Showing posts with label Denominations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denominations. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Silence Of The Prophets +33: (Unedited): 07 Jan 2025:

The apparent silence of the prophets is because the world system has already made their words silent. 
The apparent silence of the prophets is because of many denominations and churches has created a method that there shall only be one star in their grand show and that is their pastor.
The apparent silence of the prophets and of prophecy is because the actual children of God do not need to hear prophecies from God as prophecies are typically for the unbelievers. 
The world system has effectively silenced the prophets by creating automated systems to reject hate or violent speech even if they are warnings. 
The prophets of God are chosen because they are not qualified for anything, not handsome enough, not have a microgram of charisma as determined by the world as important. This includes denominations and churches.
The world is full of religions, denominations, cults and churches of every pleasing kind. Yet, In the end of days prophecies there are only two churches which were not admonished by God. Have you even begun to question the denomination and church you belong to?
The true prophets of God are rejected and prevented to speak the words of God. In which you will never know.
The true prophets of God are denied and prevented entry into the majority of denominations or churches in the world. In which you will never know. While self professing and self serving prophets who can put on a good show with pastoral participation is accepted. 
The rejection, The denial and the prevention are three necessary signs which shall precede the two lamp stands who will come forth with great power and might. The two who shall be killed in full public view and who shall be celebrated by all of humanity. 
You who shall remain as godly, righteous and holy witnesses to the coming of the two. Pray and fast without ceasing. The time will come when no one will know what to say or do. Accusations of leaders being wrong shall be rampant. 
The people of the world must suffer greatly as they will hate the two lamp stands. This is also a sign of who is one of the children of God and who are not. 
Those who hate the two brothers and those who celebrate the killing of the two brothers shall be known by the actual children of God as wicked evildoers.
The actual children of God have already departed from denominations and churches as they have determined that their denomination and church is one of the admonished by God. 
The actual children of God shall do all manner of preparations in order to survive unto their own ending or survive until it is time for God to retrieve them.
There shall be a difference between the followers of God and the actual children of God. The actual children of God will have plenty of oil for their lamps while the followers shall demand those who have been obedient to the Word of God to share what they have. 
Those who follow God and yet do not heed His word are wicked evildoers for there is no love, righteousness and holiness in them. 
Those who follow God about one hour a week and yet have no actual meaningful friendships within the local church body outside of the church is a sign that they are wicked evildoers. 
Those actual children of God may not themselves have any meaningful relations with any of the local church body. This will be because that the majority of the local church body do not see them as worth while. 
Those who are merely pretenders of the faith enjoy and are entertained by the grand show put on by the pastoral body. When the show is over and the freebies are no longer available. They return back to their secret worldly life. 
Two obvious signs of the pretenders is easy to see. The pretenders show up only to be entertained while professing the correct answers. The pretenders will have minimal friendly relationships within the local church body.
Two obvious signs of the actual children of God. They are active and participate in their local churches and the people in the world know they are Christian.
And yet the actual children of God continue on within their local churches doing in accordance to their gifts and skill sets. All the while not finding any actual friendships who want to also be friends outside of the church. How odd. 
Sad and alone have become the actual children of God. They know not that they are being protected by their Heavenly Father. But, in the end each one shall find their love, joy, peace and happiness. Be patient in your wait. 
Added on 09 Jan 2025:
The actual children of God have become invisible to wicked evildoers of the world and is most likely a form of protection from their Heavenly Father. 
The apparent cloak of invisibility which God has laid over you may also prevent His other children from noticing you.
Children be patient and keep a good enduring heart. Do not throw down your invisibility cloak or trample upon your faith. Your Heavenly Father is protecting you from the things to come. 
Note: Children are those who actually belong to God. The children of God can be any age. The children of God will also likely be pure, righteous and holy in the accepting and loving eyes of God. Yes, even if you desperately want a spouse, children and a family of your own. Be mindful that this is not a curse, there is nothing wrong with you.
Note: I find it painfully interesting that the adult humans or children of God who are in their thirties have not even had a single girlfriend or boyfriend. These young people are fair and have many good qualities and yet many do not even take notice or even pursue friendships with them. While at the same time they each can be active in their churches and visible. I want to tell you to keep your focus upon your Heavenly father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and on the Word which is still Jesus. 
Added on 10 Jan 2025:
The good people shall always suffer at the hands of wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. The wicked people shall always be rewarded by the handouts of the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership.
The weaponization of government agencies shall always be used for the benefit of the wicked people by the wicked evildoers who are in positions of leadership. While the hopeless good people will be allowed to suffer and die in every emergency event.
Added on 15 Feb 2025:
Prophecies have always been for the unbeliever and unfaithful. In the hopes that they each change from their wicked and evil ways. 
While it shall always rain on the just and unjust so to shall it be when prophecies are realized by all. 
The believer, faithful and just must always endure unto the end. Fore their true and real reward is always in Heaven.
As you begin to witness that all prophecies are only known within the church. This is a sign of rejection by the wicked evildoers of the world. Their fates have been sealed.
This is a sign that when only those who are in the church knows that the prophecies are for the unbeliever and only the believers knows the prophecies. Time is short as the wise are making their final preparations for what is to come. 
You must remember that Jonah was only sent to Nineveh once and then many years later Nineveh was still destroyed. Nineveh received a reprieve and then failed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Problem With Church: (Unedited): 26 Dec 2023:

