Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Divisional Civil War Prophecy: (Unedited): 04-11 July 2021:

 The American people will continue to self isolate and self separate from all other people groups. Individualized apathy reigns in the hearts and minds of the American people. 
The American people will begin to only associate and do business within their own self identified people groups. 
The American people will continue to buy more and more guns. Transitioning into very large caliber guns. Which will defeat armor at long distances. The American civilian will shoot all high ranking enemy personnel who uphold the new government. The American civilian will use these large caliber guns to out range your 5.56mm weapons. Forcing you to use your F15's and every other weapons platform against all civilians who either fight against you or those who just refuse to fight. Those who refuse to fight are usually called the innocent ones. But, since you cannot jail and care for people. You will just kill those who you think are or will be a problem. While the American civilian who will fight against you it is they who will protect the innocent ones and you will use that for your advantage. You, the actual enemy will just kill them all and you will be victorious. You will stand above the corpses and declare yourselves as the heroes of the day and available for worship. Your pictures will be on every wall in every home. So that no matter where anyone goes inside of the homes you have provided. All they will see is your heroic images everywhere. 
The American people will evolve by political plan or devolve socially into a civil war. Which has already begun and is continually stoked by their own government which is no longer of the people or by the people. Eventually, a shooting war will start in which the Federal government will use what they have planned and fomented in order to suspend the constitution and all other rights of the people. All freedom and liberty ends for all people. Then portray themselves as the heroic good guys and the saving entity of the poor helpless people. 
Once all aspects of what was the United States of America has been suspended it will be in actuality be dead. The great experiment will be over and it will not be remade or reborn. The elected politicians will all use the word suspended along with the words martial law. But, they will be lying as this has always been their plan all along. Even if a super majority in the senate and in congress is achieved in the 2022 election or those which may come after. The entire USA will fracture with a number of states becoming their own nation states. There will be much chaos within those states. As each state will go after all of those who are seen as enemies of freedom and liberty. 
Elements in the US military may even begin shooting at each other. This will cause such fear around the world that foreign military units will be used to seize certain military installations. Energy based weapons which may or will include EMP devices can be used. Especially, those with NBC assets. Separatists States will hastily make claims on all military weapons, posts and bases within their newly self claimed territories. Separatist states may even go into expansion as they take over neighbors. 
Certain groups which have embraced the near absolute freedom to sin and/or an anti-American belief system will be supplied military grade weapons and military training by the federal government and actual military officers who will give away actual US military hardware and training. This is most likely occurring and has been occurring. While at the same time the Federal government will continue to devise plans to go after any Bible hugging and gun loving people. The Federal government will separate and isolate each of those persons while devising a dramatic event in order for the whole nation to witness their heroic responses. Then in those places where the murder of Christians takes place. There will be no media and no investigations. 
Military personnel who are Christian or pro right will be fired or forced to retire from the military. They will also be relieved of any command and made to retire. This will not make any mainstream news. Christians will not be allowed to serve in the military and will be denied as racists or mentally ill for their belief systems. Christians and suspected Christians will all be fired from all government related employment. This will not make any news reporting sources. 
(WOW, This is off the rails type of conspiracy writing). I do not keep up with the news or follow any conspiracy people. 
A nationalized police force will be developed. This will happen after Martial law has been declared and the constitution has been permanently suspended. The internal threats to this nation will be never ending. The federalized police forces will be suddenly be present and already trained while local and state police officers who will only swear by the constitution will be released as no longer needed or not qualified or not meeting a host of other new standards. This former police officers of honor will be hunted down and killed. Just as the former military personnel shall be hunted down and killed.  The news will show how awful these killings are and yet never report if any one was captured. This is because the new government will kill them. Just as any communist regime does. All threats must be eliminated and the new government will be victorious. 
You will be victorious and you will not have a military. 
