Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Coming Savagery Of Peaceful Resolute Civilians +5: (Unedited): 30 July 2023:

 Resolute peaceful citizens deeply desire to hold on to the good ways of living. But, when force is applied to their self chosen ways of righteous living. All manner of godly hell will follow. For it is the one and only righteous God who created hell in the first place.
When peaceful and free citizens begins to take up arms against their own newly grown tyrannical government. It will be those who blindly support the risen up evil doing regime who shall realize that their honor and integrity has been given away in favor of quenching their murderous blood lusts. 
Those evildoing governmental supporters who deeply want the tyrannical government to become all powerful. You shall find yourselves in a no win crossroads. For if you go forward or backwards you shall die. If you go left or right you shall die. For your just a foolish pawn which must be sacrificed and you will.
While it is true the American civilians are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers. But, this is for tradition ammunition like .22 and 9mm types. The problem for the evildoing and wicked tyrannical government is when those very same civilians begins to buy very large caliber guns. 
As the civilians begin to realize that it will be their own governmental forces who will come against them. The civilians will begin to buy large caliber guns in order to defeat the body armor of those governmental forces which come forth. They will engage at distance first. I have written about this I think more than once.  
Yea, the .22 short, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Magnum .223, 5.56mm are all .22 caliber bullets. Think about it.
The American civilian at heart is the kindest, most generous people on the planet. But, when the government begins to take away their freedoms and liberties. They will become the most savage of forces ever seen. Any evil doer who comes before them with intent to harm or capture. Will be met with absolute savagery. 
You will see this change when the wicked evil doers discover that they shall be utterly helpless and defenseless when the good people take up arms against them. No manner of pleading shall save you as your brutally killed. 
As the right living peaceful citizen begins to realize that civility, law and order as well as justice is gone from the land. The citizens will transform into the kind of savages which have been foretold in histories past. 
The blind, deaf and stupid evil doing soldiers know not the savagery in which they will face. They will learn what happens when good-natured people transform themselves into individual war machines. The psychological effects in which they will never recover from. Self induced final sleep shall be their only escape.
The delicate nature of the evil doing governmental forces shall be evident as their ineffectiveness becomes the sounds of crying and panic. The citizens who have become war machines incarnate shall kill them all and strip them bare. 
The civilian shall repurpose all equipment taken. This will lead to a practice of the government bombing their own equipment and dead personnel. In my visions the government shall not even make an attempt to recover or support their own lost or losing soldiers. 
The useful idiots who stupidly follow the rise of the new wicked government will not even consider that they are all sacrificial pawns specifically chosen to die and buried in mass graves with no respect or concern. To be forgotten forever.
This is assuming the very same wicked government will even come for their corpses. In which they will not. It shall be the good natured people who exert the resources to respectfully bury their forgotten corpses. They shall even pray over your bodies. Even as the government will kill them who pray for your dead bodies. Luke 23:34.
There will be an evolution of government forces after the war against the civilians have begun. The government will begin to use foreign special forces who wear the uniform. In the soldiers rank will be those who speak no English. 
Those who shall wear the uniform shall speak no English and not desire to speak English. It will be these who thirst to kill everyone and destroy all that comes before them. Their vile hatred shall torture all of those who happen to live. They will kill everyone. Those who are involved in the fight, those who do not fight and even those who are known as treasonous traitors for their benefit. Those who give up on their own people are the most distasteful to them. Those who stand up to them shall be respected with a good death. Those who do not fight which is not the same as physically incapable. Will be seen as cowards as their stench is removed from the Earth. 
The government forces shall use all aspects of technological intelligence gathering methods against their own citizens and shall bomb sleeping families from fifty plus miles away and then declare that it was a bomb/bullet making factory and they blew themselves up. 
I've written about this before. This time I see in this vision hundreds or thousands of darkened homes being bombed with individual missiles.
Tactics will begin to be applied to those who who march for evil. They will be encircled and their faces revealed as they are pounded upon. 
I have seen this in a vision. I saw a group of evil doers protesting and then a group of good ole boys staging a confront patter in order to cause the protestors to remain in place. Then from behind the confronted evil doers another group of good ole boys complete the encircling. Thus, outnumber the evil doers are then able to capture, Take ID, reveal to the world and bust up their faces and bones.
