Showing posts with label Evildoers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evildoers. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Coming Woes Already Evident Prophecy +26: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2023:

The good people of the world are now so deceived that they no longer will believe a massacred has happened, is happening or even will happen. Despite what many and any of the eye witness is saying or have said.
The evildoers of the world are becoming as one mind and as one intention. Before they can rule over the masses they know they must depopulate the world. 
Human history has shown to those who mean to absolutely rule as if they are gods that uprisings occur when the numbers of the servant and slave class is far greater than the ruling class. 
The new emerging ruling class of the world now own the technology to cleanly massacre any population that they desire at any time. All without any of them becoming contaminated or offended with the foul stenches as associated with the dead and dying. 
The new emerging ruling class will own nations and carve up nations as one would a wonderful sweet cake to be fully consumed and then treated like that which comes out of the body about a day or two later.
Those human souls who hold onto their old time religion, national and family beliefs will be fully excised from existence. 
No one will ever realize that the population of humanity is declining even when there is space available in big crowded cities or when those big cities begin to be demolished one old building at a time.
The common people will be thought of and cared for as much as after you put your trash onto the curb or into the fire. This is how much the emerging ruling class will consider the common peoples. 
The surviving indigenous peoples of the world you will be in a worse condition than other common people groups who shall be under the the grasp of the emerging ruling class. Your special status will be dissolved and forgotten.
The common people groups who follow along on the plan from the emerging ruling class shall be allowed to exist so as long as they are not considered useful idiots. 
Once a tool is no longer of any use it is discarded or thrown into the fire no longer thought of. So to shall be useful idiots when their purpose and function is no longer required. They will be killed.
Once the population has declined and the ruling class is fully in control along with their own worshipers. Those who were paid to be useful idiots and who conducted all manner of violence and crimes shall be exterminated as their vision of a utopia begins to be realized. 
With smirking secret smiles the emerging ruling class will joyfully proclaim their intentions of causing harm, suffering and death of those human souls who are less than any of them. 
Like happy children who have learned grand secrets. The emerging class will pridefully and joyfully know themselves to be specially entitled to everything there is as they openly in secret orchestrate the killing of millions of souls. While also providing the solution which kills many millions more souls. 
The apparent sporadic killing and deaths will all seem accidental when discovered outside of family ties. There only ties shall be strange unheard of diseases and ash.
Ultimate power will be pridefully realized when the emerging ruling class has more than one kind of their ultimate weapons to be used against any nation and any people. 
The absence of information and of evidence shall become covered in the ash of those killed.
The total number of human souls who shall be killed by the emerging ruling class shall be greater than the ash spewed out by volcanoes. Which shall be taken by the winds and blown away.
Cremations shall become the only method to dispose of any human corpse as the emerging ruling class shall not want bodies buried in their lands. 
Just as kings and gods in ancient human history all owned all of the air, water and land. So to shall the new emerging rulers of this modern world. Who will also become as gods and kings.
The remaining corpses in every grave on this planet shall be dug up and cremated. Every grave stone shall be destroyed as the existence of any grave site will become an offense to the emerging ruling class. 
Just as kings and gods in human history have had their own memorials in death to be forcibly remembered, respected and worshiped by all lesser peoples. So to shall the emerging ruling class make for themselves. 
Military personnel will believe themselves to be fighting and following orders for their flag and their people. But, the unknown truth is the military people will be blindly and unknowingly fighting and dying for the emerging rulers of the world.
A good believing person who becomes a soldier shall become disillusioned as they realize that there is no honor, no meaning and no purpose for their deadly and destructive actions except for making the emerging rulers more rich and powerful.
There will be paid for limited freedom's for dedicated services rendered by worshiping people in the coming new era where emerging ruling humans shall declare themselves as gods.
 Just as you today see lowly humans serving dictators, communist and socialist officials. So to shall the emerging rulers have their own military forces which shall fly the flags of other nations that they own.
 For they shall discover the code for real time genetic manipulation which will cause them to be god like. While the commoners shall all be afflicted with a variety of autism like genetic stunting techniques.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Christian Persecution Begins: : (Unedited): 27-29 June 2018:

This is for you who are far more than me. There is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Before you read below. Pray and fast. Grab your Holy Bible and become led by the Holy Spirit to receive the information just for you. Please remember the quotes stand alone the comments below are from my own flawed understanding. Also, know this those who put forth only pure prophecy may be agents of fear. Just as a person who speaks in tongues, someone must be available to interpret. If not then what does the Holy Bible say in that regard. So to is prophecy. With prophecy there is also a plan for prevention as with Jonah and/or a plan for mitigation as with Joseph. There must be one or another. Then there is the third plan. Which is speak only prophecy and then do nothing but celebrate. The third plan is not really a plan at all. How does the Holy Bible deal with people who do nothing in regards to prophecy? They die, they suffer and then die, they are blown into the winds to be forgotten and suffer and then to die. Unless the ones who are enabled to endure and flee are those meant to become a remnant because they have been righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Then they still have to endure and suffer but not die. Blunt?
Yes, this is related to Maxine Waters. Her historical comments should be examined and taught in the churches.  Maxine Waters may not be the Christian Threat for right now. But, her tone can evolve into a greater hatred. Especially if the wicked evildoers are elected to control local, state and federal governments. 

Christian persecution begins when the wicked evildoers are no longer governed by justice, reason, logic or truth. 
When the wicked evildoers are given permission by a governmental authority to act out in anger against anyone who happens to disagree. Know this even if Christianity was not the original intended targets they will be. 
The wicked evildoer who has been told to do nothing against their self perceived enemies. They only wait for their permission to go forth to cause as much harm and destruction as possible. In which they all will greatly enjoy and celebrate.
Respectful consideration, reasonable civility and truth seeking will be absent from the wicked evildoers when they are blinded by their own anger and rage. For they will thirst and hunger for any manner of harm and destruction caused.
The wicked evildoer shall no longer care for any innocent soul and will eagerly cause harm to anyone who simply disagrees.
Joy and satisfaction comes to the wicked evildoer when they see and feel the burning flames of their hateful efforts. Power and pleasure comes to the wicked evildoers when they know and hear the cries of all of their newly targeted victims.
29 June 2018:
The fire will be the weapon of choice and will not be their only weapon. For the fire shall be the hell they openly receive and they return their coming torment back unto the righteous and holy. Once the first Christian martyr is officially known and seen. With only words to discipline. The floodgates will open and Christian Martyrdom will occur in every place and in every way. For "We The People".
The wicked evildoers shall bring the hell which is waiting for them all to the holy and righteous of "We the People". 
Did you make it this far. I think this is mostly a repeat from previous writings.
1). The time is coming to a close. The American Christians must show up in mass to the midterm elections. The American Christian must only vote for those who are not against righteousness or holiness. The American Christian must know who each person is whom they vote for. This is not a time for that name looks good. This is because the ballots may be full of wicked evildoers who only want for the Christian destruction and who remain silent even though they support everything evil. This is very serious. You cannot just vote for a Republican. Because even the Republican party is being infiltrated by those who are only Republican in name.
If the Christians do not vote correctly and intelligently, with much prayer and fasting. If the Christians do not obtain every elected office at every level of government. Then this entire nation will become an enemy to every Christian. The people whom you vote for should be people who have a history within the church. Not one of the fallen churches or denominations which have embraced and accepted sin into their holy places.
2).  Something more personally serious. When a person who has governmental authority tells their followers and encourages their followers to be uncivil and to not allow acceptance into society in a violent manner. This is permission to break laws and permission to cause harm to another person for just disagreeing with you. Even though this is directly against employees of the President of the USA. There is always a birth and an evolution to evil.
3).  Every church must also begin to hold classes in martial Arts and any other personal safety classes in which you think is pertinent. Every church must also develop layered security strategies for the safety of everyone. These ideas may have to be independent of any law enforcement in the future. For when the time of Christian persecutions come. The Police or Sheriff departments may not be there for you. You must seek greater involvement of all of the people who attend your church on a regular basis. Can you imagine praying in a restaurant and then the staf becomes offended by you and poisons your food. Can you imagine Christian children getting beat up daily in public school and the school won't do anything and no one is caught.
