Showing posts with label President Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Donald Trump. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Justice As One Of The First And Last Signs +15: (Unedited): 05 April 2023:

 There seems to be a meaning to Trumps actions even if he is completely unaware. 
Just as a trumpet can relay a variety of different songs and messages. So to it seems that Donald Trump is relaying spiritual messages in his song. Even though he knows it not. 
When Donald Trump was elected as President of the USA. His message refined down to only one word was this. It was one of "Revelation". Because, President Donald Trump revealed to the whole word just how corrupt the government of the USA actually was. 
Last night The former President Donald Trump had a new message for the American people. It was one of justice within the USA. How justice was split in two or how that there are two kinds of justice in America. Which basically means there isn't really any justice in the USA. What happens to Donald Trump in this next year will be an indication to every American who keeps up with Christian spiritual things. Will the USA be destroyed by those evil doers who are within? Will the actual American Christians actually run for every political office at every level and retake what was their country? Will the American Christians actually only vote for those who actually have a history inside of the church? Only time will tell. If the American Christians do not take actual action for the restoration of their nation. Then it will all be taken from them and the Christians will become criminalized just as all of the LGBT people had been over time.
Their Christian nation will be theirs no more as the United States of America disappears into the history books of forever if even remembered at all. Which also means that the United States of America will have a new name in which will be difficult for the English speakers to pronounce. Just as this land was once called Turtle Island and then North America. So to will the names of all things change. 
So what happens now that the trumpet has sounded with this different message? Reveille, Assembly and taps is just a few well known bugle/trumpet sounds which sends a message to all who can hear. 
As the tattered and worn American flag is silently pulled down for the last time taps will play in the forlorn hearts and minds of those who had sworn everything and yet had done nothing. 
As the flag of the United States is no longer honored or respected it too will be mindlessly tossed into the fire without a single thought for what it once represented.
The idea of the United States of America will be lost and forgotten to the whole of the world. The conceptual end of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be burned out of the hearts and minds who uphold those righteous ideals. 
Those heroic souls who hold onto the ideals of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be brutally put asunder and cast into the fire. 
Those who pull down what is to be known as the flag of the former United States of America will do so in victorious celebration. While the on lookers who have sworn their oaths of allegiance thousands of times before. Will stand by in silence while knowing they could have done something and never did anything. 
Only the very few who sworn their oaths those many thousands of times will actually go forth and do what is needed to be done and yet they will be brutally destroyed along with their own families. They will be remembered as the lunatic fringe and yet no one will know who they were. Deserving of death as it would have been too expensive to go through the process of justice. 
The end of justice is both the last sign and the first sign. The sign which signals the end of that which was good and the first sign which signals the beginning of that which is evil. This is more than just believing that good is bad and bad is good. 
It is still not too late for all of humanity to save the USA. Once the USA falls it will be the end of all freedoms, liberties, legal rights and human rights on this planet.
The religious concepts of sin becomes a lawful right as the concepts of holiness and righteousness becomes criminalized actions in thought and deed.
Those who uphold the teachings of actual goodness, holiness and righteousness shall earn the right to be abused, tortured and murdered. 
The creation of chaos in your own local world which was created by those who made those decisions for the benefits of the criminally minded. It's purpose is to cause the population to be more concerned about other people than it is to be concerned about those who made the laws and judge the laws which cause the chaos in your own local world.
Chaos is used to as a cloak to hide the actual goings on of the evil doers who hold office of leadership. 
As the non doing good people continue to do nothing. The chaos and uncertainty in all of your lives will only become more and more unbearable until, you have lost everything and you wonder just how your own children and grandchildren have become evil doers who believe themselves to be the good ones. 
Not even the meaningful origins of your own *nation shall remain intact. All of it will be destroyed and remade into the image of the greatest evil doer who has yet to be revealed. 
Note: *nation. Means every nation on this planet. Not just the USA, GB, Canada, European Union. 
If Donald Trump is convicted in a court of law. You the civilian will not know if the truth of justice is real or not. If the end result of the USA happens. You will know for certainty that there is no justice within the USA. As Justice ends so to your own national identity in entirety. 
Could Trump be the last trumpet/sign for what is to remain the USA?