The good people will become fed up and will begin to pound the faces of those who interfere with their livelihoods. 
Good people are still trying to be nice when trying to move protestors are of their way. While the protestors have no concern if their actions cause harm or suffering. When the good people realize this. The good people will become brutally violent.
These visions and dreams from last night and this morning seem very clear. There were some blurry things. But, one clear dream was this. The respectful burial of government soldiers was met by one prayerful woman who openly prayed over or on top of the properly respected dead in an organized and marked mass grave. An incoming rather large missile or bomb destroyed the mass grave and instantly killed the praying woman. I found it suspect that she was the only one and I assume that this has been done before. So the living people left her behind to pray for the soldiers souls. I think they knew and yet she stood alone and stilled prayed for them. The crater was huge and deep. Th seems like an evolution of previous actions. How big does a guided bomb have to be in order to create a hundred foot crater? Something had to guide the bomb? Spies or hidden soldiers? Is this how tactics evolved to use many thousand pound guided bombs against individuals? The US Military does have a history of doing that. 
There are many things which can be assumed. Such as the elections are lost during the next cycles as the right and left which are really one continues to play their public games. In which it was an indigenous who first wrote that the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird. When I first heard that it was a truth which impacted my mind and jarred me out of that wishful delusion. Now it seems more truthful than in the past and the good civilian population is realizing it as they are now being calmed down by the right wing of the Republican party. This is just a delaying tactic to cause those to not prepare or to take any further action.
So does this mean that the coming elections no longer matter? How will the people respond? When the vast majority of the people know who won and yet he loses. What happens in the next 6.5 years when all branches of the Federal government becomes under the control of evil doers? With a super majority all aspects of freedom, liberty and human rights can end. You need to realize that a common belief right now is that the meaning of "We The People ..." is meant only for the ruling class. Which means you the common citizen has no rights, no power and you continue to succumb to population controls as administered by them through the corporations.
The quotes are stand alone. The other words are just me trying to grasp what I'm writing. Any other writing by me is to be deemed as insufficient, unimportant and less than. It is the quotes alone which are important. Sometimes, when I do write and do not highlight as I typically do. There may be hidden quotes in which I'm unaware of. These to are important even though I'm oblivious to them. Apparently, I do have a writing style in which I'm also unaware of.
You the reader need to know the purpose of any prophecy. All bad and sad prophecies are meant so that the people can prevent or mitigate that which is foretold. So in your own locality. It has been prophesied that there will be people who have dreams and visions. In which they should all be discussed openly without negative baggage associated with them. Then each person needs to figure out how to prevent or mitigate the bad and sad dream or vision. This is prophecy of the Holy Bible. Go and look it up. 
Further Note: The Holy Bible does not say that the pastors, preachers, church leaders and theologians will have dreams and visions specifically. Go and look it up. So, you church leaders how are you gonna respect God in this? Because, if you go against God in this in any way, you may find yourself judged just like Lots wife. Fore she was saved and then she wasn't. What would that specifically mean for each of you? If that would mean anything? 
Added on 03 Aug 2023: These words are not threats. This is just revelation of what has happened in humanities past. This is history repeating itself. This is for those who are actively against God and who shall go against the actual children of God. Look up millstone in the Holy Bible. Mathew 18:6. For when you as a Cop arrests any young person who is simply reading the Bible. While prideful sin by permission is actively engaged. You Citizens Of Peace will suffer as you arrest the young people or any of His children. This is the fate of all of those who goes against God in any degree and your fate just doesn't end with your death. There is continuation.
If those who control you as a good cop or any other kind of good law enforcement person at any level. Gives you orders to go against God or godly people or good people. It would be better for you and your family to resign. For no man can your honor away. It is you alone who willingly gives your honor away. It takes a lifetime to build honor and one evil deed to throw all of your honor away. 
As you evil wicked leaders begin to use your own militarized police against your own good citizens. Do not be surprised when you and your family are brutally killed.
 You law enforcement officials at every level who have no reason, no conscious, no honor or a good heart begin to enforce unrighteous and unholy laws. You and you family will suffer greatly and shall be brutally killed. 
Everything must be done to prevent violence and the spread of violence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Righteous Escape: (Unedited): 23 July 2018:

