To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
History does tell us that the good guys do not always win. Actually, often times the good guys or the good people get crushed and destroyed. For example, look to the Chinese civil war in which the good guys or the good people of China lost and lost badly. Those who fought for freedom and liberty escaped to Taiwan and to other nations. To the Chinese leadership their civil war is not finished. To the Chinese leadership every nation which had ever offended them in any way historically will succumb to the newly risen Chinese dragon. This does include Japan and the USA as well as Russia. This does include India as well.
As I watch China build 400 new ballistic missile silos for a very possible new next generation of rocket delivery systems for their new MIRV'ed systems. The threat to the world becomes unmistakable. The threat to NATO and to the United States in which they are all wholly helpless and defenseless. Because they are still fully compliant to the MAD treaties. While Russia has been out of MAD since around the year 2000. So what does this mean? Do the math. What is 400 times 10? This is the number of nuclear weapons which China will have in silos in a short period of time. It seems all of the technology used by the Chinese military is stolen or bought or both from the USA. China also now has the largest Navy in the world. In which was all paid for by the American people. China is now the most heavily defended nation in the world. All paid for by the American people. So when the bulk or majority of Americas missiles, rockets and planes get shot down. Know this, Americans paid for it all. When American Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers get destroyed and captured. Americans paid for it all. Do you get it yet? I don't think so. Because, Walmart, Costco, Sam's clubs and other retail outlets still have lines of Americans buying everything China can make.
The cyber-war has already been lost by the Americans more than a decade ago. China was able to retrieve everything classified. Including all NASA technologies and secrets. Without the American government, pentagon, or American corporations even being aware. The taking of classified information was so severe that the Chinese were even able to make multiple changes to military blueprints from the F35 to the Ford aircraft carriers and everything in between. Can you imagine someone unknown getting into your systems and changing math variables in the smallest degrees. Can you imagine someone changing measurements so that nothing works or that you burn the entire tail section off of your new warplanes when you go full thrust for more than a minute. Oh yea, President Bill Clinton gave the Chinese all of the NASA technologies. Then all of that NASA technology went to North Korea and Iran.
The current economic war will most likely end in mutual economic collapse. While the Americans owe China about 1.1 trillion dollars. China even owns land assets inside of the USA. The stupid and ignorant American people still buy products "Made In China". Such it is when your way of life is about to end. Every nation which has fallen before all of the people thought it was impossible and yet they either died horrible deaths, enslaved or the remnant were able to escape with nothing. China may be able to get a judgement from the USA. But, you cannot collect from those who have no money. But, Land can be given away and the people forced to work that debt off.
The Chinese leadership has just announced that their citizens must stock pile all necessities. These declarations often times are a prelude to war. The Chinese leadership have most likely and will most likely give their citizens plenty of time to stock pile foods and other necessities. When the Chinese leadership feels plenty of time has been given for the people to stockpile. Then China may decide to go to war. If this is the actual case. Then all Americans must also prepare and stockpile all necessary foods and goods for at least many years. The American people must stop buying any products from China(PRC). Even if the product is partially made in China and assembled in the USA. Refuse to buy any of it.
The Americans still do not consider China and enemy. The American government and all of the media services are at fault for this ongoing false belief system. China will launch MIRV'ed tipped nuclear missiles into a helpless and defenseless America. I do not doubt their intentions as they are communists in a socialist society as Supreme Leader XI has stated earlier this year. Before, China can finish their own civil war. The USA must be neutralized first. China knows they can defeat the US Navy by continuously shooting missiles until the American fleets just run out of ammunition. There is nothing the US Navy can really do. China even has plans of capturing US warships and have secret methods to neutralize those ships which include the aircraft carriers. China will use RF DEW's and HP RF DEW's against all naval ships and warplanes. China has been able to tie into their networks Elephant cages in order to see stealth planes at much further distances than what even the Pentagon believes. Not only can China see the F35, F22 and any other stealth plane. China can target and launch missiles at them.