Showing posts with label Federal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Divisional Civil War Prophecy: (Unedited): 04-11 July 2021:

 The American people will continue to self isolate and self separate from all other people groups. Individualized apathy reigns in the hearts and minds of the American people. 
The American people will begin to only associate and do business within their own self identified people groups. 
The American people will continue to buy more and more guns. Transitioning into very large caliber guns. Which will defeat armor at long distances. The American civilian will shoot all high ranking enemy personnel who uphold the new government. The American civilian will use these large caliber guns to out range your 5.56mm weapons. Forcing you to use your F15's and every other weapons platform against all civilians who either fight against you or those who just refuse to fight. Those who refuse to fight are usually called the innocent ones. But, since you cannot jail and care for people. You will just kill those who you think are or will be a problem. While the American civilian who will fight against you it is they who will protect the innocent ones and you will use that for your advantage. You, the actual enemy will just kill them all and you will be victorious. You will stand above the corpses and declare yourselves as the heroes of the day and available for worship. Your pictures will be on every wall in every home. So that no matter where anyone goes inside of the homes you have provided. All they will see is your heroic images everywhere. 
The American people will evolve by political plan or devolve socially into a civil war. Which has already begun and is continually stoked by their own government which is no longer of the people or by the people. Eventually, a shooting war will start in which the Federal government will use what they have planned and fomented in order to suspend the constitution and all other rights of the people. All freedom and liberty ends for all people. Then portray themselves as the heroic good guys and the saving entity of the poor helpless people. 
Once all aspects of what was the United States of America has been suspended it will be in actuality be dead. The great experiment will be over and it will not be remade or reborn. The elected politicians will all use the word suspended along with the words martial law. But, they will be lying as this has always been their plan all along. Even if a super majority in the senate and in congress is achieved in the 2022 election or those which may come after. The entire USA will fracture with a number of states becoming their own nation states. There will be much chaos within those states. As each state will go after all of those who are seen as enemies of freedom and liberty. 
Elements in the US military may even begin shooting at each other. This will cause such fear around the world that foreign military units will be used to seize certain military installations. Energy based weapons which may or will include EMP devices can be used. Especially, those with NBC assets. Separatists States will hastily make claims on all military weapons, posts and bases within their newly self claimed territories. Separatist states may even go into expansion as they take over neighbors. 
Certain groups which have embraced the near absolute freedom to sin and/or an anti-American belief system will be supplied military grade weapons and military training by the federal government and actual military officers who will give away actual US military hardware and training. This is most likely occurring and has been occurring. While at the same time the Federal government will continue to devise plans to go after any Bible hugging and gun loving people. The Federal government will separate and isolate each of those persons while devising a dramatic event in order for the whole nation to witness their heroic responses. Then in those places where the murder of Christians takes place. There will be no media and no investigations. 
Military personnel who are Christian or pro right will be fired or forced to retire from the military. They will also be relieved of any command and made to retire. This will not make any mainstream news. Christians will not be allowed to serve in the military and will be denied as racists or mentally ill for their belief systems. Christians and suspected Christians will all be fired from all government related employment. This will not make any news reporting sources. 
(WOW, This is off the rails type of conspiracy writing). I do not keep up with the news or follow any conspiracy people. 
A nationalized police force will be developed. This will happen after Martial law has been declared and the constitution has been permanently suspended. The internal threats to this nation will be never ending. The federalized police forces will be suddenly be present and already trained while local and state police officers who will only swear by the constitution will be released as no longer needed or not qualified or not meeting a host of other new standards. This former police officers of honor will be hunted down and killed. Just as the former military personnel shall be hunted down and killed.  The news will show how awful these killings are and yet never report if any one was captured. This is because the new government will kill them. Just as any communist regime does. All threats must be eliminated and the new government will be victorious. 
You will be victorious and you will not have a military. 