You cannot escape from the storms in your life by fleeing into them. You can only escape from those storms by fleeing from them. You can be protected from approaching storms when your safely hidden within the cloak of righteous prayer.
In any situation which is uncertain. The righteous prays first and all throughout the uncertainty. Then once certainty is achieved. The righteous prayer turns into righteous thanksgiving and gratitude. Gratitude is even given if the outcome is unfavorable to the righteous soul in prayer. The key is always in you actually being a good son or daughter. All founded in your love and not in your fears of trying to save your own skin. Skin which is not yours.
Amazing lightning storm coming ashore from the Gulf of Mexico. Woke up sons. One took video and the cat took off as she always does. So it is her who inspired this quote. She likes to take off in total fear from the safety of the garage and hide in the tall grasses as the deluge falls. While running crazy like into tall trash cans and other immovable objects. When she found us as a starved and lethargic kitten. I thought she would die and maybe the humans who dropped her off thought she would die or be eaten by the many hawks and eagles around here. But, she came back mostly. Her mind never fully recovered. She really is an inspiration to watch and to know. How many people do you know who are walking inspirations in your life? Those who are perpetually in need, Some may even be in continual desperate need. Know it is they who typically have been abandoned by the Christian worldly churches. How do you know if you belong to a worldly church? What is one of the signs that you belong to a Christian worldly church? You have to assign some criteria. Do you have a lot of members? Are you considered a rich church or even a mega church? These churches will have a list of services for those who are in desperate need. This printed up list that the church offers sends the desperately needy to other places. Think about that for a moment. Your church sends people away. To government agencies and to small churches of less than a hundred people who serve more people than your thousands of rich people. You should ascertain the truth of my words towards you and if they are true. Then I think you should devote time to prayer in this matter and move your membership to the poor church who does more good and expresses more love than a mega church.
Yes, I know of one local near mega church which sends the hungry to a small church of about thirty people. Yep. The small church was someones converted house about thirty years ago. Yes and the real mission field is where you are. Blessed is the church of twenty with twenty pastors. Blessed is the church of one hundred with one hundred pastors. Blessed is the church of ten thousand with ten thousand pastors.
Know this pastors, preachers and theologians. God hears and knows your words and your teachings before you do. So when you preach and teach works of duty and responsibility versus works of faith and love or even imply you don't have to do anything once your saved. What is it are you trying to teach? or are you trying to justify the do nothingness within your church? Are you trying to blind the people in your dead church as you fund your retirement accounts and blight your community? Will you hide and lie about your early retirement in the moving to another church in some far away Florida beach locale as being led. Surrounded by gates and security. Surrounded by boats, beaches, pools and parks.
The evidence of faith is in your expression of love to those who are most in need. Your outward expression of love is not from some sense of duty, responsibility or the show of a showman. It is only out of your love for your Father and who is your father? Yahweh or satan? That is OK. You don't have to answer for your father knows who his children are and it is he who will take his children home.
Anytime I use the term "Your Church" anywhere I write. You should really consider those words as an insult. They are meant for you to keep those words in the back of your mind to always make sure that what you always do is only for "Whose Church"? So whose church is your church?
Many time when I've written "Your Church" I'm not even aware of it. While only a few times or 1% of the time I'm aware of what I write. Then once I've written it. It is gone to me forever. Which is why you always pray and have your Holy Text handy. If you feel the need to fast before reading. Then do it. After all I'm nobody of importance in the grand scheme of things. I'm just the invisible janitor. I'm your janitor just on the outskirts of your life.
I've been getting a lot of foreign readers. The kind who go to holy places not called churches. Some of your are very important. When an opportunity arises and your janitor happens to be present in his/her corner of their world. Approach him or her as which is proper. You may require a respected female witness. Allow them to look up to you into your own eyes and humble yourself before them. Express honor and gratitude as you only can. All without public recognition or fanfare. If someone wants to publicize your private action. It was private.
The Good Father snatches His children out of Hell while the evil father drags his children into Hell with him. Whose child are you?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 23, 2018