4). Your church must prepare for the end of money. Which can come about through non acceptance in society. Think about this. A cop risks being poisoned or harmed getting food at a restaurant. So if a wicked evildoer will harm a cop. What do you think an wicked evildoer is going to do with a helpless Christian. Can you imagine having daily fear going to Walmart, getting gas or your children going to school. So the churches in every area must form exclusive and private clubs and micro economies and then be able to trade with other like minded churches who are doing the same. The churches should become the legal hubs for exchanging wealth with the outside world and churches.
5). Doing business with the cradle to grave mentality within your cooperative and exclusive microeconomics. Research this. While at the same time learning how to efficiently grow all of your churches businesses. I'm not suggesting church ownership. The best place to start is with water, *food and housing. Because, when Christians are denied access into society. This will mean to employment as well. This will mean discrimination against Christian renters. So how is the church going to handle this as you watch the tithes fade to near zero. This is your time to prepare while times are good. For if you do not prepare now. When the times go bad. Think about those lost souls during those days of Pharaoh and Joseph. If you did not have wealth to buy. Then you died. Same with your church.
Right now is not the time because you can still get your $8. coffee with joy and happiness. You still have your sports leagues. You still have cruise ships and Disney world. You still have your cable TV and internet. You still have your smartphones and other technologies. You still have medical care and education.You still have your freedoms in excess. You can still do anything in most places without any real unnecessary fears. So the time is not yet. Maybe two to four elections cycles away or tomorrow. I do not know. I'm not a prophet who has received an email from God.
*Food. Hydroponic vertical farming in containers. It is insane that they cost $85,000. There is no way in the hot place they should cost this much. If churches come together and spread the wealth and intelligence. Then an open sourced with non proprietary parts complete vertical farm container should not cost more than $20,000ish. This is to include a complete solar panel system and combined wind turbines attached. Then with this system. Patent, copyright and sell exclusively to other non sinful churches and allow them to mark up to the outside world. Why is this important? Because, within your own micro economy you will have restaurants. They will need foods. Everything from cradle to grave. Getting it. You really need to get it. Especially, if your way more important than me.
Once the time of famine begins. It will be to late to start. The people will come to you for food, water, all products, medical care and housing. Just like the missionaries experience when they leave the USA. When the missionaries of the world lose their funding and support. They will have two choices. Trust in the Lord or return home to the USA. These returning missionaries who actually aided in actual suffering. Will become the American churches most valuable asset. For they will know how to do with nothing.
This is juvenile.
What will the evolution of this action look like in the future?
26 Feb 2018: New Boston Post:
06 Nov 2017: Christian Today:
16 May 2017: Tennessean:
29 June 2016: Time:
Personal Note: Being poor really "is not fun". I just lost another invention idea I had about 10 plus years ago. It wasn't stolen. Just someone thought about it and built it. I have no resources. So when I write an idea for the whole church which can be marketed to the rest of the world in order to feed the hungry of the world with actual healthy foods. It is probably a good idea to follow through and you won't even have to credit me in any way.
You wealthy churches must come together. At least I really hope so. But, I see many of you like the rich young man who told Jesus "I have done everything since my youth" Jesus replied ...
I reply to the rich churches. Repent, repent, repent. Churches are not supposed to be your private social club. Church is supposed to be that place where the people come to learn how to be righteous and holy after making their declaration of faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Plus so much more.  Churches are supposed to be a holy sanctuary and a daily gathering place. Your not supposed to have your security system on 90% of the time. This is what your church will become. Prepare now or not. Either way the people will come. When the people discover you have been a blight. Then you will suffer. But, you won't be there, will you? as you abandon the church and the people in fear for your own safety. What does the Holy Bible say about those who save themselves over others?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Church Poor: (Unedited): 20 May 2018:

Prosperity Woes: (Unedited): 20 May 2018: 
Woe cometh to the teachers of prosperity. For they shall become lower than the evildoers and the evildoers shall embarrass them as Peter was embarrassed. But, everyone will certainly know you and know how you only took from the people. Not only will you deny God but you will deny ever having been a preacher. As you live in privacy within your gated communities in far away places. 
Below is for all of you who know more than me. Use it as you see fit. No need to mention or acknowledge me in any way. Before you continue on. Pray and fast. Grab your Holy Bible. Let yourself be led by the Holy Spirit. Is it T minus 4 years or T minus 7 years or T minus 12 years or all three or more? Four years is for 2022. Seven years is for Israel and their 77th year. The twelve years is for the coming AI/Robotics job losses to the whole world. These are estimates and for you to pray on. If you think it necessary. Sometime after 2024 if california passes their third anti-Christian law 6 years from 2018. If the second anti-Christian law is passed in 2018.
Note: The only reason why I give years is for you who have been given sight to see the signs. Can look for the new coming signs in those years to come if they appear. It seems that signs are appearing all of the time now.
Prosperity teachers have done a great disservice to their communities. For they are the blight. For they have rejected the poor, the perpetually sick and permanently disabled. They have rejected those who are always in need by saying go to the government for services. It is the government who will care and have mercy upon you. If this is not you. Then it is not about you. Although, you do need to concern yourself with false teachings. Especially, when you figure out how Paul died as well as the other followers of The Christ.
I do know of a church in my area who have gone to those who do not tithe and ask them to tithe their monies. If they do not tithe then they are ignored and excluded until they go elsewhere.
The tithe to the church is not meant to enrich the pastor or to purchase multimillion dollar airplanes. The tithe is supposed to be given to the most needy of the people. The blessing of tithes is not supposed to cause the elders to think we need to build a grand church. The tithes are also meant to ease suffer among and within the community. This is where many churches have failed and continue to fail. But, it is not just the churches. Because, if all of the work done for the church and at the church is done by paid professionals. Then one of the problems is the people. How many people volunteer in the church and what is the total membership? If your percentage is in the single digits. Then you have your answer. Then there are pastors who deny volunteers and deny ideas to help people as they really do not want to become a place where the homeless show up and sleep. The cities have also criminalized the helping of people in need. What do you do? You always do what Jesus wants you to do. That is LOVE ONE another. Jesus did not offer any exclusions. You do not have to be obedient to the laws of Men if those laws are contradictory to the Word. Remember Daniel with the lions or his three buddies in the fire or was that four?
I can assure you of this. If the churches all come together with a singular goal of lets say caring for those who cannot care for themselves. Then they all show up and elect their known Christian leaders in the communities. Those anti love one another laws will change.
This is in regards to other prophecies. All and only known Christian peoples must run for every political office at every level of local, state and federal government. The evildoers are already doing it in mass and if the Christians continue to do nothing. This Country will become a Babylon which will not be a welcoming friend to any Christian. No matter if your only a Christian as expressed by your mouth only.
new news.
A time is coming and has already come for many. The people are disappearing from the churches and the reasons are many. One reason is that many who do not attend a church are unable to financially do so. Because, they must work on those days that church is in session. Just think about it. People who are poor must work many jobs just to not be homeless. So a person or a family must decide to either work or go to church. Sometimes going to church will cause a loss of income and thus homelessness. Sometimes going to church means missing many meals. Think about that Mr. Pastor.
Why is your church only open for a few hours a week? Then the rest of the time your church is locked and the security system activated. How come many pastors cannot come together and have many church services throughout the entire week? I do know of many church buildings which have closed up. I do know many certified and bonafide pastors who have no church home and yet continue to refuse to go into the poor neighborhoods. Even the churches which are close to the poor neighborhoods tend to reach out into those areas where there is better wealth close by. Guess what, Poor people cannot tithe. Can you even imagine a family with children and the kids only eat when they are in school. Here in the USA. Here in Florida. Here in Pasco county. Here in Port Richey. Yet, the food banks only allow you to get food once every six months. REALLY. And your church has how many thousands of members. And you still can't get people to care for the church or for their community. That is a problem. I'm talking about actual works of faith and not just giving more money.
Although more money is good for the church. I just heard a statistic on a radio show on Moody radio. Christians give on average about 2.4% while non Christians give about 2%. A difference of only about .4%.
Personal Note: I have to work everyday. In order for my kids to eat and not be homeless. In order for all of my kids to go to college and to do their own gifted activities. I may not be the one who can go to church on Sundays but my wife and kids do. Do we participate in after church activities? No we cannot and are not able. Our perpetual poorness seems never ending. But, do not take what I write as a negative or some kind of stab or asking for assistance. It is not. It is just what it is and it is not your fault and you cannot fix it.
So Mr. Pastor, What can you do for your community? Cause everyone to become closer as a family. Especially in this time of plenty. This time of plenty will have a conclusion. Just as when Joseph foretold the prophetic dream of the Pharaoh. They all prepared for that great famine in which there was no escape for them. Joseph became the light of foresight and saved many lives because of planning.
So with any prophecy comes with a how to mitigate or prevent the bad and sad from occuring. With God there is always a way out of the bad and sad prophecies. All of them. Did you read my last post? Here it is. I think it is related.
While your still in the times of plenty but may see a diminishing effect on incoming tithes and offerings. The wise churches will begin to plan ahead. The churches who actually love and care for their communities will plan ahead. Just as Joseph had. The list I make is for all of you. It is not a full list nor will it be specific and exacting. But many churches who come together can get things done for everyone. Just love one another. Just know that money, investments will stop. How? I have no idea. Maybe, this bad and sad prophecy can be mitigated in your community and maybe in the entire nation. Maybe this is our Jonah countdown.
FIRST). Repent, Repent, Repent. See church pastor helpers here.  Flee from all sin. Become holy and righteous. Purple words. Church pastor helpers means you gotta go to the church.
1). Zero all debts. Within the church and among your people.
2). Become ultra efficient in all ways. Zero out electric bills and etc.
3). Grow food on site and/or at a site(s). Read other posting. For idea. Teach and develop. Think Venezuela or Pharaoh of Egypt worse. Egypt did profit from their plannings.
4). Develop ultra efficient housing on site and/or at a site(s). Debt free. Because, when the money stops. Then what?
5). Develop a micro economy which can easily work into a macro economy. The micro economy should be exclusive to only accepted *peoples and churches. Industry, manufacturing, needs and etc.
6). Your list begins here.
Remember all of the church closings in 2008. Look at the homeless churches now. When the money stops so do all tithing and offerings.
*Peoples only refers to faith only and not of the lies which is the races of humanity. Research for yourself the scientific truths in regards to the races of humanity. How the races of humanity began as a social construct to identify people of different languages after the event at the Tower of Babel. Which is most likely in the southern region of the Caspian Sea. Research the percentages of DNA used in regards to DNA profiling. Research the DNA percentages in regards to The Human genome project. All of humanity no matter how superficially different we appear from one another. More than 99.9% of all of your DNA is identical to mine and everyone else on this planet. Get that scientific truth into your noggin Mr. pastor and then truly look upon everyone else as either your true brother or sister. Besides Remember Adam and then Eve. Eve was made from a rib of Adam. So does that mean that Eve was a clone? And then all of humanity became what we are today. With less than a .1% difference in our entire DNA structure. Throughout all of humanity. Yea, I got a headache from them numbers.
I had to work all day and in prayer I knew I had to write this. Guess what popped up in one of my news feeds. Yep. How wonderful is this. Wait a second. I need to read it again. This is a beginning, a direction and a sign for churches.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Nation Freedoms Lost: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:

New Content near the bottom and dated.
Christian leaders and managers who do not participate in all levels of government within their Christian Nation. Loses their freedoms and nation to evil doers. 
This is prophecy.
The time is quickly coming to a close and already has for many states. To sign up to become a candidate for election will end in many states over the next few months and many have already closed in many.
Christianity is on the cusp of of becoming like it was nearly 1900+ years ago.
You devout Christians who are truly repentant, righteous and holy. Pray and purposefully fast always. Become open to the Holy Spirit which may encourage you to physically move. Even if it is to be your church first. Because, if you do not personally know or have a personal relationship with your pastor and church leaders. Then you may need to move. For every Christian is a missionary.
End all of your debts and prepare yourselves. Ensure your oil lamps are full.
The evildoers are very angry at losing the Presidential election to now President Donald Trump. The evil doers can't rid of him and their other only option is to cause his ineffectiveness in the Senate and Congress. Which mean the call has already been sent out to all of their followers. Run for office at every level of government and the evil doers are. Many are running in secret to their true motives. many are running openly professing their true evil natures. Many will just deceive to pretend and profess to be like the good people when in fact their are evil doers. They each will know who the other is and will not speak badly about the other. But, those who are not like them. All of the evil doers will pile on worse than what has been done to President Donald Trump.
How anti-Christian laws begin? They won't be called anti-Christian laws.
When there are enough evil doers in local, city, county and state governments. The evil doers will begin to repeal the old laws which are Christian in nature and are used to protect Christian freedoms. Even to the point of actually changing the constitution of the USA by repealing the Second Amendment as well as the First Amendment.
But, first the evil doers must change laws which are used in the courts. By winning in the courts they can also gain financially the wealth of those persons, companies and corporations against their intentions.
There will eventually be such drastic change to the laws that the firing a Christian for simply being Christian will become acceptable. Just as it was when firing any gay person was acceptable. Making laws that state a person who becomes or is a Christian is mentally ill. Just as it was when all gay people were mentally ill twenty plus years ago. All rights and freedoms will disappear for the Christian. Any Christian Church which teaches sin, repentance, righteousness and holiness. Will be outlawed, fined and destroyed. The Christian cross will be forced down because it is deemed hate speech. Just as civil war monuments are being torn down right now.
Once the evil doers win full control of all levels of government. The erasure of history begins. The additions of great historical evildoers begins.
It takes time and events take time to lay down the foundations. This may all come to fruition in ten or so years or in the next two or three election cycles.
When the pimp becomes a business manager and prostitutes become outside business contractors. That is when a person will go to jail for causing anyone of them harm in any way. Which includes talking to any evildoers about Jesus Christ. While any *harm which is caused to any Christian which includes death. Law Enforcement agencies will not see any importance for investigation.
Note: * Harm does mean every horrendous act which can be done to any unwilling person.
Added on 26 Feb 2019:
The election cycles are coming yet again and now is the time to make applications before each states deadlines. You Christians must participate in every election at every level. While evil doers will bully you and reveal every manner of actual sin and made up sin you have ever had or even thought of. If the Christians do not run for elections, If the Christians do not turn out to vote. Then your nation will be gone forever and God will allow the destruction of this nation. The rise of the rainbow tsunami is still on the horizon. The rainbow tsunami will overtake the red waves and blue waves. The rainbow leviathan has shown itself and is unrecognizable to the Christian. Like something very alien. Kings without kingdoms. The evil doers are organized. The evil doers are committed. The evil doers will move forward and run for every elected office. The followers of the evildoers who run for office will be voted for by all of their following. Their collective will is certain. For even today it is very difficult for the evil doers to contain themselves without attacking a defenseless person from behind, report false crimes and to even burn down their own homes while leaving their animals inside to die.
If evil doers will attack someone wearing a MAGA hat? How far is the mental and violent transition for them to attack someone who is wearing a Christian cross, carrying a Christian Holy Bible or anything else Christian related.
You Christians must come together in all of your local churches and find those who can be voted for in every conceivable office available at every level of government. You must do so right now. All of you Christian pastors and Christian leaders must do these things right now. Even if your selfishly motivated. Then guess what. Your lifestyle of wealth and comfort. Is about to end in the next many years. All of Christianity will be criminalized as the evil doers pass more and more anti Christian laws. All Christians will be punished in courts of laws. In which the Christian will lose all of their built up wealth including real estate, stocks, retirement accounts and pensions. Guess what, There isn't any safe or welcoming place for you to go to. President Trump and Americans are more hated now than ever before. Think about that when you decide to relocate your entire family to Europe. While abandoning those who you have called friend.
Yes, my tone is rough. The time is far closer than you think. In just a few elections cycles of state and federal elections The Rainbow Tsunami will sweep over the whole of the nation in order to "Remake" this nation into what they want. The word "remake" is their word. Then in a few years the elected evil doers will write new laws. As if all of a sudden. The wealthiest of all Christians will be civilly sued and all assets will go to the dutiful followers of the Rainbow Tsunami. Tens of thousands of lawsuits against all that is Christian in every state which has elected the far majority of people from the Rainbow Tsunami. You won't know anything about the anti-christian law suits because one of the first things that extreme socialist and communist gain control of is all aspects of media communications. If you do see something about any Christian it will all be horrendously negative and accusatory. Which will spur on actual physical violence even in the grocery stores on Sunday, before and after church. You Christians will be followed from leaving church and then attacked in public places or in the front of your home.
Christians must participate in government as leaders. Christians must vote in every election. Christians must come together as one body in Christ. You cannot only go to the all black church, the all white church, the rich church, the poor church or any other kind of church. We are all of one body in Christ.
I would suppose once you begin to see where the evil doers have full control over certain states. If you are in those states. You must move out. Right now it is easy to predict which states will become fully remade by the rainbow tsunami. You must move out or renounce your faith and participation in any Christian activities. Renouncing your faith and participation can be done in silence as you just stop going to church and throw away all of your Holy Bibles and Christian themed materials/contraband. Bear in mind the Holy Bible is the Word of God and the Word of God is Jesus Christ. So your not just throwing out some dumb troublesome book.
States will most likely fall to the evil doers before the federal government. Once the federal government falls. All three houses unified under one belief systems which is anti-God, anti-holiness, anti-clean, anti-righteous and anti-anything which has been revealed in the Holy Bible. It will not matter where you live in the former United States of America. All Christians will be made to suffer.
So Christian, What will you do? or don't do? or just don't care to do? two of the answers will lead to what I've written about. If you have happened upon these words from a lowly janitor and you have a Christian following of many. You may want to heed my words after much prayer, meditation and fasting. Then preach and teach these things and give all glory and credit to God alone. Do not mention me or acknowledge me in any way. All attention goes to God. You wanna lead in the saving of a nation? Then lead. Repent!Repent!Repent!. Remain clean or become clean, Become holy and righteous as which only God will accept only. Read the purple words below.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Change Prayer: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2014:

It is ineffective to pray to God to change the world of our own creation. 
Is it?
The world as we know it is controlled by Satan. Most of or all of the rulers in every category of leadership is chosen by satan. If you are against legally accepted immorality and sin. Then you who are religious should vote those persons out of every elected office and put in those into office who will effect the necessary change for realignment with God's/Allah's laws.
You must live your life not of the world even though you must live in it. Your participation in the world systems is what gives the world as it is it's power. By not participating in the world. You become a separate piece of the world's broken power. When there is enough pieces missing. The world systems of governance shatter. Unable to support itself.

What does this mean? You must live in accordance to the old ways. Which means living in harmony with the Earth is necessary. Loving your neighbor is necessary. Existing peacefully is necessary. Rejecting all world view lies and deceptions is necessary. Eating purely. Living purely and sinless.

What does this mean? No man cave. No participation in media or entertainment industry. No financial debt or tie with worldly investments.
By living in a purest sense. Your participation with doctors and pharmacology of any sort is minimized. This also includes any vaccines. Even for your babies and the elderly.
To effectively change the world in which you live in. You must first change, then your family, then your neighbors, then your town, then your county, then your state, then your nation, then the world. Change requires continuous action on your part. Action to offset the evildoers who are organized.

If all of them are to deeply rooted into the vine of lies and deceptions. Then you must empower yourself to separate yourself from that evil vine. Go and journey and graft yourself into those who are godly and who live the truth in righteousness daily.
Verse 8 important here.
You cannot give what is not yours. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 