Showing posts with label Perish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perish. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

13th Cometh: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012:

This may not occur for many years or many decades.
Christianity and Islam. 
Your sins and evil have been seen and heard by GOD/ALLAH.  
The secrets which you hold and keep to yourselves was never yours to keep.
The prayers of those whom you have greatly harmed, have been heard. 
Your end will be on the 13th and by the hands in whom you have negotiated.
All of your evil deeds and secret sins, Will be revealed to those who will joyfully
sleigh you. There is no safe place. For even the innocent and entrusted key holders
will allow your silent murders inside. There is nothing you can do. This will happen.
In one night all of the powers and authorities of Christianity and Islam will perish.
I think Christianity is referring to the Catholic church. But, It may not as great evils have been done by some other Christian churches. May be also related to the Christian churches of entertainment. May be a stretch of my own flawed assumptions in understanding the words I write.. The murderers may be the leaderships decision of the one world government. Since the one world government will be based on the totality of communistic thought. The destruction of churches, Mosques, Synagogues and temples will be absolute. Which means the singular attack may be against all faiths. The records, symbols and Holy Texts of all of the faiths absolutely destroyed.
As with any communistic actions of their early days. Anyone who has had any responsibility, leadership or knowledge of the religion. Will also be killed. Even wives, husbands and children.
They will fail. They will fail. They will fail. They cannot erase GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.
Because what they will be allowed to destroy is merely physical representations of that which is eternal. They may kill the innocent ones and become embolden with pride. You cannot kill which only GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER can begin and or end of HIS own choosing. Thus they will fail. In the time of Gods choosing HE will end them. Those who have willingly chosen to do evil by the selfishness of their hearts.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Could this be a reference to the France attacks in 2015? Is this a hit? or is the 13th merely the beginning date of what shall come. When will Rome burn and the Pope sacrificed upon his own alter? Will it happen?

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Perish: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2007:

When those in power believe there is more profit in hate and war then there is in love and peace. Those enlightened ones will be considered a threat and will perish. C.J.MacKechnie
Perish means to be killed.
All men (male/female) who promote Love, Peace, Harmony and life is a direct threat to corrupt leaders who promote division, separation, inequality,  hate, war and death. An evil seems to always need a leader. An evil seems to always a devise a new way of thinking and acting. An evil will always justify why war is justified, why a struggle is necessary, why non association is important.
The corrupt and evil leader is the only one who will profit in every victory.
Men and women who follow a path of love, peace, harmony and life. Never need a leader or a ruler. All the common people need in their life is the HOLY BOOKS. The path to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER is through the whole prayer process. Which includes directed meditation to the HOLY ONE.
The purpose of non association with any other human beings who only are  superficially different is to ensure control and authority over the possibility of any new information to be learned. The corrupt political, religious, racial and cultural authorities do not want you to freely look for any information outside of their directed control.
For instance racism is a lie and a deception. The human genome project was completed over 11 years ago. The conclusion is that all of human DNA is 99.9%identical. Which logically proves we are a singular race of human beings. We are one family created by one GOD.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Monday, July 16, 2012

Migrate Back (unedited) 14 March 2012

As is with all things. When the part time day fades into all the time day light. Know, Your ultimate extinction is imminent if your species cannot migrate back outward into the part time darkness of your galaxy.
Added on 03 June 2016:
The journey or return to the center of oneness causes the all that is to become an undefined of what was only to reemerge again as something which shall be redefined as something all together different. thus, continuation is perpetuated.
As a very young species. if we want to avoid becoming a part of the oneness. We all must collectively decide to make that grand journey out into the outer bands of the galaxy. If the children which shall come many many years from now. Do not begin to take those very foot steps out into the very defined outer limits of this solar system. Our extinction shall be guaranteed and all that we all were shall become erased from the whole of the universe. Once this solar system has aged and journeyed back into the center of this galaxy. If we as a specific species are remembered by others who are more mature than us. then their thoughts and knowledge of human beings will be one as a failure to thrive on many levels.
But, if humanity is in the foretold prophetic era. Then our extinction is at hand now. All because we failed to learn to love one another, To live in peace with each other, to exist in harmony with all, to respect and cherish all life and to freely choose to be obedient to the laws of God. All because it is the right things to do. It would be interesting to encounter the problem of existing in a time where life on this entire planet endures perpetual day light. I'm pretty sure life would be very different. To see the human species begin to make the journey to another solar system with this planet to continue on. This is the ultimate saving of Earth and of our home.
This is not about traveling back into the darkness. This is about becoming your own light which dispels any darkness. This is about all of us becoming a light which shall shine brighter than the whole combined galaxy of light. So that even if your surrounded by perpetual darkness. None of the darkness can touch you. But, you do have to choose. You have to freely choose to live and to live in accordance to those ancient teachings which are both guidelines and laws which perpetuate life worth living. If we as a human species choose not to live in accordance to those old precepts. Then we as a species fail to become worthy to continue on and we all shall perish.
What shall be our collective hope? Can we all come together to rebound out of this path of death and destruction which shall become eminent. Because, that is prophecy. The extinction of all of humanity is at hand. Granted that may take another 30 years or so. But, it is coming. Every nation who has the ability to make their perspective war machines are doing so right now and it is easy to see. That those war machines will be ready soon. I still think the first peoples who shall taste a great disaster first shall be either Japanese or the Americans. To be followed by the Europeans. This will not be the same as the man made political disaster such as being experienced by Venezuela.
NOTE: Our ultimate human survival is absolutely dependent on  our collective ability to travel back into the outer bands of the galaxy.