First Fruits Living: Heavenly Need: (Unedited): 04 April 2018:

First fruits of daily living should involve being in prayer and in the word before your day in the world begins.
Heavenly Need: (Unedited): 04 April 2018:
Just as any child flies into the arms of their parents. So should we as children of our Heavenly Father have that deep need to be with Him daily.
In order for these actions become profoundly meaningful. You must have already chosen to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. This should be a secret. But, if your a teacher, preacher or pastor, you must teach this along with fleeing from all manor of sin continually.
====Prophecy Lesson====
Just remember the basics of prophecy. The saints lose, the two witnesses lose, Jesus returns in anger and God/Jesus is the only victor. My question to you is this. Do you really want to meet an angry Jesus upon his return? Sorry dude, I'm not in that boat. Yes and I know I'm the only one on the planet who says this. I just do not want to meet an angry God. I would rather be elsewhere. I know the basic time line understandings.
In the world of the two witnesses. The whole world celebrates their death and send each other presents.
It is not enough to be simple believers. satan and the fallen angels believes and what is to be their fate? What will be the fate of those who are in your charge when they repent and then do nothing to avoid any kind of sin? What does that say about you when you see God? Will God say to you "I never knew you." What will be the fate of those who are in your charge when they know nothing about righteousness and holiness as the true way of life as a Christian. Will they see God and hear those words "I never knew you." Also remember Lots Wife. How long did it take for her to be no longer saved? How long did it take to look back?
Because if a professed Christian still goes through life lying, cheating, stealing and causing all manor of harm to every living soul. They are not Christian. No matter what they say or how much they give to your Mega Church or any other church. While your loving prosperity teaching remember that Jesus redistributed all wealth given by the end of the day. Jesus did not even have enough to buy a place to rest.
All prophecies are not absolute certainties. They all can either be prevented or mitigated. You should go and re-familiar yourself with Joseph and Jonah. Joseph mitigated a certain event and Jonah prevented a certain event. But, Jonah didn't really do anything willingly. It was the people and a king who heard his words. Then the people and animals choose to repent from their evil ways. Well for about fifty years they were sparred.
Personal Note: I fail at this. I have to continually make an effort to be holy and righteous. Yet, I still fail. I have to continually make an effort to even be nice.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Christian Sin Haunt: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

The memory of sin can haunt a Christian. The word of God fills a person up as the memory of sin is overflowed out of that person. The Christian who drinks up the word of God. The thirst for sin becomes vanguished.
No matter how deep the sticky sin is in your whole being. Sin is the trash which floats and the Word of God is the pure water which cleanses and scrubs you thoroughly from within. The regular reading of The Word of God is just one hose filling you up completely. Regular prayer is another clean and pure water hose which also completely fills you up. Regular and purposeful meditation upon the Lord is yet another purifying hose filling you with a rush holy water. All of this will be like a great and pure tsunami flowing out of you. Over time along with your own purposeful rejection of all sin. Your rejection and fleeing from all sin is you turning off the contaminated gray waste water mixed with bio-hazard fecal matter from entering your whole being.
You shall become holy and righteous as God has always intended for each of us.
Jesus Christ is the only way and the truth. A few minor keys below are in purple.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Meaning of Hurricane Irma, Jose and Katia: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2017:

When I write like this. It is usually for those people who are way smarter than me. To put all of the puzzle pieces together. In order to ascertain a meaning if there is any to be had.
Hurricane Irma
Name of Irma means: (Germanic)War goddess or (Latin)Noble.
05 Sept 2017: The most powerful Atlantic storm ever recorded. 185 MHP winds.
Hurricane Jose
Name of Jose means: (Spanish) May God give increase or (Biblical) Raised; Who Pardons.
added on 06 Sept 2017:
Satellite image almost looks like TS Jose is growing wings. Could be my own imagination.
Also, looks like a feeder band from Hurricane Irma is feeding from TS Jose. @0915UTC
Hurricane katia currently #13.
Name of Katia means: (Spanish) Pure and (Russian) virginal.
Do you see a name duality in the listed names except for Katia?
Noble who pardons purity?
Noble purity who pardons.
Hurricane Irma shaking the Earth
Added on 06 Sept 2017: Duplicated here:
The Prayer: (Unedited): 06 Sept 2017:
The prayer of a repentant heart is a joyful sound to the ears of their LORD. The repentant heart shall receive much cleansing emotional overflow. 
The prayer of a unrepentant heart is an unacknowledged noise to their God and Judge. The unrepentant heart shall only receive a silent nothing in return.
The prayer of the righteously repentant child of God may see and know a powerful response from their Heavenly Father that creates in them a humble fear. 
Personal Note: I do live on the coast of Florida in a little place called Port Richey. I'm in the red for any flood evacuation. So I gotta go. In which I will go somewhere. Being very poor like we are. Is very stressful at a time like this. Because, All will be lost or gone if those storms come our way. I live in the poor and bad part of town. So when we leave. What few things we do have of value will be liberated by those looters. So really, When this or these storms hit. This may be my last posting on here for a long time. Hard to get the internet when you and your family have no where to live.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dance Judge: (Unedited): 25 May 2017:

In the physical dance of life. You are your only judge as you dance, don't dance or dance the wrong dance. It is your future self which judges you in the past. This is the your past and it is also your present your time in which you have the power to change your future.
The point of this writing is to cause you to logically change your actions or non actions of today into a pro-action which will genuinely benefit you in all of your tomorrows. We each must live in this world but do not have to become of the world. It is not my desire for any of you to become a part of the world.
The judgments of your life up to this point can only be judged by you. But, they can also be judged by God as well and it matters not your belief system. God has judged the living with conviction. Remember Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, the future coming of the Lord. God has even Judged those whom he has chosen such as Adam and Eve, Lots wife and Moses. So do not become one of the judged like the Pharaoh of Egypt whose mind and heart were hardened. Thus, being prevented from any kind of righteous change. 
Sometimes when there are dull and boring times in your life. It is not supposed to be opportunities to enjoy more entertainment and fun times. This may be a time when you are supposed to reflect on things so far in your life. This may be the time to gain new skills or even trades. This may be the time to become re-focused on those things which represent righteousness. Maybe it is all of it. No matter what it shall be. No actions should be taken until much deep prayer's and meditations have taken place.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books


Friday, January 20, 2017

Massacred Cry +4: (Unedited): 19-20 Jan 2017:

The blood of the murdered and massacred shall cry up into the heavens. All of their cries are heard even though their bodies have been hidden/buried and burned.
Silent Loud Blood: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017:
Those souls lost in the secret sands of time. Those righteous souls which have stood their ground in the face of hateful evil. Those souls which have brought the weapons of love, prayer and a clean conscious. Louder is the silent flow of blood into the soil then the cries of the soul which had endured horror. 
Heard above all: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The righteous innocent soul. Which stands in the face of evil, hate, anger and rage. Their soft spoken cries are heard above all of the angels which sing.
Massacre Efficiency: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The efficiency of massacre's in the modern era shall be one developed in the land of the brave and committed against the home of the free. 
Dissent Massacre:  (Unedited): 20 Jan 2017:
Dissenter's shall be silenced, surrounded, massacred and incinerated.  
 I have been focused on the Standing Rock North Dakota event for the last many months. Why? Because of the confluence of many things like prophecy and the revelation of prophecies. There is depth of signs and of meaning. There is also depth of understanding and awareness. Which is far to much for me to glean. The ongoing event is crucially important but may only be a foreshadow as to what I hope does not occur. If your even reading this the message is clear. I think a massacre is somewhere in between a possibility and a probability.
When and if it the massacre happens. This is what will happen prior to the massacre. There will be no radio or cell phone communications. All entry and exits will be manned by those who are trusted, heartless and without spirit. They shall be the most evil of any human being and will rejoice in the suffering of defenseless and innocent persons. There will be no escape for those within the camps. They shall all die horribly and without any mercy. They will be shot down.
Their bodies shall be cleaned up and transported to a waiting incinerator(s). All evidence of the camps will be cleaned up. Then their shall be silence.
If this event occurs. This will be the first. This will be their how to do it. Once they are comfortable with getting away with a massacre. They will evaluate and update their plans. Thus, making massacres efficient after each event. Even to the point of bringing in incinerators at the next dissenters site.
Who shall be next and where? Any place where dissent occurs out of sight from common people attentions. The homeless problems. The mental illness problem. The prison problem. The gang problem. The drug problem. The dissenters problem. the food stamp problem. The housing problem. The health problem. The religious problem. AND any other problem people as defined by the corporate controlled government. This is how a corporate oligarchy works. A successful corporation must divest itself from dead weight and dead beats. In order to be successful to the corporate shareholders. How do corporations do that?
It seems like the common peoples attentions are in their data streams. So the sanitation and cleansing of the data streams is all that is needed to keep all suspicions of crimes against humanity even being thought about. By those evil souls who perpetuate the idea of modern massacres. They will think themselves of making the world a better place.
The purpose of this message is to save all human life. Yes, I do understand of self fulfilling prophecies. There is also the idea of simple revelation being able to mitigate or prevent probable outcomes. Will the first modern day massacre occur at Standing Rock North Dakota? It is up to each individual on either side of the lines drawn by the corporately controlled police, military and political entities. For they are the ones who have already used life and property saving equipment against people. They are the ones who have denied medical services for those suffering from their onslaught. They are the ones who have brought in two Avenger air defense units to be used for alternative purposes. They are the ones who are escalating.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives. Period. If you read any writings by anyone for whatever reason. The purple words below is expected of you in every instance. Those purple words is how we survive as a species. Otherwise extinction.
Added on 22 Jan 2017: It looks like the Sioux Tribe has and/or the Cannonball District have asked the water protectors to leave the entire area. Not sure exactly what that means. they have thirty days. So it looks like the massacre will be averted. But, I got nothing on that. This is just news. So I can assume the massacre is averted. Maybe. The movement shall move and the evil will follow as it always does. Will the prophetic massacre also move?
Added on 23 Jan 2017: I woke up this morning. And still nothing. I watched a Myron Dewey update video with Mystic Dave:
Added on 01 Feb 2017: The thirteenth amendment to the constitution was passed on this day many years ago. Go look it up and familiar yourself with it. Yet as of right now. There are a group of people which have no rights and no freedoms. They are the Native Tribes of North America. If you do not believe me. Then research all of the atrocities committed against the Native America Tribes over the past 500 years. It is still going on today in North Dakota at Standing Rock. Even as I type this more than 50 persons have been arrested and NO NEWS reports from any mainstream media outlets. No real witnesses and why do you think this blog is called Massacred Cry? President Donald Trump may very well hold office as a massacre is planned and committed.
What do you think is going to happen when people begin to believe they have no course of action and their backs are against the wall?
What do you think is going to happen to other cops all around the USA? NORTH DAKOTA Government will be held historically responsible for more police officer deaths. Especially when more and more people watch the events at Standing Rock.
I watched today and saw innocent people immediately go into a helpless panic.
Prevention is everything. When and if a massacre does happen. I wonder how those policeman will live with themselves? Once they realize they will be remembered in history as something to be compared to the SS of WW2 Nazi Germany or the cold war KGB of the USSR or any other evil entity which harmed people for pleasure. I've seen their smiles and their excitement to bash in peoples faces when it was them who instigated those attacks. What of the civilian people of North Dakota when they learn that another massacre has occurred and they were all racists who allowed it to happen. Where are the Christians, the churches and the denominations?
I wonder if and when a massacre does occur in North Dakota if the people will finally wake up and take direct action on how their entire state is without any decency, morals and honor. All for oil. After all North Dakota is about to pass a law allowing you to run over people who are in the way. Legalizing purposeful killing against a tribe. After all that is their intent. To legalize the killing of protestors.
Added on 06 Feb 2017: Copy and Paste below. Read 2 Timothy 3.
This is a part of the confluence of various prophecies among different traditions. I believe that they all are tied together in some way that is beyond me to know. This one scene is for the devout Christian. This is just one. There are many more. Where prayer is attack in military fashion. How many other places around the world do you know where prayerful people are attacked, tortured and killed? Prophecy unfolding and Christian's don't seem to know or understand it.  
From 4:27-5:40 Watch. #Christian #Baptist #Episcopal #NorthDakota #Prophecy #Coming for #Prayer Only the beginning.
Added on 07 Feb 2017:
It is interesting watching people and groups ban me. From both sides.  It's OK. Sometimes my words can be strong. All I want is the purple words below. I use the word "massacre" in a possible, probable or prophetic manor. I do not give the word power. I offer revelation of that which is becoming more probable everyday. If you choose to believe the word "massacre" is prophetic. No matter, If you think this word "massacre" is possible, probable or even prophetic. It is your duty to prevent any harm or death. No matter what side of the line your on. For the leadership of North Dakota. I believe they want all native tribes and tribal persons to disappear. No matter how the word "disappear" is defined.
This is what I know. When you have people who do not care if you live, suffer and die. That is a very real problem. This is what I have witnessed from those associated with the government of North Dakota. A total disrespect of life of native American lives.
Many of those tribal persons have begun showing strong images and strong words. This is an escalation. When those war minded persons see and hear those images and words. They will modify their war making efforts and smile. For they will make war come. They will embrace massacre and they will sleep well. You good cops who still have your hearts and honor. When you see more weapons and ammunition of death pre-positioned and a thousand body bags stored away. Just try to see what is in those places in which denial of access is in place for you good cop. Just don't get caught up in the training then when one begins to shoot. You all begin shooting everything which moves. You good cops. Listen to their stories and words on the radio. Refuse to participate and walk away. It would be better for you to work retail security with a clear conscious than it will be for you to hold onto the memories of a coming massacre in which you participated in. Even if you do not even discharge any firearm. You will still hold the memory of that atrocity in your memory forever. That memory alone can prevent you from ever regaining your honor and self respect.
Looks like I lost twitter.
Added on 17 Feb 2017: Twitter.
It looks like anything I post or share from Myron Dewey receives some kind of delay. Even to the point of shutting me down for very short periods.
@2142 Hours. Had a tweet deleted message and have no idea what it was. Maybe, nothing maybe something.
Added on 17 Feb 2017:
The reports are coming in from Standing Rock. Apparently the entire casino hotel has been booked by Federal agents and National Guard units from three different states. No supplies are allowed to enter any or one of the camps.
I saw a video of military staging area. I saw a video a couple of days ago where the militarized police moved their road blocks closer to the camps in a strategically thought invasion point.
The first thing which should happen is a complete EM/RF/Cell/GPS/Drone blockade.
An absolute denial of any physical movement of any persons involving the three E's, Entry, Exit and Escape. All technology confiscated.
How many people will die? Will anyone ever know? Is this where a new American massacre will happen? No one will know.
Added on 21 Feb 2017:
It is becoming apparent to those who remain at Standing rock. That their camp has become a prison. Fully surrounded by Federal agents, Police, Sheriff deputies and National Guard units. The cleaning and depopulation of the camps is ongoing. Will they meet the deadline of 22 Feb 2017? Probably not. Still a massive effort by those who remain to honor the land and water.
Added on 05 July 2019:
To this day. I still do believe that a massacre was prevented. History was changed as was prophecy. There has been a delay. The question becomes when will the delay end? Will it be seen at the confluence in Arizona or some other place? Will the people of the indigenous tribes be involved from all of America and all over the world. The Hopi are in that point of the cross hairs. Where the Hopi are both a real threat to the ways of the world and as guide post to a return to back the way the world and all of humanity is supposed to be.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Christian Collapse: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:

Concerned and confused christian professional men and women shall not know why revival comes not. Nor shall they even see that all of Christianity is in collapse.
Below is nine stories of alleged criminal behavior by Christian pastors and leaders. These stories are about one month old. This is the hard truth which needs to be acknowledged by all devout Christians. Christians are to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. To a Christian just having thoughts or feelings of hatred is equal to actual physical murder. With zero intended violence acted out.
I have heard the biggest names in Christianity speak out and pray for RIVAL all across America. Then only to discover that yet another entire group of Christians have accepted legalized sin into their holy places and even into leadership positions. This is on top of lies and deceptions taught to those who go to the big churches through the prosperity teaching. Which is equal to the fleecing of the Lords sheep.
You all want REVIVAL. Well, it isn't coming. What is coming is your doom. You had better trim your lamps and have your oil at the ready. You all should have a history of repentance, rejecting sin, fleeing from sin, prayer, fasting and the consuming of the Holy Bible may be your only ticket to true and real freedom. You should also hope and pray that the rapture is also not a lie and deception. But, that is only for God to Judge and not me. I'm still a deeply flawed human being who struggles and fails with sin daily.
===Recent News====
Always remember people who are accused are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Topeka Kansas:
Pensacola Florida:
Orlando Florida:
Bridgeport Connecticut:
Denver, Colorado:
Phoenix Arizona:
Hoquiam, Washington:
Smyrna Georgia:
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, July 9, 2016

October Exodus: (Unedited): 09 July 2016:

Fear of the Immediate unknown and sudden uncertainty will always precede a forced October exodus. Those who have faith in Jehovah shall always be certain in what they know
Those who have faith in Jehovah are obedient to His words by a wanting choice.
The faithful do have a history of fasting, of prayer, of meditation.
The faithful do have a history of having become righteous and holy only as accepted by Jehovah only.
The faithful do have a history of rejecting and fleeing from all sin. Which is accepted, seen and known by Jehovah.
Remember when Moses said to the Pharaoh Let my people go. How many times did Moses say that to the ruling god of the planet? Did the slaves know what that was going to mean and how they would suffer and die in a desert for over forty years. Yet Israel was disobedient often.   Because, of their disobedience. They had to suffer for it. Even Moses was denied entry into the promised land.
The term exodus is very loose. It can even mean a permanent departure from a comfort and safe zone into an uncomfortable and unsafe zones. No safety or security. But, It can also mean leaving an emergency zone and into a so called safe caged area.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Flee Christian Flee: (Unedited): 17 May 2016:

Updated on 14 Sept 2017:
NOTE FORM and warnings of videos. Adult and offensive content in YouTube videos shared. 
If you do not have control over your own fears, anxieties and depressive states. This is not for you to read. So stop right here. Please.
Before you begin to read anything from anyone, anywhere. It is your duty and responsibility to pray, fast and meditate upon your Lord and Heavenly Father. It is only my intention to positively inspire people to stay on the righteous path and to go in the direction of holiness. But, I also know that I can be influenced by satan just as other more significant people before me have been duped or tricked in the past. Besides, who am I in comparison to all of those great saints and disciples? I'm a no one in comparison and am only an uneducated janitor.
This is for those who know far more than me.
This is only for those people who have a history of fasting, prayer and meditation. As in hours per day. Not because they have to or force themselves to, but because they want to out of their own capacity for love as a true son or daughter of their Heavenly father. Who intimately knows each of His children.
This is only for those people who are actually living their lives in righteousness and holiness as only recognized by God, their Heavenly Father..
They may be the remnant. Even if you are not to be one of the remnant. Mathew 24:13, Then be the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. Know matter how the end shall come upon you. Be the good and faithful servant. 
This is not and is about the rapture. Assuming it is or isn't a false teaching. You must open up your mind to the fact that there are many false teachings. The rapture may be one of those false teachings. Just as the prosperity teaching is a false teaching.
Now is the time to make your move and become settled before 2022. If you are having the urging to move. Then make it so.Pray and mediate always and before you do a thing. Fast before doing a thing. My use of the 2022 date is only a reference to the next coming Shemitah. The USA is no longer the economic leader in the world. The USA in 2015 sinned against God by legalizing gay marriage. The false god Kali was illuminated in New York City. Temples to the false god baal is to be made in New York City. The gay pride rainbow symbol illuminated the white house and other places across the USA. The rainbow is a holy symbol of God. Satan statute placed in Detroit. You have read the Holy Bible. What happened to Israel when they moved away from the protection of God and then entertained other gods? What happened to Israel when they wrongly used holy temple implements to celebrate other gods? Go find, read and study it for yourself. But, you the reader should already know and then go there in your Bibles.
2015 is the year of the fallen USA. Will the destruction of the USA come before this coming up election cycle or in the 2022 Shemitah? Only God knows. We lowly humans can only project possibilities and probabilities.
Choose a place which seems mostly devoid of every manor of sin. Alcohol, drugs, LGBTQ organized people and racism.
You may have to come together with other people who are like minded and who claim to be on the righteous and holy path. You may have to establish or be a part of an organized movement. In the literal sense.
Do not be around or have any relationships with those people who are actively engaged in sin or sinful rights. Because, if they know who you are and your beliefs. Then they have already been judged with a great delusion and their freedom to change from wrong to right is no longer possible. They will just be entertained and ridicule you because of your perceived idiotic way of thinking.
Be sure your Christian beliefs and faith are not conditional on the physical saving of your own skin and the physical saving of your family. There will be many martyrs. It may be given for you, your family and your friends to be martyrs. I'm saying this to myself as well. My hope is in something greater than my human body and human comforts. My hope is in something more than human rights and human freedoms. May yours and my last thought be of God and of forgiveness to those who may or will do you a great wrong.
Added on 14 Sept 2017:

I am becoming aware that being a Christian in the modern day world may no longer be tolerated or accepted. If it s possible and legal it will be necessary to form exclusive christian business clubs outside the awareness of modern day society.  In which if you are not associated with the structure. Then you will not be allowed to participate. I would suppose these Christian entities will be their own micro economies. Solely exclusive to one another. The devout Christians will also need to make decisions to no longer do any business with any outside non Christian entity or person. Unless otherwise approved by the whole.
The time will come when a Christian will not be able to safely eat at restaurants without  becoming sickened on purpose. Christians will be targeted for assaults of every kind. Christians will even be attacked while going to and leaving from church.
I'm not a prophet. I'm just someone who can see things becoming more and more prevalent. Just as the sinner was refused all manor of access to public society in the past. So to shall be the Christian.
Warning!!!: Offensive videos and offensive language: Warning!!!:
I'm done you get the point. To many to list. This is all very offensive to me.
Cops refused service. If people can get away with refusing to serve cops. What do you think will happen when they refuse Christians in a world which hates Christians? The media will come to the point of not covering any hate crimes against any Christian.
I'm done you get the point. To many to list. This is all very offensive to me.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 