This is the other outcomes. China will take Taiwan, Japan, Guam, Hawaii, all of the land which surrounds the China Seas, Australia and New Zealand and all of Korea. China knowing that the Americans are gone will exterminate everyone. To a tune of more than 700+ million people in a very short period of time. Any dissention of Chinese rule will end in the death of entire families and towns. China will use every available weapon which includes all aspects of NBC. India will suffer greatly from biological weapons use as they are beginning to right now. India is suffering through the forth variant and will suffer more from new strains. These are the actions of warfare from China. China will turn their faces towards India and take back as well as a lot more. The Chinese will kill more than 100 million Indians. All because the Indian leadership continues to turn a blind eye, a deaf ear and a muted voice. The Indian inaction will lead to continued deaths as which they are seeing right now. India is at war with China right now and have found themselves unprepared and unwilling. 
11 July 2021: 
I'm just not sure what to make of the above writings and how they relate to anything actually prophetic. You must pray about and judge every word spoken and written by anyone. I'm not a prophet. My writing has always been about the quotes. The quotes should be considered as stand alone. Any extra writing is from my deeply flawed human perspective and should be considered as such. 
As the living symbols of  Biblical Christianity begin to disappear. So too will your blessings. A little at a time. 
Even if your unaware and unconcerned. 
The beginning of a Utopia means the end of freedom, liberty and individualized free thinking. 
When the last American Judge is corrupted by the perspective of God. All of America will end. Which will include the idea, memory and history. 
Sudden Horrific ending? Which may begin with "What's going on?". What has been the history of Israel when their Judges were corrupt? 
Think about it. If this is the end of days that all of humanity is coming into. The actual return of Yeshua. Why do you need the idea of America or Russia or China or the ideals of any other nation state? Why would you even need any form of human political ideology? Why would you need any religion or any subset of any religion? It all ends and before everything can collapse for all of humanity maybe the first will be America. As it is the Americans who have fallen away from their faith and have taken up new gods, beliefs, ideals. 
24 July 2021: Waking vision:
The enemies of what America is supposed to be or is it has been becomes trained and receives military grade weapons. 
Men with natural leadership skills receive training in tactics and strategy. They also receive basic military training as well as advanced military training. They are taught to become teachers in military fighting which indicates that these men receive special forces training. This process can take years and these men have chosen to continually train for the entire duration. 
These enemies of the USA do have flaws as they do not adhere to common basic American military protocols and this oddity is seen by dedicated and devout American military personnel. (not sure what that means). I'm not military. 
As the time gets close for the second American civil war to get close or hot. They each will have enough time to return to their regions within the USA to train up their own soldiers/followers. In that time, each cell or unit will receive much military grade weapons and ammunition. They each will be protected from any interference by any Federal, state and local police agency. All of the news media sources which include your beloved Fox news will not pursue any news reporting of any of these actual enemy groups who will actually have very powerful military weapons. They each will have enough powerful military explosives to destroy hundreds of buildings in each of their regions. 
Blame will be laid upon those die hard Americans who uphold the Flag, the Bible, freedom, liberty,  and their guns. But, it will not be they. So does this mean internal terrorist attacks will occur by these actual enemies of the Constitution all of whom have been trained and financially supported by this very Government? 
Military weapons from all over the USA and from many posts and bases will come up missing. The blame will go to those who support the Bible, guns, freedom, liberty and the constitution. But, it will not be they. It will be the government who steals their own weapons in order to give them to those who mean to kill and destroy all that represents American ideals and history. War is coming and the American people have no clue. War is coming and the true American people will die in their exhaustion. War is coming and the true American Christian people will be to blame for everything. 
This reminds me of a dream about an American Tet Offensive. Is this still going to be a reality? Is this a dead vision I have many years ago in which the Islamic community plans and conducts this event all across the USA, Canada and Western Europe.
The true American people must begin to get into good health as well as good physical condition and even athletic condition. You cannot depend on your guns and not be able to run fifty feet or is that like me walk ten feet and take a two hour nap. 
Added on 15 Aug 2021:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Nation Freedoms Lost: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:

New Content near the bottom and dated.
Christian leaders and managers who do not participate in all levels of government within their Christian Nation. Loses their freedoms and nation to evildoers. 
This is prophecy.
The time is quickly coming to a close and already has for many states. To sign up to become a candidate for election will end in many states over the next few months and many have already closed in many.