 Each modern day human has become very good at managing their own social media bubbles. To the degree that if certain people are in one ascribed social bubble they must not be allowed to be in any other social bubble. Some or many people may not even be aware of this action that they take. But, what is interesting is that church going people do not invite the people who are in one of their social bubbles into another social bubbles. I have experienced this many times. Yea, I'm not socially acceptable. So when I ask people what is a good church to go to. They often hesitate, respond with any other option than there own church. Think about that for a moment. You the pastor tells your very own congregants that the church needs more people to come to church and yet they declare to you there is not anyone whom they can ask. Which is truth by their own judgement. Because, I have asked many people who are socially and professionally superior to me and I'm not worth going to their or your church. In a way I guess that would be true as I cannot prosper the church and I'm only a janitor. I do not have any real family history. I do not have time to build friendship as all I do is work. So by worldly standards I would not benefit the church in any meaningful way. So why would the church want or need to waste time trying to get me to come to church.
The problem with low church memberships is with the congregations and their unwillingness to invite people to church or even make people aware that they actually go to church. Think about it. 
You really have to consider my words. 
In this modern era of the USA large churches must have their own armed security personnel. While at the same time your own congregants cannot say anything about their Christianity or church for fear of losing employment. So the people have a greater fear of the world than they do of the Lord. Is this true and accurate.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Boston Becomes First Of Sodom And Gomorrah In the USA:+12: (Unedited): 18 June 2023:

Boston begins with righteous puritans and end with the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah.
As it was in the days of Lot so to is Boston becoming. So shall follow the rest of the USA.
In Boston and the rest of the USA the places of holiness have become defiled and corrupted and as such shall become like fire and brimstone.
All of the other original puritan colonies which have embraced wickedness and sin. Which have also allowed the pride of public sin to stand in the places of holiness. All who are in agreement or have acquiesce shall know fire and brimstone. 
Those churches and denominations which have allowed sin to stand in the holy places shall suffer greatly. To pray to God and to worship God and to teach lies about God. Your fate shall end in fire and brimstone and the gnashing of teeth.
Willing public sex acts shall precede unwilling public rapes in which none of them will be investigated or prosecuted. But all celebrated as new forms of public entertainment.
You may think that prideful people of sin who stand in the holy places are rare occurrences in divers places. They are not as you begin to realize that only two churches were not admonished by God. 
You may wonder why Boston is mentioned and not other cities within the USA. This is because of this one cities origin from the Puritans. Look to other Puritan originated cities and see for yourself their sins made public. This is about the transformation from righteous and holy origins into that which has become evil and wicked. 
Added on 21 Jun 2023: 
As public sex acts will lead to public rapes. Know that the time is coming when all that you know will burn and end for "We The People". If the Father in Heaven will allow the destruction of His own beloved people many times before. What do you think He is going to allow or do to His blessed people? As justice ends so shall you.
As your freedoms, liberties, human rights and wealth are taken from you and yet you still acquiesce.
It matters not which wing of the same bird to cheer and support. That bird only wants to consume each of you.
As you look up and see the majesty of a great bird flying towards a wonderful destination. Be sure to look down at the claws which have punctured your your soul as it squeezes the life out of you. This is the essence of the right and left side of politics.
The obvious acquiescence you have within your faith is also an indication of your absence of faith.
As an individual faithful believer you cannot allow sin to physically stand in the holy places. If you do then you have acquiesced, you have given consent, you have given permission and that is sin which is revealed inside of you.
One can be a great number But, the more you divide it, the smaller and more insignificant the one becomes. 
Added on 25 June 2023: Just did a google search "public sex acts news reported". Be sure to select the Tools bar and then select one month. Then read all of the news stories. 
Added on 26 June 2023: When you hear chants like "Were here, were queer, were coming for your children", songs about "Were coming for your children". Then when you see how happy and celebratory those protestors are or how committed the singers are. You need to know that you are paying for those companies which support them. You need to come to terms that your only option is to leave society and to remove your children from any aspect of government education and worldly exposure. 
Cleanest video I can find. But, still very disturbing: Search term: "Were here, were queer, were coming for your children".
Select closed caption, read the words they are singing and really pay attention from about 1:59.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Abomination Of Desolation Signs: Human Avatars: 15: (Unedited): 09-11 April 2023:

 The abomination of desolation is not just one event, one place by one man/being. The abomination of desolation can happen in any or many holy places. When you see persons of sin stand in the holy places. Know that you are a witness. When you applaud persons of sin for being brave and prideful of their sin. Know that you are apart of and in agreement with the abomination of desolation.
Once the abomination of desolation begins to be seen in the holy places. You must have already made preparations for yourself and you family in the mountains. Then you must go there to hide. 
The term mountains I think is symbolic as those places devoid of humanity, cities.
The abominations in your life, your family, your city and your nation will always precede absolute destruction/desolation. 
Just look at any family where sin/abominations have taken place. The family becomes destroyed. The family name ends and is no longer recognized.
As the demons reside in more and more humans. The only way you can tell if a person is demonically owned is in their actions, their words, their pronouns and the alteration of their human physical representation. They each can be legion in one human form. They each can be masculine like in a female or feminine like in a male form. They each can become that which controls the physicality.
The physical representation of any human can be the avatar of the demonic spiritual being which resides within the human physical form. 
Just as you can alter and dress your own games avatars physical appearance, so to does the demonic spiritual beings do to those physical human avatars whom they choose to reside in. Just as you can have many gaming avatars so to can one demon have many human avatar forms. To be used one at a time. 
A single legion of demons under one voice can spiritually occupy one human form. That very same legion can also individually divide itself to occupy a legion of fully open humans.
In your age God will send those who reveal those sins which is occurring in your land. They may not be righteous or holy as determined by God alone. They may be profound sinners. Repentance and revivals shall be offered for a time. Then as which has happened to other lands and peoples shall to happen to you as you will have always known the writing was always on the wall. Death and destruction comes for you all. So flee into the mountains and return not home when you have become surrounded by the enemy. 
(USA, Trump, Asbury University, Israel)
The denominations and churches which have defiled themselves with sin, debauchery and decadence. They will die horrible deaths and the physical destruction of their now spiritually dirty, contaminated and corrupted churches shall be utterly destroyed. 
For those who still do pursue holiness and righteousness. For those who still reject and flee from all sins. You must make a safe place for you to hide in those far away mountains/places. For the time will come when you see the impossible surrounding your land and you will know that imminent destruction shall follow. Do not return home and just go there. 
Be like Joseph in heart and in spirit. Be like Joseph in deed and in action. You can see that which is coming so plan ahead and take action before death and destruction comes for those who are evil and those good souls who will be just in the way of the impossible invading enemies. So plan your hiding place.
Joseph in The Holy Bible saved everyone. Which included everyone who caused him great harm and an unfortunate life. Go and read about him. Jesus came, lived, served humanity through his healing's and teachings and then died for us. So that we each may live. He was abused, ridiculed, tortured and then died in full public viewing. Be like Christ. Love one another. 
Good people and the good guys die in horrific manner in a variety of happenings. The good guys do not always win. Just as the good people do not always survive to tell and sing their stories. When you begin to see your nation become surrounded by the enemy. Know that it is already to late to prepare a safe place.
Your only safe place is in the Lord your God. So continue to pray and to read your Holy Book. 
As you see and witness the abominations in this denomination or in that church. Know that time is short. Repentance and revivals are still possible. The demise, death and destruction of your people and your land is still very probable. Though not certain. But, when the opportunities for revivals and repentance become entertaining shows with no real life changes. Your safe place in the hills and in the mountains must have already been prepared. For as it was prior to each time when Israel was destroyed so will it be for you and your nation. 
These are actual signs for you to witness. But, if you choose to remain blind and deaf to the goings on around you. Then you may become like Lots wife who was chosen to be saved and then was not. Wasn't there members of Lots family who were chosen to be saved and then decided to remain? So you can be saved and deny it. You can still be saved and then your preferred sin in the slightest of moments of time will override your rescued saving. How many families Jewish families in the days of Moses refused to be obedient to their instructions for the bypassing/Passover of plagues? And they suffered and died. So to shall it be for you and your own family. Do or do not. Be obedient or disobedient. Embrace your sins or reject your sins. The choices are all for you to make in those last chance times. But, it would be better to make those good and right choices now than in those last chance times. Because, in those last chance times you will not be aware that it is the last chance times. There will be no "Dead End" signs. So turn back now. 
Go and read my answers on Quora.
You must prepare just as Joseph prepared for all of the people of his day. Which means you do not only prepare for yourself. You prepare for your whole family and your friends. You also spread the word so that others will be inspired to prepare as well. Because, as the news continues to threaten global food shortages. What are you gonna do to feed yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community? So encourage everyone to prepare for themselves as well. Which means planting all manner of fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardens. This also means to also raise all of your own animals. This also means building your own all natural and mostly not powered green houses. You also need to realize that it can take up to or more than five years before a fruit tree to go to first fruits. An avocado tree can take more than ten years to go to first fruits. It takes time to gain your own foods. This is not something which can be done last minute. 
In order for your family, your friends, your church and your community to survive. You and everyone else must do their part to assure the opportunity of survival. Being chosen to survive and actually surviving can fall to your own choices. Such as Lots wife. 
This is not financial advice. But, what has been happening to your retirement accounts? The threats against your bank accounts? Do what you think is financially best for your own family. If that means that you have to go back to work especially after retiring. Then do so. Begin to consider to buy that safe location, build your safe house with a basement. Consider to begin supplying your safe house with all manner of supplies. These things require much research, planning, engineering, surveying, water testing prior to buying or building anything. Consider building a buried monolithic dome home. 
Your retirement may be over. Especially if you are an older person. Your elder status sees with wisdom how the younger ones are fairing in this world. You being one of the last ones who knows what a pension and retirements are. You may have to step up to financially plan for the survival of your own family as insanity and war embraces the world. Especially, when you see that no one is talking peace, wanting peace or expecting peace and only planning for war. Because, you know history and you know that the civilians never win and are never safe. Civilians are accused by both sides, abused and killed. So what do you do? It is all up to you. Assuming you even care and I have seen many of you elders and how you abandoned your own children.
Prophetically the meek shall inherit the Earth. Which one? This Earth after it has been purified or another earth? or many other Earth's? Only God will know.
Added on 18 April 2023:
Being delusional or insane are not indicators of bravery or heroism. They are signs that reason and logic no longer apply within your own life. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, February 24, 2023