The bugle or trumpet call is an efficient method of communicating intent. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Nation Freedoms Lost: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:

New Content near the bottom and dated.
Christian leaders and managers who do not participate in all levels of government within their Christian Nation. Loses their freedoms and nation to evil doers. 
This is prophecy.
The time is quickly coming to a close and already has for many states. To sign up to become a candidate for election will end in many states over the next few months and many have already closed in many.
Christianity is on the cusp of of becoming like it was nearly 1900+ years ago.
You devout Christians who are truly repentant, righteous and holy. Pray and purposefully fast always. Become open to the Holy Spirit which may encourage you to physically move. Even if it is to be your church first. Because, if you do not personally know or have a personal relationship with your pastor and church leaders. Then you may need to move. For every Christian is a missionary.
End all of your debts and prepare yourselves. Ensure your oil lamps are full.
The evildoers are very angry at losing the Presidential election to now President Donald Trump. The evil doers can't rid of him and their other only option is to cause his ineffectiveness in the Senate and Congress. Which mean the call has already been sent out to all of their followers. Run for office at every level of government and the evil doers are. Many are running in secret to their true motives. many are running openly professing their true evil natures. Many will just deceive to pretend and profess to be like the good people when in fact their are evil doers. They each will know who the other is and will not speak badly about the other. But, those who are not like them. All of the evil doers will pile on worse than what has been done to President Donald Trump.
How anti-Christian laws begin? They won't be called anti-Christian laws.
When there are enough evil doers in local, city, county and state governments. The evil doers will begin to repeal the old laws which are Christian in nature and are used to protect Christian freedoms. Even to the point of actually changing the constitution of the USA by repealing the Second Amendment as well as the First Amendment.
But, first the evil doers must change laws which are used in the courts. By winning in the courts they can also gain financially the wealth of those persons, companies and corporations against their intentions.
There will eventually be such drastic change to the laws that the firing a Christian for simply being Christian will become acceptable. Just as it was when firing any gay person was acceptable. Making laws that state a person who becomes or is a Christian is mentally ill. Just as it was when all gay people were mentally ill twenty plus years ago. All rights and freedoms will disappear for the Christian. Any Christian Church which teaches sin, repentance, righteousness and holiness. Will be outlawed, fined and destroyed. The Christian cross will be forced down because it is deemed hate speech. Just as civil war monuments are being torn down right now.
Once the evil doers win full control of all levels of government. The erasure of history begins. The additions of great historical evildoers begins.
It takes time and events take time to lay down the foundations. This may all come to fruition in ten or so years or in the next two or three election cycles.
When the pimp becomes a business manager and prostitutes become outside business contractors. That is when a person will go to jail for causing anyone of them harm in any way. Which includes talking to any evildoers about Jesus Christ. While any *harm which is caused to any Christian which includes death. Law Enforcement agencies will not see any importance for investigation.
Note: * Harm does mean every horrendous act which can be done to any unwilling person.
Added on 26 Feb 2019:
The election cycles are coming yet again and now is the time to make applications before each states deadlines. You Christians must participate in every election at every level. While evil doers will bully you and reveal every manner of actual sin and made up sin you have ever had or even thought of. If the Christians do not run for elections, If the Christians do not turn out to vote. Then your nation will be gone forever and God will allow the destruction of this nation. The rise of the rainbow tsunami is still on the horizon. The rainbow tsunami will overtake the red waves and blue waves. The rainbow leviathan has shown itself and is unrecognizable to the Christian. Like something very alien. Kings without kingdoms. The evil doers are organized. The evil doers are committed. The evil doers will move forward and run for every elected office. The followers of the evildoers who run for office will be voted for by all of their following. Their collective will is certain. For even today it is very difficult for the evil doers to contain themselves without attacking a defenseless person from behind, report false crimes and to even burn down their own homes while leaving their animals inside to die.
If evil doers will attack someone wearing a MAGA hat? How far is the mental and violent transition for them to attack someone who is wearing a Christian cross, carrying a Christian Holy Bible or anything else Christian related.
