Showing posts with label Battle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Battle Seeks Warrior: (Unedited): 23 July 2017:

Sometimes it is interesting when you view certain people and have followed them for some time. Like Chase Iron Eyes and how he directly experienced prophecy unfolding in real life. He is one of the few I still follow. The few because he is a leader and there are maybe a few more prophecies with the native indigenous tribes of North America which still needs to unfold in some way. Which still could take another 30 to 60 or so years. So I still need to remain distantly connected to them. It is that important. Especially when you see all of the symbolism associated with the Standing Rock event and the extreme majority of all of the Christian religion were completely oblivious to it. It is kind of saddening but also knowing how the righteously devout Christian numbers are dwindling. Like how Noah became the last righteous man on Earth. The Standing Rock event was most definitely a Christian sign in prophecy. Anyway, Mr. Chase Iron Eyes likes to post these statements. Like for today it was Warrior wisdom "The Battle seeks the warrior". I'm like huh????Whaaa??? Really Chase, I got other writing to do(Meant as humor). 2 hours go by and then three and finally six hours later. I get hit upside the head with these follow up words. I could imagine Chase picking up a rock speaking wisdom into that rock and then throwing it without actually knowing who was gonna get hit from the Dakota's. I live in Florida. So yea, Can you see this spiritual picture I paint?
"It is the warrior who has already knowingly prepared for the battle which seeks/anticipates him. With honor and courage the warrior presents himself to the expected battle"  (Expanded a little bit because of twitter limitations). 

We should always inspire one another openly and directly. We should all devour any inspiration which comes our way like a sweet milk chocolate candy bar. Tear open the paper and then gentle unwrap the goodness inside. Then perfectly break apart one single piece and savior it until it becomes a part of you. 
With gratitude I thank Mr. Chase Iron Eyes. Thank You sir. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Focused Decision Heart: (Unedited): 06 January 2017:

When your focus of decision and of emotion is that of expressing as a physical act mercy, kindness, compassion. Providing for a person who is thirsty or cold or hungry or sick or some other need. These things are good and should come from the depths of your love for your brother and sister and who is your brother and sister. All of humanity. or your inner focus can be based on distrust and hatred for them and those who do not appear as you do. from this distrust and hatred leads to anger, accusations, taunting and violence and then to destruction, death and suffering. The good and bad thinking and the good and bad emotions. Do lead to actions which will have corresponding outcomes.
The internal battle of love and hate, peace and conflict, harmony and chaos, law and lawlessness, life and death. All of these choices are within each of us every second of everyday for as long as we can breathe the clean air, drink the clear water and eat wholesome food as it was all intended for us from the beginning. If that which we take into our bodies is pure, clean and un-corrupted. We all shall have a continuous opportunity to be healthy and strong to do what is right and true. For what is right and true is always right and true.
These two were written for Shiye Bidziil. 
To his posting of a quote: Beware of perpetrators in disguise... Some people set fires wherever they go, and have mastered the art of the burn victim. Steve maraboli. 
It is important for each of us to know that we each can be a positive influence or mentor to anyone else. If only we each of 7+ billion inhabitants of this one little blue marble floating in the heavens of this universe, would just freely do so. All aspects of life on this planet would improve for the benefit of everyone. If all of the common people would just refuse to go to war and to refuse all manor of violent acts. The entire world would become a peaceful place. There would be no one to shoot a gun in anger or defense. There would be no one to man the war ships and boats of the world. There would be no one to pilot any war plane to fire missiles or drop bombs. War horses would be used to plow fields and swords reforged into peaceful machines or tools. 
For I tell you the truth. There will be that last drop of blood spilled in anger against that last chosen innocent soul onto the soil and that will begin the extinction process on this entire planet. No one will be saved. Not even those in their deep underground bomb shelters. For they to will not survive. For their shelters for their own personal safety built off of the backs whom they would sacrifice as worthless citizens. Those places shall become their coffins. 
Ripple Awareness:(Unedited): 04 Sept 2017:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Warrior's Chosen Journey: Warrior's Evolution: (Unedited): 24 March 2015:

A warrior who chooses to remain in an uncertain battle is going forward in their own self chosen journey.
Warrior's Evolution: (Unedited): 24 March 2015: 
Warriors of physical aggression. 
Warriors of mental strategy. 
Warriors of spiritual combat. 
The true warriors are the ones who evolve beyond aggression, strategy and combat. Become the ones who have embraced love, peace, harmony and life. 

