Thursday, January 3, 2013

Timed Emotions: (Unedited): 27 May 2010:

Your feelings will always lag your thinking and your thinking will always lead your emotional state. No matter if the thought is current or a memory. C.J.MacKechnie 
This can be difficult to understand as it involves those who are normal minded, Mentally Ill and gifted. To simply sum this up. That which you are thinking always precedes your emotions, every single time. Those who have been factually proven to be mentally ill via various brain scans which determine brain defects and brain damage. The signals could become mixed up as in no emotional response to any thinking process. A continuous flood of emotions which are unrelated to a particular and specific thought. This also includes other responses in various degrees, orders and timings.
For the gifted person who are the natural em-paths. Without any factual proven diagnostics tests. The natural empath can be declared to be of a various mental disorders such as bipolar. Then these gifted persons are drugged into emotional oblivion and their brains electrocuted until they feel nothing anymore. Most often then not these persons who have been deemed to be bipolar may in fact be naturally empathic and not even be aware of it.
It needs to be known that being empathic is one of the first Christ gifts. The gift of knowing another persons feelings in order to express love, compassion, Kindness and mercy is essential to the teachings of Jesus. When the Christian person or any other person whom GOD chooses is gifted with this gift of being empathic. It is often time accompanied by zero information from GOD and denounced by the church as witchcraft. Which neither is helpful. But, for whichever reason for God's part is something I am not going to question outwardly.
This is where active and continuous prayer and meditation is necessary in order to learn about all of the gifts from GOD by GOD and taught by GOD.
Being empathic is not a disability, defect and it is not proof that something is wrong with you. On the contrary. There is something very right with you and GOD has chosen to give you this gift and others.
The evidence of being an empath is varied.
You strongly feel the emotions of your loved ones and close friends before any normal means of communications has been made.
When traveling through crowded places. You feel a myriad of whispering and fleeting emotions flow through you. While thinking about a specific task.
When going to an away game of your favorite team. You feel like you want to cheer for the other team and may even get caught up in the emotions of a score made over your team.
Getting distance from people is peaceful for you. Such as fishing or hunting. You may not even want to hunt or fish as you may be so sensitive. That you even feel their death.
You may get childishly happy by driving close to a school or any place which has many children playing.
When driving by a hospital, jail or any other place where sadness is prevalent, you feel it all as well.
You feel adventurous when driving by an airport.
When everyone is asleep. You awaken to the peace and quiet. You may even stay awake while everyone sleeps. just to start clearing your own brain. 

These are all normal. and there is more. To learn how to control them. You need to actively and continuously practice prayer and meditation on a regular basis.
Simply put.
Prayer is you talking. To God.
Meditation is you listening. To God.

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Honor Burdens: (Unedited): 24 May 2010:

There is and always will be blessings for the burdens that you honor.
The burdens you bear with honor are your blessings and within your burdens is the Christ Jesus.

Read it many times if you have to. If you believe Jesus Christ is your brother. Then so is those who are homeless, sick, naked, in prison.
 Think about this. There are people who will care for their severely mentally and physically challenged children up until they die. Parent or child. That is burden with honor. Then there are those who after given birth to an unwanted or undesirable baby will throw it away. Kind of like those fetal alcohol syndrome babies, disabled, mentally ill or any other perpetually ill babies. That is dishonor and abandonment.

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Will You?:(R edited): 24 May 2010:

Will you only glance at my face and decide if I'm worth opening and knowing? Once you look past my cracking old cover, will you remain or discard me? When the words within my dusty pages become to uncomfortable for you to bear, will you just sneeze and close me up? Will you then place me high up on your book shelf forgotten and far away? If you decide to travel through my pages, will you comfort me through each of the coming storms that life often brings? Or will you just flee from me before the first storm cloud arrives? Will you be willing to stay with each of our life's pages until we find our last words that declare Happily Ever After and The End? C.J.MacKechnie 
Those were just a few of the things running through my heart and mind before I committed to my lovely Pearl, even though I barely realized that I was already in love.
 No one really wants damaged goods. Even if you listen to those goodie people who offer advice, they will always say stay away from people who have an undesirable life and/or history. To tell the truth, I might even say the same things that they do now. I know the statistics both ways. Those who were bad often go back to their self-defined badness and the good people often do not have the skin to handle the residual and ongoing problems.
 Wife edit.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Your Spiritual Tree: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

From a tiny seed of creativity deeply rooted within your mind. Nourished with love, compassion and mercy from the outpouring of your heart. A full great spiritual tree will be realized and joyfully embraced by others to admire. C.J.MacKechnie 
 A simple idea is a seed which needs much attention to grow into an idea of wonderful complexity. From this one simple idea. It can grow beyond the limits of your own mind and into this world in which reality is created. As with anything which has every been created by Man. It was first just a simple idea. Then a plan was formed and materials gathered. Then the idea was manufactured into a realized entity in this reality.
An idea which is fed with love, kindness, compassion and mercy. Grows into a wondrously beautiful thing. While the idea fed with hatred, anger, evil intentions and murder. Grows into a flaming and smoking tree of death and despair. 
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Spirit Governed: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The balance between ones own logical mind and emotional heart is more efficiently governed by the internal spirit. C.J.MacKechnie 
 By maintaining a direct connectedness with the divine. A better balance of individual control can occur. The mind becomes better at making the good and just decisions. The passions of ones own heart is properly tempered in the righteous direction. Then when the spirit, mind, heart and body becomes unified into oneness. Miracles as defined today, become average and commonplace.
The sinless body can then evolve to the degree to become what ever that may be.
 The control of the hearts and minds of the common people is the only sure fire way to achieve power, authority and wealth. Those who thirst for absolute control over the common people, Must separate each common person from their divine connection. Once the dis-connection happens. Then can the logical mind be educated or re-educated with the information the controllers desire. The emotional heart needs it's own direction and when the mind is directed to pay attention to a certain thing. The passions from within can ramp up. When this happens to any person. They can be effectively enslaved without ever using any form of the "SLAVE" word.
There can be no true JUSTICE when the divine connections have been severed. 

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Best Hope: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The best future that you can hope for is in the good and right decisions that you make today (each and everyday). C.J.MacKechnie
Pretty simple. Sometimes we have to slow down when we make our decisions in life. We each have to just stop and think about things. There is time and yes, you do have the time to think about your decisions. Unless, of course your in a life and death moment. But, then you resort to your training. You look in your tool box of life.
Typically, the common person is not always in a life and death situation. Where a decision must be made right now. So, it is OK not to buy that item on sale. It is OK to hold off in a decision of something deemed frivolous. Even if that which is actually frivolous is of importance to you. That is something to think about. How can a frivolous thing be of importance and yet not be. If the thing does not guarantee life, love, peace and harmony. It is probably not of any real importance. You know, it is still OK to really like a frivolous thing and make it of importance for you. It's OK.
It seems those really important decisions that are made in today's life succumb to the dictates of false cultural traditions/laws which only guarantees your perpetual enslavement. Yes, That is right. Your culture may be a contributor to mass enslavement.
 Just think about this.
 How does your culture deal with people who pursue education?
 Are they belittled? Threatened? Bullied? Beat-up?
are accused of being something they are not? and etc?
 Education and especially being educated in math, logic and critical thinking is the path to freedom and to maintain freedom. Other forms of education is also of great importance. Such as a command of the language. The history of the world and how people have become enslaved.
To sin or not to sin? The differences between right and wrong? Oh but you say you are not religious and that your were taught that right and wrong is not real. Well, One or both of those thoughts are a false teaching for you. Designed to enslave your mind with a false belief system. I have heard people claim that their is no right and wrong. They believe it as a truth. This is the truth of a growing evil seed.
Yes, even deciding what you learn and believe as a truth is a decision to be made by you. These decisions based in a trust of educated people, who stand before you and smile as they teach a falsehood as truth. That is another level of evil. Because to train up a young person, to only be a mind to be controlled is brainwashing and a form of enslavement. When you are taught there is no right and wrong. Those authors, teachers and leaders. Only want for you to do their bidding without hesitation, question or denial. That is all.