Christians Must Run For Every Elected Office Prophecy +19: (Unedited): 24 Feb 2023:

Continuous never ending godly action in your daily life must be a definitive result of any genuine revival. 
So yea, how did Jesus suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How did the apostles suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? and how did the early Christians suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How are Christians around the world today are suffering and dying? How is it that you are still obliviously unaware of their plight as Chinese Christians sing praises of their worthiness to suffer and die in the name of Christ. Enjoy your sports events, movies, games, social media and websites. As your own church, pastors and leadership staffs remain overwhelmed on a daily basis. All because you demand to be served by them and serve not them or the church. 
Church service is not a show for you and you should not be entertained by the church. Church service is not meant to be a feel good entertaining event especially if your a deeply flawed sinful human being in which we all are.
You are supposed to feel bad and feel guilty about your sins. Your supposed to feel a profound need to change from your evil ways and deeds. Even in your professional life. But, if your in a church where you never feel bad about any of your sins and evil actions. Then your probably in a church which will die as many church buildings are empty and abandoned throughout the USA. Yes, that is a prophetic sign. 
Your actions in your everyday life regardless if it is professional, personal, private, secret, family or any other type of life in which you may have.
The genuineness of a revival in your life must manifest holiness, righteousness and Holy Spirit led actions.
Your actions that you will be compelled to make will also include participating in all levels of government activities. This does mean that you will run for every elected office and only vote for Christians in every elected office. This also means that you shall not vote in favor of any political ideology. Regardless if it is red or blue, right or left, Republican or Democrat. You must do these things right now. You must take definitive action and make those very certain commitments. If you want change within your so called representative government. Then you must become that face of change.
Christians of every denomination must stop voting against the face of the greater evil or voting for the face of the lesser evil. 
From within your churches you must coordinate your plans for every election. Regardless of what any law states. Those laws which prevent you the Christian from talking about politics within the church were all plans to take away and to steal away your God given nation. If you Christians continue to do nothing then everything shall be taken from you. Including your rights, liberty, your freedom, your livelihoods and your lives. By the way your rights and livelihoods are already being taken away. You have already lost the freedom of speech to speak in any public format as your Christians words are now deemed as hate speech.
If you Christians fail in taking the necessary actions to reclaim your nation. You will lose your nation as well as become criminalized. 
If you Christians do not rise up and take a collective stand for the restoration of your God given nation. Then you all will realize the truth of how your nation is not included in Bible Prophecy. 
Right now your debate on whether or not the USA is included in Biblical prophecy. If you do not take action in the saving of the nation that God has given to you. Then you will lose everything in it's entirety. Everything in which you hold dear will be taken and it is already happening. If you continue to do nothing. Then you will have nothing left. Even the idea of a lie worth living will be taken from you.
The American Christian clock in regardless to holiness, righteousness, godliness has been running backwards and soon enough the springs of time will lose their alignments, bend and pop as the time of the Christian will suddenly stop. 
Christians are like a broken watch which cannot tell time no matter how much you wind it or shake it. Jesus is the body of the watch. The Holy Spirit is the spring and mechanisms. The Holy Bible is the face which identifies the purpose and meaning of the Christian watch. 
Christians have not been properly winding or maintaining their watches. While at the same time knowing the prophecy of not winding or maintaining their own watches. The foolishness of shaking and banging on your watches which no longer tells times is the evidence of the life you see right now. The confusion of not knowing is evident in your lives as you each hide in lonely seclusion absent of any church participation. 
The Christian life and the Christian people is the only thing which remains that keeps this once great nation good, honorable and honest. 
