Showing posts with label Denied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denied. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Silence Of The Prophets +33: (Unedited): 07 Jan 2025:

The apparent silence of the prophets is because the world system has already made their words silent. 
The apparent silence of the prophets is because of many denominations and churches has created a method that there shall only be one star in their grand show and that is their pastor.
The apparent silence of the prophets and of prophecy is because the actual children of God do not need to hear prophecies from God as prophecies are typically for the unbelievers. 
The world system has effectively silenced the prophets by creating automated systems to reject hate or violent speech even if they are warnings. 
The prophets of God are chosen because they are not qualified for anything, not handsome enough, not have a microgram of charisma as determined by the world as important. This includes denominations and churches.
The world is full of religions, denominations, cults and churches of every pleasing kind. Yet, In the end of days prophecies there are only two churches which were not admonished by God. Have you even begun to question the denomination and church you belong to?
The true prophets of God are rejected and prevented to speak the words of God. In which you will never know.
The true prophets of God are denied and prevented entry into the majority of denominations or churches in the world. In which you will never know. While self professing and self serving prophets who can put on a good show with pastoral participation is accepted. 
The rejection, The denial and the prevention are three necessary signs which shall precede the two lamp stands who will come forth with great power and might. The two who shall be killed in full public view and who shall be celebrated by all of humanity. 
You who shall remain as godly, righteous and holy witnesses to the coming of the two. Pray and fast without ceasing. The time will come when no one will know what to say or do. Accusations of leaders being wrong shall be rampant. 
The people of the world must suffer greatly as they will hate the two lamp stands. This is also a sign of who is one of the children of God and who are not. 
Those who hate the two brothers and those who celebrate the killing of the two brothers shall be known by the actual children of God as wicked evildoers.
The actual children of God have already departed from denominations and churches as they have determined that their denomination and church is one of the admonished by God. 
The actual children of God shall do all manner of preparations in order to survive unto their own ending or survive until it is time for God to retrieve them.
There shall be a difference between the followers of God and the actual children of God. The actual children of God will have plenty of oil for their lamps while the followers shall demand those who have been obedient to the Word of God to share what they have. 
Those who follow God and yet do not heed His word are wicked evildoers for there is no love, righteousness and holiness in them. 
Those who follow God about one hour a week and yet have no actual meaningful friendships within the local church body outside of the church is a sign that they are wicked evildoers. 
Those actual children of God may not themselves have any meaningful relations with any of the local church body. This will be because that the majority of the local church body do not see them as worth while. 
Those who are merely pretenders of the faith enjoy and are entertained by the grand show put on by the pastoral body. When the show is over and the freebies are no longer available. They return back to their secret worldly life. 
Two obvious signs of the pretenders is easy to see. The pretenders show up only to be entertained while professing the correct answers. The pretenders will have minimal friendly relationships within the local church body.
Two obvious signs of the actual children of God. They are active and participate in their local churches and the people in the world know they are Christian.
And yet the actual children of God continue on within their local churches doing in accordance to their gifts and skill sets. All the while not finding any actual friendships who want to also be friends outside of the church. How odd. 
Sad and alone have become the actual children of God. They know not that they are being protected by their Heavenly Father. But, in the end each one shall find their love, joy, peace and happiness. Be patient in your wait. 
Added on 09 Jan 2025:
The actual children of God have become invisible to wicked evildoers of the world and is most likely a form of protection from their Heavenly Father. 
The apparent cloak of invisibility which God has laid over you may also prevent His other children from noticing you.
Children be patient and keep a good enduring heart. Do not throw down your invisibility cloak or trample upon your faith. Your Heavenly Father is protecting you from the things to come. 
Note: Children are those who actually belong to God. The children of God can be any age. The children of God will also likely be pure, righteous and holy in the accepting and loving eyes of God. Yes, even if you desperately want a spouse, children and a family of your own. Be mindful that this is not a curse, there is nothing wrong with you.
Note: I find it painfully interesting that the adult humans or children of God who are in their thirties have not even had a single girlfriend or boyfriend. These young people are fair and have many good qualities and yet many do not even take notice or even pursue friendships with them. While at the same time they each can be active in their churches and visible. I want to tell you to keep your focus upon your Heavenly father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and on the Word which is still Jesus. 
Added on 10 Jan 2025:
The good people shall always suffer at the hands of wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. The wicked people shall always be rewarded by the handouts of the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership.
The weaponization of government agencies shall always be used for the benefit of the wicked people by the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. While the hopeless good people will be allowed to suffer and die in every emergency event.
Added on 15 Feb 2025:
Prophecies have always been for the unbeliever and unfaithful. In the hopes that they each change from their wicked and evil ways. 
While it shall always rain on the just and unjust so to shall it be when prophecies are realized by all. 
The believer, faithful and just must always endure unto the end. Fore their true and real reward is always in Heaven.
As you begin to witness that all prophecies are only known within the church. This is a sign of rejection by the wicked evildoers of the world. Their fates have been sealed.
This is a sign that when only those who are in the church knows that the prophecies are for the unbeliever and only the believers knows the prophecies. Time is short as the wise are making their final preparations for what is to come. 
You must remember that Jonah was only sent to Nineveh once and then many years later Nineveh was still destroyed. Nineveh received a reprieve and then failed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Christian Threat: +4 : (Edited): 11-12 Jan 2018:

You're required to pray and meditate prior to reading this. Not fun or enjoyable. Prophecy.
Worldly Better Place: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2018:
It will be considered that the world shall be a better place without Christianity or Christians. Once all Christians are eliminated, then the world system will eliminate the Jews and then any other group of people who are deemed to be evil by the prince(satan) of this world system and his fallen angels until all of humanity is no more. For that is the ultimate plan of satan. 
(2017) Canada:
(2017) Iowa:
(2016) Offensive: Informative: 50+minutes:
(2014) Are Christians mentally ill?: 1.5 Hours.
Acknowledge and believe in Yeshua. This is a beginning. For even the fallen angels and the demons do believe in Yeshua as they are all under His dominion, authority and control.
Repent, seek forgiveness, be sorrowful for the evil you have done or even thought of or even the sinful desires of your own heart. Go and sin no more as this is what Yeshua told to those whom He healed.
Actually walk a righteous and holy path, which means causing no harm to anyone or anything and become like The Messiah Yeshua, your Heavenly Brother.
Pray, meditate upon the Word always.
Become willingly obedient to all of the laws and commands of your Heavenly Father. You do this because you want to become a good son and good daughter, because it is the right thing to do. You do not do these things to save your own skin. For God will see through you and declare to you on that day of final judgement that He never knew you. No matter how many decades you gave to the missions fields, were a pastor or theologian or some other kind of ministry leader. Be warned that if you get paid for your religious profession, this may be the entire extent of all that you will receive in its entirety.
If Grace was absolute and perpetual to cover all of your willful sins you have planned for tomorrow, then satan and all of the fallen angels would also be forgiven. They are not forgiven.
Humanity Destroys Good: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2018:
It will be humanity which removes and destroys all that is good upon the Earth while spewing vile hatreds and blame to the God of all creation - the very same God they all refuse to believe in.
Yeshua will return as an angry lion and He will be the He who is the sole victor. Humanity will come to extinction except for those whom He chooses to save. Everyone else physically loses, including the saints. So are you ready to die like Steven? Or worse? Research how the Christians in the Middle East are being tortured and then murdered in the most horrific ways, ways which remain unknown to any American or European.
Remember, The whole world will celebrate for three days when the two witnesses are publicly killed by the one who seeks to control the world and proclaim himself a god in the Holy place. The whole world will see the two witnesses as evil and the one who kills them as heroic, especially when no one else could.
The Christian is the greatest threat to the world system, so much so that individual Christians will be denied access to the internet for professing their Christian views online. 
In the medium term, a Christian who does not have their own website will eventually be banned. Americans who are Christians already know Christian discrimination occurs, even to the point of losing one's own livelihood and built-up wealth, like the bakers who refused to bake a gay-themed cake or the Kentucky clerk who went to jail for refusing to marry a gay couple. These things are only the beginning. They will continue and get worse to the point of young Christians being denied entry into colleges and universities. This will even evolve into losing employment and not obtaining employment. This may even evolve into absolute denial of any Christian church using any kind of police protection and denial of any firearms for self-defense. It will be considered that all Christians are mentally ill. Professed Christians are already losing employment. Yet, Christians still refuse to participate in the elected offices in their own communities. Yet, they collectively allow gay-pride parades to go forth in their own communities. The Christians know not of the demonic controls directly influencing them right now.
---------warning some websites may be biased one way or the other-------
Added on 17 Jan 2018:
Most of the evil doers and anti Christian will secretly run for every office available at every level. Once it is known by them. That they can effect their desired changes. They will do it. The laws they begin to pass will be anti christian and anti goodness. I've been telling you this for years. The LGBT media sources are encouraging their readers to run for every political office at every level. A clue into finding the evil doers. May be the ones the LGBT organization does not speak out against. For in some elections. They will have many candidates for one elected office.  For they know the more they can divide the vote. The more likely their LGBT candidate will win an election.
:40+ in Texas alone:
Eventually the Christian will be considered a greater threat than a serial killer or rapist and a greater threat than a pet abuser. 
Sounds far-fetched, but all of these ideas will come forth so as long as all of the Christians of this great nation do nothing in regards to this nation that God has given to them. It will be taken away and all of the Christians will be seen as criminals and mentally ill as all of the gay people once were.
Christians are suppose to run their country, their states and communities, not those people who are against Christianity in any way. This does include those who profess to be Christian and yet have no intentions of repenting of any of their public sins. You Christians must run for political office at every level right now, before it is too late. In less than 3 election cycles your nation will be gone from you. The Christian shall become an unwelcome and an unaccepted minority. Maybe even to the point that a Christian must wear a large cross on their clothing to identify themselves and the commercial properties they own. Think about that. Think about the Jews during Nazi Germany.
Christians Denied All Access: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2018:
Christians will be first denied acceptance into universities and then into the labor force. 
This is crucial as sometime around 2030 about 2 billion low-skilled and low-educated jobs will just vanish one by one as AI and robotics advance in the world. Those who will be able to have any kind of employment will be those people considered preferred. The world system controlled by the prince of the world or satan will only allow his own followers to have a secure life in his world. The Christians will not be apart of it.
Personal Note: I'm a deeply flawed human being.

The reason why I use copy and paste is for safety and security. When you copy and paste, you see everything. I get a lot of links that may send my computer places that I would rather not go. Copy and paste. Nothing hidden. 

You're required to pray and meditate prior to reading this. Not fun or enjoyable. Prophecy.
copy and paste. Pray and meditate first. Offensive word use. This group seems to know how to use brain-altering tones. 
A Perfect Circle-The Doomed.
If you do not want to view and listen to the video. Read it here:
Even the fallen angels and the demons have prophecies for their own followers. Their prophecies are typically put into songs, movies, games, and other media formats so that they can celebrate and to look forward to a life without goodness. They never think about what happens when the truly good people on this Earth become extinct. Would you want to live in a place where nothing truly good exists, just those who are good at the evil they each perpetuate? A old trucker quote is, "If you can't be good, then be good at it."
Added on 15 Jan 2018: This is for those of you who use these writings to further teach those whom I cannot. 
I've decided not to include "anti-christian death songs" with lyrics. Those in red should be your search terms if the Holy Spirit is urging you in this direction. They get really ugly and those souls which continuously listen to such music condition their minds into a more natural acceptance of being evil.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Russian Bear: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2014:

Note: The actual date is 09 Oct 2014: I wrote the date 22 Oct 2014 on paper and left it as such.
I think it was important. Not sure why yet. 

The aging Russian Bear thirsts for American blood. He dreams of great battles and conquests over his adversary. But, in time there shall not be any. The great bear shall be denied his great pride.  
The sentence "The great bear shall be denied his great pride", Is not about defeat and more about the inability of Russia's great foe of being able to conduct worthy battles.
I do think that Mr. Putin has honor. From that honor I do not think he believes it is a satisfactory action to beat a defenseless man. Just to beat him. There is no honor in that.  I do think in that moment when his great adversary becomes it's most helpless. Is when the great bear has an opportunity to become the world's hero. Will he? can he? shall he?

There is only one reason why Russia has been re-building their military over the last decade? and it is to defend itself against the USA, European allies, NATO, Canada, Australia and whom ever else I'm forgetting. Very possibly to actually engage in military conflict with the USA.

Mr. Putin, You already know just how defenseless the USA is right now. Is there any honor in attacking a defenseless country? No matter how bad they have become? Or is it just wise to watch them fall? and is it wise for you to protect your economy from any USA sanctions as you have been doing?

The Russian Bear shall become a shared super power once again and that mantle will be with China. For a short time. Then China shall dominate the world. Unless Russia can take the lead in space. But, China has the economy and the wealth to do so. The will to take humanity to the edge of the solar system? Maybe not. Today and right now, both Russia and China are the triggers for human extinction. That is defined by dead famous prophets and ancient Holy Texts.

Focus on the lead into space.

Today Mr. Putin is 62 years old. In 2020 he will be 68 and in 2022 he will be 70.
His military build up plans will be one part of the new Russia he has helped create.
But, Russia is much more than just a military war power which is steadily growing. The reclaiming of a former great military power shall be realized. While the USA shall become a former nation. Alaska shall be yours for the taking and it may very well be to easy.

Has all of the military build-up been for some kind of revenge and can it all end up with Russia become the hero of the world? I'm being very hopeful and my hope is for the survival of humanity by the collective will of humanity. Not by any kind of intervention from any other outside source. That makes me against prophecy in favor of humanities potential. Will Russia use it's military to prevent a piling on of America when she falls hard? That would be heroic even though the USA has become the world's bully. Would it be right or just to sit back and watch the world's bully get destroyed? I do know everyone likes their money and assets. I can assure you of this. It would not be profitable for any nation to allow the American cities or lands to become destroyed or unusable for a long time.

I really hope you can build a true sense of Russian nationalistic pride. While at the same time combat from within corruption and poor quality controls in every aspect of Russian Society. Not just in the military or space related industries. Russian pride can be an honorable one. The Russian future can be one of human responsibility.

Happy Belated Birthday
Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
7 October 1952 (age 62)
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