This is the other outcomes. China will take Taiwan, Japan, Guam, Hawaii, all of the land which surrounds the China Seas, Australia and New Zealand and all of Korea. China knowing that the Americans are gone will exterminate everyone. To a tune of more than 700+ million people in a very short period of time. Any dissention of Chinese rule will end in the death of entire families and towns. China will use every available weapon which includes all aspects of NBC. India will suffer greatly from biological weapons use as they are beginning to right now. India is suffering through the forth variant and will suffer more from new strains. These are the actions of warfare from China. China will turn their faces towards India and take back as well as a lot more. The Chinese will kill more than 100 million Indians. All because the Indian leadership continues to turn a blind eye, a deaf ear and a muted voice. The Indian inaction will lead to continued deaths as which they are seeing right now. India is at war with China right now and have found themselves unprepared and unwilling. 
11 July 2021: 
I'm just not sure what to make of the above writings and how they relate to anything actually prophetic. You must pray about and judge every word spoken and written by anyone. I'm not a prophet. My writing has always been about the quotes. The quotes should be considered as stand alone. Any extra writing is from my deeply flawed human perspective and should be considered as such. 
As the living symbols of  Biblical Christianity begin to disappear. So too will your blessings. A little at a time. 
Even if your unaware and unconcerned. 
The beginning of a Utopia means the end of freedom, liberty and individualized free thinking. 
When the last American Judge is corrupted by the perspective of God. All of America will end. Which will include the idea, memory and history. 
Sudden Horrific ending? Which may begin with "What's going on?". What has been the history of Israel when their Judges were corrupt? 
Think about it. If this is the end of days that all of humanity is coming into. The actual return of Yeshua. Why do you need the idea of America or Russia or China or the ideals of any other nation state? Why would you even need any form of human political ideology? Why would you need any religion or any subset of any religion? It all ends and before everything can collapse for all of humanity maybe the first will be America. As it is the Americans who have fallen away from their faith and have taken up new gods, beliefs, ideals. 
24 July 2021: Waking vision:
The enemies of what America is supposed to be or is it has been becomes trained and receives military grade weapons. 
Men with natural leadership skills receive training in tactics and strategy. They also receive basic military training as well as advanced military training. They are taught to become teachers in military fighting which indicates that these men receive special forces training. This process can take years and these men have chosen to continually train for the entire duration. 
These enemies of the USA do have flaws as they do not adhere to common basic American military protocols and this oddity is seen by dedicated and devout American military personnel. (not sure what that means). I'm not military. 
As the time gets close for the second American civil war to get close or hot. They each will have enough time to return to their regions within the USA to train up their own soldiers/followers. In that time, each cell or unit will receive much military grade weapons and ammunition. They each will be protected from any interference by any Federal, state and local police agency. All of the news media sources which include your beloved Fox news will not pursue any news reporting of any of these actual enemy groups who will actually have very powerful military weapons. They each will have enough powerful military explosives to destroy hundreds of buildings in each of their regions. 
Blame will be laid upon those die hard Americans who uphold the Flag, the Bible, freedom, liberty,  and their guns. But, it will not be they. So does this mean internal terrorist attacks will occur by these actual enemies of the Constitution all of whom have been trained and financially supported by this very Government? 
Military weapons from all over the USA and from many posts and bases will come up missing. The blame will go to those who support the Bible, guns, freedom, liberty and the constitution. But, it will not be they. It will be the government who steals their own weapons in order to give them to those who mean to kill and destroy all that represents American ideals and history. War is coming and the American people have no clue. War is coming and the true American people will die in their exhaustion. War is coming and the true American Christian people will be to blame for everything. 
This reminds me of a dream about an American Tet Offensive. Is this still going to be a reality? Is this a dead vision I have many years ago in which the Islamic community plans and conducts this event all across the USA, Canada and Western Europe.
The true American people must begin to get into good health as well as good physical condition and even athletic condition. You cannot depend on your guns and not be able to run fifty feet or is that like me walk ten feet and take a two hour nap. 
Added on 15 Aug 2021:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Speaking Low: Animal Separation: (Unedited): 23-26 Feb 2017:

Speaking and thinking low quality words. Devalues your self identity and self worth.
 What are low quality words?
Curse words, offensive words, words of accusation, words of threats. All manor of sinful speaking and sinful thinking. Any aspect of slave speak. The negative thoughts and words you have within you. Which I call stinking thinking and coined by some other famous inspiring person of the world. I currently forget his name.
The bastardization of words into street slang or hood slang or prison speak are still forms of low quality words no matter how cool they are now or have been or will be. All of it devalues and confuses how your mind thinks. If you put trash into your brains do not expect beauty to come out. If all you hear and experience is hatred, angry, threats, violence and the need for social justice to occur any way possible. Do not expect any joy, peace, happiness or love to come into your lives or experienced in any way. Why do you think children have that gonna kill you look on their faces all of the time? Why do you think children respond violently to any disagreeable situation in the hood culture?
To escape from a destructive and violent culture begins with changing how you think and speak. If you speak like a slave then you must be a slave. If you speak like a criminal then you must be a criminal. If you react to any circumstance like an animal. Then you must be an animal.
Animal Separation: (Unedited): 26 Feb 2017:
Becoming like and acting like an animal is separation from your basic form and your enlightened spirit.
Personal Note: This area is something where I struggle. No excuses.
I can remember my own children trying to speak like I do. I told them very boldly not to talk like me and to speak better than I can. To exercise a mastery of the language. I do not speak verbally very well. Yes and I know I do not write very well either. I do the best I can. I have expressed and expectation of them to be a better human being in every regard than I can ever be. Which includes the elimination and prevention of all manor of stinking thinking and negative thinking. One does not need to symbolically beat your own self up when the whole of the world is gonna try to beat you down. When the animalistic ganging up on occurs and you personally allow it to happen. Kind of like baseball. Where you have one man standing up against an entire apposing team alone. He must make positive things happen for his entire team alone.
Sometimes when your history is so dark, bleak and without any real hope. You must all by yourself stand up, step out and maybe even go back into hell and stand in for everyone else. While pointing the way out. If that is the will of the Great Spirit or Holy Spirit.
Historical context: Slave speak is how slaves speak and think. Because of their lack of education. Slave speak can be perpetuated in cultural social settings and passed repeatedly onto the next generation of children. Today in a modern era where there may not be slaves or the word slave has been changed to other words like migrant workers. Slave speak or slurring of non accepted and non approved words is still a form of slave speak. Even though it is popularized as how to speak cool and to be like those cool people.
This was a work of inspiration by the artist know as Prolific The Rapper. A man who may see extensive jail time for filming atrocities cops and corporate mercenaries committed against unarmed and defenseless American citizens. 
It is also noteworthy that a sitting Judged has already allegedly made personal judgements against persons before a court case even began. I expect no justice for those arrested in North Dakota for being associated with the Native Tribes protest. Actually, they do not like the word protest or protestors. They are and were water protectors.   
Standing Rock
Water is Life
Where are the Christians as prophecy unfolds in real time before their very self blindfolded eyes?
Did you know there are more than 700 Bible verses about "water"?
Did you know there are more the 59 Bible verses about "Rock"? Duplication possible.,-The-Rock
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Seeking New Enemies: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2017:

Your chosen separation from the Holy Spirit,
your chosen absence of righteousness in your mind, and
your chosen darkening of your heart -
these are all characteristics of the man who continually seeks out new enemies to express his hatred, anger and wrath.
Ye professed Christians be mindful of your actions, for it matters not how many years you have faithfully attended church or how much you have regularly tithed and given cheerfully.
It shall be your actions outside of the walls of the church, including those professed and secret sins,  which will show if you will either be known or have never been known by God. For you actively seek out enemies with anyone who cannot take care of themselves and you show your pride when you abuse your poor clients and cause them to suffer. You won a war against them when you started it all. These are all of your victories here on Earth, the victories of a bully against people who are defenseless and with children.
Be warned - all of these people whom you have actively and purposely harmed, you have done likewise unto Jesus Christ. From your own hatred, anger and wrath you have poured out and onto the open wounds of Christ.
I can feel the fear within you as your life comes to an end. You know your time is short, and no matter what you do to extend it you will always fall short. Your judgement is coming and you will hear those words and know your everlasting judgement. Repent and turn away from your evil deeds.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mind Enslavement: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

"The person who only believes what they are told and has no need to ever consider seeking the truth. Is evidence of the total enslavement of their mind."
Respectfully questioning authority is mandatory for each person. By doing so, you are assured that you are not deceived. In today's modern age, a person or every person should be allowed develop the skills necessary to search for any information at its source of origination. When this can be accomplished, a new civilized world can be established based on truth and not apparent truths which turn out to be out-right lies with evil intentions such as hate, war, murder, fear, anger, rage, distrust and so on. 
In the current atmosphere of race relations, no one anywhere on this planet wants to know the truth or even seek the truth. Organizations that define words contribute to the lie and ongoing deceptions. Can we prove that the definition of the races of humanity are false by scientific standards? Yes, from 1985 human DNA profiling and again in 2000 with the Human Genome Project. The science is absolute and clear. There is only one singular race of human beings on this planet and it is human, not black, white, red or yellow species of people.
One lie proven wrong. Races!
A partial quote from then-president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton:
"The third horizon that lies before us is one that science cannot approach alone. It is the horizon that represents the ethical, moral and spiritual dimension of the power we now possess. We must not shrink from exploring that far frontier of science. But as we consider how to use new discovery, we must also not retreat from our oldest and most cherished human values. We must ensure that new genome science and its benefits will be directed toward making life better for all citizens of the world, never just a privileged few.
As we unlock the secrets of the human genome, we must work simultaneously to ensure that new discoveries never pry open the doors of privacy. And we must guarantee that genetic information cannot be used to stigmatize or discriminate against any individual or group.
Increasing knowledge of the human genome must never change the basic belief on which our ethics, our government, our society are founded. All of us are created equal, entitled to equal treatment under the law. After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same."
If you want to stop racism, you have to begin with the evidence to counter the wrong thinking of the world. You have to cause organizations like to change the definition based on thirty-year-old and again on 16-year-old scientific proofs. You have to convince people that this is a world problem and not the racial monopoly of the USA.
I have listened and heard many shows from many different sources and all of them are the same including the radio show Equipped with Chris Brooks. Every show host only wants to know opinions and feelings. No one wants to explore any evidence or to seek any kind of factual truths. Everyone is enslaved by their own way of wrongful thinking. Everyone wants to continue to believe that this lie is an absolute truth which will not or cannot change. This is why people like Chris Brooks have enslaved mind in regard to the races of humanity. I'm only picking on Mr. Brooks because I value what he does and says. I'm much more than an occasional listener.  I have not mentioned any other hosts or people because they simply are unimportant to me since I realized they offered zero real answers or solutions. 

Please study how DNA profiling is used in international courts of law. Why do they only use a small portion of the DNA panel?

Please study the human skin, how the skin is the largest organ of the body. Study how there are primary functions and secondary functions. If you lose a primary function you can die. If you lose a secondary function you will merely be uncomfortable and a possible social outcast. So since I cannot drink alcohol very well because of genetic inefficiencies of my liver organ, why am I not a different race of person from those who can drink alcohol very easily and in huge quantities? Isn't that similar to differences between a lightly pigmented person and a darker pigmented person?

What happened at the tower of Babel? The beginning of racism or the belief in the division of the human species. In modern terms, this where God deleted the one common language of humanity and downloaded up to 77 other basic languages into up to 77 different groups of people. People grew into an us-versus-them mentality.
We are all from one blood line, Noah and his sons - a total of 8 adults.
To go back even further from only one male and one female.
If humanity all the way back to Adam and Eve became a separate race of human beings on each region of this one planet, then the genetic differences would be much greater than LESS THAN .1%. Because within that less than .1% is where all of your unique identity resides. This does not include your cultural, social and educational upbringings, or even the lack of cultural, social and educational upbringings. The math is huge and very exact. 
And we have not even begun to talk about the genetic markers of sin which can reside in specific places along the DNA structure, which can be passed along to our offspring. So what did Jesus know about this when he said all you have to do is think sin and it is already done?
Added on 27 July 2016: 
Here is a fact which cannot be argued, but it can be denied and rejected. All of your DNA and my DNA is more than 99.9% identical. Can you fathom that? Here is a comparison in regard to Ethnos.
Read this and understand.

ethnos -people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture.
This is the definition - people of the same nationality who share a distinctive culture. So if a person alters either his nationality or culture, that person changes his racial distinction as defined. How about that for an error with zero scientific evidence?
The traditions of man is a basis for race.
Here is another.
Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. Yes, it also includes wealth or the lack of wealth. It also includes intelligence or the lack of intelligence.
Are you getting this? Race is a social construct. What are the distinct physical characteristics? Ears, legs, liver, spleen, hair?
I am pointing you in a direction. That direction is toward scientific fact and away from any human social constructs. Be sure you continue reading to discover that the first use of race was with those who spoke a single common language. Can you start thinking about the Tower of Babel as the beginning source for racism and the division of humanity via language?
Since race is a social construct. It can be assumed that a person who was poor and then is rich changes their race. Likewise, a person who was rich and is now poor also changes his race.
So if a person knows many languages are they multi-racial?
Here is a good comparison:
A person bought four exact Dell computers with no operating systems installed.
On Dell computer #1, which is to be the personal computer, this person installed Windows 10, some games and other fun software.
On Dell computer #2, which is to be the work computer, this person installed Windows 7, some work specific software, and professional Office software.
On Dell computer #3, which is to be the industrial use computer, this person installed an industrial version of Linux operating system along with specific controls software.
On Dell computer #4, which is to be a French language specific computer, programs were installed that were mostly for the streaming of all French-language content. 
I know you're smart and you know where I'm going with this. The more than 99.9% of all of our DNA can be represented by the physical Dell computer machines. The less than .1% is all tied in the software. I would consider this a lose comparison. Still the point is made.
Each of the above computers are the same. Except for the operating systems and purpose of use. This is where we can get our lazy and crazy people, Bruce Lee people, Albert Einstein people, Michael Jordan people and so on and so forth.
28 Sept 2016: Before Racist: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2016:
"Before any person can become a racist he must first believe in the separation and divisions of the human species."
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Evolving Multidimensional Angelic Warfare against Humanity: (Unedited): 04-08 Feb 2016:

This is in note form. I hope you can follow along. I guess this is for someone who knows military history and the history of humanity. This is a puzzle piece to some puzzle that someone is thinking about. This is way above me and because I am uneducated. My history facts all need to be checked out. But, once you see the flow and where I'm trying to lead you. It will become clear for you. Then you take it and run with it. This just seems not for me to know or to understand and yet I have to write it out. So that I can write other things. I do not need to be credited or acknowledged in any way. This is about turning around the world and saving lives. 
All of the angels know that humanity was created to become more than they are. Can you imagine beings so far more advanced genetically than us greater in orders of magnitude. They each have the ability to be gods to any of us even in this modern day of humanities evolution. Oh wait. Many of those angels did come to Earth and pretend to be gods. Then do many horrible things to us for basically their own entertainment and pleasure. While being full of hate and anger over our existence.
How would an angelic military force conduct warfare? Especially when time and resources are limitless according to our limited human reasoning of today.
1) Easy Peasy. Just go in there and wipe them out quickly. Then let the planet heal itself. But, That didn't happen or hasn't happened. Is there a rule they must abide by? A part of a plan ? or both?
The God who is over all of the angels. Caused the Earth to flood and drown those who could not escape in time. In the Bible we know they came back to cause more mischief. Then they seem to have disappeared. To what ends? We do know they did not all die off or killed. We know they can die and be killed. Why did they disappear? Part of a plan or part of a rule they must abide by? or both?

2). Cause the lesser species to evolve in accordance to your supreme dominant and indirect will. Then allow them or lead them to destroy themselves by their own collective free choice. Which really isn't free choice in the angelic realms. How would these fallen angels do this? or what would it look like?
            A). Teach warfare at every level of development. To those select few who will think it was all
                    of their own ideas.
             B). Institute lies and deceptions as truths. Mix in half truths. Limit understanding and wisdom
                   in all areas of thought.
             C). Institute methods of separation and isolation. To the degree that it will become hopeless
                    for the lesser species to ever form a united front against the fallen supreme beings. Or
                    even come to an agreement as to their existence.
                              C1). Multiple races of humanity. When there is only one race. To be further
                                      divided by Ethnic origins, Tribes and clans, Nations and continents. Maybe,
                                      even other planets, solar systems and galaxies.
                               C2). Religions. Instead of holiness and righteousness.
                               C3). Politics. Exclusive thinking process which cannot merge.
                               C4). Social classes. Based in political acceptance, wealth and family genetic
                                C5). To many to list. Athletics, Intellectuals, Knitting, Poker, Bowling, any other
                                         club or exclusionary organization.
                D). Secretly reveal your superior dominant selves to each of the opposing sides in every
                       potential conflict. But, only to a select few or one. Then in accordance to each of their
                       personal pursuits. Evolve their knowledge in that specific regard. In exchange for your
                       superior needs, wants and desires. Maybe, they want out of this solar system or planet.
                       Evolve their knowledge and skills. While limiting or restricting wisdom and complete
                       understanding. These supreme beings or fallen angels only put forth partial or half
This is where I tell you. I have zero history education. For each country and during each war. Can you express one word maybe a couple of words which defined what was learned? For instance I came up with and am most likely in error. Here they are. Not a complete list. Can you see where I'm going with this?
WW2 Germany. Technology.
China wars. War Philosophy. As in the Art of War book.
Rome. Organization.
Genghis Khan. Transportation. Logistics. Horse use. Am I in error here?
Persian. mathematics. Wasn't there a Nephilim a god to the Persians at one time?
Greece. ???.
Catholic religion 
USA. Freedom. Which is becoming absolute freedom. Which is self destructive.  

