Sunday, April 28, 2024

Bright Light Dream/General Dream: (Unedited): 28-29 April 2024:

 I was in a car with a family member on some day. We were close to the airport or a military base. We were driving along a perimeter fence. When I was made to look up, from the passenger seat and I saw an incredibly bright light(explosion) up in the sky. I could see the spherical like shock wave coming out from the center along with a smaller bright sprite light which is traveling along with the shock wave. There was no sound, no increase in air pressure and no EMP. I just knew all of the cars on the road were about to go dead and they did not. I just knew that I should now be blind and I wasn't. I then focused my attention on getting home. Traffic was very heavy and I did not think anyone saw what I did. This bright light only lasted for a few seconds and if you did not look at it when it was happening you would not know. Such is what would happen when nuclear detonations happen outside of Earth's atmosphere. I then began to notice many wedge shaped UAV's as which was not known by me in this awaken time but I was not startled seeing them in the dream. Almost as if they were common or commonly known by me in the time of the dream. These wedge shaped UAV's seemed to be of the surveillance kind as they were very smooth on the surface with no protrusions. My family member and I made it to the stand still on an on ramp. All  traffic was stopped. Everyone seemed obedient and just waiting on the traffic to move and no one seemed panicked or dangerous to others. END of dream.
Possible location is central Florida. But, this is where I am now and not be where I could be then. 
Possible time frame on the day: Early morning hours as the lighting may indicate sun low and behind me like a dawn. Standard work day for a professional person which is not me.
Possible Vehicle: old, boxy: Yes, That is just a hint. 
All vehicle stopped: Possible early morning traffic issues in cities.  
I think the UAV's become a common appearance. This could denote time frame.
Bright Stars: The detonation of a nuclear device outside of the earth's atmosphere would appear like a short lived star in the day time or night time. The time duration of this short lived star would indicate size of a nuclear explosion. The longer the time frame the larger the yield. It would absolutely be silent with no felt affects.
While the detonation appeared to be over the airfield. It was not. You gotta do that line of sight math thing with angles and other logic stuff.  Being purposefully vague. You either know or don't. 
Can be related to family member stuff. 
Can this dream also mean that the USA becomes a surveillance state just like what other nation states have become. Along with their new preferred citizens and their now old and historical non preferred citizens.
Added on 29 April 2024:
Last night dream of a non identified Brigadier general with fast flying sparrows who turn into crashing soldiers into the trees. I even caught two in my hands before they turned into men. It was almost funny after the fact once no one was injured. Abbeyville, OH. was mentioned. 
So: NO. 
An unincorporated town in Ohio. A recruitment center in the county. But, those are everywhere. A big barbecue place. What is your point? Really, how is Ohio known for good Barbecue?
The point is mute actually. The American nation was once a godly nation as much as it ever was. But, now the politicians have made laws favoring sin and forcing those who are actually honorable to do more than tolerate vile sins. Politicians now believe themselves to be excluded from the law which is far worse than being above the law. Once the people of any nation believe that actual justice has ended then that nation ends. Now the nations of the world which had degrees of freedom are now favoring dictatorships using fear as a weapon. When each individual person begins to know within themselves the truth of their status. Everything which was once good ends. So Mr. Brigadier General. You should retire. Gather your family together into a safe place that you make for them all. Live out the rest of your life in peace knowing that you have done your best giving them an opportunity to survive through the coming global ordeal in which up to or more than 7 billion human souls will perish. Oh Yea, The purple words below and actually becoming a Christian if that is even possible for you and your loved ones. I do think that God is going to lock souls into place unable to change from the evil they are to good. You know like the Pharaoh in Egypt(Moses Story).  When and if that happens is only my guess.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.