Showing posts with label Silent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silent. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Silence Of The Prophets +33: (Unedited): 07 Jan 2025:

The apparent silence of the prophets is because the world system has already made their words silent. 
The apparent silence of the prophets is because of many denominations and churches has created a method that there shall only be one star in their grand show and that is their pastor.
The apparent silence of the prophets and of prophecy is because the actual children of God do not need to hear prophecies from God as prophecies are typically for the unbelievers. 
The world system has effectively silenced the prophets by creating automated systems to reject hate or violent speech even if they are warnings. 
The prophets of God are chosen because they are not qualified for anything, not handsome enough, not have a microgram of charisma as determined by the world as important. This includes denominations and churches.
The world is full of religions, denominations, cults and churches of every pleasing kind. Yet, In the end of days prophecies there are only two churches which were not admonished by God. Have you even begun to question the denomination and church you belong to?
The true prophets of God are rejected and prevented to speak the words of God. In which you will never know.
The true prophets of God are denied and prevented entry into the majority of denominations or churches in the world. In which you will never know. While self professing and self serving prophets who can put on a good show with pastoral participation is accepted. 
The rejection, The denial and the prevention are three necessary signs which shall precede the two lamp stands who will come forth with great power and might. The two who shall be killed in full public view and who shall be celebrated by all of humanity. 
You who shall remain as godly, righteous and holy witnesses to the coming of the two. Pray and fast without ceasing. The time will come when no one will know what to say or do. Accusations of leaders being wrong shall be rampant. 
The people of the world must suffer greatly as they will hate the two lamp stands. This is also a sign of who is one of the children of God and who are not. 
Those who hate the two brothers and those who celebrate the killing of the two brothers shall be known by the actual children of God as wicked evildoers.
The actual children of God have already departed from denominations and churches as they have determined that their denomination and church is one of the admonished by God. 
The actual children of God shall do all manner of preparations in order to survive unto their own ending or survive until it is time for God to retrieve them.
There shall be a difference between the followers of God and the actual children of God. The actual children of God will have plenty of oil for their lamps while the followers shall demand those who have been obedient to the Word of God to share what they have. 
Those who follow God and yet do not heed His word are wicked evildoers for there is no love, righteousness and holiness in them. 
Those who follow God about one hour a week and yet have no actual meaningful friendships within the local church body outside of the church is a sign that they are wicked evildoers. 
Those actual children of God may not themselves have any meaningful relations with any of the local church body. This will be because that the majority of the local church body do not see them as worth while. 
Those who are merely pretenders of the faith enjoy and are entertained by the grand show put on by the pastoral body. When the show is over and the freebies are no longer available. They return back to their secret worldly life. 
Two obvious signs of the pretenders is easy to see. The pretenders show up only to be entertained while professing the correct answers. The pretenders will have minimal friendly relationships within the local church body.
Two obvious signs of the actual children of God. They are active and participate in their local churches and the people in the world know they are Christian.
And yet the actual children of God continue on within their local churches doing in accordance to their gifts and skill sets. All the while not finding any actual friendships who want to also be friends outside of the church. How odd. 
Sad and alone have become the actual children of God. They know not that they are being protected by their Heavenly Father. But, in the end each one shall find their love, joy, peace and happiness. Be patient in your wait. 
Added on 09 Jan 2025:
The actual children of God have become invisible to wicked evildoers of the world and is most likely a form of protection from their Heavenly Father. 
The apparent cloak of invisibility which God has laid over you may also prevent His other children from noticing you.
Children be patient and keep a good enduring heart. Do not throw down your invisibility cloak or trample upon your faith. Your Heavenly Father is protecting you from the things to come. 
Note: Children are those who actually belong to God. The children of God can be any age. The children of God will also likely be pure, righteous and holy in the accepting and loving eyes of God. Yes, even if you desperately want a spouse, children and a family of your own. Be mindful that this is not a curse, there is nothing wrong with you.
Note: I find it painfully interesting that the adult humans or children of God who are in their thirties have not even had a single girlfriend or boyfriend. These young people are fair and have many good qualities and yet many do not even take notice or even pursue friendships with them. While at the same time they each can be active in their churches and visible. I want to tell you to keep your focus upon your Heavenly father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and on the Word which is still Jesus. 
Added on 10 Jan 2025:
The good people shall always suffer at the hands of wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. The wicked people shall always be rewarded by the handouts of the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership.
The weaponization of government agencies shall always be used for the benefit of the wicked people by the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. While the hopeless good people will be allowed to suffer and die in every emergency event.
Added on 15 Feb 2025:
Prophecies have always been for the unbeliever and unfaithful. In the hopes that they each change from their wicked and evil ways. 
While it shall always rain on the just and unjust so to shall it be when prophecies are realized by all. 
The believer, faithful and just must always endure unto the end. Fore their true and real reward is always in Heaven.
As you begin to witness that all prophecies are only known within the church. This is a sign of rejection by the wicked evildoers of the world. Their fates have been sealed.
This is a sign that when only those who are in the church knows that the prophecies are for the unbeliever and only the believers knows the prophecies. Time is short as the wise are making their final preparations for what is to come. 
You must remember that Jonah was only sent to Nineveh once and then many years later Nineveh was still destroyed. Nineveh received a reprieve and then failed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Silent Light Bubbles Vision:+1: (Unedited): 28 June 2019:

I looked up with great concern. Many other people were outside though I only sensed and not actually seen. I looked up because I saw quick flashes in my peripheral vision. Then I saw thousands upon thousands of silent flashes of light in the stars. My vantage point changed and now I was up high but knew that I wasn't. But, I could see all over one side of planet below. END.
My time in my current location is in question and it is uncertain where I will be in the next few months/years. So, me sensing that I was outside with other people looking around with concern. While not seeing those people, homes or businesses. Does have meaning. The certainty in my life is in question and do not apply a negative emotion to my comments. While the possible certainty of occurrence seems more probable in the time of the event. If people make bad decisions. China is still as of Today the very probable trigger in my own mind that begins the extinction process of humanity. China has not made decisions which will benefit all of humanity. China is a self serving nation and will cause the beginning of the extinction process for all of humanity. That has not changed since I first wrote about this.
I did notice that it was primarily night time but I saw flashes of dusk or dawn or day time. Which may mean uncertainty of the timing of the event. The decision making process can be quick or slow or some time in between. What begins on one side of the planet will appear differently on the other side.
I could see along the horizon and either saw or knew that more silent light bubbles occurred along the equator. But, the silent light bubbles occurred all over the globe and at different altitudes.
I saw no objects or was allowed to be aware of streaking falling objects from their orbits in space.
Added on 01 July 2019:
 I was thinking about the ISS and the danger it would be in. With thousands upon thousands of satellites violently destroyed. The debris caused and all of it fanning out causing multiple collisions and all of that debris also fanning out colliding into other things. Causing more and more and more and more randomized chaotic events until their is a cloud of debris surrounding the entire planet. The ISS would be at severe immediate risk. It would not matter if I were a witness or not. There would be no rescue. Because no nation would be able to obtain or reach any orbit safely.
Choices On Our Behalf: (Unedited): 28 June 2019:
Even though choices are made on our behalf. They are choices still made by all of the "We The People". Even if we each agree or disagree with certain decisions made for us as a people and as a nation.
Which nation on this planet is capable of launching thousands of nuclear tipped missiles into various orbits and be able to hit specific satellites all at once?
------------------------serious below----
46 page PDF below. Bring your coffee and comfy chair. This is serious. OK. TEA. THEN.
128 page PDF below. A must read.
7 page PDF below. India:
8 page PDF from Jane's(2014). No access to full version. I be poor.
Added on 02 July 2019: Video of interest. It is your responsibility to ascertain the truth, accuracy and validity on all media. No matter who puts them forth.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, November 6, 2015

Great Ships Dream: 06 Nov 2015:

Time is short. The countdown has begun. It doesn't really matter if you perceive it or not. If you do perceive it. It will only matter if you have been an obedient righteous person.

Many people could not see the great ships of dazzling colors. These ships were huge/immense and silent. These ships were obvious war ships. They were above the clouds way up high. The perception of clouds were also on the ground. But, it or they were not fog. I suspected my view of these ships were based on my own reasonably self defined perceptions. They were most likely not what I think I saw.
There were no human made aircraft in the skies at all. Then they attacked the power plants of the world in such a way which would not cause any harm. I perceived an explosion but there were no effects of an explosion. Yet, power remained on and I knew this to was a part of the countdown. Soon the total purification would begin.
I seemed to be questioning within myself that all of realty has been altered at a very fundamental level. I'm still not sure why or how or even how to articulate it all.
I went to see other people and they seemed to be oblivious and sluggish.
I saw a hurried doomsday prepper and he took what I knew I or he needed. I began to respond as if I were a doomsday prepper and then just stopped. It just doesn't matter any more.
I saw a huge ship hover over me, but it was really centered over a distant power plant. A visible countdown began under the vast ship and I knew it wasn't the so called mother ship. I saw countdown numerals and then a few symbols. Then an energy came down out of the ship and hit a power plant. I perceived an explosion and yet there was none. I knew I would be dead this very second and then I was not. An explosive wave. That I knew was filled with great heated radioactive energy just passed right through me and I was unharmed.
I saw people who were just completely unaware and sluggish. The great darkness began. This to was another countdown.
I have been affected by this dream. Somber.
Blog number 1177.
Possible date remembered 11/7.
As a possible observer. Is the possibility of harm to self diminished?
Wife was in dream and left up into the sky. No children were in the dream.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pithlachascotee River Crab Shack:(Unedited): 13 March 2015:

The silent tide flows of the Pithlachascotee River can be peacefully discerned by the patient soul at the hidden away Crab Shack. 
Finding a good place. Somewhat secluded. Can be difficult to get there with some surprising turns. Is it worth it? I think so. The locals come in with their pets and they are welcomed. So as long as they feel good about your pet. They are not afraid to say what they need to. Children run around. Take pictures with a hanging shark. Sit in my chair and just lean back against my oak tree from the bar. That is where I like to sit and just take in everyone and everything.  Look out into the water and feel the spirit of the ancient  tribes pass by in their hollowed out Cypress canoes. Can you see them as I can? There is much to feel on this water. Much peace and much life. There is an energy about it all. Can you feel it as I can.
Worry not about the out and lousy Televisions. For they will only distract you away from the energetic spirit of the whole place.
If you gotta have scantily clad girls serving you and new T.V.'s well your not going to really understand anything I write here anyway. Those places are on the other side of Highway 19.
Original Quote:
The silent tide flows of the Gulf of Mexico can be discerned by the patient heart at the hidden away Crab Shack.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nobel Heart: (Unedited): 04 May 2013:

The silent expression of a kind heart is evidence of spiritual nobility. C.J.MacKechnie
The expression of Kindness is silent and stealthy. The spiritually noble heart knows the tugging of a direction which they need to go in. They know not where they are to go and that is their exercise in faith. Upon witnessing a need. They act selflessly and tirelessly with blessed hands. Then upon completion of that particular duty. They quietly go out into the darkness, walking in faith that their foot steps are divinely led.