The nations and peoples of the world have already begun to hate Americans and America. This is because it is the Americans and the Christians who have abandoned their own belief systems and their God.
It is the Christians who have done nothing to prevent the evil cancerous disease from taking over their once beloved heroic nation.
The time of the American people is coming to an end because of the refusal of Christians to take part in and to lead their nation with righteousness, holiness and goodness. 
The home of the free and brave have become the home of the do nothing entertained and cowardly Christian. Just as the end of Israel has happened many times before so to will the end of the USA. 
The minimalist Christians by word of mouth are only Christian for one hour per week as they go forth and do nothing else in their lives. Yet, in the eyes of God your belief in your Christian state of being is only your own self created delusion. 
Self declared Christians won't even do anything for their own churches or denominations. They can't even spare one hour a week doing anything which benefits the church in any way. So what are they going to do to save their own God given nation? Nothing!!!
Revival, Bible studies and regular church services becomes a waste of your time when you return home to a life which is fundamentally unchanged. 
This does not mean you stop doing those things. This just means that your probably just more pig headed and stubborn than everyone else. You do have a choice of either you causing your heart to be softened or God will soften your heart for you. It would be best for you to take those actions and cause your own heart to become softened. 
The delusional lie within you is when you begin to believe that your time spent in the church or in Bible study is a waste of your time. 
Added on 23 Feb 2025: 
All of the current problems that America has had in the last 60 years is because of the Christian refusal to run for all elected offices, vote only for established Christians and to actually go out and vote. 
If the demise, destruction and death of the United States does happen. It will be the fault of the Christians and how they freely choose to do nothing for their God given nation. 
It is each Christian who is supposed to be responsible for their God given nation. The Christians have refused to participate in the election process of their nation and this will be the reason why the Christians will not have a home in what was once their land.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Hardening Of Hearts As The Prophecies Are Revealed +10: (Unedited): 01 July 2022:

New content below. Sometimes I still add content after I update. 
14 July 2022: Added minor content, minor edits and 8 quotes.  
How did this start today? I saw a great energy wave blow away all of the water on Earth, all of the mud, all of the sand, All of the life that touched the soils everywhere. All that would burn burned brightly. The Earth was still alive but devoid of the beauty of the first Heaven. The first Heaven removed from humanity. Just as the Garden of Eden was removed from Adam and Eve. I was completely saddened, distraught as I prefer the oceans or The Gulf Of Mexico. What I witnessed caused me to say aloud I do not want to be here without the oceans. Then I began to become angry with humanity as they did this to this beautiful planet. In order to correct what humanity had done. God had to cleanse the entire planet with a great fire. My anger was short lived as about 8+ billion souls are dead, in the Heaven of God or judged. Only those which remained were the ones selected by God. That number is only known to God, but, it could be 144,000+/-.  
I've learned that I've been denied the oceans. Never having anything more than what meets my/family bare needs. I wanted to be on ships and yet never have been. I watch boat videos and enjoy their enjoyment. Tears in my eyes now. Knowing that my beloved Golf Of Mexico will be gone. How I yearn to be in those Florida waters. But, My eyes have seen thousands of beautifully different sunsets. I have experienced many fearful storms. Yet, I'm always denied and prevented. Sometimes life is not fair and then I see the planet absolutely naked and without her covering of water and air, I am ashamed and profoundly sad. All of humanity was made to be caretakers of this planet and then caretakers in this solar systems. Then out into the vastness of this galaxies to be caretakers of the entire galaxy and then out even further and into forever.
Those true evil doers who read this will harden their hearts and scoff at the ridiculousness of it all.  The intention of all of my writing's is to save lives. Just a note for you: I have made zero money in the decades of my writing. So why, do I continue to write? To save lives. Unless, it is too late and those who thirst for all of the power and authority, know they are going to lose. Then they will destroy everything so that no one can have it, if they can't. Read my previous writings and do as they advise.