Christianity is on the cusp of of becoming like it was nearly 1900+ years ago.
You devout Christians who are truly repentant, righteous and holy. Pray and purposefully fast always. Become open to the Holy Spirit which may encourage you to physically move. Even if it is to be your church first. Because, if you do not personally know or have a personal relationship with your pastor and church leaders. Then you may need to move. For every Christian is a missionary.
End all of your debts and prepare yourselves. Ensure your oil lamps are full.
The evildoers are very angry at losing the Presidential election to now President Donald Trump. The evil doers can't rid of him and their other only option is to cause his ineffectiveness in the Senate and Congress. Which mean the call has already been sent out to all of their followers. Run for office at every level of government and the evil doers are. Many are running in secret to their true motives. many are running openly professing their true evil natures. Many will just deceive to pretend and profess to be like the good people when in fact their are evil doers. They each will know who the other is and will not speak badly about the other. But, those who are not like them. All of the evil doers will pile on worse than what has been done to President Donald Trump.
How anti-Christian laws begin? They won't be called anti-Christian laws.
When there are enough evil doers in local, city, county and state governments. The evil doers will begin to repeal the old laws which are Christian in nature and are used to protect Christian freedoms. Even to the point of actually changing the constitution of the USA by repealing the Second Amendment as well as the First Amendment.
But, first the evil doers must change laws which are used in the courts. By winning in the courts they can also gain financially the wealth of those persons, companies and corporations against their intentions.
There will eventually be such drastic change to the laws that the firing a Christian for simply being Christian will become acceptable. Just as it was when firing any gay person was acceptable. Making laws that state a person who becomes or is a Christian is mentally ill. Just as it was when all gay people were mentally ill twenty plus years ago. All rights and freedoms will disappear for the Christian. Any Christian Church which teaches sin, repentance, righteousness and holiness. Will be outlawed, fined and destroyed. The Christian cross will be forced down because it is deemed hate speech. Just as civil war monuments are being torn down right now.
Once the evil doers win full control of all levels of government. The erasure of history begins. The additions of great historical evildoers begins.
It takes time and events take time to lay down the foundations. This may all come to fruition in ten or so years or in the next two or three election cycles.
When the pimp becomes a business manager and prostitutes become outside business contractors. That is when a person will go to jail for causing anyone of them harm in any way. Which includes talking to any evildoers about Jesus Christ. While any *harm which is caused to any Christian which includes death. Law Enforcement agencies will not see any importance for investigation.
Note: * Harm does mean every horrendous act which can be done to any unwilling person.
Added on 26 Feb 2019:
The election cycles are coming yet again and now is the time to make applications before each states deadlines. You Christians must participate in every election at every level. While evil doers will bully you and reveal every manner of actual sin and made up sin you have ever had or even thought of. If the Christians do not run for elections, If the Christians do not turn out to vote. Then your nation will be gone forever and God will allow the destruction of this nation. The rise of the rainbow tsunami is still on the horizon. The rainbow tsunami will overtake the red waves and blue waves. The rainbow leviathan has shown itself and is unrecognizable to the Christian. Like something very alien. Kings without kingdoms. The evil doers are organized. The evil doers are committed. The evil doers will move forward and run for every elected office. The followers of the evildoers who run for office will be voted for by all of their following. Their collective will is certain. For even today it is very difficult for the evil doers to contain themselves without attacking a defenseless person from behind, report false crimes and to even burn down their own homes while leaving their animals inside to die.
If evil doers will attack someone wearing a MAGA hat? How far is the mental and violent transition for them to attack someone who is wearing a Christian cross, carrying a Christian Holy Bible or anything else Christian related.
You Christians must come together in all of your local churches and find those who can be voted for in every conceivable office available at every level of government. You must do so right now. All of you Christian pastors and Christian leaders must do these things right now. Even if your selfishly motivated. Then guess what. Your lifestyle of wealth and comfort. Is about to end in the next many years. All of Christianity will be criminalized as the evil doers pass more and more anti Christian laws. All Christians will be punished in courts of laws. In which the Christian will lose all of their built up wealth including real estate, stocks, retirement accounts and pensions. Guess what, There isn't any safe or welcoming place for you to go to. President Trump and Americans are more hated now than ever before. Think about that when you decide to relocate your entire family to Europe. While abandoning those who you have called friend.
