times will only get worse and your ability to do business will be harmed if you do not manage all manner of threats. The shorter the distance your transportation needs are. The more reliable your business becomes. So consider manufacturing in American states which are friendly to business ventures. 
You also have to think about no longer doing business in California, Oregon and Washington states. Because, if the politicians of those states continue to make life difficult for your business or corporation. Then you should not have a foot print in those states. Especially, if you actually begin to minimize manufacturing in those Asian nations. 
Prophetically speaking. California may very well suffer greatly. I do not know of any good prophecies for California. Eventually there will be a void of goodness as the true good people move out of California and the evil doers move in. This also includes the wealth as associated with the good people. Then once those who are truly blessed by God has departed so to all of the blessings and protections for them. You must take all of these things and issues into account.
Added on 31 May 2022: It looks like the Chinese has made the decision for the American people as they stop producing and shipping goods more than a few months ago. Does this mean that China is transitioning into a war like economy as the Americans had done in WWII? China has 10 years of stock piled fuels and food, plus other unknown goods. While the Americans do not even have a few days of foods or fuels. China is the worlds powerhouse in global manufacturing while the Americans barely manufacture anything. Let alone make any piece of military equipment which works as intended. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, September 9, 2021

American Leadership Failure From the Highest: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2021:

This event is most likely the biggest American military, State Department, White House blunder since Vietnam. This may in fact be the worst American failure ever. American military is now inside of Iran, Russia and China have their hands on classified drone, communications and other high tech CIA related  technologies. Bagram air base will most likely become a Chinese air base. There is more than one base which has already been taken over. In which China can now achieve military influence over the most northern parts of India. It is really worse than any civilian news reporting service thinks and the military reporting services are not reporting the severity of what has happened. What the United States did to not just Afghanistan but to NATO nations is really deplorable. The murders in Afghanistan is going unreported and if anyone reports they are deemed as a falsehood. Entire underground Christian church congregations are being murdered and nothing reported. So called official fact checkers are declaring all Christian deaths in Afghanistan as hoaxes. This is really worse than you think. 
Bring a coffee and ready a comfy chair. 
==================== (Membership required). (MUST READ) (Historical Context). (Fallout all the way to South Korea) (Biden's lies or false promises? in June 2021). (China fears) (Historical Context)(Biden Dishonor). (Taliban's New Airforce, bring a calculator) (Be mindful of the dates)
Can you imagine the United States military leaving hundreds of American people behind? Well, this has happened. The dishonor of America is at hand. How can any nation trust the USA when the USA abandons their own civilians? The USA has put NATO nations in bad positions. A national embarrassment. 
Added on 11 Sept 2021: Further American embarrassment and lies revealed by the entire American military chain of command as captured American air assets fly over Afghanistan. Which also can mean that the classified communications on those assets are also fully intact.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Indian And Chinese War: (Unedited): 17-20 June 2020:

