Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Speaking Low: Animal Separation: (Unedited): 23-26 Feb 2017:

Speaking and thinking low quality words. Devalues your self identity and self worth.
 What are low quality words?
Curse words, offensive words, words of accusation, words of threats. All manor of sinful speaking and sinful thinking. Any aspect of slave speak. The negative thoughts and words you have within you. Which I call stinking thinking and coined by some other famous inspiring person of the world. I currently forget his name.
The bastardization of words into street slang or hood slang or prison speak are still forms of low quality words no matter how cool they are now or have been or will be. All of it devalues and confuses how your mind thinks. If you put trash into your brains do not expect beauty to come out. If all you hear and experience is hatred, angry, threats, violence and the need for social justice to occur any way possible. Do not expect any joy, peace, happiness or love to come into your lives or experienced in any way. Why do you think children have that gonna kill you look on their faces all of the time? Why do you think children respond violently to any disagreeable situation in the hood culture?
To escape from a destructive and violent culture begins with changing how you think and speak. If you speak like a slave then you must be a slave. If you speak like a criminal then you must be a criminal. If you react to any circumstance like an animal. Then you must be an animal.
Animal Separation: (Unedited): 26 Feb 2017:
Becoming like and acting like an animal is separation from your basic form and your enlightened spirit.
Personal Note: This area is something where I struggle. No excuses.
I can remember my own children trying to speak like I do. I told them very boldly not to talk like me and to speak better than I can. To exercise a mastery of the language. I do not speak verbally very well. Yes and I know I do not write very well either. I do the best I can. I have expressed and expectation of them to be a better human being in every regard than I can ever be. Which includes the elimination and prevention of all manor of stinking thinking and negative thinking. One does not need to symbolically beat your own self up when the whole of the world is gonna try to beat you down. When the animalistic ganging up on occurs and you personally allow it to happen. Kind of like baseball. Where you have one man standing up against an entire apposing team alone. He must make positive things happen for his entire team alone.
Sometimes when your history is so dark, bleak and without any real hope. You must all by yourself stand up, step out and maybe even go back into hell and stand in for everyone else. While pointing the way out. If that is the will of the Great Spirit or Holy Spirit.
Historical context: Slave speak is how slaves speak and think. Because of their lack of education. Slave speak can be perpetuated in cultural social settings and passed repeatedly onto the next generation of children. Today in a modern era where there may not be slaves or the word slave has been changed to other words like migrant workers. Slave speak or slurring of non accepted and non approved words is still a form of slave speak. Even though it is popularized as how to speak cool and to be like those cool people.
This was a work of inspiration by the artist know as Prolific The Rapper. A man who may see extensive jail time for filming atrocities cops and corporate mercenaries committed against unarmed and defenseless American citizens. 
It is also noteworthy that a sitting Judged has already allegedly made personal judgements against persons before a court case even began. I expect no justice for those arrested in North Dakota for being associated with the Native Tribes protest. Actually, they do not like the word protest or protestors. They are and were water protectors.   
Standing Rock
Water is Life
Where are the Christians as prophecy unfolds in real time before their very self blindfolded eyes?
Did you know there are more than 700 Bible verses about "water"?
Did you know there are more the 59 Bible verses about "Rock"? Duplication possible.,-The-Rock
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ill Perceived Hero: (Unedited): 08 April 2016:

The ill perceived hero who gives up on short term necessary efforts/works. Sacrifices their entire long term gains, life achievements, comforts and fun times.
I observed the so called bad kids in school. These bad kids are not necessarily bad as much as their minds and hearts have been misdirected. They stand Anxiously watching for the one who has been absent for some time. Probably, released from juvenile detention. On a small 600 rice rocket was he riding. I could feel them glowing in his celebration of new found freedom. Freedom from forced free education. Freedom from authority. Freedom from being told things they have no desire to know. They just want to be n the sun. To do as they will it. Without any interference from anyone. 
Yet, their desires are only for today and right now. They know not of tomorrow. Nor do they care for tomorrow. Does that make them bad? No, just misguided. Even their hero, they knew he was driving by because of their cell phones that someone else worked for and paid for. 
These boys who are already young men. Know not and are not even aware of the harsh realities of the world in which they are about to walk into. They will have to get a job and not a career. They won't even know the difference. They most likely won't even have a high school diploma. Let alone be able to get into college for advanced learning. So that those now very elusive and unseen career doors will never be opened for them. Not that they will ever be aware of their existence. 
None of these young men are even concerned with how there are few 30, 40 or even 50 year olds who are unable to do back breaking work. Or how they will always be just one accident away from never being able to work. All because some pin head came to work drunk, hung over, high or all of the above. But, they won't know that either as they just disappear and newer stronger back enters into the work/job force. 
Blindly they all look upon their teachers as the current enemies of their life. Never and not once knowing. That these educated persons are their real heroes. Never wanting to do their students harm and yet perceived to be causing harm by their students. This illogical reasoning is yet still valid and is something that teachers must fight daily. Especially, when they are deployed in low income schools with high failure rates exceeding 15%. As the realities of culture and social structure within the hood is so dominant. The life sustaining mentality of the hood must fight to cause everyone to know, believe and understand their is no escape from the hood life. Those teachers are of no benefit to you. You will always be a hoodlum. Lies and deceptions repeatedly told to them all from birth. It matters not which hood they are from. The lies and deceptions are all the same. Why try there is no escape. You will always be an undesired black, Latino or white trash.
The truth is. There is an escape. By achieving a spoken and written command of the dominate language. By obtaining a working command of advanced math principles. Those two things together will cause your brain to perform logical reasoning thinking processes. In which enslavement will be improbable for you. 
Why did I mention advanced math principles. Especially when many pinhead math teachers proclaim you will never use them in the real world. They are very wrong and just do not understand the importance of knowing advanced math principles.  In an indirect manor. You will use the math you have learned.
The advanced math principles is like that critical software needed for your computer. You don't know your using the software for your computer until it's not working correctly. This is similar to you. All of the math you learn is similar to a logical software upgrade for your brain. The better you can think logically. The more you will profit from it and the less you will be taken advantage of. Because, of the math you have learned. You can logically reason better. The better you can logically reason. The better you can maintain your freedom, your family, your life, your business, your employment. The better you can effectively vote on candidates at every level of office.
Why do you think math is no longer a critical component in education? The more math the general population knows. The less the leaders can take advantage of them with their lies and deceptions spoken as truths with a smile.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good slaves: Social Love: Slave Isolation: (Unedited): 05 June 2013:

Good Slaves:
The free people who are to become good slaves must first not question anything and believe all they are told. 
Social Love:
The free people who are to become good slaves must hate education and love social lifestyles. 
Slave Isolation:
The free people who are to become good slaves must prefer self isolation over family or tribal/Clan organizations. 
A free people who are taught to decide for themselves to hate all forms of education. Will begin to fight against any teacher/one who wants to teach them anything and for any reason. Even if it is basic life skills or skills of survival. The effective transition or transformation from a free society to an enslaved society will begin when the primary language is minimized and bastardized.
The importance of any and all social lifestyles will become more important than an education or even family unity. The importance of social life styles even becomes more important than self improvement.
When Social lifestyles become more important than National Identity or National Unity. This will be another sign when when the transformation from a free society into enslavement can begin by any traitorous government personnel.
Apathy for anyone and anything who is not you or directly related to your continuance of your chosen lifestyle. Will be another sign for the successful transformation into an enslaved society.
Apathy is the worst of the enslavement signals. When We The People no longer care to be free or involved. Who become entertained at other peoples misery, suffering and accidents. Who refuses to become involved in any accident or problem they happen by. The time of transitional enslavement is very close at hand.
For those who refuse to become apathetic. Directing their hatred and anger into a created perpetual  war. Will permanently injure them, Kill them or mentally disable them. Those who seem to be stronger than most may become dis-disillusioned. In which they will probably act out and then become imprisoned. Problem of the warrior solved. Those few who retain all of their faculties will be too few in numbers to do anything substantial.
Self Imposed isolation will become preferred over physical interactions. With all of the entertainment available to a person within the privacy of their homes. There is no need to leave except for work or shopping. With absolute content control of all digital materials. Freedom of speech can still be free until it becomes digitized. but, then again the people will prefer digital content over interpersonal relationships. So, freedom of speech will become null and void by human preference.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
This is not a how to Concept: To enslave an entire free population.
How to prevent it? Is up to you.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Best Hope: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The best future that you can hope for is in the good and right decisions that you make today (each and everyday). C.J.MacKechnie
Pretty simple. Sometimes we have to slow down when we make our decisions in life. We each have to just stop and think about things. There is time and yes, you do have the time to think about your decisions. Unless, of course your in a life and death moment. But, then you resort to your training. You look in your tool box of life.
Typically, the common person is not always in a life and death situation. Where a decision must be made right now. So, it is OK not to buy that item on sale. It is OK to hold off in a decision of something deemed frivolous. Even if that which is actually frivolous is of importance to you. That is something to think about. How can a frivolous thing be of importance and yet not be. If the thing does not guarantee life, love, peace and harmony. It is probably not of any real importance. You know, it is still OK to really like a frivolous thing and make it of importance for you. It's OK.
It seems those really important decisions that are made in today's life succumb to the dictates of false cultural traditions/laws which only guarantees your perpetual enslavement. Yes, That is right. Your culture may be a contributor to mass enslavement.
 Just think about this.
 How does your culture deal with people who pursue education?
 Are they belittled? Threatened? Bullied? Beat-up?
are accused of being something they are not? and etc?
 Education and especially being educated in math, logic and critical thinking is the path to freedom and to maintain freedom. Other forms of education is also of great importance. Such as a command of the language. The history of the world and how people have become enslaved.
To sin or not to sin? The differences between right and wrong? Oh but you say you are not religious and that your were taught that right and wrong is not real. Well, One or both of those thoughts are a false teaching for you. Designed to enslave your mind with a false belief system. I have heard people claim that their is no right and wrong. They believe it as a truth. This is the truth of a growing evil seed.
Yes, even deciding what you learn and believe as a truth is a decision to be made by you. These decisions based in a trust of educated people, who stand before you and smile as they teach a falsehood as truth. That is another level of evil. Because to train up a young person, to only be a mind to be controlled is brainwashing and a form of enslavement. When you are taught there is no right and wrong. Those authors, teachers and leaders. Only want for you to do their bidding without hesitation, question or denial. That is all.

When you decide to believe the teachings that the spirit is not real. You dis-connect from Divine input. Your pathway to justice and morality ends.
When you decide to trust in and believe in the false teachings of how to think by evil authors, teachers and professors. Your mind becomes enslaved. Then which follows your body.

For some people who have problems with foods. Even this simple decision can have a profound impact on their daily lives. The decision to eat a breakfast or not to eat a breakfast can alter even a good day into a bad day.

Did you know that historically governments have used addictive drinks and drugs in order to exercise a level of control over the population on a land that the government wants to own? Yes, It is true and it is still done today. Through beer and alcohol sales. Through cigarette sales and through the omission of illegal drug sales all over this country. Think about that. In every city in every state, you can get any kind of drug you want. Just this fact alone is an indication of an incredible logistical network that must use big rig trucks for transportation.  There is just to much drugs available for grandma and grand pa to haul it in their RV.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
So, do you really think, I went off track or off on a tangent? Really?
 Slowing down and thinking about all of those decisions you must make daily. Is of crucial importance for your future. How many hours of game play will have a direct impact on your ability to find personal and professional success in life.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ridiculous Reflection: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2012:

In the reflection of any lie and deception, can be seen the ridiculousness of  logic.
Version 2: 21 Oct 2012:
 In the reflection of any lie and deception, can be seen the ridiculousness of subjective logic.
I've been thinking about the lie of racism and the psychological effects of groupings of people in one thing or another. I would suppose that humans who decide to belong to any group based on the color of their skin or their ethnic origins. Would become offended and very protective of that particular group in which they have decided to be a part of.  Even if they think they did not have a choice in any particular racial grouping simply because of their skin tone, body shape or place of birth. The facts presented may even be absolutely rejected as heresy.
Think about it, at one time all of humanity was a singular race of humanity. Then for whatever reason GOD held back humanity by only confusing our single language of one into many. Thus, humanity was then divided by only language.
The races of humanity began to occur. I believe this is a lie and deception of those who wanted to be leaders, royals and dictators. By language the new human groupings began to separate and isolate themselves from one another.  Then the human leaders, royals and dictators began to develop more ways to separate and isolate themselves from other human groupings. I believe all of these new human groupings were based upon some old leaders selfish desires to rule, to control, to have power and to have authority. The essential fact is, the power and authority of any leader is their ability to exert their desired control over any willing population. All of the common people is the only source of real power for any man/woman who can collect it. As history is told by the victors, some leader has lied and deceived their population into blindly following. Research Nazi Germany of WW2.  The common people of each human grouping assumed wrongly that those old and today's new leaders have the correct answers. They do not now and did not then. The leaders, royals and dictators only expanded and expounded on the lies of old for their own benefit, expansion and profit. Thus, over the millennium it is assumed that the term race as it is defined in Wikipedia is true without question. What happens when the teachers and professors of higher learning believe in a lie and a deception as truth? It is still a lie.  
Here is the evidence of a lie. Within Wikipedia is a illogical reflection of the lie told and a lie which has been expanded. The lie that their are many races of humanity also includes "Culture";
Which would mean that those persons who are christian are a different race than those who are Islamic. Those who are religious are a different race than those who are not religious. A belief system is a racial difference. The farmer is a different race than the city person. The tribes and clans of family units or organization is a different race from one another. Even if they live only a few miles or Km's apart. How can this be factually true and correct?
Here is the evidence of a lie. "Language". Ive already covered that lie. A person who learns more than one language is now multiracial and thus impure by the definition of certain racial groups.
