Showing posts with label Sinless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinless. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Enslavement Consequences:+4: (Unedited):12 July 2018:

All of the consequences you have suffered in your life is your bonds of enslavement.
All of the consequences you experience in life is the result of sin. It could be your sin, your parents sin, your grandparents sin. The consequences in your life could also be the result of choosing wrong friendships. No matter how the consequences materialized in your life. They are all your bonds of enslavement. Then if you begin to go through your life assigning blame to them, him or her. You create more bonds of enslavement in the form of excuses. Freeing yourself from the eventual curses of sins.Will give you an early taste of freedom. Even while those consequences of old sins will see you to your grave. But, in the here and now. Becoming sinless in mind, heart and body. Will give you freedom even if you must sit or lay and wait for death. Which will also free you from your body.
Sin Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
To free yourself from the consequences of life you must begin to live a life free from sin.
Some consequences in life. You cannot free yourself from. The diseases which result from sin. The crimes which resulted in your incarceration. Your meanness which may result in your untimely death through some poor souls plans for revenge. Right now you can free yourself from the future consequences of sins. Right now you can begin by repenting of everything. Then believing in the son of man. Yes, you even have to do more than just believe. For the fallen angels believe and are obedient to Jesus and yet they are all not forgiven. Find yourself a small Bible Believing small church and enquire of them. If they allow the perpetuation of any sin. Then leave.
Becoming a Christian will not free you from the consequences you have made for yourself or have inherited. But, becoming a Christian does give you an end date for all of those consequences. Assuming you actually become a Christian which can only be accepted and recognized by your Heavenly Father.
For instance, You may go through the whole public process of becoming a Christian. Yet, if you continue in your sins without any effort to change. You may not be a Christian. But, if your as bad of a human being as I was/am. Then your process may take decades. I like to use these men whom I have known of. If your a slumlord and you have been to church every time the doors were open. You tithed big time and have been a church member for multiple decades. You may not be a christian simply because you continue to cause harm. As you get deeper and deeper into the Holy Bible and in prayer. Look up the signs or evidence of being a real Christian. They all usually begin with love.
Sour Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Every sin that is within you will eventually become an outward expression by you. Like every fruit which develops in darkness. It's sour taste will be known by you through the consequences in your life. The consequences in your life shall become a sour taste which cannot be humanly washed from your mouth.
To sin all you have to do is entertain any of those sinful desires. All you have to do is think about them and then desire them. You do not actually have to commit the sin. You can silently hate a person without them ever knowing it. You can imagine a secret person whom you hate to be harmed. This is all sin. Even playing a video game where you kill and destroy is sin. Especially, when you know the right answer if it is wrong or sinful to kill and yet you spend much time killing and harming real people or digital people. Then you call it fun and entertaining.
One of the signs of you actually becoming a Christian. Is severe and heavy guilt for all of the people whom you have harmed. You may even begin to hate yourself for what you have done. This is really a good thing and it is a sign for you. For you were once was the person of your memories and now you are born again with making new memories. Pray for all of those whom you have harmed. Know that making contact may not go well for the person whom you have harmed. Even though you have changed. I have had that experience where prayer and complete disappearance from their personal world is better.
Genetic Sin: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
All of your sins shall become the genetic markers that your children and grandchildren must decide to suffer through or to avoid in entirety. 
Humanities return back to God is one which may take more or less than 70 generations. All of it begins when the entire human population decides to become holy and righteous. All of it begins when the entire human population begins to sin no more.
What if this is how the perpetuation of sin works. All of your sins including those which you wrongly think are private or secret. They are all passed along within your DNA into your children. So as you begin to become holy and righteous. Those sinful genetic markers begin to disappear. Once the second and third generation of children are raised to become holy and righteous. Those sinful precursors begin to disappear. Over the next generations of children being born. Humanity will cease devolution and begin to evolve back to the point where humans can recognize lesser angels and then the archangels. As humanity evolves back to it's original state. Those humans will be able to walk in the full presence of God once again.
Sinless Freedom: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Freedom in life is sinless living in life.
Imagine raising a child to be free from sin. imagine a child who decides for them self to walk through life refusing to sin. The consequences in his life will be none to few. Of course humanity today cannot imagine a life without consequences as everyone of us live our lives full of consequences upon consequences upon consequences. We are all at fault for pushing more and more consequences onto everyone else. All of the sins and consequences in life will just continue to add up with every generation. Until, all of humanity is no more.
Added on 19 July 2018:
Even the consequences of those sins in my adoptive parents lives are still experienced by my own biological children. The consequences of my childhood is still felt by my children and lived by my wife who knew not about it then. This is very serious.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Change Prayer: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2014:

It is ineffective to pray to God to change the world of our own creation. 
Is it?
The world as we know it is controlled by Satan. Most of or all of the rulers in every category of leadership is chosen by satan. If you are against legally accepted immorality and sin. Then you who are religious should vote those persons out of every elected office and put in those into office who will effect the necessary change for realignment with God's/Allah's laws.
You must live your life not of the world even though you must live in it. Your participation in the world systems is what gives the world as it is it's power. By not participating in the world. You become a separate piece of the world's broken power. When there is enough pieces missing. The world systems of governance shatter. Unable to support itself.

What does this mean? You must live in accordance to the old ways. Which means living in harmony with the Earth is necessary. Loving your neighbor is necessary. Existing peacefully is necessary. Rejecting all world view lies and deceptions is necessary. Eating purely. Living purely and sinless.

What does this mean? No man cave. No participation in media or entertainment industry. No financial debt or tie with worldly investments.
By living in a purest sense. Your participation with doctors and pharmacology of any sort is minimized. This also includes any vaccines. Even for your babies and the elderly.
To effectively change the world in which you live in. You must first change, then your family, then your neighbors, then your town, then your county, then your state, then your nation, then the world. Change requires continuous action on your part. Action to offset the evildoers who are organized.

If all of them are to deeply rooted into the vine of lies and deceptions. Then you must empower yourself to separate yourself from that evil vine. Go and journey and graft yourself into those who are godly and who live the truth in righteousness daily.
Verse 8 important here.
You cannot give what is not yours. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spirit Governed: (Unedited): 23 May 2010:

The balance between ones own logical mind and emotional heart is more efficiently governed by the internal spirit. C.J.MacKechnie 
 By maintaining a direct connectedness with the divine. A better balance of individual control can occur. The mind becomes better at making the good and just decisions. The passions of ones own heart is properly tempered in the righteous direction. Then when the spirit, mind, heart and body becomes unified into oneness. Miracles as defined today, become average and commonplace.
The sinless body can then evolve to the degree to become what ever that may be.
 The control of the hearts and minds of the common people is the only sure fire way to achieve power, authority and wealth. Those who thirst for absolute control over the common people, Must separate each common person from their divine connection. Once the dis-connection happens. Then can the logical mind be educated or re-educated with the information the controllers desire. The emotional heart needs it's own direction and when the mind is directed to pay attention to a certain thing. The passions from within can ramp up. When this happens to any person. They can be effectively enslaved without ever using any form of the "SLAVE" word.
There can be no true JUSTICE when the divine connections have been severed. 

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Saving America: Saving The World: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2012

The saving of the United States of America and the world can only happen when the following steps are done by the common people of America and the world.

1). Flee from sin and a sinful life. By your own choice. Not because of guilt, threats and rejection/acceptance placed upon you from any religions. By freely choosing to live a holy and righteous life. GOD will see the intentions of your spirit, mind and heart. GOD will protect and bless each of you individually. Just has he had done with Noah's family and the Jews with Moses.

2). By your own free choice and chosen self determined willingness. You must begin to incorporate a life history of the fullness of prayer. Which is:
                          A). Praying is you talk to GOD.
                          B). Meditating is you listening to GOD.
                          C). Worshiping GOD is you Praising GOD.
                          D). You intentions and attentions focused 
                                 upon GOD.
                          E). Time for quiet contemplation.
                          F). Then Repeat as desired.

2A). The Success of the fullness of prayer. Is solely dependent on you. Your ability to reject sin. Your ability to love, to forgive, to protect those innocents, To show kindness, to show friendship and etc. 