                E). Viruses and diseases. Which DE-evolve the genetics of the lesser species. Until
                      procreation is impossible. Until the gene pool is so corrupted that the God of all of the
                      fallen angels must give up on the human species.  I would suppose the first step would
                      be to target the evolution portion of the DNA or RNA strands. Create a De-evolution
                      sequence to begin. Which would slowly De-evolve the lesser species into base
                      animalistic creatures and then extinction. Maybe, even cause the lesser human monkeys
                      to do it to themselves. Through their incomplete knowledge of all of the sciences. This
                      would be evidenced by an insect bite which would only target the genetics of the person
                      and would only show up in their offspring. This does not seem the natural way. Insects
                      do what they do in that moment for their own benefit to exist another day. Insects used
                      as mindless weapons do not plan ahead. They may inhabit their host to procreate. Thus
                      killing the host. Study the natural ways and anything odd may not be natural. Rather
                      designed or engineered. For a specific purpose and result.
                 F). Fail. Read all of the above and come to realize that it is all happening simultaneously
                       and has been for thousands of years. Can you begin to see the picture through all of
                       the individual puzzle pieces? Can you imagine these fallen angels only using
                       humanities political elites and military's all around the world in secret and secret to one
                       another. To effect their supreme will. Sounds like one of those conspiracies.
                  S). These supreme beings, fallen angels or space aliens from other worlds. You may think
                        they are helping humanity. They are not. You may think your special or favored
                        because they have chosen you to share their special information with. You are not.
                        Your only the current tool to be used by them. Until, you do your part and lead all of
                        humanity towards extinction by our own hands. They know your thoughts and your
                        plans. They know your desires and may have created those desires within you. Just
                        exactly how a comedian can mimic another famous person for the audiences
                        entertainment. They can do that to you by and through your own thoughts. Causing
                        you to believe that your thoughts are your own. When in truth your thoughts are
                        theirs.  Until, a sufficient amount of time has elapsed while your in close proximity
                        with them. That the way you think has been altered or reprogrammed to their way of
                        thinking and doing. Then if you develop a relationship with them. Proximity is no
                        longer important. No matter where they are. Maybe even in what time. Do you know
                        anyone who had or has a small kangaroo like pouch on their spine? This is your key.
Psalms 8
Hebrews 1
Hebrews 2
It doesn't really matter if you agree with this or not. I do mix the terms angels and aliens. Why? because in this modern era of anti-religion anything. Angels are apart of religions. So if any being comes from so where else which is not Mexico or Earth. They will be called space aliens or what ever they are desired to be called.
Yes, I use the word Mexico as humor. Because a whole lot of Americans think all aliens which are not from space are indeed from Mexico. They seem to forget about all of those countries in Central and South America.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Dream Murderer: (Unedited): 11 May 2015:

The leader of false truths is a murderer of hopes and dreams to those who follow.
Racism is absolutely a truthful part of our reality. While the idea of race is an absolute lie. Even in today's modern age where the idea of the separation and division of the human species has been absolutely dis-proven with genetic fact and backed up by historical traditions. The truth in regards to our one human family is absolute. More than 99.9% of all of your DNA is identical to mine. So who is my brother? or my sister?
I tell you the truth this day. All of those leaders who are very centric in regards to matters of race. They all know they are lying to everyone who freely follows them. They all know of the arguments presented against them and have responded back with their own wise cracks and subjective feel good observations or they have severely attacked the absolute genetic facts as baseless lies created by some super secret propaganda machine.
The math behind the human genome project and the DNA finger printing is absolute factual truth. Truth is never kind to those who perpetuate lies. Truth is not the thing which point the finger. Truth merely illuminates all and reveals all.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Slavery Evolution: (Unedited): 07 Aug 2013:

Work in progress.
Need more research.

Slavery has evolved into a more civilized form.
Need to read this article when I have time

From forced denial of education by law to a willing choice to refuse education.
This includes the denial achieve a command of the common language at birth. The slaves of old spoke as uneducated persons. the modern day slaves purposely butcher the common language as an ignorant form of some cultural right. The new slave culture where those people are not even aware they are slaves by another name.

From forced separation of family members to a willingness to separate the self from any family.
Interesting answer as to why separate family members. 