My thoughts as I focus upon the Communist Chinese leadership. Especially, in regards to India. China may have chosen India to go to war with. My quotes are not what I believe to be valid. It seems what I'm picking up on in regards to China. I'm picking up a lot of pride and arrogance.
Peace is a sickness which leads to the ineffective mediocrity of forgotten leaders.
The Chinese leaders are looking to make a name for themselves and to raise up the Chinese standard with pride, bravery and blood. Actually, The Chinese leaders have become very thirsty for blood. Remember this as I have written in the past that China will be the trigger that ends all of humanity. The extinction process begins with China.
Added on 18 June 2020:
The world wide embarrassment of the Indian soldiers will be known. While India sent regular soldiers against China. China sent their best fighters in hand to hand combat. This is just a sign for India as India is not fit for any combat scenario against any modern military fighting force.
India will be forced to lose much more land if India pushes the Chinese. China has been working on their professional military for some time while India has been focused on weapons platforms that bring apparent respect. China is fully aware of how incompetent the Indian military is and the Chinese assessment is correct. It will be best for the Indian military to negotiate a peace with China. Because, China will just take and take until you relent or surrender all of India. China will also use your enemies against you. When India loses much more with China engagements. This will only cause the other enemies of India to think that India is much easier to defeat than what they had ever thought. Then when India backs down. India will be seen as weak and as cowards.
NOTE: Error in this writing as the news was still to early and the evidence had not been reported. I do not seek out the news unless something has happened.  
How do you deal with an emerging world bully? A bully does not reason. The only convincing that a bully will agree to is when his/her blood is coming out of their noses, mouths and ears. The bully will only disappear for a while as their broken bones mend. Then they may come back looking for revenge. It doesn't matter in their mind that they started it all. It was you who had the nerve to stand in the presence of their superior greatness.
So what does the nations of the world do? Come together. One nation goes after the feet. One nation goes after the knees. One nation becomes a tripping/balance hazard. One nation goes after the hands. One nation goes for the arms. One nation goes for the solar plexus/diaphragm. One nation goes for the nose. One nation goes for the mouth. One nation goes for the throat. One nation goes for the head banging on concrete. That is easier said than done. As China has much blood to lose and is willing to lose much. The history of China is built on blood. The history of China is built on the bad guy winning. China has depth of resolve and intention. China is gonna do what the Communist leadership demands. The heck with any international agreement or laws. China will carry their beliefs, intentions and activities into space. China will make claims on any and every celestial body they touch including Mars. Even splitting the ownership of Earths moon. China agrees that the moon belongs to everyone except those places their Chinese equipment and people are on. Then half-ish of the Moon is their while China shares ownership in the other half of the moon. Then as China expands their footprints so does what China will own. China will conduct military operations which will reflect their rights of ownership. Even the passing of Chinese laws as has already been done in the South China Sea.
Added on 20 June 2020: Thinking and focusing about Communist Chinese mindsets.
The world can now see the arrogance that has become Communist China. How dare any nations stand against thee. How dare any nation make agreements that I(China) disapprove of. If any Nation makes agreements without Chinese approval. It will be immediately seen as a threat to all of China. For everywhere a Communist Chinese leader gazes upon and desire that in which he sees. It shall be his and ours. For the whole world owes all of China and all of China owns all of the whole world. Those who live within the world is a slave of Communist China.
Yes and guess what Russia. You are a target of China and all of Russia will become China as your people all die. This may even happen before all of America is neutralized. Think about that. This is prophecy.
Will India back down or will China? It seems like India will have to back down as China may just go all the way and take as much as they can.
Prophecy Realized: This is the actuality of Prophecy written against China.
China has truly become the trigger of the world. Anybody who squeezes the Communist China Trigger will see violent actions. No matter the eventual cost to all of humanity.
Added on 21 June 2020: I grew up in the rough neighborhoods. Unwanted, unloved, Not cared for. Put up for adoption. All types of parents dead. A double orphan. Foster care in two states. Blah, Blah, Blah. Not so much fun.
I have learned this. When someone looks at you like your the target or that your now it as the children's game. It does not matter if you do not want to be it or the target. The bully does not care about your feelings or how you define your aspect of social justice. The bully is just going to keep coming until you stop him. Now with nations it is not just about the individual bully. It is about your entire population. So when you see the leader of India stepping back and giving away land. Is he doing it to save lives and to buy time for peace to set in? In his decisions and actions. Peace will be extended. That is until China the bully finds even more courage and takes even more while kill even more with savagery that has already taken place. So while India has delayed war while finding refuge in their embarrassment. This will only embolden China even more. China will do even more savage things against the Indians and against anyone else who dares to come before them without the proper respect to a superior people.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Silent Light Bubbles Vision:+1: (Unedited): 28 June 2019:

I looked up with great concern. Many other people were outside though I only sensed and not actually seen. I looked up because I saw quick flashes in my peripheral vision. Then I saw thousands upon thousands of silent flashes of light in the stars. My vantage point changed and now I was up high but knew that I wasn't. But, I could see all over one side of planet below. END.
My time in my current location is in question and it is uncertain where I will be in the next few months/years. So, me sensing that I was outside with other people looking around with concern. While not seeing those people, homes or businesses. Does have meaning. The certainty in my life is in question and do not apply a negative emotion to my comments. While the possible certainty of occurrence seems more probable in the time of the event. If people make bad decisions. China is still as of Today the very probable trigger in my own mind that begins the extinction process of humanity. China has not made decisions which will benefit all of humanity. China is a self serving nation and will cause the beginning of the extinction process for all of humanity. That has not changed since I first wrote about this.
I did notice that it was primarily night time but I saw flashes of dusk or dawn or day time. Which may mean uncertainty of the timing of the event. The decision making process can be quick or slow or some time in between. What begins on one side of the planet will appear differently on the other side.
I could see along the horizon and either saw or knew that more silent light bubbles occurred along the equator. But, the silent light bubbles occurred all over the globe and at different altitudes.
I saw no objects or was allowed to be aware of streaking falling objects from their orbits in space.
Added on 01 July 2019:
 I was thinking about the ISS and the danger it would be in. With thousands upon thousands of satellites violently destroyed. The debris caused and all of it fanning out causing multiple collisions and all of that debris also fanning out colliding into other things. Causing more and more and more and more randomized chaotic events until their is a cloud of debris surrounding the entire planet. The ISS would be at severe immediate risk. It would not matter if I were a witness or not. There would be no rescue. Because no nation would be able to obtain or reach any orbit safely.
Choices On Our Behalf: (Unedited): 28 June 2019:
Even though choices are made on our behalf. They are choices still made by all of the "We The People". Even if we each agree or disagree with certain decisions made for us as a people and as a nation.
Which nation on this planet is capable of launching thousands of nuclear tipped missiles into various orbits and be able to hit specific satellites all at once?
------------------------serious below----
46 page PDF below. Bring your coffee and comfy chair. This is serious. OK. TEA. THEN.
128 page PDF below. A must read.
7 page PDF below. India:
8 page PDF from Jane's(2014). No access to full version. I be poor.
Added on 02 July 2019: Video of interest. It is your responsibility to ascertain the truth, accuracy and validity on all media. No matter who puts them forth.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, November 23, 2018

New Expression of Power: +1: (Unedited): 23-26 Nov 2018:

From the absence of power shall rise a new leader out of the void. From this person will most of the nations of the world will align. From this person the expression of power and wealth which has never been seen is manifested. That former powerful nations like the United States of America, Europe, China, India, Japan and Russia will submit to its authority. One way or another.
Evil Organization: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2018:
Any organization of evil cannot have many aligned powerful evil people and evil allies. As there can only be one. Only one evil ruler. Only one. Everyone else who have participated will eventually be extinguished as their wealth and power is assumed by the greatest evil one.
Japan the islands will disappear as well as the rest of those particular chain of islands. Japan can survive and I have written of it in the past. Otherwise extinction of the Japanese people.
USA will cease to be as it is today. Alaska will become overrun by the Russians. China will overrun many states bordered by oceans and gulfs. A very large percentage of Americans will die in the first year when hostilities begin. Nearly 300 million dead.
India will become fractured and reverted back to the days prior to the industrial era. The indian brain trust will die. India's concerns for China is not really of importance. About 1.3 billion lives lost in India.
China will become like it was prior to the war lord who formed the middle country into a whole. About 1.3 billion lives lost in China. All leadership will be killed as well as all family members and associations.
Russia will become like nothing? Because, that is what I have been getting in the last few weeks. Nothing. How can nothing be defined? Untouched or totally destroyed? I think it is improbable of Russia being untouched. Romanov repeats except this time all of the Oligarchs and all party members as well as associations and positions of leadership.
One Korea will be reverted to ancient times. 70 million will die.
I wrote down France and then deleted France.
Israel 2/3 gone and that is prophetically Biblical. But, is that 2/3's of what it is now or what God said Israel is supposed to be?
Iran will be reverted back to the ancient days. 50 million die. All of the current leadership dies as well as their families. This wholesale free flowing of blood of Islamic religious leadership will also flow in many lands and many places. Every Mosque will have blood within from those within and formerly revered and obeyed with a near perfect obedience.
Central American and South American nations will once again fall harder than the ancient Mayans had. They each will have their resurgence before their fall. Only to discover to late that they have only been pawns to an evil entity who has always been apathetic towards them. They are being used now and know it not or the leaders do know but are not aware of the severity to come. In which none of them will live.
Canada shall be known as the land of traitors. 20+million shall die. There shall be nowhere for them to go. Except into the wild country. Where they shall freeze and die. The only survivors shall be the indigenous as their land is returned to them. That is until the people murder their leaders for unholy alliances.
France shall become uninhabitable. The only French to survive shall be the ones who are not in France. Will the French leader survive and the world having much sympathy elect him to the first world thrown? 26 Nov 2018:
Here is a key point. No one person or organization can rule over the entire planet with the existing power brokers present. The existing power brokers must end. It does not matter who suffers and dies. Any nation which holds onto their national identity must be extinguished. Because the human beings who survive must be able to pledge their allegiance over all entities including your God or gods. All without question or hesitation.
Guess what? China your still either a key or a trigger. You cannot be both and right now you are being the trigger. It almost does not matter what anybody else does on this planet to change all of our fates-almost. It is in the hands of China.
If China remains the trigger. About 5-7 billion people on the planet will die. In a short period of time. Up to 100 years when the last human being dies.
The decisions have already been made and actions are already taking place. One nation who feels the threats of another nation. Cannot allow that nation to become more powerful than they are. It is the survival of self. It is the fear of another when they attack before the inevitable occurs as feared.
The United States is still rated as the number one military force in the world. But, in reality when you factor in how tired all of the military platforms are and the percentage of military readiness. That worldwide military ranking for the United States may cause them to fall to number three. Almost as far as you can get from Number two. Right now the top three are very close together in power index from Global firepower. Could the USA military actually be a .1+? Just as North Korea could be a .4 or a .8? Because of antiquated equipment and starvation.
Prophecy is not certain unless you want it to be certain. Each person and each nation can change their own fates. You do have that power and that is the purpose of prophecies. Bad and sad prophecies are not supposed to be celebrated and expected. All prophecies are supposed to be acted upon in a good and positive way. All prophecies can be mitigated if they cannot be prevented. Prophecies can be delayed. Prophecies can prevented. Especially those prophecies where human decision is of paramount importance. Like now. Which means all of humanity must change their hearts and minds in regards to everyone else. Because, once you do the math
One Christian prophecy is about the stars, the sun and an asteroid hitting the planet again. The asteroid may not be prevented but humanity as a singular family of people must get together to find that rock or rocks and then put into place methods of prevention and methods of mitigation. Like I said China seems to be either the key and the trigger. But so to each individual common person who take up arms to fight against their own brothers and sisters. The purple words below are important.
Added on 26 Nov 2018:
Forget not the absence of information tends to be more important than what has been revealed. Who is missing? Which nations?
It is only a matter of time when the whole of the media who are all owned by the same Mutual funds organizations. There will be a time when every common person will know and believe that the left wing and the right wing of political belief systems are all of the same corrupt and lieing bird. When the riots worldwide begin. Official media persons will be at risk for their safety. The people will know they are all liars and they are all apart of the deception creating process. They will be brutalized and will die as known traitors. This includes even the lowly stage hands and camera people. Directors and producers will be hunted down in their homes and killed, in restaurants and killed, in any public place and killed.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Death Peace: (Unedited): 08 Sept 2015:

Death and despair rise up when peace is being taken away.
Do the research for yourself. How many countries are now preparing for war? Yes, there is still mostly peace in this world of humans. But, you won't say the same thing in less than 10 years. Maybe, even less if the USA feels that their military will become antiquated by the combined Russian, India, North Korea, Iranian, Turkish and Chinese newly modernized forces. Maybe, the USA will strike first? Maybe Russia, China and North Korea will strike before the USA will certainly strike? Will they directly strike the 48 with EMP's weapons. Will the majority of Muslims pile on and begin the American style Tet Offensive?
IS the USA attacking China with some kind of weapon system, 4 times? Did China retaliate by planting an obvious bomb at a US Army Ammunition depot in Japan? Will these actions escalate?
Is our US government the worlds bad guys? Is the US government starting and maintaining conflicts around the world? Are the Americans the bad guys? Even if the entire American civilian population is completely unaware?
Added on 08 Nov 2015: 
A Us Navy Missile test over California at night has occurred.
This is unheard of.
Why would anyone in the military or government cause a possible panic and risk lives of American civilians with a possible failure of a rocket? You just don't do that. Unless a fundamental change over the importance of civilian Americans is no longer of any significance.  Of course none of that happened. Some body is insane in the US government and military.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2014 Prophecy: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2013:

This is not in any specific order. These are just things to be on the look out for. This is for the whole of the world.  

All prophecies which involves the decisions and actions of man. Can be altered and changed. All of the most famous of prophets. It matters not if you are believing or accepting of them. have all predicted some very terrible things for humanities future. The vast majority of those bad, sad and terrible things to come seem to be based on human decisions. Which means all of those bad, sad and terrible predictions made by all of those famous prophets can be altered and prevented. Which includes humanities extinction. This is my hope. To the leaders of the world. Embrace kindness. Embrace forgiveness. Embrace those whom you are in conflict with as your brothers. 

The key countries for 2014. works in progress.

A). Beginning and end of 2014. Very harsh winter. Winters to become longer and colder.  
B). Nationalized energy possibility or just the idea expressed. Maybe an actuality. Look for a cause event. (USA). WRONG!
C). The United nations flexes some muscle or exercises powers never before seen. May be seen as a humanitarian event. HIT In regards to Ukraine and Russia. Check the news.
D). A meteor impact. Maybe similar in size to the 2013 Russian impact or larger. Meteors impact the Earth all of the time. May be something different than the common. Updated on 30 Dec 2013: This is just the beginning. World wide views of spectacular meteor views. Signs in the heavens and on our star. Watch the moon for new impacts.Double HIT Nicaragua’s crowded capital Managua. Moon Hit .
E). The International Monetary Fund. Takes action to further stabilize the world economies.  
F). A new political doctrine which embraces both the capitalistic forms of communism and the communistic forms of capitalism. Something agreed upon by both world views.
G). UFO's or extraterrestrial news world wide. Fleets appearing as stars and moving in formations. WRONG!!
H). USA. New organizations or re-organizations of the CIA, DOD, NSA. Maybe be space related. Maybe just revealed or more commonly known publicly. A low probability of strange technologies revealed or observed. WRONG!!
I). A new technological concept revealed. MAYBE WRONG!! Wireless battery charging. DEW or Directed Energy Weapons (LASER/RF).
J). Major Israeli news. A new Israel era begins. Israel is no longer just a small middle eastern parcel of land. World wide influence is commonly known. Financial Support no longer needed? A new Jewish beginning. WRONG!!
K). India and Pakistan peace news. Which may come after severe harshness. Which may also lead to a nuclear exchange. Either way peace. Hope for cool heads or Radiation in China. HIT Sort of.
L). India becomes more tied with Russia, Europe and China. Less friends and ties with the USA. India will buy whatever military hardware they can from the USA and resell it to others or re-engineer it for other uses. Such as space related. Hit. Do a news check.
M). Chinese pride ramps up. Chinese unity begins. "Jade Rabbit". 10 years to greatness if the leadership is bold enough to focus upon space. Forget imaginary lines and sunken islands. end. China look upwards and go upwards. Do not move your forces westward. MOVING WEST Militarily.
N). India may take the space lead. But will become second to China. Just the beginnings.
O). European riots intensify. European dis-unity. Hit. Scotland may obtain independence. Immigrant related riots all over Europe. Now that European Islamic persons are beheading journalists and an English little ole ladies. It is only a matter of time before the whole of Europe begins to get more serious about riots. 
P). USA begins an obvious decline. After possible disasters. Which are directly tied to it's movement away from the protections of the Divine. This is already obvious to those who crunch data. To become magnified around 2015-2016. The completion of the expansion of the Panama Canal is symbolic and is a beginning. The destruction of the hover dam as well as other dams. Hit. More for 2015-2016 then 2014. There is a military decline and President Obama does not seem interested in Foreign affairs unless forced to.
Q). Russia is already building up their assets, as in all of them. No change for Russia. Russia is in a race for military build-up. May be not enough time. Russia ties to the USA comes to an end. Privately yes. publicly no. (end). The importance of Russia in the world is of human survivability and absolute extinction. Do not drive your forces south. No matter what. (Not 2014 related). HIT. Crimea and Ukraine military actions. Which is necessary for their future.
R). Japan is in duality. Life or death? Decisions and actions of every kind will dictate their continuation or end. Japan as an assimilated/continuation people or as a extinct people. Peaceful decisions will reflect in continuation and assimilation. Warlike decisions will end in their extinction. Humble yourselves. Make amends to China and other Asian peoples. Seek forgiveness everywhere. The island of Japan is a scared place. Your evil pride will destroy the island. You must act now in honor. The first steps in regaining honor is admittance and then apology. Peacefully end all disagreements with your Asian brothers and sisters. Japans duality is in relation to reflection of the old imperial history and of their own future survival. Maybe, they instinctively know that merging with other peoples is the only way they survive. Even if it is only their unique Genetic makeup which survives.
S). A great sadness from devout Catholics in regards to their church. The on going demise of the Catholic Church. The enemies of the Catholic faith begin to wear sideways crosses in celebration. To represent the fallen Catholic/Christian church. This is ongoing prophecy. Hit. Check the news.
T). (Added on 04 Jan 2014): With the discontinuation of support service for Microsofts aging XP operating system and office 2003. Those who wish to exploit the security vulnerabilities are waiting for  08 April 2014. Those Viruses and Trojans have already been created and the black hats are just waiting. Their race to control those operating systems and to gain confidential information is their goals. See note. Hit. Goodwill international. Goodwill of the Suncoast. Which was XP related.
Added on 30 Dec 2013: (S). sideways cross information.

None of these relate to my definition. One was dated back to March 2013. I have been thinking about the Catholic Church much lately and the Popes comments. I see it as a fallen cross and not a sideways cross. 
T NOTE: Added on 04 Jan 2014: In your business and personal computers contains any private information. You really need to stop using Microsoft Windows XP Operating System and Office 2003 before 08 April 2014. This is crucial and very important. A minor alert will be those unsecured driver's associated with the XP operating system and Office 2003. A lot of XP related hardware cannot be upgraded to those newer Microsoft operating systems. You must upgrade entirely both hardware and software.  
It is all about the money of course.
Added on 09 Jan 2014: Corrected @ 1545 Hrs. Partial Hit. I got lost. no signs in the water.
Just awoke from a dream about southern Louisiana. A satellite image  of some kind of new old hag problem in the Gulf of Mexico.
I deleted the Methane gas and earthquake question as I remember seeing a visible gas above the Gulf of Mexico. Not sure at this time what it is or was. Also, not sure if this is to be a 2014 event or not. 
 These are what was in the dream. 
1). A satellite photo of northern Gulf of Mexico and southern Louisiana.  With smoke or cloud cover. The image was real time actual color as seen from orbit.
2). Audio comment. The old hag returns or the old hag raises her ugly head again. Not sure how this applies but seemed related to the broken well rig from a few years back. 
3). Audio comment. There has not been .... (I think this is related to oil seepage).
Added on 08 Sept 2014:
I may have been off on this one. As the methane gasses from the waters is from the Atlantic Ocean. There is much news on the arctic methane releases.
Added on 09 Jan 2014 @ 2143 Hrs.
Earthquake 24km NNE of Corralillo Cuba today 09 Jan 2014 @ 1557 UTC-05:00.
5.1 at a depth of 10.0 km.
The shocks were felt throughout Key West, Florida.
 Added on 02 Feb 2014: Possible hit. probably just a beginning of their woes. Old hag maybe related to repeating problems.
Added on 21 Jan 2014:
Research the news for yourself. Japan and China are on their war footing. I do not want Japan to lose a war. I do not want there to be a war at all. In the end Japan will lose any war. Japan must pursue peace and a re-joining with their brethren with China. I do find it interesting that China holds the most US debt and Japan is second. If one loses a war. Does that debt disappear? 

2014 Chapters

John 4: Those persons of religion who are or have become more than just religious are becoming seekers of truth and are no longer worshiping on this mountain nor in jerUSAlem. Those who have and are devout. Will no longer go to church. Will this be the beginning of 2014? Something which may be very difficult to measure. A deception of the great falling away from the faith. A separation from the chaff of the devout's. Something seen as the devout's just simply disappear from view.
Those who cannot or will not become more than just religious will remain blinded and unseeing. Those stuck on tradition will remain stuck in their faith.

1 John 2:
This is the last hour. Those who love their brother and sister will not love the world. They will keep the commands and accept the Son. 
It would be difficult to remain in the Father or to know the Father if you are participating in warfare. In the USA choosing early retirement is an option for you. If you are truly a believer. Leave the military should be a very real decision for you. I think it is in all military branches of the military. You cannot love your brother if you yourself are on a war footing.
Sin no more.

Exodus 22:
Is about living righteously and with honor. Which is not socially of the world. The rejection of the cultures which is based in lies. If you have done bad things, Then you make amends.  It isn't about who witnessed you do a wrong or not. Did you or did you not? It isn't about what can or cannot be proven in a court of worldly law. Where an innocent person can go to prison while the guilty is deemed free.

Psalms 114:
A tough time on Earth to come.
John 4,  Exodus 22, 2 Kings 19, Psalms 114, Daniel 2,
Added on 24 Jan 2014:
R: Added more content about Japan on my Japan Domed Country Blog.
Updated on 08 Sept 2014:
D): Update: Gotta Hit Literally.
Added on 25 Sept 2014:
It looks like I have confused long term prophecies with prophecies for the next year. this is a learning event for me. Prophecy 2015 has already begun. I'm already in error with the Jewish new year. I do think the Jewish Hebrew calender is more in line with prophetic words and prophetic time table. Which means those who use the worlds calender will be missing a lot just because of this error. The error is 3 months prior to 2015 and another 3 months during 2015. That is a lot of time and error in prophecy. Something that those who speak prophecy may be confused about like me.
Added on 27 Sept 2014: The possible beginning to the end of island Japan. It has been 3.5 years since the Fukushima disaster. Now a surprise volcanic eruption in central Japan. 
A great tribulation comes to Japan. The leadership of Japan must turn away from their evil ways and re-seek what is means to be honorable. Must make amends with their siblings in China and elsewhere.
Added on 04 Oct 2018:
L: India news: India is to buy the Russian S400 missile system. In Spite of sanctions from the USA. The turn away from American interests is being made right now. Which means a possible future alliance with both Russia and China.