Here is the evidence of a lie. "Social Status". That's right look it up. Your social status is a race. Which means you can evolve into a better race of human or devolve into a worse race of humanity. Get mad at my wording if you like. If your fortunate enough to uprate your lifestyle into a bigger, richer and better neighborhood. You change your race as defined by those people way smarter than me. If an unfortunate circumstance occurs to you and your family. You change your race yet again into something lower and worser. (Yep, Worser is a word for someone who is uneducated, like me.).
Here is the evidence of a lie.  "Skin tone or skin color". Research this organ. That's right, your skin is only an organ. Just as is your spleen, Gall bladder and tonsils. So, why is it we do not judge the race of a man based on their ability to drink alcohol as defined by their own liver? Or a race based on any other organ in the body. For deeper research done by you. Find the percentage of importance of the color of the skin in over all importance of all of the duties of the skin organ.
Today and right now those persons who have involved themselves in the definition of human classification. Did not with absolute certainty define the human race or races. They only confused this definition with subjective and illogical thinking. A human persons belief system, cultural lifestyle, language is not factual evidence of a race. A person who has multiple ethnic parentage, who knows many languages, who has become educated, who is financially well off and who believes in a GOD is not multiracial. They are merely more human.
The human genome project was completed in 2000. Watch and listen to the Former president Bill Clinton. From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds all the way to the introduction of the European leader.
More than 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical from one another.
The absolute and logical fact is that we are all of a singular family of human beings. The Adam and Eve origin story as orally told by many cultures and peoples.
The subjective thinking as has been applied to the modern day thinking of what race and racism means is just that subjective and not based in any way on facts, logic or even systematic reason.
Morgan Freemans Through the Wormhole- " Is there a superior race?"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Slave Speak: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

When you begin to cheapen the language of your Country. You begin to speak and sing as uneducated slaves. Don't become surprised when you and your children become a different name that will have the same meaning as slave with a smile on it. 
The demise of your language. The refusal of your young to seek education.The basic difference between a freeman and a slave is education. An educated person cannot be a slave. The owners and masters will always fear the educated slave. Research the American slave born on 02 Oct. Nat Turner.
Content moved from: International Safe Zones prophecy: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2012:
-----------------begin copy------------------ When Douglass was about twelve years old, Hugh Auld's wife Sophia started teaching him the alphabet despite the fact that it was against the law to teach slaves to read. Douglass described her as a kind and tender-hearted woman, who treated Douglass like one human being ought to treat another. When Hugh Auld discovered her activity, he strongly disapproved, saying that if a slave learned to read, he would become dissatisfied with his condition and desire freedom. Douglass later referred to this statement as the "first decidedly antislavery lecture" he had ever heard.[15] As told in his autobiography, Douglass succeeded in learning to read from white children in the neighborhood and by observing the writings of men with whom he worked. Mrs. Auld one day saw Douglass reading a newspaper; she ran over to him and snatched it from him, with a face that said education and slavery were incompatible with each other.
He continued, secretly, to teach himself how to read and write. Douglass is noted as saying that "knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom."[16] As Douglass began to read newspapers, political materials, and books of every description, he was exposed to a new realm of thought that led him to question and condemn the institution of slavery. In later years, Douglass credited The Columbian Orator, which he discovered at about age twelve, with clarifying and defining his views on freedom and human rights. -------------------------End copy--------------------

The seemingly typical young American student today is more interested in social activities than in their own education.  Which is the sole guarantee of their own freedom from slavery. GOD guarantees freedom as well, But a person must live in accordance to HIS laws by choice.
The American Student seem to also believe that cheating is an acceptable practice. Cheating is proof of the loss of nationalistic honor and righteousness.
Laws passed outlawing education to a slave.  Only the uneducated can be enslaved.

Will NOT be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John