2B). Within a short period of time. GOD will begin to speak to you personally. In the form of audible communications, dreams, visions which is directly geared to you and to his goals and plans for your life. For your world.

2C). As defined by only GOD. All of the miracles performed by all of the prophets of humanities past. It matters not the prophets acceptance or rejection by this religion or that one. All of those miracles will be opened up to you. Again, as what is defined by GOD for you and not by me. 

3). In time it will be revealed to you from GOD The sad condition of all things. Which will be followed by your empowerment to make fundamental changes in your personal world. These fundamental changes at the most common level to the most common of people is where the world begins to change in the direction in accordance to GOD. Only this can save America and the world. 

4). All political offices at every level must be held by men and women of faith and belief. By men and women who are righteous and free of sin. By men and women who have an active prayer life as described above. By men and women who do not seek selfish wants and desires. By men and women who want what is best for their nation and the whole of the world. This must be done as soon as possible. Then maintained. 

5). You are the common men and women who become Gods new holy leadership. political, religious and cultural corruption will end. You the new righteous and holy men and women of GOD. Will instantly see the outward lies and deceptions as well as hidden truths and secrets. 

WARNING: If the common men and women of the world continue to fight wars for the evil leadership over this entire planet. All of the doom and gloom, all of the bad and sad, all of the death and destruction as spoken by all of the prophets of humanities past and present will happen. 5 Billion people on this planet will die horrible deaths. These are the threats and warnings from the prophets of old and new. I do not believe that GOD wants us to be slaves or wants to force HIS absolute will upon us. If that were his intention. I would have been struck down by lightning a thousand million times. The smoke would still be flowing out of my ears as i type. It is more important for humanities evolution to see the logic of the laws as given by GOD. To intellectually see how the laws promotes and maintains all life. Then to take the information and freely choose to follow those laws which was created to govern life, to grow life, to spread life, to evolve life. One must first to begin to love all life and reject the leaders of the world demands and teachings upon you. That you must kill and destroy their defined enemy.
Remember: The purpose of prophecy when it is undesirable is to mitigate or prevent all of them. The purpose of prophecy when it is desirable is to make it happen. When agreed upon by the whole of the people. There are many levels to prophecy. The individual, the family, the city, the culture, the religious, the national, the region and the world.  
The oneness of the One true Being. GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER or however you name the one being is HE who is the one. NO Insult intended. Just that GOD is to me as ALLAH may be to you and GRANDFATHER is to the North American Native. GOD speaks to us in accordance to each of our unique understandings. 
To live or to die? Is your choice as is mine. GOD wants us to live. Which is why we live here and now. We each must escape the old ways of thinking. Such as race. We are all one human race and not races based on the tone of each of our exterior organ.  If we do not judge a man on the condition or status of other physical organ then it is not logical to judge a man on the tone of their skin. Do you judge a human on their tonsils or spleen? appendix or kidneys? No you do not. This is the same argument. A organ of the body is not an indication or definition of race. 
So do you want your children and grandchildren to live or die? Do you want your off spring to grow up just to die in warfare or to kill his brother whom some leader has declared an enemy? Who do you think always profits from any warfare? It is not the common man. It is not the mother, wife or daughter who has lost their loved ones in angered fight of every leaders lies and deceptions. It is they who profits the most not you. 
GOD sent Jesus to teach us to Love one another. Allah sent Mohammad with a message of peace. Grandfather sent the medicine men/women and shaman to teach their messages of harmony. So it is with the other great and good wisdom's from all over the world. All that which is truly good is from GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER. It matters not who spoke it or wrote it. The messages cannot in any way disagree with any aspect of Love, Peace, harmony and Life. 
So as humanity as one human family upon this Earth, do we live or become extinct? Hate, war, chaos and death always leads to someones extinction. Someone does not have to die. The brother and sister whom you have known your entire life. It would rip your heart apart to know that their death was a violent one. To point your guns and swing your swords upon a declared enemy whom an elite ruler has ordered. That man is your brother whom you are about to murder. This same man believes he is the good guy. Just as you believe you are the good guy. The deceptions and lies you believe is the fault of your leaders who have taught you this wrong. Love your brother, be at peace with your brother, live in harmony with your brother and then we all shall live.