Yes, my tone is rough. The time is far closer than you think. In just a few elections cycles of state and federal elections The Rainbow Tsunami will sweep over the whole of the nation in order to "Remake" this nation into what they want. The word "remake" is their word. Then in a few years the elected evil doers will write new laws. As if all of a sudden. The wealthiest of all Christians will be civilly sued and all assets will go to the dutiful followers of the Rainbow Tsunami. Tens of thousands of lawsuits against all that is Christian in every state which has elected the far majority of people from the Rainbow Tsunami. You won't know anything about the anti-christian law suits because one of the first things that extreme socialist and communist gain control of is all aspects of media communications. If you do see something about any Christian it will all be horrendously negative and accusatory. Which will spur on actual physical violence even in the grocery stores on Sunday, before and after church. You Christians will be followed from leaving church and then attacked in public places or in the front of your home.
Christians must participate in government as leaders. Christians must vote in every election. Christians must come together as one body in Christ. You cannot only go to the all black church, the all white church, the rich church, the poor church or any other kind of church. We are all of one body in Christ.
I would suppose once you begin to see where the evil doers have full control over certain states. If you are in those states. You must move out. Right now it is easy to predict which states will become fully remade by the rainbow tsunami. You must move out or renounce your faith and participation in any Christian activities. Renouncing your faith and participation can be done in silence as you just stop going to church and throw away all of your Holy Bibles and Christian themed materials/contraband. Bear in mind the Holy Bible is the Word of God and the Word of God is Jesus Christ. So your not just throwing out some dumb troublesome book.
States will most likely fall to the evil doers before the federal government. Once the federal government falls. All three houses unified under one belief systems which is anti-God, anti-holiness, anti-clean, anti-righteous and anti-anything which has been revealed in the Holy Bible. It will not matter where you live in the former United States of America. All Christians will be made to suffer.
So Christian, What will you do? or don't do? or just don't care to do? two of the answers will lead to what I've written about. If you have happened upon these words from a lowly janitor and you have a Christian following of many. You may want to heed my words after much prayer, meditation and fasting. Then preach and teach these things and give all glory and credit to God alone. Do not mention me or acknowledge me in any way. All attention goes to God. You wanna lead in the saving of a nation? Then lead. Repent!Repent!Repent!. Remain clean or become clean, Become holy and righteous as which only God will accept only. Read the purple words below.

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 22, 2018

New Walmart Laws Ideas: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:

1). Walmart Corporate Living Wage Taxation. 
These law ideas should be run through each city, state and federal agencies legal departments. In order to recoup lost funds due to Walmart practices in the Post Sam Walton era. All claims I make here must be researched and verified. My interest is in the protection and safety of my city. My interest is a mutual benefit of both Walmart and my city and what is equally fair for both entities.
It is apparent that when Sam Walton was running Walmart the associates were making and building wealth. To the point that many Walmart general associates, department managers were becoming millionaires. Today can Walmart say by percentage that they have a near equal or greater percentage of millionaires who are employed at the store level or truck drivers? If this answer is no. Then the Walmart corporation has assumed all of the wealth for themselves and it is their corporate legal right to do so. But, when the number of employees working for any store is receiving all manor of state and federally funded aid just to survive. Then it is the corporation who is profiting off of slave labor practices. It is the common American citizen who actually pays taxes to assist the poor and needy. It is the corporations who are taking unfair advantage of this process. Then that corporation no matter who it is should pay the government back at the city, state and federal level in extra taxes. So for instance if Walmart employees/associates collected more than $6 billion dollars in food, housing, health benefits. Simply because of low wages. Then Walmart corporation or any other corporation should pay back in full through heavy taxes to the city, state and federal government. Certain exclusions should apply such as those who are permanently disabled or have become temporarily disabled to some degree.