The US military does not have enough personnel, equipment, guns, bullets and missiles. 

The US military will have to fight in Alaska, Texas, Florida, California, Oregon, Washington, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, All of Western Europe, As well as in several other Asian nations. As well as New Zealand, and Australia. All at once. There will be war in every city and in every US state all at once.

American civilians do not have enough guns and athletic physical fitness to even keep up with what is gonna come through Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California (every city and every state). American civilians are too fat and old(me). The young American civilians are too physically and mentally weak from not doing anything but playing video games. There are too many Americans who are sickly(me) and addicted. 

All Canadians and all other foreign nationals must leave the USA. All of your assets will be lost. If you do not leave. Your rescue will be attempted but will most likely fail as EMP weapons will be in use. So if you want you and your family to live. Then you must leave the USA. This instruction is only meant to save lives.

There will be the American Tet Offensive. In which many hundreds or thousands of enemy teams will conduct attacks anywhere they choose every day and as often as they can. These will be Russian special forces, Chinese special forces, Military personnel from Central and South America. There may be as many as 100,000+ Islamic men conducting attacks all at once. They all will have every manner of military weapons. This will happen all at once. Tens of thousands of local Police, state police, Federal agents will lose their lives in less than a month. The purpose is to save all lives through prophetic revelation. 

Military Bases and Posts will be quickly over run and then used by enemy forces. The only reason why there will be initial prisoners of war is that it will be more efficient to kill them in groups and they properly dispose of the bodies so that no one will find them. So the enemy will promise to keep and to hold, To feed and care for. But, these will be falsehoods.

US Naval warships will be captured. Everyone killed once intelligence is gained from each one. Then they will be killed.

There will be many nuclear detonations on American soil. There will be many Nuclear EMP specific detonations.

More than 90% of all Americans will perish within the first year. The American part of the North American continent will be depopulated of everyone. The native tribes will be exterminated. The Latinos who wanted to be Americans will all be hunted and killed. The beautiful females will be kept alive that is until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of beautiful females will not be pleasant as they must please everyone or else. There will not be any bodies found or discovered. I see rivers of ash. I see cloudy gray water in many places. Lakes and rivers all of America will become Gray as ash as seen from orbit.

The American treasonous traitorous politicians/families will be rewarded for their actions. They all will believe they will have wonderful lives full of riches and comforts in the new world born from the purified ashes of old.  Because they are all shiny and beautiful rooster's in their own prideful eyes. So full of self that they will not see that when all that they have sold away and were rewarded for. They will only know that the order was for all Americans to die. The memory of what America is will die. The idea of freedom and human rights will die. It will not matter if they are patriots, traitors, Communists activists, American supporters, BLM, American Black Islam,  Indigenous tribes, or even Expatriates. They will all be hunted and killed. All of their bodies turned to Gray as they flow away in the waters.

The glamorous and cocky rooster so full of self beauty and determination to crow at all hours of the night. Will find themselves roasting over a lovely fire. C.J.MacKechnie

When eating the left wing and right wing of the same fire cooked rooster. You will discover that both wings look and taste the same. C.J.MacKechnie

People who pay you to be their bought and paid for friends will also order their own dedicated military to kill you and all of your family members once you are of no use.  Then dispose of your bodies so that no one will ever know. 

Russia will lose so many men and so many military assets. That China will look at their former enemy and then go through Russia and easily killing everyone. There will not be hostages or prisoners of war. The beautiful females will be kept alive until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of the kept females will not be easy as they must please everyone or else. Russia will end as it is depopulated. Then repopulated with Chinese.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:

“Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?”

Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

And He said, “Go, and tell this people:

‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand;
Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’

10 “Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”

11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?”

And He answered:

“Until the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant,
The houses are without a man,
The land is utterly desolate,
12 The Lord has removed men far away,
And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
13 But yet a tenth will be in it,
And will return and be for consuming,
As a terebinth tree or as an oak,
Whose stump remains when it is cut down.
So the holy seed shall be its stump.”

Added on 14 July 2022:
Mocking, ridicule, and even celebration will coincide with any prophetic utterance or event. Even in the Christian denominations and churches will become apathetically silent. 
Denominations and churches will only focus on the brand they put forth. The partying, outgoing and fun time church for the people. Ignorant, Blind and deaf those members will go forth like lambs and cattle to slaughter. Being lead to a place which is contrary to their understanding. 
In those days prior to the taking away of the first heaven. In those coming days prior to the black sky. Prayers, worry and great fear God will not hear from those who profess and yet have never become holy, righteous. God speaks to them all once, ...I never knew you..., as judgement is administered.
Those churches which put forth their brand of self promoting feel good and self worth without any other action on the followers part except for their cash admittance. The churches actually becomes a blight on the poorest in their surrounding community. God sees the evidence, hears the prayers and cries of those who humbly suffer the most right across the street. While at the same time hear not your prayers, your worship songs full of human glorious pride. 
The rewards to the glorious wayward church full of wealth of self with no concern for others who suffer the most. These rewards are from the declared god of this world and not from the God of the Holy Bible. The rewards that these wayward churches experience and of their deceived followers is all the reward they will ever get. For the love of one another is absent within each one of them. For the love of one another is only mental knowledge and yet absent of any intention or substance with their own hearts. 
The wicked sinner, the unrepentant soul and the professing Christian will not even be aware when God hardens their own minds and hearts as they never consider any aspect of genuine repentance. Thus, shall be the evidence of having already been judged. For the man of the right of Christ repented just enough to Christ. While the other only continued to mock as his mind and heart become frozen in time. 
To put it all simply, There will be those who know the time of repentance is at hand and yet they never make it to actually repent. There can always be many reasons for this. Self judging of ones own self above the judgement of God. God has already judged the soul. And more flawed human reasons. But, for the lowly and humbled sons and daughters of God. You will not know either way and still you should always lead every soul to actual repentance with love, mercy, compassion and continued never ending encouragement. That is until the Holy Spirit either leads them or you away. 
Entire church congregations may not or will not even be aware of anything prophetic is occurring as all of their church activities revolves around the sickness and death of church members. For these preserved churches will not even be in the same category as the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna.  
The spirit of death will maintain it's presence in many small poor churches as those members die off, their souls shall be preserved and taken into glory.  So do not categorize certain churches as dying churches. For what you see as a dying church may in fact be a preserved church and a fully saved church.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Christian Prophetic Notes: (Unedited): 26 June 2022:

CHRISTIAN NOTE: Those who support and attend those Christian churches and Christian denominations of sin. They too shall be judged along side of the honest, non delusional and full knowing evil doers. For God sends a great delusion to all of humanity. Those who have rejected the love of God shall be deceived into believing lies as truths and truths as lies. All of you shall be consumed by the Spirit of God. Thessalonians 2: 7–12. For many of you professing Christians will see the Son of God or the spirit of God coming and believe you shall be raptured but, in reality you are to be judged as your joyful delusion gladly expresses itself.
CHRISTIAN NOTE 2: The only two churches which were not admonished were the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna. So seek out those churches which best represent or identify with the two churches and become members of them. Then strive for those churches to continually remain most like or exactly like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. While at the same time know why God admonished the other churches and reject their ways and reasons for admonishment.
 Yes, I've written this before. It seems like there is still hope for those who are trapped in those evil doing churches and denominations. There is still time for those who are life long and generational professing Christians who are actually not a Christian. 
But, unfortunately, those who are within those churches and denominations are not even conscious of where they are. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Everybody and Nobody Knows: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2021:

These things below seem to be out of some kind of musical order. 
That which is below is not intended to be a song. Just to convey a message as which was inspired by a song. 
Everybody knows that something is coming. 
Nobody knows that they are already here. 
Everybody knows The end is near. 
Nobody knows that the end has already begun.
Everybody knows the Savior will come. 
Nobody knows that the coming Savior will be angry. 
Everybody knows that bad is now good and it is now right.
Nobody knows that we all have become wrong and evil.  
Everybody knows and does nothing.
Nobody knows who their hero shall be.
Everybody knows that everything shall end.
Nobody knows or cares to know. 
Everybody knows the lies they believe as truths. 
Nobody knows that the truths they know are lies. 
Everybody knows that the world has changed.
Nobody knows that the worldly powers have become the enemies of humanity. 
Everybody wants to know the aliens are real.
Nobody knows that the brutal gods of Human history are one and the same. 
Everybody knows the powers are real
Nobody knows they each are truly helpless.  
Sigrid: Everybody Knows: 20 Nov 2017:
Nobody knows in these now living generations of humanity the history of man. Nobody knows that the good guys have lost more than many times before and that the heroes of old have all died. Everybody wants a hero to come save them and nobody knows that they will all stand alone to fight their fight. Nobody wants to be their own hero and save themselves. 
One of the first quotes I've ever written is "Be your own Hero and save yourself". I wrote that almost twenty years ago. 
The battles and the war in the Heavens is coming back to this planet. The first of them to make themselves known will most likely be the evil ones who were known as gods in human history. The brutality inflicted upon humanity has almost disappeared. They will come back and they will make their last stand here on Earth among the helpless humans. The destruction will be to such a degree that the extinction of humanity will be assured. Save for those saved by the actual Holy God of all. The vast majority will fight with and for the evil gods which come back and we all will fight against that which is actually good and righteous. Humanity chooses wrong. Humanity suffers greatly. Humanity dies. The entire Earth will be cleansed by a great fire in totality. The entire Earth may be reverted to a ball of liquid fire and become like an ocean of fire which engulfs everything. 
All of that which has been written of in the last book of Revelation will manifest in a short period of time. All of the bowls of God will be poured onto the Earth in a short period of time. It will become very difficult to live or even exist on Earth. What shall you do when the gods come to fight their last fight? What will you do when their powers cause you to believe that you are truly less than maggots and worms in comparison to any one of them? What are you going to do when you realize that you are helpless. Just like a lamb in the mouth of a lion. There is nothing you can do to save yourself. There is just nothing you can do to stop them. For one angel or fallen angel can kill nearly 200,000 lowly and insignificant human warriors in one night. What shall you do as one angel or fallen angel can just turn you off like you do with a light switch. 
As advanced and as prideful we think our human technology has become. None of it will be of any use against any one of them that comes. Even those new human technological weapons that are still kept out of sight of regular civilians like myself. Yet, I can see them and I can see them all of no use. This is to a degree like a Childs water gun against a genuine evil doer who intends to cause massive harm to anyone and everyone. This is the kind of helplessness that the great militaries of the world will bring against these beings.  Yet, the bulk of humanity will fight along with the wrong gods and go to war against the actual good God of all. All of the efforts of humanity along with all of the efforts of the coming evil doing gods. Will all be for nothing as the same end result for them, the last time they were here will be the same when they return and they all know it. Except this time if they are going to die at their last stand. They will take all of humanity with them into judgement. But, the evil doing gods which shall come back will fail as God of goodness, righteousness and holiness has already chosen His remnant and yet by our perspective has not chosen and yet all of it has already ended and begun and has not yet started. 
So what can you do? Follow the purple words below. Go to a Bible Believing Christian church. Look for a church which has not been corrupted by evil. This means led by men and women who profess and lives their lives of publicly sinning. Sin cannot stand in the places of holiness. If  you see or know of any denomination or church leader who professes to be pridefully in sin. Flee from these places of evil. Even if you and your family have been in that one denomination or church for many generations. 
For you who are not Christian. Prophecy of any kind is only for the believer and faithful. Anyone else who hears or reads any kind of prophecy will only glean that which only entertains them. Then they move along without any change of spirit, heart or mind.
 For the faithful believer. They will pray and fast. They will be obedient and compliant to the urgings of the Holy Spirit. Even if that means leaving their families generational church and leaving the home where their family has been for generations. The denominations and churches may see you and your family as some kind of fallen, back sliding or have embraced the worldly beliefs in an insulting manner. The truth is there will be those who are devout and will leave the denominations and churches. Not because they have embraced their free right to sin however they desire without experiencing any form of guilt or remorse. But, rather because of the absence of holiness and righteousness from that denomination and church. The rise of underground churches in countries which were formerly had freedom have been birthed. 
So what can you do? Endure unto your own ending. However that may play out. 
The first thing is to be right with God. The God of holiness and righteousness. The Christians and Jewish God. Fast and pray. Reject and flee from all sins. Pursue holiness and righteousness. The purple words below. Become and remain obedient to the Holy Spirit. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.