You Christians must come together in all of your local churches and find those who can be voted for in every conceivable office available at every level of government. You must do so right now. All of you Christian pastors and Christian leaders must do these things right now. Even if your selfishly motivated. Then guess what. Your lifestyle of wealth and comfort. Is about to end in the next many years. All of Christianity will be criminalized as the evil doers pass more and more anti Christian laws. All Christians will be punished in courts of laws. In which the Christian will lose all of their built up wealth including real estate, stocks, retirement accounts and pensions. Guess what, There isn't any safe or welcoming place for you to go to. President Trump and Americans are more hated now than ever before. Think about that when you decide to relocate your entire family to Europe. While abandoning those who you have called friend.
Yes, my tone is rough. The time is far closer than you think. In just a few elections cycles of state and federal elections The Rainbow Tsunami will sweep over the whole of the nation in order to "Remake" this nation into what they want. The word "remake" is their word. Then in a few years the elected evil doers will write new laws. As if all of a sudden. The wealthiest of all Christians will be civilly sued and all assets will go to the dutiful followers of the Rainbow Tsunami. Tens of thousands of lawsuits against all that is Christian in every state which has elected the far majority of people from the Rainbow Tsunami. You won't know anything about the anti-christian law suits because one of the first things that extreme socialist and communist gain control of is all aspects of media communications. If you do see something about any Christian it will all be horrendously negative and accusatory. Which will spur on actual physical violence even in the grocery stores on Sunday, before and after church. You Christians will be followed from leaving church and then attacked in public places or in the front of your home.
Christians must participate in government as leaders. Christians must vote in every election. Christians must come together as one body in Christ. You cannot only go to the all black church, the all white church, the rich church, the poor church or any other kind of church. We are all of one body in Christ.
I would suppose once you begin to see where the evil doers have full control over certain states. If you are in those states. You must move out. Right now it is easy to predict which states will become fully remade by the rainbow tsunami. You must move out or renounce your faith and participation in any Christian activities. Renouncing your faith and participation can be done in silence as you just stop going to church and throw away all of your Holy Bibles and Christian themed materials/contraband. Bear in mind the Holy Bible is the Word of God and the Word of God is Jesus Christ. So your not just throwing out some dumb troublesome book.
States will most likely fall to the evil doers before the federal government. Once the federal government falls. All three houses unified under one belief systems which is anti-God, anti-holiness, anti-clean, anti-righteous and anti-anything which has been revealed in the Holy Bible. It will not matter where you live in the former United States of America. All Christians will be made to suffer.
So Christian, What will you do? or don't do? or just don't care to do? two of the answers will lead to what I've written about. If you have happened upon these words from a lowly janitor and you have a Christian following of many. You may want to heed my words after much prayer, meditation and fasting. Then preach and teach these things and give all glory and credit to God alone. Do not mention me or acknowledge me in any way. All attention goes to God. You wanna lead in the saving of a nation? Then lead. Repent!Repent!Repent!. Remain clean or become clean, Become holy and righteous as which only God will accept only. Read the purple words below.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, January 20, 2017

Massacred Cry +4: (Unedited): 19-20 Jan 2017:

The blood of the murdered and massacred shall cry up into the heavens. All of their cries are heard even though their bodies have been hidden/buried and burned.
Silent Loud Blood: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017:
Those souls lost in the secret sands of time. Those righteous souls which have stood their ground in the face of hateful evil. Those souls which have brought the weapons of love, prayer and a clean conscious. Louder is the silent flow of blood into the soil then the cries of the soul which had endured horror. 
Heard above all: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The righteous innocent soul. Which stands in the face of evil, hate, anger and rage. Their soft spoken cries are heard above all of the angels which sing.
Massacre Efficiency: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The efficiency of massacre's in the modern era shall be one developed in the land of the brave and committed against the home of the free. 
Dissent Massacre:  (Unedited): 20 Jan 2017:
Dissenter's shall be silenced, surrounded, massacred and incinerated.  
 I have been focused on the Standing Rock North Dakota event for the last many months. Why? Because of the confluence of many things like prophecy and the revelation of prophecies. There is depth of signs and of meaning. There is also depth of understanding and awareness. Which is far to much for me to glean. The ongoing event is crucially important but may only be a foreshadow as to what I hope does not occur. If your even reading this the message is clear. I think a massacre is somewhere in between a possibility and a probability.
When and if it the massacre happens. This is what will happen prior to the massacre. There will be no radio or cell phone communications. All entry and exits will be manned by those who are trusted, heartless and without spirit. They shall be the most evil of any human being and will rejoice in the suffering of defenseless and innocent persons. There will be no escape for those within the camps. They shall all die horribly and without any mercy. They will be shot down.
Their bodies shall be cleaned up and transported to a waiting incinerator(s). All evidence of the camps will be cleaned up. Then their shall be silence.
If this event occurs. This will be the first. This will be their how to do it. Once they are comfortable with getting away with a massacre. They will evaluate and update their plans. Thus, making massacres efficient after each event. Even to the point of bringing in incinerators at the next dissenters site.
Who shall be next and where? Any place where dissent occurs out of sight from common people attentions. The homeless problems. The mental illness problem. The prison problem. The gang problem. The drug problem. The dissenters problem. the food stamp problem. The housing problem. The health problem. The religious problem. AND any other problem people as defined by the corporate controlled government. This is how a corporate oligarchy works. A successful corporation must divest itself from dead weight and dead beats. In order to be successful to the corporate shareholders. How do corporations do that?
It seems like the common peoples attentions are in their data streams. So the sanitation and cleansing of the data streams is all that is needed to keep all suspicions of crimes against humanity even being thought about. By those evil souls who perpetuate the idea of modern massacres. They will think themselves of making the world a better place.
The purpose of this message is to save all human life. Yes, I do understand of self fulfilling prophecies. There is also the idea of simple revelation being able to mitigate or prevent probable outcomes. Will the first modern day massacre occur at Standing Rock North Dakota? It is up to each individual on either side of the lines drawn by the corporately controlled police, military and political entities. For they are the ones who have already used life and property saving equipment against people. They are the ones who have denied medical services for those suffering from their onslaught. They are the ones who have brought in two Avenger air defense units to be used for alternative purposes. They are the ones who are escalating.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives. Period. If you read any writings by anyone for whatever reason. The purple words below is expected of you in every instance. Those purple words is how we survive as a species. Otherwise extinction.
Added on 22 Jan 2017: It looks like the Sioux Tribe has and/or the Cannonball District have asked the water protectors to leave the entire area. Not sure exactly what that means. they have thirty days. So it looks like the massacre will be averted. But, I got nothing on that. This is just news. So I can assume the massacre is averted. Maybe. The movement shall move and the evil will follow as it always does. Will the prophetic massacre also move?
Added on 23 Jan 2017: I woke up this morning. And still nothing. I watched a Myron Dewey update video with Mystic Dave:
Added on 01 Feb 2017: The thirteenth amendment to the constitution was passed on this day many years ago. Go look it up and familiar yourself with it. Yet as of right now. There are a group of people which have no rights and no freedoms. They are the Native Tribes of North America. If you do not believe me. Then research all of the atrocities committed against the Native America Tribes over the past 500 years. It is still going on today in North Dakota at Standing Rock. Even as I type this more than 50 persons have been arrested and NO NEWS reports from any mainstream media outlets. No real witnesses and why do you think this blog is called Massacred Cry? President Donald Trump may very well hold office as a massacre is planned and committed.
What do you think is going to happen when people begin to believe they have no course of action and their backs are against the wall?
What do you think is going to happen to other cops all around the USA? NORTH DAKOTA Government will be held historically responsible for more police officer deaths. Especially when more and more people watch the events at Standing Rock.
I watched today and saw innocent people immediately go into a helpless panic.
Prevention is everything. When and if a massacre does happen. I wonder how those policeman will live with themselves? Once they realize they will be remembered in history as something to be compared to the SS of WW2 Nazi Germany or the cold war KGB of the USSR or any other evil entity which harmed people for pleasure. I've seen their smiles and their excitement to bash in peoples faces when it was them who instigated those attacks. What of the civilian people of North Dakota when they learn that another massacre has occurred and they were all racists who allowed it to happen. Where are the Christians, the churches and the denominations?
I wonder if and when a massacre does occur in North Dakota if the people will finally wake up and take direct action on how their entire state is without any decency, morals and honor. All for oil. After all North Dakota is about to pass a law allowing you to run over people who are in the way. Legalizing purposeful killing against a tribe. After all that is their intent. To legalize the killing of protestors.
Added on 06 Feb 2017: Copy and Paste below. Read 2 Timothy 3.
This is a part of the confluence of various prophecies among different traditions. I believe that they all are tied together in some way that is beyond me to know. This one scene is for the devout Christian. This is just one. There are many more. Where prayer is attack in military fashion. How many other places around the world do you know where prayerful people are attacked, tortured and killed? Prophecy unfolding and Christian's don't seem to know or understand it.  
From 4:27-5:40 Watch. #Christian #Baptist #Episcopal #NorthDakota #Prophecy #Coming for #Prayer Only the beginning.
Added on 07 Feb 2017:
It is interesting watching people and groups ban me. From both sides.  It's OK. Sometimes my words can be strong. All I want is the purple words below. I use the word "massacre" in a possible, probable or prophetic manor. I do not give the word power. I offer revelation of that which is becoming more probable everyday. If you choose to believe the word "massacre" is prophetic. No matter, If you think this word "massacre" is possible, probable or even prophetic. It is your duty to prevent any harm or death. No matter what side of the line your on. For the leadership of North Dakota. I believe they want all native tribes and tribal persons to disappear. No matter how the word "disappear" is defined.
This is what I know. When you have people who do not care if you live, suffer and die. That is a very real problem. This is what I have witnessed from those associated with the government of North Dakota. A total disrespect of life of native American lives.
Many of those tribal persons have begun showing strong images and strong words. This is an escalation. When those war minded persons see and hear those images and words. They will modify their war making efforts and smile. For they will make war come. They will embrace massacre and they will sleep well. You good cops who still have your hearts and honor. When you see more weapons and ammunition of death pre-positioned and a thousand body bags stored away. Just try to see what is in those places in which denial of access is in place for you good cop. Just don't get caught up in the training then when one begins to shoot. You all begin shooting everything which moves. You good cops. Listen to their stories and words on the radio. Refuse to participate and walk away. It would be better for you to work retail security with a clear conscious than it will be for you to hold onto the memories of a coming massacre in which you participated in. Even if you do not even discharge any firearm. You will still hold the memory of that atrocity in your memory forever. That memory alone can prevent you from ever regaining your honor and self respect.
Looks like I lost twitter.
Added on 17 Feb 2017: Twitter.
It looks like anything I post or share from Myron Dewey receives some kind of delay. Even to the point of shutting me down for very short periods.
@2142 Hours. Had a tweet deleted message and have no idea what it was. Maybe, nothing maybe something.
Added on 17 Feb 2017:
The reports are coming in from Standing Rock. Apparently the entire casino hotel has been booked by Federal agents and National Guard units from three different states. No supplies are allowed to enter any or one of the camps.
I saw a video of military staging area. I saw a video a couple of days ago where the militarized police moved their road blocks closer to the camps in a strategically thought invasion point.
The first thing which should happen is a complete EM/RF/Cell/GPS/Drone blockade.
An absolute denial of any physical movement of any persons involving the three E's, Entry, Exit and Escape. All technology confiscated.
How many people will die? Will anyone ever know? Is this where a new American massacre will happen? No one will know.
Added on 21 Feb 2017:
It is becoming apparent to those who remain at Standing rock. That their camp has become a prison. Fully surrounded by Federal agents, Police, Sheriff deputies and National Guard units. The cleaning and depopulation of the camps is ongoing. Will they meet the deadline of 22 Feb 2017? Probably not. Still a massive effort by those who remain to honor the land and water.
Added on 05 July 2019:
To this day. I still do believe that a massacre was prevented. History was changed as was prophecy. There has been a delay. The question becomes when will the delay end? Will it be seen at the confluence in Arizona or some other place? Will the people of the indigenous tribes be involved from all of America and all over the world. The Hopi are in that point of the cross hairs. Where the Hopi are both a real threat to the ways of the world and as guide post to a return to back the way the world and all of humanity is supposed to be.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 