From being owned as high value property to an owner who is responsible for the slaves life. To becoming a part of the working class with no owner. No longer is the owner responsible for the slaves welfare, care and life.

The use of addictive substances to control the slave population.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The truth behind the importance of education.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Unquestioned Lie: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2013:

A lie which is taught to all as an unquestioned truth. Will be believed as such even when the original concept of truth is forgotten.
What are the lies in your life? Unwanted, You were an accident. The whole world is against you. Teachers hate you. No one likes you. Your the absolute best at what your favorite thing is.

What are the lies about your self that you believe as truths?
 Dumb, stupid, retarded, Ugly, Bad at math, bad at English, Your a genius because Mensa accepted you.

What lies do you spread for fun?
 Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Cupid, Irish Leprechauns, Tooth Fairy,
Does it matter to you that a purposeful deception always causes harm. Even to those so young who were lied to by their own parents whom they trust the most. 

What about the lie of the separation and division of the races?
Yep, There is only one human race on this planet. All of our human DNA is MORE than 99.9% identical.That makes us all family.

GOD? really? How did I mean this? Which way?

Aliens? where? don't say Mexico. How did I mean this? Which way?

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Extinction Stage: (UNedited): 20 Jan 2013:

At every stage in life's development. There will always be those challenges which threaten extinction.

As a species we have witnessed the death of nations, genocide of particular peoples, tribes and clans. We have even come very close to extinction when only 8 humans survived the great flood. Every stage of our development and evolution. We will be presented with those problems which may in fact cause or create our final extinction. So as long as we continue to think and believe in the lie that we are of multiple races. Then we are set for extinction.
For the first time in this particular recorded history. We have become so developed that an insane group of people who believe so deeply in the  division and separation of the races. That they can begin our collective decent into the insanity which precedes final extinction. These lies and deceptions must stop. In order that we may all do more than to just survive. That we thrive and spread throughout the whole of the universe. Yes, into all of the galaxies.
It will not be enough to only make a plan to prevent extinction of our humanity. We need to develop plans for thriving. Which is infinitely more than thriving.
At every stage in our individual life. We either survive, thrive or die. From each of these is a dimensional depth of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. That we take with us to face our next step in our development and evolution. Confront and conquer. Adapt and overcome. Endure unto the end. Never give up or quit. Never cut and run. Never surrender.
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another. 
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flag Importance: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2012:

Standing behind your flag of importance. Is just as important as standing before your flag. Unless, you have been deceived and lied to by the flag of your choosing. C.J.MacKechnie
The flag of warfare which promises peace is a lie and a deception.
The flag of hatred which promises loves return is a lie and a deception.
The flag of separation which promises togetherness is a lie and a deception.
The flag of difference which promises sameness is a lie and a deception.
Any leader no matter their level or area of interest who uses their innate charisma to convince common people to follow their will by using any of the above promises is a liar and a deceiver.
When you decide to follow them. You have declared allegiance to their flags of lies and deceptions. Even though you may believe it to be gospel truth. Your brain washing is now complete and my words will anger and offend you.
Just like how racism is used as a political, religious and cultural tool to garner support of a particular leader or spokes person. Racism is an absolute lie and deception as proven by the completion of the Human genome project more than 11 years ago.The human genome project proves that all humans have 99.9% identical DNA. Which is not evidence of any real separation of races. The human skin is the same from any one human to the next. The only real difference is the coloring. The human skin is an organ of the whole human body. It is not logical for anyone to separate or isolate any other human being or group of human beings based on a single organ of the human body. We do not separate an isolate any other human being based on tonsils, kidneys, spleen, appendix or liver. If this were logically true than I would belong to the fatty liver race or the race without tonsils.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Becoming Holy (unedited). 27 March 2012

Separation from religion and assuming full responsibility to live a life in accordance to the LAW and WORD is a step in the evolution of becoming a holy person as defined by the HOLY TEXTS and by GOD. C.J.MacKechnie
Become, A holy person as defined by God and not as defined by any religion or man. Live in the Law and become the brother/sister to the Word. By your own logical choice. Choose to be holy without all of the pious cloth. For even the Holy Son was a homeless man. Wealth and riches is of no importance. Love, Peace, Harmony and Life is of importance. 
 Pray and meditate daily to the Heavenly father. Become His son or Daughter. Become the Brother to Jesus Christ. Become the brother or sister to all of the holy people who lived before you.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: