Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2023

Christians Must Run For Every Elected Office Prophecy +19: (Unedited): 24 Feb 2023:

Continuous never ending godly action in your daily life must be a definitive result of any genuine revival. 
So yea, how did Jesus suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How did the apostles suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? and how did the early Christians suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How are Christians around the world today are suffering and dying? How is it that you are still obliviously unaware of their plight as Chinese Christians sing praises of their worthiness to suffer and die in the name of Christ. Enjoy your sports events, movies, games, social media and websites. As your own church, pastors and leadership staffs remain overwhelmed on a daily basis. All because you demand to be served by them and serve not them or the church. 
Church service is not a show for you and you should not be entertained by the church. Church service is not meant to be a feel good entertaining event especially if your a deeply flawed sinful human being in which we all are.
You are supposed to feel bad and feel guilty about your sins. Your supposed to feel a profound need to change from your evil ways and deeds. Even in your professional life. But, if your in a church where you never feel bad about any of your sins and evil actions. Then your probably in a church which will die as many church buildings are empty and abandoned throughout the USA. Yes, that is a prophetic sign. 
Your actions in your everyday life regardless if it is professional, personal, private, secret, family or any other type of life in which you may have.
The genuineness of a revival in your life must manifest holiness, righteousness and Holy Spirit led actions.
Your actions that you will be compelled to make will also include participating in all levels of government activities. This does mean that you will run for every elected office and only vote for Christians in every elected office. This also means that you shall not vote in favor of any political ideology. Regardless if it is red or blue, right or left, Republican or Democrat. You must do these things right now. You must take definitive action and make those very certain commitments. If you want change within your so called representative government. Then you must become that face of change.
Christians of every denomination must stop voting against the face of the greater evil or voting for the face of the lesser evil. 
From within your churches you must coordinate your plans for every election. Regardless of what any law states. Those laws which prevent you the Christian from talking about politics within the church were all plans to take away and to steal away your God given nation. If you Christians continue to do nothing then everything shall be taken from you. Including your rights, liberty, your freedom, your livelihoods and your lives. By the way your rights and livelihoods are already being taken away. You have already lost the freedom of speech to speak in any public format as your Christians words are now deemed as hate speech.
If you Christians fail in taking the necessary actions to reclaim your nation. You will lose your nation as well as become criminalized. 
If you Christians do not rise up and take a collective stand for the restoration of your God given nation. Then you all will realize the truth of how your nation is not included in Bible Prophecy. 
Right now your debate on whether or not the USA is included in Biblical prophecy. If you do not take action in the saving of the nation that God has given to you. Then you will lose everything in it's entirety. Everything in which you hold dear will be taken and it is already happening. If you continue to do nothing. Then you will have nothing left. Even the idea of a lie worth living will be taken from you.
The American Christian clock in regardless to holiness, righteousness, godliness has been running backwards and soon enough the springs of time will lose their alignments, bend and pop as the time of the Christian will suddenly stop. 
Christians are like a broken watch which cannot tell time no matter how much you wind it or shake it. Jesus is the body of the watch. The Holy Spirit is the spring and mechanisms. The Holy Bible is the face which identifies the purpose and meaning of the Christian watch. 
Christians have not been properly winding or maintaining their watches. While at the same time knowing the prophecy of not winding or maintaining their own watches. The foolishness of shaking and banging on your watches which no longer tells times is the evidence of the life you see right now. The confusion of not knowing is evident in your lives as you each hide in lonely seclusion absent of any church participation. 
The Christian life and the Christian people is the only thing which remains that keeps this once great nation good, honorable and honest. 
The nations and peoples of the world have already begun to hate Americans and America. This is because it is the Americans and the Christians who have abandoned their own belief systems and their God.
It is the Christians who have done nothing to prevent the evil cancerous disease from taking over their once beloved heroic nation.
The time of the American people is coming to an end because of the refusal of Christians to take part in and to lead their nation with righteousness, holiness and goodness. 
The home of the free and brave have become the home of the do nothing entertained and cowardly Christian. Just as the end of Israel has happened many times before so to will the end of the USA. 
The minimalist Christians by word of mouth are only Christian for one hour per week as they go forth and do nothing else in their lives. Yet, in the eyes of God your belief in your Christian state of being is only your own self created delusion. 
Self declared Christians won't even do anything for their own churches or denominations. They can't even spare one hour a week doing anything which benefits the church in any way. So what are they going to do to save their own God given nation? Nothing!!!
Revival, Bible studies and regular church services becomes a waste of your time when you return home to a life which is fundamentally unchanged. 
This does not mean you stop doing those things. This just means that your probably just more pig headed and stubborn than everyone else. You do have a choice of either you causing your heart to be softened or God will soften your heart for you. It would be best for you to take those actions and cause your own heart to become softened. 
The delusional lie within you is when you begin to believe that your time spent in the church or in Bible study is a waste of your time. 
Added on 23 Feb 2025: 
All of the current problems that America has had in the last 60 years is because of the Christian refusal to run for all elected offices, vote only for established Christians and to actually go out and vote. 
If the demise, destruction and death of the United States does happen. It will be the fault of the Christians and how they freely choose to do nothing for their God given nation. 
It is each Christian who is supposed to be responsible for their God given nation. The Christians have refused to participate in the election process of their nation and this will be the reason why the Christians will not have a home in what was once their land.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Big Global Resession Change: (Unedited): 14-16 July 2022:

 Many common peoples are going to lose their homes, their savings, their retirements and the bulk of any other worldly investments. Many common peoples who already have nothing will end up losing everything else. Which will include vast majority of their personal assets. There will be those who must surrender cars and begin to ride bikes. Many will even begin to purchase large vans if they are able and live in those vans. Living in the woods will become more prevalent than every before. To the degree that any aspect homelessness will become more criminalized than ever before. 
Just as there is no safety, security and justice for the homeless. All manner of crimes within the homeless communities will become much more prevalent, violent and an unquestioned daily occurrence. The burying of bodies by the homeless will not be investigated by the police or reported in any news media outlet. The greatest governance within the homeless will be the laws which govern the animal kingdom. In which there is no mercy, compassion or forgiveness. 
Out of this recession will begin the rise of a new era in personal responsibility coupled with the addition of new technologies. The way homes are built will fundamentally be changed forever. People will become more spread out and more walled in. The necessary average square footage per American house will increase greatly. The idea of generational housing for multiple generations of families will again re-emerge as it was in the old tribal days. When many generations of families and extended family units lived in very close proximity to one another. 
Homes built on acreage will become desired. Water access will become preferred. Non government interference will become sought after. Homes will have added space for 3D printing. Homes will have added space for interior growing of any manner of edible plants bushes and even trees. Homes will have added electrical generating capacities. Homes will have air to water machines built in. Homes will have added secure space for drone deliveries. Homes will have added secure environments for dry good deliveries of all kinds. Homes will have added secure space for delivered refrigerated and frozen perishable foods deliveries. Much of these new services still must be engineered into future homes. 
So this may be the only real bright side. The reemergence of the family unit. The family unit becomes more important than the ways of the world system. 
These new family units will form up into cohesive communities in which they will begin to pool their own resources and purchase additional lands for the addition of infrastructure like SMR (Small Modular nuclear Reactors) nuclear power. I do not see any electrical power lines above ground from these SMR's so I would assume all power lines are run underground to each home.
The common peoples of the world will realize that manipulation in almost every investment category is not in their favor and is actually against them. Especially when they take a 30% hit in all aspects of their finances and retirement accounts every 3-7 years. The common peoples will see any aspect of global investment option as corrupt, scam, deceptive. Regardless of what laws are in place for each specific nation. These will be observed by the elder generations and taught to the younger generations to the degree that the common peoples will not participate in any aspect of any obvious to today stock markets, financial markets. What will be the impact on all of these financial assets. So the only real wealth assets for the common peoples will be in real estate. 
As of today, The common peoples have been playing with decentralized crypto assets. Even with these there seems to be daily manipulation within. The new bankruptcies is only further evidence of dishonest players manipulating this recently new emerging marketplace. As the world continues to stumble into global recession. It shall be the common peoples of the world who will suffer the most as which is already being seen with revolts and starvation in certain countries. These things will expand. 
The surviving governments will find their real estate markets fully collapsed. Many of these governments will assume ownership of every real estate asset. This one action of not allowing ownership of any land or homes will become a level of power and control that is only seen in the worse nations on Earth. The denial of the right to land and home ownership. Some surviving nations will or may allow some kind of limited ownership. But, what those will be, will be dependent on what the citizens demand and how the citizens will demand their children not participate in any governmental authority at any level. When the people refuse to participate in the government how is it that the government will have any power? Which is when the governments will deny its own citizens the right to self defense, the rights to weapons and the right to learn any form of martial arts.
The common peoples will begin to see politics of any kind as a self serving belief system of those who have put themselves into places of leadership and authority. The common peoples will also begin to realize that it was they who became toe actual power for them. Thus, by refusing to follow the politics and forbidding their own children to participate in politics. Those politicians will not have the power to enforce their will upon anyone or even to make wars with their national neighbors. How this plays out is uncertain and unknown to me. Because in places like communist China a few can still lock up many millions of people with the threat of arrest. The people begin to prefer to jump out of windows instead of being disobedient to the will of the governmental authority. Especially, when all it takes is for all of them to rush the streets in one unified voice. Then again China will send in their military forces and kill everyone who is disobedient or apparently disobedient. Yet, the civilians of the world still continue to buy Chinese made goods whenever they want.
Global employment opportunities will also drastically change. Robots will take over all low end and unskilled jobs. Management and corporate personnel will be restructured. Think about it for a second. If you do not have a large human work force to manage then why is it that you need managers and corporate managers? You do not. So while managers and corporate types joyfully usher in robots and AI at every level. They are also at the same time ending their own careers. People who are not prepared for these things will suffer greatly. 
True Barter of things with actual real value will make a reemergence. Like physical skill sets, seeds and horses.
Actual ancient hands on skill sets will be of real value. These are the skill sets prior to the advent of gas, oil and electricity. These will also be very modern hands on skill sets which deal with fabrication and creation.
Working from home employment skill sets should be attained. 
Knowledge of high voltage and low voltage.
Software management and programming. 
Computer and machine Hardware troubleshooting. 
Hydraulic's, pneumatic's and vacuum systems, electrical motor knowledge. 
These will be a few of the necessary skill sets which people must know in order to survive the coming robotics revolution.
As well as all aspects of farming life, homesteading, off grid living.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lazy Noggin Bum: (Unedited): 23 July 2017:

A person who uses his noggin and yet sees no value in a work ethic is still a lazy bum.
Yea, pretty insulting isn't it? Some times the harshness of a truth must be realized before a foreward motion can be achieved. The bottom line is. It doesn't matter what is going on in your noggin. If you have minimal or no output on a regular basis.
Your personal definition of a work ethic is directly related with you succeeding or floundering. If all you ever do is work, work, work. That may bring professional rewards but personal misery. If you work smart. That can bring rewards on both a professional and personal level.
Your motivation to work begins within your own mind and thinking processes. You must set up goals for achievement which excites you to do the mundane repeatedly. If you cannot or will not. Then it does not matter what genius is inside of your noggin. You will not know the true reality of what is inside which had the very real opportunity to come outside. You have to do the work and you have to do it continuously. Without cessation. until, that birthing process is complete and as with any birthing process there can be much discomfort.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Creators DNA Message Prophecy: (Unedited): 29 June 2017:

Beings should not edit any genetic coding before they have found the personal message to them contained in the foreward. 
It only makes sense that within any creation. The creator would want to embed a message to his creation. When they all have attained a level of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. 
When humanity discovered DNA and RNA. It was like a child finding a book about themselves and not being able to read it. The chemical discovery of human DNA profiling of 1984 is like the discovery of pages within a book. The completion of the Human Genome Project of 2004 was that point when humanity learned the pages in the book contained an alphabet. 
The question from me is from 2004 to 2017. Has humanity grown so far in wisdom, knowledge and understanding that we can now edit any DNA strand. If humanity knows so much. What was contained in the genetic message to all of us? and why has not that message been relayed to us all? 
If the foreward message has not been read. Then any editing can ruin the original out in the open message from the creator. Then for that next generation of human beings will discover encoded messages within the coding sequences.
Warning Design Changes: (Unedited): 29 June 2017:
Making changes to the original design before you even know what the instructions look like is unwise.
Added on 24 Sept 2018:
Have you ever looked at a book, picked it up and look at it? Of course you have. You looked at the front cover. Read the name, the author(s). Then you probably turned the book over and read the back cover. Then if the book was of interest you opened it up and read the foreward and preface. Then if your really intrigued you walked around with the book before deciding to buy it.
Here is the thing. The entire DNA strand for all of humanity should be treated as a book. A book which contains information and characters that we do not understand. All of it with its own rules and formulas that no human being has ever conceptualized or even know how to ask the correct questions. The DNA is the book about us. Except the DNA book about humanity is not static like the books you find in a bookstore. When you tear a page out the rest of the book remains the same only with missing pages. With a living DNA book. If you take out a piece or alter a piece the whole living DNA alters itself to adjust to the changes made. This may not be instantaneous and the changes may not be seen for decades or until the next generation or generations.
If you cannot read the preface or understand the preface or do not even know where the preface would be or even acknowledge that a preface exists. Then editing or making changes to any part of the DNA strand is highly inadvisable and not recommended.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fools Gold Wisdom: Righteous Life Decision +3: (Unedited): 21-22 Oct 2016:

The lovers of wisdom who yield not to the righteous ways of living. Reveals to the world the egotistical fools gold contained within their own heart and mind.
Words of wisdom seem to always makes a person feel better. But, when those words should be acted upon. They are quickly forgotten. Especially, when the next set of words of wisdom makes that person feel good. Even if for only a moment. Continual reading of wise words can become addictive and can become the only good things you know.
Wise Surroundings: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
Surrounding yourself with wise words does not make your life in which you live a righteous one.
Personal Foolishness: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
To know good personal life wisdom and not applying them into your life. Is personal foolishness.
By you deciding to learn good words of wisdom and taken those necessary actions to make good wisdom a part of your own foundation to good living practices. many things will begin to happen. anxiousness and anxiety will begin to fade away. Worry, confusion and nervousness will begin to fade away as well. By freely choosing living a righteous life. Things will automatically happen. You will become certain in everything you do. Getting a good night sleep without sleep aids or nightmares will become common occurrences. you shall even begin to notice all of the beauty which has always surrounded you and it was you who was never aware of anything truly beautiful.
Righteous Life Decision: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
The decision to live a righteous life. Is you actually walking out of the dank darkness and into the lovely light of creation.
 Conflicted Wisdom: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2016:
When good personal wisdom conflicts with cold hard professional wisdom of the world. You shall always be confused, torn and conflicted.
When and if you decide to embrace the world ways of doing, thinking and believing. You shall always be torn and stressed. You shall never experience relief or ease.
Then when you travel to quiet earthy places on vacation or holiday. You feel a temporary sense of ease, calm and peace. In which you head back into the harsh realities of the modern world. Not even once realizing that what you experienced on vacation or holiday. Was the true reality of all things.
 I live in Florida. People come from all over the world to see our sunsets and walk upon the sand with naked feet. They spend thousands of dollars to come to sunny Florida and no one ever realizes that the beautiful Florida sunset on the west coast or two hours away the lovely Florida sunrise is still the same star from where ever they came from. Where ever you are, you can experience calm and peace daily. All you have to do is recognize it and accept it. To become aware that where ever you came from has it's own beauty is something wonderful to know.
I know many people who are from way over there some where. While others move to Florida to escape some kind of awful and ugly life which was caused to them. Only to realize the lie that the awful ugliness followed them to Florida. When the truth of the matter is that they are the awful ugliness which came to Florida for a better and safer life than which never happened. If you ever move to where ever you think the grass is greener on the other side. Leave all of your trash and stinking thinking behind. Leaving the ugly hood behind. While keeping your hood attitudes will only recreate the ugly life you left behind. The only difference is you now have new ugly friends that you recreate your awful life with.
There is a quote in here somewhere.
When you bring good words of wisdom into your life and express them all through your actual living practices both personally and professionally. An inexhaustible life energy will overflow from the depths of your being. A new purpose with real meaning shall be expressed from your life. Causing people to become joyful in your presence and confusion in those who refuse to understand. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fundamental Truths: Happiness Contentment: Freely True: (Unedited): 13-14 March 2016:

Those who refuse to accept the fundamental truths in life. Will suffer and die by those lies.
Happiness Contentment: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
There is no true happiness or true contentment of life when lies and deceptions rule over you.
Freely True: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
The true you cannot live freely within the lies and deceptions you create for yourself. 
In your personal and private world. All throughout the whole of the world and any where else. There is only a false reality in the real world you merely reside in for this short period of time. When you have decided to cloak your true being in the shackles of lies and deceptions.
Happiness and contentment shall always be fleeting for you in this very short life we all have. Especially when the lies and deceptions you have created for yourself are discovered. Especially when the lies and deceptions which have been created for you were all designed to control you and to cause you to risk everything for those who will profit from your ultimate sacrifice.
No matter how much you learn or how much you have invested into your own education. Freedom will never be fully known by you or anyone else so as long as lies and deceptions rule over any aspect of your life.
Three fundamental truths are the separation and division of the human species based on (1)race is a lie. We are not (2)alone in the universe. The universe is not a (3)nice or friendly place.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Magnified Cruelties: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2015:

As humanity gets closer to complete revelation. Personal worldwide cruelties shall be magnified. 
This is prophecy.
Judgement shall fall upon the living. Just as it was in the day of Noah. Only the remnant chosen by God shall be saved. That chosen remnant may be saved but not saved from the witnessing the judgement of God in all of it's ugliness (My words). Just as Noah was saved from the wrath of God. They were not saved from witnessing of it.  For the Judgement of God is absolute righteousness and holiness. There is no escape.
The cruelties which shall come forth to all of humanity. Shall be a continuation of steady worsening. At every level of humanity. Shall all peoples be persecuted by anyone for any reason. Extreme violence shall be expressed upon another human being for any expression of any kind of difference. All manor of civility will fade into complete animalistic barbarism.
The jails and prisons shall be partially emptied of those who went to jail for crimes which are now a legal right. Those who are in the corporate business of prisons will need a new customer base and these will be the newly criminalized Christians. These newly criminalized Christians may be brutalized, tortured and murdered while in jail. No one will ever know. Just as a road of Rome was lined with Crosses bearing Christians. Just as Rome slaughtered untold numbers of Christians in their Colosseum for entertainment purposes. So to will the modern Christians deaths be horrific and it will not matter if they are in jail or not.
The refugees who are streaming into Europe shall become peacefully settled and gratefully supported. Then in time. Those many who have lied about their Christian faith. Their young ones will begin to roam the streets in gangs to rape and beat those who are alone, weak, old. These are true Islamic terrorists who is bringing the war to your own countries, cities and homes. Because, they must create as much conflict, chaos, hate and death in order for the return of their Mahdi. They will be victorious. Because, the only way you will be able to destroy them is to kill and murder them all. All of their children. All of their female baby making machines. All of them. In doing so you magnify conflict, chaos, hate and death. In a soon to come time. They all will rise up as one and become lawless. It will not matter what country they are all in. Their first country of attack may be the USA. The attack on the USA may/will happen at any time. The European attacks may/will happen around the time of 2025-2040. The USA must fall before they all can go after Israel. Only God will know. Do you remember the formulas for life and for death? If you mix them in any manor. You still end up with Death as the end result over an extended period of time. Human extinction does not have to be quick.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
Death = Hate + Conflict/war + Chaos + Lawlessness.
The death of the USA shall come soon as they remove the Ten Commandments without any argument or struggle.
I no longer believe it is probable to avoid the coming prophecies of those accepted and non accepted prophets. It is to late. I believe judgement of God has already occurred. The execution of Godly justice is soon to come. But in case I'm in error and their is still hope. We all must decide on our own. To follow the purple words. Not out of fear. Not from any sort of intimidation or threat. But, from that deep place within all of us. To live the purple words because it is the right thing to do. Not because we have to or are forced to.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Phony Phriends: Self Lost: (Unedited): 12 June 2015: 19 June 2015:

Phake and phony phriends seem to always be pecking on their phones.
Not really sure as to what to write.
Other than the confusion of what is the difference between what is real and what is digital or not real. I have watched many people come and go on this digital media. I have seen people lie and deceive. I have know many people who have many different accounts with a variety of different identities.
In real life. It can be the same. People use different names from time to time. People pretend to be one person in front of one particular group and then someone else in front of another. It seems like in the modern era. People can have their professional identity, Personal identity, family identity, Church identity, Political identity and secret sin identity. All of which can be digitally accessed and separated from one another with ease.
Self Lost: (Unedited): 19 June 2015:
The self lies and self deceptions in which you create or perpetuate will cause you to lose the truth of self.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Human Achievements: (Unedited): 10 June 2015:

Righteousness and holiness should become the personal achievements of every human being. All without arrogance, pride and ego.
We all should learn to reject all of those things in which we have learned from those fallen angels which came to this planet and solar system and enslaved us all.  From our beginning knowledge of astronomy to the use of makeup as well as their evolution into our modern world. While astronomy is important to us looking out into the world. The names of planets and constellations should be altered/changed. No longer should we use those names or identifications which force us to remember those who have fallen from the grace and acceptance of God. Just by continuing to use identification of those things learned from the fallen ones. It continues to separate our minds from our spirits and our spirits from God. By rejecting those things contaminated by those fallen ones. We can then become reacquainted with God. Is my recommendation the essential step for all of humanity to know the God of our creation again? No, but it is a very good step in the process. Those steps which are of supreme importance are in purple.
The stand alone importance of the fragments of the book of Enoch should be considered nearly second in importance to The Holy Bible .
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Gifts Absence: (Unedited): 11April 2015:

With the absence of your ego and pride, will you be able to fully witness the complete manifestations of your gifts. 
 In the beginning of the development of your gifts it seems that mental and physical gifts are not so hindered by ego and pride. But, once the individual person reaches their realized pinnacle of accomplishment. Their pride and ego takes hold of them and then they suffer a very hard fall from grace. So by taming your inner ego and pride early on. They shall not become blood thirsty monsters later on. Do the research on a lot of those who became athletically great in their own sport. Who in boxing? Who in the UFC? Who in golf? Who in Baseball? Who in sprinting? Who in Swimming? Who in religion? There seems to be many more in religion than anywhere else.
Who do you see right now in any field of your choosing is so filled with pride and ego? That they will soon fall very hard.
There you go point proven.
It is also the same in business or which ever your profession is. When you begin to think and believe that you can do whatever you want to do in your personal, professional and spiritual life. This is when severe disciplines will manifest. It will affect your profession and your personal life very directly. Everyone who is associated with you will also be affected. With a ruined reputation you shall not attain levels once achieved.
In your spiritual life. It does seems that direct spiritual growth is tied directly to your ego and pride. So the more humble you become, the less important you are, the more you spiritually grow. It is just contrary to the world way of doing things. It seems like everyone boosts your ego and pride. Just to watch you crash. (Bruce Lee) in mind. Does water know when it is about to fall or crash? But those who are in seemingly control of the water can make it fall and crash at their self defined will. Who suffers the most? The water and those who are impacted most from it. While those who caused or created the timing for the water to fall and crash. They get to stand back and enjoy. At which time after the fact those who were in control can come back into the picture and become the saviors who saved a former great soul. Or at least an opportunity to do so.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Impact Empath: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

If you have a genetic or even a personal relationship with an empath. Always know that all of your negative thoughts and emotions will have an instantaneous impact upon the empath. No matter the distance.
Here is the truth. All or most human beings are empathic. It doesn't matter if you believe in your empathic nature or not. To reject your empathic abilities. Can be seen as inhuman. Study empathy for yourself. How do you feel when you watch your favorite sports team score or even win a game? How do you feel when you see abused animals cruelly mistreated. How do you feel when a child is mistreated? How do you feel when the love of your life or a family member or a friend is mistreated?
Most human beings are empathic. Those who are not are most likely in jail. Because, they did not care or value the people they have harmed in some way. Those who refuse to care are apathetic and is a non-emotional as to why they have done what they have done. Maybe, some or many will one day care again. Maybe, someday many will love those strangers as their brothers and sisters. No matter their skin coloring. No matter The shape of their eyes or nose. No matter how tall they are or how fat. We are all of one genetic family of humanity. This is proven scientifically as well as in the ancient story of origins.
We all have a instantaneous spiritual and emotional impact on everyone else. The neighbor whom you do not know has marital strife? It affects you directly and instantaneously. The armed robbery down the street affects you directly and instantaneously. The new employee who shows up to work on their first day is obviously high and begins consuming alcoholic beverages. This has an instantaneous impact on you. So all that we all do, think and feel in this life of the here and now. Has a direct and instantaneous impact on everyone. But,it goes a step further. All of that negative emotional stuff can be transmitted to another person. Until such a point in time when someone from the other side of this planet becomes enraged and acts out. They may not even know why. But the waves of negative emotions and thoughts have self generated a powerful tidal effect as it moves about.
I see this as random wave mechanics. Where millions of waves in the deep ocean of humanities thoughts and emotions. Suddenly and seemingly random creates that super wave of negative emotions and thoughts. For the basic human animal who knows not the how or why. Must find a way to get rid of all of this negative energy and that is usually through acting out all of that instantaneously built up negative energies. Through rage, hate and anger. Some sense of the lack of some ill defined social justice.
So battles and attacks begins. War has begun. Because, someone did a thing and offended another group of people.
This is a reason why the ancient religious laws are so very important to living a life with purpose and meaning. If you honor the ancient religious laws because you freely choose to do so. Then the impacts upon this Earth will be like a huge cancelling wave. Easing all of the negative waves into smoother waters for all of humanity to discover a stress free environment for the whole of humanity.
The old teachings of GOD commanded these ancient laws are true. But, God is also a God of natural consequences. If you break a commandment of Gods laws within your own mind. God is most likely not going to immediately strike you down. If God did those kinds of things. Humanity would have already been extinct and I would not be writing. As I would be fleeing from every thunderstorm that comes around this coastal city of Port Richey, Florida. Yes, you can laugh. I am a deeply flawed human being. I admit it.

The point is this. ***What you do? What you don't do?  What you think? and what you feel?*** Has a direct instantaneous impact upon everyone else on this planet and maybe even to a degree in the universe.
So, do you want peace? Then be at peace. Do you want love? Then love. Do you want harmony? Then be harmonious. Do you want life? Then cherish all life.
Then the illusive understanding of the purpose and meaning of life will come from within you. How about them apples? 

***(There are many more what you do's and what you don't do's. There is also what you refuse and what you ignore) *** If I were to list them all. I would lose my meager paying job and take away your ability to think for yourself.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mental Train Wreck: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

Any person who has created for themselves many identities or avatars. Is just a mental train wreck.
How many identities or avatars do you have? Is there even a difference psychologically to your well being? Is it confusing in the beginning or do you think you can manage all of your different identities and avatars? Will you in the end lose your own self identity?
I know of people who have a personal identity that they have away from family. They even have that identity in which they show only to family. They have their professional identity. They have their religious identity. Then they also have many avatar identities on the internet social websites. All of these different identities can have vastly different psychological traits.
What is true? Is that you have only one identity. It is who you are and what you are. All of the good, the bad and the ugly. All of the decisions you have ever made. The right, the wrong and the indifferent.
Now in this modern age. We can be anyone at any time. With little or no judgement against you. If you get caught just lie and lie and lie.
The warning signs never seem to come in regards to who you are or what you are becoming. You internally begin to think you are all of these creations of yours. Thus, losing the truth of what you once were and even forgetting over time. Any lie and deception always mask the truth in the end. All of your deceptions and lies will in time murder the good person you once were. If you were every really a good person. That's pretty hard to swallow.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Psychological Difference: (Unedited): 18 Nov 2014:

The difference between victory and defeat is psychological. 
This seems to always be true. No matter the situation or circumstance. It doesn't matter if you are in a competition, war, life in general or in some other personal/professional disaster.
A person who is in any form of competition may win or lose and there shall only be one winner. This is why some egotistical people proclaim that second place is for the first losers. There is some sense of truth in that comment. But how that negative comment is is taken in by any person is defined as positive or negative in motivation. Can it be healthy? yes. Can it be self destructive? Yes. It is dependent on how the teacher/coach teaches it and how the student/player decides how it is meant. 
A person who is always involved and seems to only be able to achieve a place which is always less than first place can become defeated and demoralized. While another person who may not even know or be aware of their placement becomes excited at a new personal best, The mean prideful people who have placed much higher than the person who has achieved their personal best may belittle them with ugliness. While at the same time that person who achieved their personal best may very well be thankful to those who placed higher for driving them onward. Can you see the psychology.
The darkness of post defeat can do more harm than than the actual defeat. The leader of warfare may lose badly from their ill made plans. The soldiers and warriors involved have died, been injured and may have been captured. Who is at fault? Did God curse them or you? Being at fault or being cursed always leads to an answer. But, after you have your answer. It is your psychology which forms how your life is self perceived tomorrow.
On the matter of curses. Are you or were your righteous? Have you asked for forgiveness?
The effects of absolute defeat and enslavement can last for hundreds of years in how the new generations are taught. The teaching of the psychology of perpetual failure, defeat and enslavement is evidenced everywhere in the human world. This is seen within many Native American tribes and many African American peoples. Even though they themselves may not even be aware.
This can be seen in how any group of people live, have lived and will live their lives tomorrow.
The abused and tortured souls can live in absolute failure. While others have forged for themselves nearly absolute success in life as defined by them. Despite how badly their lives began within the shadows of cold nothingness. This can also be easily seen in former foster children, Abused spouses and those who have left their Countries of absolute horror for the hopes of America. How has each of these individuals achieved their dreams in the life they have lived is and was all defined by them and their own dreams.
So what happens when the dreams have been stolen away into the abyss of forgotten self identity? All that person has to do is re-remember and to become self empowered to create new ones. To become aware that they still have that power to self create in spite of what ever evil or hardship has befallen them. It is possible when the person believes again they are still possible.
The ill perceived loser who loses everyday in life in comparison to anyone else. May see themselves as a genuine winner as they achieve something new daily and exceed their personal best daily. Where as you who proclaims a loser to be what you think they are. When have you exceeded your personal best or have achieved something new?
Please find those positively inspiring gold nuggets within this writing. If you only see the negativity. Then it is your choice and not mine. I only offer a way to look at things and genuinely hope you find that which is ONLY positive for your own life to live. But, how you live your life is still your free choice and it matters whose or what thumb your under. The thumb is and always has been your accepted illusion. Which is the lie of your life which you wrongly believe as truth.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Educational Flashback: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2014:

Incredible Headache right now. Pressure and tension in the back of my neck. I feel heat.
My body is here in this time and Now. But, my mind is back when I was 17 years old. Spring is in full swing in Florida of 1983. Most everyone I knew were all excited about their college prospects and their futures as adults on their own for the first time. Of course I'm writing this with my current adult perspective. But, back then. I didn't understand. I didn't even understand the concept of wearing gowns for graduating. I did not even understand the importance of graduating high school or the symbolic importance of it. After all, most kids have worked hard for 12 years in order to prepare for college and then onto their selected careers.
For me there was no preparation. School was only that something that I had to go to because it was the law. School was a place where I was not welcomed. I have wondered why I was not strong enough to work beyond those limitations that I believed in. That everyone believed in. I was a defective person with an IQ of about 70. I believed it. I was prescribed 50 Mg of Cylert and 50 Mg of Ritalin. I was raised in a house of abuse and torture. I never did any home work and never had to. Yet, I was still passed along. Then those foster care years. Where education was not important at all and every teacher in school didn't expect very much from me. I had a guardian and they all seemed to know that I was a trouble maker. That why kids are in foster care? right? because we have caused all of the problems in our families and our parents could not control us kids. Even though I was adopted. Yea, the adoptive mother told me that she should have never adopted me. So, how could I have even had a fair chance/opportunity for any type of an education? There wasn't.
Back to 1983. That is where my mind still is and I'm coping as I type it.
I knew there was a college and it was called St. Petersburg Junior College. I knew those adults studied something but I wasn't really sure nor was I even aware what for.
Some of those whom I hung out with were going to colleges far away and to Florida State and to other Colleges. They were excited and I felt their excitement and wanted that for myself. So, I talked with my dad and I sent out for information to the University of Alabama's engineering dept. That is what my dad was and where he went to college. So, why not. I had a very deep admiration for him. The respect he garnered from everyone else. He was incredibly intelligent and everyone knew it who worked with him. I could see this and feel it as well. I wanted that for me.
The end of the school year was coming and the beach was calling me. The graduation celebration was going on and ended and I still could not fathom as to why. Some friends were packing up and making more arrangements for after high school. Spending more time with their parents as opposed to going out to Clearwater beach.

Well, A bomb hit me. I had to go to summer school in order to graduate high school. Some class I never took in the ninth grade was a required course and was necessary in order to graduate. No one even caught it. Well, My attitude was. Oh well, i quit.  I'm done with it all. I just don't care. Yes, that is right. I had made that decision over one single class. Well, the dad didn't accept that decision at all and proclaimed that I would go and that I would finish. So, I did. He had never really been forceful with me over anything. This time he made that difference.
So I went to that one ninth grade social studies class and passed it. It was easy and the teacher had mercy upon me.

I received the University of Alabama, School of Engineering welcome and information booklets. I wanted so much to be positively excited about something in my life. Even though I had no clue and no direction. I read everything with anticipation and excitement. The history and going to a school my dad went to as well as the rest of the family. This is the next step in a young persons life and I was clearly seeing it. This leads to more opportunities. Even though I wasn't exactly clear on what that meant.
Then I got to the minimum requirements page and my heart just sank. My high school GPA was a 1.81 something. Which doesn't really qualify you for entry to anywhere let alone a top notch university. What little self esteem I had was lower than ever. I watched people say good bye to their old friends and said goodbye to them as well. Never saw them again.
I would assume they went onto college. Celebrated graduation and entered adulthood with excitement.
Sitting on the living room floor. My dad was quiet and I just threw it all away. I'm useless. Now all of a sudden I'm thinking about my future. The other kids had 12 years to prepare and plan for college and adulthood. I only thought about this for less than 45 days+/-. That quickly I was denied.
My hope was again gone. What little bit of hope I had and I wasn't even aware of and now I'm aware of hope and it was gone. This has been a brutal joke and just accepted that my life would end in some tragedy. Thus ending it all. It would probably be the best thing for my dad if I died. He never really cared as I knew I was an embarrassment to him and yet again I proved it.
So I just went on living my life as I had done. Until, I died. I figured I could not live past 24 years of age.
End of Flashback. Though the head ache is still very painful. Sounds hurt. Lights hurt. The typing rings echoes in my brain.
:Prophetic Observations:
Back in 1983. A four year college degree would support your family pretty well. With only one parent working. Today, This what I am about to say seems to still be some secret. You now must have and be able to obtain multiple related college degrees. In order to have a comfortable lifestyle. In which both parents must work. In thirty years. These are the changes in which I have witnessed.
I do foresee more education for more advancements and income potential. The day where all you need is a single four year college degree is over. Do not become forty years old with only one singular four year college degree and do not get entrapped with one of those fake college degrees from Phoenix, Devry or ITT type of phony schools.
Please learn this wisdom and understand it's message. Make those right and correct decisions in your life. Plan your progressing educational future accordingly. Accept this truth that education is forever and is necessary for promotion and more income potentials.
I am exhausted from this. Back pain and tensions. I work through this one. I do not drink nor take drugs. I do not smoke anything. I do not take any mind altering medications.
When you have much trauma in your life. You just gotta let it flow and learn all you can from those flashbacks. It also, helps to have much hugs while your enduring through them.
You must understand. To take any mind altering medication does not help you through the healing process. It hinders and stops it. Drinking alcohol and smoking also do not help you in healing from what ever trauma in which you have survived. Even if the end results of your trauma is, that there is no logical way or reason as to why you have survived. But you/I did. Because, of that fluke of nature. We must choose to march forward and onward.
NO EXCUSES for the life you want for yourself tomorrow. Live all of your tomorrows with purpose, focus, determination and meaning. Your not a fluke nor are you an accident.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Personal Puzzle Picture: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2014:

You were born with a single puzzle picture, which makes up your whole life, which is not seen without any insight. As you grow, develop, learn, experience and  evolve. You gain more and more insight. Thus, becoming able to view more and more of the remaining portions of your life's personal puzzle picture. 
What a person discovers. Is that very same puzzle picture of your whole life will become exactly as the one you can easily see when the silvers and wrinkles dominate your physical appearance.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 