Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Church Unity: +5: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:

Big brothers always take care of their little siblings. It's just what they do no matter what. Yet, the big important preacher man expects all of you to have unity with one another no matter who they are or where they are from. Yet, when the big preacher man from the big church sees his little brother pastor from a poor church which is about to fail. The big preacher thinks to himself more for me as the poor church becomes a hair salon which will also eventually fail. 
The body of Christ also includes the small poor churches as well as churches with no homes. We all saw what had happened with the churches during each economic down turn of 2001, 2008, 2015 in recent memory. The Shemitah. How many churches did you see disappear? The problem with churches is the lack of financial wisdom. They go into debt and then encounter the economic down turn. They are often forced to close. I have seen and witness many. The devout Christians tend to get welcomed by other bigger churches. But, there is a reason why they each did not attend that church first. Which has become forgotten during the search for a new church home.
You know 2022 Shemitah is just around the corner. How have you and your church prepared for this upcoming Shemitah? Do you even believe in it? When you do the research you will become shocked. Hopefully your church has financial wise council. Hopefully your entire church is aware of the Shemitah and are endeavoring to become debt free themselves. I think it is the duty of every pastor, teacher and theologian to encourage becoming debt free. Financial freedom for every Christian instead of remaining enslaved to their debts. Means that every Christian can be more focused on the Christian faith instead of stressed by working the second or third job. Christians who are debt free will have more income and free time available to them. Which means more time to give to their church and to their own communities. This is how profound change will occur at every small church. Pastors help your people to understand becoming debt free and how it helps the faith and the church body.
--------For preachers and pastor only-----
Pray and meditate before you read. Pray that the message below is opened up for you. 
Just watch what happens when the majority of your flock becomes debt free. You will suddenly have volunteers and improved tithes and larger offerings. Yea, not just more volunteers. Think about this. I know of a large church which has very few volunteers. In fact they have many paid employees and outside contractors. Because, that is how they get things done in a timely manner. Then you have small poor churches in which they all volunteer. Because their small church has no one but themselves and they all work together. I know of a small homeless church in which they all are closely tied to one another as they go from place to place. In which their pastor teaches very deep and profound meanings to the Holy Bible.  It doesn't matter where they go, even if it is in the park in the rain. I even know a guy who has church alone in his workplace cooler. Think about those different churches. How can each become mutually beneficial to one another. While still maintaining their perspective identities? Except for the lone cooler guy.
I just suddenly realized That message is not for me to know and thus I'm unable to finish it.
Accepted Worship Song: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Christian unity always begins when the whole body is repentant, righteous and holy. Then with a loud singular voice of praise. Their worship song is accept by their Heavenly Father in the Holy of Holies.
Denominations will fall and already have. These fallen denominations can be saved but may be prophetically unlikely as they will all desire the acceptance and rewards of the world system. What must be done before you enter the Holy of Holies? Who and what must you become before you can enter into the Holy of Holies?
World Reward: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
By getting more in the world and rewarded by the world will always be obtained by doing more in the service of the world.
Who is the prince of the world system and of the world?
World Reject: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Going against and being against the world will mean you will get less from the world and rejected by the world.
Are you ready to become a criminal? What about jobless and homeless because of your intolerant beliefs? What about abused and tortured in unmentionable ways for simply going to church and then the cops can't find anybody. Then if you go to the judge you will have no justice. Justice will become like it was in Sodom. You will have to do your own research. To graphic for me. Just what I've written is to harsh for me. The Judges commentaries are to awful for me. Fortunately for the USA. The USA is not yet like Sodom. That may very well be a current state timing sign.
Guess what it is beginning. This is because the Christian are not running for political offices at every level. Christians do not even go out and vote on a regular basis. Especially in their own local elections. Only known Christian people must run for offices at every level. Do not get suckered by the Hillary trick. She only goes to church during an election season and with cameras present.
The evil doers of the world who hate Christians with a passion. They are actually running for political offices at every level and the Christians are typically nowhere to be found. 
World Tolerance: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
When tolerance means rejecting the laws of God. It means you have become an accepted religious person of the world.
The intolerant Christian will be criminalized through hate crime laws. Every worldly person will hate and attack the Christian. The worldly person will be celebrated and proclaimed to be brave. The lone Christian who gets badly beaten will be called stupid and then arrested for a hate crime.
The accepted worldly religious person who has profited much. They will endure all of the judgements of God worse than what occured in Sodom in their days of disobedience. Once they each have fully become awakened they will hear the Judgement of God Proclaim "I never knew you...".
Purple words dude-purple words.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Confident Probability: Mission Heart: Mission Mindset:(Unedited): 06 Nov 2014: 08 Nov 2014:

The confident and trained person does not accept the probability of any mission, task or job to fail. 
This is not permission to refuse to listen to any possible or probable problems which may arise. To also prepare for any eventual and possible probability is a part of training before the mission, task or job even begins. As well as your own development of how to take the necessary logical actions in order to achieve a high level of success.
While it is necessary to prevent unwanted pride and stubbornness in any objective. Self control and self discipline is necessary to successfully completing any mission, task or job. 
Those who get it done ahead of schedule, safely and below costs are the quiet heroes you need and want. Better get'em and keep'em.

Mission Heart: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2014:
The projected probability of failure can be overturned with a confident possibility of highly trained and motivated persons who have the heart for mission success. 

Mission Mindset: (Unedited): 06 Nov 2014:
The difference between a probable failed mission and the possible completed mission is in the mindset, heart and training of those persons involved. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Simple Participation: (Unedited): 29 Aug 2013:

When you resign your life to simple casual participation. Do not expect any growth, development or evolution of your skill set. 
Just to simply participate in your area of expertise. Your presence Is not fair to those who take their duties much more serious than you do. When your co-worker or team mate is giving all that they can and all your willing to do is just show up and socialize. Your non-seriousness is what causes your business to fail to obtain contracts and lose income. Your non committal associations is what causes your team to lose points, games and possible championships. Yes, when you only participate with your mere presence. Depending on your area of expertise you could be indirectly responsible for any destruction, harm and loss of life.

No... I am not suggesting that you quit or give up. I just want you to understand that it is OK to care about the business or team by giving your all to it. It is OK for you to spend extra time in additional training so that you may hope to become an anchor for the team and maybe even one of the stars. It is OK for you to seek out additional educational training in the hopes that you can become an important key member within the organization. It is OK.
Added on 01 April 2019:
For those of you who are specialized in your gifts. Some of your greatest joys in life outside of your family. Is going to be your maximum continuous efforts to the team, to the project, to the contract, to the organization, to the business. At which point the success of the mission may bring deep emotional tears and it is OK.
There is also that fine line of neglect to the family. But, when your family understands that there are seasons when you will be present and when you will not be. Then in your off season be all in with your family. Even during the season communicate with your family and ask for prayers. Allow them to be your cheerleaders. Communicate your fears with your family and know that your fears may come directly from *satan and his followers. Always give thanks to God, always.
NOTE: I do not capitalize satan. If I have in other places. It was in error. I make a lot of errors. LOTS! It is the message which is important and not the messenger.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Uncommitted Decline: (Unedited): 28 Aug 2013:

The uncommitted on your team will demoralize your team leaders as you can only watch your teams overall performance decline. 
Actively choosing quality members for your "A Team", "B Team" and  all other teams is critical. Picking a team member who is only their to get a pay check, to socialize or to even just watch. Will eventually cause you to lose your star players or star employees. If you the overall leader fail to take the necessary action and coach/manager your team. As the team coach it is your responsibility to be the lead cheer leader, psychologist and disciplinarian. Sometimes even taxi driver if need be. 
In the professional environment the decline you can only watch, will be tied to your profit/loss sheet immediately. There is nothing you can do. Unless you take immediate action right now. But, typically you the coach/manager will need to be transferred or just let go. Your bosses will need to hire a temporary strong person to weed out the dead weight. While you will need to have that secret conversation with your stars so that they themselves don't walk freely out your door to profit your competition. The head hunters will be circling just like those great black birds just waiting for that right kind of dead smell to emanate from your place.
The worse kind of loss is when your stars become so demoralized that you just have to let them go. You can thank your former coach/manager for that great loss. Then blame yourself for not acting objectively on the facts at hand and for not listening to your stars while favoring the coach/manager.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Chinese Professor: Profound Video: 03 Nov 2012:
No comment: Except as a historical context as opposed to a political one.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

13th Cometh: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012:

This may not occur for many years or many decades.
Christianity and Islam. 
Your sins and evil have been seen and heard by GOD/ALLAH.  
The secrets which you hold and keep to yourselves was never yours to keep.
The prayers of those whom you have greatly harmed, have been heard. 
Your end will be on the 13th and by the hands in whom you have negotiated.
All of your evil deeds and secret sins, Will be revealed to those who will joyfully
sleigh you. There is no safe place. For even the innocent and entrusted key holders
will allow your silent murders inside. There is nothing you can do. This will happen.
In one night all of the powers and authorities of Christianity and Islam will perish.
I think Christianity is referring to the Catholic church. But, It may not as great evils have been done by some other Christian churches. May be also related to the Christian churches of entertainment. May be a stretch of my own flawed assumptions in understanding the words I write.. The murderers may be the leaderships decision of the one world government. Since the one world government will be based on the totality of communistic thought. The destruction of churches, Mosques, Synagogues and temples will be absolute. Which means the singular attack may be against all faiths. The records, symbols and Holy Texts of all of the faiths absolutely destroyed.
As with any communistic actions of their early days. Anyone who has had any responsibility, leadership or knowledge of the religion. Will also be killed. Even wives, husbands and children.
They will fail. They will fail. They will fail. They cannot erase GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.
Because what they will be allowed to destroy is merely physical representations of that which is eternal. They may kill the innocent ones and become embolden with pride. You cannot kill which only GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER can begin and or end of HIS own choosing. Thus they will fail. In the time of Gods choosing HE will end them. Those who have willingly chosen to do evil by the selfishness of their hearts.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Could this be a reference to the France attacks in 2015? Is this a hit? or is the 13th merely the beginning date of what shall come. When will Rome burn and the Pope sacrificed upon his own alter? Will it happen?

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Come Together (unedited) 14 March 2012

There is only a finite number of times your species can fail. In that final time. The last of your generation will only be able to watch as the stars and planets come together.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Migrate Back (unedited) 14 March 2012

As is with all things. When the part time day fades into all the time day light. Know, Your ultimate extinction is imminent if your species cannot migrate back outward into the part time darkness of your galaxy.
Added on 03 June 2016:
The journey or return to the center of oneness causes the all that is to become an undefined of what was only to reemerge again as something which shall be redefined as something all together different. thus, continuation is perpetuated.
As a very young species. if we want to avoid becoming a part of the oneness. We all must collectively decide to make that grand journey out into the outer bands of the galaxy. If the children which shall come many many years from now. Do not begin to take those very foot steps out into the very defined outer limits of this solar system. Our extinction shall be guaranteed and all that we all were shall become erased from the whole of the universe. Once this solar system has aged and journeyed back into the center of this galaxy. If we as a specific species are remembered by others who are more mature than us. then their thoughts and knowledge of human beings will be one as a failure to thrive on many levels.
But, if humanity is in the foretold prophetic era. Then our extinction is at hand now. All because we failed to learn to love one another, To live in peace with each other, to exist in harmony with all, to respect and cherish all life and to freely choose to be obedient to the laws of God. All because it is the right things to do. It would be interesting to encounter the problem of existing in a time where life on this entire planet endures perpetual day light. I'm pretty sure life would be very different. To see the human species begin to make the journey to another solar system with this planet to continue on. This is the ultimate saving of Earth and of our home.
This is not about traveling back into the darkness. This is about becoming your own light which dispels any darkness. This is about all of us becoming a light which shall shine brighter than the whole combined galaxy of light. So that even if your surrounded by perpetual darkness. None of the darkness can touch you. But, you do have to choose. You have to freely choose to live and to live in accordance to those ancient teachings which are both guidelines and laws which perpetuate life worth living. If we as a human species choose not to live in accordance to those old precepts. Then we as a species fail to become worthy to continue on and we all shall perish.
What shall be our collective hope? Can we all come together to rebound out of this path of death and destruction which shall become eminent. Because, that is prophecy. The extinction of all of humanity is at hand. Granted that may take another 30 years or so. But, it is coming. Every nation who has the ability to make their perspective war machines are doing so right now and it is easy to see. That those war machines will be ready soon. I still think the first peoples who shall taste a great disaster first shall be either Japanese or the Americans. To be followed by the Europeans. This will not be the same as the man made political disaster such as being experienced by Venezuela.
NOTE: Our ultimate human survival is absolutely dependent on  our collective ability to travel back into the outer bands of the galaxy.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Negative Fail (unedited). 16 March 2012

To question: How much is to much are your doubts. Those doubts of negative logic always leads to doubts into negative emotions. Which then leads to a fail in the heat of any battle. C.J.MacKechnie
Learning how to control your every thought and emotion is very possible. Even though some psychologists and psychiatrists claim otherwise. In which some have to claim the falsehood of being able to to learn the skills to control your own thoughts and emotions. These are evil people and only want you to remain helpless to their pharmacology prescriptions forever. How else can these kinds of evil people make a growing and continuing income if they enable and empower you to heal your own self. Which is possible for you. Through positive belief systems. 
Meditation is the very beginning to learning how to control your thoughts and emotions. Meditation only works when you can control your thoughts and emotions. As the length of time evolves in your meditations duration so to the over all effect upon your life in a positive way. Just don't stop. Just don't give up. Fight the negativity with absolute rejection of any negative word usage. Stop thinking any negative word or thought, right now. Every success you have will also end the corresponding negative emotion. Unless of course your an Empath. Then you may be receiving emotions from other people. Then that presents other problems. 
I'm a believer in GOD. So, to me prayer is you talking to GOD and meditation is you listening to GOD. This is followed by contemplating what GOD has revealed to you. 
So, you say you have never prayed or meditated before. I declare upon you this. Yes, You have both prayed and meditated before. 
Have you expressed communication in any outgoing format?
 yes, you have. This is an over simplified definition of prayer. You speaking to others in your way is prayer. 
Have you ever taken in any kind of communication into any of your senses?
 Yes, you have.  You listening and reading is an over simplified definition of meditation.
If you have a provable brain defect or brain damage. Then absolutely follow your doctors orders everyday with out any argument, complaint or excuse. This does not include the diagnosis of ADHD or Bipolar disorders in which there is no conclusive medical test today,which proves the existence of either. If you have been on the medications which controls behaviors associated with false observations. You are now severely addicted to these powerful mind altering medications. You may even now have chemical brain damage as any other person who has taken illegal drugs for some time. You must ask for treatment as any other addicted person would. Then learn the thinking skills necessary to live a normal life as defined by your own being. This process can take decades. Yes, It is possible.  
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