Snoozing Warrior: (Unedited) 24 March 2015: 
The lazy warrior is one who battles nothing and snoozes in an epic lounge chair in the middle of their journey. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Impact Empath: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

If you have a genetic or even a personal relationship with an empath. Always know that all of your negative thoughts and emotions will have an instantaneous impact upon the empath. No matter the distance.
Here is the truth. All or most human beings are empathic. It doesn't matter if you believe in your empathic nature or not. To reject your empathic abilities. Can be seen as inhuman. Study empathy for yourself. How do you feel when you watch your favorite sports team score or even win a game? How do you feel when you see abused animals cruelly mistreated. How do you feel when a child is mistreated? How do you feel when the love of your life or a family member or a friend is mistreated?
Most human beings are empathic. Those who are not are most likely in jail. Because, they did not care or value the people they have harmed in some way. Those who refuse to care are apathetic and is a non-emotional as to why they have done what they have done. Maybe, some or many will one day care again. Maybe, someday many will love those strangers as their brothers and sisters. No matter their skin coloring. No matter The shape of their eyes or nose. No matter how tall they are or how fat. We are all of one genetic family of humanity. This is proven scientifically as well as in the ancient story of origins.
We all have a instantaneous spiritual and emotional impact on everyone else. The neighbor whom you do not know has marital strife? It affects you directly and instantaneously. The armed robbery down the street affects you directly and instantaneously. The new employee who shows up to work on their first day is obviously high and begins consuming alcoholic beverages. This has an instantaneous impact on you. So all that we all do, think and feel in this life of the here and now. Has a direct and instantaneous impact on everyone. But,it goes a step further. All of that negative emotional stuff can be transmitted to another person. Until such a point in time when someone from the other side of this planet becomes enraged and acts out. They may not even know why. But the waves of negative emotions and thoughts have self generated a powerful tidal effect as it moves about.
I see this as random wave mechanics. Where millions of waves in the deep ocean of humanities thoughts and emotions. Suddenly and seemingly random creates that super wave of negative emotions and thoughts. For the basic human animal who knows not the how or why. Must find a way to get rid of all of this negative energy and that is usually through acting out all of that instantaneously built up negative energies. Through rage, hate and anger. Some sense of the lack of some ill defined social justice.
So battles and attacks begins. War has begun. Because, someone did a thing and offended another group of people.
This is a reason why the ancient religious laws are so very important to living a life with purpose and meaning. If you honor the ancient religious laws because you freely choose to do so. Then the impacts upon this Earth will be like a huge cancelling wave. Easing all of the negative waves into smoother waters for all of humanity to discover a stress free environment for the whole of humanity.
The old teachings of GOD commanded these ancient laws are true. But, God is also a God of natural consequences. If you break a commandment of Gods laws within your own mind. God is most likely not going to immediately strike you down. If God did those kinds of things. Humanity would have already been extinct and I would not be writing. As I would be fleeing from every thunderstorm that comes around this coastal city of Port Richey, Florida. Yes, you can laugh. I am a deeply flawed human being. I admit it.

The point is this. ***What you do? What you don't do?  What you think? and what you feel?*** Has a direct instantaneous impact upon everyone else on this planet and maybe even to a degree in the universe.
So, do you want peace? Then be at peace. Do you want love? Then love. Do you want harmony? Then be harmonious. Do you want life? Then cherish all life.
Then the illusive understanding of the purpose and meaning of life will come from within you. How about them apples? 

***(There are many more what you do's and what you don't do's. There is also what you refuse and what you ignore) *** If I were to list them all. I would lose my meager paying job and take away your ability to think for yourself.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Your Final Moment: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

In those final moments when you realize all is lost. Know that you are not lost. In those last moments all of the heroics that you can manifest shall. 
How do you define those final moments? Can you be in that last great battle in which all shall be lost and your efforts not remembered. In that unpredicted massive accident in which you save a life or many and yet lose yours. Maybe that accident is not so massive and yet your physical life is still lost.
Your in your own death bed waiting for the absolute end of your physical bodies life. What is it that you can do in those last moments. Cry out for more drugs? Remain angry? selfishly reliving your life's negativity and mistakes? proclaim all of your hatreds for those who have done you wrong? Quickly alter your will in some last defiant act of revenge?
or do you take your last stand with honor and in those respected positive lessons to be learned by those who remain physically alive after your body has merely stopped working.
These last and final moments of your life can become something incredibly profound and meaningful. All you have to do is take those last actions by running into the fire to save the last one. All you have to do is apologize with intended admission. All you have to do is forgive those who have done you wrong. All you have to do is give those positive instructions/directions in life to each one who is to physically survive you.
In those final moments even a child can have a very profound impact upon their parents. A child can be remembered and their birthday celebrated. But, when a child asks not to be mourned forever and wants more siblings. That is a profound statement of the importance of life.
You can also choose to end this life of yours in silence and allowing your life's history to stand as a measuring stick. Is that enough though? All of these are your choices in those final moments. Assuming you actually have that option to remain silent.
But, what if you do not have that option and your physical end to come is one of surprise. What if you are a soldier, a law enforcement person or a fire fighter. The time is now in communicating all of your intentions, instructions, love, apologies and forgiveness's.
These are your actions of your living funeral. To say those all important things. To celebrate all you have done. To be with and to be present with family and friends. 
In all that you have done or not done in your life. Is and can be very profound lessons for those who shall survive you, maybe for many generations. Admit your own faults and failures. Let those be those all important family wisdom's of don't do. Celebrate and tell of your successes and how you had to bring forth continuous effort all the way to the conclusion in order for them to be. Yes, even admit your addictions as pointed warnings in life. Yes, even admit your wrongful sins and they have harmed many. Direct your survivors not to follow your errors, sins, evil deeds and crimes of your life.
All of your life is important. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. Insure that your life all of your life is fully known to all. Let each story be those positive stories of wisdom for everyone who is willing to hear and discern their true value.
After all. Don't you want those who is to survive you to become better human beings. Don't you want them to not make your mistakes and yet to succeed in their own defined interests greater than even you can expect of them.
Can you have a noble death with honor even though your own life has been greatly lacking in any nobility, honor, respect or kindness. A life can be changed even from your own death bed. How you act and the words you speak with truth will remain with the living.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Aircraft Carrier Vision: 16 Feb 2014:

Reader note. I use copy and paste for your security. Nothing hidden in links.
This is a vision seen today. A beautiful day begins along the coast line of International contested waters. From dozens of different locations all over the land. Drones are launched. Immediately they spread out across the land mass. creating a net of interweaving self guided planes. There numbers approach the thousands.
Each plane carries a small warhead.
Like organized bees. They swarm. Never getting close enough to each other to cause any other drone damage if it is destroyed.
The drone planes utilize a cellular type of network for communications.
They are semi-autonomous in operation. Which means if any drone loses communication then it will follow pre programmed executions.

The drones which are the furthermost away from the Air Craft Carrier Battle Group begins to move towards them. 
The attack has begun.
Each drone will target each mechanism for self defense aboard each internally targeted ship. The tactic of drone kamikaze attacks has begun.
Preselected drones which fly slower than modern day fighter planes and helicopters. Will fly in the path of these fighter. Thus, crashing them.
As the battle wages on for the aircraft carrier battle group. The enemy launches their missiles.
Once self defense of those ships has been exhausted. The fighters and helicopters move in.
Many ships are sunk or dead in the water and an Air Craft Carrier is captured. 
The attacking force loses Zero primary assets.
This vision appears to be many years out from now. 
The creation of a new line of naval ships.
As drone planes can fly for 24 plus hours. This new line of ship will remain to the rear of any battle group assignment. Busy launching and recovering drones on a regular basis.
There shall be an automated drone launch system as well as an automated recovery system.
The new line of drone naval ships will eventually evolve into three sizes of ships. Each with there own mission plan.
Added on: 18 Feb 2014:
 Orbits: possibly other title used.
Drones will fly in orbits around their bases, posts, ships and troops. Conducting a variety of surveillance activities.
Smaller and inexpensive drones, which can be steered into any other threatening object or persons.  These inexpensive drones shall be able to fly for 20+ hours and be easily launched and recovered.
They shall be networked and easily controlled via computer station any where in the world. From any base, post, ship, and troops.
These smaller and inexpensive drones may not have any explosive materials aboard. Unless the entire exterior structure of the drone is made from explosives materials. This may be a new form of building flying drones and maintaining equality in weight balances. May be used in larger drones.

As with any prophecy. They all can be prevented and or mitigated.
Such as by politically negotiating for peace. is beneficial for all. Both sides of a disagreement can be the bigger giver.
OR by adding substantially more self defensive weaponry to the sides of all of your ships. Will diminish the probability of a successful attack.
But, it is best for the world if there is no war. So, No war. please.

China give away the island. Japan offer an apology. Assuming this is who the vision is for. The point is. Peace is always possible when you realize that the enemy who confronts you is your brother. So, love your brother.
Racism is another one of those lies and deceptions that the overwhelming majority on this planet believes as a factual truth. When a person who believes the racial lie and deception as a truth. That person will get angry and will actually accuse you of a falsehood. All any sane and reasonable person can do is research all of the duties of the human skin and the small percentage of the overall function of melanoma. Ask the question of what is the skin? The skin is only an organ and not an indicator of any specific race. Ask the question. If the skin is only an organ which defines race? why do we not use the spleen, liver or tonsils and other indicators for race? I belong to the non-tonsil race of humans.
The ancient stories of our individual cultures tell us the oral stories that we originated from a single human woman and a single human man (Adam and Eve). Just from our common oral traditions we know that we all are a single family of human beings.  Now from the completion of the Human genome project. Then President Bill Clinton on 26 June 2000 Declares that all of our DNA is more than 99.9% identical.

Did you know that your social class is a race? Really a social class as a race? or is the term race an inaccurate word for some general classification, which only keeps the masses or common people separate and isolated? Think logically about all of this. Because I most certainly offended when I accidentally stumbled upon all of the facts. Especially when the human genome project was completed in 2000. More than 12 years ago. Did you know? Do your kids know and are they being taught this or these facts?

If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
Added on 27 Feb 2018:
Last night I read a story about submarine aircraft carriers. It was a good story. Especially if the underwater networking can be achieved. Then an underwater tactical nuke drone could sleep for weeks and then move elsewhere to sleep and then return to it's home port for inspection. As an enemy capital ship approaches the sleeping drone would just silently rise to about 100 foot depth and detonate it's ??kiloton nuclear package.
It has been four years plus a few days. Since I wrote this. It seems every nation capable of making combat drones is making combat drones.
The whole world has come into the knowing that the beginning of any war shall be led by drones as part of an offensive attack and as a defensive response. So a nation must have thousands of attacking drones to varying designs each and as well as thousands defending drones of various designs each.
The USA seems to have the best platforms in their retired and soon to be retire Air Craft Carriers. For each one could carry thousands of drones each. The advent of drone air defense has begun. Because who can afford to use a Patriot missile for one drone. Once your Air Defense systems are exhausted. That is when the cruise missiles and human piloted craft show up. Read my Phalanx CIWS mini blog if interested.
I'm concerned for the USA. I do think the USA has become the world's bully. What Russia and China are doing is merely a response. China is still the trigger to the extinction of the entire human population. More so now than it was six months ago. Russia is committed for war with the USA. The three nations are no longer thinking about peace as they ONLY prepare for war. The USA will become the sole victim. As the USA must end in order for the first new world ruler to come into awareness.
The USA has priced themselves out of warfare. Maybe, it was the prior administrations which planned this. The US military now has two weapons platforms which are to expensive to deploy. The Zumwalt and the F35. Maybe this is part of the writing on the wall for the USA. Where GOD will not allow the USA to make the good decisions. Since the USA has become the feet of ?Babylon?.
Added on 07 Dec 2018:
The intention of Russian hopes are revealing themselves. The Russian navy has plans to capture their enemies ships rather than sink them. The new Russian Corvettes project 22800 may in fact be the ships which do the capturing. Along with their own project 02800.
So how can the US Navy prevent capture of their capital ships? Which will include all surface ships. When they are dead in the water. How can a warship become dead in the water? With no technology working how can an entire aircraft carrier battle group call for help? While being boarded and capture attempted. How can each ship defend itself? Especially against a force who will continually send men after men after men. Until your ammunition or personnel are exhausted. To maintain your naval honor your men will all have to die. Because, any left alive or captured due to severe injury will be politically paraded.
I will have to think about personal layered defenses. I like alot of mini guns on ships. I did have a vision some time ago of ships have tanks onboard and firing their guns. I forgot where it was or The errors I recently found where it was supposed to be is gone. Go figure. Anyway recently, I saw a strapped down tracked vehicle with machine guns on the top of an aircraft carrier. Not exactly what I saw but close. I do wonder about the weight issues.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Accepted Religion: (Unedited): 13 June 2013:

The religion which gives you acceptance for continuing and doing wrong is not a place where love, peace and harmony flourishes. The end result of continuing within this selected religion is a diminished life. C.J.MacKechnie
Where is the love when the teachings give you power to reject and hate others?
Where is the harmony in life when the teachings gives you fortitude to live your sinful life?
Where is the peace when you become so angered you wish for your future opportunity for battle?
Where is the life when you walk in your own life full of anger, hatred and choose violence.
Your life becomes wasted and devoid of love, beauty, kindness and justice. Absent of the joy of having a family to raise.

Thus who teach and preach injustice are they themselves stealing your life potential away from you. By using your own passion against you. Causing you to become hateful and angry. These teachers, preachers and cultural leaders want you to willingly sacrifice yourself for their selfish profiting. It's all about the money. Your money that you freely give to them. In which that money goes no where that doesn't profit those evil leaders, teachers and preachers directly.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adventures Possibility: (Unedited): 29 May 2013:

There is always something gained and the possibility of losing everything when an adventure presents itself on your journey.
The horrible and bloody battle is won and lost by lost who went forward and faced the enemy with great bravery.
The horrible and bloody battle is won and lost by those who fled in fear after witnessing the formidable might of their enemy. You should not think bad things of those who dropped their swords and shields then ran blindly away. Some people are not born warriors and some cannot be made into fighting soldiers. For these gentle souls. The amount of time they actually confronted and faced the violent enemy was the extreme limit of their courage. It's OK. They are not you and you are not them.
There are degrees to the battles fought. Those battles which seem to be of the most important are those from within. 
A spirit which sees itself as the gentle soul may discover it can become a soldier. But, later on discover the divine truth that it was always a warrior. Especially, those spirits who have chosen to be born in weak, defective and broken bodies. I have personally met many diseased, frail and helpless physical persons who were in fact great warriors. Are you brave enough or have the enduring courage to live a life of absolute helplessness while maintaining your intellect and sanity?
There can be a profound personal growth for you when you truly answer that question for yourself.
 The spiritual adventures can also be hard to accept. Especially when those spiritually sleeping persons falsely think and believe they want to know the truth about those cool fuzzy wuzzy T.V. ghosts and loving spirits who just want to be directed into the light. Some are very harmful and very powerful. When confronted with the fundamental truth of that which cannot be physically proven. It will force that person to re-evaluate their entire life in that moment. Even the truth of the existence in God or gods. Because to us lowly humans even the angels are like gods.
For some the truth can be hard to bare. Even to the point of giving up when the realization that there is no secret anything.
For those who are freshly awaken and for those who have courage. The profound growth to come will be very distinctive. Can their physical lives be harmed? Yes. Will their surviving spirits/souls survive and go forth into the Heavens unknown? Yes.
Notice how I started this with "The Horrible and bloody battle..." and ended with the unspoken victory in the unknown heavens. There are degrees for each one of us to find and define of our own individual choosing. It is your journey and not mine. Just as my journey is mine and not yours. Learning and feeling from one another is important.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Brief Strategy: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

To simply enter the fray of any battle. May very well conclude with a victory for you. But arriving and waiting a brief moment to ascertain the situation, devising an effective battle strategy and then implementing it. May very well hasten victory and save more lives of your warriors.
Rushing into any fight or battle may seem emotionally right, while at the same time strategically unwise. Hold you emotions and watch the flow of battles blood. Know that in this moment there is no righteousness or Godliness. There is only the killing. Which is anti-life and thus anti-God.
You must watch and learn. The evil of men which ebbs and flows. From one side to the next. Those who are on the other side of the line and have been deemed to be your enemy by your rulers. Commit to their plans of destroying and killing your brothers as again defined by your rulers. You can then ascertain his purpose and position and then logically counter your defined enemies battle strategy. Then you do so quickly. In order to save the lives of your brothers. While knowing the truth. That no matter what side of the line the warriors stood. They to were your brothers. Whom you had to kill and destroy.
Honor your brother with a clean and quick death. When you see you have no other option.

Can you see the truth of my words? can you see that the ones who have been defined by those who are not you , to be your enemies, are in real life just another being just like you are. Who they themselves are being lied to just like you are. For his rulers are telling him that you are less than human or you are a savage or are evil. He knows not you and neither you know him. But, you both love your mothers and wives. You both love your sons and daughters. And yet you are ordered to kill one another by your rulers. Your rulers who will profit in some way. While you do not. While the man whom you will kill. Your actions will cause his mother to mourn deeply and greatly.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Conquered warrior: (Unedited): 11 Dec 2011:

Before any warrior goes off into their first battle or war. The warrior must first conquer themselves, their weaknesses, their faults, their short comings, their morality issues and their sins. 
 As inspired from Babita Norang Kochar.
Updated on 18 June 2016:
A warrior or a person who conquers all of their weaknesses, faults, short comings, morality issues and their sins. Cannot be defeated. The enemy within you and the enemy who is not you will use all of your negative issues against you. In order for you to either become self defeating or become a defeated foe.
This is why you must strive to always conquer all of the weaknesses within your whole being. Weakness of the spirit, mind, body and heart.
There is a quote which many know while attending the gym of their choice.
"Pain is weakness leaving your body."
This seems like a half truth. Because some pain is not good. For instance when you over do it and cause damage to one of your joints or actually shred a muscle. It doesn't feel good to exercise and it is also stupid to excessively work out your body to the point where you actually hurt yourself. So, the brain must always be engaged in what ever strenuous activity you are doing.
Through exercising the spirit, mind, body and heart with a focus on balance. The whole you will see equal growth throughout your entire life. This is important.
I have met people who are very gifted athletes. Even one receiving invitations from colleges to play a football. And yet, he ignored them and decided to instead go play in the streets to be forever poor. What led up to this run away from a better life. The decision not to receive a free basic education. This young man is off balance. The gifted athlete who does not grow their mind cannot get to that next level.  Most likely because of the pressures of the poor black culture of the "hood". Which sees education of a black person as trying to be white. Ridicule always follows the poor black person who has been gifted with a brilliant mind. To keep their educational exploits absolutely secret. Even from their own parents and siblings.
So a young person needs balance of education and of their chosen athletics. The rest is often forgotten. Except when playing your sport you endure and conquer the difficulties which are before you. Then you shall be seen to have heart. I have seen this kind of person as well. A rich kid who has everything to easily grow their mind and to grow their athletics. Yet, does not seem to care at all.
I have seen this in a swimmer. This young man just wins, wins and wins. Yet, never had the heart to do those very necessary things to get to that next level. He always pretended injury. I even saw him with a walker once. Yet, outside of his swimming relationships. He was very OK. No more obvious injury. He could have been on par with a Phelps level of swimmer. It doesn't matter. He will go to college, have a car, have an apartment and extra money. Will he even finish college? He has the rich parents. Maybe, even generational wealth. I have no idea.
Yet, I know of a young lady who is now in college. A state winning swimmer with rich intact parents. Their awesome looking Jeep is worth more than all I have in worldly wealth. (Not a negative comment). She seems to have that balance of education, athletics, heart and spirit. In spite of racism seen at the competition pools. A lonely conquest which became a family endeavor. No matter what, go forward. Especially, when surrounded by your family. That is even a lesson for the young.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fight Leader (unedited). 16 March 2012

A warrior retreats only to save those innocents he is responsible for. Even in a heated battle a warrior will lead the fight in a direction which is away from the innocents. C.J.MacKechnie
 Honor. A warrior is a guardian and not some blood thirsty mindless brute
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Self Defeated (unedited). 16 March 2012

Even in a lost battle. A fallen warrior will only be defeated. When the warrior willingly drops his weapons, shield, armor. Then flees to save only himself. C.J.MacKechnie
 Very probably a warrior who does the above may not actually be a warrior. He/she may only be a soldier.  
A warrior may be required to stand firm in the land of death and give their ultimate sacrifice  in the name of honor.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Negative Fail (unedited). 16 March 2012

To question: How much is to much are your doubts. Those doubts of negative logic always leads to doubts into negative emotions. Which then leads to a fail in the heat of any battle. C.J.MacKechnie
Learning how to control your every thought and emotion is very possible. Even though some psychologists and psychiatrists claim otherwise. In which some have to claim the falsehood of being able to to learn the skills to control your own thoughts and emotions. These are evil people and only want you to remain helpless to their pharmacology prescriptions forever. How else can these kinds of evil people make a growing and continuing income if they enable and empower you to heal your own self. Which is possible for you. Through positive belief systems. 
Meditation is the very beginning to learning how to control your thoughts and emotions. Meditation only works when you can control your thoughts and emotions. As the length of time evolves in your meditations duration so to the over all effect upon your life in a positive way. Just don't stop. Just don't give up. Fight the negativity with absolute rejection of any negative word usage. Stop thinking any negative word or thought, right now. Every success you have will also end the corresponding negative emotion. Unless of course your an Empath. Then you may be receiving emotions from other people. Then that presents other problems. 
I'm a believer in GOD. So, to me prayer is you talking to GOD and meditation is you listening to GOD. This is followed by contemplating what GOD has revealed to you. 
So, you say you have never prayed or meditated before. I declare upon you this. Yes, You have both prayed and meditated before. 
Have you expressed communication in any outgoing format?
 yes, you have. This is an over simplified definition of prayer. You speaking to others in your way is prayer. 
Have you ever taken in any kind of communication into any of your senses?
 Yes, you have.  You listening and reading is an over simplified definition of meditation.
If you have a provable brain defect or brain damage. Then absolutely follow your doctors orders everyday with out any argument, complaint or excuse. This does not include the diagnosis of ADHD or Bipolar disorders in which there is no conclusive medical test today,which proves the existence of either. If you have been on the medications which controls behaviors associated with false observations. You are now severely addicted to these powerful mind altering medications. You may even now have chemical brain damage as any other person who has taken illegal drugs for some time. You must ask for treatment as any other addicted person would. Then learn the thinking skills necessary to live a normal life as defined by your own being. This process can take decades. Yes, It is possible.  
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