Another exclusion can be applied for in the future. Such as a corporate lifting up program. So if a corporation like Walmart has a dutiful, promising and successful employee. Then what ever heavy taxes applied to that formerly low wage employee can be recouped to some degree. But, that degree cannot be such a number as to cause the corporation not to decide to lift up a promising employee.
When any corporation has removed so much benefits to their basic employees to such a degree like every corporation has. The best evidence is the wage comparison between the CEO or corporate officers and base employees. If this percentage is above lets say the 100%. Then the heavy taxation would apply in full. Especially when employees are receiving government subsides for only low wages.
2). Walmart Corporate Law Enforcement Percentage Use Laws.
In many cities throughout the United States. The local law enforcement agencies are becoming stressed from excessive calls to Walmart stores. New Port Richey, Florida police department is one where there is not enough man power to cover Walmart and the rest of the city. Thus creating a very real unsafe living standard for the rest of the local people. Walmart as typical fails to pay their fair share or to even do their fair part in protecting the store, the employees or even the customers. Yes, the news recently in regards to Walmart corporate has been doing better at doing their part in security matters has improved. The lessons learned from city governments is simple. If any corporation uses a certain to be defined percentage of law enforcement resources. Then a taxation program/Law should begin for that city. So if a Walmart or any other corporate entity is utilizing more than 10% of law enforcement resources. Then a tax per call would apply until that law enforcement utilization percentage achieves a level of about 30% at which point that corporate entity would be taxed 100% of all law enforcement utilization. This would include all costs associated with every prosecution.  This would also include all other emergency services. 
3). New Legal Definition of a Discount Store.
Sam Walton created the true discount stores. Sam Walton had a maximum sales percentage of about 40% markup. Assuming if I'm remembering correctly that 40% was his mark up limit. Then that percentage should be used to define legally what a discount store should be. This is to stop deceptive advertising as well as identifying which corporate club stores are actually discounters or not. 
A discount store and a pay to shop club store should have established mark up percentage legal limits. For instance, if Walmart is a true discount store than from the time Walmart purchases a product to the point that product reaches the store shelves. The mark up percentage should not be higher than 40% for every individual product. The cost of transportation and warehousing of products for discount stores should not be added to the cost of the product as Walmart stores is known for inflating costs at their own distribution centers in order to prove profitability of those very distribution centers. What Walmart does is seen by other corporations and they all do likewise. Thus driving up prices just as what Sam Walton had claimed that retailers do when he began Walmart. So the question is can Walmart corporation profit each time a product enters into each type of Walmart distribution center thus adding ghost costs to each product without the the prior knowledge of the customer? is it right? is it fair? Is it legal?
A pay to shop discount club store should not have any items for sale which exceed a percentage which should be some number lower than 40%. But, this does not seem to be the case as Sam's Clubs in New Port Richey, Fl.  appears to be selling goods at higher prices per ounce, per pound and per unit than many dollar stores and other actual retailers in this area. Who sell comparably packaged goods. 
I believe this is deceptive advertising which has become an accepted practice as it appears that discount store corporations should not be trusted with doing business. 
Because of the mark up practices of Walmart and the hugeness of Walmart stores. Can Walmart stores create artificial inflation throughout an entire nation or can the effect be localized once Walmart has obliterated any local competition?  
The bottom line is this. All citizens should attain a level of wages so that every citizen can begin to pay taxes. Of course this is an impossibility as people are disabled and many become disabled through some kind of tragedy. But, when corporations are using the government to pay for their employees. This is wrong. If Walmart employees received more than $6 billion dollars in government aid. Then Walmart saved or took more than $6 billion dollars in wages from every American tax payer. This could be a yearly number. Add up the years.
More research needs to be done. You legal eagle persons need to begin to write laws which will benefit your cities safety. Even if Walmart chooses to close up and if they do. You will know that they never really cared for your little city. That which will replace Walmart will be the smaller mom and pop stores. Who will be happy to pay city taxes and to keep profits in town. Those bad persons who only want to conduct all manor of shenanigans will become convinced to move other places. Which is beyond your city or county borders. In the short term a closed up Walmart may be hard on the city. In the long term. The cities economy should become stronger and more diversified. 
Do not become threatened by Walmart corporate or any other corporation's claims that they will fire all low wage employees. This is currently an impossibility as low end retail is typically for low skilled and low educated people. Or for person who have endured a hardship but will leave when a better job is found. Also, Walmart is automating as many job positions as possible. So your city is already losing jobs. How many self serve cash registers does your Walmart have? Walmart used to hire one employee for every cash register and now it is one employee to every ten self serve cash registers. More and more automation is occurring every year in every job category and by 2030 it is estimated that 2 billion low skilled and low education jobs will be lost world wide. Research how many employees did Walmart have per store size in 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's, and today. Then plot those numbers out and then question if Walmart stores is still beneficial to your area as they suck all of the wealth out of your city. Because, if Walmart has a very low number of employees per store and in distribution centers. Then how does your city profit when few employees are actually employed. Guess what Robots are already filling up transportation warehouses. Which means loss of jobs and loss of taxation for your city or town. Research robot use by AB Beer and Pepsi. How many jobs lost?
Added on 21 Feb 2019: Walmart's corporate law of productivity is ramping up. With fewer and fewer employees. Walmarts bottom line drops and profits rise. In The Walmart environment. The corporation itself is purely self serving and has no compassion for anything which holds it back or slows it down. Such as the current issue of Adam catlin a 30 year old man who has an amazing record with Walmart and now Walmart makes demands on him to be more productive. By the way Mr. Catlin has cerebral Palsy and was hired as a door greeter. Walmart has redefined the duties and changed the name from door greeter to customer hosts. Name change and duty change is all just legal protections for the Walmart Corporation. It is all about streamlining all corporate functions. In which every corporation has a right to do. But, Walmart corporation may become its own evil enemy as customers begin to realize that this one corporation no longer serves the people, community or is even a benefit to this nation. Walmart customers will disappear with every Adam Catlin story that comes along.
WALMART CORPORATION HAS BECOME SUCH A HUGE ENTITY THAT IT IS THE COMMUNITIES THAT MUST SERVE THEM AND THEIR INTERESTS. OFTEN TIMES YOUR OWN COMMUNITY LEADERS AND CHIEF LAW OFFICIALS. REMAIN SILENT AS WHAT THE TRUE COSTS TO THEIR ORGANIZATIONS ARE. If Walmart decides to leave because there isn't enough profit and too much drama. They will abandon that community after having destroyed the established small businesses. Leaving your community worse off than before. 
Search terms of this viral story: "Adam Catlin Walmart". For more on how Walmart continues to abuse their own employees and the communities they have stores in "Walmart News complaints then insert your city or state name" Do not forget to use the Tools button and then the down select for the Anytime button.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Grocery Stores Vision: (Unedited): 04 Nov 2013

While those who are standing in their perspective lines buying their groceries as is typical with any other day or night. Suddenly a mean/angry looking person rushes in and grabs a cart. He is obvious to everyone. He goes in his chosen direction towards the produce area and disappears. Then a minute later another man comes rushing into the store and does as the one before him. The others who come after are not so determined but with a hastened purpose. Quickly they begin to come into the store. The first man rushes out with a cart full of food. Without paying or even concealing his actions. End of vision. C.J.MacKechnie
Vision Observations
 It was evident in the vision that those who were rushing into the store, knew something that the other people did not. There may have been some kind of immediate event. In which those persons who are in the knowing. Knows that there is only 3 days of food on the grocery store shelves during normal operation. So, they took advantage of the situation for what ever reason was in their minds. Whether it be survival, greed or both.

These knowing people also, know that the bad people will begin to exert their local control over those who they deem weak. The government says this time begins at about 100 hours. The government predicts that is when the bad people realize there is no law enforcement available.  This will probably not be true. As the local, county, state and federal government law enforcement have been rushed to any place where gun violence has been. This is by simple observation. There will be minimal law enforcement protection amongst a near helpless community of innocent people.

This vision took place last night at the Winn Dixie store in New Port Richey, Fl. on Hwy 54./ Madison ave. 
I was with my son buying distilled water when the vision began. The vision ends as we are headed towards the left entrance/exit automated door. Which is the door I saw the people enter.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 