When you decide to believe the teachings that the spirit is not real. You dis-connect from Divine input. Your pathway to justice and morality ends.
When you decide to trust in and believe in the false teachings of how to think by evil authors, teachers and professors. Your mind becomes enslaved. Then which follows your body.

For some people who have problems with foods. Even this simple decision can have a profound impact on their daily lives. The decision to eat a breakfast or not to eat a breakfast can alter even a good day into a bad day.

Did you know that historically governments have used addictive drinks and drugs in order to exercise a level of control over the population on a land that the government wants to own? Yes, It is true and it is still done today. Through beer and alcohol sales. Through cigarette sales and through the omission of illegal drug sales all over this country. Think about that. In every city in every state, you can get any kind of drug you want. Just this fact alone is an indication of an incredible logistical network that must use big rig trucks for transportation.  There is just to much drugs available for grandma and grand pa to haul it in their RV.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
So, do you really think, I went off track or off on a tangent? Really?
 Slowing down and thinking about all of those decisions you must make daily. Is of crucial importance for your future. How many hours of game play will have a direct impact on your ability to find personal and professional success in life.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Old Ink: (Unedited): 22 May 2010:

We have the power to change all of the written and spoken prophecies of old without changing the ink today.
 Think about this. When you read the Bible and do the math. More than 5 billion people will die in a very short period of time. The Hopi prophecies. The Islam/Muslim Prophecies. Nostradamus writings. All of the death and sufferings. All of the rivers of blood and streets of flowing blood. It is the common man who follows the commands of the worlds rulers who claim that GOD/Allah is on their side. It is the common man who is taught by the rulers to believe that the enemy is less than human and must be destroyed. If the common man refuses to fight for the rulers and see that we are truly one human race. To know that we each cry and laugh for similar reasons. That we each are sad and happy for the same things. Then we can see that skin color is only a color and that our whole humanity is what makes each of us brothers and sisters..
Then when each man searches and discovers the commonalities that he has with any other common man in another group or culture. Then he can truly follow the teachings of his chosen religion. The common christian can love one another without going in battle. The Islamic Muslim can be at peace without going to war. When the common man truly commits to GODS/Allah teaching for us to love and to be at peace with one another. Then there will be harmony all throughout the world. The worlds rulers will no longer have power and authority to enslave and subjugate the entire population of the world. Then we can be one human race with a single purpose. Then we can survive and exist in a world where love peace and harmony are actual ideals.
When all common men make the commitment to love peace and harmony. All of the violent bloody prophecies of death and suffering. Will change to reflect the truth that we all collectively made real in this world and we will not ever be aware of any change to any of the prophecies. That had ever been inked.
This one Bible story, gives a fundamental understanding about prophecy and how they all should be handled. The Pharaohs dream was an absolute prophetic dream. That is until it's revelation and the actions which followed. These are key. 
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.

If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.

Prides Confidence: (Unedited): 22 May 2010:

Outward Confidence is the illusion of a prideful man just before the unexpected demise of his life.
 The power of the man who owns all that is within his own world. The supreme intelligence of a man who has created and conquered his own self created world. The pride of a man who knows that only few are better than he is if any. Such is the great fall of every man when end of life nears.
Once the man of self defined greatness falls into sleep for the last time and then re-awakens refreshed. He then will know just how small and insignificant he truly was.

Passions Feel: (Unedited): 15 April 2010:

Intense passion is the reaction from the love you feel. C.J.MacKechnie 
From the love you feel. Causes any good person to give it back. Through outward expressions of compassion and passion. Passion is not just intimacy. It is the passion you have in your own daily work and duties.
To take this a step forward. To unconditionally give your love, your compassion and your passion without any expectation of it's return is the Christ's level of love giving. Just by giving your love away, does indeed open up that person who receives it. No matter their internal intent of how and why they receive your free gift of love. The change to them shall come. In the time of their destined awakening.
Even if you receive rudeness, anger, claims of your foolishness or other accusations in return. just know that by them simply receiving your gift of love. Is like a seed placed within them to grow in it's own time.  Eventually, that one seed of love you have given freely, may spring forth in a lovely outward expression.